NO. 26
Varied Program Of Imperson-ations, Readings, Piano-logues, and Crayon Sketches
Hall, Keim, And Lehman Place In Contest Held In Brethren Church
A Treastise On Man
offended at the start. If you are boy-ish and cute he longs for a "soul-mate." If you are brilliant and deep he longs for a playmate.
If you flatter him he thinks its your line. If you don't he wonders why not. If you are jealous of him he can't endure you, and if you aren't he simply can't undestand you. If you always agree you cease to interest, and if you don’t, you cease to charm him. If you don't believe everything be tells he believe you are a cynic. If you do he deems you a little fool.
If you join him to his vices drink, swearing, and the like, he declares you are driving him to the devil, whereas, if you don't he takes you home early and goes out with one who will.
If you call him up or write him quite a bit, he is convinced that you are trying to rush him and he gets hellishly conceited. If you don’t do
While the Bulldogs were quelling the Peruians, the. Liberal Lions
team stepped on last year's final-ists, the Ke-Nash-A Club and slow them with a 27-21 shot. However the Lions were Lambs when they ran up against the Cannies. The final count was 21 to 15, a game in which McPherson had it all the
way Miller got a big ovation when he came off the floor and McPher-son play was creeping into the hearts of the fans.
Wichita U, with its All-American center, McBurney, met the Cannies Wednesday having hung to their
belts the seats Of the Comar Oilers
and the Knights of Columbus from Omaha with ten point margin in each victory. An evenly waged battle ensued during the first half with the score standing at eleven The Cannies came back with sweeping strides and salted the game away in about two minutes of play. That nine point lead held and at one time the score stood 29 to
10 but the Wichitans pulled a rally to come up but never really to threaten.
Advancing into the quarter finals, the St. Joseph Hillyards found the Canines offstride while their
men were "plenty warm" and the Champions continued on their way with a 35-17 annex. While McPher-
son was hoping for a victory, the
Full House Sees Beautiful Color Effects Sketched By Talented Sketcher And Reader
The fifth number of the lyceum course was given Monday evening to a well filled house. The program was given by Paul J. Barnaby, En-tertainer. He divided his program into two parts, the first consisting of impersonations and readings. A few of his impersonations and read-ings were "Nicholas Nicholby." "John Jasper Godfrey and His Crowbar." "A Lunkhead and a Gawk." "Marriage and Purgatory are as One," and "Always Stir the Sugar In Your Coffee Cup,"
The latter part of his program con-sisted of chalk talks, crayon sketch-es, and comic cartoons. A few of these numbers were "The House by the Side of the Road", "The Giant's Garden", and "The Road to Mandalay" by Kipling.
The next and final number of the lyceum course will be hold in the new Community Hall Auditorium, sometime during the first part of May. No definite date has yet been made.
Mr. B. F. McGill of McPherson recently presented the College Library with a volume containing about 215 numbers of the original Spec-tator published by Addison and Steele, and for which our College Spectator was named. With the ex-ception of about fifty pages which have been lost, the volume contains number 174 to 394 dating from Thursday Sep. 20, 1711 to Monday June 2, 1712, and is well preserved.
While its predecessor, the "Tat-ler" was a wide step from the previous heavy political publications in that it contained a combination of political news and social gossip from all public places, the "Spectator" entirely disregarded current political news, except for an occasional odd allusion or advertisement. It was a purely literary publication usually limited to a daily essay on morality, literature, philosophy and other serious or humorous reflection.
It was published every week-day from March, 1 1711 to December 6, 1912, during which time 555 numbers were published. By their wit and humor, grace, fine shades of criticism, and delicate satire in sketches of humor character, social eccentricities diriculous features and manners and corrupt symptoms in public life and taste. Addison and Steele were able to bring before the attention of the people the evils and deficiencies of their life. Such characters as Susan Civil, Mary Mcanwell, Josiah Henpeck, R0bin Goodfellow, Barney Brittle, Rustic Sprightly, and Abraham Thrifty are suggestive of some of the themes that were used.
Thursday, March 22, the McPher-son Salon Orchestra will appear on the program of the State Convention of the Federation of Music , Clubs. Their part of the program will consist of two numbers. Haydn Second Symphony and Edwin Johnson will play Mediation from Thais by Massenet
A number of the members of the Cecilian Music Society expect to be present at this program. The Cecil-ian Music Society is the name of the recently organized music Club of McPherson. It also is now a mem-bar of the State and National Federation Of Music Clubs.
Representatives of the schools and civic organizations of McPher-
son, together with some of the city and county officers met in the Commercial Club room March 5, to dis-cuss a two or three day Music Fes-tival for McPherson. It was decided that there should be one and they organized and elected Professor Doll chairman. Mrs. F. O. Johnson vice-president. Mr. Philip Pierce secretary, and Mrs. Edwin Anderson treasurer. The Festival is to be a community affair, and those elect-ed will proceed as executive com-
mittee to make plans.
Department Of Fine Arts Present Musical And Short One Act Play
Recital Will Be Presented From Time To Time In Order To Give Practical Work
A recital was given in the college chapel last Monday night present-ing several McPherson College fine arts students from the music and dramatic departments.
Miss Portia Vaughn played Bee— thoven's "Sonata op. No. 2"
A violin solo, "Spring Song" by Mendelssohn was played by Fred-errick McCoy.
Miss Bernice Finkle sang two numbers, Cowen's "The Mission of a Rose" and Hardelot's "Without Thee"’. She was accompanied by Miss Harriet Hopkins.
Hulse Barber, accompanied by Miss Arlene Saylor, played a violin solo, "Swan Song" by Massent.
The concluding musical number was a piano solo. ’'Impromptu A Flat Major's composed by Schubert, by Miss Thelma Budge Members of the dramatic art class presented a one act play. "Joint Owners in Spain" by Alice Brown, which portrayed a scene in an old ladies home. The cast was as follows: Mrs. Fullerton, Goldia Goodman: Mrs. Mitchell, Elizabeth Hess: Miss Deyer, Irene Gibson, and Mrs. Blair. Ruth Blickenstaff.
Forensic club held a meeting Wednesday evening at 6:30 in the College Auditorium. A piano solo, "Venetian Barcarolle" was played by Miss Harriet Hopkins. Miss Helen Hudson read "Madame X" Harold Fasnacht sang "Friend of Mine." after which Miss Clara Burgin gave a pianologue.
Harold Crist, president of the or ganization, in closing, urged that everyone be present at the next meeting for the election of officers.
Once upon a time I thought I’d understand man, and would even-tually marry one. But alas’ man is an intricate piece of machinery. Here is what I have decided.
If you wear gay colors and start-ling hats, man will hesitate to take you out, but if you wear quiet col-. ors, he will take you out and lose both eyes on some female in orange or red. If you are a "snake" he hates to have you meet his mother or his sister, and if you are a "flapper” he inevitably remarks to his "fret brother" that you are trying to be wicked. If you are the sweet old cling vine type, he doubts if you have any brains. If you are advanced, modern and independent, he doubts if you have a heart or scruples.
If you are affectionate and allow him to embrace you, be soon tires of your kisses and if you don't he gets
The local Peace Oratorical Contest was held in the College Church Auditorium Sunday evening.
Alter a vocal solo sang by Miss Wilma Bachelor, the contest began and the orators appeared an follows; “The Cry for Peace. " Floy Brown “The Antidote for War," Law-
rence Lehman.
"The Last Weapon," Ralph Lan-dis.
"The Outlaw of War," Howard Keim.
"Tomorrow's Hope," Henry Hall. Henry Hall was awarded first place and a prize of $7.50 in gold: Howard Keim second place and $5.00 in gold; Lawrence Lehman third, with $2.50 in gold.
The judges of the contest were Dr. Fields Miss Haight, English in-structor of the High School, and Prof. Montgomery, History and
Public Speaking Instructor of the High School.
Prizes were furnished by Profs. W. E. Ray of Houston, Texas, G. N. Boone. M. A Hess.
Henry Half will represent Mc-Pherson College in the state con-test to be held at Bethel College
April 20.
First Team
Forwards--Eddie Houge, K. C. A. C. and Al Peterson, Cooks,
Sterling Milk
Center Vie Holt, Cooks. Guards "Back" Weaver, K. C. A C. and George Starback, Hill-yards.
Second Team
Forwards--Fred Ford. K. C. A. C . and Gale Gordon, Cooks
Center--Zeke Burton. K. C. A C Guards--Lerrone. Cooks, and
Pinkerton. Sterling Milks.
Third Team
Forwards--Howitt, Hillyards, and
Perry, Sterling Milks.
Center--Miller. McPherson col-
Gaurds--Mosby, Cooks, and Car-roll, Rockhurst
Honorable Mention Forwards--Lamb, Rockhurst: Crumpacker, McPherson; Coren-man. K. C A C . Stang. Duffy Florals.
Center Burk., Marryville; Mit-chell, Hillyards: Alexander, Rush-
Guards--Nelson K C A. C De-bernadt, Cooks, Zabner, Rock-hurst: Hooker, Hillyards.. Haller
The Y, W. C. A. held its regular meeting Tues. Morning in the Audi-torium Miss Mary Prather gave a reading and the girls trio, consisting of Misses Evelyn Kimmel, Sylvia Edgecomb, and Ruth Hoover, sang. After this, voting for next year’s Y. W. took place. The officers elect-ed are: Miss Lois Dolll, President: Miss Dorothy Swain, Vice-President, Miss Margaret Devilbliss, Treas; Miss Mildred Swenson. Sec'y., and Miss Mary Prather, chorister.
The meeting adjourned with the Y. W. benediction.
Hayes, Spohn, Idhe and Frantz Annex Northern Division By Defeating Rivals
Next Class Will Be With Bethel Col-lege To Decide State Cham-pionship Team
McPherson College won the north-erm division in debate last Friday night when they won both decisions in a debate with Bethany. The next clash will be for state champion-ship with Bethel.
Hayes and Spohn upheld the af-firmative here. Ihde and Frantz were the McPherson speakers taking the negative at Lindsborg on the question "Resolved, that the United States should cease to pro-tect capital invested in foreign lands by armed forces except after formal declaration of war."
Prof E. A. Davis of Emporia State Teachers College judged the debate here. While stating some of his criticisms he said that be regard-ed Lamb of Lindsborg the best speaker on the platform. Davis ex-plained that the affirmative was victorious because of fewer incon-sistencies and the systematic organ-ization of material, and superiority of argument.
Sturba of Newton, the Judge at Lindsborg said that the McPherson team was a well balanced team with two debators instead of a team of one debator and a man. He gave us reasons for his decision, more points, more examples, and more authority,
The Y. M. C. A. met Tuesday morning, March 13 and elected the new oficers for the coming year. Nominations were made by the nomination committee of the organ-ization. The officers for 1928-29 are: President, Warren Sisler: Vice-Pres., Harold Crist; Secretary, Raplh Frantz; Treasurer, Walter Fillmore.
those things he is sure you don't care a thing about him if you ad-mire his wonderful fraternity pin be thinks you are scheming to get the fool thing: and if you don't mention it his feelings are hurt. If he asks you to wear it and you refuse, his feelings are terribly hurt
If you praise his Alma Mater he thinks it is because he is there, and if yon razz his college. Great Guns, he picks up his Stetson, his coon-skin, jumps into his Stutz and flies for home (it in here supposed that he or his roommate posseses said articles.
Now girls, how on earth are we to please man? Why not turn I. W. W. (Independent Wild Women) and do what we darn please? The first hundred years are the hardest. Let man take it or leave it. And just between you and me, I hope be takes
Machmen Stayed Until Only Eight Teams Were Left Of The Fifty-Two
Dogs STopped By Hillyards in Quar-ter-Finals After Beating Peru.
Liberal Lions and Wichita U.
Flashing brilliant basketball for three consecutive dasy until they run up against the champion Hill-yards of St. Joseph, Missouri, and then failing to hit anyway near their usual form until their opponents had ran up a fourteen point lead, the McPherson college Bulldogs dropped out in the fourth round of the National A A. U. tour-nament at Kansas City Thursday in a 35-17 decision.
Of the eight teams on the floor that night, the Hillyards were the only players that were playing up to form and the champions were displaying their best exhibition so far in the tournament. McPherson forced the chemicals all the way but could not overcome the fourteen point lead the St. Josers grabbed the opening of play.
The McPherson style of play had won the entire support of the 8,-000 spectatpr cheered contin-ually for the Bulldogs. McPherson and the Pittsburg Teachers were the only two teams from Kansas who lasted in the fourth lap and both fell by the wayside at the hands of teams composed of the cream of the Missouri Valley, the Hill-yard, and the Sterling Milks.
At the fall of his team in the tourney. Miller, uncanny scored for the Bulldogs, was high point man of the tourney. The team had an unusually record of clean playing and expert basket in general. Spectators there were beginning to ask shortly after they witnessed the Bulldogs in action such questions as "Where is McPherson?" "What is it, a college, town or what?" When the dope was going around before the Hillyard game it was considered a toss up, and had both teams been in their best form a toss-up if would have been. The
records of McPherson in the tourn-ament saw the Bulldogs playing the cream teams of section of the country in each round of play. Mc-Pherson took the fast Nebraskens from Peru Normal off the list in the first game. Especially Miller was in top from at center and in his deadly habit of scoring under the basket. The Bulldogs carried off the laurels in a comfortable fashion, 45 to 31.
(Continued on Page Four)
M A. Hess
A new feature is being presented to the readers of the daily paper of the University of Minnesota. Twice a week the paper published campus news as taken from its columns of four years age. The purpose of this feature is to "bring back memories to those in school now of days when they were freshmen or when they were considering entering the Uni-versity of Minnesota."
Miss Lehman, expression teacher, expresses herself again. The ques-deducted for chapel absences why tion was raised—If honor points are not add points for attendance? after the argument pro and con had continued for some time. Miss Lehman solved the puzzle by the simple truth—"Perhnps the stuff you got there isn't worth it."
From Other Schools
Miss Lehman wouldn't say that and anyway she wouldn't say stuff. criticised a freshman. So we had to tell him that we'd even heard her say "shucks."
The Spectator
The Student Newspaper of Mc-Pherson College, purposing to re-count accurately past activity—and to stimulate continually future
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
Subscription Rate— $1.50 per year.
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-chief Lloyd Jamison
Assistant Editor LaVerne Martin
Campus Editor Doris Ballard
Exchange Editor Harriet Hopkins
Sport Editor Lawrence Mann
Feature Editor Robert K. Puckett
Copy Editors Ruth Anderson
Ruth Anderson, Warren Sisler, Harold Fasnacht, Oliver Ikenberry, Allen Morine, Lloyd Diggs
Business Mgr. _ Howard Keim Jr Asst. Bus. Mgr. Charles Bish
Circulation Mgr, Oliver Ikenberry
Faculty Adviser
Chapel Echoes
Dr. Harley conducted chapel. Fri-day morning. His theme was “The beauty of possession that is ours for the mere noticing." He expressed the desire that we all might have "eyes to see, ears to hear, and minds to understand',, and ended with the challenge, "Are you really glad you alive? Do you really enjoy living?"
The speaker at chapel Wednesday was Rev. Bess, pastor of the Free Methodist Church of McPherson, “Truth" was the subject of his talk.
“If you seek truth in the spiritual realm with the same deligence that you do in the scientific realm you will surely find it was the key sen-tence. Rev. Bess gave illustrations of scientific truth, of psychological . truths and fully, of spiritual truths
Mr. Christian Hope, Jr., member of the State Medical Board and former student of McPherson College, spoke in chapel Monday. Mr. Hope has spent a great part of his life working among the laboring classes and talked of his experiences in this work and of his travels in Western United States, Mexico, and Canada.
The McPherson Salon Orchestra gave a concert in the Marquette High School Auditorium Tuesday, March 13. Three special features of the program were Edwin Johnson, violinist: Miss Ruth Hiebert, reader: and a trio consisting of Miss Autumn Lindbloom, violinist, Miss Jessie Doran, Pianist, and Carl Freeburg, Cello.
Women students at Grinnell Col-lege are considering resolution which would charge the faculty with discrimination in permitting men students to smoke on the campus, but denying women the same privilege.
Hand organ music, minus the tra-ditional monkey but plus a few stu-deny monkey-shines is being used as publicity for the sale of the Uni-versity of Washington year look.
Sport roadsters as a substitute for Phi Beta Kappa keys as scholarship awards were suggested by Prof. John Wilfrenden of Oxford, England, for five months a professor of chem-istry of Oberlin, Ohio. He declared that not enough incentive is given to students in this country to strive for scholastic honors.
All students at the University of Idaho who have maintained an aver-
age of 5.000 or better during the previous semester, will be allowed to cut classes without loss of credit hours. If a student falls below the average he must return to classes for the remainder of the semester
The Yale News, the oldest college daily in the United States, recently celebrated its one hundredth birthday.
The retiring cheerleader of the University of Michigan was formally presented with a pair of brilliantly hued garters as a token or the sup-port of the student body.
Bluefield Nicaragua (Mar. 20) "Bobbie Earl the Lone CooCoo of the air is found! After twenty one days of wandering in the dense jungles the messenger of good will was picked up by local police and is safely in jail.
What might have been the most fascinating adventure in history came to an unexpected close. But
why not let him tell the story him-self.
“This may sound like a yarn but it is all wool. After leaving Nogales all went as uneventful as a Mon-
day's chapel period until NH3 drift-ed over Mexico City and its famous volcano Popocatepetl. As the Spirit of Ammonia chugged over the crater hell broke loose and all turned black. But how was I to know the fool thing was going to erupt?
"When I came too both the NH3 and myself were flitting down to earth; on an old envelope I wrote the last words—"Tell Blair I can't make up that quiz, we hit a dull thud! The NH3 and myself sailed upward, down we came to rest in the branches of a rubber tree some place near the east coast of Nicara-gua 1200 miles from Mexico City and not even an eye brow massed-Continued next week.
But that doesn't explain why he's in jail. Perhaps next week will
Watch for the next issue and see how this gruesome tail will end.
These deputation trips are, all the bunk. When some real talent want-ed to lecture on Companionate Marriage they turned him down.
10% OFF ON ALL COLORED KIDS—Ad In Port Hurston Hally These are cheapest Piccaninnies we know of, girls here's your chance.
Most people will get out of the way of a man who blows his own horn.
Vivien Harnly—"Hans, use the word ginger in a sentence."
Hans.—"G'inger yourself when the porch swing broke?"
Adeline—I'm using kiss proof
rouge now.
Hay—Let's see if it really works.
Some one with a commercial mind might sell McPherson mud for some stick glue.
The other day a girl told the col-umnist the only thing he’d ever be a success at would be deviling eggs.
Cheese—"Every one in red and white get opt in this stunt." Chester C "I've got red garters
Our fickle music teacher is wear-ing a ring with the initials W. B. and they don't mean Wilma Bachelar. Isn’t it perfectly scandalous? Why it’s till over town! Don't say a word about.
Billie- That girl across the isle has three diamonds. She must know her onions
Bill—I'd rather say her carats,
We don't know whether yesterday's chapel speaker was sincere or not. At times we suspected her connection with the telegraph com-panies.
Have you paid your income tax?
— Bobbie Earl, Society Briefs.
Mr. Ray Strohm and Miss Wilma
Bachelor drove to Marquette Mon-
By The Way
Miss Margaret Devilbliss left Fri-day night for her home in Ottawa to spend the week end with her parents.
LaVerne Martin, Alvin Voran, Kenneth Eisenbise, and Joe Yoder went to Kansas City last Tuesday night to watch the Bulldogs in action at the national basketball tour-nament.
Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson of Thomas, Okla., came to McPherson the first of last week to see their daughter, Haven, who has been forced to leave school on account of ill-ness. Haven is now in the hospital at Halstead.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wine of Rocky Ford, Colo., stopped in Mc-Pherson on their way home from a trip in Texas to visit their daughters Mildred and Velma Arnold Hall. •
Miss Elsie McConkey, '27, visited with her mother and sister on the hill several days. She is now teach-ing in western Kansas. Due to had weather there, the schools were closed.
Mrs. J. W. Hershey entertained the ladies of the faculty in a dinner last Saturday evening. Those present were the Misses Lora Trostle, Della Lehman, Marietta Byerly, Fern Lingenfelter, Wilma Batchelor. and Jessie Brown.
Misses Iva Crumpacker and Harriet Hopkins were guests at Miss Mildred Swenson at Arnold Hall Sunday.
Marvin Steffin and Franvis Berki-bile spent several days in Kansas City last week
Miss Jeanette Hoover was at her home in St. Johns over the week end.
Miss Ida Markham, a former student, visited friends in McPherson Saturday and Sunday.
A birthday party was given at the Dean Mohler home Saturday after-noon for Miss Fern Shoemaker. The guests were the Misses Leona and Edna Nyquist, Mable Steiner, Ida Markham, Lillian Horning, Elma Oaks, Jennie Yiengst. Oma and Ruth Holderread, Mercie Shatto, Sarah Moyer, Helen Hudson, and Mary Lou Williams.
Misses Mildred and Velma Wine were Sunday guests at the Brunk home.
If you could chain the thoughts that rise in me.
That travel through my brain incessantly.
That rise within me like a maddened sea. I'd rival Solomon.
The ever-flaming scrips of gleaming red
Like messages that come from minds long dead If I could only hold them, in my head. I'd solve eternity.
— Hal Adamson (University Daily Kansan)
Library Science
Several biographies have been placed in the library especially suited to history study. They include “Studies In Contemporary Biography" by James Bryce, which con-tains twenty biographies of men Bryce knew personally; "Autobiography of John Fox” which is regarded as one of the great religious autobiographies of the world; a two volumes set of Basil Williams entitled "William Pitt"; and “Life of Joint Wesley" by Winchester.
"Short Plays” is the title of a book of plays selected by Webber and Webster.
Eight of the leading magazine articles found in the current num-ber of the outstanding magazine selected by a committee of librarians are to be found in the library. The Atlantic Monthly contains three, the Survey two, and the Forum, Good Housekeeping. and Scribner's each one.
Emery C. Wine, A. B, ‘22. has received an appointment as an as-sistant instructor in the department of history at the University of Pennsylvania for the year 1928-1929. Mr. Wine will continue his work toward a doctor's degree.
Youth,. “Papa, why does a red cow, which eats green grass, give white milk?"
Papa. “Ask your brother, he's been to college."
Big Brother (who attended last Thursday's Chem. Club) “Well kid you see it's this way: a cow is nothing more than positive and negative electric charges and grass is the same thing. When a red cow eats green grass the period of vibration is such that milk is white, it could have as easily been blue."
Dwight Stutzman did not discuss the preceding question in Chemis-try Club last week but he did reduce every particle of matter to simple positive and negative electric-charges revolving about a nucleus. The Bohr theory of the atom was presented in a way that might have been understood.
The Lewis-Landmuir theory of the atom was discussed by Robert Puckett. A number of the more com-mon chemical compounds were presented in diagram upon the black board and the “what causes that" explained.
Daniel Johnson went further in the Bohr theory and explained the circulas and ellipse orbits.
Four hundred ninety-six students
at the University of Washington failed in the fall term, according to reports.
ly related to campus life," the Nebraskan editor believes.
Extemporaneous Debate Adds To Fun Of Party—Program Is Followed By Refreshments
As Fern Shoemaker entered the home of Professor and Mrs. R. E. Mohler, Saturday afternoon, March 17, she was greeted by a chorus of "Happy Birthday to you." This little surprise was planned by her room-mate, Mercie Shatto,
The theme of St. Patrick's Day was carried out through the entire afternoon. After several appropriate games. Helen Hudson read "My High School Days" which she very cleverly dedicated to Fern. Dainty refreshments were served.
Those taking part in this delight-ful surprise were Mercie Shatto. Mary Lou Williams, Jennie Yiengst. Elma Oaks, Sarah Moyer, Helen Hudson, Oma and Ruth Holderread, Mable Steiner, Mary Brown, Ida Markham, Lillian Horning, Edna and Leona Nyquist and Irene Gib-son.
A "straw vote” poll in which stu-dents at the University of Nebraska will have an opportunity to indicate their presidential candidate choices will be taken Wednesday, March 21.
The vote is being sponsored by The Daily Nebraskan, and Information concerning the candidates is be-ing supplied through the courtesy of the department of political science.
"Too many students are indifferent to everything except that direct-
The Junior class staged a St. Patrick's Day party in the Heibert home last Saturday evening.
After playing a few St. Patrick's Day games, a program was given consisting of a Vocal Solo by Miss Arlene Saylor, pianologues by Miss Ruth Heibert, a reading by Miss Iva Crumpacker, and a debate.
* A unique part of the program was the extemporaneous debate with Floy Brown and Allen Morine up-holding the affirmative and Miss Eunice Longsdorff and Philip Spohn supporting the negative of the arguement, resolved: “That Irishmen make better husbands than Scotchmen.” The negative won the decis-ion, in a very close contest, by a margin of three tenths of one per cent.
Shamrock favors were given and the same observance of St. Patrick's day was carried out in refreshments of brick ice cream with Shamrock design, cup cukes with green icing, punch, and green and whit mints. Refreshments were served to twenty-eight guests.
Every once in a while some old-fashioned person stands up on his hind legs and lets out a bitter yawp about the shamelessness of the pres-ent generation of women and, especially, the flappers.
The contrast is drawn between this generation and those that preceded it in the good old days a woman's face was radiant and clean—nothing need but warm water and soap. Now, adays you can't see the face for the powder and the rouge and the lip-stick. All wrong, all wrong!
But to take this attitude is to look bat-eyed at history.
Woman is what she has always been. If the Colonel's lady and Julia O'Grady are both alike under the skin, so it is equally true that the girl of today and the girl of all time have been very much alike— on the surface of the skin.
Just the other day, American and
British scientific excavators uncover-ed the tomb of one of the queens who once queened it in ancient Ur of the Chaldees, the place where Abraham was born. This particular tomb belonged to Queen Shub-ad, who flourished about 4000 years before Christ.
And carefully stowed away in her grave, along with, her crown jewels and ornaments, were her face paint pots and the vessels for her unguents.
How modem it all sounds! We seem also to catch a dim echo from that faraway time.
It's the king speaking; fondly:
"Shubie, old thing. I want you to look your loveliest this evening. I am receiving a deputation from my subjects in the west. Go upstairs and put on your lip-stick. Why darling, you look positively naked!"
Rook Furnishes Bulk Of Entertain-ment After Which Program And “Eats" Are Offered
Class colors of green and white and the conventional green of the Irish Saint were quite in harmony at the St. Patrick's Day party of the Sophomore in the recreation room of Harnly Hall, last Saturday night.
A trailing lattice work of green crepe paper and shamrocks conceal-ed the everyday walls of the room, while groan and white streamers shaded the lights.
“Rook." played on green-topped, quartet tables, was the chief mode of entertainment of the evening. A box of chocolates, the prize for highest score, was awarded to Oliver Ikenberry.
In the latter part of the evening a special program was given by members of the class. Miss Evelyn Kimmel sang a solo. "In April" and Miss Bernice McClellan gave a reading from one of Booth Tarking-ton's novel. Miss Weaver played a piano solo which was followed by a humorous reading by Miss Mildred Swenson. The concluding number was a whimsical Scottish pianologue by Miss Mary Prather.
After the program, dainty refresh-ments of shamrock-decorated brick ice cream, white layer cake, and
punch were served.
"Resolved that married women
should be employed in full time posi-tions outside the home?" was the topic for discussion at the Sterling-Emporia Teachers women's debate.
The audience, especially the un-married part of it, undoubtedly gain-ed some valuable information regard-ing this disputed question of the place or women in the home. New married young men can find great solace in the fact that the affima-tive side won
Monday, March 12. Prof, Hess and
two picked forensic preformers went
to Wichita to take part in the Kansas State Oratorical Contest and the Ex-tempore contest held at Friends University. Seven school were represented in the oratorical contest and six in the extempore content.
In the Kansas State Oratorical contest, Eugene Link, College of Emporia, talking on "Puppets", carried off first honors. John S. White-neck of McPherson won second place with "The Inevitable Truth.” Howards Roberts of Friends won third place with an oration on “What Records Will Our Civilization Lease?”
In addition to the winners, the orators and their subjects were "Living in a Hurry," Luther Henshaw, Southwestern: "The Price of the Prairie." Oscar A Peterson. Bethany; "Mussolini." Noel E. Wray. Sterling; "The College In Answer To the Challenge of Mass Education," Hans Regier. Bethel.
In the Extempore contest held at
3 p. m.. In the Alumni auditorium. James Young, Emporia K. S. T. C.
won first place with his talk on "Journalistic Jingoism.” Lorene Laird, of Friends, taking an affirmative stand on the question, "Is the Newspaper More Influential Than the Pulpit?” placed second. Cecil Lamb of Behtany, was declared third with "Daily Papers and Mr. Voter." The judges of both contents were the coaches of the schools represented.
The general subject was the influence of the press and speakers were given one hour in which to prepare their individual topics. Speeches were
limited to eight minutes. The speak-ers and their subjects, in addition to the winners were:
James Hutton. Emporia Teachers "Yellow Journalism;" Noel Wray Sterling. "The Place of Newspapers in Rural and Village Communities.” D. D. Eitzen. Bethel. "Radical News-papers; Ralph Frantz, McPherson. "The Modern Newspaper as an Edu-cational Institution."
The morning business session at 10:30 was attended by the coaches of the schools. A new constitution was formulated and adopted revis-ing the organization of the old line state oratorical contest and eliminating the printing of orations for distribution in the several schools. An extempore contest was added and it was resolved to join with the Pi Kappa Delta state tournament held on alternate years. The old policy of participation in the Pi Kappa
Wall, if the boys should get the a swell-head now, you'll surely have to admit that if that's all they get they'll be poorly rewarded.
fans here are highly satisfied with the showing in the tournament. There's no doubt in anyone's mind that this string of Bulldogs compos-ed the strongest outlay of basketeers that has ever represented the col-
The first thing I hear Coach Gardner say after the benefit game between the Banker and college teams was, "How much did they take in?" I guess from that you can realize just what was the feeling toward the Kansas City tournament - be wanted to go and show the rest of the basket fans that Mc-Pherson had something serious in the way of a basketball team.
We've heard at college that Dr. Schwalm got a 'kick' out of the way the boys stood up under fire—yes, most everybody got "kicked" and it lifted us even above the clouds.
One of the players was asked if he had any fun at the tournament. "Not until after the Hillyards beat us," was the reply. Well. I'll bet there was some pretty close rules on training to withstand that four day grind.
There were only two players on college teams named in the All-Star Teams of the tournament—one was "Spider" Miller and the other was Carroll of Rockhurst. On the honor-able mention list Rockhurst placed two men, Lamb and Zahner, while McPherson placed Crumpacker and the Maryville Teachers placed Burks. With the exception of Miller and Carroll, the three teams were composed of Cooks. K. C. A. C. Hillyards and Sterling Milks. To the victors in the honors.
All-School Party Is Announced — Basket Ball Men To Receive Sweaters.
The McPherson College Student Council met Tuesday evening and transacted eeveral matters of student interest.
A committee is now investigating and arranging for an all school soc-ial. The committee will soon announce the type of social it is to be, the time it will be held, and the place it will be given. A few sug-gestions were made to the effect that the basket ball men, debators, and others receive their letters, and tokens of recognition at this social The affair is to be given in honor of the men who have achieved honor in school events. Definite plans will be announced later.
The second matter of interest is that of purchasing sweaters for the basket ball men. A motion was pass-ed that this be done, and is now in the hands of a committee. Eight good $15.00 woolen sweaters is the goal.
All school elections will be held the first week in April, says the stu-dent Council. The officers for stu-dent body elections are; President and treasurer of the Student Council; editor and business manager of the Quadrangle; editor and business manager of the Spectator: cheer leaders.
The matter regarding tennis courts was thoroughly discussed and it was decided to present a plan to the man-agement in order to start some action as soon as possible. Several stu -dents have offered their labor for one day to get the new courts under-way.
Other matters discussed were: A slight charge will be made for the State Debate to be held here the la at of the month. This charge is made in order to cover the unplanned deficit of something over $70.00.
A motion was carried to the effect that the Council be responsible for the Thespian play. “The Goose Hangs High," now being cast.
Delta national contest will be continued.
New officers include Coach J. T. Baker. Southwestern, president: Arthur A. Grabber, Bethel, vice president, and Manner A. Hess, McPher-son. secretary-treasurer. The contest next year will be held at McPherson.
Coaches attending the session also included C. Dorr Demarry. Sterling; Floyd L. Sampson. Friends: Martin J. Holcomb, Bethany: J. T. Baker, Southwestern. and George R. R. Pflatim, Emporia Teachers, retiring president. Schools participating In the organization include College of Emporia. Southwestern, Emporia Teachers, Baker, Bethany. Sterling. Bethel, McPherson and Friends.