NO. 24
Playing against opponents who tower above him in height, Elmer Crumpacker is not at all handicap-ped for playing strength. The di-mininutive, red-headed, left handed forward is the most dexterous player on the floor. He's the hardest man on the floor to guard as he can get clear so easily. Elmer
substituted on last year's team and has just been coming into his own toward the last of the season. In the Bethel game, he came through as the high point getter. A sopho-more, carrying on a brillian high school record, he's a dangerous basket shooter, with side shots as his special trick. He's a plucky player and his height doesn't seem to deminish his power at all as a follow-up man.
The hardest working Bulldog on the floor is Earl Kinzie. He covers the dealer position after the tip-off and his lightning moves have broken up opposing offenses repeatedly. His ranking on the All-Kansas Conference second team is well deserved. Kinzie is a reliable scorer and team with his mates beautifully. When you think of floorwork, you think of Kinzie for there is where he shines. He keeps the opponents guessing throughout the game. Kinzie is playing bis second year at the forward position and he also graduates this year.
Earl has a habit of taking the ball straight into the center and stopping
Idead for his shots. He’s always getting his hand on the hall and causing a jump-up.
Benefit Game To Send Con- ference Champs To National Tournament At K. C.
Entrees For Competition In Crack
Basketball Are Rapidly Swell-ing The List At K. C.
Tonight on the Convention Hall court, McPherson fans are to be treated with a game concerning which the fans have been discussing all season. At eight o’clock the championship college team will go up against the McPherson Bankers, champions of the Kansas Independent League in a contest for city supremacy.
Along with this game comes the announcement that the proceeds are to go to the college as a benefit to help defray the expenses for McPherson College to enter the National Tournament at Kansas City next week.
General admission is to be fifty cents with seventy five cents for reserved seats. The probability of a Banker-College game has held the attention of the fans for some time and as the proceeds are to be used for tournament expenses the attraction is certain to draw a large attendance.
Moreover, in this game, the Col-lege will be given an acid test out-side of collegiate circles to determ-ine just how well they can perform against a team that has stood up under fire from some of the prominent contending teams for national honors in the past and who will compete again this year.
Coach Gardner and the Bulldog squad are well deserving the opportunity of competing for national honors. The local supporters are behind them on their way.
Entries are sending in their names every day to swell the list of crack basket players from all over the nation. The tournament is to be March 12-17 inclusive with the All-American selection taken from the entrees.
Along with his selection as All-Kansas Conference center, Melvin Miller, when the final reports come in on the conference, will rank right up amongst them for high point honors if he doesn’t top the list. Miller carries a record over from last year when in the Swede game he scored eight points in less than sixty seconds. Miller is invaluable as a floor man and at the tip off. He has an uncanny ability to twist the ball in from under the goal. He shoots from any position and his follow-ups and bat-ins are just about as accurate. If he feels that way he spills the ball in from the center of the floor with deadly accuracy. Yea, "Spider" doesn't waste any opportunities to score.
Ihde, Frantz, Spohn, And Hays Hang Up Second Victory Of Season
Sterling Team Has Best Debators In Years Says Coach Hess Of McPherson College
Professor Hess quartet of debat-ors last Friday night won, both ends of the argument with Sterling.
The Bulldog's affirmative team composed of Phillip Spohn and Keith Hayes journeyed to Sterling and there convinced the judge that the question should be settled in the affirmative. The Judge gave them the decision by a safe margin.
The negatives were up against a strong team. Prof. Hess said, "This is the best team from Kterllag In the last eight years.” Ralph Franz was the first speaker on the negative and Ira Ihde the second.
In giving his decision the Judge gave some very constructive criti-cisms. It seems that the negative had a small edge on the affirmative in their main speeches. But in the Rebuttal they led by a much larger margin, thus winning by a good com-fortable lead.
Dr. Schwalm was chairman of the debate. The Judge was Ross of Em poria Teachers College.
The Cosmos Club entertained their husbands or their friends with a din-ner Tuesday night in the basement of the Brethren Church.
The patriotic idea was carried out in cherry and hatchet nut cups and place cards and red candles on the tables. The room was lighted with candles and floor lamps. The program consisted of the Wel-come by Mrs. G. N. Boone. Response by Prof. R. E. Mohler, piano solo Miss Jessie Brown, toast on Lincoln’s humor by Mrs. L. A. Utrecht, reading by Mrs. L. J, Hoff, vocal solo by Miss Wilma Bachelor, and a toast on lies by Prof. J. A. Blair. The evening came to a close with the singing of a stanza of "Home Sweet Home" and "My Country Tis of Thee,". With "Good Night Ladies," the party adjourned.
Forwards - John Buller. Bethel (captain) and Carl Steuber, Baker
Center- Melvin Miller, McPherson,
Guards — Arthur Fulton, Baker, and Leo Crumpacker, Second Team
Forwards — Earl Kinzie, McPherson, and Virgil Alexander. Ottawa.
Center—Alfred Young, Baker,
Guards - William Vanek,
Bethany, and John Goetz Baker (captain)
Third Team
Forwards — Herman Stade, Kansas Wesleyan (captain) and Charles Salley, Friends.
Center—Clifford Binns, Otta- wa.
Gaurds—Meuli. Kansas Wes-' leyan, and Harry Lispi, St. Benedict’s.
George Gardner, All-American forward with Southwestern College to 1923. In college he made the All-Conference forward position for four consecutive years. His work here along with his playing with the McPherson Bankers, champions of the Kansas Independent League, has been largely instrumental In raising basketball to the great prominence it now holds in McPherson. He’s known all over Kansas for his sportsmanship and athletic prowess. If there is any coach in the whole state who can coach it is George Gardner. We've seen him perfect a smooth machine to take the conference and he's the man responsible. We can thank George Gardner for this accomplish-ment.
In about every branch of sport Leo has hang up an enviable rec-ord, but generalship is his long suit. "Crummy is noted as a hard player. It was Leo who stepped up and rang the goal this season when the forward offense was held down. Leo is a guard, a real guard, and his choice on the All-Kansas conference five was practically certain. Leo was the man who was assigned to stop the star of the opposing teams this season and the conference title tells how well he did It. Leo is an aggressive, clear-headed player, resourceful for all conditions.
He graduates this year with his fourth letter in basketball along with a like number in the other major sports. He's gonna be missed
Thirteen Victories Bring Coach Gardners Quintet To Top Of Lift
Perfect Teamwork And Hard Work Is Responsible For Successful Season Of Cagers
At the close of last year’s season, McPherson was resting in an unusual position for the 1928 schedule. Not a single lettermen was to be last by graduation. Moffat Eakes was the only member of the squad to get his sheepskin. However, when the squad turned out for practice this year, the ranks were considerably shattered Captain Holloway was away from school teaching in Oklahoma and the uncertainty of his return finally was assured when he did not report ag the beginning of the second semester. Henry Barre, captain of the '27 team took up his work in Manhattan at the Aggies and Archie Blickenstaff did not return.
So of last years squad. Coach Gardner had Leo Crumpacker, three-letter man at guard, Ray Nonken, one-letter man at forward, Melvin Miller and Earl Kinzie, one letter men at center and forward, along with Saylor and E. Crumpacker, substitute forwards in new mater-ial. Rump, of McPherson High School's Central Kansas League Champions, Barngrover, a sophomore from chase, and Rock and Eisenbise, freshmen recruits.
Dec. 15 Philips 41. M. C. 28
Dec. 16 Alva 18 M C. 24
Dec. 17 Alva 31. M C 27.
Dec. 21 Alva 24. M. C 35.
Dec. 22 Alva 35, M C. 46-
Jan. 6 Friends 24. M.C. 37
Jan. 20. Friends 25 ,M C. 37.
Jan. 24. Ottawa 21. M. C 40
Jan. 27. Sterling 20, M C. 43 Jan. 30. St.. Benedicts 15. M. C 26 Jan 31, St. Mary's 17. M C. 27
Feb, 3. Bethany 27, M C 26
Feb. 8, Baker 28, M. C. 3 9.
Feb 11. St. Benedict's 15. M C. 32. Feb 14 Bethel 15. M. C. 28.
Feb 24. St. Mary's 21, M. C 36 Feb. 27 Bethany 17. M C. 31 Mar 1 Sterling 16 M. C. 36.
March 3, Bethel 28. M C. 34.
Wind Up Season By Downing Gray Maroons In A 34-28 Defeat
E. Crumpacker And Buller Make 7
Goals Each—Score 28-29 With Two Minutes To Play
Emerging out of the most bitter-ly contested game of the whole season's schedule by a 31 to 28 victory over the Bethel Graymaroons, the McPherson College Bulldogs definitely acquired the first conference title of the reorganized Kanaaa Con-feremce Saturday night in Conven-tion Hall.
By virtue of this last game Mc-Pherson annexes the title with thirteen victories and one defeat, whereas Baker and Bethel have two defeats already chalked up their teams with a week of conference play left. Had Mc-Pherson dropped the game last Sat-urday to Bethel, the title would have reverted to Baker as the Wildcats and Bethel already had two defeats but the Baldwin crew having one more game on their schedule, would have taken the honors with a higher per centage.
John Buller, captain and brilliant scorer for the Graymaroons, was traveling at a mighty speed, caging seven field goals and a free throw to lead the Bethel men into several tense moments for the McPherson fans. The score was tied at eight all and again the Newton cagers took a one-point lead 13-12 only to drop behind at the half 23 to 15. Again in the last ten minutes of play the Section Hands staged a scoring drive to threaten at 25 to 22 and the fans were thrown into it howling pandemonium when Graber and Buller poured the ball into the goal three consecutive times to trail the Bulldogs 29 to 28 with less than two minutes to play.
At the critical time the Bulldog defense stiffened and Elmer Crum-packer, on whom the Bulldog of-fense had concentrated during the
(Continued on Page Four)
When yon see a Bulldog streak down the court to dribble through the entire opposition to mark up a score for the Bulldogs, you’ll know its Ray Nonken. Nonken it is who completely shatters what seems to be an airtight defense with his quick flushes. A sophomore in college and already deserving more recognition than he gets he's been largely responsible for most of the Bulldog victories this season. He doesn't shoot often but he puts the ball in the scoring position "Swede” is a mighty fast man - he picks up speed and stops quick. He's always breaking in to recover the ball for s reverse toward the other goal. Nonken came to his greatest glory in the Bethel game which decided the conference title.
archery or hockey in the list of W. A.
A. activities was also laid aside until a later meeting
Chapel Echoes
Conference selection!
I'll have to retract a former statement I made to a write-up Buller isn't all Bull!
Do you realize the National Bas-ketball tournament is to be held in Kansas City March 12 to the 18? Just one week.
The Student Newspaper of Mc-pherson College, purposing to re-count accurately past activity—and to stimulate continually future achievement.
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
$1.50 per year.
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
The Spectator
Subscription Rate
Morill, Kansas, March 1, 1928. Dr. V. F. Schwalm, McPherson, Kansas.
Dear Dr. Schwalm -
Just a line to tell you that we had Bro. Teach with us Sunday morning and believe he made a very fine im-pression for McPherson College.
He also gave a very fine sermon that was an inspiration everybody.
Today he speaks to the upper class-men of our high school and also to the High School at Sebetha May
the good work go on.
You may be surprised how some of us who are at some distance from McPherson College scan the papers for victories for the debate team of
id M. C and te basketball team, march right on up to the top of the Conference. Fifteen rah's for M. C.
Last Thursday and Friday evenings the McPherson Salon Orchestra as-sisted in the three-day Music Festival of Tabor College at Hillsboro.
Thursday evening the Orchestra with Edwin Johnson assisting on the violin. Ruth Heibert reader. Noble Carlson cornetist, and Howard Snyder whistler, furnished the second of the three concerts. Friday evening they played the orchestral accompaniment to the sacred cantata, "The Holy City", by Gaul. They were appreciated by the large audience, and enjoyed a royal reception. Most of the Orchestra stayed over from Thursday evening to Friday evening as the guests of Tabor College, and much appreciated the wonderful hospitality shown them. Professor Doll is well acquainted there having taught in the Hillsboro High School and Tabor College for two years.
March is a busy month for the or-chestra. On March 16 they give a concert at Lyons, and March 22 in Hutchinson at the convention of the Kansas Federation of Music Clubs. March 30 they go to Buhler,
Miss Maud Sheerer, as the fourth number on the Lyceum course, read
" He and She", by Rachel Crothers
Friday night at the Methodist Church.
Miss Sheerer is a native Kansas, and she expressed a particular de-light to come a back to her home state to put on programs. She has won considerable success as a dramatic reader. She read "He and She” be-cause it was her favorite of the fif-teen plays that she reads. She interpreted the play quite realistically, and her presentation was artistic. The play was a social play dealing with the problem of a career for women-
Several Important questions were considered in the W. A. A. meeting last Wednesday evening. It was def-inately decided that, the W. A. A-should have a banquet for its mem-bers soon, and plans were made in preparations for it. A committee was appointed to report at a later meeting on the advisability and resources for having a May Day celebration year. The question of including
Several students appeared slightly disconcerted when Rev. Frazier of the Congregational Church announc-ed at the beginning of chap Monday that his speech would be for the ben-efit of those who were not at church on Sundry. "The Danger of Short Cuts" might be called the title of Rev. Frazier's message. One striking definition was “An expert -a very ordin-ary man away from home,”
Dr. Dean Hutton, representative from Oklahoma University, spoke Wednesday on "The joys and Glor-ies of Service." He gave incidents from the lives of great people such as Paderewski and Florence Nighten-gale to illustrate his theme. An out-standing quotation was "The human soul is like a harp of a thousand strings.
That Miami Athletic Club team from Florida came up to the very home of basket ball to show some of these strong Kansas teams just how they play the game in the East. Well, they're taking the measure of all we have before entering the A. A. U. tournament at Kansas City. The squad are coming to McPher-son Thursday to tangle with the Bankers and from the way the crowds turned out to see the Hillyards game, they'll prolixly turn out again. For the Miamas are ever so much as good an the Hillyards if not better.
One of the season's most re-markable come-backs was staged at Bethany last week when the Swedes beat the Bethel College five 34 to 22. At the half Bethany led 16 to 3, yes, 16 to 3. Yet the final score was 34 to 22. Yes, from our game here Saturday, we well know that Bethel isn’t beaten until the final gun goes off.
The sport editor of the Salina Journal made an unofficial guess at the All-Kansas selection in Satur-day’s paper. It is quite interesting to note how near he came to hitting right. He placed Buller of Bethel and Young of Baker as forwards. Miller, McPherson as center, Leo Crumpacker, McPherson as guard and Captain and Fulton of Baker as the other guard. We can't help but see that would make a fine five It would be really interesting to hear a little range in selection after the conference is over. Now, it may be entirely out of my class to conjecture on who would be named if the vote had been taken af-fer the season’s play but here goes. I may be prejudice but I'd place Crumpacker and Nonken as guards, then I'd put Miller at center and captain, and for forwards on would go Elmer Crumpacker and Earl Kinzie. They've whipped every team in the conference, so why shouldn't they get first mention? And to be even more serious, I'm utterly disgusted with the coaches for utterly overlooking to place Ray Nonken and in my opinion the only just desert for him be a first team berth. I believe there are many others who expected to see Nonken in that place.
Not to be sarcastic, but somehow. I think it would be just as well to have each coach vote for his own men and send them in to Edmonds and then let him pick out the All-
Well, anyway there isn't anything too good for those fellows who played that whale of a game Satur-day as a grand finale to their con-ference season by virtue of which they mark McPherson in the annals of glory.
"Spider” carried the ball through to score. Time again for Bethel Score. 16 to 13.
Kinzie dropped a hesitating shot Bethel got a tip-off break but threw the ball out of bounds. The Millers took a pass at each other and are called for a double foul. Both succeeded at the throw. Nonken weaved through for a talley. Kinzie fouled Miller and Rump took his place on as it was the fourth personal. Miller scored his free throw. Elmer Crumpacker stopped on the run and lifted the ball in. Half score, 23 to 13.
Graber grabbed a basket on the opening play. Buller got a clean long hurl. McPherson took several misses until Miller scored on an out-of-bounds play again. "Crum" and Buller divided failures. Crumpacker failed Graber's charity shot.
He pulled a neat recovery play for the Bulldogs. Elmer travelled out of a bit. McPherson took time. Score 25 to 19 with less than eleven min-utes in play. Buller got a point on Miller’s charge. Baller got clear
for a basket. Rump slipped a ’daisy' from the foul line. Elmer Crum-
packer teamed with Nonken for a basket. Six minutes to play and the score. 29 to 22.
Graber stored on a backhand shot McPherson was losing the tip. Buller pushed a long ringer. Mc-
Pherson long pass went out of bounds. Miller barely missed. Buller gets away from "Crum" for a setup. Score was 28-29, about two min-utes to play.
Elmer Crumpacker and Nonken teamed the ball through for two successive baskets. Leo fouled Gra-
(Continued from Page One) GARDNER FIVE BEATS BETHEL.
evening, slipped two devastating field goals through the Hauryites and a free throw by Leo Crumpacker added to blast the hopes of a Bethel conquest.
■ Bethel concentrated their defense on Miller: McPherson on Buller and more than once during the game it became evident to the spectators that two of the mightiest basket artist in the conference were in pitched battle. Kinzie went out on personals late in the first period but only after he had played outstandingly in, breaking up the Bethel plays and outwitting the Newtonians with clever ball work. Erwin Rump jumped into the breach with lots of fire—didn’t look at all like a substitute. Miller was watched like a hawk all the game, but all the eyes on the floor couldn't prevent him from caging five field goals and a free throw along with his being instrumental in his teammates’ scoring.; Elmer Crumpacker was a sure fire during the whole game. That diminutive wrong-handed forward out-Miller-ed Miller with seven field goals to his record.
Nonken was everywhere on the floor. He was the riddle at Newton when McPherson completely sur-prlsed the Railroaders with a 28-15 score. His dribbling attack was probably the most responsible one thing for the Bulldog victory Sat-urday for it was he who repeated time and again to team down the floor with a teammate to shutter the opposing defense. Those last two field goals were results of Nonken's ability to pierce Bethel's defense and team with "Little Crum” for the winning counters.
Leo Crumpacker was assigned to stop Buller. Well, no man run stop Buller playing in the form he was last Saturday but Leo stopped Buller from winning the game as he generally does against conference teams. Leo was playing his usual style of a heady game and his dem-onstration of general floorwork is to be highly commended.
Nonken started the game off last Saturday with a smashing dribble through the Bethel five for a score on the first play. The writer must
sing to his glory on the next play
which almost went the same way. Buller took a hurried chances an Nonken look the ball to carry it down and slip it to Elmer Crumpacker for a neat side-shot. Bethel called time just two and a half minutes after play started. Score, 4-0. Nonken fed Miller for a basket but the play was called back for traveling. Elmer sphered a long side shot. Schlender opened the Bethel tally with it bat-in. Miller pulled an uncanny shot back over his head which just lacked a hair’s breadth from going in. Miller took the ball through to feed "Little Crum" for a basket after Schlender missed Kinzie's foul shot. Buller pushed a high running one-handed basket. Graber took a point on Nonken’s foul. “Crum" failed on a long chance. Buller was sure again for a goal Schlender scored a point on Kinzie’s holding. Buller blocked Nonken- he missed the throw. Miller popped the ball in from out-of-bounds play. He scored again. McPherson failed several. Schlender scored a gift shot on Kinzie. Bethel took a flock of misses. "Spider fouled Miller of Bethel but failed on the throw. Dettweller got clear for a score. Buller slapped a one-handed shot. "Spider" whipped a duplicate shot.
her who misses the throw. Wedel, fouled Leo who scored a point. The game ended as McPherson was taking the ball under on a fast play The lineup of the championship game follows:
Bethel (28) |
FG |
FT |
F |
'Schlender f |
2 |
0 | |
Graber f , |
. ..... 2 |
1 |
1 |
1 Buller e |
7 |
1 |
ft |
Miller C |
______ 0 |
2 |
3 |
Wedel g . |
____ 1 |
0 |
1 |
| Dettweller f |
...... 1 |
0 |
0 |
Total |
........ 11 |
6 |
5 |
McPherson (34) Kinzie, f |
Ft; . 1 |
FT 0 |
V 4 |
E. Crumpacker |
0 |
0 | |
Miller c |
3 |
1 |
2 |
Nonken g |
...... . 2 |
0 |
1 |
l. Crumpacker g |
.... 0 |
1 |
1 |
Rump 1 |
........ l | ||
Total |
16. |
8 |
New McPherson Court Where Games Were Played
en two but misses both. Kinzie makes a nice pass to Elmer for another basket. Sterling gets a free throw but miss. They make a basket on a one hand shot.
The second team go in in the last three minutes. They make a basket but Sterling retaliates with a similar feat, Game: 36-16.
When Coach Gardner sends in his second string play goes on just about as steady as when the regulars are in. Erwin Rump, freshman is a valuable man in any position. He’s tall and he’s shifty. He handles the ball and he hits the hoop. "Zeke" Saylor has seen con-siderable play this season and fills the guard or forward position with plenty of capacity. As a senior, he passes out of our basketball play, but he's left, his mark. Floyd
Barrelmakers Weaken After Fierce Struggle—Miller In Tip-Top Form
Visitors Alternate Entire Team In Effort To Tire Dogs, But To No Avail
In a hard fought battle last Thursday night the Bulldogs played through to another decided victory. However the 36-16 score does not indicate as close and hard fought a battle as was really waged. The Bar-relmakers played fast and furiously and no banket was made by either side during the first four minutes of play. But the Red and Blue quin-tet could not stand the pace and after one lone basket did not score again until well olong toward the fin-ish of the first half: They were given two free tosses and made both.
The Bulldogs were in top form with Miller and E. Crumpacker receiving passes for set-ups and con-statantly putting them through the hoop. The Bulldogs made most of their counters from the set-up position. A feature of the Bulldogs play was the absense of long shots. Only a few trys were made back of the free throw line.
From the first tip off the game is fast and furious, just a little too fuel for making counters. And during the first four minutes of play no score is made. Each team is given a try from the free throw position and both miss. Miller makes a clean shot from the sideline and Barton evens the tally by dropping one through from the field. It begins to look like an interesting game. Miller gets a charity throw. Kinzie takes a gift shot but the ball is stubborn. Nonken makes a flash drib-ble through for a set up. The Bar-relmakers defense crumbles when Elmer is fed for three consecutive set-ups. Miller adds two more points from the gift line. The ball is passed to Miller and having no one to pass to he takes the set-up for himself.
In an effort to stop this avalanche of scoring five new Staves are sent in. Miller makes a counter under the basket. Sterling takes a gift shot. The Dogs take two charity shots and make both. Elmer takes another two points under the basket.
Saylor, Rump, Rook and Barngrover go in for L. Crumpacker, Miller, Kinzie and E Crumpacker. Rump makes a counter from the side line as the half ends. Score 23 to 4
The regulars on both teams start the second half. Sterling starts the scoring with a field goal. Nonken tries a free throw and misses. Sterling gets two tries and makes one. Kinzie dribbles through and gives Elmer another set-up shot: he makes it. L. Crumpacker's long try is forced into the basket by Miller. Sterling lakes a point the unmolested way. They add two more when Carder pushes a stubborn ball from the backstop into the basket. Elmer tries for a gift shot but misses. Sterling duplicates. Miller makes a beautiful over-handed shot and follows this with another clean shot from the side line. Time out for Kinzie to tie his shoe. On a held ball Carder bats the ball directly into the basket from the extreme side of the court. Nonken decides to dribble thru for a try. but is fouled. He makes the counter. L. "Crummy" is given two throws, he makes the first and then misses. Kinzie is giv-
Barngrover has seen service on the squad. "Barney" is a light fast man with his smooth ability and an eye for the basket. Barngrove, a sopho-more, is available for service in the next season. Rock, freshman, comes in for some favorable comment as a neat floorman. He handles the ball with rapid movement and knows what the game is all about. East of the men is Eisenbise, freshman guard, who slips into the game to hold is own with the best. Along with other substitutes, he has filled a regular’s berth with but one little change of pace.
It was said at the time of the Swede victory at Lindsborg some time ago that the Swedes were "pretty lucky.” I guess last Monday's game very definitely verifies the statement. There couldn't be any haggling over the way the game here turned out.