McPherson college.
McPherson, Kansas
Irish Go Down To A 32-15 Count In Spite Of A Hard Fought Battle
Race For Conference Championship
With an impregnable defense and an offense centered around ’Spider' Miller and the long range shooting of Leo Crumpacker, the Bulldogs sent the St. Benedict's Irish back home with a 32 to 16 ignomy Saturday night on the Convention Hall court.
Miller was getting in the right position for his uncanny hook shots under the basket, Crumpacker had a lucky spot out on the center of the floor. Kinzie was outstepping the Saints on the floor and Elmer Crumpacker was mixing into the plays as only a fast, light southpaw can do. When it comes to Nonken—well his exhibition of guarding offensive starts have a lot to do with the story the score tells.
The Saints were under the weather from the hard struggle of the night before when they had trounced the Bethany Swedes in a hard fought game emerging with a two point margin over the Vikings. Their goal shooting was erratic with some of the misses coming so close to scoring that the play held an element of heart-break. Burke and Obrist led the Saints with some neat play.
Both teams opened with remarkable guarding, first one team would try to break through and lose the ball without shooting and then the other. Finally Burke opened for St. Benedict's. Kinzie gets a point on personal. Nonken dribbles through to feed E. Crumpacker for a basket Nonken falls at a one handed side shot. Miller reaches over head to stop score under Bulldog basket. A long Saint shot dips down in the basket and out again. Burke is right turn on a long try. Then Leo takes it up to the foul line and tosses one. The guards are turning track threats. Miller poured a high side shot through. Bust aright rings a fast one-handed hook for the Saints. Miller gets a gift shot. Another one
" (Continued on Page Four)
The regional conference which will take the place of the Bible Institute of former years, will bring together the ministers and church workers of the McPherson territory. Prominent leaders outside the district will be present.
The ultimate aim of the conference is to encourage church leadership in the rural communities of the territory. The following program has been arranged for this three day conference.
Wednesday, Feb. 13
Bible Hour—Elder C. D.
9:00-10:30 The Present Situation in our Churches.
In Nebraska D. G. Wine.
In Kansas- J. J. Yoder.
In Missouri—James Mohler, in Colorado—L. C. Snavely.
In Oklahoma John Fitter.
In Idaho—H G. Shank. 10:20-11:50 General Discussion. 12:00-3:00 Noon Recess.
2:00-3:00 The Outlook of Protestan-tism in America Today—Elder J. W. Lear
3:00-3:45 A Church Survey, Its Value and How To Make One—Galen Lehman
3:45-4:30 Discussion (Reports from those who have made surveys, etc.) 7:30 Address by Elder R. H. Miller. North Manchester, Ind.
Thursday, Feb. 16 8:00-9:00 Bible Hour—R. H. Miller. 9:00-11:00 Plan to pastor adequate-ly the Churches of the west.
W. H. Yoder M. C. Blickenstaff
(Continued on Page Three)
This week McPherson College is looking forward to, among the other events of the week, the coming of A. J. “Dad" Elliot to the campus. Elliot is secretary of the Middle West division of the national Y. M. C. A , which takes in the region region south of the Great lakes, He is a rare type of rigorous sturdy, manhood, and his wealth of experience gained through long years of vital contact with varied and highly vivid reality have given him penetrating insight into the current social and ethic problems. He graduated from Northwestern University, where he was an All-American football star about a quarter of a century ago. This spirit which made him a famous football man has enabled him through the years since to touch the lives of many people in an effective way. He will be here February 16, 17, and 18.
Remember to keep Feb. 16, 17 and
an unusual opportunity is to be given you in the presence of "Dad" Elliot on our campus.
Program And Luncheon Follows Ini-tiation—Utrecht And Mc Gaf-fey Speak On Health
Roller Skates, decorated Swagger sticks, bright colored hose, and other strange and interesting details indicated something unusual was occuring among the coeds of McPher son College last Tuesday. Twenty-four new members were initiated into the Women's Athletic Association. Besides obedience to general re-quirements, including a supply of gum, candy, and cosmetics for all the active members, each pledge had certain instructions to follow between 8:00 and 12:30 A. M.
At 4:30 in the afternoon the active members and the pledges gathered on the fourth floor of Harnly Hall for a social hour at which more initiation performances were executed and the formal initiation took place.
After each new member had sang the song she was asked to compose in some familiar tune, Mrs. L. A. Utrecht, Women's physical education director, spoke on the Value of Sports to Women" Miss Edith Mc-Gaffey, sponsor of the W. A. A. told of some of the benefits of the Mc-Pherson College W. A. A.
Miss Viola Bowser, president of the organization, glare the Women's Athletic Association to the new members. *
The girls then went to the home economics department where they were served sandwiches, potato chips, olives, pie, apples and hot choc-olate with marshmallows.
The new members are: Dorothy Sargent, Margaret Devilbliss, Arian Brigham, Edna Hoover, Jennie Yiengst, Florence Lehman, Mildred Swenson, Mercie Shatto, Portia Vauahn, Mary Brown, Dorothy Gregory, Ruth Lancaster, Aileen Ostlind, Katheryn Burgin, Oma Holderread, Melvina Graham, Irene Thacker, Av-ie Watenbager, Ada Stutzman, Alberta Hovis, Roberta Brown, Goldia Goodman, Esther Keim, and Ruth
Membership in the local W. A. A. is now larger than it has ever been before, totaling at present forty-two.
CALENDAR Tues.—Innauguration.
Wed., Thurs., Fri., and Sat. nights R. H. Miller speaks at the Brethren Church.
Mon ---Debate with Salina Wesleyan.
To get a kick out of college, go to the basketball games—to get a kick in allege don't go. Round trip 50c.
MONDAY. FEB. 13, 1928
Was Dean Of Manchester College Eleven Years Before Coming To McPherson
In a program in which are partic-ipating educators from over the state, representatives from the city schools, Central College and civic organizations and members of the McPherson college faculty. Dr. V. F. Schwalm is to be honored tomorrow in Inaugural ceremonies as new president of McPherson College.
Last spring when the resignation of Dr. D. W. Kurtz placed before the college the problem of a successor, Dr. Schwalm fell immediately before the eyes of the administration heads. When Dr. Schwalm made a visit to McPherson before accepting the position as president, the faculty and student body at once perceived that Dr. Schwalm was the only man for the office. His acceptance was received with pleasure.
Dr, Schwalm is a hoosier, having grownup in the state of Indiana and received most of his education there. He attended college Manchester, In-diana where he received his B. A. degree, Dr. Schwalm also holds a Master's degree from Chicago University and he obtained his Ph. D. there in history.
For the past eleven years, Dr. Schwalm has been Dean of the College at Manchester, which has a student body of about seven hundred. His service there has been outstanding in educational work and he comes to McPherson with the highest of rec-commendations.
Dr. Schwalm is a man who believes in being a regular fellow among his students. He is never so engrossed in administration problems so as not to be available to student interests. He enjoys association with the student and is always concerned with their interest. He practices a policy of direct contact with his young men and women. He is held in the high-est regard in every phase of college life.
Tomorrow, in Dr. Schwalm's own words is to be the presidents 'hum-liliation" and if the students and college people can bring the president to realize how well he is regarded, the 'humiliation" will be complete.
Under The Direction Of Miss Della Lehman, Head Of College Art Department
On Thursday evening, February 9, the first year Dramatic Art Class of McPherson College presented three one-act plays, in the college chapel. The plays were under the direction of Miss Della Lehman, head of the dramatic act department of the college.
The first play "The Exchange" had a cast of five characters. As the curtain is drawn we see the scene of a judge's office. The characters were as follows:
Judge (the exchanger of
miseries) Marvin Steffen
(Continued on page two)
The Inaugural Address will be giv-en by a capable man of much experience and renown to educators in this state. Dean R. A. Schwegler has been at Kansas University for consid-erable time of which three or four years were spent as acting Dean of the School of Education. Recently, his ability and experience has made him capable of mastering the Deanship of the School of Education to which he has been promoted.
“He is an orator of nation wide repair." said Prof. J. A. Blair, and his reputation as a speaker along educational lines is one of the best in the Stale of Kansas. Dean Schwegler has completed his work in the graduate school of Columbia University for his Doctorate, which places him high.
He has an extremely striking per-sonality, he is exact, has tact and knows his subject. Being a student of intense study, and one who is continually searching, he is a lec-lurer as Prof. R. E. Mohler would say, "Whom you will remember."
Party Room Beams Forth Ad Beauty Spot Through Shaded Lights
Make Up Program, Then Re-
freshments Served
The senior class held a valentine party Friday night in Harnly hall on the fourth floor. About forty seniors and Prof. J. D. Bright and Dr. and Mrs. Schwalm were present.
The room in which the party was held was attractively decorated In red and white suggesting the season of valentines. Light was furnished by candles and a floor lamp. The subdued lights gave an atmosphere of comradship and romance.
Clarence Hawkins took charge of the evening's entertainment. The
evening begun with a number of heart games, stunts, and contest games.
Following the games a short program was presented. It consisted of a piano solo by Miss Myrtle Moyers, a vocal solo by Alvin Voran, a violin solo by Miss Autumn Lindbloom, and pianologues by Miss Arlene Church and Miss Portia Vaughn. Dr. Schwalm was called on for a speech as usual. He talked on the happiness of college days.
To secure partners for refreshments the boys were given slips telling them to do certain tasks. Each girl had a slip telling the task her partner was to preform and when he had done it to her satisfaction she was to make herself known.
The party ended with songs led by Alvin Voran. Those present united in singing all familiar songs ending with the college songs. Those that were present left feeling that they had been drawn close together and were more united as a class.
Everett Kemp, the well known reader, humorist, and impersonator will read and impersonate "The Music Master" at the Methodist church, Monday, February 13 at eight o’clock.
Mr. Kemp has been on Chautauqua and Lyceum circuits for the last twenty years. He gave “That Printer of Udells" here last year. He is an alumnus of McPherson College. Kemp has attained fame and distinction in his field. This number is a benefit program under the direction of the Epworth League of the Methodist Church. Tickets for this entertainment may be procured from Arlene Church or Glenn Kilmer.
During last semester 323 books were accesioned in the library.
Program To Include Numbers From Various Educational Leaders Of Country And State
The folowing is the succession of
events in the inaugration of Dr. V. F, Schwalm as president of McPherson College at the First Church of the Brethren tomorrow,
Tuesday, 10:00 A. M.
Male Quartet.
Invocation . Rev. W. A. Frazier Piano Solo Miss Fern Lingenfelter Charge to President, Dr. H. J. Harnly Acceptance Pres. V. F. Schwalm
Glee Club.
President's Address___Pres. Schwalm
Vocal Solo Miss Wilma Batchelor
Innaugural Address
Dean R. A. Schwegler
Mixed Quartet
Tuesday, 2:00 P. M.
Brief address from the following representatives:
McPherson Chamber of Commerce
......B. Harms
McPherson City Schools
...... Supt. Ross Potwin.
Central College ....Pres. C. A. Stoll Alumni Association
Rev Paul K. Brandt.
.......Rev. Robert Miller.
Church of the Brethren General Education Board. Church of the Brethren Elder J. W. Lear Church Colleges of Kansas,
Pres. W. C. Mendenhall Kansas State Agricultural College
Prof C. W. Mathews Kansas State Board of Education
....... Supt. Geo. A. Allen.
Kansas University
Chancelor E. H. Lindley Tuesday, 8:00-10:00 P. M.
Reception for guests and citizens of the community.
The program will include num-bers from the leading men of McPherson, of the Church of the Breth-ern, and leaders of the state educa-tional system.
The formal inauguration occurs in the morning, the Inaugural ad-dress will be given by Dr. D. A. Schwelder, dean of the school of education at Kansas University. One of the best public speaker in Kan-sas, and a remarkable linguist, having a speaking knowledge of fifteen different languages, Dean Schwegler is certain to give his audience some valuable and worthwhile thoughts.
In the afternoon the representatives of the different educational inter-ests both state and local, give brief addresses.
The first speaker, B. Harms. is chairman of the McPherson Chamber of Commerce, and president of The Home Bank.
Supt. Ross Potwln, representing the McPherson city schools, has been at the head of their administration for a number of years.
C. A. Stoll, now president of Central college, will represent that in-stitution.
Rev. Paul K. Brandt, representative and president of the Alumni Association, has formerly held the Brethren pastorate at St.. John’s Kansas until the last year when he was transfer-red to Holmesville, Nebraska.
Rev. Robert Miller, who is a mem-ber of the Manchester College faculty and who was formerly pastor of Los Angeles and La Verne church-es, will represent the Church of the Brethren. He will give special ad-dresses each evening at the College Church the rest of the week, beginning Wednesday.
Elder J. W. Lear, now teaching in the Bethany Bible School, will speak in behalf of the General Board of the Church of the Brethren.
W. C. Mendenhall, president of Friends University, is one of the leading educators of Kansas and has (Continued on Page Three)
The Student Newspaper of Mc-Pherson College, purposing to re-count accurately past activity and to stimulate continually future
I don't see the highly touted Wichita U. team taking any more trips by air. I wonder why? Headlines told us they flew to Hays by six some time ago and failed to come down out of the clowds and as a result the Norm-als gave them a surprising defeat.
It seems that the Emporia Teachers were not satisfied with a Football championship and now have their rata set for the basketball title in the new Central conference. South-western and Wichita alone with Pittsburg keep their nose in the way now and then but the games are still favoring the Teachers.
Entered an second class matter
November 20, 1917, at the postoffice
at McPherson, Kansas, under the act
of March 3, 1897.
$1.50 per year.
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-chief Lloyd Jamison
Assistant Editor La Verne Martin
Campus Editor Doris Ballard
Exchange Editor Harriet Hopkins
Sport Editor Lawrence Mann
Feature Editor Robert E. Puckett
Copy Editors Ruth Anderson
Ruth Anderson, Warren Sisler, Harold Fasnacht, Oliver Ikenberry, Allen Morine, Lloyd Diggs.
Business Mgr. Howard Kelm Jr.
Asst. Bus. Mgr. Charles Bish
Circulation Mgr. Oliver Ikenberry
Faculty Adviser M. A. Hess
of financial condition of The Spectator.
Total ........ 369.35
Accounts Payable $ 156.00
Surplus ... 213.00
Howard Keim Jr. Bus. Mgr. Spec-
David Kendall traveling secretary of the Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions spoke at Y. M. C. A. Tuesday morning.
In his talk he showed how people of various sections of the country had different views on religious, and that there were wrong conceptions about the true Christian life.
"The average college student". said Mr. Kendall, lives in luxury and ease, so that it is difficult for him to realize the hardship that is faced by many other people".
Kendall said, "The hope of bring-ing Christ to thee world lies in the Orient."
Y. W C. A. met down stairs in the Y. W. room Tuesday morning with Lois Dell in charge.
Miss Della Lehman, English Instructor, gave a talk on friendship after which Lois explained Heart Week and how it was to be carried out. The girls then drew names for their little sisters. Each day of the week big sisters are to do a kind deed for their little heart ulsters without allowing them to know who does It. Monday night will be the Y. W. social. At that time each girl will find who her big sister is.
A reception for President V. F. Schwalm will be held Tuesday ev-ening from eight until ten o'clock in the Brethren Church basement. Orchestra music will be provided throughout the evening and refresh-ments will be served. People is invited to attend.
It may be 38 miles to Newton, but it's gonna, be just 37 miles less on the way back.
Lundstrom piled up eight field goals too the Sweden the same night at Lindsborg when they buried the Sterling Barrelmakers deeper in the conference cellar by a 56 to 25 score. Twelve Swedes got in action during the game and despite an early sec-ond hall rally, the Sterlings were hopelessly outclassed. It just looks like somebody has got to take those Swedes off their high horse.
The world's most interesting events are invariably the ones which the fewest people see. In support of this hypothesis we have Miss Viola Bowser falling down the steps in Science Hall and only four people seeing her.
Could you keep your poise under such harassing conditions? Try it some time and answer this question for your self. Viola did!
Trial marriages are not so new. Can you meatias a marriage which hasn't been a trial? If you do not have an opinion, ask the man who owns one.
This weeks most sorrowful case is the College student with a good wise crack and no Ford to paint it on.
fine diplomacy."
Ida K.—"Diplomacy is what a student uses when he cannot answer a question.”
Even though the hen broods over her chickens she never becomes down hearted.
The Board of Directors are here! For twelve months we have awaited a return engagement. Remember all the funny ones they got off last year: the wife who had her kimono cut out; the cautions boy who never took his girl for a buggy ride ( horses carry tails, you know.); the girl who weighed 102 undressed for Gym (now who can Jim be?) —etc.
This is positively the biggest bill to be presented this year. They have a whole new line of wit Don’t fail to hear them! Get tickets from the Matron Tor Monday and Tuesday noon's entertainment.
Girls, here is a tip from an old timer, take it for what it is worth. If you are sending your boy friend flowers or candy for Valentines Day get your order early.
The Seniors had a party Friday evening and a Valentine one at that. Our old folks are getting childish already. -|
Believe it or not but the above paragraph was put in only to fill space. But so was this!
Berries Crist is a terse business like gentleman and he carries this attitude even in his love affairs. We have written this little verse for none other than him. TO ALBERTA
"Without farther implorations Long and tiresome explanations. Little girl please be mine Won't you be my Valentine."
from Berries.
The Spirit of Ammonia a high powered monoplane piloted by Bobbie Earl will leave Alumni field Tuesday morning at 3 A. M. for points South-ward upon a good will flight. Lind-bergh didn't do so had but we can so better. Good will to all is the motto of this airplane diplomat. If you care to contribute see the pilot before the take off. We can still use a few more dollars in financing this four.
No school tomorrow! Ain’t it grand amd glorious!
Material on the college debate question is found in the new look American Policy in Nicaragua by Henry L. Stimson.
The Robert Shalkenback Founda-tion, the purpose of which is to promote interest in economics, has presented a book to the library by Henry George entitled "Progress and Pov-erty."
School Hygiene is a new book recently placed an the management collateral reading list.
Books checked last semester totaled 16,816. The most checked out during any semester since 1925 is l9,529. The least number is 16,230
A manual of Greek Literature by Edward Capps, professor of Greek in the University of Chicago, entitled "From Homer to Theocrites" has recently been received.
Newspaper comments, personal tributes, funeral services, and ac-counts of the late Elbert Henry Gary of the United States Steel Corporat-tion are contained in the little pham phlet sent to the library.
The Calumet Baking Powder Com-pany sends another book to the li-brary. "Modern Baking Powder" by Juanita E. Darrah is published by the Research Department of that Company.
Front Other Schools
1 First Offense, Culprit shall have face washed with strong soap.
2. Second Offense. Violator shall be held under a shower bath, paint etc. removed.
3. Third Offense. Two table-
spoonsful of castor oil for the thans-
4. If all this hasn't been enough — for the Fourth Offense the law breaker will be sent into Conventry —no dates—no talking for two weeks.
The Bombardiers, an honorary fraternity for students in basic courses of military science, has been ar-ganized at the University of Okla-homa.
The new debating union of Smith College will debate on the subject: "Rescolved, that, for college graduate women a career is compatible with home-making."
Bee keeping will be offered in a short course during the first part of the semester at Oklahoma A. and M
Married Students make the best grades according to a recent study made by two University of California professors. They have found that women Phi Beta Kappa's at the uni-versity from 1847 to 1910 were di vided—the greater percentage being married at students.
The University of Southern Cali-fornia is now offering a full four year course in the technique of the motion picture industry. It has been endors ed by Milton Sills and Will Rogers.
Western Reserve College is consid-ering a new plan for the reforming of recalcitrant and wayward fresh mob. All offenders would be appointed bootblacks for the upper classmen and would be furnished with the necessary implements of their trade.
The University of Illinois is said to have the greatest college band in the world.
A grey, three button coat, with patch pockets and purple trimming is the emblem of the sophomore class at Purdue University.
Women Set Penalties For Users of
Ashville, N. C.—They claim to be in earnest about it.
The girls of the senior class at Woodfin School have put a ban on rough, lipstick and mascara with penalties dire enough for any inquisit-ion.
What's more the four boy mem-berg of the class have agreed to help enforce the regulations,
Here are the penalties for beauti-fying:
_ (Continued from Page One)
Imp (office boy) .. Marlin Hoover A Poor Woman .. Jennie Yengst A Rich Citizen Clarence Hawkins
A Vain Woman Ruth Blickenstaff
"Overtones" the second presenta-tion was a comedy-satire, which revealed the conflict between our real selves and our convention selves. There were four characters, two characters represented the visible self the other two the counterpart. The scene is Harriet's living room. The cast of characters were Harriet (a cultured woman)
——~Aileen Ostlind Hetty (her primitive self)
____ Mabel Beyer
Margaret (a cultured woman)
- —............. Goldin Goodman
Maggie (her primitive self)
. Irene Gibson
The third play "For Distinguished
Service" was a modern social comedy. The scene of the play was the living room of Miss Katherine Burton. The coat was made up of three characters.
Miss Katherine Burton __ Esther Keim Mrs. Jim Harding
....... Bernice McClellan
Maid _ Dorthy Swain
The Local Old Line and the Anti-Tobacco Oratorical Contests were held Thursday at 1:30 in the College chapel. John Whiteneck qualified with his oration "The Inevitable Truth" for the State Old Line Contest to be held March 12 at Wich-ita. Henry Hall defied the "Jinx" of former contest and placed first and won a prize of $7.00 in the Anti-Tobacco Contest. Albert Phillippi won the second prize of $3.00.
Hall will go to Hillsboro on March 3 to compete in the State
The Swedes swore violently when are swamped St. Benedict's. What'll they say after Tuesday?
Contest with his oration "The In
creasing Peril." There will be two
prizes to be given in connection with this contest, a first prize of $35.00 and a second prize of $15.00
Call Off The Dog
If sometime when you come late your room nod it happens to be either too cold or too hot and you begin to want to relieve your feelings by ferociously attacking some one, just stop to think. Here are some things you might think about, or did you know them already?
There are between three hundred and fifty and four hundred tons or coal shoveled into our heating plant furnace alone each year. Several tons are used in firing the library heating plant. If you figure this up you will find that on the average about two tons of coal would be used a days. Some days when extreme cold beats down upon our buildings several times two tons are used. Besides this shoveling of coal our custodian looks after several thousand joints of pipe and a few hundred radiators, the lighting of the buildings, bulbs and the like, furnishings of all the buildings, cares for the grounds and Lamms supervises the janitor work, repairs the buildings, yes think how much time he has to give to each of these. In fact you can see him going home most any cold night at ten o'clock all blackened by coal dirt.
For the comforts you have he must rended untiring service. Lets think before we criticize too severely and try and appreciate our custodians.
Not Forney.
(Continued from Page One)
been spoken of as the First Citizen of Wichita. McPherson College knows him as a pleasing and inspirational speaker for President Mendenhall de-livered the commencement address here, last year.
Prof. C. W. Mathews. representa-tive from Kansas State Agricultural College, is the head of the English department at Manhattan.
Geo. A. Allen will represent the State Board of Education. This is Allen's first term as State Superintendent of Public Instruction.
Chancellor E. H. Lindley, who was to have represented Kansas Univer-sity, seat his regrets last Friday, stating that it would be impossible for him to attend the inauguration.
(Continued from Page One)
M. R. Zigler
The Free Ministry of war Church in connection with the problem of Pastoring our Churches— C. D. Bonsack.
11:00-12:00 Group Meetings for Considering the Problems of various Districts.
12:00-2:00 Noon Recess 2:00-1:45 What should be the Pulpit Emphasis of the Present Age —Paul Bechtold.
2:45-3:45 Unique and Distinctive Elements in the Life of the Church of the Brethren that Need Emphasis Today in the Light of Modern Life—J. W. Lear. 3:45-4:30 More Effective Evange-lism— E. M. Wampler.
7:30 Church Loyally—R. H, Miller.
or the Brethren that Need Em-7:30 Church Loyalty— R. H. Miller.
Friday, Feb. 17
8:00-9:00 Bible Hour—J. Hugh Heckman.
9:00-10:30 Reports from District Groups with Summary and Prac-tical Suggestions—M. R. Zigler, 10:30-11:15 How Finance an Aggres-sive Church Program—J. W. Lear. 11:15-12:00 General Discussion, Lectures will be given each even-ing throughout the week by C. D. Bonsack, R. H. Miller and J. W. Lear.
As I look away across the campus to our “Mecca of Scholars", standing so quiet and vacant there, I am con-
founded again and again at the far sighted benevolence of Mr. Carnegie
in endowing such an institution for the advancement of Modem Science -—so very modern that I don't if Mr. Carnegie ever dreamed of it.
Miss Heckethorn, I believe, has a class in Library Science, but that is something aside from my reflections, and serves only to suggest my title. My account deals more with the laboratory functions of this institutions because that phase is so manifest to the senses of the observant person. There ran be no doubt of the scientific firmness of the elephantine pro-jections which, are so startling, apparent to the sense of touch when the fingers chance to stray to the under side of a table or chair. They are well constructed and more or less permanent. Don't fall to investigate them carefully the next time you have the opportunity. They are very intersting! What an opportunity for Miss Heckethorn to start a class in analysis. Ancient mysteries might come to light as Wriggleys or Black Jack. Wriggly new animals might be discovered for the scientific world.
Directly in connection with what has been said and just as interesting, is the observation of this generation of students busily at work. A musical snap-snap-snap may be heard as luxuriant clays are carefully worked over in the month of the potter. Once in a while, there is a harsh note, hut that is seldom. It is marvelous how science has intertwined itself into the chewing gums of the students. Watch this or that artful young lady or gentleman chewiag gum. They would tell you it is to the breath, but another benefit is apparent. All are striving to be
greatful and accurate. It is a
wonderful exercise and serves to pre-vent the mistake of expecting a wink from a mouthful of teeth simply be-cause there is an eyebrow present. Yes, it s distinctly scientific! Like Grapenuts, "there’s a reason."
Students are working out valuable information in book-leafing. You should always stick your finger in your month first and then be sure that you leave your fingerprint on every page. This is important:
There progressive young men amd women are also learning to completely satisfy their professors in well-rounded reports. Our should not be back-ward in this age. Elasticity and lib-erality are expedient. Stretch it all you can for the professor.
In conclusion, it is apparent that this is not meant to be a technical account. The pencil of the amateur can scarcely do it credit, and to fully appreciate it, one must see and experience it for himself. Look with an open mind, and you'll see much and feel more. It's a curious manifestation of intellectual curiosity.
William and Mary College has arranged a summer school in Europe for her students. The group will leave the States June 19. Credit will be given for courses in English and French, and arrangements have been made for advanced students to take work in the Sorbonne, the University of Paris.
Try Sid’s Clean Towel Shop, by the community building. He doesn't turn you out until you are satis-fied.—adv.
(Continued from Page One) Burke gets a gift throw from Kin-zie. Gardner sends in Rock, Rump and Baylor for Miller, Nonken and E-Crumpacker. The score stands 9 to 7.
Gorges and Lewis go in for the Saints. Five minutes of the half left, Leo steps on his lucky spot and pours it through. He hunts it up again and repeats. Several Saints misses and Saylor breaks in under for a counter. Both teams miss free throw as the half ends, 15 to 7.
The first string goes back in on both teams. E. Crumpacker gets the opener with a tip. Leo gets a gift throw. Nonken fails his gift chance. Technical foul on Boatwright goes awry. Brown hits at long range for the Saints. Obrist adds another, Miller and E. Crumpacker take feeds for five baskets in a row, Miller getting four of them by uncanny work. Obrist works in to a get up. Nonken is everywhere on the defense. Boat-wright gets a gift from Leo. 'Crum' steps on the lucky spot for a counter. Saylor and Rump in for 'Little' Crum: and Kinzie, Nonken dribbles through but the play is culled back. Rump fouls a Saint one point. Miller makes Nonken's free throw good. Rock, Eisenbise and Barngrover get into the game and a neat stalling play for an opening is pulled justt be-fore the final gun.
The Box Score: | |||
St Benedict's (15) |
FG; |
FT |
F |
Burke |
2 |
1 |
1 |
Boatwright |
1 |
1 |
1 |
Brown..... |
1 |
1 |
0 |
Lispi |
. 0 |
1 | |
Lewis |
0 |
1 |
1 |
Obrist |
.. 2 |
0 |
1 |
Total ... - ....... |
6 |
3 |
r. |
McPherson (32) |
FG |
FT |
F |
Kinzie..... |
0 |
1 |
2 |
E. Crumpacker ...... |
... 3 |
0 |
0 |
Miller ........ |
. 6 |
2 |
0 |
Nonken . |
.. 0 |
0 |
0 |
L. Crumpacker. ..... |
... 4 |
1 |
l |
Rock. |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Barngrover. |
0 |
0 |
p |
Saylor. .......... |
... 1 |
0 |
0 |
Rump. |
0 |
0 |
1 |
Eisenbise |
__0 |
0 |
0 |
Total |
38 |
4 |
4 |
Referees: Brown, K. U.
Five determined Bulldogs spread out on the Community hall court last Wednesday and turned the Orange Wildcats of Baker away an the last leg of a road trip including Bethel and Friends by a 39-38 count. The Bulldog lead was decisive—at the half the score wan 21-10 and at one time in the second period stood 34-15.
Young, lanky center for the Wildcats, pushed in four of the eight field goals scored in the waning mom-ents of the game a drive which brought considerable uneasiness to the fans, but Nonken and Crumpack-er, playing a mamoth game staved off the Baker tirade and McPherson was scoring again as the gun went off.
After Young had opened the score with a field goal for Baker. Nonken pulled a flash play through the do-fense which set the McPherson fireworks off. He adds a point on a foul, Goetz tallies for Baker. Miller gets two points an a personal. Leo spills a neat shot. Then Young caught Leo napping and walked in with it. Steuber, Baker, hits. Kinzie gets going with two baskets to cause Baker to call time out. Score 11-8
Kinzie fouled—one point. Baker substitution. Elmer arches a ripping side shot next to the corner. Goetz personal, one point. Miller makes his first score from midcourt— beauty! Kinzie pulls a nice play after missing shot under goal by flash-ing down the court and intercepting the ball under the basket. Kinzie tops Crumpacker's free throw in. He is blocked on next play and gets a point. Crumpacker feeds Miller, a set-up. Baker calls time. Fulton gets a point on Crumpacker's per-sonal. The half stands 21-10.
McPherson opened the half with a big drive setting six baskets although
(By Lawrence Mann)
That Wichita Elks-Banker game then was a mighty good example of what a last minute drive can make of a ball game. The Lindsborg game the preceding Friday was an example of Jack of final drive. Repeating the words of Si Sargent, when I ask ed him if he’d ever seen two games so similar in play as the Friday and Monday games except for the out-come. "The college defeat was awhole lot harder to take than if we (Bankers) has lost. They add such a nice lead. Yea, this last minute scoring punch is what makes good basket-ball.
Monday night was the scene of another court battle, though at Newton, when Captain John Buller's basket men took the Baker Wildcats of the perfect percent row by a 37 to 33 trimming. It was practically all due to the work of the afore mentioned John Buller. Leslie Edmonds Topeka Daily Capital Sport Editor, who refereed the game has quite a bit to say about this player, center, guard, forward, filling the place most likely in upset opposition:
"John Buller, center of the Bethel College team is my idea of a smart player. In the St. Mary’s game he took on the first one and then an-other of his opponents as they attempted to stop his progress with a modified man-to-man defense. As the game went on most of his tricks were discovered but he had scored many a basket first. Then when his own counting was interrupted, team-mates profited by the overconcer-iration on him to score for themselves. John is big but John is fast. From a standing start he can reach high speed quicker than any big man I ever saw.
"It doesn't seem possible that a man can catch a ball with his back to the goal and, though watched by pretty good guards, pivot around an opponent and dash for the basket to score, yet Buller can. It doesn't seem possible that a man can catch a ball and slam it at the basket so quickly and forcefully and yet have it drop dead in or about the hoop, but Buller can. Incidentally the team he plays for hasn't lost a game this season."
Certainly that is a smart reccom-mendation for a basketball player, and he is the main stay of the op-
Young started to play with two goals in succession. The Orange came out of the slump and pulled a come-back threat which made the fans uneasily recall the game at Lindsborg last week. Six successive bankets rained through the basket net. Baker was-n't taking time to work through the defense but were opening up from midcourt. Gardner substituted early in the drive but later sent his regulars back in. Then the mighty work of Ray Nonken and Leo Crumpacker became evident when they brought the Baker drive to a standstill with, brilliant floorwork and guarding. Kinzie started the Bulldog comeback, and then was taken off the floor on personals. Saylor, Rock, and Rump take the forward offense. Nonken is playing a lively game of ball carrying. He is fouled and adds one more point just as the game ends.
position next Tuesday night, when the Bulldogs go to Newton to play Bethel. Now thirty-eight miles isn’t far, is it, fans?
Also for the moment lets pause on the Baker game Wednesday. You'll have to hand it in that Orange bunch for standing up under a three day tour away from home in the rainiest weather and then turning out that twelve point rally in the closing moments of the game. Those lanky Wildcats sure demonstrated their a-bility to hold on to the ball, get the tip, and grab the ball off the back-board. The Bulldogs were ten points ahead just before that rally, and they got that lead by working the ball in under the goal! Those loyal fans sure appreciated that game. I heard one student barking with a stiff cold cay, "Well, there's one thing about this game— if I have to stay awake all night. I'll have something to think about."
I had a shock when I read last Thursday's paper. The Kansas Wes-leyan Coyotes almost look the Bethel conference leaders off their perch in a mighty battle at Salina Wednesday night. Eight successive free throws in the final plays of the game gave the railroaders a chance to ov-ercome the Methodist lead of six points and take the game. Buller, the Bethel scoring ace was confined to four field goals while one of his teammates, Detweiller got seven. Gross and Hoisington led for Salina. Some-one must have been pretty lucky!
The dogs are gonna have quite a time to polish up for the final games after this Tuesday at Newton. Ten whole day until St. Marys come to McPherson, Feb. 24 and then six days until the Sterling game here. Those two games with Bethel and Bethany will take, all we have and this breathing spell won't do any harm.
With six players on their squad that have made All-American honors in the past, the St. Joseph Hillyards, national A. A. U. basketball champions for the past two years, will appear in McPherson February 21 against the McPherson Bankers. Mark that date on your calendar in lurid red! The Hillyards form the most famous basketball team in business. The two players chosen All-American guards in the National A. A. U. tournament last season, George Star-buck and Fred Hooker, will be here. Starbuck has made the All-American five times! Hooker played on the Ke-Nash-A team last year.
John Wulf, former Kansas University player—another All-American— is alternating at center with Jerry Spohn, formerly with Washburn, who cinched All-American center berth with the national championship Washburn team of 1925.
Hewitt, a forward, has been on the All-American string for the past two years. He, considered one of the most accurate goal shooters in the game, didn't play in college but was picked up in a business college by the president of the Hillyards. Jimmy Loveless, former Emporia Teacher, who made the second All-American squad in 1926 was the leader in individual scoring at the tournament there.