vol. XI

McPherson college.

McPherson. Kansas

TUESDAY, FEB. 7. 1928

NO. 20


Lyceum Number Presents An Authority On News And Newspaper Work


Crime News Occupied But One Tenth

Of Space In Papers During 1927 According To Lecturer

"Open your mind when you open a newspaper" was the thought em-phasized by Frederick M. Snyder who appeared as the third number of the Lyceum course held at the Methodist Church last Wednesday evening.

Mr. Snyder is a member of the board of control of the Walter Hines Page School of International Rela-tions at John Hopkins University. He has recently addressed the stud-ents in 36 of the leading universities and colleges on the subject of foreign

affairs.    '

"Keeping ahead of the headlines" was the subject of Mr. Snyder's lec-ture. He discussed the place of the newspaper to modern civilization and how the newspaper should be read. According to him the biggest story of the last decade was not a crime story but the story of Charles A. Lindbergh Flight

Mr. Snyder avoided, technicalities in his talk. He made his lecture vital by his application to the individ-ual's responsibility. He said the col-

lege student is to society what the

periscope is to the submarine and he is faithless to his responsibility if he does not try to lift up society.


The organization of the Music Club was held Monday evening in the col-lege chapel. At this meeting twenty-life members were enrolled.

Miss Myrtle Moyers was elected president, Miss Jewel Newton, vice-president, Alvin Voran Secretary and Miss Marguerite Wagner, Treasurer Various committees have been ap-

pointed and are working on a con-stitution and by laws.

The purpose of this Club is to fur-ther the cause of good music, and the programs will include study of the lives and works of the great composers and the different phases of music.

The next meeting will be held Thursday, Feb 9. Those planning to hear the Paderewski at Wichita Feb. 21 may be interested to know that a part of the next to meeting will consist of a study of his life and works, some of his compositions will be played.


Not at all daunted by the reversal of last Friday night at the hands of the Bethany Swedes by a one point margin, George Gardner's Bulldogs.

are all set for another week of ter-rific basketball.

Two hard games face the Canines this week in the Baker Wildcats Wednesday evening and the St. Bene— dict's cagers on Saturday. However, everything points toward the bright er side as both games will be played on the home court in the new gym-nasium of the Community building Last week saw McPherson tackling three of the strong teams of the con-ference, and all of them were away from home.

Despite the fact that the Bulldogs lost to Bethany last Friday to lose their perfect percentage record, it must be remembered that the Bull-

dogs have played more games than any other team in the conference and, with the exception of Baker, all of the strongest teams have been en-countered.

Syracuse University has stopped boxing, wrestling, golf, hockey, rifle tennis, soccer and fencing as inter-collegiate sports.


"In manhood one of the cardinal secrets to success is humility”, said Professor Heckman in a sermonetic on the "Value of Humility” before the Y. M. C. A. assembly. Tuesday morning.

Mr. Heckman centered his talk around the text "The meek shall in-herit the earth." He explained meek-ness as a basic quality of all true manhood. The spirit of humility re-strains us from too much self asser -tion which is the cause of many of our difficulties.

"Humility”, said Heckman, " is one of the qualities I admire most in a young man. The humble man will increase in knowledge for he can al-ways find more to learn from the world about him.''


Victory was married to McPher-son College in spite of the protest of rival schools Thursday morning in the mass meeting. Ira Ihde of-ficiated at the ceremony.

The mock wedding was the feature of the mass meeting. The groom was attended by Coach, and the bride

was given by Referee. She was at tended by Teamwork and Faculty

Since this was the pep meeting before the Swede game, a large crowd was present. A spirit of enthusiasm for winning the game was manifest by cheering and yells.

Beautiful Nature

I do now joyfully dedicate this to old man Aesop, with my heartiest gratitude, and to The Spectator, with a sigh of relief.

Bachelor Buttons was one of those odd specimens with not only plenty of good looks, but a bashfulness which at times consumed him like fire especially when he looked at fair flowers. How he wished that his ears would not burn so, but burn it seemed they would, and besides they bothered him so! It was leap year, so he said to himself, "I must stop this burning!" So he started out in search of help.

He had not been gone long when he met a black cat. He hailed the cat and said; “Oh thou who bearest the blame for much, help me!" The cat said, "What can I do for you, Sir Buttons?" Buttons replied, "Make me so they will not pester me so!" The cat said; "Simply cultivate the ways you have, Button. Goodbye!" And he was gone.

Buttons moved on and soon met Lady Fate. He said; "Help Me Lady Fate, that my ears shall burn so more!" She replied, "I will, But-tons but I fear that you will lose

your musical voice!"

"Any thing, for relief!"

"Very well," she replied "It is now as you wish."

Buttons plodded on. Yes! He was feeling better now though a little tired. His ears no longer burned. None seemed to notice him any long-er. He was free! As the sun touched the western skyline, he halted. There was water! He would have a drink.

The water was clear and cool, and Buttons closed his eyes and drank deeply. As he stood there thinking of the day, he looked tran-quilly and proudly into the pool. Then, as he shook with mirth over this story, his mellow 'he-haw" float-ed out into the cool evening air. The beamed a golden goodnight, and was retiring sun, paused to look back, gone!"

The riddle—‘And what was the

chance of tha-at?" I mean -writing about a Jackass?

Four hundred and ninety one students of the University of Washing-ton, about six and one half per cent flunked out at the end of the fall term. Petitions for reinstatement of about half of those dropped are being considered by the deans


Capacity Audience At Opening Featured By Wichita Elks-Banker Game


The McPherson Bankers and the High School basketball team dedicated the new court of the Commun-ity building last night with some basketball that would satisfy the ex-pectations of any fan. Dick Hill was the hero the hour when he sunk a field goal from mid-

court just before the time-keepers whistle stopped play to bring the Bankers ahead 32-31 score.

Those who witnessed the college game at Lindsborg will easily under-stand what is meant when it is said the game was exactly like that one, except that when there was just

twelve seconds of play left and the opponents were one point ahead. Mc-Pherson shot the winning basket. The Wichita Elks, got away to a lead but never kept it long and once having

lost it never regained it until the last

few seconds when an Elk took a wild chance back over his head without looking at the basket and the ball went in to give the visitors a one point lead: Then Hill answered the basket fans prayer!

High School completely answered     the

Hillsboro basketmen VV l*»i it Even

the second string men were going strong at the finish of the game. Dar-rah and Carpenter led in the scoring Darrah planted the first basket in a game in the new hall, and Dick Hill’s last minute hair raiser gave the new gymnasium dedication a proper fin-





No. of Pts.


Daniel Johnson


Fred Perry


Mildred Swenson


Ruth Hoffman.


Fern Galle


Ethel Meyer


Jewell Newton


Dorothy Swain.


Myrtle Moyers.


Portia Vaughan


Emery Metzger


Melda Mohler


Lela Rhodes 3


Myrtle Sungren


Marlin Hoover


Ira Ihde


Ida Kingsley.


D. L. Miller


Murial Miller


Rose Moyers

Evelyn Richards

Mable Sangren


Doris Ballard


Earl Kinzie _

Ruth Blickenstaff. —


Glenn Harris

Sylvan Hart

Keith Hayes


Note: The following students made 29 honor points, just missing the Honor Roll by one point:

Arian Brigham, Margaret Dresher, Autumn Lindbloom, Fern Shoemak-er, Nina Stull, Raymond Trostle, Ruth Trostle, Mildred Wine.

Classification of students making the Honor Roll: Freshmen. 3. Sophomores. 14. Juniors, 5; Sen-iors, 8. Men 10; Women 20.

R. E. Mohler


Wed.-- Basketball game with

Baker here

Thurs.1:30 Local Anti-Tobac-co try-out.

Thurs.-- Dramatic Art Program Fri.-- Member party

Sat.-- Basketball game with St. Benedict's here.

Sunday. morning and evening - C. D. Boonack at the church.

Mon.-- Lecture at Church by C.

D. Bonsack

Tues — Inauguration Day



Prof. M. A. Hess, Debate coach of McPherson College is one of the most popular debate critic. Judges in the state. His success as a debate coach and the sound judgement he uses in judging debates are respon-sible the high pedestal he now holds. During the last few weeks he has been busy giving this service to the surrounding high schools and col-leges.

This week has found Hess exceed-ingly busy. Last night he judged a high school debate at Assaria, Kan-sas. Tonight he will journey to Ster-ling, Kansas to give the decision in a debate between Sterling College and the College of Emporia. Tomorrow night will find him in Ellin-wood and Thursday he will judge a debate at Park College, Park, Mo.


On Thursday, February 9, at 1:30 both the Local Anti-Tobacco and the Old Line Oratorical Contests will be held in the college chapel.

The orators contesting in the Anti-Tobacco contest are Henry Hall and Albert Phillippi. The better of these orators will represent McPherson College in the State Contest to be

held at Hillsboro on March 9.

At the same time John Whiteneck will give an oration to qualify him

as a representative in the State Old Line Contest.

All students not having classes at this hour are invited to attend these

Dr. Kurtz Writes Impressions

Of "Musings Of A Wanderer"

"I have read with delight the book

of poems, "Musings of a Wanderer". It is like coming into an oasis after many days of wandering in a parched desert.

The author has been uniquely fit-ted for such a service to humanity. He was reared in an ideal home, he drank deeply in our best halls of learning, he travelled widely, and touched human life in its defeats and victories. Withal, be is a genius who

combines a great learning with pro found philosophic insight, and a most

charming artistic sense.

These 'Musings' touch every phase of ancient culture--Florence, Rome, Greece, Constantinople, Egypt, Pal estine--and this inheritance of the past is distilled in the alembic of the finest culture of today, and ade-quately expressed in the form of beauty, the poetic art. To read the 'Musings' is to sweep one's soul with the winds of heaven, to be refreshed in spirit, and enriched in life.

(Signed)    D. W. Kurtz

These 'Musings of a Wanderer' reveal two pronounced passions:

passionate love of nature in all its

aspects, and a social passion against

all forms of oppression of person-

The writer of thee few words mak-

es no claim as a literary critic, but it seems to him that these lines re-veal flashes of poetic insight that are quite rare, a mastery of words that is unusual and an ardent pas-sion for serial righteous that is commendable.

This is the first publication from the pen of this young writer We believe these lines with gratitude and expectancy, hoping that he may try his hand at other lines. (Signed)    V. F. Schwalm


A special meeting of the senior class was called Friday morning at 8:00. The president appointed com-mittees for cap and gown measure-ments and for obtaining a com-

mencement speaker.

The budget submitted by Franklin Evans, class treasurer, was accepted by the class. It was decided that more class dues will be assessed at present. They may be assessed

later if a need should arise. The class was reminded of the class par ty to be given next Friday night.


Last Minute Drive Of Swede Sub Pulls Bethany From Defeat 27-26 To Victory


Elmer Crumpacker High Point Man.

Eberhardt Shoots Three Baskets In Last Minutes Of Play

Eberhardt substitute    forward

pulled at Viking coals out of the fire last Friday in the Bethany basketball amphitheatre when he hurled a mir-acolous shot and it put the Swedes out in front of the McPherson Bull-dogs by a one point margin with just thirty seconds to play.

Lindsborg fans, fired by the hope of retaining that lead, brought the roof down in their excitement- pan-demonium broke loose and even the referee could not be heart when he called the play for a McPherson out of bounds. The timekeeper in his excitement shot the gun twelve sec-onds ahead of time kind the crowd had to be called back and the play started again

Twelve seconds was a lifetime for McPherson fans and when Kinzie's desperate heave went wild the gun stopped all further hopes.

The Swedes started off in great fashion and held the lead for fifteen minutes. "Little" Elmer Crumpack-er, playing the game of the season, rung the goal at all angles, for five field goals. The Bulldogs took the, lead and held it until the closing moments of play. At the half Lindsborg hopes were low under a 19 to 12 score. Guarding was at its best. with both teams resorting to long shots with McPherson occasionally successful. Working hard for an op-ening, the long Swede forwards would sometimes pass the ball so to diminish the point margin.

Finally, Carmichael netted a bas-ket and Crumpacker came back with a dazzling long shot from the mid-dle of the floor. The Swedes milled around with the ball, and pulled out of the neatest plays of the game feed-ing Vanck for a setup under the bas-ket. Leo got a point on a personal. Vanck drops another basket. Coach Carlson sends Eberhardt ib for Tarrant.

McPherson works a neat team-work play to Miller under the basket for a setup. And Bethany calls time.

Shortly after the play opens, Eb-erhardt scores on a nice play. Miller misses his setup play from Nonken's dribble up. Eberhardt brings the

fans to their feet when he scores on an out of bounds play under the Mc-Pherson basket. The score is now 25 to 26 McPherson's favor. The

Bulldogs call time out.

Bethany fans were raising a din for the tieing or leading point. Just two minutes to play. The tensity in the face of player and fan was almost at the snapping point.

Miller and Carmichael jump at

center. Bethany gets the ball. Guard

work is almost perfect. Eberhardt

takes a chance from the side and

the almost impossible happens when the ball goes through. Everyone is on his feet--the crowd is raising a terrific noise. Play starts while the yelling increases. The ball goes out of bounds, against the side but the players continue unable to hear the whistle. The referee chases the ball down and starts the play over again just before the gun goes off. Bethany fans surge down on the court. Some-thing is up. The coaches and officials get together. The court is clear-ed. There are twelve seconds of play left. Play is resumed. Mcpherson gets the ball. Nonken to Miller to Kinzie who takes a wild chance back over his head at the basket when he goes by. It fails to come near. Be-thany takes the ball. The gun closes the game. Bethany emerged victor-ius with a 27 to 26 score and it only presage a mighty battle when the twain meet again on the new floor of the McPherson Community build-

(Continued on Page Four)

The Spectator

The Student Newspaper of Mc-Pherson College, purposing to re-count accurately past activity -and to stimulate continually future


Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917, at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas, under the act

of March 3, 1897.

Subscription Rate - - $1.50 per year.

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


Editor-in-chief    Lloyd Jamison

Assistant Editor LaVerne Martin Campus Editor -- Doris Ballard Exchange Editor Harriet Hopkins

Sport Editor • Lawrence Mann Feature Editor    Robert E. Puckett

Copy Editors    Ruth Anderson


Ruth Anderson, Warren Sisler, Harold Fasnacht, Oliver Ikenberry. Allen Morine, Lloyd Diggs,


Business Mgr.    Howard Keim Jr.

Asst. Bus. Mg. Charles Bish Circulation Mgr. Oliver Ikenberry

Faculty Adviser

M. A. Hess


Dad Is Coming

Well do I remember that March day in Topeka two years ago when I had the rare privilege of hearing "Dad" Elliot twice. That morning, we had a glimpse into the bigness of personal work, done with the other fellow by approaching him from his own level and going upward to-gether. That evening he gave us a lecture on Western Christianity in China, which I shall never forget. "Dad" set us on fire that night!

And now, I am glad that I am to have another such opportunity, and that you are! Mr. Elliot is a man with long and rich experience, and knows how to make one and all think as they have not in many days. Work "Dad's" schedule into your plans and be there! If you do, your gain is for life! If you ddo not, you'll always have cause to regret! It's worth a cut or two from classes. Never again will you be where you are now after you have heard this All-American football man, now the National Secretary of the Y. M. C. A.

W. L. S.



Those who heard Miss Lehman's review of “The Christ of the Indian Road” by E. Stanley Jones, a week ago at C. E. were forcibly brought face to face with the fact that,“the harvests are ripe and the laborers are few” in India. There are, in round numbers, about 320 million people in India, of whom only about five millions are Christians. Accord-ing to Mr. Jones, the way to Christ in India today is wide open.

In a small pamphlet, published by the General Mission Board for our Information, Mr. Fred M. Hollen-berg has gathered a few compari-sons and incidents. Ten years ago. If a man mentioned Christ in a pub-tic speech, there was such an uproar that he could not finish. Before the war, John R. Mott was hissed every time he spoke Christ's name. Today, the people throng the meetings of E. Stanley Jones, and listen eagerly and reverently. Mr, Posnett another missionary in India, gives his experiences with the Hindus of high-caste. Twenty years ago, these people would have considered themsel-ves polluted had they eaten in the missionary's compound, but this time they were happy guests for three days. The men used to cover their hands with a cloth while shaking hands. Today they throw their arms about the missionary. The women travel one hundred miles in hot

weather, and set in three long sessions totaling ten hours every day, listening to stories of Christ.

As compared with approximately twenty-three million who can read and write, there are about 295 mil-lion who run do neither. In 1921, there were 4,754,079 Christians in a total population of 318,885,980.

During the past two years, contributions to foreign missions have been comparatively low, and fewer new missionaries have been sent out than in other recent years. This year the General Mission Board has pledged $26,000 toward missions "in are assuming $5000. The share of India. Of this, the Brethren colleges McPherson College is $500.

Place yourself in a situation in which you want something worse than you ever wanted food in your life, and this something you can neither buy nor steal, but can receive it by the help of someone who had access to it. The India people, naturally religious, long for greater knowledge of this wonderful Man, so much greater than their own Gods and of whom they have heard little enough.

The drive fur our quota will take place in chapel next Friday morn-ing. Does it make the difference of a day's income or of a good meal to you? The committee in charge especially to contribute liberally, wishes to urge the Brethren students and will greatly appreciate this help of the other students also. Remem-ber, students, it will not matter in India whether you are a Methodists, Baptist, Presbyterian or any other! Don't forget that you are a follow-er of Christ, India has a need, and this Is your opportunity

Questions and Answers.

Girls: "Worm, why did you kiss


Ans.: “There's insanity in our fam-ily."

Prof: "Why did you copy from Mr. Spohn's paper?"

Ann.: "There's insanity in our fam-

Dr. Schwalm: ‘Just why did you come to college?"

Ann; “Well its this way there's insanity in our family."

Matron; “Why did you cut three helpings of biscuits and gravy for breakfast?"

Ans: "I couldn't help it, you see there's insanity in our family."

Mrs. Morine: “Allen, why did you steal my cherry pie?"

Ans: "Mother, I couldn't help it, there's-- Slap! Slap!


Miss Della Lehman wins this weeks prize for being the most absent minded professor. After accepting an in-vitation to lunch at Dr. Schwalm’s our prize winner with all the irre-sponsibility of careless youth promptly forgot and as usual appeared at Rholfing's boarding house.

Someone tactfully suggested that she should be some place else.

“Oh. I forget all about it! Don’t you ever tell a soul", cried the ab-sent minded professor.

“We won't," chorused the dependable boarding club.

Editors note (Miss Lehman wins a 15c box of pretzles).

We wish to announce that Charles Bish is progressing nicely with his roller skating. Friday evening at eleven o'clock the columnist watched Mr. Bish while working out. Although this report may be regarded is unofficial our opinion is that by next week he'll not even need to wear a cushion. The public is Invited to watch Mr. Bish practice on east Euclid street any evening after 10:30.

The public has demanded that the columnist explain how he keeps his youth. It was only the other day a girl told him he acted like a two year old. Well we might say we haven't always been as young as we are now. In order to make this testimonial original we’ll do like this: COW LIVER OIL A Testimonial My nerves were on a tear,

My eye sight had gone bad,

I'd caught the hebe jebies,

My case was awful sad.

My teeth had fallen arches.

Had the jaundice in one eye. Floatin' rib had floated off.

I would soon have been good bye.

Took a quart of Nature's Syrup, Had the doctor hire a nurse,

A case of Peritonitus;

My condition came to worse.

The medics shook their heads "There is no chance," said they. "We've done the very best we could.

You'll turn up aint some day."

A friendly sort of fellow Said he'd seen just such as me, By takin' oil from cod fish Win back their youthful glee.

I bought a gallon bottle,

And thanks to vitimin D,

I'd enjoy fighting bob-cats;

That's what cod oil did for me.

Bobby Earl.

From Other Schools

By a decision of the administra-tion committee last week, senior girls in Southwestern are to be allowed two additional “open” nights a week for the first term of this


On Mondays and Tuesday senior girls are not required to be in the dormitories until ten o’clock. If the new plan proves satisfactory and grades do not suffer as a result, the new ruling will be continued throughout the semester.

For several weeks the women of Southwestern, particularly seniors, have been discussing the possibilities of such a change. In an open forum of all the girls it was voted that such a rule was desired. Student representatives from each class then met with the Administration committee to consider the question.

Senior privileges are observed in many college, and it was agreed by all the upper classmen that the new rule would, add zest to their anitci-pation of their senior year in South western.

“Men of Kansas!" shouts the Uni-versity Daily Kansan in a plea for the inclusion of another important art -that of cosmetic make-up into the college curriculum. "Are you to continue supinely regarding this parade of frightfulness which is forced upon you day by day? Rise in your righteous wrath and demand that the faculty either teach your weak sisters that a splotch of barn paint on each cheek and a "satsupy" looking mouth do not constitute real beauty, or bar such frightfulness from the sacred olivirious of the Hill.”

The typical girl of the University of Colorado was chosen recently and presented at a banquet given by the A. W. S. of the University. The choice was made on the basis popu-larity, beauty and personality.

Chapel Echoes

A vocal contest between the different classes and the faculty was conducted by Miss Batchelor in chapel, Wednesday. There were no Judges but every one agreed that the voices of the family rose in the greatest volume and harmony.

"It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth", said Professor Heckman, Wednesday. In a clear forceful manner he exhorted the youth of today to take up the responsibilities and work of life with an energetic spirit in order to he bettor equipped when confronted by greater problems.

Two nerve-racking experiences fell to the lot of Coach Gardner. Fri-day; first, that of leading the chapel exercises and second, that of warm-ing the bench at Lindsborg. And, unlike the Ottawa game, the Swede game was not "easy on the seat of George Gardner's trousers ."'

The chief feature of Friday's chapel was the giving out of football letters to the members of this yeear's squad. Those receiving letters were: William Bigham, William Grah-man, Wilbur McGonigle, Ronald War ren, Philip Spohn, Clarence Hawkins, Leo Crampacker, Chester Murray, Irvin Rump, Melvin Miller, Ray Non-ken, Wray Whiteneck, Paul Bowers. Lawrence Mann.

By The Way

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stull visited with their daughter, Nina, at the dormitory, Sunday afternoon.

Miss Evelyn Kimmel and Miss Ruth Bish took 6 o'clock dinner with Miss Lillie Jones and Miss Isabel Eskeldson, Saturday evening.

Goldie Goodman, Irene Thacker, Margaret Devilbliss, Winifred O’Con-ner, Dorothy Swain, La Verne Mar-tin, Marvin Steffin, Earl Kinzie and Howard Keim were guests of Alvin Voran at the Voran home in Lor-taine, Saturday.

Misses Prudence and Anna May Strickler spent the week end at their home in Ramona.

Miss Hazel Scott, who to teaching at Arlington High School, visited with friends at McPherson this week end.

Miss Lois Meyers, graduate of McPherson, now teacher in the Dwight High School, visited Miss Jessie Churchill Saturday and Sunday.

Miss Lena Beaver was called to her home in St. John Friday on ac-count of the illness of her sister.

Misses Leta Wine, Lois Beahm, and Florence Dresher took dinner with friends at the dormitory Sunday.

Miss Thelma Budge visited with relatives at Wichita during the week end.

Miss Sadie Glucklick of Salina spent Sunday afternoon at the dorm-itory, the guest of Miss Longsdorff.

Ruth Hoffman, Milda Mohler, Dwight Stutzman, amd Lloyd Johnson spent Saturday in Hutchinson, the guests of Melda's sister. Mrs. Leroy Doty.

Nellie McGaffey visited with rela-tives and friends at McPherson this

week end.

Miss Mary Whiteneck visited with relatives at the dormitory Saturday,

Everett Clemens, teacher and coach in the Dwight High School visited his sister, Mrs, Rhoades at McPherson, this week end.

Miss Floy Thomas and Hazel Mal-lott of Peabody, Kansas were visit-ors at the dormitory Saturday.

Paul Dick, teacher at McCracken, Kan., spent the week end at McPherson.

Miss Elsie Crisman was the guest of Miss Eunice Longsdorff during Saturday and Sunday.

Miss Mildred Swenson spent the week end at her home in Windom.

Miss Elma Oakes visited with friends at Lovewell, Kansas this week.

Doris Ballard spent Saturday and Sunday at her home in Lovewell.

Salome Mohler and Judy Jones of Conway were visitors at the dormitory Sunday.

Albert Phillipi spent the weekend at his home in Lovewell.

Miss Rosa Moyers was the guest of Miss Elton Fry and Mrs. Fry at dinner Sunday,

Marion Krehbiel, former student at M. C. was here from K. U. visiting friends and relatives.

Miss Ruth Trostle spent the week end at her home in Nickerson.

Miss Bernice McClellan and Ray-mond Trostle motored to Wichita Sunday.

Miss Floy Brown and Robert Puckett visited their respective homes in Hutchinson this week.

All signs and notices collected by students staying at the dormitories at Brown University have been con-fiscated by the local police force and faculty.

TUESDAY, FEB., 7, 1928


Detroit lately witnessed a great convention of students and world leaders, many of whom have spent much time in studying present day world problems. These people were gathered together to discuss the attitude that the Christian Church should take toward these great world problems. No destitution of race or church denomination were drawn at the convention. Nearly everyone seemed to recounite that the problems confronting the Church today are different and more world-wide in their scope than heretofore, and that somehow the Church has failed to respond readily to these new problems with the proper solutions. The con-vention sought earnestly to face the facts fairly, and endeavor to solve the problems in a Christ-like way.

Following are some of the facts which a few of the speakers called our attention to:

The easy optimism of the old order was staggered and shaken by the vast volcanic upheavel of the world war. Like a war-mine exploded, it rent wide the ordered strata of our complacent world. It was not only a decisive and weakening war between the "Christian nations”, it not only destroyed but disillusioned; it revealed the ghastly evils of our semi-pagen civiliation. The new generation, like the new world, has seized upon the idea of "self-deter-mination", with a vengence. It takes nothing for granted. It demands the right to live its own life formulate its own beliefs, determine its own objectives.    

G. Sherwood Eddy

There is another fallacy that is wide spread, and that is that it does-n't make any difference what you do or where you do it; that is the kind of person you are that counts. A little common sense would show the

nonsense of that.

For who would say, for instance, that Thomas Edison would have been us great a servant of mankind had be been a drugstore clerk, mixing sodawater with all kinds of skill and efficiency he has ben using to ferret out the secretes of nature these past fifty years.

H. P. Van Duncan

When it is said that America is unchristian it is meant that the total complex of the deeds of this nation in reality expresses a spirit which is not the spirit of Christ. This does not mean that the activities of this huge vigorous reality are not carried on by professing Christians for there are multitudes of them here. It means that where America in her world wide relations touches people of a different economic system, it tends to exploit them instead of serving them. It means that America ex-ercises contempt for peoples of different colors, that it has names for them which gather up in one word all the venomous contempt of a condes-cending soul.

Mordecai Johnson

It is stated by the "Buffalo Even-ing News" that the cost of our navy and land forces in China has mounted to some $50,000 a day or nearly double what all the American mis-sion boards have been spending on their mission work in China.

G. Sherwood Eddy

The time is past when we 40,000,-000 Christians in America can take a long spoon and hand the gospel to the black man at our door and feel that we have gained enough exper-ience thereby to conquer the soul of China with it.

Mordecia Johnson

A book recently catalogued for the botany class is "The Annuals of Flowerland" by Alice T. A. Quachen-bush.



Kansas Conference
















St Benedict's















St. Mary's





Kansas Wesleyan





Sterling .. ............






Tuesday Night

At Lindsborg, Sterling vs. Beth-


At Wichita, Baker vs. Friends.

Wednesday Night

At McPherson, Baker vs. McPher


At Salina, Bethel vs. Kansas Wes-leyan,

Thursday Night

At Sterling, St. Benedict's vs, Sterling.

Friday Night

At Lindsborg. Bethany vs. St. Benedict's.

At Newton, Ottawa vs. Bethel, Saturday Night

At McPherson, St. Benedict's vs. McPherson.

At Wichita, Ottawa vs. Friends,

At St. Marys, Kansas Wesleyan vs. St. Mary's.

McPherson dropped out of the unbeaten class in the Kansas confer- , ence, losing to Bethany Swedes last Week by a one point margin in the most important game played this season. Besides Bethany, Baker and Bethel continue to be in perfect percent class. The Swedes lead with six wins. Baker has registered a quartet of victories while Bethel has been in action but three times,

As the race in the Kansas Confer-ence now stands, only four clubs have won more games than they have lost. McPherson is still in the title race with the undefeated leaders, having won six out of seven games. Friends, in fifth place, has won three games and lost three.

Baker has the best offensive team in the Kansas conference at present according to league records. Baker has tallied 36.5 points a game. The Swedes stand a close second, however, only a fraction of a point in the rear. McPherson is located in third place.

In defensive play Bethel has displayed the best work. Less than 18 points a game have been scored by opposing teams that have met the coach Gus Haury's quintet this season. McPherson ranks second in defensive work, followed by Baker.

Bethany, the leader, has not shown a tight defense despite its six consecutive wins. Coach George Carlson's cagers have allowed oponents to score 28.8 points a game, ranking the Swedes in a tie for fifth place in defensive play.

Captain Buller of Bethel cinched the front position among the high scorers by virtue of their two decisive victories over St. Benedict's and St. Mary's with an average of 15.7 points per game while Miller, McPherson, falling down in his fast pace of last week dropped to second place with 11.6 point rank. C. Bluns, Ottawa, holds third with 10.3 points per game, and Lundstrom of Bethany, fourth with 9.8 points closely followed by Tally of Baker with 8.8.

Leo Crumpacker, McPherson. jumped to sixth place by virtue of his work in the three games of the Bull-dogs last week. E Crumpacker, Nonken and Kinzie stand well up in the column of leading scorers.


______(Continued from Page One)

ing in the last game of the Bulldog schedule. March 9.

The box score:





Lundstrom, f ....

_______ 1



Tarrant ,f______

, __1



Carmichael, c




Vanek, g




Zimmerman, g






J. Eberhardt, c.....

.... 0



C- Eberhardt, c ........





. 12







Kinzie, f _____




E. Crumpacker, f .....

, 4



Miller, c __________

— 3



Nonken, g

.. 1



Crumpacker, g________

... 1



Totals . -------


. 10



Girl's inter-class basketball stand-

ings were finally decided last Tuesday night when the Sophomores won from the Juniors by a 20-11 score. The game was hard fought through


Stull and Wine played forward for the Sophs, Yiengst substituting for Wine in the last quarter. Devilbliss played the last quarter as running center for Anderson who had worked the first three quarters with Moyers, jumping center. Taylor and Jones were guards, Ballard substituting for the latter shortly after the half.

The Junior line up to start was: forwards, Seitz and Hobbeseifken: guards, Brigham and Brown, centers. Bish and Budge. Later Eskeldson played jumping center, but was replaced by Bish. During the last half Crumpacker played running center and Churchill guarded in place of Brigham. Budge later substituted for Brown,

Even though the hen broods over her chickens she never gets down
