No. 18
Dr. Bunkums Marvel Machine Brings Realization of Permanent Cure For All Faculty Maladies— Revelations
Astound Students
miss mcgaffey happy over husband find
Prof. Boone Manages Competition Between Classes After Which Re-
freshments are Served to Guests
Laughter! Stunts, Frolic! Yes, these were all a part of the all school social given by the faculty Monday evening in the basement of the Brethren Church. Faculty and students vied with each other in putting on clever stunts.
shall be our attitude, we shall try to understand each one of you and in that way help you in your college life. My attitude toward you men, I think is best expressed in a verse written by Kipling and goes like this—
Could we judge all deeds by motives, That surround each others lives.
See the naked heart and spirit. Know what spur the action gives. Often we should find it better.
Purer than we thought we should. We should love each other better.
If we only understood.
Prof. J. A Blair as master of cere-monies started the eventing of with a flourish. The stunts were the first thing. Those of the Freshmen and the Sophomores brought forth peals of laughter and exclamation of horror from the spectators as they wat-
ched an operation and rat enter the mouth of a sleeping person and their extraction later by a doctor. The Junior class put on a school scene with the expected comic effect. Miss Portia Vaughn represented the Seniors by giving a pianologue entitled, "Foolish Questions" In behalf of
the music department Paderewski and Galli-Curel concealed to perform.
Dissatisfied members of the fac-ulty achieved their life's ambition through an exclusive process of Dr. Bunkum (Dr. Harnly) who was assist-ed by his nurse (Mrs. Heckethorn). Miss Lingenfelter desiring to gain 25 pounds became fat. Prof Bright es-caped the cares of family life by be-coming a little boy, and Miss Brown was made into a flapper. The mach-
ine failed to make Dr. Hershey into a strong man with long hair like Sampson as he desired. The machine was found to have a loose connection which was fixed and the process of changing went on as before.
Matron, who longed to be small and lively, was made into two pretty girls, Prof. Utrecht, who was very much crippled, became a strong husky man. Miss McGaffey in achieved her lifelong desire when the machine ground out a husband for her. Prof. Yoder, in his desire to get youth, be-came a tiny baby, Even M.r Forney was dissatisfied. he was made into a dude.
Following the stunts a short time was given to games under the direct-ion of Prof. G. N. Boone. A lively contest was carried on between the classes, instead of an after dinner speech Dr. Schwalm gave a before dinner speech.
Refreshment were served to two hundred students and faculty. With the College song and cheers for the faculty the party broke up about 10:30.
Will Occupy Two Rooms in Fahnestock to Help Boys
To He "A Friend to the Boys" Is Newcomer's Solo
Mr. and Mrs. James Elrod have been sec rued to act as superintend-ents of Fahnestock Hall for the se-ond semester. They are there to help the boys in any way in which it is possible.
At a meeting of all the boys called by Dr. Schwalm, Mr. Elrod was presented as the superintendent. In speaking to the boys the superintend-ent said ''My five years of association with you enables you to know even more about me than I am able to tell. You and I have been friends and we should continue to be such I am coming to the dormitory to be your friend."
Mr. Elrod went on to say. "If we could just understand your influences. If we could just look into your experiences we would be able to un-derstand and help you indeed. This
Gives Enlightenment On Conditions of
C. E. Throughout
Mr. Roy Breg, the traveling secre-tary for the Kansas Christina Endea-vor Movement spoke to the combined Christian Presbyterian and Brethren C. E.'s of McPherson. In the Brethren Church basement Sunday evening. The opening numbers consisted of several songs, a solo by Miss Nada Ritz of the Christian church, a read ing by Miss Bernice McClelland, scripture reading by Miss Churchill, another reading by Miss Nadine How-ard of the Presbyterian church At the close or the address, Frand Barton sang.
In his message, Mr. Berg included an interesting account of a visit to Portland, Maine, where he met the first C. E. President and some of the charter members, and saw the birth place of the C. E. Movement in Feb-ruary 1881, organized from the first as a means of meeting the needs of young people.
The C. E., with its emphasis on the principles of confession of Christ before men, service for Christ, with definite work for each and every mem-ber, loyalty to Christ as a worker in the church of which one is a member, and worldwide fellowship with Christ's people places the C. E. more than ever in a position to help the young people.
Both in the C. E. talk and is the address which followed. Mr Breg em-phasized the importance of "striking while the iron is hot," getting and holding the young people and giving opportunity for development in ex-pression and leadership, and service in a place of vital importances in the future church.
At present there are 1194 C. E. societies of twenty-five different de-nominations, with over fifty organized-ed counties in the state of Kansas, giving more opportunity for reaching young people at the vital time.
Kansan, highly honored at the last National C. E. convention in Cleve-land last July, came home determined to make a still greater contribution to the Convention in Kansas City in July 1929. The state committees are working now with that in mind. Next Thursday, the Saline County C. E. will meet for a one-day Institute in Salina. Delegations from neighbor-ing counties have been invited, and McPherson County expect to be represented.
Beginning next Friday morning, Miss Lehman will have a class in C. E. organization each Friday morning at seven o’clock for about six weeks. All are welcome! The meeting place will be announced later.
Pueblos From Taos, New Mexico Witness Bankers Game Last Tuesday Evening.
Last Tuesday evening three husky braves from the Pueblo tribe swooped down upon the campus, two of them in full regalia. They came to witness the Bankers basketball game and not for scalps, however.
Jim Meribal, the oldest of the three men, is a typical Indian physique. In fact he is an artist's model for Walter Oofer, painter of Pueblo pictures. His Indian name, which seems to have no English translation i “Ah." It was given him by his grandfather who neglected to say what it meant. The second, in age, is Christian Meribal, who is called by his people something that means "Deer-track-up." The youngest is ‘‘Yellow Antelope, " son of Christian. He is seventeen years old and has apparently forsaken the dress of his forebears for the less colorful but more modern raiment of the white man.
All three of the men speak Spanish as well as Pueblo and English, although Christina has not mastered the later, and uses it but sparingly. In the village of Taos there are practically 700 Pueblos. They follow ancient tribal customs of a so-cialistic community nature, and no doubt have less to worry about than the average white man. In their hunting they still use bows and arrows, on occasions although the making of stone arrowheads has become a lost art with them as well as all other tribes. Their women still make pottery, some of which is beautiful and artistic. For a livelihood they raise corn and wheat. They
thresh the wheat by the ancient method of the threshing floor.
The Meribals were brought to Mc-Pherson by C. E. Lindell of Windom to see their first basketball ball game. They have come to Kansas en route to Oklahoma where they are going
to visit some friends of theirs among
the Osages. Mr. Lindell was already acquainted with the men having em-ployed Christina as a guide during a recent visit in New Mexico.
The local Inter-collegiate Oratori-cal and Extemporaneous Speaking Contests will be held in the college
chapel Thursday, February 9, to de-termine the representative for the state contest.
The orations for this contest may be written on any subject. They are limited to two thousand words, with not more than two hundred fifty words of direct question.
In connection with the oratorical contest there will be an extemporan-ous speaking contest. The general subject for the speeches will be "The Influence of the Press." This is the first time a contest of this type has been held in McPherson. Winner will go to State contest.
The state contest will be held March, 12 at Friend University of Wichita.
All candidates for these contests are expected to see Prof. Hess as soon as possible.
With the college songs and yells the old school "pep" was revived in the mass meeting last Tuesday. Even the final examination failed to keep the majority of students from at-tending.
The immediate purpose of the meeting was to stir up pep for the game with Friends on Friday. There were the usual jazz and rousing cheers and songs. An unusual feat-ure was the entrance of the cheer leader through a trap door on the platform.
Macmen Sweep the Court For 37 to 25 Count over Friends Friday, and Ottawans are Subdued Last Night 40-21.
"Spider" Miller Leads Scoring With 20 Points Against Friends and 22 Against Ottawa In Last Night's Encounter--Boost Conference Score Lead
Two hard games tucked away in the win column places McPherson among the front ranks of the Kansan Conference. Last night's decisive win over the Ottawa Braves and Friday night's rout of the Quakers definitely announces the Bulldog ambition for a conference title. Gardner's men now face a three game series away from home when the challenge will be given to Sterling next Friday, St. Benedicts the following Monday, and St.. Mary's the next evening before returning to the home court to battle with Bethany on February 3.
Displaying a new outlay of Jerseys, the Macmen trotted out on the floor Friday night to penetrate the re-juvenated Friends University de-fense for a 37 to 25 victory.
The smallness of the floor tended toward close guarding and a fast, rougher game. McPherson outshot their opponents and carried the margin of score on following the ball and getting the tip-ins. As close as could be seen, Friends missed just about
many shots as they made points, and McPherson did the same.
The game opened up rather slow with some wild chances at the hoop by both teams Little Crum slipped a clean one in and started a lead that was never endangered through out the game. Interesting work from both offenses in attempts to break through some splendid defenses featured the game.
"Spider" Miller again annexed the high scoring honors with four field goals and a like number of charity losses. Kinzie rung the hoop five times front the floor, but got only one free throw. Lacy led the Quakers with three field goals and a pair of heaven from the foul ring.
After "Little Crum” sank his counter, both teams were unable to break through the well-functioning de-fenses and resorted to long chances at the basket. Friends finally suc-ceeded in making a point through the free throw route off E. Crum-packer's foul. Leo to Kinzie for a goal, then Roehr spilled a long shot in for the visitors. Kinzie added two points. Salloy fed Lacy for another Friends counter. Casement following with a score. Crum gets two points on a personal. Nonken pulls a pretty dribble through for a goal after a de-lay for an opening. He does it again to feed E. Crumpacker for another counter. Friends call time out to stop the new threat.
Kinzie tips the ball in for two points. Nonken gets a nice long shot through the hoop. Roehr scores for the Wichita five. Kinzie maks a pretty long try but the ball rolls out. He gets a point from a personal. Friends gets the ball and keep it going back toward the backboard but fail to score. Casey has a long shot ring the basket but hops out again. Jones gets a free throw as the half ends. Score; l8-11.
Miller gets going with two points. Nonken adds a point. Jones gets a point on Miller’s personal Kinzie, makes his try goal with a tip. Nonken dribbles around the floor but is kept from scoring. Lacy gets a set up for the Southerners. Miller scores Lacy adds two charity throws but Miller makes a point in a fracas at, center. He adds a field goal. Lacy repeats for Friends. The play is get-ting slower. Roehr grabs a point on a personal. Miller succeeds at a long shot, but Roehr duplicates. Leo scores and Friends call time out. Score 34-33.
Miller gets a point from tripping. Kinzie adds two points after several tries. Saylor, Rump, Rock and Barn-grovar go in. Nonken is the only regular in the game. Slower work on Friends part. Jones gets a field goal. Rump, Saylor and Rock miss (Continued on Page Four)
Miller started the game last night with a free throw. Miller continued the game last night with nine field goals and four free throws, and Miller finished the last half with a com-plete triumph when he annexed all of McPherson's points but four “Spi-der" was at his best and so were all his teammates and nearly every offensive drive ended up with the ball going to Miller for a pair of points
It was a fast, thrilling game, and if Ottawa had been as 'hot' on their shooting as Miller was the score
would have been much different Outside of a few wild heaves Nonken and Crumpacker held the Brace forward offense to the minimum and then placed the ball in the scoring position.
E. Crumpacker threw the first field goal last night after both teams were having difficulty solving the de-fense. The "Spider" puts one through and fouled as he shoots so he adds another point. Ottawa calls time out an the score stands six to nothing against them.
Guarding is even tighter as the play opens again, and finally "Crummy resorts to a pretty, long shot from the center for a hit. Kinzie does the same stunt—then is called for foul and Ottawa makes their first point of the game. Binns, the lanky Brave center hits for a basket Miller and “Little Crum" retaliate for the Bull-dogs. Quarter ends 14-3.
The play starts slow and until Kinzie gets a tip-in. Both teams are now following the ball pretty close and the play is slowed up for held ball often. Nonken starts to use his dribble threat and finally goes through to feed Miller for a score. Binns gets a neat basket on a smooth Ottawa play. A Brave makes a point on Kinzie's foul. McPherson makes a clean play to Miller under the bas-ket for a score “Spider" gets a throw off Binns. Score at half: 21 to 3.
The second half saw Miller at his best. Ottawa opened with a free throw. Ottawa opened with a free slips in another beauty. Kinzie goes out on his fourth personal. Saylor takes his place. Another point to Ottawa for a personal. Miller puts one in back over his head. Schuessl-er bats one in under the goal. Schuessler out. Kehner in for Ottawa. Ottawa loses Kehner in injury. Com-stork replaces him. Miller takes a fast feed from Crumpacker for a counter. Saylor gets called and the Ottawans add a point. E. Crumpack-er drops one in. L. Crumpacker adds another long one after a slow down. Miller rings a free throw. Binns gets it back on Leo's foul. Binns scores for Ottawa. Miller scores again Miller makes Rumps free throw good Miller again. Comstock is playing nice ball for the Braves as he rings a pretty long shot. He does it again Saylor and Rock go in. Rump having gone before, leaving Miller and Nonken the only two regulars in the game. Rock adds a free throw. W. Binns gets a personal as the game ends. The final score stands 40 to (Continued on Page Four)
The Student Newspaper of Mc-Pherson College, purposing to re-count accurately past activity and to stimulate continually future
The negative varsity debaters will have a practice debate with College of Emporia, affirmative Monday. Feb-ruary 5 at 2:30 in the college chapel.
This is the first debate McPherson ever scheduled with the College of Emporia. Two years ago Emporia
won the National Pi Kappa Delta De-
bate contest.
This debate will be free of charge and all are welcome to attend. Come
and see the Bulldogs defend the en-viable record of past year.
Entered as second class matter November 20, 1917 at the postoffice at McPherson, Kansas under the act of March 9, 1897.
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Editor-in-chief Lloyd Jamison
Assistant Editor LaVerne Martin
Campus Editor Doris Ballard
Exchange Editor Harriet Hopkins Sport Editor Lawrence Mann Feature Editor Robert E. Puckett
Copy Editors Ruth Anderson
Ruth Anderson, Warren Sisler, Harold Fasnocht, Oliver Ikenberry, Allen Morine, Lloyd Diggs.
Business Mgr. Asst. Mgr. Circulation Mgr
Faculty Adviser
Howard Keim Jr.
Charles Bish Oliver Ikenberry
M. A. Hess
WEDNESDAY, JAN. 25, 1928
Long ago, in Athens, a famous city of Greece, boys reaching the age of eighteen were taught a pledge. They repeated it each day, believed in it and tried to live by it. Fathers taught it to their sons, who when they grew up, gave it in turn to their own boys. Each helped to make the pledge true until Athens became "Athens the Beautiful." The Pledge--
“We will never bring disgrace to this our city by any act of dishonesty or cowardice, nor ever desert our comrades; we will fight for the Ideals and sacred things of the city both alone and with many: we will reserve and obey the city laws and do our best to incite a like respect and rev-erence in others: we will strive un-ceasingly to quicken the public's sense of public duty, that this in all these ways we may transmit this city, greater, better, and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us.
If the young men of Greece thus
pledged themselves to uphold their city, should the young men and wo-men of America do less?
One of New York's mayors was asked to give a sentiment for the readers of three thousand newspap-ers. His reply was that he would tell them to be careful about believing all they read in the newspapers. It is not only in regard to newspapers that we are too credulous. Gossip. slander, scandal, all owe their vital-ity to the readiness of people to believe the worst of others. There is not a community in the United States where innocent actions are not mis-construed, and the reputation of the doer threatened thereby; nor one where malicious inventions do not poison the peace of somebody. How helpless all the malices would be if it were not for the listener who needs no proof to be convinced, nothing but bold assertion.
The New York mayor was right who warned people not to believe all they read in the newspaper. The newspapers are models of reliability. however, compared with the gossip who takes a sort of intellectual daily dozen, and the people who listen and believe share her guilt.
— Young People's Weekly
Mrs. John Metsker, mother PS Ethel May Metsker, '27, died of pneumonia, Monday, January 2. Funeral services and burial were hold Wednesday, January 13, at the Washington Creek Church.
Short men at Washington State College have organized a fraternity for short men known as Sigma Mu Chi.
A new method of decreasing the amount of tardiness among his stud-ents has been devised by a faculty member of Marietta College. As soon as the tardy bell rings, the door is locked and the pupils are forced to miss their class.
Sophomores of the University of Miami voted not to adopt a distinct kind of cap for their head adornment. Their chief reason for this was that the juniors and seniors had not adopted any kind of headgear. Freshmen will be required to wear their cap as usual.
The logical students at MeGill Uni-versity must have official University consent to marry.
A free subscription to the college newspaper has been offered at the University of Arkansas to the stud-ent growing the largest mustache in the space of some months.
Scholarship ratings of Syracuse University show that sorority women on the whole are smarter than non-sorority women, according to statis-tics recently published. The sorority group averages 1.278 while the non-sorority group averaged 1.144. Women on the whole averaged better than men as is shown by she women's average which is 1.201 and the men's average which is 1.011.
The University of Denver is in pos-session of one the benches used at Chicago University when that college was lining organized.
Rinky Dink, the brightly colored parrot that screams raucously at Syracuse University undergraduate who visit the Hill Book Stall, has been very ill with chicken cholera, but due to the care of one of the professors and a sympathetic bootlegger he has passed the crisis of his illness.
Cigaret lighters, like automobiles, now have service stations. On the run de la Paix, in Paris, an enterprising Anglo-Saxon firm has fixed up a corner of its store to take care of smokers who ran out of gas, whose lighters get clogged with soot, or otherwise set up. A trouble man gives rapid-fire attention without charge, much to the amazement or the French who are accustomed to the usual French delay of 8 to 15 days.
The University of California, including both the Berkeley and Los Angeles divisions, has the largest enrollment of any university in the United States, with 17,311 students enrolled.
At the regular meeting of the Chemistry Club Thursday Dr. W. C. Heaston, local Physician, will speak
on the "Relation of Medicine to Chemistry". Dr. Heaston has shared much of his knowledge before on such occasions and is a popular speaker in the opinion of the student
The physician is well received among his clientele and his reputa -tion as a doctor is rated very high. He understands the student interests to a great extent and is often called upon.
The Chemistry Club rates this as one of their most important meet-ings and every member is urged to be present.
The annual senior ball at the University of Illinois may be cancelled this year because of rowdyness dis-
played at the senior informal Feb. 3.
Freshman studying medicine and dentistry at the University of Ohio believe that smelling salts will aid students who have ambitions to be-come doctors. Instructors who check-ed up on the students instrument cases found several bottles of smel-ling salts and perfume.
varsity volley ball
The eleven girls who were picked as the varsity ball team from those who participated in the tournament that was recently sponsored by the Womens Athletic Association are Velma Wine, Dorothy Sargent, Ruth Lancaster, Arian Brigham, Clara Burgin, Mildren Wipe, Elizabeth Richards, Ester Keim, Irene Thack-er, Sylvia Edgecomb and Iva Crum-packer.
Monday, January 30 at 8 o'clock is the time chosen for the organization of the Music Club. At that time Mrs. Richard M. Gray, President of the Kansas State Federation of Music Clubs, will give a talk on music clubs. All college students and faculty mem-bers and others of McPherson who are interested in music are cordially in-vited. This promises to be an inter-esting and worth while meeting.
Clara Davis: "I just passed by the skin of my teeth."
Ralph Powers "I flanked I use Pebeca."
Worried Roommate
Berkebile: "Is Graham here?" Sargent: “No, he's gone ice skating and I'm worried sick about him." Berkebile: "He'll be all right."
Sargent "“Yes, but the ice has melted and he doesn't have his swimming suit with him let alone a towel."
Hartel: “Look what Dad says in this letter—"Son, next semester I want you to bear down."
Negley: “Your dad and I agree--every duck should."
Radio Announcer: "The next song will be “Ain't She Sweet", deducat-ed to Miss Dill the pickle Queen.
Bigham; “I got three cuts today." Nonkln: What in?“ Bigham: “The barber shop."
A Word To The Wise Collins: “Don't take anything under Blair, he's a mind reader." Jamison: "Tell that to the fish."
Collins: "He sure is; I didn't write a thing on my exam paper and he flunked me cold."
Collins: "But how did he know I didn't know it?"
Flaming Youth
Issie E. (Entertaining Mrs. Daniels, the minister's wife) "Mrs. Dan-iels, you must feel so proud of your husband. I've been reading so much about him and his den of lions.
Did you give the penny to the mon-key, dear?"
"Yes, mama."
"And what did he do with it?"
"He gave it to his father who play-ed the organ."
E. Richards: “Do you believe in the power of prayer?"
R. Warren: "Not since I've flunked."
Bobby Earl
Recently an “Art and Music Week" was held on the Vassar College campus. Several noted musi-cians and artists were brought to the campus to appear in programs.
Members or The Naiads, national swimming society for women at the University of Iowa recently gave a water pageant entitled "Sea Sand."
The reason why so few marriages are happy, is because your ladies spend their time in making nets, not in making cages—.
Jonathan Swift
Y. M. C. A.
Reports of the Detroit Conference were give by Howard Keim and Franz Crumpacker in the regular
meetings of the Y. M. C. A. Tuesday.
January 10, Devotions were led V James Ford.
Keim told of their trip to the auto city. He impressed at the magnitude of the Ford Plant and rapid production of the motor ear.
He said he liked Detroit Very much but he concluded in saying that he would rather live in a small town.
Crumpacker told of the purpose of the conference. The keynote of the conference was to establish world brotherhood among all men. The soc-ial, economic and political problems that confront the world for solution were discusses. Crumpacker said, "It is the duty of every college stud-
det to help establish a spirit of world brotherhood that will radiate beyond
our college campus.
A University of Maryland student smoked eight hours steadily. His 13th cigar made him ill and it was
found that his pulse, temperature, and blood pressure were increased.
By The Way
Miss Ethel Mae Metsker called at Arnold Hall Sunday. She had stop-ped in McPherson on her return to Little River where she is teaching, from Lawrence where she has been for the past two weeks during the illness and death of her mother.
Ray Trostle went to his home at Nickerson Friday afternoon and returned to College Hill Sunday.
Miss Isabell Eskeldson spent the vacation at her home in Ramona.
Visitors at Arnold Hall Sunday included the Misses Salome Mohler, Dorothy Lichty and Kathryn Swope.
Miss Mildred Swenson went to Moundridge Friday evening to visit relatives during the vacation.
Miss Ruth Helbert, Clarence Hawkins and John Whiteneck were guests at the home of Miss Arlene Saylor in Morill.
Ralph and Raymond Landes drove to their home near Morill last Friday. Those riding with them were the Misses Evelyn Kimmel, Beth Hess and Dorothy Sargent who was a guest of Miss Hess.
Miss Jessie Churchill went to Salina Sunday to attend a Christian En-deavor Convention of district, offic-ers.
Miss Chester Carter left last Thursday afternoon for her home in Perrytown, Texas.
Howard and Esther Keim visited friends in Salina Saturday and Sun-day.
Marvin Steffin, Earl Kinzie, La Verne Martin and Franklin Evans were guests of Alvin Voran at his
home in Lorraine Saturday.
Ralph Frantz and Frantz Crum-packer drove to Rocky Ford, Colo-rado to spend the vacation with Frantz's parents.
Miss Alberta Hovis's brother and sister of El Dorado visited her at Arnold Hall Saturday.
Miss Jeanette Hoover of St. Johns arrived at Arnold Hall Saturday. She will attend school here this semester.
Misses Mary Prather and Inez
Hobbeseifken spend the week end in Inman at the Elvis Prather home.
Miss Ruth Hoover was a week end guest of Miss Thelma Budge at St. Johns, Kansas.
The Librarian stated that she appreciated the fact that students were returning books to the library before the close of the semester.
"Principles of Money and banking" by Kilboure, is a new book that has been added the library for the com-mercial department.
“Music Appreciation for Every child" by Glen the Forest has been secured for the public music classes.
I'm nothing but a bounty boy; neither handsome nor brilliant nor rich. I'm a poor athlete, and not an “A" man, and being a "reglur guy'' is clear out of my line. But there's a chance for me, I'm sure, and I'll pull as hard as I can. and try to be the kind of man, that my mother thinks I am. I'd like to be clean throughout, noble in nature, and alert in mind and body and so sin-cere that it stuck out all over me. I'd like to be considerate, helpful and kind, and when the other fellow is sick or blue. I'd like to be sticking about to see what I could do; and help that poor fellow out of his trouble without putting myself on the back.
I'd like to blaze a sunlit trail, from early morn till night, and leave as a monument for today- a task well done. And in the light of pop-ularity. I would not care to stand, un-less it was because that I had been a man. With the carol of birds in the tree tops, my spirit would merrily sing, and with the soft rays of a springtime sun, my face would glow-as a man.
I'd like to be wide awake, and hot on the trail of truth. I would were uncommon, if I must be common, very well, but let me never be cheap. Let me start at the bottom and by pure merit attain the best, and let me say with Rev. Kyle Murray, "I expect to pass through this world but once. Any good therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow being, let me do it now, for I shall not pass this way again.
— Anonymous
The "Little Brown Church in the Wildwood" is a very popular place for those wounded by cupid's darts as this little clipping from a Nashua, Iowa, paper testifies:
Nashua, In., January 13-- A now record for numbers of marriages per-formed in Little Brown church near here, fas set during 1927, when 463 ceremonies were performed, the total being 31 greater than the previous record year, 1926.
The largest number of weddings took place in the chapel in June, when 87 couples exchanged vows.
Students in Russian schools have almost the same powers as faculty members in matters of discipline, ad-ministration, and choice of subject matter. There is no social dancing in Russian schools because it is thought to keep the minds of the workers off the work of the day.
Arrording to a survey of the Illinois women's college marriage plus a career, rather than plain marriage of a career is the ideal of most col-lege girls.
Teams |
W |
L |
Pct. |
McPherson _______ |
3 |
0 |
1.000 |
Bethany ,.. |
3 |
0 |
1.000 |
Baker - ->...... |
3 |
0 |
1.000 |
Ottawa ____________ |
2 |
.500 | |
St. Benedict's -....... |
1 |
l |
.500 |
St. Mary's . |
1 |
2 |
.333 |
Kansas Wesleyan . |
1 |
2 |
.333 |
Friends . . |
1 |
3 |
.250 |
Sterling . ___________ |
0 |
.000 | |
With 9 of the ten teams in the Kansas conference having been in ac-tion on the court this season, Beth-any, Baker and McPherson alone re-mained in the unbeaten ranks. The Swedes and the Methodists have each registered three victories, having averaged 41.6 points a game.
The leader of last week, Ottawa, is the only other member in the con-ference that has won more games than it has lost. Ottawa was eliminated from the undefeated clash of last week from the Baptists.
Baker defeated St. Benedict's to mark its third victory of the season Bethany stayed at the top of the conference at the expense of Friends and Kansas Wesleyan. The McPherson quintet defeated Friends to retain Its perfect mark.
Baker Sure to Stick
Neither McPherson nor Bethany is apt to be at the top of the ratings by the end of the week. Coach Emil Linston's Methodists do not play this week and are sure to hold their present percentage. Bethany and Mc-Pherson, on the other hand appear in two games this week. Both meet Ottawa, the quintet that Baker pushed out of the front row, in their initial contest.
Bethel, the only team which has not been in action in the Kansas conference, opens this week, playing its first game at Newton of Wednesday against Kansas Wesleyan. Coach Gus Haury's teams have always made a fine showing in the past in basket ball.
Of the three teams deadlocked for first place, Coach George Gardner’s McPherson Bulldogs have displayed the most class, according to the con-ference statistics. McPherson stands out in first place in team scoring, having averaged 42.5 points a game. In defensive play the Bulldogs rank second, only a small margin behind Kansan Wesleyan in this line of fig-ures.
Members of the conference did not find the hoop last week as they did in the previous one. Statistics show that the teams have averaged 29 points a game. Last week the average was nearly 36.
Miller McPherson center, continues to lead in individual scoring. The elongated Bulldog pivot man dropped his average from 18 points to 15 points a game last week, however, Miller holds better than a three-point advantage over Lundstrom of Beth-any, who is standing in second place. Other players who have tallied at least 10 markers a game: Greve of St. Mary's: Kinsey of McPherson; Talley of Baker; Stade of Wesleyan and Alexander of Ottawa.
In a game which was tied several times during the play, Kansas Wes-leyan Coyotes bowed to the Carlson Swedes Saturday night to a narrow margin of 33 ro 31.
Salina would hit their stride enough to tie the Swede lead only to are the Vikings pull away to anoth-er lead. Four times during the game the score was tied, once at 4-4, again at 8-8, then 10-10, and finally 30-30, just before the close of the game when Monson got a throw for foul and a field goal to be followed by Captain Stades free throw retal-iation for the Methodists.
For Salina, Captain Stade led the scoring with seven floor hits and three from the foul line. Hoistington, serve center showed fine form with ur counters and a throw Lundstrom, Zimmerman, and Tar-rant held up Bethany's end with evon, eight, and seven points respect-ivley.
The game was rated unusually fast, curate and clean with the scoring Ivers rated a little above the guard-
Boost for McPherson College Basketball Tram—Help the team win!
Miss Trostle Entertains With Chop Suey Lunch
Min Ruth Trostle entertained with a chop suey luncheon. Saturday at 12:30 P M o'clock at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Horner at 1402 East Euclid Avenue.
The luncheon was served by the hostess, assisted by Miss Ruth Blick-
enstaff, in Chinese fashion. The de-sen, being served first, consisted of date pudding with whipped cream and oatmeal cookies. The main course was Chinese chop suey. Tea was served as the last course.
Chinese dolls, use as place Cards, carried out the idea of the Chinese luncheon.
The Guests were the Misses Ruth Blickenstaff, Bernice McClellan. Doris Ballard, Arian Brigham and Goldia Goodman
Games This Week
Ottawa vs. Bethany at Lindsborg, Thursday Kansas Wesleyan vs. Bethel at Newton.
Ottawa vs. St. Benedict's at Hutch-inson. Kansas Wesleyan vs. Friends at Wichita.
Bethany vs.. St. Mary's at St.
St. Mary's walked away in their first conference win against Sterling and they made the score 40 to 13. The Irish led all during the game, playing a rejuvenated five that hit consistently. Greve was high point man with 16 and Cooney just a little lower with 14.
(Continued from Page One) their chances as the game ends.
The Box Score:
Rock, f. ....... 0 0 0
McPherson High felt their mettle last Friday against the Ellsworth Kittens when the stopped the highly t routed Silverwood and kept the Cats almost scoreless in the first half of the game. Captain Carpenter found-himself plenty hot with 5 field goals while Haws and Darrah got 4 and Mohlstrom 3,
This victory leaves .McPherson un-disputed at the head of the league.
Starting slow butt coming in strong on the finish, the Carlson Swedes of Bethany at Lindsborg loaded the Friends with an even worse score Saturday night than McPherson did Friday. The final score was 41 to 29, Zimmerman. freshman guard for the Vikings, played a stellar game in the defense role and caged six field goals besides. Lacy led the Quaker at-tack with five baskets.
A pick-up group of all-stars took the Bankers measure at Salina Sat-urday night, 29 to 27 in a tight well-scrapped game. The Bankers backed their hand without their ace, George Gardner, and found a mighty well organized team for their first time on the floor in a scheduled game. Bankers held the lead until McLean, all-star, dropped in two field goals tying and then winning the game.
Baker Wildcats took the Ottawa Braves off the front ranks of the Kansas Conference last Friday. The game was a toss up for a while when the Braves managed to tie the score twice during the second half. Steuder, Talley and Young divided honors for Baker, while, Alexander, Brave forward, scored seven field goals while the rest of the team were gelling twelve points.
Offensive Playing
Teams |
FG |
FT |
TP |
Points Per Game |
McPherson .......... |
.35 |
15 |
85 |
4 2.5 |
Bethany ..... |
50 |
3 7 |
117 |
30.0 |
Baker ....... |
48 |
20 |
116 |
38.7 |
St. Benedict's |
35 |
7 |
77 |
38.5 |
Ottawa |
33 |
28 |
94 |
31.3 |
St. Mary's—... . |
37 |
12 |
87 |
20.0 |
Friends ..... |
46 |
23 |
115 |
28.7 |
Kansas Wesleyan |
30 |
15 |
75 |
25.0 |
Sterling ...... |
43 |
28 |
111 |
22.8 |
Defensive Playing
Teams— |
Opp. Pts. PF |
P G |
PF Per Per Ga'e Ga'e | |
Kan. Wesleyan |
73 |
30 |
3 |
10.0 24.3 |
McPherson |
49 |
14 |
2 |
7.0 24.5 |
Baker |
24 |
3 |
8.0 25.7 | |
Ottawa |
.40 |
25 |
3 |
8.S 26.7 |
Bethany ........ |
92 |
30 |
3 |
10.0 30.7 |
St. Mary's ...... |
94 |
34 |
3 |
10.3 31.3 |
St. Benedict's 65 |
19 2 |
9.5 |
33.0 |
Sterling ........ 190 |
32 |
6.4 |
38.0 |
Friends ______ 150 |
33 1 |
8.3 |
39.8 |
Bethel |
21 for the Bulldogs and 22 of the 40 points are Miller's The lineup follows—
It looks like a Basketball Championship for McP—are you helping?
OTTAWA (21) |
FG |
FT |
F |
Alexander, f . |
... 0 |
1 |
1 |
Comstock, f ...... |
... 2 |
1 |
1 |
C. Binns, c......... |
. 3 |
4 |
0 |
Tucker, g . .. |
... 1 |
■ 0 |
2 |
Schulessler, g ........ |
... 1 |
0 |
2 |
Kepner. g .......... |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Hetzel, f |
. 0 |
0 |
3 |
W. Binns. g |
0 |
1 |
0 |
Totals ...... |
.. 7 |
7 . |
9 |
McPHERSON (46) |
FG. |
FT |
F |
E. Crumpacker, f |
... 3 |
0 |
1 |
Kinzie, f ....... |
. 2 |
• 0 |
4 |
Miller, c . |
9 |
. 4 |
1 |
L. Crumpacker, g . |
0 |
1 | |
Nonken, g |
. 0 |
1 |
1 |
Saylor, f ................. |
.. 0 |
0 |
1 |
Rump, g |
. 0 |
0 |
1 |
Rock, f |
.. 0 |
1 |
0 |
Totals ................. |
17 |
6 |
10 |
Otto Y. Schnering, president of the Baby Ruth Candy Company and an alumnus of the University of Chicago, maintains that a college education is worth $72,000. The annual average income of a high school graduate is 2,200 and that of a college graduate is $6,000. Total earnings of the two classes of men up to the age of 60 are approximately places at $78,000 and $150,000. This gives the college graduate a lead of $72,000 over the high school youth. This is the age specialization and scientific management in business, in which a college education is becoming almost an ab-solute necessity," said Mr. Schnering.
According to a survey of the Illinois women's college, marriage plus a career is the ideal of most college women.
Last year's baseball team will be given letters, it was decided by the Athletic Board of the college.