The Spectator

McPherson college. McPherson, Kansas


TUESDAY. JAN. 17. 1928

NO. 17


Problems Of Youth Will Be
Taken Up By The College

And Threshed Out

Attention Will Be Given To One Phase Of Work Until


The field of knowledge being as broad and as old the world and

education having to do with the whole of that field a stands to rea-son there must be some considerable systematizing: cataloguing and divid-ing up of knowledge in convenient doses for the consumption of youth. Yet this necessary marking out of the various types of information which the educated person should have, this separating into usable fragments the things that young people should learn at school, has

created not a little problem in the world of education itself

The young people who are put through the educational process find themselves confused, at times almost hopelessly, with a maze sub-jects and courses, each seeming of vital importance and something of and end in itself. How to fit all the subjects and courses into a related whole into a scheme of things that can be turned to practical account in actual life, is a puzzle that overtaxes the mental capacity of many a youth.

It is a way out of this difficulty that an "experimental collage,” just started at the University of Wisconsin, will attempt to find. This new move in education will be directed by Dr. Alexander Melkeljohn, formerly president of Amherst College, and a selected group of teachers. They will work with about 120 students who also have been carefully selected.

Teachers and students are to get down to business together in a com-mon task. They will dispense, virtually, with subjects. classes, and courses. They are to center their attention instead on "situations," on a single situation at a time. The idea is to take what scenes to be a fairly well defined period in the world's history and to study it from all possible angles. In an effort to get a full understanding of all the forces that made it what it was and to determine its bearing on the course of civilization. The first period will be that

( Continued on Page Three)

Dell, Master Farmer

Mr. J. C Dell of Cage County, Nebraska was our of ten men selected as the Master Farmers of that state. Mr. Dell started farming for himself in 1887 with very little or no capital and has built up a modern farm of 360 acres and established for himself a place of prominence in his community. He owns 1,480 acres in another state which is rented out, and he also has some city property.

A system of diversified farming is the keynote of Mr. Dell's success. Corn and wheat are his principal crops and have brought him the best returns during his forty years of farming.

Mr. Dell is the father of Carl Dell '22 Milton Dell, '25 Ted Dell and Mrs. Earl Frantz, former students and Lois Dell who is in college here at the present time.


The McPherson Salon Orchestra has an Invitation to play at the State Convention of the State Federation of Music Clubs at Hutchinson next March. This federation is a powerful and influential organisation, existing partly for the cause of more and better music. The Salon Orch-estra recently became an active member of both the State and National Federation of Music Clubs.

Judge Ben D. Lindsey recently gave a speech at the University of McGill on the subject of "Modern Youth."

Pep ’er Up

Have you seen "Spider," Crummy", "Nonkey". “Little Crum", "Kin-zie", "Rock", “Zeke” in action yet?

Then don't let anything but jail, death, or insanity prevent you from dashing over to the gym Friday night to drink in some of the most exhilarating basket ball you'll ever want to see!

You'll see Milter, Kinzie, and Elmer Crumpacker smear those “Thee" men with a very deluge of field goals. You'll see Leo Crumpacker and Nonken take the ball off the back board and dribble right through five men and make ’em count! You'll see Saylor, Rump and Rock slip into the game and put that ball where it ought to be!

Believe it or not!


Only Three Games Will Be Played in McPherson Territory

Turkey Day Game Will Come On Nov. 20. And Will Be Played At Lindsborg

According to the 1928 football pro-gram. George Gardener's men will find Friends University, Wichita and St. Benedict's College of Atchison among their grid rivals. Three of the seven conference games will be played at McPherson in which the local fans will see St. Benedict's, St. Mary's and Kansan Wesleyan.

A pre-season game will probably be arranged with either Phillips Un-iversity of Enid, Northwestern State Teachers of Alva in the Oklahoma field or with the State Teachers College of Springfield, Missouri.

The schedule follows:

Oct. 5 Friends U. at Wichita.

Oct. 13 St. Mary’s at McPherson.

Oct.. 20 St. Benedict's at McPher-


Oct. 26 Sterling at Sterling.

Nov. 3. Bethel at Newton.

Nov. 10 Kansas Wesleyan at McPherson.

Nov. 29 Bethany at Lindsborg,

Mon. Jan. 33—-All school social.

This is the next thing to the end of the semester but is it the end? The drawn out crestfallen look on some students faces would make a person think that it won't be long now. This is a period of change in both senses of the word. The stu-dents are now rid of one form, for it is already in the hands of the college treasurer and if we should get any more by chance, they have restored the book store. The other change takes about four forms.

The first of these is always welcome. The change is from good to better. This change is due to much boneing, work, luck or other games of chance which are played during

the exam period. The truth should always reign so if you don't know any of the truth put down a lot of

it and then fill out the paper with anything the professor will like to read, even personal compliments will do, whether you believe them or not. Many students know their onions, Bermudas. garlic and other odiferous fruits but have been unable to impress it upon their profs., but this is a good time to introduce them to little Able after you have washed his face so his high I. Q. will come beaming forth. This is an underworld scheme for changing from good to better.

Another scheme is to tell your profs that you never made anything but A's in high school and that you are a find which he should be proud to claim. Your prof will forget to


Mrs. Schwalm, Mrs. Bright and Mrs. Gardner Were Hostesses

Plans Were Made For The Coming Season— Program Followed

Mrs. V. F, Schwalm, Mrs. J. D. Bright and Mrs. George Gardner. ad-visers of the McPherson College Young Women's Christian Associ-

tion, were hostesses to the Y. W. C.

A. cabinet members at a buffet luncheon given at the Schwalm home last Wednesday Evening at six o’clock.

In a business meeting held after the luncheon the girls decided to hold Morning watch at eight o'clock every Sunday morning in the Y. W. C. A. room. The Goodie Shoppe, held annually every spring by the Y. W. C. A was discussed. The plans for it are not yet complete,

After the business meeting Mrs. Schwalm sang "Ceddle Doon". She was accompanied at the piano by Miss Arlene Saylor.

The guests were the Misses Aut-umn Lindbloom, Arelene Saylor, Eunice Longsdorff, Haven Hutchis-son, Lois Dell, Roberta Brown, Jes-sie Daron, Ruth Helbcrt, Louise Pottor, Margaret Devilbliss and Viola Bowser,

The first course of the luncheon was chicken salad, potato chips, pickles and bread and butter sand-wiches. Angelfood cakes and whipped cream were served as the second course. The last course was coffee and mints.


Miss Brown will offer a course in Piano Normal Training next semes-ter. This is a two hour course designed to teach the student how to teach piano. It is required for all candidates for graduation in piano and is open to all music students.


Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., Final Examinations

Fri. — Basketball game with Friends here.


look up your record but will re-member that you are a very brilliant boy so he should change your grade from a D to an A for you must have had an off day when you look what he though an easy exam. These schemes will sure change your grade from good to better and re-member how proud mother is of her little Howard Albert or Anna Bell. The second change is not all gold coins, however. This change is from good to bad, It is necessary to remain on this question long as all

students are brilliant but if there are a few with phlegmatic temper-ments they are all confined to the state universities. As many times as the student have told that they have bright (brilliant) and smiling faces by men who were supposed to be authorities in their field, would make any student know he was quite a smart person. Several spank-ers (who are not good looking so the girls don't smile) just tell the students that they are the brightest (brilliant) student they have ever seen and some of these speakers have traveled a great deal. With the assurance of several speakers is it no wonder that students are vain. In spite of all these statements, several of the students seem to have the opinion that some speakers do not let truth reign in their speech. This is made vivid to them when some students who know they know their, onions do not make A's in their exams but instead, fail way below average. Because brevity is the

100% Strong

The Quaker Basket Men will en-gage the Bull Dogs her Friday night to our second conference battle. The Bulldogs are playing great basket ball this season and their fine form will make every M. C. student mighty proud.

Two weeks ago at Wichita Friends got off on the wrong foot and the Bulldogs trounced them 47 to 24 in a decisive manner. They are sure to come here Friday determined to reverse the count.

Portia Vaughn's jazz Bull Dog's (not hounds) will be in the gym carin' to toot some hot lively synco-pations. The Bulldogs part of the fans are looking forward to a 100% representation.

Bulldogs, show your stuff!


Address To Be Given By Dean R. R. Schwegier Of Kansas University

Inauguration Ceremony Will Take

Place In The Morning Followed By An Address By Dr. Schwalm

The Inauguration of Dr. V. F. Schwalm as president of McPherson Collage will be Feb. 14. Invitation for this service which is to be an ail day affair were sent out to the Colleges of the state and the colleges of the Church of the Brethren.

In the morning the Inauguration ceremony will take place. Dr. Harily as secretary of the Board of Trustees will present the charge. This will be followed by the acceptances saw and address by D., Schwalm. The Inaugur al address will be given by Dean R. R. Schwegier, dean of the school of education of Kansas University.

The afternoon program will consist of brief speeches by representatives of such organisations as the Chamber of Commerce of McPherson, the Department of Education, and college organization.

The evening program will be open to the entire community. At this time there will be an informal reception for the president.

Tues., Jan. 24- Second Semester begins.

soul of wit, I will quit discussing this change.

The change front bad to good is the third wonder. Believe it or not there are still a few students who have initiative (or is it luck?) to finish up with a bang and surprise the world by getting good grades. The boys of this group believe in telling the co'ed reign in blissful peace after she's thirty five years old or older. The girls of their class have the motto of eventually why not now. To live up to their purpose in college they go with the boy for you can't get married without knowing a man or two or three—(to be continued next week) At any rate they are part of the college life which makes men and women of boys and girls and they have the will power or luck to know the answers to the exam question so they get good grades when the rest of the students don't see how they can.

The last type has the same principals throughout the year as the last type but they forget to study when the time comes or else just can't let a few exams interfere with their education. This type goes from the stages of so-so to the eternal depths below what is commonly called getting by or in more refined words doing passing work. This class adds little to the intellect of the school but furnishes a great deal of the education of college life. For a great many in this class the exams are.

The End.


Entertainment Was Given In

Form Of Games, Contests And A Program

Bashful Boys Were Seen Being Escorted To And From Home

Last Friday, the girls of the Christian Endeavor were given the chance In show their preference by a leap year party. The large attend-ance went to show that must of them had a preference and were lucky in getting his concent.

At 7:15 there was a reversal of the usual migration from Fahnestock to Arnold and soon the hall of Fahne-stock were resounding with the calls of boisterous girls and the answers of timid buys.

The party was given in the base-ment of the church. The evening's entertainment consisted of relays, guessing contests, other games of rivalry and a program of readings and vocal solos.

Following the program a light luncheon of fruit salad and wafers was served by the "boys".

It was the girls evening and some of the poor boys out getting until late lamented the fact that a leap year party should come on Friday, the thirteenth. It would have been a good night to sleep too.


For several years the idea of a music club for McPherson College students and others who are inter-ested has been in the minds of our music faculty Friday morning the college faculty enforced the organ-zation of such a club.

It is believed this will prove a very popular innovation. The present plans are to accept the help of a representative of the Kansas State Federation of Music Clubs in organ-ization probably the first or second week of the second semester.

The club will likely meet every two weeks. These meetings can be made not, only entertaining, but ed-ucational A big response is expect-ed when the first meeting is announced.


The McPherson Salon Orchestra under the direction of Prof G. Lewis Doll, gave the first of a series of monthly concerts at the Methodist Church Sunday afternoon. January 8, to an unusually large audience.

This splendid ensemble sustained it's reputation of being an organiza-tion of real artistic ability. Many declared this to be the best orchestras concert ever heard here with the exception of the Kansas City Little Symphony

Miss Fern Lingenfelter, pianist, displayed fine artistry in the Presto

movement of Mendelsohn's G minor Concerto, with the orchestra in the accompaniment.

The McPherson College Ladies Glee Club, Miss Wilma Batchelor di-rector, sang a group of songs in a most effective and delightful man-ner.

Following is the program:

Second Symphony    Haydn



Allergro Spiritoso

Concerts for the piano in G Minor ---Mendelesohn


Miss Lingenfelter with orchestra Liebesfreud


Two Guitars

— Horlick


Come where the Lillies Bloom


Will O'The Wisp


Birds are Singing


Glee Club

Song of the Volga Boatmen

.....Russina Folk Song

Mill in The Forest    Eilenberg

The Spectator

The Student Newpaper of Mc-Pherson College, purposing to re-count accurately past activity -and to stimulate continually future achievement

Entered as second class matter

November 20, at the postoffice

at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.

Subscription Rate — $1.50 per year.

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas


Editor-in-chief    Lloyd Jamison

Assistant Editor    LaVerne Martin

Campus Editor    Doris Ballard

Exchange Editor    Harriet Hopkins

Sport Editor    Lawrence Mann

Feature Editor Robert E. Puckett Copy Editors    Ruth Anderson

Mabel Beyer


Oliver Ikenberry, Allen Morine, Lloyd Diggs, Charles Collins, Ralph Frantz PROOF READERS Ruth Anderson, Kenneth Eisen-bise.


Business Mgr.    Howard Keim Jr.

Asst. Bus. Mg.    Charles Bish

Circulation Mgr. Oliver Ikenberry

Faculty Advisor

M. A. Hess

TUESDAY, JANUARY 17, 1928 Editorial

Friday we have our first home game of the conference season, do we have the pep to support that team? We have the pep in the way of yells and songs, but what we need more than anything is a good peppy orchestra. The material for such an

orchestra is available and with a lit-

tle encouragement and support from the student we could have one of the best. If we are ask to help sup port an orchestra let us show our school spirit by supporting it.


‘‘‘It is not the size of the check a

man can draw but the amount of service he can contribute to the race." said Mr. W. C. Heaston, local physician in the Y. M. C. A. assembly Tuesday morning.

Heaston told of the qualities he admired in a man. The first quality be liked to see in every man was a spirit of kindliness. Live a life for others. He explained the meaning of the Rotarian motto: "Service above self."

In order to live a life of service every man must be true to himself. "If you are to be a success in life

you must be physically strong, morally clean and mentally alert", said Heaston. These qualities may be acquired by living to the high ideals of the four fold life.

NEW YEAR'S resolutions is TOPiC OF Y. W

New Year's resolutions was the theme of the Y. W. meeting last Tuesday morning. Miss Margaret Wagoner was leader.

Talks were given by several girls. Miss Doris Ballard said the college girls should make resolutions that are hard to keep and which develop the will power. College girls should ever keep striving for the best.

Miss Mildred Swenson gave five ways of starting the year out right. She advised the girls to organize and systematize their work to play more, to become optimists, to learn to serve others, and not to neglect their religious life.

An a special treat Miss Portia Vaughan gave a pianologue of her own entitled, "Musings of the Old Piano."

Princeton undergraduates have raised a demand for film of college life that will really depict in a truthful way what good on in the average American college of today.


MISS 1928

Pretty Clothes. Turned up nose. Pink garters. Rolled hose.

Painted lips. Boyish hips. High heels, No slips.

Pure joy. Always coy. Real apart. Flapper boy.

Love to Kiss.

Life is bliss. Greeting!

Lovely flapper Miss

R. P.


Wednesday, Jan. 11.

We boys head the ladies were, in-viting their gentlemen friends to a leap year party. What would I wear? Were the boys to wear how or fore-in-hand ties? I found that most of the boys would wear bow ties, sox with stripes and not garters. I was terrible glad I found out. I was nev-. er so uncomfortable in my whole life as at that last party when all the boys wore suspenders but myself. I couldn't look a soul in the face for weeks afterwards.

Thursday, Jan. 12.

I have been crying. Mable hasn’t ask me to the party and it's the day before. I'd like to know if she ex-pects me to go on a moment's notice? Well I won’t! I won’t I won't! There isn't any sence in her acting that way. Every other boy in the dormitory has a date but me. Well —If she thinks she can fool around like this she’s mistaken. I’ll up and go with some one else. Just wait and see.

Jan. 13, Friday.

The party was just wonderful I have Mabel's ring. It's so beautiful! She say her father wore it when he was engaged. Isn't she a perfect

dear? Oh I could just cry I'm so happy. Why every thing is just wonderful. The way she kissed me when we came home was so roman tic. Oh, it all seems like a dream.

I am sorry I had all those horrid old thoughts about Mabel. She says she saw me walking with another girl and thought I had accepted a date. If some of the girls hadn't told her I expect dear old Mabe's wouldn't have had the courage to ask me. She's so sensitive about things that way.

Gee I must run down the hall and show the boys my ring. It's perfectly gorgeous! They'll turn green with envy. And Mabel says we'll really be married. This isn't any ordinary engagement.

God bless dear old Mabe's

Prof. Grandpa Williams complains that the letters he gets from the Widow Bachelor are as impersonal as ice and snow.

Examinations will be coming thick and fast tomorrow. All we can do is hope for the best. And may God forgive our professors. '"For they know not what they do."

Bobbie Earl

From Other Schools

Chapel Echoes

A freshman student at the Univer-sity of Mississippi fell from a three decker bed, when his alarm clock went off right at his ea, and was fatally injured by the fall.

The Interclass hop, one of the leading social events of the school year at the University of Chicago, has been abolished on account of lack of support. A deficit of $300 which was made up by the students, was one of the big reasons for discontin-uing the hop.

Students working their way through school are given their text books free of charge by Stanford University

The Harvard Crimson has attracted the custom of initiation of freshmen at Harvard, because of the recent antics of ulitiators is Harvard

Miss Haven Hutchinson, Mcpher son College delegate reported on the Detroit Conference in chapel Mon-day. She named "The accomplish-ments and failures of missions" as one of the important questions dis-cussed. International speakers such as Spear and Hodgacion, emphasized the fact that the day of missions is just begun. Eddy said he believed because of the "simple stark need of the world," John R. Mott de-clares that the world is full of mis-understandings and needs missions..

Speaker representing many dif-ferent countries and races said crit-ical things not derogatory to Christ. For instance, "Christianity has been 17 years in Japan but is not yet Japanized.' "African lands have been exploited, but their minds are yet to be explored." "India does not need foreign leaders but the people need to be taught to help themselves." Perhaps the theme of the confer-ence could be summed up in the

Square. The argument is that such institutions are too childish and but or keeping with the dignity of the


The women's physical education department at Iowa University has been viewing moving pictures of

field hockey. Including films of fam-ous teams.

The women of the University of Nebraska hold an annual Cornhus-ker costume party. Three prizes are awarded each year.

At the University of Michigan each graduation member of the 1927 foot-ball squad to receive a ring.

Dr. Samuel W. Williams, Wyoming Ohio, oldest living alumnus of Ohio Wesleyan University, who had re-cently celebrated his 100th birthday, is believed to be the oldest college graduate in the United States.

Freshmen must be in bed every evening at 10 with the exception of two hours a week, according to a new rule at Mount Holyoke.

Red and white confetti is scattered at the games of the University of Minnesota.

The University of California is planning to maintain a tutoring staff to aid athletes who are low in schol-arship.

Whiteman College boast that 80 per cent of the men students are partially self supporting and about 50 per cent of the women

Ohio State University has a stud-ent court for the trial of traffic violation cases.


A number of plays have been pre-sented to the library by the class of 1928. The librarian assures her appreciation of the plays.

Those presented were;

"The Lamp and the Bell" by Edna St. Vincent Millay.

"A Bill of Divorcement" by Clem-

ence Dane.

‘The Keynote" by Ted and Vir-finia Maxwell.

"The Pipes of Pan" by Edward

Childs Carpenter.

"Honors Are Even" by Roi Coop-

er Megrue.

"The Thirteenth Chair" by Ray-

monti Veiller.

"The Makropoulos Secret" by Karel Capek.

"Outward Bound" by Sutton Vane.

"Cat O’ Nine Tails" by Lawrence

G.. Worcester.

"The Passing of the Third Floor Back" by Jerome K. Jerome.

Two collections of plays, "A Treasury of Plays for Women", and "Contemporary One-Act Plays for 1921” both edited by Frank Shay have been given to the library by the Thespian club.

The first book copyrighted in 1928 to be received at the library is "Problems of the Family" by Willystine Goodsell. It has been assigned to some of Dr. J. J Yoder's classes.

The Readers Guide to Periodical Literature has been moved to one of the tables in the general references room of the library near the bound volumes of magazines. A few col-lege students have not yet learned the value to this key to the current material found in magazines. words of Van Dusen, "find the most pressing need of the day and then bend all energies toward that."

Howard Keim, speaking in terms of the conferenced, said that Christianity is losing prestige because missionaries often try to Americanize rather than Christianize: foreigners want to do the leading themselves and let the Americans advise.

Keim touched on the inter-racial problem, which was an important phase of the conference, by suggesting that we start practicing Christianity at home by allowing the negro to enter business and live in our towns.    *

Wilmer Lehman another delegate said that he was much impressed with the fact that in Jesus Christ all men find the way to life and happiness. Speakers from all over the world brought a challenge-to think in terms of the world. They brought a call for missionaries to teach God’s Word rather than our civilization.

Mrs. Frank Crumpacker, former missionary to China, says "Face the facts—seek for truth” was the con-

ference motto. When we realize that one-half the world ran neither read nor write we see that there is a great unfinished task. But Every Christian is a missionary until the church is triumphant.

Charles Lindbergh was the subject of Prof. Boone's chapel talk Friday. As a result of his famed trans-Atlantic air hop Lindbergh received over 3 million dollars. 250,000 cable-grams, $150,000 worth of gifts, com mercial offerings to the extent of 8 million. These ovations did not spoil Lindy but through it all he remained his own true self: Instead of becoming a movie star he chose to carry good will to other countries.

By The Way

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Trostle of Nickerson stopped here Thursday to see their son Raymond on their way to Kansas City.

Mr and Mrs. Gilbert Brubaker were callers in McPherson Saturday. Brubaker, class of '27. Is now teaching at St. Johns, Kansas

Misses Vivian Harnly and Kathryn Swope were College Hill guests over the week end.

B. S. Trostle of Nickerson visited his daughter Ruth Friday evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Reed of Abilene and Earl of Windom were visiting Mer-vin Reed at McPherson College Sat -urday.

Orral Voran of Lorraine was calling on his brother Alvin in Fahne-stock Hall Saturday.

Miss Ethel Meyer spent the week end at her home in Canton.

Prof. J. A. Blair and family drove to Hutchinson Saturday afternoon.

Rev. H. F. Richards and wife were calling at the McPherson hospital Sunday afternoon.

David Brubaker, '24 who now teaches at Marquette, brought his public speaking class to McPherson College last Friday to do some re-search work in the library.

Joe Yoder is seriously ill with peritonintus.

Misses Winifred O'Connor and Elsie Crissman were Arnold Hall visitors Sunday.

Misses Floy and Roberta Brown were visited by their parents Saturday afternoon.

Two hundred students were driven from the Academy at St. Louis and the St. Jean Berchmans pension of Quebec, Canada, when a fire swept the six-story building


1. Bright.

2. Utrecht

3. Fries (freeze)

4. Doll.

5. Batchelor

6. Hershey.

7. Ilmira.

8. Miller.

9. Blair (blare)

10. Teach.

11.    Gardener.

12.    Boone.

13.    Lehman (layman). 14. Graham,

15, Saylor (sailor).

16. Wall.

17. Beyer (buyer).

18. Wise.

19.    Bowers.

20.    Hutchinson.

21. Johnson.

22. Budge.

23. Mann.

24.    Rhodes (roads)

25. Beaver

26. Shoemaker.

27. Dell

25.    Swain.

29. Hoover.

30- Bishop

31.    Wine.

32.    Fields,

33. Perry.

34.    Hays

35.    Countryman.

36. Hanna.

37. Weaver.

38.    Curtis.

39. Campbell

40.    Hall.

41.    Diggs

42. Sargent

43. Rump.

44.    Rock

45.    Hudson.

46. Seitz (sights).

47. Taylor (tailor)

48.    Fillmore.

49. Newton

50. Davis.



The number of activity points allowed a student is determined by the

number of semester hours or work he carries and the grades he makes.

Taking the second line from the top across;

1— An A-student enrolled for 17 hours is allowed 12 activity points.

2— A B-student enrolled for 17 hours is allowed 11 activity points

3— A C-student enrolled for 17 hours is allowed 10 activity points.

Taking the third line from the top across:

1— An A-student enrolled for 16 hours in allowed 13 activity points.

2— A B-student enrolled for 16 hours is allowed 12 activity points.

3— A C-student enrolled for 16 hours is allowed 11 activity points.

4— A D-student enrolled for 16 hours is allowed 9 activity points.

Taking the fourth line from the top across:

1-—An A-student enrolled for 15 hours is allowed 14 activity points.

2— A B-student enrolled for 15 hours is allowed 13 activity points.

3— A C-student enrolled for 15 hours is allowed 12 activity points.

4— A D-student enrolled for 15 hours is allowed 10 activity points.

Tbs point system governing student activities in Bethel has under-gone a revision and in revised form will became effective with the open ing of the second semester of school work.    

Formerly activity points were de-termined only by the number of semester hours the student carried but under the new system points are determined by the number of hours carried and also by the grades he makes.

Changes have been made in the evaluation of points and new activities have been added to the system.

The following is the new point system that is to be used.

Point system governing student activities in Bethel College effective the second semester 1927-28:

Athletics—Varsity, football, basketball, 5, soccer, 3.

Bethel College Monthly—Student editor, 1.

Collegian- Associate editor, 5; business manager, 3; editor, 8; staff member, 4.

Chorus and Choir—Business man-

agar. 6; member, 5.

Forensics— Debate, Intercollegiate, 5: oratory, intercollegiate, 4: reading, local 2.

Gray-Maroon    Advertising man-

ager. 6: art editor, 5; associate edi-tor, 6: business manager, 6. editor, 8: staff member, 4: photographer editor, 2.

Literary Society--Member of pro-gram committee, 2: member, 1: of-ficer, 2.

Oratorio—Member, 1.

Orchestra —Member, 2.

Pep Club—Cheer leader, 2; mem-ber, 1.

Quartette —(If not a part of club), 3.

Student Council Advertising manager, 5: member, 3 president, 4; secretary, 3; treasurer, 4.

Student Volunteer Member, 3; member of program committee 3; president, 5; secretary, 3; vice-president, 5.

Science Club— Member, 1: officer,

Y. M. C. A and Y. W. C. A. President, 5; member of cabinet, 4; member of program committee, 2.

Table showing the relation of act-ivity points to the amount of work and grades:


Hrs. A




18 11



16 13




15 14




14 15



1 1

13 16


1 4

1 2

12 17





(Continued from Page One)

of the high tide of ancient Greek life,

The idea as a whole is not ad-vanced as novel, except as a move in formal education. The system of finding out what one wants to know or needs to know is as old, the president of the university indicated, as civilization itself, perhaps older. it was suggested tat the cave man learned by the same methods these young people are going to pursue. Certainly, the man in ordinary life today. Including the motorist who is determined to find out what is

wrong with a car that won't run, obtains a lot of useful knowledge by looking carefully into a situation, analyzing it, taking it apart— and possibly, putting it back together again.--K C Star


Industrial Chemistry was the theme for discussion in last Thurs-day's Chemistry Club meeting. Rob-ert Puckett, who is employee as a chemist in the Kansas State Grain Inspection Department during the summer months told the adventures

of a car of wheat from farmer to baker. A detailed explaination was given of the Kieldahl process of protein analysis. Every car of wheat which is shipped in Kansas is ana-lyzed by the State Grain Chemists. Puckett told many of the experience which a State Chemist must go through.

Ronald Warren spoke on the tan-

ning industry. Last year he was em-ployeed at Wankegan, Ill, in one of the largest tanneries in the United States. The complete process of preparing leather requires three months. Warren traced a cut of raw material from the time it reached the plant until it was ready for use as leather.

As many of the formulas use in the tanning are held in secret he explain. ed mostly the merchant treatment

"leather", said Warren, "can be

split into pieces as thin as wrapping paper.




Last year's base ball men will not receive letters as far as the m. club is concerned. Last Thursday morn-ing by a two to one vote, the club recommended that the athletic board not award the letter M to the base ball men.

A petition was presented recently to the athletic hoard asking that let-tars be awarded to the men on the 1927 base ball team. As the board had a tie vote, tlie question was submitted to the M. Club.

The men playing on last years team were of the opinion that letters would be granted. The athletic board awarded base ball letters in 1926 but did not officially say that they would be given in '27. The team was not sponsored by the board and therefore no action was taken in granting letters. Two teams were played last year and only one of these a member of the conference.

The base ball men were of the opinion letters would be granted and therefore petitioned the athletic board to award them. In the M club meeting is was stated that the team had worked hard and deserved the award. The baseball men all feel that they have been given a bad deal.

The M club recommended that the athletic board award letters if they had been promised to this team but if they had not, the letters were not to be given. The general feeling was that this would, lower the stand-ards. The requirement for an M should be raised in place of lowered.

The athletic board will meet in the near future and a decision will be made.


The Carey Salt Men, with a host of. Hutchinson fans, are coming tonight to test the metal of the Bank-ers for the return game on the home court. This will be the third game of the return with the Salt men as McPherson took the count of 33-26 in a pre-season game here in December, and also emerged with a narrow 30-29 victory at Hutchinson for their first league tangle.

Since then Barnes, a former Beth any player, has been added and they were able to conquer Newton, the only team in the league to stop the Bankers.


Setting a hard pace in the opening plays of to game, the Newton Panhandles withstood the Bankers thrilling comeback to carry home a 35-32 victory last Tuesday night.

Although the Newton men jumped to a decided lead, the, game kept the fans on their feel until the end of the game as the Bankers offered a steady threat to overcome the lead.

The second half saw the Hankers in some might good basket ball when the margin was narrowed to 31-30. Gardner dropped a field goal and put the Mac-men ahead one point but Newton's forward shoved in two points to be followed later by their guard's hit and the game was over.

Newton and the Bankers played brilliant ball through out, but with their good start, the Pandandies took home the bacon.


After completing a successful tour in Nebraska, in which the Kansas Wesleyan Coyotes felt the strength of their teamwork in opposition to the Kearney State Normals. Hastings College and Grand Island College, the Salina five fell before the Ottawa Braves in their seasons opener Friday night 24-15.

Although Wesleyan got away with a nice six-point lend, the Braves started rolling the goals and showed the Coyotes in pretty ragged form. Cliff Bins, pivot man for Ottawa: caused most of Salina's worry while almost every other man on the Brave team added to the score.

One fellow in Fahnestock hall seem to delight in throwing tin cans down the stairs and to protect himself, yell, "Who in heck is throwing those cans again."

We will all admit this is a very accomplished and skilled feat—keep it up.



Encountering the Chapman High Basketeers on the court Friday night, the McPherson High Basket team demonstrated very well what it is to get ‘hot' when they heaped up an 87-4 victory over their northeastern rivals.

Haws, forward, poured the ball through the goal for fourteen field goals and three free throws. Captain Carpenter counted seven field markers and two free throws and Mohl-strom pulled seven field goals.

McPherson, champions in last year's central Kansas league, with this overwhelming victory, is at once; ranked among the highest contend-ers for honors this season.


The four girls volley ball teams contested for the winning team last, Monday night. Teams one and two played the first game, the latter winning with a 15-13 score. Team three won over team four, the score being 15-13.

The contest between the two win-ning teams was not so close. Team four won, 15-3.

Members of the winning team were Viola Bowser, Dorothy Sargent, Ruth

Lancaster, Elaine Gustafson, Aileen

Ostlund, Arian Brigham, Marguerite Wagoner, Kathryn Burgin and Vel-ma Wine.

The varsity team will be chosen in the near future,

That the younger students make, relatively higher intelligence scores than their classmates was indicated by the results of an intelligence test, given to the students of agriculture at the Oklahoma A. and M. College, The second year students led in overage intelligence,

Ovcr-night hikes are being planned by the physical education department of the University of Arizona for girls who are interested in hiking.


The first meeting of the Forensic club since vacation was held Wednesday evening at 6:30.

The program consisted of musical numbers and readings. Clarence Hawkins sand “Mandylane", with banjo accompaniment "Katy-did" was the reading given by Miss Ruth Blickenstaff. Francis Berkebile sang a bass solo, "The Three Tars". Two piano solos were played by Miss Thelma Budge. Two short readings by Miss Goldia Goodman were follow ed by a vocal duet. "Whispering Hope" sang by Henry Hall and Lloyd Diggs.


Mrs. J. L. Hoff entertained eleven guests at a tea Sunday afternoon at four o'clock as a surprise to Miss Lois Beahm in honor of her birth-


After an hour spent in social visiting the guests were served sand-wiches, cuke, and tea. The birthday cake was covered with white icing and decorated with pink candles which Lois suceeded in blowing out all at one time.

After the guest had all been served .Miss Delta Lehman read "The Second Trial."

The guests were Mrs. J. D. Bright, the Misses Della Lehman, Helen Mc-Gill, Florence Dresher, Leta Wine, Irene Baker, Viola Bowser, Chester Carter, Ruth Blickenstaff, Lillian Horning, and Mildred Swenson,


Why is it that everytime a guy goes to bed in Fahnestock some fool has to throw three or four tin cans down the stairs which roll, and crash, and smash, and bang, and hammer, and boom, and rattle, and grind, and clang and growl, and snort, and tear, and wheeze, and biff, and bust, and lam, and rip, and rap only to be carried up and thrown down again.