McPherson college, McPherson, Kansas
vol. XI
Tuesday, November 15, 1927
NO. 10
Program Divided Into Three Parts, Each in Suitable Costume.
That the Lyceum program put on by the Blue Danube Light Opera Singers at the Methodist Church Wednesday night, November 9, was a decided success was proven by the applause which greeted every num-ber.
The Blue Danube Light Opera Singers is a company sent out by the Redpath Bureau. It is composed of five members, four singers composing a mixed quartet and an accompanist.
The program was divided into three parts. For the first part which consisted of a group of sacred numbers, the singers were dressed in choir robes. The most popular numbers in this part of the program were "Unfold Yon Portals" and "The Lost Chord “ The second part of the program was given is evening dress. It consisted of solos and dramatic and comic numbers. In in this group "Blue Danube Waltzea," "Humoresque'' and the negro spirit-' uals proved popular.
The concluding part of the pro-gram was an operetta, ‘‘In Romany." The scene was laid in a gypsy camp to which a young American naval officer came and met his love who turned out to be the daughter of a count and who had been raised by the gypsy band. In presenting this operetta the company was somewhat handicapped in not having adequate stage on which to give it. They over-came this difficulty, however quite satisfactorily.
Rev. Hugh J. Heckman who is holding revivals at the college church has spoken to large audi-ences every morning. Those who have heard him comment upon his ability to provoke thought in the minds of his listeners. Being a cripple, he relies almost wholly upon the thought of his message and the power of his personality to attract the attention of his congregation.
Rev. Heckman is at present pastor of the Brethren church at Fruita, Colorado, at which place be and his family have lived for the past three or four years.
Rev. Heckman attended Colorado College at Colorado Springs, Colo., afterwards going to Mount Morris College at Mount Morris, Ill., where he received his A. B. degree. He received the B. D. and M. The degrees from Bethany Bible school in Chicago, and later his A. M. at the University of Chicago.
After completing his school work, Rev. Heckman became Professor of sociology at Bethany school, at which position he remained for twelve years, giving it up to go west for his health. He hopes to be able to return soon to the teaching pro-fession, which he planned to be his life work.
In addition to his work in the Fruita church, Rev. Heckman oc-casionally holds a revival, conducts a number of Bible Institutes, and writes comments on the Sunday School lesson for the "Teachers' Monthly'' of the Church of the Brethren.
He is regarded by some of the leading educators in the Church of the Brethren as an excellent teacher, and as one of the three or four outstanding thinkers in philosophy and theology found in that denomination
Languages Dropped—Case School Of Applied School at Cleveland last week deleted all studies of foreign languages from its schedules, sub stituting courses in economics, his tory sad related subjects. The reason Case graduates have had too little use for foreign languages.
"We, as a College, do not want to be judged so much by the quantity of our intake as by the quality of our output.”
“Our influence is not determined so much by the number of contracts we make as by the quality and kind of contacts."
"That one of the causes of rest-lessness—of hectic rushing from one 'activity' to another on the part of students is the heart hunger for the abiding and satisfying things of life. That student loses much who does not daily compose his spirit for a few moments in quiet contemplation and meditation on the abiding realities of life."
One hundred twenty four grad-uates of McPherson College who are now occupying positions in the teaching profession met in reunions at the State Teachers' Meetings held at Wichita, Salina and Topeka November 3-5.
The Wichita reunion, held in the Tea Room of India, Thursday even-ing from 5:30 to 7:30 o'clock was most largely attended. At this gathering were 55 persons, who exchanged reminiscences and projects, in addition to listening to a care-fully prepared program.
The principal address of the
Wichita reunion was given by Pres. V. F. Schwalm of McPherson College. E. M. Brubaker, '44, gave a toast on "Our Dear M. C.” Miss Florence Kline. ‘27, sang the
"Kashmiri Song" by Woodford Finden, C. O. Lowe, '23, spoke on “Five Years an Alumnus," Orville D. Pote, '23, talked on M. C. Football,” Dr. J. J Yoder, ‘13. Prof. J. A. Blair, and Prof. C. B. Williams all instructors in McPherson College, gave short talks. As a closing number the entire group sang the college song. Proceeding the program a three course dinner was served.
At the Salina gathering 49 graduates met to dine and discuss. Miss Elsie McConkey "27, was toast-mistress. Miss Winifred O'Connor and Moffat Eakes, both of the class of ‘27, gave short talks. Dean R. E. Mohler, of McPherson College, talked on "Inside Doings of the College.”
The McPherson College male quartette sang, ‘‘There Little Girl Don't Cry” and “On the Road to Mahdaisy." Miss Wilma Batchelor, voice instructor of McPherson College sang “Villanelle" by Eva Dell’ Acqus.
Twenty teachers who claim Mc-Pherson College as their Alma Mater were at Topeka reunion held at noon Friday. The program consisted of a piano solo by Miss Estelle Engle, '23, and a roll call of those present which was responded to by each one telling his present location and bis experiences since leaving college. The program for the Wichita group was arranged by Orville D Pote, that at Salina by Ray S. Wagoner, and that at Topeka by Henry Stover.
Those attending the World Fellowship Convention sponsored by the Young Men's and Women's Christian Association at Wichita last Saturday and Sunday were Misses Autumn Lindbloom, Haven Hutch-inson, Fern Guile and Della Lehman. Childs Corbit, national head of the World Fellowship division of the Y. M. C. A. spoke on "Our Relation to the World” which was the theme of the entire convention. On Sunday afternoon Corbit talked on "Tangible Things That Other Schools Are Doing to Promote Christian World Education."
Other Y leaders at the conven-tion were Colman, regional Y. M.
C. A. secretary, and Miss Lisa Dims-dale, student Y. W. C A. secretary from Chile.
Miss Dinsdale will be on the McPherson College campus Wednesday and Thursday of this week. She will speak in chapel Wednesday.
The Personal Task
There is a general tendency today to emphasize the importance of
awakening to world-vision and world-interest. We speak much about the cultivation of a universal mind. It is properly so, for human personality in enlarged and enriched by broad understanding and wide ap-preciations. We ought to know all we can learn. Information in a basic factor in growth and progress and the whole earth furnishes a fund of fact, idea, and experiences to make world-citizens of all who will to bo-come such.
It is to be observed, however, that many people who claim to think and speak in universal terms have but an abstract idea of their personal relation to the life and work of the world. A definite tank and convic-tion of individual duty have not been discovered. When that is true a career loses its color and its zest, and early enthusiasms fade away into unfulfilled dreams and perhaps lost hopes.
The secret of strength and happiness in a growing mind and expanding heart is in finding a particular place in this world to be personally useful. The tree which has sent its roots down into one spot is the tree which bears fruit for all who may partake of it. A student once declaimed before his classmates how much he loved everybody. The wise teacher in charge modified the ambitious buret of enthusiasm by asking whether the student could actually prove that he loved anybody. Love and strength and service cannot exist and be genuine only in the abstract They must function individually in a particular way and place in order to be real.
Let this idea of concrete usefulness apply to college life. The educational process is not merely a preparation for life. It is actually a vital part of life itself. All phases of human existence are represented in college—physical, mental, social, and moral. Every possible human emotion is given an opportunity for expression or repression Each teacher and student makes some contribution to the total influence of the school, and each receives something from the school. Therefor all instructors and students ought to have a general understanding of, and cordial sympathy with the foundation aims and conduct of their institution. They should recognize that the college exists for all, and is itself a product of united thought and activity. This is the universal college mind. Each possessor of it is interested in the whole school, rejoices in the progress of every department, society, team, and class, and pay* honor any individual teach er or student who adds to the whole-some prestige of the institution
But no one person can serve his college well and permanently in merely a general interest. Each must find the special task in the life of the whole where he is fitted to make a personal contribution whether in class, public expression, religious activity, or the athletic field. Everyone should endeavor to be the very best student he has capacity to be, and in addition to that render a specific influence by fitting in where he has ability to render personal service. Such service is always gain and never loss. Peo-ple of wide and universally whole-some influence are those who have
done some one thing worthwhile in a particular place and way.
“The test of greatness is the way we meet the eternal everyday" with its details of personal duty and constant application.—J. Hugh Heckman.
Dr. Schwalm spoke to the eight hundred boys in the Young Men's Reformatory at Hutchinson Sunday.
The theme of his sermon was "The Abounding Life."
A male quartette from McPher-son College sang, “Oh How the Love Came a Tricklin' Down," "The Church in the Wildwood." and "Re-membe Me." The singers were Henry Hall, Earl Kinzie, Francis Berkebile, and Lloyd Diggs
Earl Kinzie sang, “The Publican" and Francis Berkebile sang, "The Living God." Miss Thelma Budge played a Mazorke in F. by Bohm.
Miss Edith McGaffey, head of the English Department of McPherson College, at 4:30 o'clock Friday afternoon, November 13, will read from the poems of Carl Sandburg. and will discuss the contribution to literature and thought made by this present day American poet. The reading will be given in Miss Mc-Gaffey's classroom, and will be for all students having a special interest in literature, it is announced.
The reading by Miss McGaffey is to be the first number of a series of literary appreciation programs proposed to be given by members of the English faculty and by students who
respond to the distinctive in liter-ature.
For a considerable time the Eng-list department has sensed a need for more literary reponse and expression among the students of the college. Various possible means of providing an opportunity for such expression have been considered. It was decided ultimately that an after-noon hour in which those students who have sensed something of the beauties of literary masterpieces and who wished for specialized study and reaction, would be the best of the various possibilities.
It is planned that, if student reaction is such as to make the pro-ject attainable, a series of programs on the distinctive writers, especially those most modern, and upon periods, movements, or specialized themes, will be given throughout the school year. Programs will consist of ap-
preciative readings of masterpeices: disccussions of authors, periods, and themes: and an opea forum will be provided for individual questions or contributions. It is planned that the programs shall be provided jointly by the English faculty and students. The English faculty especially in-vites to the Friday afternoon reading of Sandburg, all those interested in the possibilities of a literary appreciation group.
Miss McGaffey has twice heard Carl Sandburg read his own poems
A. L. Sucolofaky of Marion, who is a candidate for Secretary of State is a graduate of McPherson College. He was county clerk of Marion three
Dr. Schwalm went to Larned, Friday, to fill an engagement as lecturer on the Lyceum course at that place.
Mrs. Newrich—“We are having a few friends in for a musical oven-ing tonight. Bridget, and I'd like you to do your best."
Her Cook--"Sure, mum, I haven’t sung for years, but you can put me down for "Come Into The Garden, Maude."--The Music Jester.
My friend Bill likes to talk about his musical family. His mother used to play and sing a little, and his dad was born with a drum in each ear and had musical feet—two
flats. (No, he wasn’t a policeman.) - Music Jester.
Bulldogs Suffer 35-0 Defeat From Salina
Dogs Within One Yard Of Enemy Coal Twice But Unable To Penetrate Line.
The Bulldog squad journeyed to Salina on Friday, November 11. The opponent was the coyote eleven of Kansas Wesleyan University. The result of the Armistice Day battle, the Coyotes had scored 35 points and the Bulldogs had failed to score.
The Bulldogs had gone to Salina in high spirits for they had won the Bethel game by a larger score than K. S. U. had made against the same team. However, they were outweighed by more than twenty pounds to the man in the line and this difficulty was the direct cause of the Bulldog defeat.
Bulldogs Threaten Hanna's kick off for McPherson went over the goal line which gave the Coyotes the ball on their twenty yard line. Wesleyan made a first down on three plays but punted fifty four yards on the last down of the following series. Crumpacker punted forty yards in return and the Coyote fum-ble was recovered by the Dogs for no gain. The dogs opened up their famed aerial attack which carried the pigskin to the Wesleyan owe yard line on two similar occassions Crumpacker passed twenty eight yards to Nonken. Hanna plunged two yards
Nonken twirled a neat one to Crum packer for seven yards, then made three yards. It was first and goal line with the ball on the Wesleyan three yard line. The Bulldogs tried the Wesleyan line and made but two yards. Wesleyan punted nine yards. The Bulldogs had the ball on the Wesleyan ten yard line, lost three yards, made eleven on a pass. Non-ken to Crumpacker but lost the ball on the touchback when the pass over the goal line was incomplete. The Bulldogs had the honor of being the only team to penetrate Coyote territory to the one yard line during the season.
Coyotes Awaken
The Coyotes had been awakened and with the ball on their twenty yard line they advanced eighty yards on six plays for the first touchdown of the game. The advance featured by long runs by Isaacson and Frank Jilks. Taylor missed the goal.
The Bulldogs kicked and Wesleyan returned thirty yards. Jilka made eight. Overhoiser ran thirty eight yards. The Coyotes gained at will and Isaccson scored the second touchdowns Taylor missed the goal. Score At Will
Hanna kicked thirty six yards. Isaccson made twelve yards. Jilka and Overhoiser added seventeen. Jilka twelve more. Bartleson passed to Isaccson and gain was thirty yards. Jilka nine aud Overhoiser five yards. Jilka carried it across McPherson was offside on the try for point. Weselyan had scored 10.
Weselyan kicked over the goal line. The Bulldogs gained nine yards and punted seventeen. Isacc-son ran thirteen yards. Weselyan made another first down. Isaccson added sixteen yards. Jilka made three and Isaacson scored the fourth touchdown of the half. His kick was good, Weselyan 26.
Wesleyan kicked off, the Bulldogs gains were meager and they punt-ed. Wesleyan received a penalty as the half ended Weselyan 26, Bull-dogs 0.
Wesleyan kicked and a little later Betterson intercepted a Bulldog pass for a twenty one yard gain. The Coyotes made another first down but were halted on their own twenty one yard line from which Taylor's place kick against the wind was good Weselyan score—twenty nine points.
Last Half
largely Wesleyan's It was featured by long gains by Buckland and Hartleson, but the Coyotes did not score until the last quarter when Hayes intercepted a Bulldog pass and made twenty one yards. Qverhoi-ser’s line plunges added another first down and Captain Isaacson went over for the final score. The kick was wide.
The Bulldogs almost got( away when Crumpacker passed thirty nine yards to Nonken who was run down by Isaccson. But the ball was lost on downs. A Wesleyan pass was incomplete but on the next play Isaccson went thru the Bulldog de-fense for fifty two yards and was run down by Miller on the seven yard line. Wesleyan made three yards as the game ended. Wesleyan 35, Bulldogs 0.
McPherson — |
Wesleyan— | |
Malm |
LE |
Hoover |
Rump |
LT |
Brace |
Murrey |
LG |
Baxter |
Bowers |
C |
Betterson |
Whiteneck |
no |
Dice |
Stansbury |
It T |
Taylor |
Miller |
RE |
Mulkey |
Crumpacker |
Q |
Bartleson |
Nonken |
LH |
(C) Isaccson |
Graham |
R H |
Buckland |
Hanna |
F |
Overhoiser |
Officials R. Woodward. R. C. ref-eree: McGinnley, St. Marys. umpires: Corsant, K. S. A. C. headlinesman. Yards from scrimmage McPherson gained 26, lost 33, net gain 3 yds; Wesleyan gained 446, lost 23, net 423 yards. First downs: McPherson 3; Wesleyan 20. Passes McPherson attempted 19, completed 8 for 112 yards, incomplete 6: Wesleyan attempted 4, completed for 32 yards, incomplete 2, intercepted 2 for 42 yards. Punts McPherson, 7 for 182 yards, average 26 yards. Wesleyan 3 for 79 yards, average 26 yards Penalties, McPherson 4 for 20 yards. Wesleyan 5 for 45 yards. Touch-downs Isaccson 4. Jilka 1. Try for point after touchdown, Wesleyan— Isaccson 1. McPherson offside 1. Place kicks, Taylor 1—21 yards.
Substitutions: McPherson; Mc-Gongle for Nonken, Warren for Caskey, Spohn for Whiteneck, Bingham for McGonigle, Nonken for Bigham, Campbell for Hanna. Wesleyan: Anderson for Bruce, Hermann for Taylor, Weans for Hoover, Billings for Isaccson, Bolcourt for Jilka, Bart-leson for Hayes, Sargent for Spindle
"Loyalty" was the subject of the discussion led by Rev. Hugh Heck-man, evangelist at the Brethren church, in Y. M. C. A . assembly last Tuesday morning
"Determine the highest ideals in your ability and then defend them with your loyalty," advised Heckman. He discussed different types of loyalty and then asked the group to name some of the things that require loyalty.
After an analysis of the student discussion, loyalty to self was nam-ed the highest type of loyalty. Around loyally to self revolves the loyalty to the Jesus way of living and loyalty to home, church, school, and country. If our lives are to be rich personalities we must have loyalty to friends, ideals, heritage, and purpose. "Almost every thing that is wholesome and good calls for a challenge to loyalty,” concluded Heckman.
Foreign students numbered 59 in the last summer session of Wisconsin university. China lead with 17 dele-gates.
The activities in the women's de-
bate are not so fully developed and candidates are at present just being lined up. The try-out for the Wo-men's Debate Team will take place just a week later than the men's.
The Student Newspaper of Mc-Pherson College, purposing to re-count accurately past activity—and to stimulate continually future achievement.
November 20, 1917 at the postoffice
at McPherson, Kansas, under the act of March 3, 1897.
Subscription Rate - $1.50 per year.
Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR McPherson, Kansas
Wednesday evening, October 26, all persons in the community having lived in McPherson, were invited to a McPherson reunion. Including the McPherson Traveling College, a large at the social room in Founder's Hall number of about sixty congregated. With Mr. Ray Cullen as chairman, a short program was given. Each per-
son gave his name, the time of his residence in McPherson amd what he acquired there. Many brought away credits, grades, honors, and memo-ries, but a good many of the older ones brought away husbands and wives. Mrs. Frantz gave several readings, after which the group sang McPherson's Alma Mater Hymn, led
The theme of the Y. W. meeting last Tuesday morning was "Living on the Campus." Miss Bernice Mc
Cletian, the leader, explained that
this did not have any reference to the dormitories, but meant college life in general.
Editor-in-chief Lloyd Jamison
Assistant Editor LaVerne Martin
Campus Editor Doris Ballard
Exchange Editor Harriet Hopkins Sport Editor Lavelle Saylor
Feature Editor — Robert E. Puckett REPORTERS
Lawrence Mann, Oliver Iken-berry, Allen Morine, Ralph Frantz, Mabel Beyer.
PROOF READERS Ruth Anderson, Kenneth Eisen-bise.
Business Mgr. — Howard Kelm Jr. Asst. Bus. Mgr. . Charles Bish Circulation Mgr. Oliver Ikenberry
by Glenn Rothrock.
The remainder of the evening was spent in a social time and the con-
suming of a delicious basket lunch, which was prepared by all and enjoy-ed by all. Before breaking up, the group made a circle and joined to-gether in singing "Blest Be the Tie That Binds."-- LaVerne, California.
Miss Jessie Churchill talked on the subject of what we may do now that will help in future life. She suggested that the girls choose their associates carefully, that they form a few intimate friendships, that they learn to study world problems, that they broaden their lives through a wide field of activities, and that they develop mentally and spirit-ually.
Miss McGaffey talked on the subject from the angle of a former studet and a teacher. Her advice to the girls was to keep their good health, to learn the joy of hard work, to keep the integrity of their mind and soul, to learn the joy of creation, and to learn to listen to the silent voices.
Women at the Indiana University may not ride in any student's car at any time unless the parents are in the car or unless they hake permis-sion given by the Dean of Women.
This column is provided for the expression of opinion by any student or faculty member of McPherson College. All articles published must be signed by the writer. "The Firing Line" has no connection with the editorial column.
Faculty Adviser C. B. Williams
TUESDAY, November 22, 1927
The discovery of mice in a new fraternity house at Washburn evoked a decree that every pledge must present a mouse tail at the next fraternity meeting.
The Bulldog kennels have general-ly run true to type. But just as we are ready to announce to the world that the M. C. Kennels have produced a perfect pedigreed stock of real true and loyal bulldogs, there creeps in, an indication of a slight defect in the strain. It may be the trait of loyalty has been over-de-veloped and the defect is due to this. But the logical and most likely reason for the behavior of a few of the Canines is high spirited and misdirected energy.
Twenty-three Fords are entered in the annual river race from Still-water to Norman. A committee inspects the cars before starting and no Ford worth more than 326 can enter the race. Meal tickets and five seats on the 50 yard line at foot-ball games are the prizes.
With the date for Tryout In Debate fast approaching, Prof. Maurice Hess, coach, reports a number of hard working prospects preparing for the struggle for position on the
Wednesday evening. Nov. 30 in the college chapel the try-out will take place. At 1:10 Wednesday noon on Nov. 23, in Prof. Hess' room the candidates are to draw for sides on the abject — resolved. "That the Foreign Policy of the United States in Latin America Should Be Condemned."
With but one member, of last years first and second string men debaters, back, Professor Hess has been lining up a prospects of new material, and the reports are considerably encouraging in his opin-oin. In the experienced line, he has Hall and Diggs, debaters from Part-ridge, Ralph Frantz, champion de-bater from Colorado, Keith Hayes and Orville Ruehlen, Little River team, Lawrence Lehman, who debated for Hesston college last year. Marlin Hoover, one of second team last year, Ira Ihde, one of second team two years ago that won every debate. Philip Spohn, one of aca-demy team of four years ago which won every judge decision. Charles Collins, Larned H. S. debater.
In the other field, Walton Ratz, Oliver Ikenberry, Harold Crist, Ralph Landes, and Fred Perry, while they have no debate record, have made Forensic appearances and will give the more experienced men some real opposition.
The zeal and interest shown by candidates has led Prof. Hess to believe he has the material from which to build another team that McPherson students will be proud of.
300 students of Emporia's Teach-ers College went to Topeka in a special train when the Hornets battled the Ichabods.
"Husband grabbing" college girls were defended recently by University of California women and by Fred Foy, editor of the daily Californian. "Going to college to find a mate does not mean that a girl's character is in the least reproachable," is the assertion made by women of the university in their college daily. This statement was occasioned by a tirade against "husband grabbing", launch-ed by two men students.
Phi Kappa Theta, serenade fraternity, has been organized at the Uni-versity of Oklahoma, in order that better serenades may be had during the night.
Plans have been announced for a new law school at Yale. The building which will occupy a full block, will have dormitories for 238 men, a library for 250,000 volumes, a practice court, dining halls, and other usual features of a well equipped law school.
Plastered with mud that covers me, Thick as the slime of Soldiers' Field.
I know that many weeks 'twill be Before my wounds are fully healed.
In the fell clutch of quarterbacks
I have gone down with painful
Battered in numberless attacks I've filled my eyes and ears with mud.
And in that place of yells and cheers Although they've pulverized my spine.
And cauliflowered my flapping ears And smashed the nose that once was mine.
It matters not how great the ache From hurts I've had within the Bowl;
Henceforth I know that all a jake— I crossed the line—I kicked the goal!
With the building of the new Community Hall everyone is think-ing of the many uses that such a building makes possible. Indeed, there are many worthy purposes. To the writer, one, however,is out-standing-- one that most college towns have and one that every am-bitious and idealistic town would like to have—that is, a Music Festi-val. Such a festival should be really worth while and would stand out in bold relief to some of the recent disappointing community efforts. McPherson needs the cultural influ-ence that comes from such a Festi-val. We have unusual local talent, two colleges; and high ideals, cul-turally and educationally, but we need a greater outlet.
For the Music Festival some artist or an artist ensemble could be secured as the highlight. There could be secured, band and orchestra con-certs: the new Oratorio Society could give a monthly oratorio with Orchestra; a music conest could be in place (we do not have even a county contest!) there could be music recitals: a big attraction would be a play by the Little theatre movement organization, and so on.
We are not larking in resources. The college and every organization in the city should unite in such an effort now. We can and we should.
—G. Lewis Doll.
Miss Della Lehman, instructor of dramatics, was the guest at Arnold Hall dining room last Thursday evening.
Miss Lehman's visit was the re-sponse to an invitation extended by a commitee of the heads of the tables, appointed to investigate problems of the dining hall.
After the evening meal Miss Lehman spoke to the dormitory students concerning table etiquette. She read a humorous paper. "How to Behave at a Banquet," and then made summarizing applications to the dining hall problems.
Papers bearing dining hall eti-quette reminders edited by the com-mittee were distributed among the students.
Lavelle Saylor announced that the committee had decided that a formal dinner would be served the follow-
ing Sunday afternoon.
The action of this committee was taken to try to promote better con-ditions in the dining hall and in order that the students might receive some training, which is generally conceded to be a proper part of a college education.
Howard Kelm was a week end
visitor in Salina.
We didn't think the Lyceum number last week was so hot. There wasn't a single new date there.
Judging solely by the appearance of the Blue Danube company light opera hasn't a thing in do with the weight of the singers.
One thousand dollars to spend on beautifying the campus! Golly what a lot of money to waste. What we need most is one thousand dollars to spend on protecting our cam-pus we have. The Swedes may at-tack any time.
Don't try to kid the old Grads, they weathered through four years of beans and boiled potatoes and lived to tell the story. You don't even know if you'll be calling in the Dorm tomorrow.
We know of one McPherson stu- , dent that isn't planning to teach school. We’d reveal his name but we're afraid some one might get wrong opinion of him. He real-ly has the school spirit at heart.
A national law is needed to prevent shaving cream manufacturers from putting their products in tubes similar to those used for tooth paste. We had ours mixed up last
Always look up and down before you cross the street.
Don’t think the student who flunked in mid-semester exams is a scatter brain, perhaps he is preserv-ing his intelligence for future gene-rations.
Second string football players can truthfully say they made the varsity team.
Prof. Wms.- "Why are elephants and pianos alike?"
Miss McGaffey—"They ain't."
Prof. Wms.—-"They is there’s a H in both."
Miss McGaffey—"Huh uh!"
Prof. Wms, "Spell both without as H then."
"Hey, where's all the gang going? What's the rush?"
"Ralph Frantz hasn't got a date tonight and we are afraid he may be sick! Come on, maybe you can help!"
Phil Spohn—"Well what do you know, that girl spoke to me. She never did before."
Frank Barton—"Maybe it's leaked out that the M club is going to have a date banquet."
opportunity for balanced develop-
ment of one’s powers.
In his Armistice Day chapel ad-dress, Heckman outlined a peace program as follows:
Emphasize human values Repress prejudices and egoisms of classs and color.
Relegate militarism into oblivion. Discover actual channels to pursue peace.
Pres. Schwalm suggested that
students need to be baptised with a new baptism of seriousness-- a seri-ousness toward life and work.
By The Way
Misses Avie Watenbarger and
Ada Stutzman were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Imo Larsen of Galva.
Miss Alberta Hovis visited her sister in Hutchinson during the week end.
Albert Philippi visited his parents near Lovewell last Thursday and Friday.
Miss Melvina Graham was the week end guest of Miss Anna Maye Strickler in Ramona.
Miss Nellie McGaffey spent Sat-urday and Sunday at her home on College Hill.
Former students seen about the campus recently were Misses Kathryn
Swope, Vivian Harnly and Winifred O’Connar.
Chemistry students need never have colds as long as the supply of sodium bicarbonate (common baking soda) holds out. The reason we have colds, according to Dr. Volney Cheney of Washington, D. C., is a mild acidosis due to too much pro-
tein in the diet. This condition is easily over come by taking regular doses of sodium bicarbonate or alkaline waters.
When ever a chemistry student sneezes all he needs to do is apply at the store room for two grams
of sodium bicarbonate. mix it in cold water, swallow, and forget about the cold.
Dr. Hershey says he is not running a clinic for student suffering with colds but any time they wish to take a dose of bicarbonate they are welcome to help themselves.
To fulfill a request made by the Rev. O. H. Feller, Dean Mohler left Last Tuesday afternoon for Hardin, Mo., where he was scheduled to conduct an Institute, Each afternoon he was to give a lecture on the Book of James while the evening program was to be devoted to world problems. This Institute was fostered by the Brethren Church of Hardin, and was held the latter part of last week.
Dean Mohler was entertained by the Rev. O. H. Feller, father ob Carrie Feller who graduated from the music department last spring.
Bud McGonigle was once thought to be a second Caruso but his folks moved out on the farm and he quit practicing and soon lost his voice. Mr. and Mrs. McGonigle have never forgiven themselves for not install-ing a bath tab in their country home.
Believe it or not but the Bulldogs are going to eat Swede for Thanks-giving dinner. Nine more days before the big feed. Beat the Swedes! —Bobbie Earl.
Rev. Hugh Heckman, who is con-ducting the revivals at the Brethren Church, had charge of chapel de-votionals last week.
He appealed to the student body to be worthy of the expectant longing, the confidence of parents, that you will make the most of years of preparation to enter life.
"Greater joy have I none than this—to hear of my children walking in truth", the words of a great old teacher, is the wish of mothers today.
According to Rev. Heckman, there are three kinds of fools—natural born fools, fools by mistake, and fools by education. Jesus, Copernicus, and Columbus were thought to be fools. The blacksmith in the pulpit and the poet in the field are fools by misfit.
Although we have fools by education, we have more fools who have never gone to school. Education does, however, make the determination of one's life service more complex as does taking advantage of every
Frosh Psychologist
When the cat jumped out of the mail ox Henry, the carrier dropped three letters. One would think that by this time both the cat and the mail man would know each other well enough to suppress their nervousness even if their meeting is unexpected. As upper classmen induced a Fresh-man to open the letters and read the contents out loud. Can't see any harm in that; can you?
The truth will be out and here it
McPherson College, Monday, Dear Manna and Papa:
I am writing you a letter to let you know that I'm well. I an study-ing constantly. My teachers say that I'm the best student they have ever had. Dr. Schwalm complimented you folks by saying he’d like to talk over a few matters with you.
Those I's on my mid-semester grade card mean that I'm indisens-
The revival meeting are sure fine. I have been going regularly. I enjoy the music so much.
Now I don't want to make any hardship on Dad but I simply must have ten dollars. With the Y. M. C. A. and C. E., and the revival my expenses will be pretty heavy this month. If you folks don't have the money all right because I realize the sacrifices you have already mode for me and I'd much rather do without my self than put you folks out. Good by for a while, I'll mail this letter as I go to Y. M. C. A.
Tour aon.
new outfit of clothes. You sure need
them if you get very far in society.
They watch these college girls as close as a dog with rabies. Once they get out you’d be surprised. I sure was. They can't have dates very often but when they do!
Say, I told Ruth that I was out for football or least led her to think so. I wasn't lying, for I watch them practice every night. If she asks you don't fail me. I also implore you to tell her I'm not dating which is al-so the truth as I am not in so far as she is concerned. Well Sis do me all the good you can. Got a date tonight with a sweet mama from Romona. Hot!
As Ever,
P. S. Drop me a low line with all the local scandal.
The movement has a proud and enthusiastic group of beneficiaries, and the work will do away with any open criticism in regard to the col-lege campus visitors. Further details not yet available will appear later.
"There is more than one thing to learn." saod Prof. Boone afire he had climbed from the car and walked back to the rubber stop sign and found that it had straightened of it's own accord.
Remarks heard among the dor-mitory students indicate appreciation for the bouquets of chrysthe-mums that have been placed on the dining hall tables by the cooks. Some top are always watching for new blooms to appear on the house plants in the windows.
My Dearest Darling Ruth:
Did you think I had died, well I never but the mailman's horse did so we couldn't send any letters out all week. Just thought I'd tell you that in case you might think I was trying to get out of writing.
I am wearing the prettiest green cap you ever saw. Only the Fresh-men are allowed to wear them. I am making keen grades. Three I's and one D; the I's mean that I’m "it" and the "D” stands for divine which is the highest grade, as you might know.
The picture shows are keen. I go with a bunch of boys three times a week.
Sugar, there isn't a girl in school that is as pretty as you are when your hair's wet and you’ve got your apron on. Honey, I don't even treat the girls nice here. They all know I'm taken. I have been as good as can be.
I go out for football every night. If they had had an extra suit I'd have played in last week’s game. Coach said he'd give me one when the new ones come as he wants me to have the best.
Good by darling honey sweetheart A billion kisses for you.
McPherson College, Monday. Dear Sis:
College life is sure the stuff. Oa it's a riot! All I do is have fun. I study, yes: some times. Those incompletes on my grade card indicate my fun score only in reverse order.
Keep this quiet but I'm making ten a week up town after schools. Better burn this letter so Dad won’t find it out. That ten bucks goes for this and that, which means on this girl and that girl. I have a whole
Pledging five hundred of a one thousand dollar fund for beautifying the college campus, if the college could raise the other five hundred. Herman Dretrick, alumnus of M. C. started a movement which Dr. Schwalm has announced as completely successful. The fund has been over subscribed by business men, faculty members, and others interested; and the Prairie Gardens, who plan to undertake the work, donated a liberal discount of one hundred and fifty dollar on their work, which is to beunder the supervision of Paul V. Baker.
The plan has not been fully outlined, but in a general outlay the low places are to be filled and the grounds leveled, with a further covering of lawn. The trees on the rumpus are to be trimmed and fitted in-to the general plan, while the shrub-
Rockefeller Aboard,—At Oxford University, Enland the Lord Chan-cellor, Viscount Cave, last week Rockefeller money provided $175,000 opened a new school of bio-chemistry. toward the cost of the building and $100,000 for its maintenance. The university contributed $125,000.
Green tam-o-shanters will be worn by the freshmen and women at De-pauw University to correspond with rhe traditional green caps of the freshman men.
A student at the University of Ok-lahoma has earned his way through school by selling pecans.
Howard Kelm is representing a local primer with a linebof Christmas Greeting Cards. It will he well to make your selection while the picking is good. Howard is ready to show you.—adv.
Many students do not know how to watch a game intelligently, but still more do not know where or how the game originated.
Pastimes of the nature of present day football were known in ancient countires. A game similar to modern football played in Greece and Rome. The Roman legions carried the game into Northern Europe. It is generally believed that it was then introduced into England, but a game resembling football has been played for 2000 years in Ireland.
The first advance in the game was made in a Rugby game in 1823 when one of the players took the ball in his arms and ran with it. This was the real beginning of modern foot-ball.
Intercollegiate football is of com-paratively recent origin. The first American intercollegiate game was played in 1866, but the first inter-collegiate Rugby match in America was in 1874. In 1876 the Big Four, Yale. Harvard. Columbia, and Princeton, held the first convention of the American Intercollegiate Football Association and adopted the Rugby rules. In less than ten years the game had developed from a pure kicking game to a game of running with the ball.
In the early games there were twenty players on a side, but later they were reduced to eleven. It was with the Walter Camp teams of 1878 and 1879 that Yale football first began to establish it's traditions of supremacy. This is probably one reason why Camp is referred to as the father of American football.
From these early beginnings the game of football has developed into the complicated game of today. The game has always been attended with much enthusiasm, but today with intercollegiate football the enthusiasm for the game is far greater than at any time in the history of football.
The girls soccer game last Friday afternoon resulted in a scoreless
tie. This was the second tournament game, the first being won by Team 1. Another game will be played this afternoon at 4:30 o'clock.
The sport manager said that the game last week showed better team work and guarding than had yet been in evidence. Several free kicks were allowed both sides as foul penalties, but neither succeeded in placing the ball across the goal box.
The most outstanding feature of amusement for the spectators seemed to be the flying trips made through ratd-atr by Miss Portia Vaughn’s black patent leather pump.
All but one of the ten outstanding magazine articles for the month of November are in the college library.
New books purchased recently for the library department are: “Manual of the Vertebrates of the United States," by Pratt, "Bacteriology," by Ford, and "Insects and Diseases of Man” by Fox.
A paid up subscription until July 1928 for the “Herald of Gospel Liberty,’’ a Christian Church publication has been given the library. The donor is not known.
People who are in the midst of the experience of establishing a tradition of their own is the subject of some essays collected in the volume, “More Contemporary Americans” by Boynton.
Some of the books catalogued this week for the English department are: “Poetry and Myth” by Prescott.
"The Frontier in American Literature" by Hozard, "Training in Literary Appreciation" by Pritchard, and a two volume set entitled “History of English Literature." The latter gives the history of English literature from 650-1914. The authors of volumes I and II are respectively, Legonia and Coramian.
The November issue of "School and Society" deals almost wholly with problems and methods of col-lege teaching.
A sample copy of "Popular Science Monthly" for October has been received at the library.