TUESDAY, SEPT. 13, 1927

NO. 1

Professor Boone of the industrial Arts department has written and had  published a book which he is using as a text for first year woodwork. He  also recommends this book as a text  for high school use. This book divided into three parts each of which  is intended to make a real contribution to the teaching of Manual Train-ing.

Part I contains several definitely outlined courses for different years of woodwork, together with the pro- jects drawn up to scale and direc- tions given for their constuction.  Over 50 projects many of which are  new are included in the plates and are carefully graded so that they progress from the simple to the more difficult each Introducing some new tool processes just as the student is ready for them. Enough material is included for several years work.

Part II consists of 37 chapters each treating some phase of material related to woodwork and intended for class study and recitation. Such topics as lumber cutting, warping effects, inlaying, carving, tool classification, stencilling, low-tone staining, fuming, and all kinds of wood finishing are written up in these chapters. Also a complete list of demonstration exercises for class work and a fine bibliography are included.

Part III has been called the "Teacher's Guide" because there are eight chapters of helps and hints that will assist the teacher in making his shop more efficient.

The Industrial Arts department is full and several applicants have had to be turned away because of lack of room to accommodate them. This department is one of the big departments of the school and is growing larger each year.



An Important meeting of the Student Council was held Friday, September 9, and some changes made In the officers of the Council and Quadrangle,

Because Mr. Archie Blickenstaff, who was to edit the 1925 Quadrangle, failed to return to school this term, Mr. Alvin Voran was elected to take his place.

Leo Crumpacker was elected Vice President of the Student Council, and made to represent the Council on the Athletic Board.

Miss Nina Stull was elected Secretary of the Student Council. Dorothy Swain is Chaiman of the program committee, and Lloyd Johnson chairman of the budget committee.

One of the probable programs dor the year was discussed and promises to be a very good a number if obtain-ed. It will be announced in detail later.



Large Number Students Share

Handshakes With Faculty And Their Wives

Delightful Program Given By Fac-ulty And Fine Arts Department

The students were entertained at the annual faculty reception in the chapel last night.

After every one had received that "hearty handshake and pleasant smile" from every one else Dr. Yoder Invited all the guests to be seated. He then announced the program

The enthusiastic applauses and many encores indicated that the program presented by members of the faculty was greatly enjoyed.

Dr. Schwalm spoke and assured his audience of his pleasure at being in Kanasas to enjoy her hot winds, giant grasshopper and graceful jackrabbits.

The encore received by Professor Blair plainly showed that his brief, witty speech on college friendships, urging the students to love their fellow men—and women—, their- faculty and their work, was fully ap-preciated

The fine arts faculty presented several numbers including two selec-tions by the orchestra conducted by Professor Dell, a vocal solo by Miss Batchelor, a reading by Miss Leh man, two numbers by a violin, cello and piano trio, and a piano solo by Miss Lingenfelter.

Ice cream and cake were served by faculty members and their wives Dr. Yoder explained that this had been prepared out of charitable kindness for those who had endured one week of dormitory fare, but he pro-mised only the usual list of menus for the remaining thirty-four weeks,


Presidents Of Organizations Give Address Of Welcome

Get Acquainted Games Under Dir-ection Of Coach Were Heartily Enjoyed

Friday evening, September 9, the McPherson College campus was the scene of the first social affair of the school year, the watermelon feed sponsored by the Young Men's Christian Association and the Young Women's Christian Association of the college.

After a large number of students and faculty members had assembled Coach George Gardner started the evening entertainment by superin-tending games.

Howard Kelm, senior student from Nampa, Idaho, then had charge of the program which consisted of talks of welcome by Autumn Lindbloom, president of the local Y. W. C. A., Earl Kinzie, president of the Y. M. C. A., and Pres. Schwalm; a reading by Goldie Goodman, a freshman from Nampa, Idaho, a vocal solo by Evelyn Kimmel from Morril, Kan-sas and two readings by Harold Crist, a sophomore, from Garden City. Kansas. The program was then closed by the group singing college songs led by Alvin Voran, pre-ident of the Music Club of Mcpher-son College.

The evening's festivities were happily concluded when forty melons were distributed among approxi-mately 175 faculty members, friends, and students of Mcpherson College.



The college life of some sixty Freshmen was started off with a boom last Monday night at a social held for them in the basement of the now church building. At this time the Freshies received their introduction to real college life. They were welcomed by the new college president who asked to be admitted as a member to the class of '31.

The program wad in charge of Prof. Boone who will act u Fresh-man advisor for the coming year. Hr. Harnly introduced the members of the faculty to the new students and a spirit of friendliness and fellowship was present throughout the entire evening, Dean Mohler gave a helpful address on 'Opportunities open to a Freshman'. Talks to Freshmen men and Freshmen wo-man were also given by Dean Bright and Dean McGaffey. Miss Lehman gave a selected reading which proved very interesting. The program was completed by refreshments served by some of the ladies of the church.

The number of Freshies present did not equal the last year's class the entire group was full of school spirit and enthusiasm and a banner year is promised by this year's Freshman class.

The columnist says—"We will be glad when the next Fourth of July comes so we can see how pretty the United States flag looks on our flagpole."



The senior class meeting held Wednesday was for the purpose of electing officers for the coming year, Alvin Voran, presidest of the class last year, acted as chairman of the meeting. The officers for the coming year are as follows:

President     Lavelle Saylor.

Vice-president    ... ,— John Wall

Secretary----- Irene Thacker

Treasurer    Franklin Evans

Chairman of social committee

Chairman of ring committee Ray-

—    - mond Trostle



The Forensic club will offer Its first entertainment of the year next Wednesday evening at 6:30 in the college chapeL The officers of the organization have arranged a good program and are expecting a record attendance. The Forensic club of Mc Pherson College has been an active organization daring the past several years. Its purpose Is to develop persuasive talents of its members and to promote Interest In general la Forensic activities. The programs are of a miscellanceous nature and offer a wide range of development. They con-sist of debates, readings, speeches and musical numbers. The opening program will be of interest to all students and a cordial invitation is extended to the Freshmen.


One Thousand Books Are Given Covering A Great Many Different Fields

The most important event of the summer concerning the college library wan the presentation by Dr. Kurtz, the late president of a thousand volumes from his private library. Besides the books covering practically every field of thought the gift includes various magazines, pamphlet material, several lantern slides, and some articles for the museum.

Among the books are several sets such as "Messages and Papers of the President," Library of Oratory,"  Depew, and "Meyer's Commentary." Valuable magazines in the collection are editions of "The Yale Review," American Journal of Theology" and “Hibbert's Journal."

Books to be added to the general reference shelfs include publications of the "Kansas Historical Collec-tions ' and the "American Yearbook.' '

A number of foreign languages are represented. An interesting book among them la a report of the Tokyo Sunday School Convention, which contains the opening address made by Dr. Kurtz and also his photo-graph.

The librarian has not yet found time to list all the material in this gift, therefore other Important volumes may he noted later.

A number of smaller gifts have here received Among the donors were Mrs. Sbatto and Miss Merle Stouder.



The new school year finds several changes in the personale of the faculty. The most important change being in the leadership of the college. Dr. Schwalm comes to us highly re-commended. To talk with him la an Inspiration. With his determination and ability we can look forward to great things la McPherson College.

Miss Bachelor, a graduate of Bethany. has charge of the voice department. Healing her sing is assurance of her ability to head the department.

Miss Byerly, a graduate o' M. C„ will head the Home Economics department. She has taken graduate work in A. and M. of Oklahoma,

Miss Lehman, formerly of North Manchester and dean of women at that place la successor of Miss Chap-

Mrs. Ollson of Sherwood Con-servatory is assistant in piano.

Our new field secretary is Mr. Teach formerly connected with Bethany Bible School.

Freshmen—your caps are coming —wear yours and be a real freshman.

Get the study habit now.


Bulldog Squad Grows Each Evening—Many New Men Out

Men Should Be In Good Condition For First Conference

The evening of September 7, marked another epoch In the football annuals of McPherson College, for it was on that date that a group of unseasoned Bulldogs gathered at the Kennel and endured the first, strenous hours or the Gardner tactics.

The first game is scheduled with Southwestern College to be played at McPherson on October 7. This allows Gardner a short month in which he shall mould a crew of fighting Bulldogs, who shall endeavor to make the name of the Fighting Bulldogs oven more feared in conference circles.

Coach Gardner is very optimistic this season and is developing his grid aspirants into a fighting crew of canines who will growl and scrap their way to the opposite goal line repeatedly during the season.

The Bulldogs will be led into the fray by Leo Crumpacker, veteran McPherson high school hack. Crumpacker, is a three-letter man in football, clever passer, runner and a wonderful punter. Gardner may play him at quarter or full.

The nucleus of the '27 eleven is composed of Nonken, Hanna and Dixon, backs who are sophomore letter-men: Elmer McGonigle, Wilber McGonigle, Wray Whiteneck. Hawkins, Countryman and Murrey, who occupied positions on the '27 line. From this wealth of letter-men and an overflowing amount of fresh-man material, Gardner will choose the eleven.

A few of the new men who come to McPherson with envious high school records are Caskey, tackle and guard from the state of Iowa; Blagham, quarter, from Orawkle, Kansas; Crumpacker, guard, from Elgin, Illinois; Rump, end. McPher-son high school: Stansberry, guard, from McPherson high school; Mc-Phall, quarter from McPheron high school; Fretz, tackle and half-back, from Center high school; Brubaker, guard, from Holmesville, Nebraska; Graham, end, from Fruitland, Idaho; Sargent, end from Fruitland, Idaho; Leagel, an all Colorado tackle from Burlington, and Kelly, guard, from Gypsum, Kansas.

Spohn, Crist, and Warren are former Bulldog squad-men who are battling for berths on the line. Miller and Barngrover are promising ‘26 squad men, aspirants for back-field positions.

With this group of athletics constantly increasing in size and ability, George Gardner shall, with the assistance of ‘Doc' Heaston and 'Si' Sargent, former Bulldog stars, choose eleven finished fighting Bulldogs to lead the Crimson and White Southwestern hope October, 7.


After devotions led by Dr. Harnly the now president, Dr. Schwalm was introduced. He gave an "in formal talk” on what a college education should do for a student. He says that the business of a college is not to prepare for some vocation but to grow personalities that are capable of large contributions to life--to make character. The person getting what be should out a college education should be able to do three things; first, be able to dream dreams and to create; second, pro duce a serviceable type or life; third, be able to live a satisfying life. He advises. "Live your life with a purpose. Love and live the highest things of life."


Professor H. H. Niniger of the biological department has recently been honored by having his name given to a newly discovered species of invertebrate animal, now extinct, the tracks of which he found near Grand Canyon, Arizona, in l925. Professor Nininger presented the slab of sandstone in which the tracks were found to the National Museum at Washington. The account of the discovery together with a plate illustrating the appearance of the tracks are given in the Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collection, July 30, 1927. Dr. Charles W. Gilmore curator of paleontology, United States National Museum, describes the tracks and names the animal Tri-avestigia Niningeri.


New Woodwork Manual Now Being Used By Students In



Watermelon, weniers, pickles and buns, fun! That's what you would have had if you were with the Fresh-man last Tuesday night. The event was a class-hike taken by the class to Dr. Field's pasture.

Coach Gardner had charge of the program and a very enjoyable time was had by all. Many got-to-gether and acquaintance games were play-ed. After several contest games were held between two sides and between the boys and girls, all enjoyed a wood wenier roast to gather around a huge bon-fire The refreshments were completed with the serving of several large watermelons.

After a short talk by Prof. Boone, the program for the evening was completed by the election of temporary class officers tp lead the class and handle class business until the permanent officers are elected which will be in about a month. Ralph Frantz of Rocky Ford, Colo., was elected class president. Miss Mary Lu Williams of Bartlesville, Okla. was elected as secretary-treasurer. The class will work under their lead-ership until more definite plans are made.

The Freshies beginning to get acquainted with college life and they are now ready to start their school year.



Dr. Krutz, ex-president of this in-stitution, is now in Long Beach. California. He is pastor of the Brethren church at that place. He has many demands from the public and his week days are spent in lecturing.

"Babe"—"Did you knew that Albert Phillipi would not ride in a horse and buggy with his girl?" Kelm—"Why not?"

"Babe"—"Horses carry tales."

The Student Newspaper of Mc-

Pherson College, purposing to re-

count accurately past activity--and

to estimate continually future achievement

Entered as second class matter

November 20, 1917, at the postoffice

at McPherson, Kansas, under

of March 3, 1897.

Address all correspondence to THE SPECTATOR

McPherson, Kansas



Assistant Editor    LaVerue Martin

Sports Editor    Lavalle Saylor

Feature Editor ... Robert E. Puckett

business staff

Business Mgr. Howard Kelm Jr.

Asst. Business Mgr......Charles Bish

Circulation Mgr. — Oliver Ikenberry

TUESDAY, SEPT. 18, 1927



The work of the Y. M. C. A. is going nicely. Already active work has begun in this major activity of the school. Definite plans are being laid for the year and an intense in-terest is manifest.    

The Y. M had upper classman meet all trains and trunks were hauled to the college free of charge. The or ganization felt the need of giving a warm welcome to all the students, especially the freshmen. The Y. M. want your support and needs the cooperation of every student on the

The first cabinet meeting was

held on Monday night. The attend-ance was good end almost all of the cabinet are back in school. Every member in the group was definitely interested and the future outlook Is bright.

This organization should become very vital to every young man. The Y. m. needs your efforts and inter-est, and feels sure yours will be the reward. The building of the four, fold life or the symmetrical life is what the Y. M. offers to every man who joins its ranks. Opportunity for joining will be given soon. The ap-peal of the Y. M. is; Help us make our motto possible. "The young men of McPherson Collage for the Man of Galilee.”



With the belief that evers Mc-

Pherson College student should know the college song we are printing a copy for the freshman and those that do not already know it. In order to show the proper respect and loyalty for the college the college, song is never sung without stand-ing. Let us all be able to sing when ask to sing the college song.


Allho' out on broad Kansas plains, Here not in vain are we, For we will strive with might and


That right and truth may be,

The student loves to dream his dream Of life that's yet to be,

Of future days and years that'll seen The best for old M. C.

O, then our pillar be,

O, Truth, be thou our stay for all. And stand far our M. C, CHORUS

We'll hope for thee M. C. We'll cheer for thee M. C. While winds do blow, and sunflowers grow.

We'll long for thee M. C.


Greetings from ye columnist —

Glad to see that you are all look-ing well. We know you are doing well or you wouldn't be back. The freshman and freshwomen are as in-intelligent as can be expected, so we will as usual took forward to the biggest year to the history of the school. We'll count this year a suc-cess when the Swedes have been beaten, and it won't be long now. What's wrong in taking three good drinks of cheer to 1927-28. (Fount-ian pen ink or ice water may be us-ed.)

Columnist—"Coming up on the train we met the keenest girl. She spoke to us."

Editor—“What did they say?”

Col,.—"Oh! she said, 'I beg your pardon but this seat is taken."

Ed.—"Cooling wasn't it? But


Col,—-’’That's alright lady— then I’ll only sit down by you."

-"But how did you get an introduction?"

Col.—"She saw I was a college boy and didn’t need one."

Cheesy—"R's 10:30 now. Matron will jump all over me. I’ve got to get in."

Bernice—"Well if you must get in, let’s go get in the car.’’ __

Dr. Schwalm was correct when he implied that the girls had their make up on about as well as usual. If according to the Dean a number of better, that is so it wouldn’t come off, they would save many a gentle-man scholar lots of embarrassing ex-planations.

Miss Bachelor thinks that Muscle Shoals is a professional strong man.

According to the Dean a number of students are working their way through school. How do they do it? We've been trying it for two years and haven't worked anyone.

June E.—"Who is that nice looking fellow in the light suit?"

Lela R.-—"0h he is engaged."

And nothing more was said.

We heard a good one and if the person who originated it will kindly forward his or her name, address, telephone number, date of birth and five dollars to partially cover cost of printing, we will be glad to give them their due credit.

May__"God made us beautiful and dumb.’’

June—"You little traitor explain yourself."

May—“Beautiful so the men would love us and dumb so we could love them."


Join your “Y”,

Boost all activities Write home often.

Learn the Alma Mater.

Keep your feet on the ground.

Get acquainted with the President. Forget former triumphs. People enjoy discovering your worth. Note that strength of character is not inhaled through a cigaret.

See what boosting and good fellowship will do for our campus life, Count that your personality is going into the foundation of the college. Remember that Noah was 600 years old before be knew how to build an ark—don’t lose your grip.

The Way

Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hudson left Thursday for their home in Wiley, Colorado after spending the first part of the week with their daughter Thelma.

Isabelle Eskeldson, sophomore here last year, who is now attending business college in Hutchinson, was calling on old friends Thursday.

Thad Fratz of Canton spent the week end at home.

Ray Trontac made a trip to Wich-. ita Saturday.

Dorothy Mann of Hutchinson stop-ped on her way to Kansas University and called at Arnold hall.

Ethel Meyer left Friday afternoon for a week end visit In Canton.

Mr. Will Strickler of California was a campus caller Friday,

Abbie Emma Wright, former stu-dent, visited Arnold hall Thursday afternoon. She leaves next week for Madison, Wisconsin where she will enter the university.

Ima Larson spent the week end in Galva with her parents.

Anna Mae Strickler left Friday evening for Ramona to be with relatives Saturday and Sunday.

Winston Cassler, class of '27, visited on the campus Wednesday. He plans to attend school at Oberlin, Ohio this fall.

Ted Kalzow was a campus visitor

Saturday. He is teaching and

coaching at Lost Springs, Kansas Y. W. Candle Lighting Service, to-, morrow night.

True soldiers once with sword of

of might.

Worked for our freedom long. And now to keep our pages white.

Will be our purpose strong, Beneath the smile of sunny days.

Let truth and freedom reign;

With our college let us praise

The deed that'll leave no stain.

We are an army--on the way.

Come the world will one Us larger grown and then they'll say, Yet 'tis the good M. C.

Dear truth without thee we must


We hate to disillusion the fresh-men but the 15 hours of work per semester should have been printed 15 hours per day.

If there is anything said in Bull dogman this year which you do not like you may be certain that it to due to a typographical error. Ask the Columnist and find out.

“Ain't studying grand?"

Bobble Earl

The Juniors held their first class meeting Friday. They elected of-ficers last fall for this coming school year. Two of the officers did not

return and these vacancies were fill-

ed at this meeting. The officers are as follows:

Denice Longdorff __ President

Marvin Steffen- Vice-President

Harold Fasnacht — Sec'y-Treasurer Francis Berkebile _ Student Council

Dorothy Swain_Student Council

Fasnacht is unable to attend school this first semester and Floy Brown

was elected to assist until his return.




Cheer the Bulldogs on to a suc-cessful season.

Don't forget to mail your Spectator subscription coupon today.

Don’t forget to mail your Spectator subscription coupon today.


Professor Mohler was the speaker in chapel Friday morning. He talked from the text, 'Where there is no vision, the people perish." In applying it to our own life here on the campus, he gave us several gems of thought which we might do well to think over.

"Where there is no vision, the people cast off restraint."

"Beware! the fellow who goes down goes down laughing."

"Will you choose the lure of the immediate instead of looking ahead?"

"Four years of camping on the campus does not make a cultured man or woman.”

The freshmen and sophomores were given the opportunity of choosing their faculty advisors today.

The orchestra made their first chapel appearance. Professor Doll is very enthusiastic about the chapel orchestra this year. With an exceptionally large number of first and second violins and other material he promises an orchestra of the first class, which will play many classical selections during the year.



A special program was given at the young peoples Christian Endeavor Sunday evening. Ira Ilide, the  leader for the evening, had a very well selected program. The program was short but the numbers were of the best. A solo by Miss Batchelor, readings by Miss Lehman and a short talk by Professor Bright made

up the program.

After church service C. E. reassembled and the members were divid-ed into nine groups. These groups

went to the homes of nine of the faculty members. The games and other entertainment for the hour

were in charge of a leader appointed for that purpose. The students were able during the course of the evening to get acquainted with the faculty and one another.

Two groups, one with a circuit of four and one other with a circuit of five gave short programs at each of the faculty homes. The programs consisted of musical numbers and readings.

Everyone is extended a cordial invitation to attend C. E. Come and enjoy the services with us during the year. Next Sunday the subject for discussion will be Christian Endeavor as a Society. Haven Hutchinson is leader for next Sunday evening.

Yes, Chester Carter has come to school again this year.



Mr. Orville Mitchell who graduated with the class of 1927 is attending school at Manhattan this year doing work in the Department of Electrical Engineering. It will be of interest to students interested in this line to know that Manhattan allowed Mr. Mitchell 73 semester hours of credit on his engineering courses for the work he did here. This means that he was allowed thirteen hours more than two years for the work done in McPherson College. Courses were accepted as follows:

Credit hrs.

College Rhetoric I and II-----6

Trigonometry ___________ ,.3

College Algebra .—-----------—3

Mech. Drawing I and II,_____4

Engineering Drawing

Chemistry E-1 and E-II............3

Analytical Geometry ~~

Calculus I and II _________8__

Engrg.. Physics I anil II ...............10

Economics ........ 3

American Industrial History............3

Elec. Machinery & Construction,...2

Principles of Alternating Cur....____...2

Non-technical electves ....................6

Engineering Lectures____2

(required )

Seminar ......... 2

( required)

Electives .... ......................................9

This should be an encouragement and guide to men doing pre-engineering work at McPherson.



On every hand one bears regrets from college alumni that they did not appreciate the opportunity during their college life for music study or realize the need and value of music in their lives and careers. Regardless of what ones profession

may be music is always an invaluable asset. A large number of the world's great business men, financiers, professional men and statesmen are dis-tinguished musicians. Teachers are in great demand who know some-thing of music; especially are oches-tra leaders a scarcity, Not only is music a cultural and practical factor in ones life, but also the great-est educational subject taught. What other subject so trains the mind, muscular co-ordination, develops the emotional life and increases the appreciation of the finer things in life as music?

Now is the time to study music, when college days are over one is usually too old or too absorbed in the affairs of making a living to take time to study. College credit is given for all music studies and musical organization work, Music may be taken as part of the electives. Thirty hours are allowed on the college degree if music is taken as the major. Do not make the mistake of failing to get musical training while it is so accessable. An excellent Fine Arts faculty is at your service —consult them freely.