Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.1
Article Name Enrollment Shows Slight Gain Over That of Last Year—Total Registration Numbers 365—289 in College Department 76 in Academy—Expected to Reach 400 Mark—Senior College Class Has Membership of 52—Freshmen Take Lead with 96 Entries
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.1
Article Name Raymond C. Flory Receives Master of Arts Degree
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. Raymond C. Flory
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.1
Article Name Many Letter Men Back
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Lonborg, Captain “Tok” Carter, Arnold Thornton, Ray Clark, Theodore Robb, Paul Kurtz, Foster Hoover, Dick Keim, Stan Keim, William Mudra, Fat Colburn, Dick Hill, E. R. Enns, Abe Kliever, F. H. Cotton, Smith, Cecil Holloway, Vivian long, Glade Fisher, Carl Schneider, Jay Eller, Olin Ellwood, Earl Morris,
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.1
Article Name Meeting Called of Student Interested in Wireless
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Morris
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.1
Article Name Right Education is the World’s Supreme Thing Says Dr. Kurtz—Opening Address is Heard By a Large Audience of Students and Visitors—Marks 35th Year for M.C.—A College Training Has no Meaning Only As It Fits One for the Best Possible Life
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz, Nicholas Murray Butler, Rev. H. F. Richards, Miss Jessie Brown, Professor Gaw
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.1
Article Name Student Council Meets for Business Session—Maude Gish Elected Temporary Girls Leader—Committee to Make Final Arrangements for Sale of Activity Ticket
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Norma Smith, Maude Gish
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.1
Article Name Rev. Richards to Be New Pastor at M.C.—Served Churches in Illinois Minnesota and Colorado Before Coming Here
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. H. F. Richards
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.1
Article Name Miss Margaret Walters in M.C.’s New Librarian
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Margaret Walters, Miss Marguerite Mohler, Miss Minnie Walters, Miss Grace Crumpacker
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.1
Article Name Forum Will Hold Business Meeting Saturday Evening
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) College Forum
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.1
Article Name To Prepare for Doctorate
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ray Frantz
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.1
Article Name New Science Hall to be Ready for Classes About October First—Inside Finishing in All That Remains to Be Done—Best of Material Used—Work Delayed Four Weeks—Building Equipped with Furniture Made by Manual Training Department
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Swope
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.1
Article Name Chinese Students Present Beautiful Banner to M.C.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Shou Yang, Ping Ting, Lian Choi, Miss Bessie Rider
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.1
Article Name Course in Taxidermy Offered
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. H. H. Nininger
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.2
Article Name Prof. Sandzen to Give Series of Art Lectures
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Birger Sandzen
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.1
Article Name Abracadabra
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harry Bowers, Bill Bishop,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.2
Article Name Have You Thot of This?
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. H. O. Latham
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.2
Article Name Prof. Swope Goes to Purdue University—To Be Head of Department of Manual Training
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Ammon Swope
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.2
Article Name Cupid’s Harvest
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Pauline Vaniman, Mrs. Paul Pair, Mr. Paul Paul, Galen Tice, Ruth Kilmer, Gladys Edwards, Gladys Waas, Bennie Waas, Gladys Edwards Waas, Maxine McGaffey, Foster Hoover, Prof. Unruh, Mrs. Ada Rush Unruh, Ralph Lehman, Olive Boone Lehman, Prof. Lauer, Miss Margaret Harper, Cecil B. Hayes, Miss M. Lapp, Mr. and Mrs. Hayes, Homer Foutz, Marguerite Mohler Foutz
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.2
Article Name Who’s Who in the Y.W.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ada Correll, Marie Cullen, Gladys Brubaker, Helen Elliott, Mrs. Birkin, Eunice Almen, Winona McGaffey, Iva Curtis, Marie Cullen, Elsie Forney, Cecile Martin, Ruth Cripe, Ada Kurtz, Ruth King
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.W.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.2
Article Name Palmer Lake Summer School Was A Success—Enrollment Numbered 45—Seven States Represented—Many M.C. Students There
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Nininger, Prfessor Ebel, Professor Mohler, Mrs. J. W. Deeter, Irene Miller, Mable Griffin, Mary Mohler, Elmer McGonigle, Emaliegh Maxwell, Grace Brubaker, Ida Bowman, Wilbur Vaniman, Ada Kurtz, Ruth Talheim, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Jones
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.2
Article Name Three New members Are Added to M.C. Faculty
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Howard V. Patterson, Miss Elisie Klinkerman, Miss Pauline Vaniman, C. Ray Keim
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.3
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Willie Neff, William Bishop, Herbert Martin, Cecil Holloway, Dr. A. J. Culler, Ralph Strohm, John Daggett, Frank Forney, Foster Hoover, Prof. E. J. Unruh, Golda Ebbert
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.3
Article Name Who’s Who in the Y.M.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harold Correll, John Daggett, LeRoy Doty, Clyde Rupp, Roy Brammel, Paul Kurtz, Clarence Showalter, David Brubaker, Jay Eller, Jess Garvey, W. T. Luckett
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.3
Article Name Social Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. H. F. Richards, Professor C. S. Morris, Rev. E. E. John, Miss Lingle, Dr. Kurtz, Miss Alma Anderson, Mrs. Morris, Miss Cullen, Miss Engle, Mr. Studebaker, Mr. W. F. Vaniman
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Church of the Brethren
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.3
Article Name Y.W.C.A.
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.W.C.A.
Events Mentioned Watermelon Feed
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.3
Article Name Y.M. Holds Social
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harry Bowers, Irvin Cobb, Clarence Showalter, LeRoy Doty, Dr. Kurtz
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.
Events Mentioned Watermelon Feed
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.3
Article Name Spice
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ralph Himes, Margaret M, Big Bill, Dirks, Roy Brammel, Estella Engle, Johnny,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 01 pg.4
Article Name With the Class of ‘22
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Elmer Bathurst, Harold Beam, Leslie Blackman, Crawford brubaker, Mrs. Crawford Brubaker, Lloyd Crumpacker, Nellie Cullen, Clarence Eshelman, Homer S. Foutz, Marguerite Mohler Foutz, Bertha A. Frantz, Bertha M. Frantz, Letha Heckman, Fritz J. Hjelm, Ralph Holsinger, Bernice John, Josephine Johnson, Mayme King, Alvhh Ray Lauer, Gerhardt Lundeen, Rodney C. Martin, Scott Martin, Grace Miller, Dorothy Miller, Mary Miller, Ruth Miller, Catharyne Mohler, Mrs. Charles S. Morris, Marguerite Muse, Marguerite Meyer, Arthur Myers, Roy Neher, Saylor Neher, Paul Pair, August Rump, Elmer Rupp, DeWitt Sager, Galen Saylor, Lloyd Saylor, Fahrney Slifer, Ira Stiles, Henry R. Stover, Glenn Strickler, Ralph Strohm, Roy Terflinger, Emma Tousley, Galen Tice, Ruth Kilmer Tice, Jay W. Tracey, Oliver W. Trapp, Ethel Whitmer, Irma Witmore, Emery Wine, Dayton Yoder, Maude Crist, Olive Holmes, Iva Studebaker
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 02 pg. 1
Date Published September 26, 1922
Article Name Faculty Reception to Students Proves Quite Entertaining—Dr. Kurtz Gives Address of Welcome Dr. Harnly and Prof. Hess Also Speak—Receiving Line Abolished—Symphony Orchestra Furnishes Music During Program—Mrs. Deeter Gives Chalk Drawing
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz, Dr. Harnly, Prof. Hess, Mrs. Deeter, Prof. Lauer, Prof. Ebel, Miss Elsie Klinkerman, Mrs. Kurtz, Miss Alma G. Anderson, Miss Laura McGaffey
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Symphony Orchestra
Events Mentioned Annual Faculty Reception
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 02 pg. 1
Date Published September 26, 1922
Article Name Kept Secret Four Years
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Hervin R. Ellenberger, Maud Crist, Hervin R. Ellenberger, Maud E. Crist,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 02 pg. 1
Date Published September 26, 1922
Article Name College Evangelists Have Busy Schedule This Fall
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. and Mrs. Oliver H. Austin
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 02 pg. 1
Date Published September 26, 1922
Article Name Concert Series Will Be Given This Winter—Programs to be of Higher Grade than those of Last Year
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Tandy Mackenzie, Thurlow Lieurance
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Criterion Quartette
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 02 pg. 1
Date Published September 26, 1922
Article Name Rev. Richards Speaks to Members of Mission Band
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) B. F. Waas, Lota Neher
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Mission Band
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 02 pg. 1
Date Published September 26, 1922
Article Name M. C. to Be Represented at Conference
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Brethren Church
Events Mentioned District Conferences
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 02 pg. 1
Date Published September 26, 1922
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Mission Band
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 02 pg. 1
Date Published September 26, 1922
Article Name Activity Ticket this Year to Be Superior to Any Ever Put Out—Dr. Kurtz to Give One of His Masterful Addresses—Two Numbers Secured from K.U.– Athletic Program is Strong—Two High-Grade Plays Will Be Given by the Dramatic Art Department
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Sports Mentioned (all) Football, Basketball, Tennis, Track
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 02 pg. 1
Date Published September 26, 1922
Article Name New Pilots Chosen by College Classes—Senior Election Results in Choice of Roy Brammel for President
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Roy Brammel, Earl Fisher, Marietta Byerly, Clyde Rupp, Raymond Clark, Harry Bowers, Iva Curtis, Everett Brammel, David Brubaker, Winona McGaffey, Helen Elliott, Rufus Dagett, Hazel Vogt, Sanger Crumpacker, Harold Barnes, LeRoy Doty, Ocie McAvoy, Mabel Hoffman, Glade Fisher, Harold Barton, Gertrude Witmore, Alta Mohler, Ruth King, Lola Miller, Marathon High
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 02 pg. 1
Date Published September 26, 1922
Article Name Y.W.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. Fahnestock, Miss Klinkerman, Miss Anderson
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.W.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 02 pg. 1
Date Published September 26, 1922
Article Name Working on Ph. D. Degree
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Carl N. Rexroad
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 02 pg. 1/4
Date Published September 26, 1922
Article Name Bulldogs Take Hard Fought Battle from Baker by 7-6 Score—Visitors Have Edge on Lonborg’s Men But Unsuccessful Dropkick Costs Them Game—Both Teams Lack Training—Barton and Carter Play Leading Role for McPherson—Wright and Shirk Feature for the Wildcats
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Clark, Barton, Holloway, Thornton, Ellwood, Stansel, Carter, Capt. Carter, “Heinie” Hahn, Shirk, Maag, Taylor, Kesler, Friend, Littrell, Siagel, Thornily, Wright, Hill, Schoenfeld, Heckman, Hahn, Colburn, Mudra, S. Keim, R. Keim, Crofoot, Brunk, Edmonds, Uhrlaub, Enns
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 02 pg. 2
Date Published September 26, 1922
Article Name A Welcome Change
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) President Kurtz, Glenn Johnson
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 02 pg. 2
Date Published September 26, 1922
Article Name Y.M.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) LeRoy Doty, Professor Studebaker, Roy Hylton, Harold Correll, Ira Brammel, Professor Gaw
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 02 pg. 2
Date Published September 26, 1922
Article Name A Code for Athletes
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Capt. L. Theodore Bellmont
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 02 pg. 2
Date Published September 26, 1922
Article Name M.C. Alumnus Heads Bible Chair at K.U.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. S. B. Braden, Rev. Arthur Braden
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 02 pg. 3
Date Published September 26, 1922
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz, Prof. Yoder, Mr. and Mrs. Galen Tice, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Crumpacker, Nellie Cullen, Glenn Strickler, Paul Pair, August Rump, Ralph Strohm, Prof. and Mrs. Unruh, Mrs. Vilas Betts, Lester Ogden, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Hoover, Miss Estella Engle, Mr. Ralph Strohm, Mr. and Mrs. A. l. Hostetter, Dale Strickler, Mrs. A. Rupp, Estella Engle, Gerald Eddy, Grace Fike, Sarah Fike, Frank Boone, Ralph Lehman, Harold Correll, Milton Dell, Ralph Himes, Will Lehman, John Lehman, Irma Witmore, Oliver Trapp, Ralph Holsinger, Roy Neher, Elmer Rupp
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 02 pg. 3
Date Published September 26, 1922
Article Name Maxcy-Dana
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) John W. Maxcy, Miss Dorinth I. Dana
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 02 pg. 3
Date Published September 26, 1922
Article Name A Narrow Escape
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Bernice Peck, Lorinda Leatherman, Mrs. Fahnestock, Billy,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 02 pg. 3
Date Published September 26, 1922
Article Name Social Events—Y. M. and Y.W. Cabinets Hike
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Margaret Walters
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M., Y.W.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 1
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Statistics of M. C.’s Student Body Reveal Many Strange Facts
Other, Church of the Brethren, Methodist Episcopal, Baptist, Christian, Lutheran, Congregational, Presbyterian, Mission, Brethren in Christ, United Evangelical, Free Methodist, Mennonite, Church of Christ, J. C. Mennonite, Mennonite Brethren, K. M. Brethren, Catholic, Progressive
Other History major, Chemistry Major, English Major, Education Major, Mathematics Major, Philosophy and Theology Major, Agriculture Major, Home Economics Major, Romance Languages Major, Biology Major, Social Science Major, Manual Arts Major, Music Major, Art Major, Kansas, Missour, Colorado, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Indiana, Oregon, New Mexico, Virginia, Iowa, California, Texas, Washington, College numbers and statistics
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 1
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Sophomore Academy Class Holds Election
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Theodore Baker, Marke Brubaker, Kenneth Fisher, Merie Stouder
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Sophomore Academy Class
Events Mentioned Election
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 1
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Student Extension Organizes
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) L. G. Templeton, W. T. Luckett, B. F. Waas, Winona McGaffey
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Christian Student Extension Department
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 1
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name New Alumni Directory To Be Published Next Spring
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. E. L. Craik, Professor McGaffey, Professor Hill,
Other, New Directory to be published in spring to have information on 1,000+ graduates
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 1
Date Published Pg. 1
Article Name Quadrangel Drive Goes over the Top (225 subscriptions secured to be best annual in M.C.’s History)
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Earl Linholm, Jay Eller, Estella Engle, Sanger Crumpacker,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) yearbook
Other, Article about number of subscriptions to the Quadrangle and who the staff are
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 1
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name New Residences Being Built on College Hill
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) N. S. Rhodes, J. N. Dresher, Sam Ebbert, Prof. Studebaker
Events Mentioned Buildings being built
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 1
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Academy Juniors Organize
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mary Whiteneck, Lora Shatto, Viola Bowser, Waltor Voth, Prof. Ebel, Alta Lawver, Charles Spicer, Carrie Feiler
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Junior Academy Class
Events Mentioned Elections
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 1
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Senior Class is at Work
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Roy Brammell, Harry Bowers, Rowena Vaniman, Jessie Carter, Marie Cullen, Clarence Showalter, Estella Engle, John Daggett, Grace Crumpacker
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Senior College Class, Senior Play Committee, Operetta Committee, Rings and Pins Committee
Events Mentioned Appointment of people to committee’s
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 1
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Lyceum Course for this Winter to be Best Ever Offered
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Joseph Andrews, Ruth Young, May Veale, Carroll Ault, Annabel Krell, Dr. Preston Bradley
Events Mentioned First Lecture October 20th
Other, Peoples Chruch Chicago, Pantheon Theatre
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 1
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Athenian Literary Society
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harry Lehman, Lola Miller, Litlie Crumpacker,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Athenian Literary Society
Events Mentioned Elections
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 1
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Two Valuable Books Donated to the Library
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) H. H. Kelm, Stanley Kelm, Richard Kelm, Mrs. J. M. Deeter, Professor Deeter
Other, Nampa, Idaho, Fresno, California
Other “the Outlines of History”, “The Live and Letters of St. Paul”
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 1
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Class of ’07 Presents Gift to Prof. Mohler
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Mohler
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Normal Class of 1907
Other, New Furniture, Peck and Hills Furniture Co.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 1
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name College Museum Now in New Science Hall
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Vance N. Robb, Dr. G. W. Stephens, Dr. H. J. Harnley, Mrs. A. Whitmore, Dr. J. C. Gilbert, Professor H. H. Nininger, Dr. W. Knaus, Professor W. O. Beckner
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) College Seniors 1922
Other, Warrensburg, MO, Los Angeles
Other Museum 4th floor science hall
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No. 3 Pg. 1
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Enrolled In Iowa University
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Carl Draegert
Events Mentioned Carl goes to Iowa University to Enroll
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 1
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Does Work of Two Men
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Paul C. Warren
Other, Seattle-Pacific College, Seattle, Washington
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 1
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Bulldogs Drop Game to Heavy Fairmount Team by 10-3 Score
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Barton, Clark, Carter, Barton, Hahn, Crofood, R. Keim, Coulburn, S. Kelm, Mudra, Holloway, Ellwood, Sargent, Thronton, CassmanWashburd, Hargiss
Events Mentioned Football game
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Other, First game in Kansas broadcasted by radio, Beacon
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 2
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name The Spectator
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Orville D. Pote, Eunice S. Almen, Everett M. Brubaker, Naomi Fasnacht, Hervey McClelland, Pearl Wiltfong, Earl Linholm, Laura McGaffey, Paul Sargent, Dr. Craik, Winona McGaffey, Glenn Johnson, Eulah Crumpacker, Mrs. Birkin, Walter Voth, Leonard Birkin, Laura McCelland, Harry Bowers, Vilas D. Betts, Prof. McGaffey,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Spectator
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 2
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name The Quadrangle Drive
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 2
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name To Contributors
Other About how articles must have authors name attached
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 2
Date Published October 3,1922
Article Name Those Advertisements
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Spectator
Other, Advertisements should not be on the bulletin board but instead in the spectator
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No.3 Pg. 2
Date Published October 3,1922
Article Name The Other Fellow’s Rights
Events Mentioned Study hours
Other, Students should respect other students study times
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 2
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name October’s Opal
Other, About the opal
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No.3 Pg. 2
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Student Opinion
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Gall, Wormwood, Reverend and Mrs. H. Austin, Dr. Craik
Events Mentioned revival
Other, Fairview, MO, Fairview Herald
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 2
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Alumni Items
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jay Tracey, Jacob Voth, Mrs. Voth, Rockia John, I. B Wagoner, Robert R. Russell, Reverand Amos R. Boone, Neta Cullen Boone
Other, Ray, Kansas, Red Cloud, Nebraska
Other K. U. Glee Club, Farmers’ Union, Ottawa University, State Normal of Michigan at Kalamazoo, Illinois, Home Missionary Society of the Congregational Church, Plentywood, Montana, Judith Gap, Montana, Oberlin College
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 2
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Mrs. Borkin Visited by English Friend
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) R. H Pilley,
Other, Southport England, Liverpool
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 2
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Exchanges
Other, Fairmount, Southwester College, Baker University , Wesleyan Advance, Fort hays Kansas Normal School
Other News from other colleges
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 2
Article Name College Debate Club Holds First Meeting
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) David Brubaker, Glenn Johnson, Geraldine Crill, Elvis Prather, Professor Hess
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Debate Club
Events Mentioned First debate meeting on campus
Other, Northern Division of the Kansas Intercollegiate Debating League
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6. No. 3 Pg. 2
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Who’s Who in M. C
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lewis Florman
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) McPherson College Radio Club
Other, State Radio League, American Radio Relay League, Radio Corporation of America
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 2
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Just a Little Minute
Other, Rhyme , Joke
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 3
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Tillie Hadley, Mrs. R. E Mohler, Mrs. E. M. Studebaker, Mrs. J. W. Hershey, Ira Brammell, Roy Brammel, Professor and Mrs. Unruh, Mary Unruh, Everett Brammell, Ursula Flory, Len Harden, Ada Kurtz, Roy Hayes, Charles Lengle, John Lengleh, Beulah Helstrom, H. R. stover, Samuel F. Stover, Sam Kurtz, Dr. Theo A. Aschman, Miss Laurene Kuns, Miss Marguerite Meyer, Dr. Kurtz, Misses Oeio McAvoy, Lorinda Leatherman, Helen Hartell, Gladys Sargent, Olive Sargent, Elsie Orr, MRs. A Rupp, Mrs. Vilas Betts, Mrs. Foster Hoover, Elsie Klinkerman, Edward Lawver, John Daggett, Misses Stella Bowman, Pearl Wiltfong, Homer E. Blough, Robert Blough, Mr. And Mrs. J.N. Dresher, Miss Reber, Lloyd Saylor, Laurence Vaniman, Miss Geogana Oelrich, Mr. Car Sanders, Miss Maude Gish, Mrs. E.H Sargent, Mr. and Mrs. L. Avery Fleming, Miss Etta Van Pelt, Ralph Himes, Minnie Edgecomb, Clarence Eshelman
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Arnold Hall, Kline Hall,
Events Mentioned Broken bones, Death, Assigned seating Dining Hall, McPherson High School Graduation,
Sports Mentioned (all) football
Other, Holmesville, Nebraska, Wichita, Kansas, Ozawkie, Kansas, Hillsboro, Kansas , Logansport, Indiana, California, Hutchinson, Kansas, Miami, New Mexico, Burlington, Colorado, McPherson, Kansas, Europe, Kansas City, Missouri, Spring Hill, Kansas, Horton Kansas, Elgin, Illinois, Great Bend, Kansas, Lindsborg, Kansas, Omega, Oklahoma, Independence, Kansas, Lindenwood, Illinois, St. John, Kansas, Ellis, Kansas, Fruitland, Idaho, Antelope, Kansas, Navarre, Kansas, Hardin, Missouri
Other Passion Play, Class of 1908, Chapel, Educational Board of the Church of the Brethren, Fudge Party, Stevens College, Kansas University, McPherson High School, Pairs and Brandts, Evangelistic Meeting
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 3
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Trees
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Joyce Kilmer
Other, This is a poem about trees
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 3
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Y. M. C. A
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor A. Sm Momani, Harry Bowers, Reverend H. E. Blough,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. M. C. A
Events Mentioned Chapel
Other, Y. M. Chapel, Municipal band, Union Church, Lindenwood, Illinois, Italian
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No.3 Pg. 3
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Y. W. C. A
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Edithc McGaffey, Winona McGaffey, Aenid Gray, Ruth King, Rowena Vaniman
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. W. C. A
Events Mentioned Y. W. C. A. Chapel Meeting
Volume/Number/Page Col. 6 No. 3 Pg. 4
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Conference Results
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) N.A
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Other, Southwester, Sterling, Emporia, Kansas Wesleyan, Friends, Bethany, Washburn, Ottawa
Other Wichita, Sterling, Salina, Topeka
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 4
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name (No Name 2nd article on Page)
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ralph Lehman , Ralph Lehman’s Wife
Other, Dishes, , 2nd kings 21:13
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 4
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name (quote under 2nd article)
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Hill, Merle Stouder
Events Mentioned Quote from English Class
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 4
Date Published October 22, 1922
Article Name I Call You My Friend Becasues-
Other, About friendship
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 4
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Lyceum Course for this winter to be best ever offered (continued from page 1)
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Bradley, Jess Pugh, Mr. pugh, Miss Florence Hardeman, Steward Wille, C. L. (Grizzly) Smith, Dr. Charles S. Medburry,
Other, Violin, Piano, University Church , Des Moines, Iowa,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 3 Pg. 4
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name Spice
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mike, Riley, John Harnly, Dr. Craik
Other, Geology
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No.3 Pg. 4
Date Published October 3, 1922
Article Name An Earnest Effort
Events Mentioned Prayer
Other, Prayer, Mississippi, Negro Preacher
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg1
Date Published October 10 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rowena Vaniman, Glenn Johnstom, Harry Bowers,
Other, Freshman, Senior
Other Chapel
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg1
Date Published October 10 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Milton Dell, Sam Kurtz, Margaret Mikesell, Lillie Crumpacker, Edith Watkins, Prof. Lonborg, Earl Breon, Laura McGaffey
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council
Events Mentioned Election of Officers
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg1
Date Published October 10 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Craik
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Publications Committee
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 4 Pg. 1
Date Published October 10, 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Nininger, Dr. Craik, W. J. Bryan, W. A. Ayres
Other, Union Hotel
Other Congress-man
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg1
Date Published October 10 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. E. M. Studebaker
Other, Bible Institute, District Meeting of Nebraska, District Meeting of Southwest Kansas and South East Colorado
Other Enders, Nebraska, Nickerson, Kansas
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg1
Date Published October 10 1922
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council, Pep Club
Sports Mentioned (all) Cheerleading
Other, Halloween
Other Masquerade
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 4 Pg. 1
Date Published October 10, 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lewis Florman, Abram Hostetter, Harold Strickler, Jay Elier, Prof. Morris
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) M. C. Radio Club,
Events Mentioned Fairmount-McPherson
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Other, Sharp Hall, Fahnestock Hall
Other Atlanta, Georgia, Detroit, Michicgan, Fort Worth, Texas, Salt Lake City, Utah, Great Falls, Montana
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 4 Pg. 1
Date Published October 10, 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) David Brubaker, Geraldine Crill, Roy Hylton, Issac Dirks, Earl Linholm, Oscar Lankford, Rufus Daggett, Leonard Timmons, Earl Breon, Milton Dell, Irvin Ihrig, W. W. Gish, Esther Hawkins, Geraldine Crill, Ada Correll, Ada Kurtz, Sameul Maust,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) The Oratorical Association of McPherson, State Oratorical Association
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 4 Pg. 1
Date Published October 10, 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) E. L. Craik, Miss Edith McGaffey, Mr. George Boone, Dr. E. L. Craik, Mrs. Amanda Fahnestock, Miss. Lola Hill, Miss Marguerite Muse, Miss. Grace Brubaker, Miss. Alma Anderson, R. C. Strohm, Prof. R. E. Mohler
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Alumni Board of McPherson
Other, Planning for the 40th anniversary of the College
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 4 Pg. 1
Date Published October 10, 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) David Starr Jordan, Dr. Kurtz, Dr. Harnley, Dr. Craik, Prof. Morris, Prof. Nininger
Other, Harnley Hall
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg1
Date Published October 10 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Harnley, O. T. Funkhouser,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Anti-Tobacco Association of McPherson College
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg1
Date Published October 10 1922
Article Name State Contest In March
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Oratorical Organization
Events Mentioned State Oratorical Contest
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 Pg. 1
Date Published October 10, 1922
Article Name To Elect Officers Thursday
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Everett Brubaker, Elvis Prather, Arthur Prather, Everett Brammel, Lota Neher, Alta Mohler, John Harnley, Robert Blough
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Anti-Tobacco Association
Events Mentioned Election
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 4 Pg. 1
Date Published October 10, 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Leslie Blackman, Dr. King
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) K. S.A. C. Orchestra
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg1
Date Published October 10 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. C. F. Nonkin
Other, Harnley Hall
Other Eberhardt Company, Bell & Thacker Hardware Co.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg1
Date Published October 10 1922
Article Name M. C. ALUMNUS TAKE PH. D.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Robert R. Russel
Other, University of Illinois, University of Kansas, Ottawa University, Western State Normal
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg 2
Date Published October 10 1922
Events Mentioned Athletic Events
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg 2
Date Published October 10 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Truman Grogan, Elmer Kriebel, Edgar Stauffer, Harry Lehman, Ralph Martin, Minni Hutchinson
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Academy Debate Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg 2
Date Published October 10 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Margaret Walters
Other, Bill
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg 2
Date Published October 10 1922
Article Name WHO’S WHO IN M. C.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lora Trostle, Dr. Kurtz
Other, Fahenstock Hall, Arnold Hall,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg 2
Date Published October 10 1922
Article Name Y.M. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Marie Cullen, Ocie McAvoy
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. M. C. A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg 2
Date Published October 10 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) John Spicer, Anna Edecomb, Franklin Evans, Norma Finfrock, Ruth Watkins, Harvey Lehman, Elmer Krehbiel, Lillian Andrews, Professor Hess, Professor Kelm
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg 2
Date Published October 10 1922
Other, Johnston’s Grove
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg 3
Date Published October 10 1922
Article Name First Year Teacher Training Hike
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Morris
Events Mentioned First Year Teacher Training
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg 3
Date Published October 10 1922
Article Name Third Year Teacher Training Hike
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Blair
Events Mentioned Third Year Teacher Training
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg 3
Date Published October 10 1922
Article Name Sophomore College Hike
Sports Mentioned Football
Other, Sophomore Class
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg 3
Date Published October 10 1922
Article Name Junior Joys
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg 3
Date Published October 10 1922
Article Name Switzerland
Other, Lucerne
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg 3
Date Published October 10 1922
Article Name BUZZ-ZZZ-ZZ-Z
Other, Fahnestock Hall
Other Mosquito
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg 3
Date Published October 10 1922
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. O. H. Feiler, Carrie Ralph, Addie Himes, Ellis Watkins, Gerald Eddy, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Hoover, Misses Winona McGaffey, Stella Bowman, Messrs. John Daggett, Irvin Ihring, Mr. Ihring, Misses Ruth, Mary Miller, Mr. Bryan
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg 4
Date Published October 10 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Lonborg, Leslie Edmonds
Events Mentioned Conference game
Other, Western Teachers, Baker, Fairmount, Bulldogs, Hays, The Tigers
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg 4
Date Published October 10 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) C. C. Harbison, Raymond Youmans, Prof E. R. Barrett, Maurice A. Hess, Prof. V. A. Davis, J. Pelsms, Prof. F. B. Ross, Prof. E. D. Schonberger
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Debate, Oratory
Other, Fairmount College, Kansas City University, McPherson College, Kansas State Normal, Pittsburg Normal, Southwestern College
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No 4 pg 4
Date Published October 10 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Kreitzer, Fisher, Cottom, Miller, Carson, Crumpacker, Johnson, Eakes, Morine, Bengston, Link, Linholm, White, Harrison, Holloway, Schneider, Kilewer, Brubaker, Fisher, Hill, Hoover, Robb, Tipton, Thornton, Lengel, Neis, Knowies, Hilgenfeldt, Matson,
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Other, McPherson College second Team, Hillsboro High, Fairgrounds
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.1
Article Name Executive Council Organized to Plan Co-Operative Work—Composed of Leaders of the Various Organizations in the Church and College—Rev. Richards is President—Purpose is to Co-Ordinate the Efforts of Different Departments and Arrange Programs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. Richards, Dr. Craik
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., Christian Worker Bands, Ladies Aid, Ministers Association, Student Council, Financial Board
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.1
Article Name Management Purchases New Piano for Chapel
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. Harding , Helmer Ek
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.1
Article Name M. C. Alumni Think Lots of Washington
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ray Cullen, Martha Urey Cullen
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.1
Article Name Dr. Kurtz Has Busy Schedule This Week
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. D. W. Kurtz
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.1
Article Name Duggin Recital to Be Given Saturday Night—Promises to be One of the Best Numbers on the Activity Ticket
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) David Dugggin, Scotch Tenor, Elizabeth T. Dudos, Elizabeth Hamilton Duggin, Lilli Lehmann, Ernest T. Dudos, Sophia Dudos-Ziller
Events Mentioned Duggin Recital
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.1
Article Name Cambrea Artists to Give Lyceum Number Here Friday Evening—All Members of the Company Have Had Extensive Experience Both In America and Abroad—Programs Begin at 8:30—Selections from Grand Opera, Arias, and Beautiful Sacred Classics Will be Featured
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Joseph Andrews, Ruth Young, May Veale, Carrol Ault, Miriam Welty
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.1
Article Name M. C. Well Represented at District Conference
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz, Prof. Studebaker, Prof. Mohler, Mrs. J. W. Deeter, Prof. Fries, Prof. Ebel, Rev. H. F. Richards, Rev,. E. E. John, F. A. Vaniman, Ray Strohm, Mrs. H. F. Richards, Mrs. R. E. Mohler, Earl Breon, Margaret Mikesell, Mrs. L. Birkin, Orville Pote
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.1
Article Name The Spectator Finds Its Way to 18 States—Three Copies Sent to China and India—Kansas Leads In Subscriptions
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.1
Article Name Prof. Rowland Writes About Pennsylvania
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. C. L. Rowland
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.1/4
Article Name Lonborg’s Warriors Inflict 16-12 Defeat on State Champions—Barton’s Drop-kick in Third Quarter Gives McPherson Two-Point Lead and Cinches Victory—Hays Scores of M. C. Errors—Bulldogs Gain 310 Yards in Scrimmage While Opponents Only Make 80
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Lonborg, Carter, Barton, Hays, Clark, Captain “Tok” Carter, Ray Clark, S. Keim, R. Keim, Crofoot, Colburn, Ellwood, Barton, Hahn, Clark, Rarida, Engstrom, Reed, Branhardt, Sargent, Thornton, Cotton, Stansel, Enns, Hoover, “Big Bill” Mudra
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.2
Article Name Developing Our Talents
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Radio Club, Forum, Athenian Literary
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.2
Article Name McPherson College Band Starts on Work for Year—Archie San Romani is New Leader—Great Need of Musicians in Several Sections
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Leslie Blackman, Paul Pair, Harold Beam, Lee Crist, Archie San Romani, Russell Jones, Everett Brammell, Abram Hostetter, Frank Boone, Samuel Kurtz, Loren Curtis, Harry Riffel, Esther Hawkins, Jacob Yoder, Virgin Ryberg, Robert Blough, Garman Daron
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.2
Article Name Y.M.C.A
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. San Romani, David Brubaker
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.2
Article Name Y.W.C.A
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. Guy T. Gebhardt, Helen Elliott,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.W.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.2
Article Name Debate Club Discusses Disarmament Question
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Roy Hayes, Abram Hostetter, F. E. Bailey, Mark Neher, Prof. Hess
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Debate Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.2
Article Name Alumnus is Proprietor of Store in McPherson
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) D. C. Steele
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.2
Article Name Ex-Cong W. A. Ayres Speaks
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Hon. W. A. Ayres
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.2
Article Name Interesting Program Put on By the Forum
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Emmert Pair, Glenn Johnson, Christopher Morley, Rowena Vaniman, Ray Clark
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.3
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Blanche Spuregon, Dr. Kurtz, Reverend Hugh Lomax, Frank Correll, Prof. Yoder, Mr, and Mrs. Kreitzer, Mrs. Sharp, Prof. Mohler, John Daggett, Laura McGaffey, Winona McGaffey, Nellie McGaffey, Walter McGaffey, Edith Muse, Florence Bowser, Ada Correll, Sada Correll, Frank Correll, Stella Bowman, Mr. William Ebbert, Mrs. Fahnestock, Gussie Rump, Glenn Strickler, Mrs. G. W. Hoover, Bernice Hoover, Elmer McGonigle, Mrs. F. G. McGaffey, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Blackman, Mr. and Mrs. Otis Harding, Mr. Elmer Whitmer, Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Harnly, Mrs. Harding, Mr. Harding, Mr. J. D. Shook, Mrs. F. W. Forney, Rev. Richards, Prof. Morris, Dennis Kessler, Harry Bowers,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.3
Article Name What They Say About the Spectator
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Emery Wine, Blanche Spurgeon, Galen Saylor, Ray Cullen, Jay W. Tracey, Paul M. Pair, Margaret Bish, Oliver H. Austin, Homer S. , Marguerite Foutz
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.3
Article Name Social Events—Freshmen and Sophomore Girl Hike
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. Kurtz
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.3
Article Name Mission Band Meets
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) David Brubaker, John Mohler, Jess H. Garvey, Mildred Fisher, Rhea Fast
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Mission Band
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 05 pg.4
Article Name Seen From the Sidelines
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Captain Carter, Barton, Clark, Lonborg, Thornton
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 1
Article Name Students Interested in Oratory Will Be Given Chance To Win
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Intercollegiate Anti-Tobacco Association
Events Mentioned Annual Anti-Tobacco Contest
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 1
Article Name Alumnus Receives Promotion
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harley A. Nelson
Other, Paint Research
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 1
Article Name 1923 Football Schedule
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Other, Football Schedule
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 1
Article Name LeRoy is Awarded Prize in Essay Contest
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) LeRoy Doty
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Intercollegiate Prohibition Association
Events Mentioned Essay contest
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 1
Article Name New Literary Society Makes Its Appearance
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jay Eller, Esther Hawkins, Ruth Betts, Milton Dell, Arthur Prather
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Literary Society , Athenian Society
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 1
Article Name Pins to be Awarded to Academy Debaters
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Irene Hawley , Ocie McAvory
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.06 Pg. 1
Article Name Book Will Be Catalogued
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Craik
Other, Book Published
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 1
Article Name Basketball Season Begins with Strong Rivalry for Places
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) S. Crumpacker, Daggett, Stansel, Hill, Rupp, Holloway, Betts, Rump, L. Crumpacker, Strickler, Barton, Tipton, Ellwood, Carter
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 1
Article Name Carter Wins Place on All-Conference Eleven
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Barton, Rickard Keim , Captain Carl “Tok” Carter, C. E. McBride, Arthur “Dutch” Lonborg
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Kansas Conference, Kansas City Star
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 1
Article Name Y.M.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. H.F. Richards
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 1
Article Name Students of Fine Arts Department Give Recital
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Arthur Linell, Helen Garst, Eva Mae Lingle, Delia Chavez, Hazel Scott, Ralph Garman, Autumn Lindbloom, Marie Cullen, Rozella White
Events Mentioned Recital
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 1
Article Name Demonstration Given of Handmade Pottery
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) J. Smith Damron
Events Mentioned Pottery display
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 1
Article Name Cram is Not in Legislature
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Robert Cram
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 1
Article Name Last Mark of Honor Paid to Memory of Clarence Showalter
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. Richards, Dr. Kurtz, Prof. Yoder, Clarence Showalter, Harian Yoder, Roy and Ira Brammell, Harold Barnes, Samuel Kurtz, Earl Fisher, Herkle Wampler,
Events Mentioned Funeral
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 1
Article Name M.C. Looks Good to Him
Other, Former McPherson College student writes appreciation for the school
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 1
Article Name Basketball Schedule
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 2
Article Name The Passing of a Classmate
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Clarence Showalter
Other, Tribute to his life
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 2
Article Name Student Credit
Other, Contributed article dealing with McPherson College students being creditable
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 2
Article Name My Ideal
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. L.E. Roberts
Other, Tribute to God
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 2
Article Name Obituary
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Clarence S. Showalter, Henry Showalter, Rinda Showalter, Mrs. A. O. Brubaker, Mrs. John Frey, Mrs. J.W. Clear, Mrs. Vernon Vaniman, Mrs. Nettie Garat, Milton Showalter, Dale Showalter
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) “M” Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 2
Article Name A Tribute to Clarence
Other, Tribute submitted by a classmate
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 2
Article Name Exchanges
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Wallace Bruce Fleming, Mr. Joab Mulvane
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Oratorio Society of Ottawa University , Student Volunteer Band
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Vol.06 No. 06 Pg. 2
Article Name Resolutions of Condolence
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Clarence Showalter, David Brubaker, Reetha Studebaker, Rowena Vaniman, E.L. Craik, J.W. Deeter, R. E. Mohler
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A., Sunday School, College Quartet, Spectator, McPherson Daily Republic
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 2
Article Name Wireless Affection
Other, Love, electrons, and atoms
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 3
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. W. A. Kinzie, William Riddlebarger, Jay Eller, Jacob Yoder, Mark Neher, Estella Engle, Mabel Hoffman, Myrl Curtis, Dr. Kurtz, Will McGaffey, Mr. and Mrs. Galen Tice, Edna Klinkerman, Miss Eisle, Oliver W. Trapp, Miss Mary, Ada Kurtz, Prof. E.M. Studebaker, Miss Inez Heaston, Willard J. Gruber
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Gamma Phi Beta
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 3
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Juniors Hold Social
Other, Junior party at the Baptist Church
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 3
Article Name College Debaters Hear Interesting Discussion
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jacob Yoder, Harlan Yoder, John Mohler, Mary Mohler, Jay Eller
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Debate Club
Events Mentioned Debate Club Meeting
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 3
Article Name The Inquisitive Inquirer
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ruth Betts, Ocie McAvory, Harold Strickler, Marie Cullen, Ralph Olsson, Irene Hawley, Herkle Wampler, Gladys Brubaker
Other, Student question and answer
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 3
Article Name Historic England
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Beulah Helstrom, Sam Johnson
Other, England trip recap
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 4
Article Name Basketball Tournament Will Be Held this Week
Events Mentioned “Battle Royal”
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball, Football
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 4
Article Name A Good Use for the Debts
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. John H. Finley , President Roosevelt, Secretary Hays
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Minister’s Institute , National Education Association
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 4
Article Name Pick-Ups
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Corinne Roosevelt Robinson
Other, Pick-up lines and jokes
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 4
Article Name Kansas Conference Elevens
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Thornily, Baker, Maag, Cole, Vaneck, Kutnick, Littrell, Rhenquist, Carle, Stewart, Carter, Gardner, Thomas, Kahler, Vehlow, Byrd, Hays, Henderson, Widick, Gardner, Replogle, Shirk, Ash, Holtfrerick, McEvoy, Braught, Fairmount, Batson, Wilbur, Weaver, Friend, Cannon, Brewster, Wiley, McCoy, Carlson, F. Behan, Hewitt, Kindig, E. Henderson, Witacre, Fairmount, Van Orsdol, Belvins, Taylor, Slagel, Baker, Austin, Fairmount, McColl, Schneider, Hays, Smith, Ottawa, D. Kelm, Brickley, R. Smith, Theis, Fairmount, C. Smith, Sward, Bethany, Ulrey, Miller, Muff, Alyea, McLemore, Beck, Bergman, Barton, Wright, Brown, Burtch, Hammond, Bryant, Skillings, Wall, Reed, Rush
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Sports Mentioned Football All Conference Teams and Honorable Mention
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 4
Article Name Influence
Other, Poem
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 06 Pg. 4
Article Name What Are You Doing?
Other, Advice
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 07 Pg. 1
Article Name Dedication of Harnly Hall will be One of M.C.’s Great Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Chancellor E.H. Lindley, Dr. E.L. Craik, Dr. Kurtz, Prof. Yoder
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Alumni Association
Events Mentioned Hall Dedication
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 07 Pg. 1
Article Name Seniors Decide Regarding Class Pins and Invitations
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) President Brammell
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Play Committee, Operetta Committee
Other, Seniors pick out rings, pins, and invitations
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 07 Pg. 1
Article Name Ex-Governor Hoch Pays Tribute to Dr. Kurtz
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Other, Tribute to Dr. Kurtz regarding his dedicatory address
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 07 Pg. 1
Article Name To Stage Hallowe’en Party in Gym Tonight
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council
Events Mentioned Hallowe’en masquerade
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 07 Pg. 1
Article Name New Baldwin Piano Installed in Chapel
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Helmer Ek, Miss Brown
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Athenian Society
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 07 Pg. 1
Article Name Date of Junior Week Set
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Eunice Almen, William Bishop, Hazel Vogt, Winona McGaffrey, Grace Ebaugh, Carl Schneider, Everett Brubaker
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Committee from the Faculty, Social Committee, Play Committee, Sneak Day Committee, Junior Boosters’ Committee
Events Mentioned Junior Week
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 7 Pg. 1
Article Name Students of Junior High Will Give Christmas Play
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A. , Y.W.C.A.
Events Mentioned The play: “Christmas in Other Lands”
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 07 Pg. 1
Article Name Academy Debate Team Selected to Compete for Forensic Laurels
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Elmer Krehbeil, Ralph Martin, Harry Lehman, Harvey Lehman, Marie Brubaker, Jesse Carney, Professor Hess, Edgar Stauffer, Ted Dell, Prof. Hill, Prof. Morris, Prof. Keim, Prof. Deeter, Prof. Ebel
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Academy Debate Team
Events Mentioned Debate team tryouts
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 07 Pg. 1
Article Name Rare German Bible is Presented to Library
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Christopher Saur Jr., Dr. E.L. Craik, Emmery Wine, Mrs. Matilda Blough Wine, Benjamin Franklin
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Library committee
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 07 Pg. 1
Article Name Bathurst Wins Honor
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) J. Elmer Bathurst, President Kurtz
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Philosophers’ Club of the University
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 07 Pg. 1
Article Name Christmas Program to be Held Tonight
Events Mentioned Christmas Program
Other, Candles for sale
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 07 Pg. 1
Article Name Local Oratorical Contest Will be Held January 10
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Anderson, Samuel Maust,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Oratorical Society
Events Mentioned Oratorical Society Contest
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 07 Pg. 1
Article Name Class Tournament is Won by Juniors who Defeat Senior Rivals
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harry Lehman, Lota Neher, Wava Long, Sanger Crumpacker, Strickler, Isabel Knaus, Prof. Mohler, Coach Lonborg
Events Mentioned Inter-class basketball tournament
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 07 Pg. 1
Article Name Six Persons Qualify in Thespian Tryout
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Isabel Knaus, Elsie Forney, Dorothy Meyer, Della Day, Alice Burkholder, William Mudra
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Thespian Club
Events Mentioned Thespian Club Tryouts
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 07 Pg. 1
Article Name Christmas
Other, Message about celebrating Christmas with prayer
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 07 Pg. 1
Article Name Giving to Those in Need
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 1
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Jolly time Enjoyed at Elaborate Party on All Saints Night
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) William Riddlebarger, Barton, Halloway, Harry Nickel, Issac Dirks, Harry Bowers, Samuel Kurtz, Myrl Curtis Sumner Eshelman, Ralph Lehman, Selma Engstrom,
Other, J. Olsson Compnay, Northwestern Trio, Galva Society Circle
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Gg. 1
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Ladies Cheer Leader Chosen
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Maude Gish, Hazel Vogt, Irene Hawley
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Cheer Leading
Events Mentioned Cheer Leading Ballot
Sports Mentioned (all) Cheer Leading
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 1
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Doty to Represent M. C at Convention
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Leroy Doty, Roy Brammell, Paul Kurtz, William Riddlebarger
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. M. C. A. , Rocky Mountain Y.M.C.A District
Events Mentioned Y. M. C. A Election
Other, Atlantic City, New Jersey, Forty-First International Y.M.C.A Convention of North America
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 1
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Chinese Student to Speak
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Chapel
Other, Washburn College
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 1
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Hill Resident Passes Away
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Joseph Andes
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Chapel
Events Mentioned Funeral
Other, Virginia
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 1
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Pastor H. F Richards to Open Evangelistic Services Next Sunday
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Reverend H. F. Richards, Mrs. C. S. Morris
Events Mentioned Revival Meetings, Communion Meeting
Other, First Church of the Brethren
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 1
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Concert Series to Open Friday Night
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Tandy MacKenzie, Thurlow Lieurance, Messrs , Young, Mellor, Reardon, Chalmers
Other, Opera House, Criterion Quartet, Indian Songs
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 1
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name College Debate Tryout to be Held November 29
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) College Debate Teams
Events Mentioned Tryouts
Other, Chapel
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 1
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name (bottom third column)
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ruth King, Lola Miller, Everett Brammell
Other, Chapel
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 1
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Dr. Bradley to give Lecture
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Preston Bradley
Other, Peoples Church Chicago, Opera House, Lyceum Course
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 1
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Officers Elected to Head work Of A-T.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Everett Brubaker, Alta Mohler, Robert Blough,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Anti-Tobacco Association
Events Mentioned Election of Officers, Oratorical Contest,
Other, Chapel
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 1
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Thespian Club will Present Three Plays
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jessica Carter, Rowena Vaniman, Ruth Cripe, Marie Cullen, Marguerite Muse, Ray Clark, David Brubaker, Harry Bowers
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Thesbian Club
Other, Student Activity Ticket
Other One-Act Plays, Little Theatre Movement,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 1
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Bulldogs Hand 14-12 Defeat to Catholic Eleven at St. Marys
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Carter, Clark, Barton, Baston, McAllister, Mahoney, McDonnell
Events Mentioned Football game at St. Marys
Sports Mentioned (all) football
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 2
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name The Spectator
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Orville D. Porte, Eunice S. Almen, Everett M. Brubaker, Naomi Fasuacht, Earl Linholm, Hervey McClelland, Laura McGaffey, Pearl Wiltlong, Dale Strickler, Doris Plum, William Riddlebarger, Lota Neher, Jessie Breon, Harry Bowers, Samuel Maust, Vilas D. Betts, Paul Sargent, Prof. McGaffey, Dr. Craik
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) The Spectator
Other, Subscription
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 2
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Let’s Stay Together
Events Mentioned Game Against the Swedes
Other, Cheering from the Grandstand
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 1
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name An Appreciation
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Maude Gish
Sports Mentioned (all) Cheer Leading
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 1
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Watch Your Words
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 2
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name The English Language
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 2
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Boys, Write a Letter
Events Mentioned Father and Sons Banquet
Other, Write a Letter
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 2
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Somniloquies
Other, Chapel
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 2
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Exchanges
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rabbi Stephen S. Wise
Other, Eaker Wildcat, Farimount Sunflower, Kansas University, Armistice Day, Kansas Wesleyan University, Cambrea Concert Company, Opera House, Oklahoma State College, Free Synagogue, New York City, Kansas State Teachers Association, Hays, Kansas, State Manual Training School , Pittsburg, Kansas, Ottawa University, Southwestern College, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 1
Date Published November, 7, 1922
Article Name Literary Program Given
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harry Bowers, Margaret Mikesell, Roy Brammell, Gertrude Witmore, Oscar Lankford, Lester Ogden, Charles Lengel, Arno Rodes, Prof. C. Ray Kelm, Ada Correll
Events Mentioned Piano Solo, Readings,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg.2
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Y. W. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Cordella Anderson, Florence Cline, Rosella White, Edna Dunham, Margaret Mikesell, Mrs. Birkin, Thelma Neuenschwander
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. W. C. A
Events Mentioned Speeches
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 2
Date Published Imagine the Rest
Article Name Imagine the Rest
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dobbs
Other, Aurora Republican, New York Republican
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 2
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Hitting Rastus
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Arthur Nehf, Hippo Vaughn, Jess Barnes,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 2
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name McPherson High School Defeats Abilene Eleven
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Carson, Crumpacker, Harrison, Milller, Uhrlaub, Morine,
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Other, Abilene High School
Other Newton,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 2
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name The Inquisitive Inquirer
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Hervey McClelland, Everett Brammell, Clyde Rupp, Dr.Craik, O. T. Funkhouser, Marathon HIgh
Other, bobbed hair
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 2
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name M. C. Rooters Stage Glorious Celebration
Events Mentioned Game
Other, St. Mary’s
Other Arnold Hall, Fahnestock Hall
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 8 No. 6 Pg. 3
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rosa Miller, Correll Bowser, Bert Witters, Mrs. Brunk, Mrs. Frank Forney, Dr. Kurtz, Mrs. Kurtz, Addie yoder, Pearl Wiltfong, Mr. Harlow Brown, Mabel Griffin, Miriam Wenrick, Rose Mohler, Doris Plum, Irene Miller, Clara Anderson, Ruth Martin, Jessie Ball, Miss Minnie Walters, Lloyd Crrumpacker, Mr. and Mrs. Galen Tice, Mr. and Mrs. Lenoard Cumpacker, Eunice Almen, Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Pair
Other, California, Dining Hall, Cordell, Oklahoma, Wichita, Kanas, Birthday, Englewood, Kansas, Windom Fair, Windom, Kansas, McPherson County , St. John, Kansas
Other Speech,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 3
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Seen From the Sidelines
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Carter, Mudra, Clark, Hal barton, Colburn,
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Other, St. Mary’s
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 3
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Alumnus Make Phonograph
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) George N. Boone,
Other, McPherson High School
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 3
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Rev. Wagoner Speaks at Meeting of Mission Band
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. Ray S. Wagoner
Other, Mission Band
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 3
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name (bottom second column)
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Walter Voth, Dr. Harnley
Sports Mentioned N.A
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 3
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Prof. Nininger Attends Ornithologists’ Meeting
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. H. H Nininger, Dr. Frank M. Chapman, Dr. forbush, Louis Agassiz Fuerte, Dr. Palmer, Dr. Arthur A. Allen, Dr. Gainer, Dr. Mcatee, Miss Althea R. Sherman, Dr. W. I. Lyon, Dr. R. C. Murphy
Other, Chicago, IL, American Ornithologists Union, Field Museum, Kansas, American Museum, Waukegan Illinois
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 3
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Athenians Hold Social
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Athenian Literary Society
Other, Chapel
Other Republicans, Democrats, Socialists, Games
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 3
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Y. M. C. A
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Leroy Doty, Harry Bowers
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. M. C. A
Events Mentioned Y. M. C. A Meeting
Other, International Convention at Atlantic City
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 3
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Interesting Curio Donated to Museum
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. J. Z. Gilbert
Other, Diatomaceous rock, Museum
Other Los Angles, California
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 4
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Biggest Battle of Year to be Staged Saturday
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Lonborg,
Events Mentioned Game
Sports Mentioned (all) football
Other, McPherson College Armistice day, Hays Normal, Lindsborg, St. Mary’s
Other Bethany College
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 4
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name On Other Gridirons
Events Mentioned Turkey Day
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Other, Emporia, Sterling, Kansas State Normal, Washburn
Other Bethany, Hays Normal, Lindsborg, Sweeds, Southwestern, Pittsburg, Windfield, Buidlers, Friends University, Mcpherson, Turkey day, Wichita, Kansas Wesleyan, Baker, C of E. , Baker, Baldwin, Bethel, Methodists, Ottawa, Fairmount, Kansas Conference
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 4
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Bulldogs Hand 14-12 defeat to catholic eleven at St. Mary’s (continued from pg. 1)
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Barton, Carter, McDonnell, Sargent, Ellwood, McEvoy, Batson, Mudra, W. Kelly, Colburn, Porter, Crofoot, D. Kelm, S. Kelm, Gillis, McAllister, C. Boland, Stansel, McDonnell, Thorton, Rose, Clark, Bergman, Bahl, NOrmile, Kennedy, Sapaire, Meshe, Mahoney, P. Sargnt, Hoover, Hahn, McCreary, Heil, Snattinger
Sports Mentioned Football
Other, St. Mary’s, Saints,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 8 Pg. 4
Date Published November 7, 1922
Article Name Bulldogs to Clash With Marion American Legion
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) American Legion,
Events Mentioned Game November 16 at McPherson Gridiron
Other, Marion
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.1
Article Name People are Becoming Independent Thinkers Believes Dr. Bradley, -Lecture On “The United States of Tomorrow”-Given As Second Lyceum Number, -Tragedy of War Emphasized, -Golden Rule Is the Formula Upon Which the World Must Stand Today., -Future Judged By Past., -Two Great Laws in the Universe, -Press and Pulpit Have Big Task
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Preston Bradley,
Events Mentioned “The United States of Tomorrow”-lecture
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.1
Article Name Plans to be Started For Another Spring Festival
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) President Kurtz, Prof. Wagoner, Prof. Harnly, Prof. Ebel, Prof. Mohler, Prof. Cralk
Events Mentioned Spring Festival
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.1
Article Name Prof. Mohler Named Official
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. R.E. Mohler, Ralph C. Hay, Ralph L. Hillman, Glen Elder, E.A. Erwin, E.M. McAninch, Walker N. Morre, John P. Biggs, J.H. Smith
Sports Mentioned (all) Basket ball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.1
Article Name Audience is Delighted By Criteron Quartet, -Selections Remarkable for Beauty of Blended Voices, -Solos Uniform In Quality
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Criterion Male Quartet, Artist Series Committee
Events Mentioned McPherson College Series
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.1
Article Name Revival Is In Progress
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. H.F. Richards
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Church of the Brethren
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.1
Article Name Dr. Edward Frantz To Give Dedication Address December 1, -All Efforts Heretofore To Secure Him As a Speaker Have Been Unsuccessful., -Was Third President of M.C., -Is Widely Known As a Scholar And Teacher Of Very Rare Ability
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Edward Frantz
Events Mentioned Dedication of Harnly Hall
Other College chapel
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.1
Article Name Seniors Choose Memorial
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. J.Z. Gilbert, Professor Nininger,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Senior class
Other Giant Sloth skeleton, Harnly Hall
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.1
Article Name Y.M. and Y.W. Hold Pie Social
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Samuel Kartz, Ray Vaniman
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M. and Y.W.C.A
Events Mentioned Pie sale
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.1
Article Name “Board Walk” Graces Campus
Other “Board Wlak”, Harnly Hall,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.1
Article Name Fine Arts Students Give First Recital, -Program Consists of Solos, Readings, and a Short Two-Act Play
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Isabel Knaus, Elberta Vaniman, Helen Hartell, Reetha Studebaker, Jessie Daron, Clarence Showalter, Bernice Peck, Adela Hale, Anna Lingle
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Fine Arts department
Events Mentioned Student Recital
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.1
Article Name Work is Organized For M.C.’s Summer School, -Faculty Members Have Been Selected For Local School as Well As One At Palmer Lake.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Blair, Professor Morris, Dr. Craik, Professor Nininger, Professor Ebel, Professor Mohler
Events Mentioned Summer school
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.1 to pg.4
Article Name Bethany Wins Annual Armistice Day Clash 6-0 On Field of Mud, -Visitors Take Advantage of McPherson Fumble and Push Ball Over in Eighth Plunge., -Rain Cuts Down Attendance, -Lindsay’s Crew Belles On Line Backs While Lonborg’s Squad Gains By Forward Passes
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Captain Rhenquist, Stansel, S. Kelm, R. Kelm, Crofoot, Colburn, Mudra, Ellwood, Thornton, Carter, Clark, Hahn, Heaston, Sargent, Brunk
Events Mentioned Armistice Day contest
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.2
Article Name The Spectator
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Orville D. Pole, Eunice S. Almen, Everett M. Brubaker, Naomi Fasnacht, Hervey McClelland, Pearl Wiltfong, Dr. Craik, Prof. McGaffey, Prof. Brown, Harry Bowers, Estella Engle, Walter Yoth, Elsie Forney, Ada Kurtz, Jessie Breon, Mabel Hoffman, Leonard Birkin, Jessie Bob Severtson, Vilas D. Betts, Paul Sargent
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.2
Article Name Oratorical Society Meets
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Earl Linholm
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Oratorical Society, Debate club
Events Mentioned Oratorical Society meeting
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.2
Article Name Professor May Wear Overalls
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Gaw, Mrs. Gaw
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.1
Article Name Student Conduct
Events Mentioned Student Recital
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.2
Article Name Y.M.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) David Brubaker, Archie San Romani, Clarence Showalter, Harry Bowers, Jay Eller, LeRoy Doly,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A.
Events Mentioned Musical program
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.2
Article Name A Benefactor Gone
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Joseph Andes, Professor Yoder,
Events Mentioned Funeral services,
Other College Hill
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.2
Article Name Party Lines Discussed at Meeting of Debate Club
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Irvin Ihrig, Lester Ogden, Ellis Watkins, William Riddlebarger,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Debate Club
Events Mentioned Debate club meeting
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.2
Article Name Prof. Sandzen to Give Lecture on Art Tonight
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Sandzen
Events Mentioned Sandzen lecture
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.3
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Loretta Sturgwell, Lorena Raye, Ruth Greene, Miss Edith Barnhart, Wretha Cory, Jessie Ball, Miss Ruth Pentecost, Miss Anna Mae Strickler, Minnie Christoff, Mr. Glenn Strickler, Edith Muse, Mrs. Irwin Enos, Opal, Mrs. Earl Brown, Josephine Johnson, Elmer Rupp, Mr. and Mrs. Galen Tice, Ida Johnson, Miss Maude Merkey, Miss Nellie Derrick, Mr. Samuel Merkey, Mr. Roy Neher, Irma Witmore, Dr. Harnly, Ralph Holsinger, Laura Bowman, Miss Nannie Oyler, Miss Lucy Oyler, Prof. Hess, Ira Brammell, Roy Brammell, Omer Vanscoyoc, Mr. and Mrs. F.A. Vaniman, LeRoy Doty, Eunice Almen
Events Mentioned Bethany-McPherson football game
Sports Mentioned (all) football
Other McPherson College Library
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.3
Article Name Thespian Club Will Produce Three Plays
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Anderson,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Thespian Club, Student Council
Events Mentioned plays
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.3
Article Name Academy Juniors Have Hike
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Ebel, Prof. Kein
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Junior Class
Events Mentioned Hike
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.3
Article Name Subscription Raised For Students Fellowship Fund
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Harnly, Prof. Yoder, Dr. Kurtz, Jessie Ball, Roy Hylton
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Mission Band
Events Mentioned Talks
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.3
Article Name Greetings From Sister Colleges are Enjoyed
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Roy Hylton, Pastor Richards,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Mission Band
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.4
Article Name Bulldogs Will Mix With Marion Eleven Thursday, -Contest Of Following Week Will Be With Sterling, “The Surprise of the Season.”
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) “Dutch”
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 9 pg.4
Article Name Next!
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Harnly, Ted Baker,
Events Mentioned Biology
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 10 pg. 1
Article Name Big Events Planned by M.C. for Second Annual Homecoming—Clash Between Moundbuilders and Bulldogs is Feature of First Day—Time Set for Nov. 30 and Dec. 1—Dedication of Harnly Hall is Main Number on Program for Second Day
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Events Mentioned Homecoming
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 10 pg. 1
Article Name Dr. Kurtz Had Busy Schedule Last Weekend
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 10 pg. 1
Article Name Expert in S. S. Work Coming
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. Ezra Flory
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 10 pg. 1
Article Name Physics Department Now In Harnly Hall
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Morris, Prof. Mohler
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 10 pg. 1
Article Name Prof. Sandzen
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Birger Sandzen
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 10 pg. 1
Article Name Alumnus is Re-Elected to State Legislature
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Robert Cram
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 10 pg. 1
Article Name Thespian Club Shows Wonderful Talent in Three One-Act Plays—”Lonsesome-Like”, “Sham”, “The Slave with Two Faces” Are Productions Given—Presented to Large Audience—Exceptional Clearness of Speech and Understanding of Theme is Shown by Casts
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) David Brubaker, Marguerite Muse, Harry Bowers, Marie Cullen, Rowena Vaniman, Ray Clark, Ruth Cripe, Miss Alma Anderson, Miss Edith McGaffey
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Thespian Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 10 pg. 1
Article Name Alumnus Tells About Conditions in Russia
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor P. C. Hiebert
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 10 pg. 1
Article Name Dr. Kurtz to Address Orators
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 10 pg. 1
Article Name Notice to College Debaters
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Maurice A. Hess
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Debate Club
Events Mentioned Debate Club Tryout
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 10 pg. 1
Article Name Interest in Revival Meeting Is Splendid—Special Feature is Rendered Prior to the Sermon Each Evening
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. H. F. Richards, Mrs. Charles S. Morris,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 10 pg. 1
Article Name “Hyacinths” Presented to Large Chapel Audience
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Winona McGaffey, Fannie Stover, Marie Cullen, Tacle May Hanna, Winona McGaffey, Prof. Birger Sandzen, Carl Smalley
Events Mentioned Annual High School Art Exhibit
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 10 pg. 1/4
Article Name M. C. Reserves Win Victory from Heavy Marion Legion Team—”Ponies” Go Through Visitors’ Line in Second Period for Only Counter of Game—Battle Ends in 6-0 Score—Regulars Play Last Quarter But Are Unable to Increase the Lead Secured by Seconds
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lonborg, Enuus, Cotton, Schneider, Kilewer, Brubaker, J. Lengel, Holloway, Hoover, Kreizer, Sargent, Hill, C. Lengel, Thornton, Schneider, Kurtz, Nice Murdra, Lundstrum, Budge
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 10 pg. 2
Article Name Y.M.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. D. H. Switzer
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 10 pg. 2
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lewis Florman, Abram Hostetter, Harold Strickler, Jay Eller, Professor Morris
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Radio Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 10 pg. 3
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jay W. Tracey, Iva Curtis, Mr. Miles G. Blim, Mrs. Miles G. Blim/Miss Latha Daniels, Miss Eunice Almen, Mr. Kenneth Krehbiel, Mr. Aubrey Hale, Helen Hartell, Miss Ruth Poe, Mr. W. W. Coulson, Dr. Craik, Prof. and Mrs. Lauer, August Rump, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pair, Albert Unruh, Harry Nickel, Walter Voth, Isaac Dirks, Margaret Dirks, Vivian Spilman, Harry Riffel, Harold Kreitzer, Welcome Sondergard, Dale Strickler, Verne Strickler, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sinclair, Dr. Kurtz, Len Harden, Mrs. Kurtz, Ada Sada, Frank Correll, Harold Correll, Florence Bowser, Prof. Ebel, Estella Engle, Mrs. Harry Harman, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Charles, Donald Foster, Miss Edna Neher
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 10 pg. 3
Article Name First Radio Convention Convenes at Hutchinson—Seven M. C. Students Attend—Lewis Re-elected Treasurer of Kansas Radio League
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lewis Florman, Ellis Watkins, Jay Eller, Harry Nickel, Harold Strickler, Ray Vaniman, Herbert Matin
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 10 pg. 3
Article Name Surprise Party
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Blair, Miss Fonda Harden, Mrs. Blair, Mr. Jacob Yoder, Mr. Elvis Prather, Mr. John Harnly, Mr. O.T. Funkhouser, Mr. Ellis Watkins, Mr. Charles Lengel, Bricklayer Harden, Roy Hates, Miss Iva Barnhart, Celia Watkins, Lois Myers, Sarah Spitzer, Ruth Wedel, Fonda Harden
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 10 pg. 4
Article Name Seen from the Sidelines
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dick Hill, John Lengel, Hoover, Marion, Holloway
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 10 pg. 4
Article Name Bulldogs to Meet Sterling Thursday—Close Battle Expected but Dope Favors Lonborg’s Warriors to Annex Victory
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 11 pg. 1/4
Date Published November 28, 1922
Article Name Bulldogs are Unable to Stop Onslaught of Winning Barrelmakers—Sterling Makes Two Touchdowns By Taking Advantage of M.C. Fumbles—Lose Battle of 12-0 Score—Carter is Star of Game—Gardner, Frye, and Stover Feature for Woody’s Eleven
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ellwood, J. Lengel, Colburn, Crofoot, D. Keim, S. Keim, Sargent, Thornton, Clark, Carter, Baron, Brubaker, Stansel, Heaston, Hoover, Hahn, Kurtz, Holloway, Enns, Cotton
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 11 pg. 1
Date Published November 28, 1922
Article Name Dr. Kurtz is Kept Busy Filling Appointments
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 11 pg. 1
Date Published November 28, 1922
Article Name Thespian Club Tryout to Be Held December 5
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Thespian Club
Events Mentioned Thespian Club Tryout
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 11 pg. 1
Article Name Revival Brought to Successful Close—Splendid Co-Operation Shown During Last Part of Meetings
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. Richards, Mrs. Charles S. Morris
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 11 pg. 1
Date Published November 28, 1922
Article Name College Debate Tryout Will Be Held Tomorrow—Sixteen Contestants Have Entered to Compete for Places on First Team
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Oscar Lankford, Leonard Birkin, Geraldine Crill, B. F. Waas, Leonard Timmons, P. R. Lange, Vivian Spillman, Pearl Rhine, F. E. Bailey, William Burgin, Calvin Boggs, L. G. Templeton, Isaac Dirks, Carroll Hills, W. E. Bishop, Ralph Lehman
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) College Debate Team
Events Mentioned College Debate Tryout
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 11 pg. 1
Date Published November 28, 1922
Article Name Fine Start is Made on 1923 Quadrangle—Photographer is Kept Busy Taking Pictures for Yearbook
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Clyde Rupp, Ruth Cripe, Laura McGaffey, Robert Blough, Mabel Hoffman, Sanger Crumpacker, Everett Brammell
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 11 pg. 1
Article Name Rooms are Assigned to Various Classes for Rest of Winter—Departments of History, Science and Fine Arts Are Located in Harnly Hall—Almost All Equipment Moved—Many Changes are Brought in Arrangement of Departments in Sharp Building
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Deeter, Prof. Mohler, Prof. Morris, Professor Yoder, Dr. Kurtz, Professor Ebel, Miss Hill
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 11 pg. 1
Date Published November 28, 1922
Article Name Gridiron Battle With Southwestern Thursday and Dedication of Harnly Hall to be Main Features of Second Annual Homecoming
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Lonborg
Events Mentioned Dedication of Harnly Hall, 2nd Annual Homecoming
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 11 pg. 2
Article Name Y.W.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Bernice Peck, Ocie McAvoy, Bruges, Ghent, Miss Helstrom, Jessica Carter, Ursula Flory
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.W.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 11 pg. 2
Date Published November 28, 1922
Article Name Tandy Mackenzie Will Sing Thursday Night
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Tandy Mackenzie, John McCormack
Events Mentioned McPherson Concert Series
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 11 pg. 2
Date Published November 28, 1922
Article Name Dedication Program
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) President D. W. Kurtz, Miss Jessie Brown, Rev. C. E. Sayre, Canto Amorosa, Professor A. E. Lauer, Rev. Redward Frantsz, Mr. Brammell, Mr. Kurtz, Mr. Showalter, Mr.Fisher, Miss Elsie Klinkerman, Miss Walters, Professor J. J. Yoder, Rev. F. J. Hjelm, Dean H. J. Harnly, Mr. A. E. San Romani, Professor J.J. Yoder, W. J. Krehbiel, Frank K. Beam, Mr. Lauer, Mr. Gaw, Mr. Mark, J. C. Russel, M.S. Gustafon, C. F. Gustafon
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Alumni Association
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 11 pg. 2
Article Name YMCA Convention was Great Says Doty—John R. Mott, Robert E. Speer, and Harvy E. Fosdick Were Most Outstanding Speakers
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) LeRoy Doty, Dr. John R. Mott, Dr. Robert E. Speer, Rev. Harry E. Fosdick
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 11 pg. 3
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Marguerite Muse, Lucille Hoover, Doris Lichty, MaryWhiteneck, Selma Klinkerman, Opal Wilson, Coach Lonborg, Opa Enos, Thelma Neuschwander, Lola Miller, Everett Brammell, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pair, Mr. W. E. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Hoover, Ruth King, Mr. and Mrs. Galen Tice, Dr. and Mrs. Kurtz, Ada Kurtz, Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair, Mr. Frank Green, Miss Edith McGaffey, Miss Trostle, Marie Cullen, Miss Gaw, Miss Keim, Miss Boone, Miss Deeter, Miss Amanda Magnuson, Miss Adelia Swenson, Miss Brown, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. McGaffey, Mrs. N. F. Brubaker, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. Brown
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 11 pg. 3
Article Name Academy Debaters to Discuss Coal Question
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Hess
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 11 pg. 3
Article Name “M” Club to Hold Social
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) William Riddlebarger, Richard Keim, Ray Clark, Paul Sargent, Stanley Keim, Clarence Showalter,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) “M” Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 11 pg. 3
Article Name Social Events—Academy Seniors Are Entertained
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Evelyn Lyons,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 11 pg. 3
Article Name Social Events—Hamburger Fry
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Doris Ring, Julia Jones, Mayme Matson, Ocie McAvoy, Loretta Zonker, Bernice Peck, Marie Andes, Bonnie Houston, Laura Hammann, Mattle Ring, Floye Rhodes, Anna Edgecomb, Della Day, Selma Engstrom
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 11 pg. 3
Article Name Birthday Gathering
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor and Mrs. J. J. Yoder, Gertrude Witmore, Loretta Yoder, Mr. C. A. Vaniman, Miss Katie Reber, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Vaniman, Dr. and Mrs. Heaston, Mrs. Anna Clark, Mrs. Amanda Fahnestock, Dr. and Mrs. Harnly, Mr. Ray Strohm, Mrs. Effa Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Yoder, Mr. J. D. Yoder
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 11 pg. 3
Article Name Dr. Kurtz Speaks to Oratorical Society
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Oratorical Society
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 12 pg 1
Date Published December 5, 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) McAllister, Gardner, Brooks
Events Mentioned Homecoming
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Other, Southwestern College
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 12 pg 1
Date Published December 5, 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Tandy Mackenzie, Powell Weaver
Events Mentioned Concert Series
Other, Gray Dawn
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 12 pg 1
Date Published December 5, 1922
Other, Chapel, Monitors
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 12 pg 1
Date Published December 5, 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) W. E. Bishop, Isaac Dirks, B. F. Waas, Oscar Lankford, Geraldine Crill, Leonard Birkin, Dr. Kurtsz, Dr. Craik, Prof. Blair, Prof. Anderson, Prof McGaffey, Prof. Hens
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Debate
Events Mentioned College Debate Try out
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 12 pg 1
Date Published December 5, 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) J. Smith Damron
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Activity
Other, The Potter and The Clay- Demonstrated art
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 12 pg 1
Date Published December 5, 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. H. F. Richards
Events Mentioned Thanksgiving Address
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 12 pg 1
Date Published December 5, 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Edward Frantz, Dr. Kurtz, Dr. Harnly, Prof. Yoder, Miss Jessie Brown, Dr. C. E. Sayre, Prof. A. R. Lauer, Miss Elsie Klinkerman, Miss Walters, Pro. J. J. Yoder, Mr. Frank K. Beam, Messrs. Lauer Gaw, Prof. J. C. Russel, Prof. C. F. Gustafson, Jessie Zimmerman, Dr. H. C. Allen
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) College Quartet, Church of the Brethren,
Other, Harnly Hall, Arnold Hall
Other Home Economics Department, Fine Arts School, The Four Effects of Science and Faith, Science Department
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 12 pg 2
Date Published December 5, 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Harnly
Events Mentioned Homecoming
Other, Harnly Hall
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 12 pg 2
Date Published December 5, 1922
Article Name Y. M. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) LeRoy Doty
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. M. C. A.
Events Mentioned Forty-first International Convention of the Young Men’s Christian Association
Other, Harnly Hall
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 12 pg 2
Date Published December 5, 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. and Mrs. Mohler, Henry Stover, Marguerite Muse
Other, Thanksgiving Vacation, Homecoming Season
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 12 pg 2
Date Published December 5, 1922
Article Name Y. W. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Olive Lehman, Fred Mark, Miss Andersom, Mrs. Kurtz
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. W. C. A.
Events Mentioned Y. W. Meeting
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 12 pg 2
Date Published December 5, 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Gwinn Henry, CaptainWiley
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Other, Kansas State Normals, College of Emporia , Baker, Ottawa, McPherson, Pittsburg, Bethany, Washburn, Friends
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 12 pg 2
Date Published December 5, 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Clarence Showalter, Mrs. Showalter
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) College Quartet, “M” Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 12 pg 2
Date Published December 5, 1922
Article Name “M” CLUB HAS SOCIAL
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Big Bill Mudra, Henry Stover, Clarence Showalter, “Chalk” Saylor, Minnie Edgecomb, Ocie McAvoy
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) “M” Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 12 pg 2
Date Published December 5, 1922
Article Name Dr. Kurtz Lectures in Nebraska
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Other, Harnly Hall, Red Cloud, Nebraska, Kirwin, Kansas
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 12 pg 2
Date Published December 5, 1922
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) C. F. Gustafson, Rev. C. E. Sayre, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Seidel, Mr. and Mrs. Galen Tice, Mr. and Mrs. Paul M Pair, Mrs. Roy Rock, Claree Rock, Mildred Rock, G. J. Goodsheller, L. G. Johnson, George C. Milne, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stutzman, Mr. and Mrs. J.H. Berkebile, Mrs. E. M. Hoover, Francis Berkebile, Mr. and Mrs. S. E.Miller, J. M. and S. E. Eash, A. H. Klassen, Mrs. Galen Evans, Virgil Martin, L. S. Ashley, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Lyons, L. F. Quantuis, W. E. Ebbert, K. Sorenson, W. E. Bishop, Lawrence S. Ashley, Ceril Calhoun, Harol Bothwell, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Freebuer, Charles Freeburg, Neva Yoder, Clyde Cline, Frank Silvins, Gladys Naylor, Golda Ebbert, Mrs. C.F. Anderson, Esther Ihring, Roy Rock, Loren Rock, Lawrence Vaniman, CLiffod Negley, Hanson Horninh, H. A. Bowman, Mr. and Mrs.J. H. Klinkerman, Frank Price, Mrs. Robert Lingie, Edith Muse, Ralph Holsinger, L. E. Blackman, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Sherfy, Hope Sherfy, Irma Witmore, Mrs. N. E. Roberts, Mrs. A. T. Alling, Mable Patterson, Ruth Pentecost, Fannie Trostle, J. H. Saylor, John Buckman, Ruth Miller, Mary Miller, Mable Brubaker, N.F. Brubaker, Mrs. P.T. Neuenschwander, Stella Thomas, Marguerite Muse, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Yoder, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Myers, Grace Brubaker, Enos Miller, Mrs. Josie Young, Dr. J. W. Fields, Bertha Frantz, Ernst Marker, Inez Henry, Mrs. H. A. Bowman, Mrs. Ira Marker, J. C. Russel, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Brubaker, Elizabeth Hoerner, Ernst Crow, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur F. Morris, Nels Christenson, J. Howard Engle, Victor Vaniman, R. H. Lingle, Lols Warwick, Bernice Hanson, Elmer Rupp, W. F. Vaniman, Ida Bowman, Mrs. Rinda Showalter, Golda Zook, Glenn Strickler, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Serviss, Tillie Hadley, Bert S. Trostle, Alfred Alling, Grace Entriken, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Miller, Seth P. Osborne, Josephine Johnston, Amos O. Brubaker, Nellie Cullen, Galen Saylor, Rena Flashburn, Lloyd Saylor, Mrs. E. B. Sargent, C. H. Davenport, Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Penlan, Marion Muse, Velna Sondergard, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Holsopple, Mrs. Mary Adams, C. L. Sayre, Margaret Anthony, Wm. Anthony, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Correll, Mrs. E. M. Schneider, Mr. and Mrs. Chris Christenson, Maude Russel, Lon. H. Eakes, Mrs. Myrtle Haugh, Cora Davenport, Alice Manly, Mr. and Mrs. V. M. Emmert, Godtfred Swanson, Henry Kittell, Mrs. J. E. Reiff, Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Zink, Mrs. W. B. Hiner, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Crumpacker, J. A. Scott, J. L. Schwarts, Mrs. F. J. Waylan, Edwin Waylan, Mrs. W,. Martin, A. J. Buckman, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stouder, W.Knaus, Peter Aurell, Mrs. M. F. Brubaker, Mr and Mrs. A. J. Moomaw, Mr and Mrs. John Haugh, C. R. Caldwell, Mrs. Jess Garvey, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Brubaker, J. W. Lear, Belle McKinney, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Yoder, Wileta Durst, Lester Peck, Clement Haldeman, Mrs. Mary Vaniman, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Matson, Emma Frantz, Mrs. E. Anderson, Rebecca Kauffman, Paul Harnly, E. W. Jones,
Events Mentioned Homecoming
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 12 pg 3
Date Published December 5, 1922
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. Jacob Deardorff, Prof. Hershey, Mr. Samuel, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Crumpacker, Miss Margaret Bish, Miss Winona McGaffey, Miss Ruth Martin, Mr. John Daggett, Mr. Rufus Dagget, Helen Hartell, Lloyd Hawley, Mr. and Mrs. Hunsley, Beulah Helstrom, Mrs. Sarah Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilson, Roy Frantz, Norma Finfrock, Rachel Dunham, Birger Sandzen, Edd Nicholes, Meryle Holcomb, Sanford Eaton, Howard Trentman, Ethel Whitmer, Misses Florence and Jessie Kittell, Messrs. Ray Vaniman and William Riddlebarger, Mr. Victor Vaniman, Mrs. L. J. Ledell, Miss Hildegarde Ledell, Anna Myers, Prof. Hess, Prof. H. E. Crow, Mrs. Galen Evans, Bernice Maxine, Ocle McAvoy, Jay W. Tracey, Oliver W. Trapp, Ethel Whitmer, Emery Wine, August Rump, Roy Neher, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Foutz, Miss Gladys Kingsley, Ruth king, Opal Enos, Welcome Sondergard, Susie Fike, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Waas, Florence and Viola Bowser, William and Theodore Hiebert, Adelyn Anderson, Inez Heaston, George Hodges, Prof. Blair, Fonda Harden, Paul Kurtz, Olin Ellwood, John Mohler, Robert Blough, Roland Jones, Glade Fisher, John Harnly, Grace and Sarah Fike, Abram Hostetter, Harry Riffel, Arno Rodes, Mr. and Mrs. Rowland Parry
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Correll Quartet
Events Mentioned Thanksgiving, Homecoming, Sixth Older Boys Conference
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 1
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Students Interested in Oratory will be Given Chance to Win
Events Mentioned Annual Anti-Tobacco Contest
Other, State Contest to be at Tabor; Chance to Create Public Sentiment; Offers Participants Financial Aid
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 1
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Alumnus Receives Promotion
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harley A. Nelson
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 1
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name 1923 Football Schedule
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Other, Dates and opponents of Football Games
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 1
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name LeRoy Doty is Awarded Prize in Essay Contest
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) LeRoy Doty
Events Mentioned Essay Contest
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 1
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name New Literary Society Makes its Appearance
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jay Eller, Esther Hawkins, Ruth Betts, Milton Dell, Arthur Prather
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) College literary organizations , Athenian Society
Other, Name to be Chosen Soon; Expresses Long Felt Desire
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 1
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Pins to be Awarded to Academy Debaters
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Irene Hawley, Ocie McAvoy
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 1
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Book will be Cataloged
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Craik , H.W. Wilson
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 1
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Basketball Season Begins with Strong Rivalry For Place
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) S. Crumpacker, Daggett, Stansel , Hill, Rupp, Sargent, L. Crumpacker, Strickler, Barton, Tipton, Ellwood, Carter
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Other, Forward Department is Strong; Two Star Guards Gone
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 1
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Carter Wins Place on All-Conference Eleven
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Barton and Richard Keim , Carl “Tok” Carter , C.E. McBride,
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 1
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Y.M.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. H.F. Richards
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 1
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Students of Fine Arts Department Give Recital
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Arthur Lenell, Helen Garst, Misses Eva Mae Lingle , Delia Chavez, Hazel Scott, Ralph Garman , Autumn Lindbloom, Marie Cullen, Rozella White
Events Mentioned Recital
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 1
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Demonstration Given of Handmade Pottery
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) J. Smith Damron
Events Mentioned Art Entertainment
Other, Potter’s Art is Waning; White Hose China is Explained; Gems of Literature Quoted
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 1
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Cram is not in Legislature
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Robert Cram
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Non-Partisan League
Other, Kansas House of Representitives
Other Send it in
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 1
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Last Mark of Honor Paid to Memory of Clarence Showalter
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. Richards, Dr. Kurtz, Prof. Yoder , Clarence Showalter , Harlan Yoder, Roy and Ira Brammell, Harold Barnes, Samuel Kurtz, Earl Fisher , Herkle Wampler,
Events Mentioned Funeral Services
Other, Casket Covered With Flowers; Quartet Sings Two Numbers
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 1
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name M.C. Looks Good to Him
Other, City Pastor writing his appreciation to McPherson College
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 1
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Basketball Scheduel
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Other, Basketball Schedule for the Year
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 2
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Editorial Staff
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Orville D. Pote, Eunice S. Almen, Everett M. Brubaker, Arno Rodes, Laura McGaffey, Edward Lawver, Reetha Studebaker, Earl Linholm, Mabel Hoffman, Ralph Olsson, Dr. Craik, Lota Neher, Rev. H.F. Richards, Leonard Birkin, Harry Nickel, Beulah Helstrom, Ralph Martin, Vilas D. Betts, Paul Sargent, Prof. McGaffey
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 2
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name The Passing of a Classmate
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Clarence Showalter
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 2
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Student Credit
Other, McPherson College Student Credit
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 2
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name My Ideal
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. L.E. Roberts
Other, Ideals with God
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 2
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Obituary
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Clarence S. Showalter , Henry Showalter, Rinda, Mrs. A.O. Brubaker, Mrs. John Frey, Mrs. J.W. Clear, Mrs. Vernon Vaniman, Mrs. Nettie Garst, Milton Showalter, Dale Showalter
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) College Quartet, “M” Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 2
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name A Tribute to Clarence
Other, Classmate tributes to Clarence Showalter
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 2
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Exchanges
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Wallace Bruce Fleming , Mr. Joab Mulvane
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Oratorio Society , Student Volunteer Band
Events Mentioned Inauguration of Baker President
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 2
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Resolutions of Condolence
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Clarence Showalter , David Brubaker, Reetha Studebaker, Rowena Vaniman , E.L. Craik, J.W. Deeter, R.E. Mohler
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A. , College Quartet
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 2
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Wireless Affection
Other, Young man and woman meeting each other
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 3
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. W.A. Kinzie, Messrs. William Riddlebarger, Jay Eller, Jacob Yoder, and Mark Neher, Estella Engle, Mabel Hoffman, Myrl Curtis, Dr. Kurtz, Mr. Will McGaffey, Mr. and Mrs. Galen Tice, Miss Edna Klinkerman, Miss Elsie, Oliver W. Trapp, Miss Mary, Ada Kurtz, Prof. E.M. Studebaker , Miss Inez Heaston, Mr. Willard J. Graber
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A. , Gamma Phi Beta
Events Mentioned Y.M. Program , Sandzen Lecture
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 3
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Juniors Hold Social
Other, Junior Class Get Together
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 3
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name College Debaters Hear Interesting Discussion
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jacob Yoder, Harlan Yoder, John Mohler, Mary Mohler
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) College Debate Club , Supreme Court
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 3
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name The Inquisitive Inquirer
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ruth Betts , Ocie McAvoy, Harold Strickler, Marie Cullen , Ralph Olsson, Irene Hawley, Herkle Wampler, Gladys Brubaker
Other, Students opinions on opening library in evening
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 3
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Historic England
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Beulah Helstrom
Other, Trip to London
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 4
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Basketball Tournament Will be Held This Weekend
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 4
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name A Good Use for the Debts
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. John H. Finley , Arthur H. Smith ,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) National Education Association
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 4
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Pick-Ups
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Pat, Mike , Mrs. Wilkins, Corinne Roosevelt Robinson
Other, Pick-up lines
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 4
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Kansas conference Elevens
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Carter, D. Keim, Barton
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 4
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name Influence
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 13 Page 4
Date Published December 12, 1922
Article Name What Are You Doing?
Other, Questions about Life
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 1
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Address is Given By Secretary of United Student Volunteers
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) William M. Beahm
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) United Student Volunteers of the Church of the Brethren
Other, Stand of Volunteers in Three-Fold; Ideal of Past was Simplicity; Must Uphold Non-Resistance
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 1
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Clever Program is Given by New Literary Society
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Bernice Peck , Prof. C. Ray Keim , Jay Eller, Leonard Birkin
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Literary Society
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 1
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Academy Debate Club Meets
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lora Shatto, Clyde Amos, Walter Voth , Gladys Fishburn
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Academy Debating Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 1
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Toy Exhibit is Success
Other, Park School Building
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 1
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Lyman Hoover Speaks of Foreign Movement
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lyman Hoover
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y Associations , Mission Band , Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions , World Fellowship Movement
Other, Gives History of Movement; Prayer is Essential
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 1
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Richard Keim Chosen to Pilot Fire Squad
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Richard Keim , Ralph Strohm , Henry Stover, Paul Kurtz, Dale Strickler, Clyde Rupp, Foster Hoover, Stanley Keim, John Lengel, Samuel Kurtz, Paul Sargent, Glade Fisher, William Riddlebarger, Cecil Holloway, Hal Barton
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Fire Squad
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 1
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Students of Junior High Will Give Christmas Play
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 1
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Academy Debate Team Selected to Compete for Forensic Laurels
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Elmer Krehbiel, Ralph Martin, Harry And Harvey Lehman , Marie Brubaker, Jesse Carney, Professor Hess , Edgar Stauffer, Prof. Hill, Prof. Morris, Prof. Keim, Prof. Deeter, Prof. Ebel
Events Mentioned Academy Debate Tryout
Other, Eight Contestants Entered ; To Meet Bethany and Bethel Feb 3
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 1
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Rare German Bible is Presented to Library
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Christopher Saur, Jr. , Dr. E.L. Craik , Emery Wine, Mrs. Matilda Blough Wine, Prof. Studebaker
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Library Committee
Other, Antique German Bible
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 1
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Bathurst Wins Honor
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) J. Elmer Bathurst
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 1
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Christmas Program to be Held Tonight
Events Mentioned Christmas Program
Other, Gifts will be Given; Candles are Being Sold
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 1
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Local Oratorical Contest will be Held January 10
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Anderson
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Oratorical Society
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 1
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Class Tournament is Won by Juniors who Defeat Senior Rivals
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harry Lehman , Lora Neher, Wava Long, Sanger Crumpacker, Strickler, Isabel Knaus, Professor Mohler, Coach Lonborg
Events Mentioned Basketball Tournament
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Other, Senior Boys Defeat Freshman; Freshman Girls Lose by One Point; Final Games are Closely Contested
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 1
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Six Persons Qualify in Thespian Tryout
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Isabel Knaus, Elsie Forney, Dorothy Meyer, Dells Day, Alice Burkholder, William Mudrs
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Thespian Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 2
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Editorial Staff
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Orville D. Pote, Eunice S. Almen, Everett M. Brubaker, Arno Rodes, Laura McGaffey, Edward Lawver, Reetha Studebaker, Dr. Craik, Prof. Mohler, Esther Wilber, LeRoy Doty, Grace Crumpacker, Omer Vanscoyoc , Cordelia Anderson, David Brubaker, Ada Kurtz, Minnie Hutchison , Vilas D. Betts, Paul Sargent, Prof. McGaffey
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 2
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Christmas
Other, Christmas Message
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 2
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Giving to Those in Need
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 2
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name The Student Friendship Fund
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Friendship Fund
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 2
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name The Greater Christmas
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Alfred Hayes
Other, Poem of Christmas
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 2
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Y.W.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Edward MacDowell , Miss Klinkerman, Mrs. Ruth Betts , Florence Kline, Rowena Vaniman
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.W.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 2
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Co-ed Makes Mental Maneuvers Previous to Christmas Vacation
Other, Countdown and events leading up to Christmas
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 3
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name M.C. Professors Will find Various Ways and Means of Entertainment While the Students are Having Good Times at Home
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz , Dr. Craik, Miss Trostle, Prof. Mohler, Richard Ellsworth, Prof. Morris, Prof. Hershey , Prof. Keim , Prof. Blair, Prof. Gaw, Prof. Ebel, Mrs. Fahnestock, Miss Klinkerman , Prof. Lauer, Miss Knaus , Prof. Studebaker , Miss McGaffey , Prof. Deeter, Prof. Yoder, Misses Minnie and Margaret Walters , Dr. Harnly, “Dutch” Longorg, Prof. Unruh, Miss Hill, Prof. Hess, Miss Brown , Prof. Patterson , Prof. Fries, Prof. Nininger, Miss Anderson
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 3
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Announcement Party
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Maude Gish , Mr. Lloyd Hawley, Miss Helen Hartell, Miss Lora Trostle, Misses Margaret Wall, Elberta Vaniman , Juila Jones, Ocie McAvoy, Lorinda Letherman, Gladys Sargent, Florence Kline, Eunice Almen , Elsie Klinkerman , Bernice Peck, Elsie Orr, Bernice Hoover, Rachel Dunham, Margaret Mikesell, Helen Hartell, Maude Gish , Misses Ruth Greene , Aenid Gray, Edna Dunham , Olive Sargent
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 3
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. Howard Button, Dorothy Doane , Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Doane, Mr. and Mrs. L.B. Doane , Billie, Maude Gish, Bernice Peck, Prof. Blair, Mrs. Brown, Miss Wlaters, Dr. Kurtz , Ocie McAvoy, Mildred Fisher, Rhea Fast, Carl Dell, Harold Barton, Jacob Yoder, William Riddlebarger, Misses Lillian Sandy, Gertrude Witmore, Messrs Harold Strickler and Harlan Yoder, Jessie Ball, Bernice Hoover, John Daggett, Samuel Maust, John Mohler, Fahrney Slifer, Ethel Hill, Miss Trostle, Miss Dorothy Girard, Misses Alma Anderson and Elsie Klinkerman, Prof. Lauer, Prof. Mohler, Arno Rodes , John, Charles, Anna Lengel, Lillian Andrews, Doris Plum, Lota Neher
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 4
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Basketball Squad is Making Fine Showing
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) S. Crumpacker, “Dick” Hill , “Duke” Strickler , Elmer Enns, Holloway , Daggett, Ellwood
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 4
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name The Things of my Heart
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Robert Williams
Other, Story of Love
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 4
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Winter; Flower of Duty
Other, Poems
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 4
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Wrestling Club Organized
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ralph Martin
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Farmer Burns’ Course of Wrestling , Frank Gotch
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 4
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Y.M.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. W.C. Heaston
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6/ No 14/ Page 4
Date Published December 19, 1922
Article Name Exchanges
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) E.L. Holton, Dr. Harnly,
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Other, Things going on with neighboring colleges
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 1
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name Prominent Speakers Secured for Annual Bible Institute Week
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ezra Flory, E. E. Eshelman, P. C. Heibert, H. F. Richards, Prof. Studebaker, Prof. Deter, Prof. Mohler, Miss Walters, Dr. Craik, Prof. Ebel, Dr. Kurtz, Prof. Yoder
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Sunday School, Department of Agriculture, Department of Home Economics, The Mission Band, International Prohibition Contest
Events Mentioned Annual Bible Institute Week
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Other, Bethany Bible School at Chicago, Tabor College, The Brethren Church on College Hill
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 1
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name Sunshine and Tennis on Christmas Day
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Alta Mohler, Florence Mohler, Geraldine Crill, Marietta Byerly, John Harnly
Events Mentioned Christmas Day
Sports Mentioned (all) Tennis
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 1
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name Dr. G. W. Stevens Will Give Lectures This Week
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. G. W. Stevens, Prof. Nininger
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council
Events Mentioned Lecture given by Stevens
Other, State Normal School at Warrensburg, Missouri
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 1
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name Bird Hunt Reveals Interesting Facts
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. and Mrs. Nininger, Wilber Vaniman, Irma Witmore, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stover, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Hoover
Other, Results of bird watching.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 1
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name Carter is Presented Watch by City Fans
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Carl “Tok” Carter
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Other, Player receives gift from fans.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 1
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name Christmas Program Presented by S. S. Classes is Success
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Tolstoi, Miss Anderson, Rev. Richards
Events Mentioned Christmas program presented by the Sunday School of The First Church of the Brethren., Candle Ceremony
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 1
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name Glee Club from Junior High School Gives Play
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ira Brammell, Alice Sorenson, Marguerite Muse
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. M. C. A, Y. W. C. A, Junior High School Glee Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 1
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name Count Tolstoy to Give Lecture Monday Night
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Count Tolstoy
Events Mentioned Lecture given by Count Tolstoy of Russia
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 1
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name Money is Raised for Student Relief Fund
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Keim
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. M. C. A, Y. W. C. A.
Events Mentioned Christmas program for the Student Friendship Fund
Other, Fund raiser for students overseas.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 1
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name Thoughts for the New Year
Other, Prayers
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 1
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name 1922 Football Squad is Given Banquet by Athletic Association.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Richard “Dick” Keim, Prof Mohler, Dr, W. C. Heaston, Stuart Simpson, J. A. Scott, Coach Lonborg, Carl Carter, Arnold Thornton, Harld Barton, Henry Hahn, Ray Clark, Paul Sargent, Marvin Stansel, Stanley Keim, Ervin Crofoot, John Lengel, William Mudra, Olin Ellwood , Albert Colburn, Dr. Kurtz
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Athletic Association, Ladies of the Cosmos Reading Circle
Events Mentioned Football banquet, Science Hall Campaign
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 2
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name The Spectator
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Orville D. Pote, Eunice S. Almen, Everett M. Brubaker, Arno Rodes, Laura McGaffey, Earl Linholm, Edward Lawyer, Mabel Hoffman, Reetha Studebaker, Ralph Olsson, Dr. Craik, Prof. McGaffey, Paul Sargent, Rhea Fast, Maxine Hoover, Jay Eller, Mildred Fisher, Florence Mohler, Dale Strickler, Marietta Byerly, Stanley Keim, Esther Hawkins, Earl Morris , Alta Mohler, Leonard Birkin, Rose Turcotte, Vilas D. Betts,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) The Spectator
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 2
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name Thank You
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Laura McGaffey, Paul Sargent,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) The Spectator
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 2
Date Published January 2, 1923
Other, Editorial on the New year
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 2
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name To Whom it May Concern
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) L. B. M
Other, Editorial on stolen property.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 2
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name The Coming of the New Year
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) E. A
Other, Editorial on the New Year
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 2
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Le Roy Doty, Mrs. Mohler, Mrs. Landis, Prof. Mohler, Prof. and Mrs. Yoder, Prof. and Mrs. Keim, E. B. Sargent, Alta Mohler, Mildred Fisher, Geraldine Crill, Roy Brammell, Mrs. Kurtz, Falen and Lloyd Saylor, Wilson Penland, Miss Trostle, Mrs. Jacob Brown, Olive and Gladys Sargent, Ruth Miller Garvie, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Raible, Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Craik, Prof. J. W. Deetor, Dayton Yoder, Prof. and Mrs. J. J. Yoder, Harold Barton, Joe Dell, Lois Dell, Mary Andes, Carl, Ted, Milton Dell, Inez Heaston, Rosalie Kuns, Earl Fisher, Mrs. Fahnestock, Miss Kauffman, Marie Cullen, Harry Bowers, Merle Travis, Harold Strickler, Clyde Rupp, Paul Sargent, Lora Trostle, Emery Wine, Bertha Mugler, Harold Beam, Jay Tracey, Mrs. Hershey, Prof. and Mrs. Lauer, Rev. and Mrs. Richards, Dr. and Mrs. Harnly, Prof. and Mrs. Blair
Sports Mentioned (all) Hunting
Other, Agricultural College at East Lansing, Kansas University
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 2
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name Young Married People Spend and Enjoyable Evening
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. Kurtz
Events Mentioned A Young Married Couples Night at the home of Mrs. Kurtz
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 2
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name It Was Teacher’s Fault
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Columbus Advocate
Other, A letter to a teacher from a mother about her son and husband.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 2
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name It Take the Judgement and Skill of Solomon to Decide Crucial Plays When Faculty Volley Ball Sharks Display Their Athletic Prowess
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Deetor, Prof. Morris, Prof. Blair, Dr. Harnly, Prof. Hess, Charles, Prof. Nininger, Hershey,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Debate Club
Events Mentioned Faculty Volley Ball Game
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball, Volleyball
Other, Additional ad for General Electric Company discussing airplanes
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 3
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name Basketball Practice Did Not Stop for Vacation
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Crumpacker, Coach Lonborg
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Kansas Conference
Events Mentioned Game against Hays Normal, Game against the teachers, Two games at Emporia College, Game at Washburn
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 3
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name The Inquisitive Inquirer
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Alta Mohler, Earl Morris, Florence Mohler, Ester Hawkins
Events Mentioned Christmas vacation
Other, Questionnaire about living in the dorm during Christmas break.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 3
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name Convincing Facts Given Concerning Tobacco Evil
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. J. W. Fields, Dr. fisher, D. S. Cross
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Intercollegiate Anti-Tobacco Association
Events Mentioned Lecture from Fields about Tobacco
Sports Mentioned (all) Baseball, Football
Other, Yale
Other Dated prior of the discovery of the link between tobacco and cancer, but denotes correlation between tobacco and health problems.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 3
Date Published January 3, 1923
Article Name Pick-ups
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Henry Van Dyke
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Washington Star, Boston Transcript
Other, “Think Before You Speak”, “Isn’t Powdering Her Nose”, “More Commercial Candor”, “Rattling Along”, “The Foot-Path to Peace”,
Other Snippets of advice from outside sources.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No.15/Page 4
Date Published January 2, 1923
Article Name Social Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Florence and Jessie Kittell, Olive Nichols, Rose Turcotte, Marietta Byerly, Geraldine Crill, Mabel Fleming, Mildred Fisher, Rose and Florence Mohler, Sanger and Lillie Crumpacker, Eunice Almen, Lucille Barns, Selma Engstrom, Paul Engborg, Russel Jones, Earl Morris, Ruth Greene , Elizabeth Potter, Earl Linholm, Ned Smith, Prof. and Mrs. Morris, Estella Engle, Mabel Hoffman, Prof. and Mrs. Morris, Rhea Fast, Alta Mohler, Ralph Garman, Glade Fisher, LeRoy Doty, Jesse Carney, John Harnly, Dr. Harnly, Dr. Kurtz , Reeta Studebaker, Edith Muse, Minnie Edgecomb, Lillie Crumpacker, Margaret Wall, Elberta Vaniman, Gertrude Witmore, Ada Kurtz, Harold Strickler, David Brubaker, Paul Kurtz, Samuel Kurtz, Stanley and Richard Keim, Herkle Wampler, Harian Yoder, Sanger Crumpacker
Events Mentioned Christmas, Various social events that occurred around McPherson to celebrate Christmas.
Sports Mentioned (all) Volleyball
Other, “Kittell Sisters Entertain”, “Crumpackers Give Party”, “Dormitory Students Celebrate”, “Miss Almen Entertains”, “Progressive Book Party”, “Mohler Girls Feed Inmates”, “Kline Hall Girls Entertained”, “Unique Volley Ball Game Played”, “Faculty Has Party”, “Reetha Studebaker Gives Party”, “Girls Enjoy Hike”, “Mrs. Kurtz Entertains”
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 1
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Annual Educational Survey Administered Yesterday and Today
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. J.A. Blair
Events Mentioned Annual Educational Survey
Other, Tests Do Not Affect Grades; Tests Are In Experimental Stage
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 1
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Academy Five to Play Reformatory Saturday
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Charles Spicer, Ralph Martin, Harry Lehman , Everett McClelland
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Academy Basketball
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 1
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name To Hold Contest in Oratory Wednesday
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ada Kurtz , Samuel Maust, Earl Linholm , Miss Chapman, Prof. C.A. Stoll, F.A. Vaniman
Events Mentioned Annual Contest in Oratory
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 1
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Dr. Charles S. Medbury to Give Lecture January 11
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Charles S. Medbury
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 1
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Alumnus is Partner in Publishing Company
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lester F. Kimmel
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 1
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Exams Come Jan 18-19
Events Mentioned Final Examinations
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 1
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Three Lectures by Dr. Stevens Prove Quite Interesting
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. G.W. Stevens
Events Mentioned Lectures
Other, Birds Afford Interesting Study; Animals Show Intelligence; Emphasizes Value of Heredity
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 1
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Alumni Like Idaho
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. and Mrs. Crawford F. Brubaker
Other, Like their new location
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 1
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name First Academy Debate Will be Held Feb. 23
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harry and Harvey Lehman, Elmer Krehbiel, Ralph Martin
Events Mentioned Academy Debate
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 1
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Another List of Books is Received by Library
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Craik, Crawford Brubkaer, Emmett Idaho, Mrs. J.M. Deeter, Prof. Deeter
Other, Books donated to the library
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 1
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Lucille Gnagey Has Position of Dietitian
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Lucille Gnagey
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 1
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Bulldog Basketeers to Play Hays Normal in Two Game Series
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Sanger Crumpacker, Marvin Stansel, “Si” Sargent, “Duke” Strickler, Ernest Tipton, “Jim” Ellwood, Elmer Enns , “Dick” Hill, Rufus Daggett
Other, Nine Men Will Make Journey; Dope Favors Lonborg’s Crew; Eastern Games Will Be Hard
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 1
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Alumnus Passes Away
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. H.A. Benson,
Other, Rev. Benson Accomplishes in life
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 2
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Editorial Staff
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Orville D. Pote, Eunice S. Almen, Everett M. Brubaker, Arno Rodes, Laura McGaffey, Edward Lawver, Reetha Studebaker, Earl Linholm, Mabel Hoffman, Ralph Olsson, Dr. Craik, Prof. McGaffey, Prof. Blair, Maxine Hoover, Oliver H. Austin , Pearl Wiltfong, Roy Brammell, Ada Kurtz, Robert Blough, Grace Edbaugh, Ellis Watkins, Florence Kittell, Harry Bowers, Marie Cullen, Jesse Carney, Florence Kline, Vilas D. Betts, Paul Sargent
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 2
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name What the World Needs
Other, Article on the nations of the world needing to get along
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 2
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Y.M.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. L.S. Ashley
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 2
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Varied Verses
Other, To My Departed Friend, Clarence
Other Poem
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 2
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Y.W.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rose Turcotte , Mary Andes , Margaret Mikesell, Geraldine Crill, Ruth King, Elvis Prather , Edith Slifer
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.W.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 2
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Rabbits in Anderson County are Unable to Keep Out of Way of M.C. Professor’s Gun
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Hess
Other, Shooting rabbits
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 2
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name The Fine Arts Faculty at M.C.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Alma Anderson , Miss Jessie Brown , Miss Elsie Klinkerman , Professor Forrest W. Gaw , Prof. Lauer , Mrs. J.W. Deeter
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Fine Arts Department
Other, The Expression Department; The Piano Department; The Voice Department; The Violin School ; The Art Department
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 2
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name New Year’s Party
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Hiebert , William and Theodore Hiebert , Selma Engstrom, Marie Cullen, Esther Moors, Eunice Moors, Frances McClain, Ruth Greene , Roland Jones, Mr. Jenson , Melvin Moors, Earl Linholm, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Moors
Events Mentioned New Year’s party
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 2
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Exchanges
Other, Things happening at neighboring colleges
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 3
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Sextet En Route to Sooner State to Spend Vacation Encounter All Sorts of Thrillers
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ray Vaniman, William Riddlebarger, Ernest Tipton, Edward Lawver, Robert Blough, Oscar Lankford
Other, Band Trip
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 3
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Social Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pair , Chauncey Vaniman , Messrs Roy Brammel and Earl Morris , Miss Marguerite Muse, Misses Bertha Mugler, Ruth Cripe, Eunice Almen, Messrs Harold Beam, August Rump, and Earl Morris , Marion Muse, Neil Cullen , Marie Cullen, Messrs David Brubaker, Lawrence Vaniman, Wilber Vaniman, , Mr. and Mrs. George Boone
Events Mentioned Entertainment Party
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 3
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Floye Rhodes and Anna Edgecomb Entertain
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Floye Rhodes, Anna Edgecomb , Virgil Ryberg , Doris Ring, Eulah Crumpacker, Lillie Crumpacker, Lillian Sandy, Mattie Ring, Florence Kittell, Minnie Edgecomb, Laura Hammann, Lela Rhodes, Messrs Richard and Stanley Keim, Ray Vaniman,Huber Yancey, Leslie Sargent, Virgil Rybert, Sumner Eshelman, Oscar Lankford, Harold Kreitzer, Verne Strickler, and Floyd Cotton
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 3
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) C.C. Janzen, Mary and Ruth Miller, S.E. Weaver, Rev. O.H. Feller, Carrie, Leonard Whiteneck, Miss Mary Engle, Miss Estella Engle, Miss Mabel Hoffman, Mrs. A. Rupp, Miss Margaret Sandzen , Miss Selma Engstrom, Beulah Heistrom, Gladys Sargent, Eunice Almen , Miss Rosalind, Dr. Kurtz, LeRoy Doty, Miss Nina Swanson , Miss Elsie Klinkerman, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Hoover , Misses Ada and Sada Correll, Messrs Orville Pote and Harold Correll
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 4
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Academy Debaters Discuss Question of Uniform Dress
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Academy Debate Club
Other, Girls at the college should wear uniforms
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 4
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name His Worry
Other, Article about being faster than a train
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 4
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name The “I Will” “I Will Not” Rule
Other, Being Respectful
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 4
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name The Inquisitive Inquirer
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lillie Crumpacker, Helen Elliott, L.G. Templeton, Jessie Kitteil, Harold Correll, Bernice Peck, Prof. Hershey, Lora Trostle , Lorinda Leatherman
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Other, Part of school people find most interesting
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No. 16 Page 4
Date Published January 9, 1923
Article Name Pat’s Impression
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Pat
Other, Article on Pat’s thoughts of “fire water”
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 1
Date Published January 16, 1923
Article Name Dr. Medbury Gives Wonderful Lecture on the Man of Now—Men Must Be Made To Think of and Realize the Great Cries of the World—Warless World is Sought—Failure Lies in Store for American Unless She Spiritualizes Her Education
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Charles S. Medbury, Roger W. Babson
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 1
Date Published January 16, 1923
Article Name Academy Basketballers Are Defeated by Reformatory
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Spicer, Harry Lehman, Harvey Lehman, Carney, McCleland, Martin, Amos
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Other, Hutchinson State Reformatory
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 1
Date Published January 16, 1923
Article Name Bulldogs to Tangle With C. of E. Tonight
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lonborg
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Other, College of Emporia, Washburn
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 1
Date Published January 16, 1923
Article Name Music Teachers to Convene this Week—All Sessions Will be Held in McPherson College Chapel
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. Otto Fischer, Oscar Lofgren, Mrs. J. Abbie Clark-Hogan, Mrs. Edwin Anderson, Mr. Ralph Page, Mr. Hagbard Brase
Events Mentioned Second Annual Meeting of Fifth District of Kansas State Music Teachers’ Association
Other, Kansas State Music Teachers’ Association
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 1
Article Name Former Trustee Dead
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) L. H. Butler, Mrs. Florence Butler Shirkey
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 1
Article Name Planning for High School Festival
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Harnly, Professor Wagoner, Professor Ebel, Professor Mohler, Professor Craik
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 1
Article Name Annual Bible Institute Will Begin Next Sunday
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Ezra Flory, Rev. E. E. Eshelman, Prof. P. C. Hiebert, Professor Studebaker, Professor Deeter, Professor Mohler, Professor Craik, Professor Ebel, Professor Yoder, Professor Walters, Rev. Richards, Dr. Kurtz,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Bible Institute
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 1
Article Name All-Student Ticket Passes by Big Vote
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ira Brammell, Dr. Kurtz
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 1
Article Name Earl Linholm Wins Oratorical Contest—Will Represent M. C. In State Contest At Salina in March
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Earl Linholm, Ada Kurtz, Samuel Maust, Miss Chapman, Professor C. A. Stoll, Rev. L. H. Leakes, Miss Haight, Professor W. E. Ray, Rev. R. S. Wagoner, Bernice Peck, Harold Barton, Cecil Holloway, William RIddlebarger
Events Mentioned Annual contest of McPherson College of Old line Oratorical League
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 1
Article Name Fourteen Letters Awarded
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz, Captain Carl Carter, Harold Barton, Ervin Crofoot, Ray C;ark, Paul Sargent , Richard Keim, Stanley Keim, Marvin Stansel, Arnold Thornton, Henry Hahn, John Lengel, Olin Ellwood, William Mudra, Albert Colburn
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 1
Article Name Lonborg’s Five Opens Season with Double Victory Over Hays—Teachers Are Defeated 26-14 in First Game and 21-5 In Second—Bulldogs Show Great Form—Defensive Work of McPherson Guards is Outstanding Feature of Both Battles
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Stansel, Crumpacker, Sargemt, Strickler, Tipton, Ellwood, Daggett
Sports Mentioned (all) Men’s Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 2
Article Name Somniloquies
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Helen Dirks, Fred Dirks, Edna Warkintin, Mr. Schellenberg, Margaret Dirks, Prof. Patterson, Dr. V. N. Robb, Ira Brammell
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 2
Article Name Who’s Who in M.C.—Dean of Men
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Robert E. Mohler
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.W.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 2
Article Name Who’s Who in M.C.—Dean of Women
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. Amanda Fahnestock, Dr. Frantz, Mr. Fahnestock
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.W.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 2
Article Name Y.W.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ada Kurtz, Gladys Brubaker, Gertrude Witmore, Marie Cullen
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.W.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 2
Article Name Several New Courses to Be Given Next Semester—Departments of Education, Bible, and Agriculture Will Offer Special Subjects
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Blair, Prof. Mohler, Prof. Deeter, Prof. Studebaker, Dr. Phelps
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 2
Article Name Gilbert Lands Position
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harry K. Gilbert
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 2
Article Name Banquet is Given to Conference Delegates—Representatives Are Greeted With Warm Reception by M.C. Students
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. E. L. Craik, Dr. Kurtz
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Saxophone Quintet, Canton Glee Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 3
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Claude Wilson, William Bishop, Mr. Austin, Mrs. Adamson, Grandma Ulrey, Alta Mohler, Ada Correll, Miss Elsie Ivans, Nina Sherty, Mary Sherty, Harry Lauder, Jessie Carter, Ocie McAvoy, Grace Ebaugh, Jessie Kittell, Florence Kittell, Doris Ring, Ursula Flory, Laura McGaffey, Mabel Fleming, Aenid Gray, Miss Davis, Miss Hill, Lewis Florman, Samuel Kurtz, Carl Schneider, William Riddlebarger, Ray Vaniman, Summer Eshelman, William Mudra, John Lengel, Charles Lengel, Lorina Leatherman, Ruth Betts, Clyde Rupp, Vilas Betts, Mrs. Taylor, Lena Taylor, Miss Webster, Miss Brown, Nova Fishburn, Gladys Fishburn, Lola Carlson, Anna Edgecomb, Loretta Yoder, Harold Strickler, Mr. Enoch Kelly, Mr. Dean Kidwell, Vilas Betts, Mrs. Betts, Prof. Unruh, Mrs. Unruh
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 3
Article Name Mission Band
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Margaret Heckethorn
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 3
Article Name The Inquisitive Inquirer
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Cecile Martin, Eulah Crumpacker, Doris Lichty, Elsie Forney, Mabel Hoffman
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 17 pg. 3
Article Name Y.M.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Foster Hoover
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.1
Article Name Several Changes are Made in Program of Annual Bible Normal, -Rev. Richards is Unable to Give His Work Each Day On Pastoral Problems, -Roy Hylton Opens Institute, -Dr. Sharp Will Give Two Lectures During the Week and A Sermon Sunday
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. H.F. Richards, Rev. Roy P. Hylton, Prof. Studebaker, Dr. Sharp, Prof. Ebel, Prof. Deeter, Miss Walters, Rev. E.E. Eshelman, Prof. Mohler, Dr. Cralk, Dr. Kurtz, Prof. P.C. Hiebert, Prof. Yoder, Dr. Harnly
Events Mentioned Plays, Basketball Game
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.1
Article Name Radio Club Elects Officers
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lewis Florman, Abram Hostetter, Harold Strickler, Vivian Long, Jay Eller, Elmer Krebbiel, Jay Eller
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Radio Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.1
Article Name Concert Series Will Close Friday Night, -Thurlow Lieurance To Give Program of Indian Songs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Thurlow Lieurance, Mrs. Lieurance, George B. Tack
Events Mentioned McPherson Concert Series
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.1
Article Name Faculty Members of M.C. Assist in Institute Work
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Margaret Walters, Miss Minnie Walters, Prof. Mohler
Events Mentioned Farmer’s Institute
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.1
Article Name Prof. Yoder Attends State S.S. Meeting
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. J.J. Yoder
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) State Sunday School Executive Committee
Events Mentioned Meeting
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.1
Article Name Dr. Kurtz Had Busy Week
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz,
Events Mentioned lectures
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.1
Article Name Music Teachers of Fifth District Hold Successful Meeting, -Important Discussions and Papers Are Given Concerning Present Day Musical Issues., -Much Interest in Shown., -Enjoyable Concert of High Class Selections Is Presented Friday Evening., -High School Quartet Sings, Concert Given Friday Evening, Many Officers Re-Elected, Course of Study Advocated
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. Abbie Clark-Hogan, Miss Ada Baum, Mrs. Edwin Anderson, Mr. Carl Harms, Mrs. Julia Clark, Miss Jessie Brown, Mr. Brown, Miss Pruit, Mr. Byler, Mr. Earl Secord, Miss Hannah Johnson, Mr. Benjamin Tilberg, Mr. Carl Jasson, Mr. Lofgren, Mrs. Edwin Anderson, Mr. Frank Beach, Normal and Mr. Aivhh R. Lauer
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) State Board of Education
Events Mentioned Meeting of the Fifth District of the Kansas State Music Teachers Convention
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.1
Article Name Anti-Tobacco Contest Is Postponed Until Feb, 3.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Carl Dell, Samuel Maust, Leonard Timmons, Irvin Ihrig,
Events Mentioned Intercollegiate Anti-Tobacco contest
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.1
Article Name Rev. Richards Is Called To Ohio
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. H.F. Richards, Mrs. Lewis Richards
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.1
Article Name Dr. Mason To Deliver Commencement Address, -Is Prominent Educator And Pastor Of Sunflower State
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Wilbur N. Mason, Dr. Kurtz
Events Mentioned 35th Commencement
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.1
Article Name Sandzen Lectures Close
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Birger Sandzen
Events Mentioned Art lectures
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.1
Article Name New Art Courses Offered
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Art School
Other Crafts, Designing, decorating, and modeling objects, Chalk Drawing
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.1 to pg.4
Article Name Bulldogs Win From Washburn But Lose To Emporia Teams, -Extra Five Minute Period Is Needed In Order To Defeat Ichabods By 25-23 Score., -Squads Are Evenly Matched, -K.S.N. Captures First Game And C. of E. Takes Second By a Point Margin.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Lonborg, Strickler, Ellwood, Tipton, Sargent, Crumpacker, Daggett, Stansel
Events Mentioned Eastern invitational
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.1
Article Name Attend Educational Meeting
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Harnly, Prof. Blair, Paul Harnly,
Events Mentioned Meeting of the State Educational Council
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.2
Article Name The Spectator
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Orville D. Pole, Eunice S. Almen, Everett M. Brubaker, Arno Rodes, Laura McGaffey, Edward Lawyer, Reetha Studebaker, Dr. Cralk, Prof. McGaffey, Prof. Lauer, Robert Blough, Fannie Stover, Earl Morris, Laura McClelland, Elmer Krebbiel, Jessie Bob Severtson, Aiden Potter, Anna Myers, Vilas D. Betts, Paul Sargent
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.2
Article Name Explanation Is Given of Metropolitan Newspapers
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) C.E. Oelrich, David Brubaker
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M., Y.W.
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.2
Article Name New Officers Elected For Athenian Literary Society
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) William Riddlebarger, Geraldine Crill, Esther Wilber, Charles Lengel, Bernice Peck, Marathon High, Velma Balley, Lillian Andrews, Truman Grogan, F.E. Balley
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Athenian Literary Society
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.2
Article Name Prof. Nininger Writes Article For Magazine, -Zoology And The College Curriculum Appears In January Issue Of Scientific Monthly
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Nininger,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Scientific Monthly, Kansas Academy of Science
Other “Zoology and the College Curriculum”
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.2
Article Name Who’s Who in M.C.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ira Brammell, Harlan Yoder, Orville D. Pote, Estella Engle, Vilas Betts, Sanger Crumpacker, Ada Correll, Harold Correll, Roy Brammell, David Brubaker, LeRoy Doty, Milton Dell, Evelyn Lyons, Charles Spicer, Theodore Baker, Herbert Martin, Jay Eller, Everett Brubaker, William Riddleberger, L.G. Templeton, Lewis Florman, David Brubaker, B.F. Waas, Elmer Krebbiel, Roy Hylton, Isaac Dirks, W.E. Bishop, Oscar Lankford, Harry and Harvey Lehman, Elmer Krebbiel, Ralph Martin, Earl Linholm, Richard Kelm, Sanger Crumpacker, Dale Strickler, Ray Vaniman, Earl Morris, Irene Hawley, Samuel Maust, Samuel Kurtz, Herkle Wampler, Earl Fisher
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council, Spectator, College Classes, Academy Classes, Philomathoan Literary Society, Anti-Tobacco Association, Radio Club, Thespian Club, College Debate Club, Academy Debate Club, Mission Band, Christian Extension, Oratorical Association
Sports Mentioned (all) Football, Basketball, Baseball, Track, Cheer Leading
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.3
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lola Miller, Ruth King, Mr. and Mrs. William Eddy Jr., Mrs. O.H. Feller, Carrie Feller, Gerald Eddy, Ralph Himes, Gladys Sargent, Eugene Kistner, Kenneth Fisher, Miss Idel Coffie, Mrs. Ray Crumpacker, Stella Bowman, Miss Mary Miller, Miss Ruth Miller, Clara Anderson, Jessie Carter, Mr. Carl Harms, Opal Enos, Thelma Neuenschwander, Welcome Sondergard, Mrs. Byerly, Merietta, Miss Edith Doty, LeRoy, Jessie Ball, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stover, Mrs. Margaret Ruff, Jacob Ratslaff, Mark Neher, J.C. Dell, W.H. Pair, Professor and Mrs. G.C. Dotzour, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Colburn, Lester Reiff, Elmer Enns, Theodore Robb, Floyd Cotton Smith, Ervin Crofoot, Kenneth Krebbiel, Jay Eller
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Mission Band, Y.M.C.A.
Other Kline Hall
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.3
Article Name Faculty Members Entertained
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dean and Mrs. H.J. Harnly,
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.3
Article Name A Farewell Party
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Clara Anderson, Peter Pine, Eliza, Jack Frost-actual name, Cynthia, Humpty Dumpty- actual name, Mary Elizabeth, Rip Van Winkle- actual name, Katrina, Daddy Longlegs- actual name, Floxsie Anne
Other Arnold Hall
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.3
Article Name Young Married People Entertained
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. and Mrs. Harnly, Mr. and Mrs. Kinzie, Mr. and Mrs. Hylton, Mr. and Mrs. Luckett, Mr. and Mrs. Alger, Mr. and Mrs. Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. Stover, Mr. and Mrs. Breon, Mr. and Mrs. Gish, Mr. and Mrs. Birkin, Mr. and Mrs. Waas, Mr. and Mrs. Kesler, Mr. Garvey, Mrs. Garvey, Mr. and Mrs. Betts, Mr. and Mrs. Teter
Volume/Number/Page Vol.6 No.18 pg.3
Article Name Bulldogs To Play State Champions Tomorrow Eve
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 19 pg.1
Article Name Bulldog Basketeers Bow Before Bates’ Battling Builders—Superior Goal Shooting Results in 27-20 Victory For Winfield Basket Tossers—First Half Ends 13-13—Excellent Guarding and Fast Floor Work Displayed by Both Teams
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Hill, Crumpacker, Sargent, Strickler, Ellwood, Enns
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 19 pg.1
Article Name Y.W.C.A. “Goodie Shop” Proves A Great Success
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.W.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 19 pg.1
Article Name Enjoyable Concert Is Given by M.C. Talent—Choral Society and Music Club Present Numbers of Much Merit
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Gaw, Miss Elsie Klinkerman, Mrs. Forrest Gaw, Harry Bowers, Miss Marie Cullen
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Choral Society, Music Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 19 pg.1
Article Name Expression Students Give Fine Production of 3 One-Act Plays—”Makers of Men”, “Hyacinths”, and “The Hour Glass” Are Presented—Casts are Well Chosen—Moral Lessons of Great Worth Are Revealed As Each Play is Developed
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Anderson, Eunice Almen, Jay Eller, Maude Gish, Winona McGaffey, Fannie Stover, Marie Cullen, David Brubaker, Harry Bowers, Maxine Hoover, Dale Strickler, Rufus Daggett, Harold Barnes, Helen Hartell, Geraldine Crill
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 19 pg.1
Article Name Concert Series Closes With Pleasing Program
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Thurlow Lieurance, George B. Tack,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 19 pg.1
Article Name Stock Judging Team Places First Again—Harvey Lehman Leads All Contestants With 327 Points
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harvey Lehman, Harry Lehman, Theodore Baker, Prof. Mohler, Milton Dell
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Stock Judging Team
Events Mentioned Kansas National Livestock Show
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 19 pg.1
Article Name Big Musical Attraction to Be Here February 3—Little Symphony Orchestra of Kansas City To Give Afternoon and Evening Program
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Anna Miller, N. De Rubertis, Alexander Blackman, Phillip Score, Brown Schoenhelt, Schubert
Other, Little Symphony Orchestra of Kansas City
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 19 pg.1
Article Name Another Succesful Bible Institute Now Recorded As History—Dr. Ezra Flory, Dr. S. Z. Sharp and Rev. E. E. Eshelman Are Principal Speakers—Interesting Courses Given—M. C. Faculty Members Constitute Larger Part of Teaching
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Ezra Flory, Rev. E. E. Eshelman, Dr. S. Z. Sharp, Prof. Studebaker, Prof. Deeter, Prof. P.C. Hiebert, Dr. Craik, Prof. Patterson, Prof.Yoder
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Bible Institute
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 19 pg.1
Article Name Alumnus Takes County Office
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Christian L. Ikenberry
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 19 pg.2
Article Name Dr. Kurtz Lectures of Ideals of Early Church—Evangelism, Christian Education, and Missions Is Threefold Task of the Church
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 19 pg.2
Article Name Prof. P. C. Hiebert Gives Vivid Picture of Russia
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. P. C. Hiebert
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 19 pg.3
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ezra Wolf, Sam Jarboe, Wilcia Jamison, Norman Flora, Ralph Eller, Mr. F.G. McGaffey, Mrs. Bowser, Mrs. Miller, Prof. and Mrs. Unruh, Mrs. Betts, Vilas Betts, Theodore Hiebert, William Hiebert, Nellie Derrick, Sada Correll, Frank Correll, Harold Correll, Wava Long, Ira Long, Lillian Andrews, Wretha Cory, John Daggett, Samuel Maust, Winona McGaffey, Anna Lingle, Fahrney Slifer, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Hoover, Margaret Mikesell, Lorinda Leatherman, Rowena Vaniman, Dale Strickler, Clyde Rupp, Paul Sargent, Professor Anderson, Professor McGaffey, Professor Hess, Professor Patterson, Professor Blair, Professor Hess, Elsie Klinkerman, Bernice Morrison, Everett Brammell, Ruth Greene, Elberta Vaniman, Margaret Wall, Aenid Gray, Julia Jones, Selma Engstrom, Phyllis Toevs, Dorothy Doane, Thelma Neuenchwander, Ralph Himes, Eunice Wray, Alta Lawver, Dr. Ezra Flory, Roy Neher, Lota Neher, Rose Turcotte, Mabel Fleming, Irma Witmore, Jay W. Tracey
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 19 pg.3
Article Name Some of Those Who Attended The Bible Institute
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) C. A. Eshelman, R. O. Boone, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wade, Raymond Gartan, E. C. Orr, W. H. Pair, Leila Ford, Mrs. Geo S. Ford, J. D. Shook, Amos Brubaker, Mrs. C.D. Riddell, W. A. Kinxie, C. F. Daggett, E. E. Yoder, Elsie Irvins, Mrs. E. E. Yoder, D. P. Neher, J. S. Sherty, Mrs. Verna Bowser, Mrs. W. J. Miller, Mrs. R. O. Boone, S. P. Crumpacker, O. H. Feller, J. R. Wine, Estella Wine, Mrs. J. R. Rothrock, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Patrick, E. E. Eshelman, Mrs. Allie Eisenbise, Mrs. E. D. Kelly, Josie Young, A. J. Buckman, George Himes, Mrs. George Himes, H.D . Quesllhorst, Edgar Rothrock, Mrs. J. A. Flory, S. Z. Sharp, J. C. Dell, J. D. Shook, Nels Christiensen, C. T. Ilsley, L. S. Ashley, Mrs. F. W. Forney, J. D. Yoder, Mary C. Hough, Mrs. C. B. Penland, E. E. John, D. J. Bennett, Ruth Peel, Bertha Christienson, Mabel Cripe, Harry Murrey, Laura Murrey, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Keplinger, Edwin Ross, W. H. Yoder, Norman Flora, Mr. and E. F. Sherfy, Hope Sherfy, A. J. Crumpacker, Mildred Beck, Helen Ferrell, Adelbert Beck, Mrs. And Mrs. S. B. Winger, Mrs. Mannie Tracey, Ezra Flory, Lois Stouder, Mrs. E. B. Sargent, Mrs. J. J. Yoder, E. D. Steward, Hettie Landis, Lizzie Shirk, Elizabeth Byerly, Cora Marchand, Ella Eshelman, Mary Stutzman, Mrs. S. H. Wray, B. E. Eshelman, Robert Sherfy, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. McGaffey
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 19 pg.3
Article Name Socials—Surprise Dinner
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ralph Garman, Rachel Dunham, Ruth Ullom, Grace Teeter, Marathon High, Jacob Yoder
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 19 pg.3
Article Name Ruth Greene Entertains
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ruth Greene, Mrs. J. Lawrence, Mrs. Forest Morris, Mrs. Loren Lawson, Rozella White, Milo Nice, Eunice Almen, Cordelia Anderson, Selma Engstrom, Maude Gish, Aenid Gray, Helen Hartell, Julia Jones, Phyllis Toevs, Elberta Vaniman, Margaret Wall, Rozella White, Earl Morris, Aubrey Hale, Russell Jones, Haddon Ilsley, Gordon Heaston, Lloyd Hawley, Harvey Anderson, Silas Miller, Cleo Hill, David Barnes, Earl Linhold
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 19 pg. 4
Article Name Fairmount and Bethel to Meet Bulldogs This Week
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Lonborg
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 1
Date Published February 6, 1923
Article Name McPherson Quintet Defeats Fairmount and Bethel Cagers
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Sargent, Penner, Kliewer, Goerz, Enns, Mayne, Schmidt, Knostman, Hill, Crumpacker, Strickler, Eliwood, Dagget, Holloway
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Other, Bethel, Longborg, Newton
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 1
Date Published February 6, 1923
Article Name Freshman Sextet Loses to Inmann and Hillsboro
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Fonda Harden, Lois Myers, Miss Gaede
Other, Inman High School, Hillsboro
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 1
Date Published February 6, 1923
Article Name Coach Urhlaub’s Quintet Wins from Junotion City
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Showalter, Linholm, Lindsay
Other, Coach Uhrlaub’s High School, Junction City, Lehigh High School
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 1
Article Name “Babe” Lonborg Enrolls
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Adolph Lonborg
Other, Manual Training Department, Horton, K. U.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 1
Article Name Conference Results
Other, Bethany, Hays, Sterling, Kansas Wesleyan U., Pittsburg Normal, Kansas State Normal, Southwestern, Friends, Ottowa, Baker, College of Emporia, Pittsburg burn
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 2
Date Published February 6, 1923
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. H. F. Richards, Professor McGaffey, Hess, Bernice Morrison, Prof. Lauer, Dale Strickler, John Dagget, Mr and Mrs. Paul Pair, Ralph Holsinger, Gladys Sargent, Live and Elsie Orr, Dr. Harnly, Prof. Morris, Prof. Hershey, Ruth Greene, Ada Correll, Selma Engstrom, Maxine hoover, Aenid Gray, Bernice Peck, Ruth Pentecost, Ada Kurtz, Mrs. Rinda showwalter, Mrs. Nettie Garst , Nellie Cullen, Mrs. Walters, Hope Beck, Clark M. Litchy, Dr. Kurtz, Prof. Blair, Edward L. Saylor,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Rotary Club, Foods Class, Phi Chi Fraternity
Events Mentioned Fairmount-McPherson Game, Bethel-McPherson Game
Other, Chauncey Vaniman home
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 2
Article Name History Seems to be Most Popular Major
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 2
Article Name M. C.’s First President Speaks to Y.M.C.A Men
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. S. Z. Sharp
Other, Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 2
Article Name Student Secretary Gives Talk to Y.M.C.A. Girls
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Elizabeth McClenahan
Events Mentioned World Christian Student Federation
Other, Rocky Mountain Region
Other Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 2
Article Name Mission Band
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Studebaker
Events Mentioned Anti-Religious Movement in China
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 2
Article Name Idahoans Enjoy Party
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Gladys Sargent,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 3
Date Published February 6, 1923
Article Name Boost The Cheer Leaders
Sports Mentioned (all) Cheerleaders
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 3
Date Published February 6, 1923
Article Name Why Not Observe Arbor Day?
Events Mentioned Arbor Day
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 3
Article Name Golden Opportunities
Other, The University of Chicago, Missouri University, Kansas University , Institute of International Education
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 3
Date Published February 6, 1923
Article Name Let’s Try It
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) William Riddlebarger
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 3
Date Published February 6, 1923
Article Name An Apology
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) The “M” Club
Sports Mentioned (all) Cheerleading
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 3
Date Published February 6, 1923
Article Name Somniloquies
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Gall, Wormwood
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 3
Date Published February 6, 1923
Article Name Palmer Lake Summer School is Advertised
Other, Palmer Lake Summer School, McPherson College
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 3
Date Published February 6, 1923
Article Name Student Opinion- A reply
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 3
Article Name Loyalty To The Game
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Preston Bradley, Dr. Medbury, Dr. Kurtz
Other, McPherson College
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 3
Date Published February 6, 1923
Article Name Exchanges
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Herbert Spencer Hadley, Tom McNeal,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Enlish club of Juaniata college, “W” Club
Events Mentioned Messiah Festival, Annual Music Contest, Anniversary day at fort Hays
Other, The Daily Kansan, Bethany College, College of Emporia, Kansas Wesleyan University
Other K. K. K.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 4
Article Name Board of trustees Meets for Annual Business Session
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. J. J. Yoder, F. A. Vaniman, Dr. h. J. Harnly
Other, North Central Association of colleges
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 4
Date Published February 6, 1923
Article Name M.C. To Celebrate Her Fortieth Birthday in 1927
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Alumni Association
Other, McPherson college
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 4
Date Published February 6, 1923
Article Name Prof. Keim Speaks To Academy Debate Club
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. C. Ray Keim
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 4
Date Published February 6, 1923
Article Name Alumnus Gives Lecture
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ralph Y. Strohm
Other, Northwestern University
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 4
Date Published February 6, 1923
Article Name Ada Kurtz Receives Fellowship to K. U.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ada Kurtz
Events Mentioned Faculty meeting
Other, Kansas University,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 4
Article Name Debate Season Will Open Thursday Eve
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) B. F. Wa, Isaac Dirks, Glenn Meade, Delmer Harris, Oscar Lankford, Prof. W. D. Ross, W. S. Serba, Marvin Richards
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) McPherson affirmative team, McPherson negative team
Other, Kansas Wesleyan
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 4
Article Name Henry Stover Receives Pastorate At Monitor
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Henry Stover, Ernest Sherfy, Mrs. Stover
Other, Bethany Bible School
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 4
Date Published February 6, 1923
Article Name Ensemble Concert Bu “Little Symphony” Is Greatly Appreciated
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) N. De Rubertis, Mr. Alexander Blackman, Kreisler, Mr. Phillip Score
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Kansas City Chamber Music Society,
Other, “Little Symphony”, “The Cotton Field”
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 4
Article Name Nice Gets Good Position
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Milo Nice
Other, Hercules Chemistry Company of Parlin, New Jersey
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 4
Date Published February 6, 1923
Article Name Special Summer School Bulletin To be Issued
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Sadie Gluscklich
Other, Rocky Mountain, Summer School
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 4
Date Published February 6, 1923
Article Name Maust To Represent M.C. In A-T Contest
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Sammuel Maust, Rev. D. H. Switzer, Prof. Paul R. Helsel, Re. L. h. Enkos, Eva Lingle, B. F. Waas
Events Mentioned Annual Anti-tobacco Oratorical contest
Other, Tabor College
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 4
Date Published February 6, 1923
Article Name Prof. Hershey is Giving Nurses Training Course
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Hershey
Other, McPherson Hospital
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 4
Date Published February 6 , 1923
Article Name Junior Choose Play
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Georgo H.Broadhurst
Events Mentioned Junior Week
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.20 Pg. 4
Article Name McPherson Quintet Defeats Fairmount and Bethel Cagers
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Sargent, Strickler, Hill, Crumpacker, Dick Hill, Ellwood, Miller, Goff, Woods, Austin, Tooley, Klaver, Blood,
Events Mentioned Fairmount game
Sports Mentioned (all) basketball
Other, Bulldogs, Coach Lonborg, Fairmount, Bethel, Southwestern
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 21 Pg. 1
Article Name McPherson Debaters Win Four Decisions in First Dual Clash
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) B.F. Waas , Isaac Dirks, Prof. Hess, Prof. Blair, Geraldine Crill, Jay Eller, W.E. Bishop, Oscar Lankford
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Debate
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 21 Pg. 1
Date Published February 13, 1923
Article Name Proposed Y.M.C.A. Slate
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) LeRoy Doty, Harold Barton , Jay Eller, David Brubaker, Emmert Pair, Harlan Yoder, Dale Strickler,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 21 Pg. 1
Date Published February 13, 1923
Article Name Seniors Begin Work on Annual Operetta
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Gaw, Roy Brammell, Marie Cullen, Earl Fisher , Paul Sargent, Marietta Byerly, Harry Bowers, Jacob Yoder, Hervey McClelland
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 21 Pg. 1
Date Published February 13, 1923
Article Name C.L. “Grizzly” Smith to Give Lecture Thursday
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) C.L. Smith
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 21 Pg. 1
Date Published February 13, 1923
Article Name Alumnus Has School in the Far South
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) J. B. Brunk
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 21 Pg. 1
Date Published February 13, 1923
Article Name Missionary to China to Spend Two Years in U.S.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Samuel B. Bowman
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 21 Pg. 1
Date Published February 13, 1923
Article Name Alumni Make Plans For Commencement Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss McGaffey, Edith McGaffey, G.N. Boone, Mrs. Fahnestock, Lola Hill, Marguerite Muse, Alma Anderson , W.F. Vaniman, E.L. Craik,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 21 Pg. 1
Date Published February 13, 1923
Article Name Academy Debaters to Receive Recognition
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council, Debaters
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 21 Pg. 1
Date Published February 13, 1923
Article Name Former Student of M.C. Gives Important Address
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ruth Armstrong
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) University of Kansas
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 21 Pg. 1
Date Published February 13, 1923
Article Name Membership of Senior Class Now Totals 64
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jessica Carter, Inez Heaston, Beulah Helstrom, Mrs. B. E. Ebel, Mabel Brubaker, P.E. Schellenberg, Milo Nice
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Senior Class, Ku, Ksu
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 21 Pg. 2
Date Published February 13, 1923
Article Name The Spectator
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Orville D. Pote, Laura B. McGaffey, Dale A. Strickler, Arno Rodes, Reetha Studebaker, Ralph Olsson, Edward Layer, Jessie Ball, Dr. Craik, B.F. Waas, Pearl Wiltfong, Harold Barton , Jessie Breon, Harry Bowers, Edith Watkins , Roy Brammell, Mahel Hoffman, Hazel Vogt , Alden Potter, Vilas D. Betta, Paul Sargent, Prof. McGaffey,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) The Spectator
Other An Appreciation: B.F. Waas, I.T. Dirks, Maurice A. Hess, Coach, Debate
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 21 Pg. 2
Date Published February 13, 1923
Article Name Y.M.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) W. J. Christman
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 21 Pg. 2
Date Published February 13, 1923
Article Name Freshmen Elect Student Council Representatives
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rose Turcotte, Abram Hostetter, Laura McGaffey, Abe Kliewer
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 21 Pg. 2
Date Published February 13, 1923
Article Name Y.W.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mabel Hoffman, Rozella White, Rowena Vaniman
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.W.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 21 Pg. 3
Date Published February 13, 1923
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Geraldine Crill, Ruth Martin, Jay Eller, Rufus Daggett, Mrs. Charlotte Halw, Prof. Edith McGaffey, Dr. E.L. Craik, Chester Long, Wava Long, Margaret Mikesell, Prof. R.E. Mohler, Clayton Gish, Maude Gish, Winona McGaffey, Ruth King, Velma Bailey, Lillian Andrews, Ada Correll, Minnie Hutchison, Violet Ford, Leila Ford, John Daggett, William Burgin, Everett Brubaker, S.J. Neher, Jennie Neher, Jess H. Garvey, Etta Van Pelt, George J. Smith, Glenn Strickler, Prof. Keim, William Bishop, Eunice Almen, Helen Hartell, Homer Foutz, Earl Morris , Lloyd Hawley, Bessie Kauffman, Grace Sheets, Loretta Yoder, Celia Watkins, Prof. Mohler, Neva Yoder, Carrie Feiler, Ellia Warkins, Gerald Eddy , Ocie McAboy, Marie Cullen, Roy Brammell, Jess Garvey, Golda Ebbert, Carthryne Mohler, Prof. Hess, Prof. Blair,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.W.C.A.
Sports Mentioned (all) Bethany-McPherson Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 21 Pg. 3
Date Published February 13, 1923
Article Name Mission Band
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. Kurtz
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 21 Pg. 3
Date Published February 13, 1923
Article Name Student Volunteers Meet for Convention
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. paul Harrison, Mildred Inskeep
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.W.C.A., Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 21 Pg. 3
Date Published February 13, 1923
Article Name Juniors Honor the Good Saint
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Gertrude Witmore, Mr. Templton, Mrs. Templton, John Harnly, William Bishop, Warren Gish, Garman Daron, Ray S. Wagoner
Events Mentioned St. Valentines Day
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6 No. 21 Pg. 4
Article Name Freshman Girls Defeat Sextet at Moundridge
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Fonda Harden ,
Sports Mentioned (all) basketball
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 1
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Lonborg’s Cagers Win Double Victory from Hays Normal Quintet
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lonborg, F. Opdycke, F. Barnhardt, C. Schneider, G. Riley, G. Shade, F. Hinkhouse, F. Hill, F. Crumpacker, C. Sargent, G. Strickler, G. Enns, C. Holloway, F. Daggett, E. Tipton
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Hays Normal,
Sports Mentioned (all) Basket ball (basketball)
Other, Basketball games between McPherson and Hays
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 1
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name First Academy Debate to be Held Friday Evening
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harry Lehman, Ralph Martin, Elmer Krehbiel,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Bethel, Bethany, Debate
Other, First of a series of debates between McPherson and other nearby schools
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 1
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Recital is Given by Fine Arts Students
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Oliver Ebel, Mrs. Ada Unruth, Bessie Bremen, Mary Andes, Ruth Hiebert, P. Roy Brammell, Helen Garst, Wileta Durst, Jay Eller, Maxine Hoover, Irene Hawley,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Fine Arts Department
Other, Fine Arts Department, student recital in chapel
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 1
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Missionaries to China are Forced to Return
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. and Mrs. Miles G. Blickenstaff, A. A. Keller, L. Ikenberry
Other, Alums and friends of the school forced to return to US due to poor health
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 1
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Veteran Hunter Tells of His Experiences in North American Wilds
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) C. L. “Grizzly” Smith,
Other, “Grizzly” Smith gives lectures on his experiences from 42 years spent as a hunter in remote parts of the west, Opera house
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 1
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Dr. Kurtz Lectures at Iowa State University
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Iowa State University
Other, Dr. Kurtz delivers well received lectures at Iowa State University
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 1
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Y. M. C. A. Slate
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) LeRoy Doty, Harold Barton, Jay Eller, David Brubaker, Emmert Pair, Harlan Yoder, Dale Strickler
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. M. C. A. (YMCA)
Other, Elected student YMCA staff
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 1
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Magazine Rack is Built
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Library
Other, A large magazine rack was built for the library (slow news day?)
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 1
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Pep Club to Hold Box Social Friday Evening
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Bethel, Pep Club, Bethany
Other, Pep Club Organizes social event on eve of a big game
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 1
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Dramatic Art Class Will Present Play
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Charles Klien,
Other, Dramatic art class to present “The Lion and the Mouse” by Charles Klien in the chapel
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 1
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Academy of Science to Convene Here Next Year
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Nininger, Dr. Cady, Dr. Ackert, Dr. A. E. White, Prof. Hershey, Prof. Morris, Warren Knaus, Prof. Yoder, Prof. Blair
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Kansas Academy of Science, University of Kansas, Kansas State Agricultural College, American Association for the Advancement of Science,
Other, McPherson College delegation (the largest of any of the small colleges) accepted to attend Kansas Academy of Science meeting
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 1
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Bulldogs Take Third Place in Conference by Defeating Coyotes
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lonborg, F. Phillippi, F. Scott, C. De Nio, G. Woodworth, G. Nesmith, F. Bates, G. Schwerdtfegor, G. Ecklor , Uhrlaud
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Wesleyan
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Other, Bulldogs win Football game Vs. Coyotes
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 1
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name M. C. to be Advertised in the Topeka Daily Capital
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Topeka Daily Capital
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Other, Full page ad in Topeka Daily Capital for McPherson College
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 2
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name The Spectator
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Orville D. Pote, Laura B. McGaffey, Dale A. Strickler, Arno Rodes, Reetah Studebaker, Ralph Olsson, Edward Lawver, Jessie Ball, Dr. E. L. Craik, Prof. Anderson, Estella Engle, Esther Wilber, Early Morris, Eunice Almen , Mary Adnes, Hazel Vogt, Eulah Crumpacker, Vilas D. Betts, Paul Sargent, Prof. McGaffey,
Other, Spectator staff and contributors
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 2
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Exchanges
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Chancellor Lindley
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) “Sunflower” (Fairmont), Alumni Association of Friends University, Normal High School, Pittsburg manual Training school, K. U. (KU, K.U.), Daily Kansan, Pittsburg Normal, New York University, College of Emporia
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 2
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name M. C. Rooters Find That All’s Not Smooth Sailing After a Victory on Foreign Soil
Other, An only semi-serious article on McPherson students who were too vocal about their schools sports victory in a town that favored the loosing team
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 2
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name The Inquisitive Inquirer
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ocie McAvoy, John Harnly, Bernice Hoover, Early Morris, Hazel Vogt,
Other, Student opinions on what makes a “Good Sport”
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 2
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Alumnus speak at New York Banquet
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harley A. Nelson,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Section of Paint Research Division of the New Jersey Zinc Company, Committee of Varnish Manufacturers , American Society for Testing Materials, New York City Advertising Club
Other, Alum and friend of the school to speak at the horribly exciting sounding Committee of Varnish Manufacturers dinner
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 2
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Dr. S. Z. Sharp Writes of His Reminiscences
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. S. Z. Sharp,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Church of the Brethren , Kishacoquillas Seminary
Other, Dr. S. Z. Sharp (first college president) publishes series of articles “Reminiscences of Fifty Years Ago and Beyond”
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 3
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. And Mrs. J. S. Strickler, Mrs. N. P. J. Sondergard, Mrs. William Houston, Dreda Houston, Bonnie Houston, Florence Kline, Carl Sanders, Maude Gish, Hilda Unruh , Albert Unruh, Prof. E. J. Unruh, Prof. E. M. Studebaker, Harold Correll, Jay Ellor, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pair, August Rump, Miss Reber, Mrs. Lizzie Middleton, Dr. S. Z. Sharp, Helen Burkholder, Jessie Ball, Wretha Cory, Edithe Barhart, Prof. Patterson, Mrs. C. S. Morris, Rhea Fast, Mrs. Robert Steinmeyer, Phyllis Steinmeyer, Maude Gish, Prof. Mohler, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lehman, Prof. Yoder, Mabel Griffin , Irene Miller, Lucella Serviss, Lucy Serviss, Ralph Himes, Samuel Maust, Everett Brubaker, Lester Ogden, Guy T. Gebhardt
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Hays, Y. M. C. A. (YMCA), W. C. T. U. (WCTU), University of Southern California at Los Angeles, Wesleyan
Events Mentioned Hays-McPherson Game
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 3
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Thoughts From the Sunday Morning Sermon
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. H. F. Richards,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) First Church of the Brethren
Events Mentioned Sunday Morning Sermon
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 3
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Y. W. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Estella Engle, Miss McClenahan, Geraldine Crill, Ada Correll
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. W. C. A. (YWCA)
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 3
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Society News
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Craik, Warren Craik, Mrs. A. K. Curtis, Ruth Greene , Selma Engstrom, Juanity Tracey, Julia Jones, Miss Curtis, Mr. Paul Whitmroe Harnly, Forrest Gaw, Therkelsen Jensen, Ed Darrah, Clifton Ferguson, Luther Curtis, Mercedes Chapman, Clara Bremeyer, Marie Flory, Ada Kurtz, Cecile (?) Martin, Alice Burkholder, Edna Sward, Lydia Sward, Rowena Vaniman, Mildred Jacobs, Rudy Falk, Lola Hill, Nelson Krehbiel, Rex Curtis, C. A. Williams, Helene Hughes, Beulah Helstrom, Signe Freeburg, Alice Sorensen, Marie Kuns, Selma Engstrom, Mr. and Mrs. Engstrom, Bertha Bergen, Iva Curtiss, Mrs. Ray Beard, Julia Jones, Ruth Greene, Florence Kittell, Cordelia Anderson, Margaret Mikesell, Helen Hartell, Eunice Almen, Dorothy Meyer, Rozella White, Aenid Gray, Phyllis Toevs, Mayrne Matson, Doris Ring, Helen Freeburg, Elberta Vaniman, Bernice Perl, Juanity Tracey, Ida Blough, David Barnes, Early Linholm, Harold Strickler, Aubrey Hale, Dale Strickler, Lloyd Hawley, Earl Morris, Emmert Pair , Gordon Hill, Gordon Heaston, Silas Miller, Harold Lundeen, Sumner Eshelman, Myrl Curtis, Cleo Hill, Haddon Ilsley, Harvey Anderson, Russell Jones, Margaret wall, Florence kline, Ocie McAvoy, Maude Gish, Rose Turcotte, Stanley Kein , Roland Jones , Samuel Kurtz, Kenneth Krehbiel,
Other, Local events
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 4
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name College Greenhouse is Being Put to Use
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Mohler
Other, Prof. Mohler teaching class using greenhouse that was gift of class of ‘21
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 4
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Bulldogs to Tangle with Bethany Swedes Saturday
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lindsay
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Bethany, Hays Normal,
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 4
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name High School Quintet Takes Lead in League
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Uhrlaub,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Central Kansas League, St. John’s Military Academy, Ellisworth High School
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball (highschool)
Other, McPherson High School basketball games
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 4
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Conference Results
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Baker, Kansas State Normal, Southwestern, Fairmount, Bethe, Bethany, C. of E. , Ottawa
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Other, Basketball conference results
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 4
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Y. M. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. Fritz J. Hjelm,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. M. C. A. (YMCA), Swedish Mission Church of McPherson
Other, Rev. Fritz J. Hjelm gives talk to YMCA about Sweden ( politics, social life, religion)
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 4
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Academy Drop Two Games
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) The Academy basketball team (The Cads), Buhler High School
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Other, Basketball game between The Academy and Buhler High School
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6. No. 22 Page 4
Date Published February 20, 1923
Article Name Chemistry Students Meet
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Hershey,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Amalgamated Chemical Exchange
Other, Chemistry study group meets
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 1
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Expression Students Present Klien’s “The Lion And The Mouse”
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Maxine Hoover, Jay Eller, Samuel Kurtz, Alma G. Anderson,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Expression Department
Events Mentioned Comedy-drama performance by Expression Department
Other, “The Lion and the Mouse” performed by Expression Department in chapel
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 1
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Spicer Wins Scholarship
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) John Spicer,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Senior Academy ,
Other, McPherson student awarded scholarship by school
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 1
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Bulldogs to Clash With Wheatshockers Tonight
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Lonborg
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Fairmount Wheatshockers, Bethel,
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Other, Upcoming McPherson Basketball game with rival team
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 1
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Doty is Choice for Y. M. C. A. President
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) LeRoy Doty, Harold Barton, David Brubaker, Dale Strickler , Abram Hostetter, Roy Brammel, Harry Bowers, Emmert Pair
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. M. C. A. (YMCA)
Events Mentioned YMCA election
Other, School YMCA cabinet members elected
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 1
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Nina Swanson Writes on Welfare Work in Kansas
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Library, University of Kansas, Children’s Protection Society of Minneapolis Minnesota
Other, McPherson Alum gifts writings to college library, The Development of Public Protection of Children in Kansas by Nina Swanson
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 1
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Prof. Mohler referees at County Tournament
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. R. E. Mohler
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Eldorado, Towanda
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Other, Prof. Mohler refs. Butler county basketball tournament
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 1
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name McPherson Academy Debaters Win From Bethel and Bethany
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harry Lehman, Ralph Martin, Elmer Krehbiel, Edna Voth, Anton Rickert, Prof. Deeter, Laura McClelland, F. J. Mercer, Prof. McGaffey, Jesse Carney, B. F. Waas,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Bethany Swedes, Bethelites, Salina High School, Tabor, Pentagular League of Academies, Central Christian College
Sports Mentioned (all) ,
Other, Overview of Recent McPherson Debate Victories
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 1
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Box Social Prooves to be a Decided Success
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rozella White, Evelyn Roberts, Marie Cullen, Ocie McAvoy, Roy Brammell, Jess Garvey, Maxine Hoover, Irene Hawley, Jay Eller, Harry Bowers, William Mudra,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Pep Club
Other, Pep club puts on “Box Social”
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 1
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Kansas Conference Standing
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Southwestern, McPherson, Pittsburg Normal, C. of E. , Kansas Wesleyan, Bethany, Emporia Normal, Bethel, Fairmount, Washburn, Baker, Hays Normal, Ottawa, Sterling, Friends, St. Mary’s
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 1
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name M. C. is Advertised in Topeka Daily Capital
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Topeka Daily Capital
Other, McPherson College advertised in Topeka Daily Chronicle
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 1
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Fifth Lyceum Number will be Given Tonight
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Florence Hardeman, Stewart Willie, Sarah Bernhardt, Lt. John Phillip Sousa, Madam Schuman-Heink,
Other, Renowned violinist and pianist to play at town opera house
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 1
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name M. C. Debaters to Meet Bethany in Dual Clash
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) B. F. Waas, Isaac Dirks, W. H. Skinner, Clifford Swenson, W. E. Bishop, Oscar Lankford, Stanley Skilling, Walter Ostenberg, Vincent A. Davis, J. H. Lawrence, Braden C. Johnston,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Bethany Swedes, Kansas Wesleyan, Fairmount, State Debate League
Other, Upcoming McPherson College Debates
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 24 Page 1
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Bulldog Basketeers Hand Second Defeat to Bethany Quintet
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) F. Eberhardt, F. Carroll, C. Carlson, G. Turik, G. Olson, G. Rhenquist, F. Chalfant, F. Hill, T. Crumpacker, C. Sargent, G. Strickler, G. Ellwood, F. Daggett, Uhrlaub
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Bethany Swedes
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Other, McPherson victory over Bethany in basketball
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 1
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Slate of Y. W. C. A. Officers
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Winona McGaffey, Mabel Hoffman, Ocie McAvoy, Reetha Studebaker, Margaret Wall, Gertrude Witmore, Lota Neher, Alta Mohler, Minnie Edgecomb, Aenid Gray, Hazel Vogt, Wava Long
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 2
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name The Spectator
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Orville D. Pote, Laura B. McGaffey, Dale. A. Strickler, Arno Rodes, Reeth Studebaker, Ralph Olsson, Edward Lawyer, Jessie Ball, Dr. Craik, Prof. McGaffey, Ray. S. Wagoner, Ruth Cripe, Roy Brammell, Cordella Anderson, Mark Neher, Jessie Breon, Vilas D. Betts, Paul Sargent, Prof. McGaffey,
Other, A list of staff and contributors for The Spectator
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 2
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name The Lion and the Mouse
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Dramatic Art Department
Other, A Comment on the performance of “The Lion and the Mouse”
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 2
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name A Gentle Reminder
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) L. B. M.
Other, Student Essay
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 2
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Pick Your Candidates
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council, The Spectator
Other, A reminder to start looking for Spectator Editor and Business Manager candidates
Other Constitution of the Student Council
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 2
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name An Appreciation
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Irene Hawley, Earl Morris
Events Mentioned Box Social
Other, A thanks to those who attended the Box Social
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 2
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Y. W. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Reetha Studebaker, Mildred Carpenter, Mary Shipman Andrews
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. W. C. A. (YWCA)
Other, Mildred Carpenter gives reading at YWCA meeting
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 2
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Do You Believe Cancer can be Removed with Roaster Toad Powder? Your Forefathers Did
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Daniel Deirick
Other, A Collection of Amusing out dated cures for ailments as found in Unparalleled Recipes for the Cure of Some of the Most Dreadful Diseases that the Flesh is Subject to by Daniel Deirick
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 2
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Old M. C.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) M. E. Mory
Other, Student submitted Poem
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 2
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Mission Band
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Ebel
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Mission Band
Other, Upcoming Mission Band meeting
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 2
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Bathurst Will Continue Work Toward Doctorate
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) J. Elmer Bathurst
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) University of Iowa
Other, Friend of the college to continue working towards doctorate
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 3
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lois Bowers, Vera Fike, Glenn Fike, Maude Gish, Ruth King, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wray, Russell Wray, Iva Wray, Ruth Wedel, Margaret Dirks, Gladys Adamson, Ralph Garamn, Sada Correll, Frank Correll, Harold Correll, Ida Johnson, Laura Bowman, Sylvia Whiteneck, Elmer Rupp, Lloyd Saylor, Roy Neher, De Witt Sager, Mr. and Mrs. Galen Tice, Mr. and Mrs. L. Avery Fleming, L. B. Ihirg, Foster Hoover, Prof. B. E. Ebel, Florence Kline, Mrs. J. L. Dunham, Edna Dunham, Rachel Dunham, Ruth Miller, Mary Miller, H. L. Hutchinson, Minne Hutchinson, Ruth Martin, J. W. Hershey, Marton, Mrs. Elizabeth Shirk, Roy Hylton, John Mohler, P. R. Lange, Jacob Yoder, Florence Yoder, Lorinda Leatherman, Mabel Griffin, Golda Zook, Grace Entriken, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Crumpacker, Dale Hurt, Mrs. M. L. Hoffman, Miss H. Frances Davidson
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Union School House, Bethany
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 3
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Y. M. C. A. Secretary Speaks
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) A. E. Roberts,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. W. C. A. (YMCA)
Other, YWCA secretary speaks about being positive examples for younger peopel
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 3
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Society News
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rowena Vaniman, Roy Brammell, Prof. Gaw, Mrs. Keim, Mrs. Gaw, “Peggy” Muse, “Chic” Chap,am, Marie Cullen, Ruth Cripe, Ada Kurtz, Alice Burkholder, Cecile Martin, Iva Curtis, Irene Hawley, Prof. Keim, Wilbur Vaniman, Harry Bowers, Roy Brammell, Harold Bowers, William Bishop, Roland Jones, Ray Clark, Myrl Curtis, Ernest Wall, “Si” Sargent
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 3
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name The Inquisitive Inquirer
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ruth Cripe, Ira Brammell, Margaret Mikesell, Ada Kurtz, David Brubaker, Harry Bowers, Richard Keim
Other, Students answer a question asked by the newspaper
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 3
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Addresses Wichita Club
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Grover C. Dotzour
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Roosevelt Intermediate School at Wichita, Twentieth Century Club
Other, Friend of school and local school principal talks at Wichita club
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 4
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name High School Cagers Win Fast Game from Abilene
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) F. Troup, F. Byers, C. Sullivan, G. Dayhoff, G. Hensley, F. Criswell, F. Showalter, F. Linholm, C. McBride, G. Crumpacker, G. Eskes
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) McPherson High School cagers, Kansas Basketball League, Abilene High School,
Events Mentioned Basketball game
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball (High School)
Other, McPherson High School wins basketball game Vs. local rivals
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 4
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Edmonds Pays Compliment to Coach Lonborg’s Five
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Leslie Edmonds, Arthur Lonborg, Hill, Crumpacker, Sargent,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Topeka Daily Capital
Other, Topeka sports writer praises McPherson basketball quintet
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 4
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Academy Loses Another
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. M. C. A. (YMCA)
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball (?)
Other, McPherson YMCA team wins game
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 4
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Beauty Hint
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 4
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Exchanges
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Tandy McKenzie
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Ladies Glee Club of Bethel College, Kansas University, State College of Stillwater, Ok., Elizabethtown College of Pennsylvania, Pomona CollegeBaker University, Capper Publications, Southwestern college,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 4
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Conference Results
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Kansas State Normal, Fairmount, C. of E. , Southwestern, Bethel, Pittsburg Normal, Kansas Wesleyan
Volume/Number/Page Volume 6 No. 23 Page 4
Date Published February 27, 1923
Article Name Please do:
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Craik, Ocie McAvoy, Prof. Blair, Marie Cullen, Jess,
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 1 and 4
Date Published March 6, 1923
, Article Name Lonborg’s Favorites Win From Fairmount and Bethel Cagemen
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Lonborg, Canines, Sargent, Strickler, Coach Hoover, Hill, Crumpacker, Ellwood
Other, Fairmount game; Shockers Get 5-Point Lead; Bulldogs Stage Comeback; Bethel Game; Second Half is More Even
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 1
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name College Evangelists Are Visiting at M.C.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. and Mrs. Oliver H. Austin
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 1
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Kansas Conference Standing
Other, Conference Standings
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 1
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Stock Judging Team to Represent Kansas
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Mohler, Harry and Harvey Lehman , Theodore Baker
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) McPherson Academy Stock Judging Team
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 1
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Winona McGaffey is New Y.W. President
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Winona McGaffey, Reetha Studebaker, Margaret Wall, Alta Mohler, Minnie Edgecomb, Hazel Vogt, Dr. Kurtz , Ada Correll
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.W.C.A. , Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 1
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name High School Basketball Players are Banqueted
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Fraser, Pete Aurell, Prof. Mohler, Howard Snyder,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Chamber of Commerce of McPherson , Domestic Science Department
Events Mentioned Basketball Tournament
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 1
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Volunteer President Here
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Leland S. Brubaker
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) United Student Volunteers of the Church of the Brethren
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 1
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Bulldogs are Second in Conference Again after Hard Schedule
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Crumpacker, Hill, Sargent, Strickler, Ellwood, Daggett, Stansel, Enns, Holloway, Tipton, Lonborg
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Kansas Conference
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 1
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Prospects are Favorable for Winning Track Team
Sports Mentioned (all) Track , Tennis
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 1
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Dr. Kurtz to Address M.C. Students Mar. 29
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council
Events Mentioned Popular Lecture from Dr. Kurtz
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 1
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Florence Hardeman Concert is Enjoyed
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Florence Hardeman, Stewart Wille
Events Mentioned Concert at the Opera House
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 1
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Crinoid Fossil is Added to Collection in Museum
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) H.T. Martin
Other, Fossils given to the college museum
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 1
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Typewriting Students win Speed Certificates
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Anna Edgecomb, Doric Lichty, Percy W. McCarty, Wretha Cory, Olive Sargent,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Stenographic Department
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 1
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Dr. Kurtz Lectures at Newton
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Events Mentioned Lecture
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 1
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name McPherson Debaters Win Six Votes in Dual Clash with Bethany
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Harnly , Oscar Lankford, W.E. Bishop, Stanley Skilling, Walter Ostenberg, Vincent A. Davis, J.H. Lawrence, Prof. Edwin Yoder , Braden C. Johnston, Herkle Wampler, Minnie Edgecombe, Isaac Dirks, B.F. Waas
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) McPherson College debaters
Other, Home Debate is Close; M.C. Speakers Do Well
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 1
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Final Academy Debates to be Held Friday Night
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harvey Lehman, Elmer Krehbiel, Ralph Martin, Harry Lehman
Events Mentioned Academy Debates
Other, Debate Standing
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 2
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Editorial Staff
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Orville D. Pote, Laura B. McGaffey, Dale A. Strickler, Arno Rodes, Reetha Studebaker, Edward Lawver, Wava Long, Ralph Olsson, Jessie Ball, Stanley Keim, Dr. Craik, Prof. Unruh, Esther Hawkins, Everett Brubaker, B.F. Waas , Jessie Breon, Roy Brammell, Eulah Crumpacker, Omer Vanscoyoc, Ira Brammell , Vilas D. Betts, Paul Sargent , Prof. McGaffey , Dr. E.L. Craik
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 2
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Root Courteously
Other, Sportsmanship in the stands
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 2
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Loyalty
Other, In need of someone that possesses loyalty
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 2
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name I was Wondering about the Library
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Wanta Kno , Dr. Craik, Miss Anderson, Cordelia, Stella Bowman, Len Harden, Glade Fisher, Barton, Prof. Mohler , Roy Brammell, Omer Vanscoyoc, Ira Brammell, Earl Fisher, Alta Mohler, Winona McGaffey
Other, Poems; Short Stories; Snip-its of conversations
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 2
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Varied Verses
Other, Poems
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 2
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Y.M.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 2
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Get-Together Meeting is a Decided Success
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) C.A. Hiebert, Rev. Forman Lincicome, Roy Brammell, Cecil Holloway, Marathon High, William Riddlebarger, Maxine Hoover, Irene Hawley, Jay Eller, E.A. Roberts
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Men’s Sunday School Federation
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 2
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Exchanges
Other, Things happening at neighboring schools
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 2
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Rev. Lincicome Speaks
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. Forman Lincicome
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 3
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. Elmer Sandberg, Lorinda Leatherman, Hazel Vogt, Irene Miller, Margaret Mikesell, Bernice Hoover, Dale Strickler, Harold Strickler, Dorsey Hoover, William Bishop, Ida, Mrs. Sarah Neher, Foster Hoover, Prof. Nininger, Mrs. Charles S. Morris, Rhea Fast, Mrs. J.E. Culp, Rev. and Mrs. Oliver H. Austin, Prof. and Mrs. J.J. Yoder, Ada Sada, Harold, Frank Correll, Mrs. A.M. Stutzman , Prof. Mohler, Harvey and Harry Lehman, Milton and Carl Dell, Theodore Baker, Ray Vaniman, O.T. Funkhouser, Harry Riffel, Galen Garber, Charles and John Lengel, Mark Neher, Everett Brubaker, Phillip Spohn , Irvin Ihring, Jessie Ball, Lota Neher , Lorinda Letherman, Robert Blough
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 3
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Sends Regard form Florida
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Merle C. Slage
Other, Letter
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 3
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Liked the Special Issue
Other, Want a Special issue of the Spectator
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 3
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name La Verne Will Use M.C. Man
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ira D. Yoder, Emma Vaniman Yoder
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 3
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Linholm’s Oration is Ruled Out
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Earl Linholm , Charles Hall
Events Mentioned State Old Line Oratorical Contest
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 3
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Thoughts from the Sunday Moring Sermon
Events Mentioned Sunday Morning Sermon
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 3
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Mission Band
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Minnie Hutchinson, Esther Wilber, B.F. Waas, Ruth Hawkins, Mabel Hoffman, Lota Neher, Everett Brubaker, Mabel Hoffman, Abram Hostetter
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Mission Band
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 3
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Conference Results
Other, Scores of Conference Games
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 4
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Awkward Squad Tangles with Hillsboro Cagemen
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Captain Riddlebarger, Sumner B. Eshelman
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 4
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name High School Cagemen Are League Champions
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Showalter, Lindholm, McBride, Morine, Crumpaker, Eakes, Harrison
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 24 Page 4
Date Published March 6, 1923
Article Name Lindsborg Cagers Win County Championship
Events Mentioned Basketball Championship
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 1
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Lonborg’s Cagers to Compete in National Tournament At K.C.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Lonborg, Sanger Crumpacker, Cleo Hill, Paul Sargent, Dale Strickler, Olin Ellwood, Rufus Daggett, Elmer Enus, Cecil Holloway, E.C. Quigley, Leslie Edmonds, F.C. Allen, “Red” Brown
Events Mentioned National Tournament
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Other, Strong Teams Entered; Tournament Started Yesterday
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 1
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Last College Debate to be Held March 21
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) B.f. Waas, Isaac Dirks , W.E. Bishop, Oscar Lankford, A. Gore, Willard Van Slyck
Events Mentioned College Debate
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 1
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Peace Week to be Observed
Events Mentioned International Week of Peace
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 1
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Thespian Club Gives Interesting Program
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) C.E. Oelrich, Marguerite Muse, Harry Bowers, Marguerite Meyer, David Burkholder
Events Mentioned Program by the Thespian club
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 1
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Last Lyceum Number Will be Given Friday
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jess Pugh
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 1
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name College Evangelist Gives Chapel Address
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. Oliver H. Austin
Events Mentioned Speech in Chapel
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 1
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name “Y” Cabinets Enter Upon New Duties in Impressive Service
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz , Roy Brammell, LeRoy Doty, Harold Barton, David Brubaker, Dale Strickler, Emmert Pair, Jay Eller, William Riddlebarger, Paul Kurtz, Richard Keim, Sanger Crumpacker, Prof. Ebel, Winona McGaffey, Reeetha Studebaker, Margaret Wall, Alta Mohler, Hazel Vogt, Gertrude Witmore, Mabel Hoffman, Elsie Forney, Wava Long, Minnie Edgecomb, Helen Elliott, Grace Ebaugh
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A. , Y.W.C.A.
Other, Young People Head Reforms; Life of Christ is Stressed; Y.M.C.A. & Y.W.C.A. Cabinet
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 1
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name M.C. Students Respond with Liberal Donations
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 1
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Recital is Given by Fine Arts Students
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Arthur Linnel, Autumn Lindbloom, Jessie Daron, Carl Freeburg, Marathon High, Alta Mohler, Emmert Pair, Roy Brammell , Herkie Wampler, Fern Lingenfelter , Arthur Linnel
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Fine Arts Department
Events Mentioned Recital
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 1
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Strickler is Chosen as All-Conference Guard
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Strickler , Sargent, Crumpacker, Ellwood , Leslie Edmounds
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 1
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Dr. Kurtz to Lecture at Oklahoma State College
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 1
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name McPherson Academy Wins First Place in Pentangular League
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Studebaker, Helen Garst, Esther Postlewaite, Jesse Harris, Harvey Lehman, Elmer Krebbiel, Bernice Peck, Myrtle Merridith, Wilhelmina Drogie, J.L. McIntosh , Ralph Martin , Prof. Ebel, Minnie Hutchinson, Marie Brubaker
Other, Negative Wins at M.C. ; Affirmative Loses at Hillsboro
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 1
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Prof. Nininger Lectures
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Nininger
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Nature Study Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 1
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Stock Judging Team Leaves
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Mohler, Harry and Harvey Lehman
Events Mentioned Inter-State Stock Judging Contest
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 1
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Alumnus Becomes Postmaster
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Roy H. Horner, Mrs. Horner, Letha Hudson
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 2
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Editorial Staff
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Orville D. Pote, Laura B. McGaffey, Dale A. Strickler, Omer Vanscoyoc, Rose Turcotte, Edward Lawver, Wava Long, Ralph Olsson, Jessie Ball, Stanley Keim , Dr. Craik, Ada Correll, Henry R. Strover, Mrs. R.E. Mohler, William Bishop, John Harnly, Leonard Timmons, Arno Rodes, Abram Hostetter, Vilas D. Betts, Paul Sargent, Prof. McGaffey
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 2
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name An Appreciation
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Griselda , L.F. Laderer
Other, Appreciation for Mr. Laderer
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 2
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Forensics Versus Athletics
Other, Supporting the debate team like they support athletics
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 2
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name I was Wondering About Meeting Appointments
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Wanta Kno
Other, Making it to appointments
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 2
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name The Inquisitive Inquirer
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ralph Garman , Ada Correll, Lillian Andrews, Robert Blough , Rhea Fast, Cecil Holloway, Marietta Byerly , Ira Brammell, Charles Hall
Other, Students view on living in the dorms
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 2
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Maust Wins Third Place in Oratorical Contest
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Everett Brubaker, Samuel Maust , Lydia Fiesher, Dr. J.W. Fields , Dr. H.J. Harnly , Prof. P.C. Hiebert, Wallace C. Payne
Events Mentioned Anti-Tobacco Oratorical Contest
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 2
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Junior Play Tryout is a Great Success
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Anderson, Ray S. Wagoner, David Brubaker, Rufus Daggett, Dale Strickler, John Harnly, Harold Barnes, Omer Vanscoyoc, Grace Ebayugh, Hazel Vogt, Elsie Forney, Isabel Knaus, Irvin Ihrig, Carl Schneider
Events Mentioned Junior College Play
Other, The Wrong Mr. Wright – who’s playing what role
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 2
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Memorial of Class of ’23 is Being Mounted
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. J.Z. Gilbert, Prof. Nininger
Other, Skeleton of a giant sloth used for senior memorial; Senior class
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 2
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name The Unfinished Game
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Lauer’s ,
Other, Acts of short play
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 2
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Plans are Outlined for Coming Spring Elections
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Hellen Elliott , Henry Stover , Miss Anderson , Mr. Riddlebarger, Miss Knaus
Other, Tryouts for positions around campus
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 3
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ada Kurtz, Helen Elliott, Winona McGaffey, William Bishop, Rufus and John Daggett, Dorsey Hoover, Foster, Ruth Wedel, Elsie Klinkerman, Lucille Hoover, Mrs. Berkeybile, Addie Himes, Olive Sargent, Opal Enos, Mrs. Will Huston, Frieda, Dr. Craik, Prof. Alma Anderson, Mr. B.F. Garst, Mrs. Paul M. Pair, Gerald Eddy, Mabel Hoffman, Addie and Ralph Himes, Floyd A. Westrick, Miss Sophia Dodge, Prof. Hess, Oliver Trapp, Nellie Cullen, Mr. and Mrs. R.L. Amos, Elmer Rupp, August Rump, Lillian Sandy, Miss Evelyn Trostle, Mr. Harry H. Shuder, Margaret Dirks, Jacob Ratslaff
Events Mentioned Debate at Lindsborg
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 3
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Socials
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) B.F. Waas, Coach Lonborg, Mr. and Mrs. S.P. Crumapcker , Miss Lillie Crumpacker , Miss Coffee, “Si” Sargent, “Dick” Hill, “Jim” Ellwood, Sanger Crumpacker, Rufus Daggett, “Babe” Lonborg, Cecil Holloway, Ernest Tipton , “Puts” Enns, “Duke” Stricker , Mrs. E.L. Craik , Dr. Craik, Prof. Deeter, Prof. Mohler, Rev. Austin, Prof. Rowland, Rev. Strole, Mrs. D.H. Hoover
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Mission Band
Events Mentioned Tenth Annual Celebration of Faculty Members
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Other, Mission Band Takes Hike; Basketball Squad is Entertained; Professors of “86” Celebrate
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 3
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Mission Band
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Morris
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Mission Band
Other, Things Mission Band will play/progress on the pieces
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 3
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Freshman Win and Lose
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Other, Freshman Girls Basketball Team
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 4
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Student Council Makes Appropriation to Tennis
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lee Chamberlin , Prof. Studebaker , Adrian Lindsey ,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council
Sports Mentioned (all) Tennis
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 4
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name McPherson High School Wins District Tournament
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Crumpacker ,
Events Mentioned Basketball Tournament
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 4
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name All-Kansas Conference Fives
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Strickler , Sargent , Ellwood
Other, All-Conference Teams
Volume/Number/Page Vol 6 No 25 Page 4
Date Published March 13, 1923
Article Name Exchanges
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. D.W. Kurtz
Other, Things going on in neighboring colleges
Date Published March 13, 1923
Date Published March 13, 1923
Date Published March 13, 1923
Date Published March 13, 1923
Date Published March 13, 1923
Date Published March 13, 1923
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 26 pg. 1
Date Published March 20, 1923
Article Name Lonborg’s Favorites Capture One Game in National Tournament—Hand 22-14 Defear to Junior College of Kansas City in First Series—K.C.A.C. Wins First Place—Southwestern Eliminates Bulldogs in Second Series by A 26-20 Score
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Lonborg, Hill, Crumpacker, Sargent, Ellwood, Strickler, Daggett, Holloway, Enns, Brown , Allen
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 26 pg. 1
Date Published March 20, 1923
Article Name M. C. To Be Represented at Calgary Conference
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz, Prof. Studebaker, Rev. Richards
Events Mentioned Calgary Conference
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 26 pg. 1
Article Name Dr. Hoover on Faculty of Illinois University
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. D. H. Hoover
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 26 pg. 1
Date Published March 20, 1923
Article Name Last Lyceum Number Given Friday Evening—Jess Pugh Entertains With Program of Humorous Selctions
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jess Paugh, Edgar A. Guet, Rudyard Kipling
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 26 pg. 1
Article Name Dr. Kurtz Gives Nine Lectures in Oklahoma
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 26 pg. 1
Article Name M. C. Receives $20,000 From Generous Donors
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Schock, Prof. J. J. Yoder
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 26 pg. 1
Article Name Program is Launched to Create Sentiment For Universal Peace—Campaign is Stressed At M.C. By Special Addresses in Chapel—Directed by City Churches—Mass Meeting to Be Held Thursday Evening and Sunday Afternoon
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Morris, Winona McGaffey, Ocie McAvoy, Samuel Kurtz, Dale Strickler, Jay Eller, Dr. Harnly, Guy T. Gebhardt, Prof. B. E. Ebel, Rev. C. T. Ilsley, Rev. Rsoss W. Sanderson
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 26 pg. 1
Article Name Alumnus of M. C. is College President
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) B. B. Baker
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 26 pg. 1
Article Name Prof. Nininger Writes Article For Magazine
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. H. H. Nininger, Prof. G. W. Stevens
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 26 pg. 1
Article Name College Debaters to Clash With Sterling—Will Be McPherson’s Last contest In Northern Division
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Frank Hodge, Cornelius Pench, B. F. Waas, Isaac Dirks, Superintendent A. Gore, Principal Willard Van Slyck, W. H. Kerr
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 26 pg. 1
Article Name Member of Class of 1910 Visits at M.C.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Conrad D. Rasp, Mr. and Mrs. V. Goodsheller, Dr. E. L. Craik, Mrs. Rasp
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 26 pg. 1
Date Published March 20, 1923
Article Name Dr. Sayre Addresses Joint “Y” Meeting
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Evelyn Roberts, Ada Correll, Dr. Claude E. Sayre, Herkle Wampler
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 26 pg. 1
Article Name Stock Judging Team Wins First Place In Inter-State Contest—Harry Lehman Leads in Individual Honors with a Total of 548 Points—Three States Represented—Harvey Lehman and Theodore Baker Secure Second and Third Place Prizes
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Mohler, Harry Lehman, Theodore Baker, Milton Dell
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Stock Judging Team
Events Mentioned Southwestern National Livestock Show
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 26 pg. 2
Date Published March 20, 1923
Article Name Mission Band
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. Miles G. Blickenstaff
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Mission Band
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 26 pg. 3
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Alma Anderson, Prof. Lola Hill, Leland Moore, Welcome Sondergard, Grace Fike, Sarah Fike, Florence Kline, Elberta Vaniman, Ruth Cripe, Pearl Wiltfong, Mrs. Ray Keim, Mrs. Henry Stover, Gladys Brubaker, Mrs. Vilas Betts, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Teter, Mason Ellsworth, Pearl Rhine, Sylvia Whitebeck, Doris Lichty, Lucille Hoover, Mary Whiteneck, Leonard Whiteneck, Oscar Lankford, Ray Vaniman, Emmert Pair, Minnie Edgecomb, Edgar Rothrock, Miss Umstot, Nellie Richardson, Margaret Mikesell, David Merkey, Arlie Bell, Mrs. Olin Joh, Professor Lauer, Professor Brown, Klinkerman, Minnie Walters, Margaret Walters, Prof. Gaw, Mrs. Gaw, Mr. Unruh, Mrs. Unruh, Anna Lingle, Helen Garst, Saylor Neher, Prof. J. J. Yoder, Celia Watkins, Carrie Feiler, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Long, Stella Bowman, Len Harden, Mr. and Mrs. Miles G. Blickenstaff, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. McGaffey, Mrs. Ruth Betts, Margaret Mikesell, Elberta Vaniman, Rowena Vaniman, Jessie Carter, Effie Carter, Leora Wiggens, Mr. Lewis Florman
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 26 pg. 3
Article Name Society News—Bargen-Engstrom
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Bertha Bargen, Mr. Harold Engstrom
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 26 pg. 3
Article Name Radio Party
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Mattie Ring, Florence Kittell, Floye Rodes, Anna Edgecomb, Lillie Crumpacker, Loretta Zongker, Bonnie Huston, Laura Hammann, Doris Ring, Pearl Howard, Stanley Keim, Theodore Robb, Leslie Sargent, Virgil Ryberg, Harold Kreitzer, Floyd Cotton, Harold Strickler, Sumner Eshelman, Ralph Olsson, Ray Vaniman, Jessie Kittell, Minnie Edgecomb, William Riddlebarger, Richard Keim
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 26 pg. 3
Article Name College Freshmen Celebrate
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. McGaffey,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 26 pg. 3
Article Name St. Patrick Party
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Helen Freeburg, Doris Ring, Anna Edgecomb, Bonnie Huston, Selma Engstrom, Lillie Crumpacker, Mattiee Ring, Laura Hammann, Dorothy Meyer, Mayme Matson, Loretta Zongker, Florence Kittell, Julia Jones, Doris Ring, Elsie Klinkerman, Geneva Freeburg, Floye Rhodes, Eulah Crumpacker, Una Ring, Eolia Emmert, Leslie Sargent, Sumner Eshelman, Floyd Cotton, Russel Jones, Roland Jones, Ray Vaniman, Stanley Keim, Ralph Olsson, Loren Curtis, David Barnes, Henry Hahn, Myrl Curtis, Theodore Robb, A. A. Freeburg, Herkle Wampler, Ruth Greene, Minnie Edgecomb, Jessie Kittell, Earl Linholm, Richard Keim, William Riddlebarger
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 26 pg. 3
Article Name Donors for Bulldog Trip
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) J. A. Scott, W. C. Heaston, R. C. Strohm, Carl A. Grant, Simon Kern, Simon Strous, Elmer E. Knowles, Geo G. Hultqvist, J. M. Martin, Bert Webb, C. Vaniman, E. F. Kubin, Guy Gebhardt, James A. Cassier, E. L. Hodge, Frank K. Beam, C. F. Mingenback, Russell Flack, W. J. Krehbiel, Peter Aurrell, L. F. Quantius, Chas H. Sandy, Stuart Simpson, W. R. Carlson, E. C. Robbins, Fred Entriken, H. A. Rowland, Dr. W. E. Gregory, Frank Robb, Puritan Hams, Dr. H. S. Carlson, C. E. McKnight, Gus Norlin, Pete Lonberger, J. W. Jenkins, E. C. Crary, A. L. Nash, Mr. McCoy, Web Ingram, Milan Riddell, J. L. Schwartz, Dr. B. J. Cullen, Dr. A. Enberg, O. B. Smith, C. Adams, Dr. G. R. Dean, O. J. Abel, Will Burkholder, Mrs. Matthrws Millnery, Dr. J. W. Fields, Dick Hill, Ray Wright
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name International Peace Week Is Observed By Interesting Program
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Morris, Dr. Harnly, Guy T. Gebhardt, Rev. H. F. Richards, Will Irwin, Harry Emerson Fosdick, Winona McGaffey, Ocie McAvoy, Samuel Kurtz, Jay Eller, Dale Strickler, William Riddlebarger, David Starr Jordan, William Jennings Bryan, Prof. Ebel, Rev. Eakes, Rev. Ross Sanderson
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. M. C. A.
Events Mentioned International Peace Week, Chapel
Other, Militant Pacifism
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Class of ’22 Edits Paper
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Emery Wine
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Class of 1922
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Dr. Kurtz On Lecture Tour
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Events Mentioned Lecture tour.
Other, W. C. T. U.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name New Catalogs Are Out
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) McPherson Daily Republican
Other, McPherson College catalogs fir 1923-1924
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Oratorical Society Elects New Officers
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Milton Dell, Geraldine Crill, Leonard Timmons, Earl Linholm,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Oratorical Society
Events Mentioned State Oratorical Convention
Other, Washburn, Fairmount, Southwestern
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Frank Sargent Gives Illustrated Lecture
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. Frank N. Sargent
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Bethany Bible School at Chicago
Events Mentioned Hastings Street Mission
Other, Lecture about Bethany Bible School
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Dr. Kurtz is Popular at Oklahoma College
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz, Margaret Walters, C. B. McElroy
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. M. C. A
Events Mentioned Lectures given by Dr. Kurtz
Other, Oklahoma State College
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Plans to Entertain High School Seniors Are Well Under Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach “Dutch” Lonborg, Prof. E. B. Ebel
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Fine Arts Department
Events Mentioned Annual High School Senior Festival, Literary and Fine Arts Contests, Student Recital
Sports Mentioned (all) Track and Field, Tennis, Potato Race, Sack Race
Sports Mentioned Shot put, 100 Yard Dash, 220 Yard Dash, ½ Mile Run, Hurdle Race
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Debate Standing
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Debate Team
Other, Bethany College, K. W. U., Sterling, Fairmount, Friends, Southwestern, Bethel
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Strickler to Captain 1924 Basketball Squad
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dale Strickler
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name College Orchestra to Render Concert
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Alvhh R. Lauer, Prof. Forrest W. Gaw, Fritjoff Mark, C. A. Hultqvust, Roberts, Mendelssohn, Ghys, Schubert Allegro, Gray, Bragga, Glenn T. Zimmerman, Eleanor Caldwell, Rachmaninoff, Lange,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) College Symphony Orchestra
Events Mentioned Concert in chapel, State District Music Teachers’ Convention
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Cast is Chosen for Senior Academy Play
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof Anderson, Prof Hill, Prof Keim, Harry Lehman, Elmer Krehbiel, Harvey Lehman, Ralph Martin, Ethel Hill Evelyn Lyons
Events Mentioned “A Deal in Ducks”, Play tryouts
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Dr. Craik Judges Debate
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. E. L. Craik
Events Mentioned Debate between the State Teachers’ College of Hays and Kansas City University
Other, State Teachers’ College of Hays, Kansas City University
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name McPherson Debaters Secure Championship of Northern Division
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ray S. Wagoner, Howard Synder, Carl Enberg, C. M. Pence, F. S. Hodge, B. F. Waas, Isaac Dirks, Alvin Gore, Principal Williard Van Slyck , W. H. Kerr, W. E. Bishop, Oscar Lankford, Prof. Blair, Ada Kurtz
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Debate Team
Other, Sterling College
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name The Spectator
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Orville D. Pote, Laura B. McGaffey, Dale A. Strickler, Omer Vanscoyoe, Rose Turcotte, Ralph Olsson, Edward Lawyer, Jessie Ball, Waya Long, Stanley Keim, Dr. Craik, Eunice Almen, David Brubaker, Pearl Wiltfong, Ada Kurtz, Roy Brammell, Harvey Lehman, John Harnly, Leonard Birkin, Calvin Boggs, Vilas D. Betts, Paul Sargent, Prof. McGaffey,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) The Spectator
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Our Part
Events Mentioned Peace Week
Other, Editorial on peace programs
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name The Eleventh Hour Task
Other, Editorial on procrasination
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name I Was Wondering
Other, Poem-“Wanta Kno”
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name In Days of Yore
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Literary Society
Other, Editorial on the lack of Literary Society meetings.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name A Lover’s Gift
Other, A short story about a jewel egg gifted to a princess.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Oxen Trod the Campus
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) P. A. Johnson, C. G. Johnson
Other, Some historical knowledge about the land the college sits on.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Speaking of the Weather
Other, Editorial on the weather.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Varied Verses
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) P. R. B
Other, An untitled poem; a poem entitled “The Storm”
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Chinese Student Gives Talk to Mission Band
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Paul C. Fung
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Mission Band
Events Mentioned Speech given by Fung about the need of missionaries in China.
Other, Washburn college
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Y. M. C. A
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Vilas Bett, Samuel Kurtz, B. F. Waas, LeRoy Doty
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. M. C. A, Rocky Mountain Quartet
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Student Opinion
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Literary Societies, Athenian Literary Society
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 3
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Tillie Hadley, Dr. Craik, Harry Bowers, B. F. Waas, Alvin Gore, Mrs. Gore, Roy Neher, Ira Brammell, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Miller (Lucy Mason), Dorothy Helen Miller, Prof. B. E. Ebel, LeRoy Doty, Harold Correll, Jay Eller, Earl Fisher, Rev. and Mrs. Frank Sargent, Vilas Betts, Harry Riffel, Olive Sargent, Emery Wine, Edith and Celia Watkins, Anna Myers, L. J. Ledell, Eunice Wray, Sadie Wedel, Iva Curtis, Ursula Flory, Ada Kurtz, Esther Hawkins, Mercedes Chapman, Charles Lengel, William Bishop, William Mudra, Harry Bowers, Ralph Olsson, Herkle Wampler, Roy Brammell, Emmert Pair, Prof. Lauer, Prof. Gaw, Lota Neher, Roy Neher, Edith Doty, Alta Mohler, Ruth and Mary Miller, Ruth King, Jesse Long, Chester Maxwell, Wava Long, Lester Ogden, Senator and Mrs. F. O. Johnson, Prof. and Mrs. J. W. Hershey, Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Craik,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) College Male Quartet, College Debate, Y. M. C. A., St. Louis Big Symphony
Events Mentioned City Elections, Officers Training Convention for State Y. M. C. A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Students of Fine Arts Department Give Recital
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Tschlakowsky, Saint Sean, Helen Myers, Goddard, Bessie Bremen, Dancla, David Groves, Montgomery, B. F. Waas, MacDowell, Gounod, Herkle Wampler, Martini-Dancla, Hauser, Indus May Hollingsworth, Chopin, Helen Garst, Ocle McAvoy, David Brubaker, Geraldine Crill, Helen Elliott
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Fine Arts Department
Events Mentioned Program given by the Fine Arts Department
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 3
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Y. W. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rhea Fast, Ester Wilber, Esther Hawkins, Mary Andes, Juanita Tracey
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 4
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Stock Judging Team Receives Recognition
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harry and Harvey Lehman, Ted Baker, R. W. Morrish, M. H. Coe
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) State Agricultural College at Manhattan
Events Mentioned South American Livestock Show, Kansas National Livestock Show
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 4
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Genius Unknown
Other, Poem about girls.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 6/No. 27/Page 4
Date Published March 27, 1923
Article Name Exchanges
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mm. Galli-Curci
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) The Little Symphony, The Music Festival Orchestra, The La Verne Campus Times, The Chorus of 500 voices, Bethany Symphony Orchestra, Debate Team
Events Mentioned Basketball tournament, Tri-state debate meet
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Other, Kansas University, Hays, William Jewell College, Kansas State Agricultural College, Baker University
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name McPherson Debaters To Engage Fairmount In Dual Meet Apr. 11
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) B. F. Waas, Isaac Dirks, W. E. Bishop, Oscar Lankford, Ted Haugh, G. Vernon Kelley, Samuel Maust, Prof. Hess
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Kansas Intercollegiate Debate League, McPherson College Debate Team, McPherson College, United States
Events Mentioned McPherson Debate Dual Meet Apr. 11, 1923 State Debate, Old Line Oratorical Contests, Kansas Anti-Tobacco Oratorical Contests
Other, Wichita, Fairmount
Other “The Fifth Horseman”
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Election Slate
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ocie McAvoy, Fonda Harden, William Riddlebarger, John Harnly, Dale Strickler, William Bishop, Stanley Keim, Myrl Curtis, Bacon
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Ladies’ Cheer Leader, Mens’ Cheer Leader, Editor of The Spectator, Business Manager of The Spectator
Sports Mentioned (all) Cheerleading
Sports Mentioned Cheerleading
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Tumbling Class To Put On Exhibition Thursday
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) McPherson College Tumbling Class
Events Mentioned McPherson College Tumbling Class Exhibition
Sports Mentioned (all) Tumbling, Pyramids, Diving, Individual Mat and Ring Work, Races, Special Stunts
Sports Mentioned Tumbling
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Interclass Baseball Will Begin April 10
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) McPherson College, Freshman Class, Sophomore Class, Junior Class, Senior Class, Faculty , Academy
Events Mentioned Interclass Baseball
Sports Mentioned (all) Baseball
Sports Mentioned Baseball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Interclass Track Meet Will Be Held April 13
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Barber, Little Frankie, Shakespeare, Disraelf,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Freshman Class, Sophomore Class, Junior Class, Senior Class
Events Mentioned Interclass Track Meet Apr. 13
Sports Mentioned (all) Track
Sports Mentioned Track
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Symphony Orchestra Renders Program Of High Class Numbers
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Shubert, Professor Alvhh R. Lauer, Professor Forrest W. Gaw, Arthur Linell, Roberts, Bragga, Glenn Zimmerman, Eleanor Caldwell, Albert Ketelbery , Gray, Jean Zimmerman
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) McPherson College Symphony Orchestra, Voice Department, McPherson College
Other, Allegm Movement , Angel’s Serenade, In A Persian Market, Dream of Paradise , Home Sweet Home
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Easter Custom Observed
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Ebel
Events Mentioned Singing at the Homes of College Hill, Resurrection of Christ
Other, Arnold Hall
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Reelected Superintendent
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor J. J. Yoder
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) M. C.
Other, Lyons, Kansas
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Helen Garst Wins Honors In Bethany Piano Contest
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Helen Garst
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Bethany College
Events Mentioned Piano Contest at Bethany College, Messiah Festival
Other, Lindsborg, Kansas
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name M. C. Campus To Be Set In Order Today
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) “Johnnie” , Prof. Mohler, Prof. Deeter, Prof. Hershey
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Freshman Class, Junior Class, Sophomore Class, Senior Class, Academy Students, Commercial Students, M. C. , High School Seniors
Events Mentioned Annual Trash Cleaning
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Finishes Nurses Training
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Dorothy Bryant, Miss Julia Garst
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Children’s Hospital of Michigan, M. C.
Other, Battle Creek, Michigan , Detroit, Ann Arbor
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Easter Cantata Is Given
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Edith Sanford Tillotsen, J. S. Fearis, Mrs. C. S. Morris, Rowena Vaniman , Cicero
Other, The Gospel of Easter
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Plans Are Made For Entertaining The High School Seniors
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ray S. Wagoner, “Dutch” Lonborg, Prof. B. E. Ebel, Principal W. R. Frazer , Gorden Hill
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) McPherson High School, Harvey High School , Reno High School, Rice High School, Marion Counties High Schools, McPherson College, Physical Training Department, McPherson Academy Seniors, M. H. S. Seniors
Events Mentioned Second Annual School Senior Festival, Potato Race, Sack Race, Piano Contest, Voice Contest, Violin Contest, Domestic Science Contest, Oratory Contest, Reading Contest, Banquet
Sports Mentioned (all) Track and Field, Hurdle Race, 100-yard dash, 220-yard dash, Half-mile run, Shot-put, Tennis
Sports Mentioned Track and Field, Tennis
Other, Sharp Administration Building
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Letters Are Granted To 1923 Basketball Quintet
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Captain Sanger Crumpacker, Cieo Hill, Paul Sargent, Dale Strickler, Olin Ellwood, Hawthorne
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) M. C. ,
Events Mentioned Granting Letters, National Basketball Tournament
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Sports Mentioned Basketball
Other, Kansas City
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 2
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Track Material Shows Up Well In Daily Practice
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Leonard Crumpacker, Marvin Stansel, Fahrney Silfer, William Riddlebarger, Coach Lornborg, Captain Ray Vaniman, Roy Brammell, Sanger Crumpacker, Raymond Clark, Paul Kurtz, Emmert Pair , LeRoy Doty, William Mudra, Milton Dell, Lowell Seil, Ernest Tipton, Olin Ellwood, Merle Travis, Ira Brammell, Elvis Prather, Oscar Lankford,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Fairmount College
Events Mentioned 1923 Bethany Daisy, Fortieth Anniversary of Bethany College
Sports Mentioned (all) Track and Field, Sprints, Middle Distances, Longer Distances, Hurdles, Field Events, Jumping
Sports Mentioned Track and Field
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 2
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name The Girl In Demand
Other, What a Boy Wants In A Girl
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 2
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Mission Band
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mabel Hoffman, Estella Engle, Frances Davidson, Rev. J. H. B. Williams, Dr. Kurtz
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) “Brethren In Christ” Church, McPherson College, Mission Band
Other, Africa
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 3
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Misses Grace Greenwood, Ethyle Stofer, Mrs. Fahnestock, Eunice Wray, I. A. Lawver, Miss Dorothy Reynolds, George Hodge, Helen Hartell, L. J. Franz, Theodore Hiebert, Jessie Ball, Wretha Cory, Ruth Miller Mrs. W. W. Gish and Daughter, William Burgin Rufus Daggett, Prof. Alma Anderson, Dr. Harnly, Prof. Nininger, Prof. Studebaker, Dorothy Taylor, Arvilla Schmidt, Nillie McGaffey, Miss Ruth Armstrong, Superintendent W. G. Kirkpatrick, Prof. E. M. Studebaker, Mrs. A. C. Hartell, Helen Hartell, Dr. Harnly, Dr. Craik, Prof. McGaffey, Prof. Fries, Ray S. Wagoner, Lucille Hoover, Doris Lichty, Edward Saylor, Glenn Strickler, Minnie Mugler, Lloyd Saylor, Grace Entriken, Nellie Cullen, Mary miller, David Brubaker,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Acadamy at Inman, Kansas University, M. C. , Correll Quartet, Senior Class
Events Mentioned Messiah at Lindsborg, State Oratorical Contest, Debate between Lehigh and Little River, Drama Contest
Other, Lovewell, Kansas, East Euclid St., Pomona, Kansas, Plattsburg, Missouri, Belleville, Salina , Abilene, Kansas, Belleville, Kansas, Conway Springs, Monitor, Arlington, Reno County, Sterling
Other Kline Hall, Arnold Hall, “The Magistrate”
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 3
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Junior Boys Are Entertained
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Craik
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Junior College Class
Events Mentioned Breakfast
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 3
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name A Clever Party
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ebaugh, Misses Helen Jacobs, Helen Elliot, Grace Ebaugh, Misses Mildred Fisher, Lillian Sandy, Gertrude Witmore, Mildred Carpenter, Edith Muse, Winona McGaffey, Elsie Forney, Gladys Brubaker, Hazel Vogt, The Messers, Garman Daron, Haddon Ilseley, Huber Yancey, Harlan Yoder, Carl Schneider, Harold Barnes, Elmer Brubaker, John Harnly, John Daggett, David Brubaker, Rufus Daggett
Events Mentioned Easter, All Fool’s Day
Other, Ebaugh Home on East Euclid
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 3
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Y. M. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jay Etler, Herkle Wampfer
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. M. C. A.
Other Harnly Hall
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 3
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Y. W. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Burns
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. W. C. A. , Bethany Debate
Events Mentioned Bethany Vs. Kansas City University Debate
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 4
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name The Spectator
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) McPherson College, Student Council
Other, McPherson, Kansas
Other Act of March 3, 1897
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 4
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Editorial Staff
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Orville D. Pote, Laura B. McGaffey, Dale A. Strickler, Omer Vanscoyoc, Rose Turcotte, Edward Lawver, Wava Long, Dr. Craik, Miss Brown, Geraldine Crill, Everett Brubaker, Estella Engle, Abram Hostetter, Hazel Vogt, Vilas D. Belts, Paul Sargent, Prof. McGaffey, Dr. E. L. Craik
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) The Spectator ,
Sports Mentioned McPherson, Kansas
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 4
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Seniors, You’re Welcome
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) M. C. , High School Seniors,
Events Mentioned The Second Annual Festival
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 4
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name The Ideal Young Man
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 4
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Speaking Of Curiosity
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 4
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name The Girl In Demand
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 4
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name Battered Flivver Is Placed In Seclusion And Two Of Them Walk Part Way Home After Exciting Experience Near Railroad
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 28 Pg. 4
Date Published April 3, 1923
Article Name The Lurr Of Estes
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 1
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name Added Certification Privileges Given To M.C. By Recent Law
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) J.M. Davis, Frank O. Johnson, Warren Culp
Other, House Committee on Education, State Board of Education
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 1
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name To Decide Championship in Debate Tomorrow Eve
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) b. Waas, Isaac Dirks, w. E. Bishop, Oskar Lankford, Ted Haugh, G. Vernon Kelley, Prof. Hess,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) McPherson College Debate Team
Other, Kansas Intercollegiate Debate League
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 1
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name Professor Swope To Remain With Purdue
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Ammon Swope, Mrs. Swope
Other, Purdue University
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 1
Article Name Annual Clean-up Day Observed Last Friday
Events Mentioned Annual Clean-up Day
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 1
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name Carl Rexroad to Ohio State
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Carl Rexroad
Other, LaVerne College, Yale University, Ohio State
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 1
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name Dale Strickler and Stanley Keim to be New Spectator Heads
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 1
Article Name Outcome of Interclass Track Meet is Doubtful
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 1
Article Name Typewriting Students Make Splendid Record
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Helen Freeburg, Ada Miller
Other, Underwood Proficiency Certificate, Remington Typewriter Company
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 1
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name Sophomore and Freshman Nines to Compete Today
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Kubbin, Ellwood, Barton, Bishop, Strickler, Daggett, Lange, Sargent, Garvey
Sports Mentioned (all) Baseball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 1
Article Name All Schools’ Day to be Celebrated May 16
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 1
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name Election Results
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dale A. Strickler, William e. Bishop, Stanley Keim, Maryl Curtis, John Marnly, William Riddlebarger, Ocie McAvoy, Fonda Harden
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 1
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name Annual Festival for High School Seniors is a Great Success
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Patterson, Prentice Welsh, Prof. Anderson, Prof. Hess, Prof. Blair, Adela Hale, Clara Dunlavy, Prof. Morris, Prof. Brown, Mrs. Morris, Prof. Gaw, Prof. Klinkerman, Prof. R. E. Mohler, Dr. H. J. Harnly, Claude Wilson, Golda Z, Prof. Hill, Thelma Vaught, Mahlon Sallee, Inez Braughton, Prof. Walters, Prof. Hershey, Claude Wilson, Golda Zook, Homer Foutz, Dr. D. W. Kurtz, Glenn Web, Clair McCristy, Oliver Ebel, Warren Craik, Arthur Linell, Autumn Lindbloom, Jessie Daron, Carl Freeburg, Ocie McAvoy, Irene Hawley, Jay Eller, Dr. E. L. Craik, Prof. B. E. Ebel, Ray S. Wagoner, Prof. R. E. Mohler
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 1
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name Y. W. C. A. Conference to be held Here This Week
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mildred Inskeep, Elizabeth McClenahan
Events Mentioned State Y. W. C. A. Training Conference
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 2
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name Let’s Be Careful
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Frank Eldridge
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 2
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name Athletics for Girls
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Studebakee
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Girls Tennis Squad
Sports Mentioned (all) Track, Baseball, Tennis
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 2
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name Thank You
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Election Committee
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 2
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name Department of Fine Arts Renders Another Program
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Massenet, Fink, Margaret Sharp, Grabriel-Marie, Hauser, Yradier, Ralph Garman, Tschaikowsky, Godard , Lois Myers, Phelps, Esther Hawkins, Reynaldo Hahn, Edward Grieg, Waltz C-Sharp Minor, Eva May Lingle
Other, Fine Arts Department
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 2
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name Mission Band
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz, Re. J. H. B. Williams, Dr. Harnly, Prof. Yoder,
Other, Mission Band
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 2
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name One-Act Play is Given At Joint “Y” Meeting
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) David Brubaker, Samuel Kurtz, Reetha Studebaker, Strickland, Benson
Other, The Finger of God
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 2
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name Speaking of Publicity
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 2
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name Those Who Registered for the Senior Festival
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. H. S. Foutz, Lydia Oyster, William Oyster, Irene Liddel, Gladys Nelson, Mildred Everett, Leola Ellwood, Clifford Cochran, Virgil Ellwood, Garnet White, Stella Thomas, Elsie Sommers, Hattack Hoag, Mahlon Sallee, Jo Mallory, Fred Junter, Orsville Ruehlen, Emery Weidemuir, Albert Ehrlick, Julian d. Greer, Luther Williams, Dwight Lowther, Ira Skibbe, Jeannette Crowther, Constance Meyer, Laveda Kleagle, Geraldine Kleagle, Ethyl Funk, Thelma Vaught, Claude E. Wilson, I.C. Meyer, Waiter Trott, Thelma whiteman, Lola Thompson, Iris Downing, Myrtie Correll, Lillian Sargent, Eileen Lannue, Harold Dunlap, Mattie Wright, Harold Dunlap, Mattie Wright, Clara Dunlavy, Christine E. Miller, Prentice Welsh, Claude Wilson, Daisy Miller, Edna M. Edgerton, Phebe Greenback, Ines Braughton, Marjorie Lumway, Pauline Peterson, Mrs. J. M. Dunlavy, Marian Sundquist, Ruth Garrelts, Adela Hale, Emma Rupp, Opal Crippen, Freda Miller, Georgiana Kerr, Golda Zook, Fern Lingenfelter, Ben R. Stucky, Menno s. Kaufman, Daniel M. Krehbiel, Paul Groening, Theodore Miller, Richard Wiederstein, Berenice Mattson, Olivia Huenergarst
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 2
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name Romeo and Juliet of The Popular Magazine “Play Thrilling Scene in Advertising Section
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 3
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name Socials
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dick Keim, Stan Keim, Paul Sargent, John Lengel, Charles Lengel, William Riddlebarger, Clyde Rupp, Glade Fisher, Olin Ellwood, Dale Strickler
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 3
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name Announcement Dinner
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Bertha Mugler, Mr. Harold Beam, Miss Carrie Mugler, Miss Irene Haudek, Misses Mugler, Marie Cullen, Rhen Fast, Mildred Fisher, Lorinda Leatherman, Delia Day, Hellen Hiebert, Eunice Almen, Marguerite Muse, Edith Muse, Martha Mugler, Minnie Mugler Irene Haudek, Bernice Peck, Misses Nell Cullen, Maude Gish, Mrs. Paul Pair,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 3
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name Sunday School Classes Entertained
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Wilbur Vanimat, Mrs. D. W. Kurtz, Misses Laura McGaffey, Margaret Mikesell, Bernice Hoover, Lorinda Leatherman, Lucille Hoover, Bernice Peck, Chressie Heckman, Ocie McAvoy, Rose Mohler, Lillian Sandy, Edith Slifer, Miriam Wendrick, Minnie Edgecomb, Fonda Harden, Lols Myers, Mary Sherfy, Rose turcotte, Elberta Vaniman, Harold Barton, Richard Keim, Harold Strickler, William Burgin, Frank Correll, Ralph Himes, Jerry Crewse, Galen Garber, Abram Hostsetter, Marlin Kelley, Samuel Kurtz, John Lengel, Paul Lentz, Harry Riffel, Vivian Spilman, Leonard Timmons, Huber Yancey, Willbur Vaniman,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 3
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. G. M. Barton, Harold, Jessie ball, Prof. Ebel, Sylvia Whiteneck, Neva Yoder, Loretta, Evelyn Lyons, Estrella Thomas, Thelma Neuenschwander, Elmer Rupp, Glen Strickler, Everett Brubacker, Robert Blough, Elvis Prather, Carl Bell, Prof. and Mrs. C. Ray Kelm, Prof. and Mrs. J. W. Hershey, Ralph Lehman, Minnie Hutchinson, Harvey Lehman, Harry Lehman, Emmer Pair, Milton Dell, Ted Dell, Henry Stover, Mr. and Mrs. Miles Blickenstaff, Mary Virginia, Mrs. Blickenstaff, Supt. And Mrs. Homer Foutz, Ruth Pentecost, Emma Smith, Ruth Miller,
Events Mentioned Sunday School Convention, Nickerson Sunday, High School Y. W. C. A. Conference
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 4
Article Name Tumbling Class Gives Elaborate Exhibition
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Orville Pote, ClydeAmos, Harold Baker, Frank Boone, Jesse Carney, Glade Fisher, Dale Garman, Charles Hall, Irvin Ihrig, Stanley Keim, Richard Keim, Paul Lentz, Everett McClelland, Elvis Prather, Charles Spicer, Leonard Timmons, I. T. Warner
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) McPherson College tumbling class
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 4
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name New system Adopted
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) John Harnly, Hazel Vogt, Ocie McAvoy, Fonda Harden, William Riddlebarger,
Sports Mentioned (all) Cheerleading
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 29 Pg. 4
Date Published April 10, 1923
Article Name Exchanges
Events Mentioned Music Festival, Kansas Wesleyan’s Festival, “Hobo” day
Other, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra, Kansas City Little Symphony
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 1
Article Name Dr. Kurtz Lectures at M. E. Church on Meaning of Culture
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Notice:
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Orchestra Program Given at M. E. Church
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Lauer, Prof. Gaw, Mrs. Raymond Malthy
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) McPherson College Symphony Orchestra
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Y. W. C. A. Conference is Well Represented
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Inskeep, Miss Wanda Lee, Miss Ada Kurtz, Mrs. Maude Deardoff, Miss Edith Miller, Miss Marie Brown, Miss Edna Redo, Mrs. Maude Gebhardt,
Events Mentioned Y. W. C. A. Cabinet Training Conference, World Student Christian Banquet,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 1
Article Name High School Seniors Present Fifty-Fifty
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Walter G. Johnson, Leon Morine, Gilbert Rowland, Miss Alice Burkholder
Events Mentioned “Fifty-fifty” Play
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Junior-Senior Banquet Held in Arnold Hall is Opening Event of the Week
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Warren Craik, Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Craik, Winona McGaffey, Mildred Fisher, Rhea Fast, Eunice Almen, David Brubaker, Dale Strickler, William Bishop, Evelyn Roberts, Prof. Laurer, Mr. Emmert Pair, Miss Zelma Daron, Mr. C. A. Hutqvist, Miss Eleanor Caldwell, Mr. Leslie Sweeney, Mr. Gierfn Zimmerman, Prof. Forrest W. Gaw, Alta Mohler, Ocie MAvoy, Lorinda Leatherman, Reetha Studebaker, Helen Hartell, Julia Jones, Margaret Wall, Le Roy Doty, Earl Morris, Russel Jones, Paul Kurtz, Harold Strickler, Stanley Keim, Earl Linholm, Grace Haviland, Mr. Roy Brammel, Ray Wagoner, Alma Anderson, Isabel Knaus, William Riddlebarger
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Seven Persons Qualify in Thesplan Club Tryout
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) William Bishop, Eunier Almen, Paul Kurtz, Sammuel Kurtz, Ada Kurtz, Ocie McAvoy, Beetha Studebaker
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Thesplan Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Scenes of Olden Days Presented in Chapel
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mary Yoder, Susie West, Lillie Blackman, Hattie Heckethorne, Ada Heckethorne, Ida Rank, Maude Shirley, J. H. Birkenbile, George Dean, Richard Hill, Frances Vaniman, Joseph J. Yoder, William Heaston, William McGiffert, Edward Russell, Dr. Sharp, Leland Moore, Prof. Fahbestork , Doris Plum, Prof Muir, Harold Barnes, Isabel Knaus, Rhea Fast, Mildred Fisher, Leland Moore, Carl Schneider, Prof. Moir, Prof.Falthestork, Dr. Sharp, Prof. Falthestork,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Former M. C. Students Lecture to Dentists
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Howard S. Kasey, Dr. Edward Wohigemuth,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 1 & 4
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Fairmount is Winner in Debate Contest for Championship of State
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) W. E. Bishop, Oskar Lankford, Ted Haugh, G. V. Kelley, B. F. Waas, Isaac Dirks, Prof. Maurice A. Hess, Dean C. W. Foltz, W.P. Reese, Professor Guy V. Price, Miss Berenice Peck, Professor W. Wieve, Professor W. Crosswhite, W. A. Stauffer
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) McPherson College Debate Team
Other, Fairmount, Sterling, Bethany, Kansas Wesleyan, Southwestern, Bethel, Friends
Other Charlie Jones
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Anti-Tobacco Association Holds Annual Election
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Arthur Prather, Abram Hostsetter, Miriam Wenrick, Leonard Birkin,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Anti-Tobacco Association
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Nininger At Wichita
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Nininger
Other, Friends University
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 2
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Our Tribute
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) McPherson College Debate Team, Oratory Team
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 2
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Officers of Junior Class
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) David Brubaker, Winona McGaffey, Helen Elliott, Rufus Daggett
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 2
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Committee Chairmen
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Eunice Altmen, Midred Fisher, William Bishop, Leland Moore, Carl Schneider,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 2
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name History of Junior Class
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Vilas Betts, John Silfer, Dr. Craik, Mrs. Craik, Dale Strickler, David Brubaker, Winona McGaffey, Wm. Bishop, Beenie Waas, John Harnly,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Debate Team
Events Mentioned State Oritorical contest of the Anti-Tobacco Association
Sports Mentioned (all) Football , Basketball, Cheerleading,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 2
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Dr. Kurtz and Professor Yoder Make Eastern Trip
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz, Professor Yoder,
Events Mentioned General Educational Board of the church of the Brethren, State Sunday School Convention
Other, General Mission Board of the church of the Brethren
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 2
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name MME. Schumann-Heink sings at Hutchinson
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Schumann-Heink, Schubert, Beethoven, Katherine Hoffman, Florence Hardeman,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 2
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Sympathetic Father
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Hugheson
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 2
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Juniors Will Present Play Thursday Eve.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. Broadhurst, R. S. Wagoner, David Brubaker, Rufus Dagget, Dale Strickler, John Harnly, Harold Barnes, Omer Vanscoyoc, Grace Ebaugh, Hazel Vogt, Elsie Forney, Isabel Knaus, Carl Schneider, Irvin Ihrig,
Other, Broadhurst Theater Co. Of New York
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 2
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Y. M. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Orville Pote, Clyde Rupp, Jay Eller
Events Mentioned Annual Y. M. C. A. convention
Sports Mentioned (all) Baseball,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 2
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Hospital Committee To Act as Advisory Board
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. Homer F. Sanger
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 2
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name W. O. Beckner Heads Conference Program
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) W. O. Beckner
Events Mentioned Annual Conference of The Church of Brethren
Other, Gospel Messenger
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 2
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Miss Walters Speaks at Librarians’ Conference
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Margaret walters, Mr. Kerr, Mr. Lucht, Miss Walters
Events Mentioned District Library Conference
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 3
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. and Mrs. Claude E. Willson, Supt. A. L. Throckmorton, Miss Hildegarde Ledell, Anna Swenson, Anna Myers, Prof. Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stover, Messrs. Ray Wagoner , Jesse H. Garvey, Melvin Teter, Samuel Maust, Miss Ethel Whitmer, Emery Wine, Professor Yoder, Paul Kurtz, Reetha Studebaker, Carl Schnider , Grace Ebaugh, Rufus Daggett, Helen Elliott, Lewis Flowman, Estrella Eagle, Prof and Mrs. Hershey, Mrs. Kurtz, Emmert Pair, Ted and Milton Dell, Mr. and Mrs. Warden Bishop, Mrs. Harry Boak, Mr. James Ross, Mr. Sidney Easterling, Mary and Leonard Whiteneck, Miss Cathryne Mohler, Jessie Carter, Dorothy Doane, Thelma Neuenschwander, Lorinda Leatherman, Ocie McAvoy, Marie Brubaker, Nina Sherfy, Mary Shergy, Miss Norma Finfrock, Miss Elsie Rlinkerman,
Other, Rocky Mountain Quartet
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 3
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Pilgrimage to be Held for Student Friendship
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Nininger, Le Roy Doty
Events Mentioned Second Annual Student Pilgrimage of Friendship to Europe
Other, National Y. M. C. A. , Student Friendship Fund,
Other Prof. Birger Sandzen
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 3
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Socials
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 3
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Ivy Day Observed by Senior College Class
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. Roy Brammel, Mr. LeRoy Doty, Laura McGaffey,
Events Mentioned Second Annual Ivy Day
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 3
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Orvillel Pote Called Home by Sudden Death
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Orville Pote, Zula Irene Fillmore,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 3
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Mission Band Notes
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Samuel Maust, O. T. Funkhouser,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 3
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Y. W. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Lola Miller, Miss Selma Engstrom, Miss Elizabeth McClenahan,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 4
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name Inter-Class Track Meet Stopped by Downpours
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ray Vaniman, Ira Hrammell, LeRoy Doty, William Riddlecharger, Milton Dell, Emmert Pair, Ira Brammel, Rufus Dagget, Ray Clark,
Events Mentioned Inter-class track meet
Sports Mentioned Track
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 4
Article Name Exchanges
Events Mentioned Pentacular Track Meet, Fairmount Turkey Day, Dia de la Lengua
Sports Mentioned (all) Track
Other, Kansas State Agriculture College
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.30 Pg. 4
Date Published April 17, 1923
Article Name The Opening Week of Interclass Baseball is Wonderful Success
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ellwood, Tipton, Lonborg, Yancey, Kubin, Amos, Hill, Spohn, T. baker, Unruh, Dutch Lonborg, Bishop, Enns, Strickler, Garvey, Penland
Events Mentioned Inter-class baseball league
Sports Mentioned baseball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.32 pg.1
Article Name Industrial Movement to Be Presented Soon
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Caroline Goforth,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.32 pg.1
Article Name Prof. Studebaker Has Offer to Head College
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. E. M. Studebaker
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.32 pg.1
Article Name Academy Seniors to Present Play May 8
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Guy L. Clements, Harry Lehman, Elmer Krehbiel, Harvey Lehman, Ralph Martin, Evelyn Lyons, Ethel Hill
Other, “A Deal in Ducks” Academy Senior Plays
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.32 pg.1
Article Name Student Recital Is Given By Fine Arts Department
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Fonda Harden, Ruth Barnes, Arthur Linnel, Jess Garvey, Mercedes Kling, Fern Lingenfelter, Carl Freeburg
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.32 pg.1
Article Name Professor Hess Has Remarkable Record In Judging Debates—Has Served As Judge in a Total of Twenty Contests Within Last Three Years—Only On Losing Side Once—Eight Debates Were Inter-Collegiate and Eleven Were Between High Schools
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Hess
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.32 pg.1
Article Name Y.M.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Cecil Holloway, Herkle Wampler, Marathon High, Roy Brammell, Emmert Pair, Ralph Himes
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A., College Quartet
Events Mentioned Y.M.C.A. Program
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.32 pg.1
Article Name College Debate Club Holds Final Meeting
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) W. E. Bishop, Leonard Birkin, Mrs. Alice Birkin, Geraldine Crill, B. F. Waas
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) College Debate Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.32 pg.1
Article Name Professor Nininger To Give Lecture Tonight
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor H. H. Nininger
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.32 pg.1
Article Name Bulldogs to Enter Pentagular Meet—Five Teams Compete for First Honors Friday Afternoon
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) LeRoy Doty, Roy Brammell, Ira Brammell, Sanger Crumpacker, Ray Vaniman, William Riddlebarger, Raymond Clark, Olin Ellwood, Rufus Daggett, William Mudra
Events Mentioned Pentangular Track and Field Meet
Sports Mentioned (all) Track
Other, Bethany, Sterling, Kansas Wesleyan, Bethel
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.32 pg.1
Article Name Book by Upton Sinclair Is Presented to Library
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Edward Lawver, Ralph Martin
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.32 pg.1
Article Name Election State
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harlan Yoder, David Brubaker, Vilas Betts, Rufus Daggett, Laura McGaffey, Eunice Almen, Everett Brubaker, Paul Kurtz, Herkle Wampler
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council, Quadrangle
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.32 pg.1
Article Name Seniors Present the Captain of Plymouth With Marked Success—Scenes of Old Colonial Days Are Depicted In Effective Way—Harry Bowers is Director—Principal Parts Are Portrayed By Earl Fisher, Marie Cullen, and Roy Brammell
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harry Bowers, Earl Fisher, Marie Cullen Roy Brammell, Raymond Clark, Rowena Vaniman, Marietta Byerly, Miles Standish, Jess Garvey, Jacob Yoder, Carl Dell, Jess Garvey, Marye Andes, Estella Engle, Florence Mohler, Naomi Fasnacht, Ada Correll, Ada Kurtz, Jacob Yoder, Prof. Gaw
Other, Captain of Plymouth,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.32 pg.2
Article Name Will Teach Friends University This Summer
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Grover C. Dotzour
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.32 pg.3
Article Name Seniors, Sophomores, and Teachers Land Victories
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Tipton, Yancey, Garvey, Penland, Ellwood, Barton, Kubin, Spohn, Hall, E.J. Unruh, Daggett, Strickler
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.32 pg.3
Article Name Mission Band
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Elvia Prather, Melvin Teler
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Mission Band
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.32 pg.3
Article Name Y.W.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Margaret Walters
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.W.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.32 pg.4
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lucy Servuss, Lucella Serviss, Irene Miller, Edgar J. Miller, Galen Garber, Everett Brammell, Ira Brammell, Samuel Maust, Elmer Brunk, Galen Garber, Prof. Hershey, Mrs. Irene Rupp, Clyde Rupp, Sylvia White neck, N. F. Brubaker, Mrs. J. J. Buttler, Mr. and Mrs. Vilas Betts, Stanley Engle, Estella Engle, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hostetler, Rowena Vaniman, Margaret Mikesell, Paul Sargent, Dale Strickler, Bernice Morrison, Lorinda Leatherman, Reetha Studebaker, Ruth King, Prof. J. J. Yoder, Geraldine Crill, Alta Mohler, Edith Doty, LeRoy Doty, Jay Eller
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No.32 pg.4
Article Name Appreciatory
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Orville D. Pote
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 1
Article Name Floyd E. Mishler Is Elected Director of Athletics at M.C.—Will Receive Degree From Chicago Y.M.C.A. College in June—To Begin Work in August—Has Played Regular Positions in Football, Basketball, and Baseball
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Floyd E. Mishler, Arthur C. Lonborg,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 1
Article Name Academy Senior Class to Give Play Tonight
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Anderson
Other, A Deal In Ducks- Academy Senior Class Play
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 1
Article Name O. W. Trapp to Attend University of Chicago
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Principal O. W. Trapp
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 1
Article Name Coach Lonborg to Go To Washburn College—Leaves Remarkable Record as Director of M. C. Athletics
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Arthur C. Lonborg
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 1
Article Name Yoder and Betts to be New Officers of Student Council—Laura McGaffey and Herkle Wampler Will Publish Quadrangle for 1924—Only 229 Students Voted—Every Person is Well Qualified for Duties of Next Year
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harlan A. Yoder, Vilas D. Betts, Laura McGaffey, David E. Brubaker, Rufus Daggett, Everett Brubaker, Paul Kurtz
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council, Quadrangle
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 1
Article Name To Stage “The Man On The Box” May 16—Will Be One of the Chief Attractions of All Schools’ Day
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Grace Furniss, Professor E. M. Studebaker, Robert Warburton, Samuel Kurtz, Jay Eller, David Brubaker, Raymound Clark, Wm. Riddlebarger, Dale Strickler, Harry Nickel, Harold Barnes, Jerry Crewse, Ocie McAvoy, Mildred Carpenter, Winona McGaffey, Elberta Vaniman
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 1
Article Name Harold Lundeen Will Head Art Department
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harold Lundeen, Mrs. J. W. Deeter,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 1
Article Name Prof. Studebaker to be Head of La Verne College After Aug.1 – Has Been Connected With Work of McPherson College Since 1911—Means Great Loss to M. C.—Prospects Are Bright For a Rapid and Steady Growth At La Verne
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) E. M. Studebaker, President Iaaac V. Funderbaugh, Prof. I. D. Yoder, J. J. Yoder
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 1
Article Name Committees Are Appointed For Commencement Week
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. E. M. Studebaker, E. L. Craik, Marguerite Muse, Mrs. C. T. Ilsley, E. M. Studebaker, Bertha Colline, R. E. Mohler, Lola Hill, Alma Anderson, W. F. Vaniman, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wilson, Grace Brubaker
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 2
Article Name Y.W.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Anna Jarvis, Mildred Fisher, Maxine Hoover
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 2
Article Name Academy Debate Club Holds Final Meeting
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Marie Brubaker, Carrie Feller, Viola Bowser, Harry Lehman, Elmer Krehbiel
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Academy Debate Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 2
Article Name Mission Band
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Blair
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 2
Article Name G. N. Boone To Teach Industrial Education
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) G. N. boone
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 2
Article Name Wins Declamation Contest
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Ruth White
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 2
Article Name Soloist Sings Splendidly
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. Leonard Birkin
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 2
Article Name Y.M.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) LeRoy Doty, Jay Eller, Prof. Morris, Prof. Keim, Roy Brammell
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 2
Article Name Strickler Receives Gruen Watch From Athletic Fans
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dale A. Strickler
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 2
Article Name Student Coming From India
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Horner McPherson Eby, Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Eby,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 2
Article Name Prof. Nininger Gives Illustrated Lecture—Portrays Famous Rancho La Brea Fossil Bed of California
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. H. H. Nininger, Dr. J. Z. Gilbert
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 3
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. O. H. Feiler, Stella Bowman, Fonda Harden, Len Harden, Jacob Yoder, Earl Fisher, Miss Davenport, Miss Jones, Miss Carpenter, Miss Lawrence, Miss Studebaker, Miss Brubaker, Miss Brown, Miss Walters, Mary Miller, Ruth Miller, Sada Correl, Florence Bowser, Viola Bowser, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bowers, Prof. and Mrs. E. J. Unruh, Mary Waas, Glenn Strickler, Prudence Strickler, Lloyd Saylor, Ruth King, Sarah Fike, Dale Garman, Jess Garvey, Cecil Holloway, Mark Neher, Saylor Neher, Dr. Kurtz, Prof. Mohler, Prof. Edith McGaffey, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stover, Mrs. Nininger, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Breon, Elberta Vaniman, Richard Keim, Naomi Fasnacht, Rev. H. F. Richards, Rev. F. E. Marchand, Jessie Breon, Bernice Peck, Lorinda Leatherman, Ocie McAvoy, Rowena Vaniman, Mildred Fisher, Ruth Cripe, Paul Sargent, Wilbur Vaniman, August Rump, Eugene Kistner, Oretha Miller, Gladys Beeghly, Edna Klinkerman, Thelma Lydick, Savilla Wagner, Doris Lichty, Miss Mabel Dunham, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wampler, Mabel Brubaker, Dr. Harnly
Events Mentioned Sunday School Convention
Sports Mentioned (all) Track
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 3
Article Name Socials—Miller Sisters Entertain
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ruth Miller, Mary Miller, Prof. and Mrs. Morris, Mary Mohler, Florence Mohler, Pearl Wiltfong, Lola Neher, Jessie Ball, Ada Correll
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 3
Article Name Teacher Training Classes Hike
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) W. W. Gish
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 3
Article Name Marie Cullen Entertains
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Marie Cullen, Iva Curtis, Nellie Cullen, Jessie Bob Servertson, Eunice Abbott, Elberta Vaniman, Margaret Wall, Cecile Martin, Lola Blondefield, Mary Andes, Ada Kurtz, Ursula Flory, Alice Burkholder, Ada Correll, Mrs. Forrest Gaw
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 4
Article Name Bethany Takes First in Pentangular Meet—McPherson Places Second With Total of 50 Points
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Vaniman, R. Brammell, I. Brammell, Clark, Riddlebarger, Sell, Mudra, Crumpacker, Ellwood,
Sports Mentioned (all) Track
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 4
Article Name Senior Nine Wins From Sophomores In Thrilling Game—Proves to Be Most Hotly Contested Battle of Inter-class Series.—Barton Clouts Home Run—4-3 Victory Gives Graduates Firm Hold on Championship of League
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Sargent, Hoover, Ellwood, Gavey, Penland, Kubin, Strickler
Sports Mentioned (all) Baseball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 33 pg. 4
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Arno Rodes, Harlan Ypder, Kenneth Krehbiel, Garland Lichty, Lauren Barnett, Gerald Hamilton
Sports Mentioned (all) Tennis
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 1
Article Name Academy Graduates Present Class Play With Great Success—Clever Portrayal of “A Deal in Ducks” Creates an Excess of Laughter—Six Members Take Part—Managers of the Different Activities Perform Their Tasks Well
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Alma G. Anderson, Harvey Lehman, Ethel Hill, Ralph Martin, Evelyn Lyons, Elmer Krehbiel, John Spicer, Ralph Martin, Lilian Andrews, Franklin Evans
Other, “A Deal in Ducks”
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 1
Article Name To Give “The Man on The Box” Tomorrow Evening
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Alma G. Anderson, Samuel Kurtz, Jay Eller, David Brubaker, Clyde Rupp, Raymond Clark, William Riddlebarger, Dale Strickler, Harry Nickel, Harold Barnes, Rufus Daggett, Jerry Crewse, Ocie McAvoy, Mildred Carpenter, Winona McGaffey, Elberta Vaniman
Other, “The Man On The Box”
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 1
Article Name Estella Engle to Be On M.C. Faculty Next Year
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Estella Engle
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Quadrangle
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 1
Article Name McPherson College Symphony Orchestra
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Elsie Klinkerman, Fritjoff Mark, Ruth Hiebert
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) McPherson College Symphony Orchestra
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 1
Article Name To Lecture on Radium
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. J. W. Hershey
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 1
Article Name Choral Society Gives Pleasing Rendition of Gaul’s “Joan of Arc”—Marie Cullen, Roy Brammell, Herkle Wampler, and Emmert Pair Take Solo Parts—Program is of High Merit—Success of Entire Performance is Due to Sincere Efforts of Prof. Gaw
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Forrest W. Gaw, Marie Cullen, Roy Brammel, Herkel Wampler, Emmert Pair, Miss Elsie Klinkerman, Mrs. E. J. Unruh, Miss Alta Mohler, Fonda Harden, Mildred Fisher, Ocie McAvoy
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 1
Article Name Prof. Hess Sets Sail on Matrimonial Sea—Honeymoon Will Be Spent in Extended Eastern Trip a La Ford
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Nannie Morova, Professor Maurice A. Hess, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Oyler
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 1
Article Name Leslie Blackman Elected Member of Honor Society
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Leslie E. Blackman,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Phi Kappa Phi, Gamma Sigma Delta
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 1
Article Name Juniors Have Royal Time on Sneak Day—Merry-Makers Assemble at Halstead for Frolic and Fun
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Grace Ebaugh, Carl Schneider
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 1
Article Name Two Piano Recitals to Be Rendered This Week
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Helen Garst, Anna Lingle
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 1/4
Article Name Bulldogs Lose Dual Meet to Bethany by Seven Point Margin—Ira Brammell is High Point Man With a Total of 17 Points—M. C. Wins First in Relay, Tennis Singles, and Golf Match
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ira Brammell, Roy Brammell, Ellwood, Sell, Doty, Rodes, Whit, Anderson, Eberhardt, Maurice Beam, Gordon Heaston, John Sward, Earle Carroll, Riddlebarger, Crumpacker, Daggett
Sports Mentioned (all) Track, Tennis, Golf
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 1
Article Name Symphony Orchestra To Render Concert Sunday
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. Raymond Maltby, Mrs. Forrest Gaw, Miss Elsie Klinkerman, Wagner, Strauss, Bemberg, Marsenet
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) McPherson College Symphony Orchestra
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 2
Article Name Y.W.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Elsie Forney, Gladys Brubaker, Marie Cullen, Edith Muse,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.W.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 2
Article Name Lester Hoffman Advanced
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lester Hoffman, Miss Mabel Hoffman
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 2
Article Name To play in Kansas City
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jean Zimmerman, Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Zimmerman
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 2
Article Name Prof. Patterson to Leave M. C. Faculty
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Howard V. Patterson, Prof. Ammon Swope
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 2
Article Name Y.M.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Richard Keim, LeRoy Doty,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 2
Article Name State Health Secretary Gives Address in Chapel
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. S. J. Crumbine, President Kurtz
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 2
Article Name To Teach in Junior College
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jay W. Tracey
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 2
Article Name Presents Book to Library
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) J. H. Langenwalter
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 2
Article Name College Seniors Present “Victory” As Class Gift
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Roy Brammell , Dr. Kurtz
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 2
Article Name Medals Are Awarded to Academy Debate Teams
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz, Laura Bowers, Anna Lengel, Helen Dirks, Warren Gish, Harry Lehman, Harvey Lehman, Jay Eller, Leonard
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Academy Debate Teams
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 2
Article Name Personal Paragraphs
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Martha Long, Prof. and Mrs. E. J. Unruh, Bertha Unruh, Dayton R. Yoder, Opal Enos, Thelma Neuenschwander, Rowena Vaniman, Margaret Mikesell, Paul Sargent, Dale Strickler, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lyons, Ruth Martin, Helen Dirks, Margaret Dirks, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pair, Chauncey Vaniman, Albert Unruh, Prof. E. J. Unruh, Henry Stover, Paul Sargent, Eulah Crumpacker, Carl Schneider, Wilson Penland, Prof. and Mrs. J. W. Hershey, Lloyd Saylor, Prof. J. J. Yoder, George Paul, Prof. Mohler, Vilas Betts, Richard Keim, Earl Marchand, Elmer Brunk,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 2
Article Name Splendid Recital is Held by Fine Arts Department
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Merle Travis, Marathon High, Ruth Wedel, Ralph Hines, Lester Vogel, Mabel Hoffman, Mrs. B. F. Waas, Gladys Miller, Frank Hill, Emmert Pair, Lydia Rogalsky, Bernice Peck, Helen Garst
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 3
Article Name Socials—Academy S. S. Classes Hike
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Fries, Winona McGaffey
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Academy Sunday school
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 3
Article Name Prof. and Mrs. Gaw Entertain
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. and Mrs. Gaw, Miss Marie Cullen, Elsie Klinkerman, Herkle Wampler, Roy Brammell, Emmert Pair
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 3
Article Name Academy Seniors Hold Picnic
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. and Mrs. Keim
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 3
Article Name Seniors Hold Shower
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Jessica Carter, Mr. E. S. Johnson
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 3
Article Name Double Announcement Part
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. Len Harden, Mrs. Samuel Ebert, Naomi Fasnacht, Grace Crumpacker, Winona McGaffey, Fonda Harden, Mrs. Henry Stover, Mrs. Foster Hoover, Ira Brammell, Roy Brammell, Everett Brammell, John Lengel, Charles Lengel, Len Harden, Orville Pote, Jacob Yoder
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 3
Article Name Sophomores Hold Picnic
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harold Barton, Prof. and Mrs. Mohler, Miss Margaret Walters
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 3
Article Name Dr. Craik Speaks at Mission Band Meeting
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Craik
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Mission Band
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 4
Article Name Bulldogs Defeat Tabor 7-3 In Exhibition Game
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Fisher, Kubin, Garvey, Barton, Sargent, Nickel, Strickler, Daggett, Ellwood, Hoover
Sports Mentioned (all) Baseball
Other, Tabor College
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 06 No. 34 pg. 4
Article Name M.C. Tennis Teams Are Defeated by Washburn
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Kenneth Krehbiel, Gerald Hamilton, Arno Rodes, Frank Coutts, Rufus Daggett