Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Bulldogs to Tangle with Baker Eleven in Opening Struggle |
Names mentioned | Coach Mishler |
Events Mentioned | Football game Friday |
Sports Mentioned (all) | football |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | M.C. Summer School had Splendid Growth |
Names mentioned | Professors J. A. Blair, E. L Craik, C. S. Morris, R. E. Mohler, |
Events Mentioned | Summer school |
Other, | McPherson College Summer School, Teachers, Prospective tachers, Teacher’s certificate, High school |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Swope is Promoted |
Names mentioned | Professor Ammon Swope |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Y. W. C. A. Cabinets Meet to Plan for Year’s Work |
Names mentioned | Mrs. Wm. Frazer, Ruth Harms, Marguerite Must, Mrs. Elva Hunt, D. W. Kurtz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. W. C. A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Leroy Doty Chosen to Direct Y. M. C. A |
Names mentioned | LeRoy Doty, Frank Howell, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. M. C. A |
Events Mentioned | Election |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Rocky Mountain Sumer School Enrolls Hundred |
Names mentioned | Professor H. H. Nininger, B. E. Ebel, Edith McGaffey |
Other, | Rocky Mountain Summer School, Palmer Lake, Colorado |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Y. M. C. A. Cabinet |
Names mentioned | LeRoy Doty, Jay Eller, Abram Hosteller, Richard Kelm, Roy Crist, J. Herman Jones, Stanly Kelm, Gordon Hill, Milton Dell, Harold Barton, Kenneth Rock |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. M. C. A |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Cupid’s Darts Fly home – Eleven Couples fall Victims |
Names mentioned | Emma Tousley A. B., A. J. Martin, Alma Anderson, Mr. Leland Moore, Mr. and Mrs. More, Ethel Hill A. B, J. Faahrney Slifer, Mayme Maston, Otto Koller, Dois Ring, Sumner Eshelman, Adelyn Anderson, Raymond Clark, Vedla Miller, Rddolph Uhrlaub, Mr. and Mrs. Uhrlaub, Alta Lauver, Howard Sager, Lola Miller, Everett Brammell A. B, Iva Barnhart, Jesse Carny, Elmer Rupp, Ida Johnson |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No.1 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | President in Opening Address Urges Right Beginning in College |
Names mentioned | President D. W. Kurtz |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Several New Courses Offered this Semester |
Names mentioned | Miss Wine, Miss Chapman, Professor Dell, Professor Briggs, |
Other, | Chaucer, Music courses, European History, Business law, georgraphy |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No.1 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Craiks Located in Juniata |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Takes High Honors at Fair |
Names mentioned | Floye Rhodes |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | The Spectator |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Vivian A. Long, Floyd E. Kurtz, Vivian Spilman, Samuel B. Kurtz, Rose Stauffer, Paul Lentz, Marion Krehbiel, Sidney L. Sondergard, Moffat Eakes, M. A Hess, Edith McGaffey |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | In the Beginning |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Football in M. C. |
Events Mentioned | First football team, Next football game |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | To the Men of M. C. |
Names mentioned | R. E Mohler, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Faculty Has Eight new Members; Increase of Two |
Names mentioned | Mayme E. Welker, B.S, Miss Minnie Walter, Prof. J. Lewis Doll, B.-M,, Prof. A. R. Lauer, Mr. S. A. Lay, (Coach) Mishler, Miss Celesta Wine, A.M, Miss Katherine Penner, Professor Forrest W. Gaw, Prof. Willard Mishoff, Dr. E. L. Craik, C. Ray Kelm, Miss Elsie Pokrantz , A. B., Professor B. E. Ebel, Miss Margaret Heckethorn, A. B. , Chalmers |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Library, Violin department, English department, Voice Teacher, |
Events Mentioned | New faculty |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Other, | Missouri State Teachers’ College, California Univeristy, K. U. , Bethany College, Tabor College, University of Dubuque, Ohio, Chicago, Manchester College, University of Chicago, Bethany Conservatory, Chicago Musical College, Oscar Saenger Special School, Iowa State University, Charlston, W. Va., Coe College, University of Nebraska |
Other | scholarships |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Where’s the Dictionary? |
Names mentioned | Minerva |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Y.W.C.A. Girls Gain Pep and Inspiration at Estes Conference |
Names mentioned | Selma Engstrom, Dr. Brucy Curry, Miss Ball, Miss Burner, Miss Rachel Dunway , Margaret Mikesell, Mary B. Swope, Selma Engstrom |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.W.C.A |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Tennis |
Other, | Estes Park, Colorado Rockies, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Nebraska, New Mexico, Kansas |
Other | Bible discussion, Campus life, Student honor, International relationships, Hiking, Horseback riding, Campfire, Singing, Texas University |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Dr. H. J. Harnly, Mrs. Fahnestock, Professor J. J. Yoder, Fonda Harden, Professor J. A. Blair, Cecil Holloway, Mr. Holloway, Professor R. E. Mohler, Miss Brown, Professor J. H Fries, Professor J. W. Deeter, Coach Mishler, Professor and Mrs. M. A. Hess, Ethel Bouse, Professor and Mrs. G. N. Boone, Professor and MRs. C. Ray Keim, Professor Ammon Swope |
Other, | University of Chicago, University at Boulder Colorado, Texas, Nebraska, Texas, Tennsylvania, Texas, University of Illinois, Pennsylvania, Madison, Wisconsin, Wisconsin State university, Chicago, Lafayette, Indiana |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Among the Alumni |
Names mentioned | Dr. P. W. Claassen, Mrs. Claassen, Dr. and Mrs. Frank Strong, Dr. J. G. Needham |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Social Events |
Names mentioned | Harold Barton, Professor R. E. Mohler, George Merkey, Clement Haldemen, Rozella White, Evelyn Kimmell, Bernice Peck, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.M.C.A, Y.W.C.A |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Faculty Entertains New Members |
Names mentioned | Professor C. S. Morris, President D. W. Kurtz |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | M.C. Party Returns from European Tour |
Names mentioned | President and Mrs. D. W. Kurtz, Miss Lola Hill, Margaret Wall, John Wall, |
ther, | International Sunday School Convention, Scotalnd, Olympic Games, Oxford University, Art galleries, England , Belguim, France, Switzerland , Italy |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Beam Wins Championship |
Names mentioned | Maurice Beam, Mr. Beam |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Forty-One Graduates of ’24 are Teachers |
Names mentioned | Eunice Almen, Frank Boone, David Brubaker, Everett Brubaker, Sanger Crumpacker, Myrl Curtis, Della Day, Grace Ebaugh, Wallace Elkins, Sumner Eshelman, Rhea Fast, Sara Fike, Neva Fishburn, Mildred Fisher, Ursula Flory, Warren Gish, Balnche Hall, Chressie Heckman, Floyd HolComb, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Humberd, Helen Jacobs, Roy Kinzie, Wava Long, Earl Marchand, Ruth Mohler, Elizabeth Mohler, Leland Moore, Edna Neher, Lota Neher, Lillian Sandy, Paul Sargent, E. F. Sherfy, Ruth Shomaker, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Templeton, Omer Vanscoyoc, Hazel Vogt, Gertrude Witmore, Harlan Yoder, Victor Vaniman, Garman Daron, Helen Elliott, Elsie Forney, John Harnly, Elmer Brubaker, Rufus Daggett, Doris Ring Eshelman, Winona McGaffey Daggett, Margaret Heckethorn, Haddon Ilsley, Margaret Lauer, Doris Plum, Carl Schneider, Dale Strickler, Carrie Stauffer, Bennie Waas |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Henry G. Hahn |
Names mentioned | Henry Hahn, |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Football Schedule |
Events Mentioned | Games |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | September 23, 1924 |
Article Name | Tribute to “Mish” |
Names mentioned | Mrs. R. E. Mohler, Coah Mishler |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | M Club |
Events Mentioned | M Club Banquet |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football, Wrestling, Volley ball |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Touchdown in Second Quarter Gives Stiff Battle to Wildcats |
Names mentioned | Wright, Kotzow, Evans, Hahn, |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 1 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | San Romani’s Band is national K. K. K. Band |
Names mentioned | Archie San Romani |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | McPherson Klu Klux Klan Band |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Rally Day Next Sunday |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Sunday Schools |
Events Mentioned | Rally day between Sunday Schools to see who can get mores enrolled |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Glade Fisher is Business Manager for the Quadrangle |
Names mentioned | Glade Fisher, Merle Travis |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council |
Events Mentioned | Sales campaign, General elections |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Kurtz Makes Trip to Illinois |
Names mentioned | President D. W. Kurtz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Educational Commission of the Church of the Brethren |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Council Completes Year’s Organization |
Names mentioned | Vivian Long, Fidelia Frantz, Jay Eller, Marlin Kelly, Floyd Kurtz, Professor L. L. Briggs, Kenneth Rock, Hermal Jones, Emmert Stover, Prentice Odle, Harold Barton, Laura Hammann, Milton Dell, Mary Harnly Gleen Rothrock, Leo Crumpacker, Merie Stouder, Philip Spohn, Vera Giathart, Royal Yoder, Dr. J. W Hershey, Professor G. N. Boone |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | “Al” Speculates on Why Frosh are Here – Juniors Get Bouquet |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Mrs. Mabel Anderson to Teach History of Music |
Names mentioned | Mrs. Mabel Anderson |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | To Study Spanish Drama |
Names mentioned | Miss Elsie Pokrantz |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Symphony Orchestra Holds First Meeting |
Names mentioned | Professor J. Lewis Doll |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | McPherson College Symphony Orchestra |
Events Mentioned | First meeting of the year |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | English Majors Leading: Home Economics Second |
ther, | English, Home economics, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics, History, Education, Biology, Agriculture, Manual Training, Social Science, Modern Language, Music, Physical Science |
Other | List of declared majors |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Corner Stone of New Church of Brethren to be Laid Saturday |
Names mentioned | Reverend H. F. Richards, President D. W. Kurtz, |
Events Mentioned | Homecoming day, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Y. W. C. A Will Start Discussion Groups |
ther | Y. W. C. A Cabinet |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Miss Kittell on Republican |
Names mentioned | Marianne Kittell |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Spectator |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Vivian A. Long, Floyd E. Kurtz, J. Viviain Spilman, Samuel B. Kurtz, Rose Stauffer, Paul Leniz, Marion Krehbiel, Lidney L. Sondergard, Moffat Eakes, Edith Guffey, M. A. Hess |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Spectator |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | (middle 1st column) |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | To the Freshmen |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg.2 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Pen-Pushers take Heed |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg.2 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | A Need For Reajustment |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council |
Other, | M. C. Academy, Freshmen Academy Class, Freshmen Clas, College Seniors |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Student Opinion |
Sports Mentioned (all) | football |
Other, | Kansas Conference, Washburn, “freshmen cap” |
Other | Baker, Fairmount, Ottawa, Kansas Wesleyan, Bethany, Hays, Train, Freshmen Class |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Candidate Upsets Juniors’ Political Plans – Not Junior |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Council, ‘K’ Club, University Daily Kansan |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Other, | Sachems, Seniors, |
Other | Article is about a new rule at Kansas University |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Notice to Freshmen |
Names mentioned | Lawrence Anderson |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football, Track |
Other, | Freshmen caps, Student Council of Bethany College, Freshmen |
Other | The Bethany Messenger |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Freshmen Hint |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | (no title 2nd column below freshmen hint) |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 2 |
Article Name | Completes Report of the Student Friendship Fund |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Poets’ Corner |
Names mentioned | Arthur Guiterman |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Mrs. E. S. Strickler, Evelyn Stickler, Miss Mercedes Chapman, Luelle Hoover, Lois Myers, Dr. and Mrs. J.H. Saylor, Lavelle Saylor, Hazel Vogt A. B. , Cecil Holloway, Mr. Kolzow, Ted Kolzow, Harry Lehman, Anson Horning, Mabel Fleming, Harriet Mohler, Bernice Hoover, Sidney Sondergard, Rufus Daggett, Lora Trostle, Coach and Mrs. Mishier, Truman Grogan, Leon Morine, |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Other, | El Centro, California, Conway, Kansas, Lovewell, Kansas, Ramona, Kansas, Windom, Kansas, Hope, Kansas, Carlton, Kansas, Larned, Kansas, Ashton, Kansas, Herington, Kansas, Plattsburg, Missouri |
Other | McPherson-Baker Game, Academy ‘23, Twin Mounds |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Among the Alumni |
Names mentioned | Prof. W. O Beckner, John Harnly, Wilbur F. Caniman, Mrs. Myrtle Pollock |
Other, | Secretary of M.C. , Mount Morris College, University fo Chicago, U.S. Government schools in Philippine Islands, Sunday School, Text-book on civics, Chairman do the Permanent Program Committee of the Church of the Brethren, Abbott Chemical Plant of Chicago, Manhattan Agricultural College, Leland Stanford University in California, People’s State Bank, Oberlin University, Manual Training, McPherson High School, Junior High School McPherson, McPherson Academy, Nursing, Church of the Brethren |
Other | Mount Morris, Illinois, McPherson, Kansas, Liao Chou, China |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Classify Yourself |
Names mentioned | Henry Cabot Lodge, Woodrow Wilson, Theodore Roosevelt, Robert W. Chambers, Laura Jean Libbey, George M. Cohan, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Smile a While |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Social Events |
Names mentioned | Professor J. J. Yoder, Bonnie Dee McMurray, Ruth Harms, Miss Katherine Penner, Professor J. Lewis Doll, President D. W. Kurtz, Howard Snyder |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | Sunday School Class Hikes |
Names mentioned | Viola Bowser, Lillian Andrews |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 2 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | September 30, 1924 |
Article Name | The Lost Joke |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 1 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Cornerstone to New Church is Laid With Fitting Ceremonies |
Names mentioned | Pres. D. W. Kurtz, Rev. H. F. Richards, Rev. L. S. Ashley, Elder J. J. Yoder, Mrs. J. N. Dresher, Dr. E. L. Craik, Rev. John R. Pennington |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | McPherson Christian Church, Church of the Brethren, The College quartet, The McPherson Daily Republican, McPherson Baptist Church |
Events Mentioned | Ceremony and placing of the cornerstone for the new Church of Brethren in McPherson College. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 1 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Mrs. Pollock Talks on Life of Chinese Women |
Names mentioned | Myrtle Pollock |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | The Mission Band, Mission Study Club |
Events Mentioned | Chapel |
Other, | Pollock lectures on the lives of women in China. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 1 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Chapel Roll is Taken Attendance Compulsory |
Events Mentioned | Chapel |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 1 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Enrolment Reaches Highest Peak at 470 |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Freshman class, Sophomore class, Senior class, Junior class |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 1 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Ministers Elect Officers |
Names mentioned | J. D. Reish, W. T. Luckett, Pearl Rhine, Roy Crist, Frank Howell, Prof. J. W. Deetor |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Minister’s Association |
Events Mentioned | Student Minister’s Association meeting and board election. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 1 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Blair to Make Business Trip to Eastern Kansas |
Names mentioned | Prof. J. A. Blair |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Church of the Brethren, Advanced Standing Committee of the Universities and Colleges of Kansas |
Events Mentioned | District Conference of the Church of the Brethren, State Teacher’s Meeting |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 1 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Work on Quadrangle Progressing Rapidly Under Capable Staff |
Names mentioned | Paul Kurtz, Leonard Walker, Merle Travis, Glade Fisher, Kenneth Rock, Albert Unruh, Ocie McAvoy, Gordon Hill, Henry Hahn, Earl Morris, Harriet Mohler, Hoyt Strickler, Mercie Shatto, Prof. C. S. Morris, Prof. R. E. Mohler |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | The Quadrangle |
Events Mentioned | Release of the 1925 Quadrangle |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 1 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Spectator Subscription List Contains 238 Names |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 1 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Sophomores Initiate Green Cap Measure |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Freshman class, Sophomore class, The Faculty, The Student Council |
Other, | Sophomore class held a meeting to discuss the freshman hats. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 1 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Organizing Choral Society |
Names mentioned | Katherine Penner |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Choral Society |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 1 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Bulldogs Win 17-0 In Season’s Second With Saint Eleven |
Names mentioned | Brungardt, Ellwood, Kolzow, Hal Barton, Hahn, S. Kurtz, D. Keim, Morine, P. Kurtz, Owens, S. Keim, Showalter, Crumpacker, Strickler, Kelley , Butler, Bushey, Herrick, McKenna , Smith, McEvoy, Schawe, Murphy , Morris |
Events Mentioned | Game against St. Mary’s Catholic |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Other, | St. Mary Catholic College |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 1 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Male Quartet Plans Busy Winter Program |
Names mentioned | Samuel Kurtz, Harold Barton, Herkle Wampler, Clement Haldeman, Winston Cassier |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Male Quartet, Church of the Brethren |
Events Mentioned | District Conference of the Church of the Brethren, State Teacher’s Meeting |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 1 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Valuable Book in Library |
Names mentioned | Prof. J. W. Deeter |
Other, | “A Biography of International Relations” |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 2 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | The Spectator |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Vivian A. Long, Floyd E. Kurtz, J. Vivian Spilman, Samuel B. Kurtz, Gladys Adamson, Bernice Hoover, Floye Rhodes, Rose Stauffer, Paul Lentz, Marion Krehbiel, Sidney L. Sondergard, Moffat Eakes, Edith McGaffey, M. A. Hess |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 2 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | The 1925 Quadrangle |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | The Quadrangle |
Other, | Editorial on why students should subscribe to the Quadrangle |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 2 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | The Library Habit |
Other, | Editorial on why students should go to the library to read for pleasure, not just for studying. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 2 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Student Opinion |
Names mentioned | Stanley B. Keim |
Other, | Editorial on why you should only wear your college letters, and not your high school ones. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 2 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Y. M. C. A |
Names mentioned | Prof. c. S. Morris, Leroy Doty |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. M. C. A |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 2 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Y. W. C. A Has Vespers |
Names mentioned | Brubaker, Amanda Fahnestock, Mrs. D. W. Kurtz, Ruth Sollenberger |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. W. C. A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 2 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Professor Doll is Composer |
Names mentioned | Prof. J. Lewis Coll |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 2 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Travels Convert Tourists to Universal Language |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. W. C. A. |
Other, | Story about a trip to Holland in the summer of 1924 |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 3 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Social Events |
Names mentioned | Naomi Mohler, Leon Morine, Celesta Wine, Mercedes Chapman, Harvey Anderson, Harriett Mohler, Mary B. Swope, Maurine Stutzman, Sidney Sondergard, Henry Hahn, Russell Jones, Mrs. H. C. Long, Mrs. W. T. Luckett, Mrs. Leonard Crumpacker, Mrs. J. W. Deeter, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Sophomore Class, Junior Class, The Dames CLub |
Events Mentioned | Sophomore Hike, Junior Hike |
Other, | Kansas City Dental College |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 3 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Among the Alumni |
Names mentioned | Rev. and Mrs. E. S. Johnson (Miss Jessica Carter), Calvin Boggs, Carrie Showalter, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest L. Ikenberry, Ernest Alvin Ikenberry, Mr. and Mrs. Galen Tice (Miss Ruth Kilmer), |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Methodist Episcopal Board of Foreign Missions, Church of the Brethren |
Other, | Bethany Bible School |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 3 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Smile a While |
Other, | A series of jokes. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 3 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Dell, Ted Dell, Lois Dell, Mrs. McFavian, Mabel Griffin, Ray Trostle, Ruth Sollonberger, Mary Jo Romine, Aenid Gray, John Harnly, Coach and Mrs. F. E. Mishler, Prof. J. A. Blair, Prof. G. R. Boone, Miss Edith McGaffey, Cleo Hill, Emmert Pair, Harvey Lehman, Lelland Baldwin, Naomi Mohler, Mrs. Homer Foutz, Nina Sheft, Mary Whitneneck, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilson, Anna Mae Strickler, Alice Wright, Bernice Steinburg, Rhea Fast, Chressie Heckman, Hazel Vogt , Arthur Prather, |
Other, | Bethany College |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 4 |
Date Published | October 7. 1924 |
Article Name | Second Home Game to Be Played Friday |
Events Mentioned | Game against Hays |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8/No.3/Page 4 |
Date Published | October 7, 1924 |
Article Name | Football Terms Defined |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Leroy Doty to Head Student Council of Kansas Y.M.C.A |
Names mentioned | LeRoy Doty, Harlan Yoder, Orio Choguill, Ferne Babcock, Ted Shultz, Frank H. Wist, Professor Ross, William Springer |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.M.C.A |
Events Mentioned | State conference of Y.M.C.A, Constitution Revision |
Other, | Emporia, Student friendship Fund, College Of Emporia, College of Emporia Y.M.C.A, State Teachers’ College of Emporia |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Band is Lining UP in Excellent Shape |
Names mentioned | August San Romani, D. W. Kurtz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Band |
Events Mentioned | Hays Football Game |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Other, | freshmen |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Art Courses Begin |
Names mentioned | Harold Lundeen |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Art department |
Other, | Charcoal drawing, Oil painting |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Student Council Rejects Petition for Green Capts |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council |
Events Mentioned | Student Council meeting |
Other, | Sophomore Class, Green caps, Freshmen, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Quadrangle Drive is Going Over the Top |
Names mentioned | Paul Kurtz, Mr. Kurtz |
Events Mentioned | Quadrangle Drive |
Other, | 1925 annual, Senior Class |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Unforgotten Episode concerning M. C. Celebrity is Brought to Light |
Events Mentioned | Church conference 1890 |
Other, | Kansas City, Prohibition, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | M.C. Student wins Second in Oratorical Contest |
Names mentioned | David Brubaker, Virgil Gilbert, Misses Seabury |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | National Peach Oration Contest |
Other, | “After the Vision the task” |
Other | Oklahoma, Judges |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Mrs. Sharp Resents ten volume set of Thackeray |
Names mentioned | Mrs. Effa Kuns Sharp, Author: William Makepeach Thackeray, Miss Margaret Heckethorn |
Other, | Carnegie Library |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Candle Light Service |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. W. C A. |
Events Mentioned | Candle light service Wednesday |
Other, | Chapel |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Prominent Scientist Visits in McPHerson |
Names mentioned | Dr. Amos Showalter, Professor M. A. Hess, Coach F. E. Mishler |
Events Mentioned | visit |
Other, | McPherson County, Belguim, University of Wisconsin, Brussels, Botanist, Bryophytes, National Research Council, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | State Peace Oration Contest to be hre |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Intercollegiate Peace Association, |
Events Mentioned | State Oratorical Contest |
Other, | Prizes, War, Wichita, McPherson College |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Bulldogs Romp Over Hays Tigers in Last Ten Minutes of Play |
Names mentioned | Coach Weidliene, Hahn, Harrison, Kolzow, S. Kurtz, Barton, Showalter |
Events Mentioned | Football game |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Other, | Hays Tigers |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Personnel of Ladies’ Glee Club Announced |
Names mentioned | Elverta Hawley, Margaret Bowlus, Carrie Mae Feller, Lena Jeffers, Evelyn Kimmell, Ada Unruh, Nell Cullen, Florence Kline, Ocie McAvoy, Ester, Blickenstaff, Ester Wilbur, Ruth Wedel, Helen Lichty, Hazel Scott, Miss Katherine Penner |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Ladies’ Glee Club |
Events Mentioned | Elections, Programs, Rehearsals |
Other, | President, Treasurer, Secretary |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Seniors order Pins |
Other, | Class committee, McPherson College, Rings pins |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | The Spectator |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Vivian A. Long, Floyd E Kurtz, J. Vivian Spilman, Samuel B. Kurtz, Rose Stauffer, Paul Lentz, Marion Krehbiel, Gladys Adason, Bernice Hoover, Floye Rhodes, Sidney L. Sondergard, Moffat Eakes, Edith McGaffey, M. A Hess |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | The Spectator |
Events Mentioned | Weekly publication |
Other, | McPherson College |
Other | Simpson Street, Lehmer Street, Gordon Avenue, Eshelman Street |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | It’s Up to You |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Spectator |
Other, | Newspaper, Faculty, Students, Subscription, advertising |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No.4 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | I wonder |
Names mentioned | Prof. J. A. Blair, Celesta Wine |
Events Mentioned | Enrolment day |
Other, | Paintings, Professor, student |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Names mentioned | Wallace James (KU) |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Men’s student council (KU) |
Events Mentioned | Dedication of field (Pittsburg) |
Other, | Student directory (KU), Kansas State Teachers College at Emporia, Extra hours (Emporia), Brandenburg Field (Pittsburg), Baker University, K. S. T. C., Pittsburg, Sterling College, Enrolment (Sterling), Freshmen, Bethany, Enrolment (Bethany) |
Other | Fine Arts, College Academy, Commercial |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Y. W. C. A |
Names mentioned | Mrs. Grace Nutting Miller, Ocie McAvoy, Elverta Hawley, Katherine Penner, Fidelia Frantz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. W. C. A |
Events Mentioned | Membership drive, Election, Y. W. C. A Meeting |
Other, | Chorister, Y.W.C.A cabinet, Conference Committee |
Other | M.C |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Y. M. C. A |
Names mentioned | Rev. Archie L. Patrick |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. M. C. A |
Events Mentioned | Y. M. C. A. meeting |
Other, | Harnly Hall, “prescriptions of religion” |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Disciplined Ones Present Gift as Peace Offering |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Spectator |
Other, | McPherson College, Harvard, Yale, Oxford, Princeton, McPherson Alumnus, Vermont University |
Other | Gifts, Green carpet |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | (no title 2nd article 3rd column, continuation of Y.M.C.A maybe?) |
Names mentioned | August San Romani |
Other, | Baritone solo, Announcements, Meeting tomorrow |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol 8 No. 4 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Orators Organize |
Names mentioned | Kenneth Rock, Harvey Lehman, Floyd Kurtz, Professors Clesta Wine |
M. A. Hess, | |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | McPherson College Oratorical Association |
Events Mentioned | Election |
Other, | President, Secretary-treasurer, Reporter |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | M. C. Professors are to Speak at Convention |
Names mentioned | President D. W. Kurtz , Professor H. H. Nininger, Professor R. E. Mohler, Professor Blair, Professor Yoder |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | National Convention fo College Athletic Directors, Teachers’ Meeting at Hutchinson, State Sunday School Board at Topeka, State Social workers |
Events Mentioned | meetings |
Other, | College department at Hutchinson, Hays, Hutchinson, Church of the Brethren at St. Johns, Kansas |
Other | “Objectives as a Basis for Curriculum Reconstruction in Biology”, “faculty Supervision of Athletics”, Atlanta, Georgia, Kansas Conference, Topeka |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Royce Kurtz Improving |
Names mentioned | Royce Kurtz, President D. W Kurtz |
Other, | September, Injuries, Home, Tons of brick |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | (No Name Bottom 3rd column) |
Names mentioned | Coach Arthur “Dutch” Lonborg |
Events Mentioned | Hays Game |
Other, | M.C, Washburn College, Hays |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | University of Glee Club Tours Europe |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | University of California Glee Club |
Other, | United States, Europe, Norway, Scotland, England, Germany, Belgium, France, Switzerland, West Coast |
Other | The New Student |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Smile A While |
Other, | Jokes |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Poets’ Corner |
Names mentioned | Kathryn Hellhecker |
Other, | C. N. in Vermillion Republic |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No.4 Pg.2 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Student Ministries to Meet |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Ministries |
Events Mentioned | Meeting |
Other, | Chapel |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Social Events |
Names mentioned | Dr. H. J. Harnly, Miss Celesta Wine, Mr. Harold Lundeen, Miss Katherine Penner, President D. W. Kurtz |
Stanley B. Keim, Mary Harnly, Mrs. H. J. Harnly, Vivian Harnly, Margaret Sharp, Wilets, Durst, Julia HOllem, Nellie McGaffey, Ether Metsker, Constance Meyer, Elton Fry | |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | College Band |
Events Mentioned | Senior-Freshman Reception, Games, President D. W. Kurtz Birthday, Serenading, Mary Harnly’s 18th birthday dinner party |
Other, | Table lamp, Birthday present, Games, North Carrie Street |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Reduction of Activities Problem Comes up Again |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council Meeting, Student Committee |
Other, | Faculty |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Among the Alumni |
Names mentioned | Emery C. Wine, J. Fahrney Slifer, Mr. Elmer L. Craik, Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Eshelman, Mrs. Eshelman, Miss Doris Ring |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | State Teachers’ Meeting at Hutchinson, |
Events Mentioned | State Teachers’ Meeting at Hutchinson, Alumni Reunion |
Other, | American Historical Review, Juniata College, Huntington, PA, |
Other | M.C. alumni, History, Political science, Professor of history, Hill City, Kansas |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Mrs. Al. L. Brendengard, Ester Blickenstaff, Delbert Saylor, Edith Watkins, Margaret Dirks, Elsie McConkey, Bertha Unruh, Prof. and Mrs. M. A. Hess, Emma-Smith, Miss MaymeE. Walker, Prof. R. E. Mohler, Coach S. A. Lay, Truman Grogan, Miss Mayme Welker, Coach F. E. Mishler, Henry Hahn, Rufus Daggett, Margaret Wall, Mary B. Swope, Katherine Penner, Alma Morrison, Loretta Yoder, Ocie McAvy, Fidella Frantz, Clement Haldeman, Samuel Kurtz, Harold Barton, Herkle Wampler, Prof. J. W. Deeter, Prof. C. S. Morris, Ruth Whiting |
Ruth Lores, | |
Events Mentioned | District Meeting at St. John, Kansas, Sterling/Bethany Game, Fair |
Other, | Salina, Kansas, Buhler, Kansas, Wichita, Kansas, Hillsboro, Kansas, Ramona, Kansas, Plevna, Kansas, Plattsburg, Missouri, Kansas City, Lindsborg, Kansas, Independence, Kansas, St. John, Kansas, Peabody, Kansas |
Other | Arnold Hall, Unruh Home |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Longborg’s Eleven to Invade M.C. Friday |
Names mentioned | Coah Mishler, “Dutch” Lonborg |
Events Mentioned | Football game Friday |
Sports Mentioned (all) | football |
Other, | Bulldogs, Gridown, Kansas City University, K. S. A. C. , Washburn, Hays Game |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Bulldogs Romp Over Hays Tigers in Last Ten Minutes of Play (continued from page 1) |
Names mentioned | Hahn, Ellwood, K. Kelm, Owens, P. Kurtz, S. Kelm, Kolzow, Showalter, Srtcikler, Crumpacker, Hahn, Harrison, Strickler, Cotton, Knowles, Morine, Eakes, Engstrom, Dumm, Byrd, Lewis, Nelson, Anderson, Burchette, Riley, Middlekrif, McVey, McKenzie, Netherlands, Reed, De Wald, Lorbeer, Fisher, F. Anderson, Lewis, Parish, Fink, Rogers, Hergert, Anderson, Hinkhouse, McFarlin, Brookhart, Phipps, Ream, Scott |
Events Mentioned | Football Game |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Other, | Passes, Firstdowns, Yards, Penalties, Fumbles |
Other | Hays, McPherson, Emporia Teachers, Washburn |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Come Get ‘er, Steve |
Names mentioned | Alice Wright, Stevenson |
Other, | Library |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Other Grids |
Other, | Fairmount, Ottawa, Sterling |
Bethany, College of Emporia, Southwestern, Friends, Kansas Wesleyan, Pittsburg, Baker, K. S. A. C., Emporia Teachers | |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | Bull-Pups take 18-0 Game frum Hutchinson Reforms |
Names mentioned | Kauffman, Harrison, Himes, Eakes, Sisler, Sondergard, Cotton, Fisher, Carlson, Fauffman, Harrison, Lehman, Warren, Goodson, McKay, Jester, Cheney, Amann, Williams, Fox, Oliver, Caulk |
Wright, Davis | |
Events Mentioned | Game |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Other, | Kansas State Industrial Reform School, Bull-Pups, Gridiron |
Other | K. S. I. R. S |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 4 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | October 14, 1924 |
Article Name | W. A. A. Plans Varied Athletics for Women |
Names mentioned | Edith McGaffey, Mercedes Chapman |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Women’s Athletic Association, Athletic Boeard, |
Events Mentioned | Meetings |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Intermural basketball, Intercollegiate basketball, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol 8, No 5 pg 1 |
Date Published | 21 October 1924 |
Names mentioned | P. Kurtz |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Other, | Washburn |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol 8, No 5 pg 1 |
Date Published | 21 October 1924 |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Industrial Education Department |
Other, | Toy making- Course |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol 8, No 5 pg 1 |
Date Published | 21 October 1924 |
Names mentioned | LeRoy Doty |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. M. C. A., State Student Council |
Events Mentioned | Rocky Mountain Regional Conference of the Y. M. C. A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol 8, No 5 pg 1 |
Date Published | 21 October 1924 |
Names mentioned | Major G. H. Schoof |
Events Mentioned | Chapel |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol 8, No 5 pg 1 |
Date Published | 21 October 1924 |
Names mentioned | Charles F. Horner, Opie Read, Judge Ben B. Lindsay, Jackson Jubilee, Robert Jackson |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Horner Institute of Fine Arts, Harp Novelty company, Tobias-Harner Company |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol 8, No 5 pg 1 |
Date Published | 21 October 1924 |
Names mentioned | Rev. A. L. Patrick |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Missions Band |
Other, | “A Life or A Living” |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol 8, No 5 pg 1 |
Date Published | 21 October 1924 |
Names mentioned | Mrs. D. W. Burtz, Margaret Wall, Miss Edith McGaffey |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. W. C. A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol 8, No 5 pg 1 |
Date Published | 21 October 1924 |
Names mentioned | Coach M. A. Hess |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Northern Division of the Kansas Intercollegiate Debating League |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol 8, No 5 pg 1 |
Date Published | 21 October 1924 |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. W. C.A., Y. M. C. A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol 8, No 5 pg 2 |
Date Published | 21 October 1924 |
Names mentioned | Pro. J. Lewis Doll, Autumn Lindloom, Wileta Durst, Ruth Hawkins, Howard Sager, Carl Freeburg, Gordon Hill, Emmert Puir, Archie Sae Romani |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Chapel Orchestra |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol 8, No 5 pg 2 |
Date Published | 21 October 1924 |
Article Name | M. C. IN FORNESICS |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Debate, Oratorical, Anti-Tobacco Association |
Events Mentioned | National Peace Oration Contest |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol 8, No 5 pg 3 |
Date Published | 21 October 1924 |
Article Name | Y. M. C. A. |
Names mentioned | Albert Phillippi, Abram Hostetter, Jay Eller, Sameul Kurtz, Harold Barton, Herkie Wampler, Clement Haldeman |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol 8, No 5 pg 3 |
Date Published | 21 October 1924 |
Article Name | Student Federation Movement Has Many Sides |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | The World Student Christian Federation |
Events Mentioned | Annual European Student Relief Conference |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol 8, No 5 pg 4 |
Date Published | 21 October 1924 |
Article Name | ABOUT PEOPLE |
Names mentioned | J. R. Bustriek, Mrs. H. H. Keim, Miss Jessie Brown, Mrs. Thomas, Mrs.Kelly, Eva Gill, Julia Jones, Bernice Peck, Selma Engstrom, Ruth Greene, Anna Mae Strickler, Bernice Hoover, Kathryn Swope, Earl Reed, Lavelle Saylor, Hoyt Strickler, Mrs. E. S.Strickler, Ruth Martin, Leland Moore, Mrs. Helen Hawley, Naomi Mohler, Gladys Couchman, Mabel Jamison, Prof. C. S. Morris, Ruth Lerew, Lois Myers, George Merkey, Clifton Dutton, Bernice Hoover, Anna Mae Strickler, Dale Strickler, Irene Liddell, Sidney Sondergard, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vo. 8 No. 6 Pg. 1 |
Article Name | Fumble in the Last Quarter Gives Game to Kansas Wesleyan |
Names mentioned | S. Keim, S. Kurtz , Harrison, Elwood, R. Keim, Morine, P. Kurtz, Owens, Eakes, Harrison, Strickler, Hahn, Showalter, Cotton, Crumpacker, Kolzow, Mishler, |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Volume/Number/Page | Vo. 8 No. 6 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | October 28, 1924 |
Article Name | Wizard of Electricity Performs Experiments |
Names mentioned | Louis Williams |
Events Mentioned | The Electrical Wizard Thursday evening in the Chapel |
Volume/Number/Page | Vo. 8 No. 6 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | October 28, 1924 |
Article Name | Prominent “Y” Workers Speak at Local Program |
Names mentioned | B.E. Johnson, F.W. West, Rev. L.S. Ashley |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.M.C.A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vo. 8 No. 6 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | October 28, 1924 |
Article Name | Cabinet Members Tell Where the Money Goes |
Names mentioned | Miriam Wenrick |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.W.C.A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vo. 8 No. 6 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | October 28, 1924 |
Article Name | Organizing Discussion Groups in Y.W.C.A. |
Names mentioned | Miss Madge Sills |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.W.C.A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vo. 8 No. 6 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | October 28, 1924 |
Article Name | Double Quartet Gives Program at Peabody |
Names mentioned | Margaret Bowlus, Elveria Hawley, Ocie McAvoy, Miss Katherine Penner, Samuel B. Kurtz, Harold Barton, Herkle Wampler, Clement Galdeman, Winston Cassier, Rev. A.L. Patrick, Frank Howell |
Volume/Number/Page | Vo. 8 No. 6 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | October 28, 1924 |
Article Name | Vote Goes for Joint Conference at Estes in Regional Council |
Names mentioned | Lester F. Eisel, Stitt Wilson, VanDusen, Kirby, Page, Curry, Le Roy Doty |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.W.C.A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vo. 8 No. 6 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | October 28, 1924 |
Article Name | Wits Being Sharpened For Forensic Contest |
Names mentioned | M.A. Hess , Rock , Jones |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Debate Team |
Volume/Number/Page | Vo. 8 No. 6 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | October 28, 1924 |
Article Name | The Spectator |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Bibian A. Long, Floyd E. Kurtz, John Lehman, Rozella White, Floye Rhodes, Samuel B. Kurtz, Rose Stauffer, Paul Leniz, Goldie Bickers, Sidney L. Sondergard, Moffat Eakes, Edith McGaffey, M.A. Hess |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | The Spectator |
Volume/Number/Page | Vo. 8 No. 6 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | October 28, 1924 |
Article Name | Frosh Tested in Silent Reading and Composition |
Names mentioned | Paul Bliekenstaff, Mabel Buyer, Ruth Kurtz, Beulah Peters, Evelyn Richards |
Volume/Number/Page | Vo. 8 No. 6 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | October 28, 1924 |
Article Name | Freshmen Choose Lehman as Permanent President |
Names mentioned | John Lehman, Earl Reed, Elverta Hawley, Raymond Trostle, August San Romani, June Ellis |
Volume/Number/Page | Vo. 8 No. 6 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | October 28, 1924 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Mayme Welker, Mrs. D. Welker, Dorothy , Prof. R.E. Mohler, Katherine Penner, W.C. Watkins, Celia Watkins, H.H. Nininger, Edna Dunham , Winifred O’Connor, Mabel Griffin, Ruth Hawkins, M.W. Royer, E.W. Keim, Lucile Paul, Edith Early, Frances Temple, Irl Newham , Olin Yancey, Harold Rodabaugh, M.A. Hess, Celesta Wine, Elsie Pokrantz, Maybe Welker, L.I. Briggs, Willard Mishoff, J.W. Hershey, H.H.Kelm, Minnie Edgecomb, Richard Keim, Stanley Keim, Howard Keim, J.J. Yoder, O.D. Buck, Franklin Groce, Ida Frantz, Lora Trostle, Beauford Miller, W.J. Sills, Clark Miller, Mary Jo Romine, Lorraine Royer, John PItzer, Delia Chavez, Hazel Scott |
Volume/Number/Page | Vo. 8 No. 6 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | October 28, 1924 |
Article Name | Among the Alumni |
Names mentioned | Marguerite Muse, P.Roy Brammell, Myrl Curtis, J.A. Blair, Golda Zook, Locis Bowman, Claude Wilson, Earl Watkins, Howard Engle, Foster Hoover, W. Ellis Watkins |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 07 pg. 1 |
Article Name | By Forward Passing Quakers Hand Defeat to Mishler’s Canines—Aerial Attack is Too Much for Bulldogs—Score Stands at 16-6—Locals Make Touchdown in First 10 Minutes—Then Friends is On Offensive |
Names mentioned | Mishler, Crumpacker, Barton, Weeks, Dela, Armstrong, Paul Kurtz, Eakes, Knowles, Ellwood, R. Keim, Knowles, Owens, S. Keim, Kolzow, Hahn, Harrison, Barton, Morine, Fisher |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 07 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Exhibit Overflow Pep Before Friends Game—Mohler Speaks on College Spirit—Cheer Leaders Lead in Songs and Yells |
Names mentioned | Prof. R. E. Mohler, Coach Mishler, Coach Lay, August San Romani, Anna Mae Edgecomb |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 07 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Start Basketball Practice Under Captain Hill |
Names mentioned | Captain Dick Hill |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Men’s Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 07 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Evangelistic Services Begin Sunday Morning—Rev. M Clyde Horst of Pennsylvania Delivers Forceful Sermon |
Names mentioned | Rev. M. Clyde Horst |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.W.C.A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 07 pg. 1 |
Article Name | S. Council Schedules Six Unusual Numbers on Lyceum Program—Lecture, Music, Reading, and Drama Secured—Course is Exceptional—Additional Funds Resulting From Compulsory Ticket Permits Best Quality |
Names mentioned | Prof. Arthurt E. Uhe, Professor O. G. Davis, President D. W. Kurtz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 07 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Swimming Pool Now Open to Girls |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.W.C.A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 07 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Local Paleontologists Find Valuable Fossils |
Names mentioned | Professor H. H. Nininger, Paul Lentz, Kenneth Rock |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 07 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Entertainers Rend Most Comic Program—First Number of Lyceum Course is Given by Tobias-Harper Company |
Names mentioned | Mr. Tobias, Miss Harper |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 07 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Orators Laud Their Favorite Candidates in Chapel Speeches—Spilman, Rock, and Luckett Voice Convictions—Employ Varied Tactics—Platform is Praised—Opponents Are Denounced—Candidate is Eulogized |
Names mentioned | J. Vivian Spilman, Kenneth Rock, W. T. Luckett |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 07 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Secretary Address Both “Y” Associations—Pleas for Understanding Between Rates, for Breaking Down of Barriers |
Names mentioned | Miss Madge Sills |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.M.C.A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 07 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Class Inspects New Homes |
Names mentioned | Miss Mayme Welker, Crumpacker, Rhodes, Lingie |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 07 pg. 2 |
Article Name | Student Ministers Hold Discussion |
Names mentioned | Prof. J. W. Deeter |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 07 pg. 3 |
Article Name | Social Event— Spooks Revel |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council |
Events Mentioned | All-School Halloween Party |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 07 pg. 3 |
Article Name | Social Events—Entertain Missourians |
Names mentioned | Mrs. R. E. Mohler, Prof. R. E. Mohler, France Temple, Lucile Paul, Edith Early, Olan Yancey, Irl Newham, Jewell Barrier, Harold Rodabaugh |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 07 pg. 3 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Mrs. H. H. Keim, Richard Keim, Stanley Keim, Howard Keim, Mr. and Mrs. Will Haldeman, Viola Bowser, Prof. and Mrs. J. J. Yder, Maurine Stutzman, Fidelia Frantz, Harlan Yoder, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Metsker, Mildred Tipton, Anna Mae Edgecomb, Mattie Ring, Loretta Zongker, Ocie McAvoy, Katherine Penner, Samuel Kurtz, Harold Barton, Betty Jeffers, Mr. and Mrs. Arno Rhodes, Sam Mohler, Rozella White, Ruth Greene, Marion Switzer, Albert Colburn, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Miller, Phyllis Toevs, Mr. and Mrs. Perry Williams, Mary B. Swope, Kathryn Swope, Harrlett Mohler, Naomi Mohler, Bernice Hoover, Marianne Kittell, Milton Dell, George Dean, Marlin Carlson, Doris Plum |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 07 pg. 4 |
Article Name | “Dick” Keim—Tackle |
Names mentioned | “Dick” Keim |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 08 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Student Secretary and President Doty Outline “Y” Program—Work of State Student Council is Discussed—New Project is Planned—Local Freshman Commission is Organized to Carry Hi-Y Work Into College |
Names mentioned | William E. Sprenger, LeRoy Doty |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.M.C.A., State Student Council |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 08 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Exceptional Talent is Shown in First Recital—Exclusive Musical Program is Given by Students in Fine Arts Department |
Names mentioned | Wileta Durst |
Eva Mae Lingle | |
Bernice Peck, Hazel Scott, Clement Haldemna, Bruno Hahn, Elvertz Hawley, Sanderson | |
Events Mentioned | Student Recital |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 08 pg. 1 |
Article Name | McPherson Orators Soon to Be in Action—Association Plans to Conduct Old Line Contest January 5 |
Names mentioned | Professor Maurice A. Hess |
Miss Celesta Wine | |
Events Mentioned | Old Line Oratorical Contest |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 08 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Interest Is Steadily Increasing In Revival Meetings Under Way—Reverend Horst is Forceful, Convincing Speaker—Associations Assisting—Daily Prayer Meetings Are Held Under Auspices of Christian Associations |
Names mentioned | Rev. M. Clyde Horst |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.M.C.A |
Y.W.C.A. | |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 08 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Today Bulldogs and Terrible Swedes Mix—Season’s Classic Will be Argued to a Finish on Local Gridiron |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 08 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Bulldogs Come Back After First Quarter and Vanquish Bethel—After a Slow Start, Canines Show Fight—Final Score is 20-6—Newton Team Scores in First Quarter but Bulldogs Turn the Tide |
Names mentioned | Mishler, Ellwood, R. Keim, Morine, Eakes, Owenes, S. Keim, Fisher, Crumpacker, Harrison, Hahn, Barton, Showalter, Knowles, Kurtz, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 08 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Personnel of Debate Team Still Uncertain—Close Race Promised With Nineteen Able Contestants Bidding for Places |
Names mentioned | Fay Bailey, Grace Cochran, LeRoy Doty, Horner Eby, Floyd Kurtz, Paul Kurtz, Harry Lehman, Harvey Lehman, John Lehman, Anna Lengel, Charles Lengel, Mildred Libby, Samuel Mohler, Fred Naff, A. L. Patrick, Elvis Prather, Kenneth Rock |
Harold Rodabaugh, Vivian Spilman | |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Debate Team |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 08 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Lindsey Lecture Postponed |
Names mentioned | Judge Ben S. Lindsey |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 08 pg. 2 |
Article Name | Library Receives Good Material for Ministers |
Names mentioned | President D. W. Kurtz, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 08 pg. 2 |
Article Name | Y.W.C.A. |
Names mentioned | Hazel Scott, Elverta Hawley |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.W.C.A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 08 pg. 2 |
Article Name | Geology Class Makes Hundred Mile Tour |
Names mentioned | Dr. Harnly |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 08 pg. 2 |
Article Name | Artist Who Painted “Gateway” Was Graduated from M. C. |
Names mentioned | Mrs. Lydia Sohlberg Deere, Prof. Birger Sandzen, Prof. Emil O. Deere, Robert Sohlberg |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 08 pg. 2 |
Article Name | Anti-Tobacco Association Organizes for the Year |
Names mentioned | Elvis Prather, Paul Blickenstaff, Curtis Ruthrauff |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Anti-Tobacco Organization |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 08 pg. 2 |
Article Name | New Magazines Posted |
Names mentioned | Miss Margaret Hechethorn |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 08 pg. 2 |
Names mentioned | Miss Mayme E. Welker |
Mrs. J. W. Jenkins, Mrs. Archie San Romani | |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 08 pg. 3 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Ernest Sherfy, Marie Brubaker, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Foutz, Mary B. Swope, Kathryn Swope, Harriett Mohler, Naomi Mohler, Bernice Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hawley, Herman Hartell, Sidney Sondergard, Edwin Crouch, Frank Barton, Florence Kittell, Dorothy Meyer, Alma Morrison, Pearl Crumpacker, Miriam Wenrick, Emmert Pair, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lehman, Elmer Brunk, Marlin Kelly, Homer Paden, Mrs. C. A. Lichty, Ruby Bozarth, Lucile Hoover, Edwin Crouch, Naomi Mohler, Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Hume, Esther Blickenstaff, Celia Watkins, Fern Ely, Leola Ellwood, Elizabeth Penner, Katherine Panner, Goldie Vickers |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 08 pg. 3 |
Article Name | McKinney-Mishoff |
Names mentioned | Elizabeth Belle McKinney, Oral Mishoff |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 08 pg. 4 |
Article Name | Gymnasium Being Put in First Class Shape—New Apparatus Purchased—More Showers Installed—Repairs Being Made |
Names mentioned | Prof. J. Yoder |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 08 pg. 4 |
Article Name | With the Bulldogs |
Names mentioned | Owens, “Big Jim” Olin Ellwood, “Peanuts” Morine |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 08 pg. 4 |
Article Name | “Stan” Keim |
Names mentioned | “Stan Keim” |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | W. A. A. Constitution Ready For Approval of President Kurtz |
Names mentioned | President D. W. Kurtz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | W. A. A. |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball, Tennis, Hiking, Gymnasium |
Other, | McPherson College, Honors, Red letters, White sweaters with red letters, Gold medals |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Father and Son Banquet Well Attended |
Names mentioned | William Kline, A. A. Ohmart, W. T. Luckett, Rev. M. C. Horst, Leo Crumpacker, |
Events Mentioned | Father and son banquet |
Other, | Arnold Hall, “faith of our fathers”, “America”, “Blest Be the Tie that Binds” |
Other | Toastmaster, Church, Young ladies |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Sherfy Improves Slowly |
Names mentioned | Mr. Ernest Sherfy, |
Sports Mentioned | Bronchial pneumonia |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Please Note (editorial) |
Names mentioned | Woodrow Wilson |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Spec |
Other | “What is College For?” |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 1 |
Article Name | Novelist, Journalist and Lecturer Coming |
Names mentioned | Opie Read, Mr. Read |
Other, | American Novelist, Journalist, Lecturer |
Other | Opera House, American Literature, “human Nature and Politics” |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | The Past was Glorious, but the Present is Grand Reality |
Names mentioned | Forney, Gibbons, Dr. Kurtz, |
Other, | McPherson, The Kansas City Start, Marcelled Euclid, Missourian, “elegant Society”, The Star, Kansas, Capital, “the Rise and Fall of a Prairie Metropolis” , College Hill |
Other | Harnly Hall, Bulldogs, Green cap rule |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Student Relief Drive to be Launched her in Chapel Tomorrow |
Names mentioned | Ted Shultz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A. |
Events Mentioned | Drive November 19-26, Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A. joint meeting, Speech during chapel hour |
Other, | Europe, America, McPherson College, Atlantic Ocean |
Other | Kansas University, “Student Conditions in Europe” |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Calendar |
Names mentioned | Opie Read, Walter Kemp |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Debate |
Events Mentioned | Debate tryout, Christmas Recess, Old Line oratorical Contest, |
Other, | Thanksgiving, Sterling, Gymnasium festival, Harp Novelty Company |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Lest We Forget |
Names mentioned | “sho”, “Heinie”, Anna Mae |
Events Mentioned | Football game |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Cheer leader, Football |
Other, | Bulldogs, “Terrible Swedes” |
Other | Big Game |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Eighteen Contestants out for Debate Team |
Names mentioned | M. A. Hess, John Lehman, Kenneth Rock, Floyd Kurtz, Anna Lengel, Horner Eby, Harry Lehman, Elvis Prather, Frod Naff, LeRoy Doty, Grace Cochran, Vivian Spilman, Mildred Libby, Charles Lengel, Fay Bailey, Harvey Lehman, Harold Rodabaugh, Sam Mohler, A. L. Patrick, Edith McGaffey, J. W. Deeter, J. A. Blair, W. O Mishoff, Mercedes Chapman, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Debate team |
Events Mentioned | tryouts |
Other, | Chapel |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Bulldogs Overpower Bethany After First Round and Tie Score |
Names mentioned | Showalter, Carison, Murray, Barton, Crumpacker, Hahn, |
Events Mentioned | Football game |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Other, | Armistice Day |
Other | Bulldogs, McPherson College, Swedes, Bethany |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Inspiring Evangelistic Services Come to End |
Names mentioned | Rev. M. C. Horst, Reverend Horstt |
Events Mentioned | Revival, |
Other, | McPherson Church of the Brethren |
Other | Sermons |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Friend Sends Magazine |
Other, | Carnegie Library |
Other | Bible Champion, Magazine Subscription |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | The Spectator |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Vivian A. Long, Floyd E. Kurtz, John Lehman, Rozella White, Floye Rhodes, Samuel B. Kurtz, ROs Stauffer, Paul Lentz, Bernice Hoover, Goldie Vickers, Wendell Johnson, Paul Dick, Sidney L. Sondergard, Moffat Eakes, Edicht McGaffey, M. A. Hess, , Addison, Steele |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | The Spectator |
Other, | McPherosn College, Alam Mater, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Bulldoggedness |
Events Mentioned | Football game |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Other, | New Yorkers, Swedes, McPherson |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | (NO title middle first column) |
Other, | American, Woman’s Home Companion, Literary Digest, Bookman, Atlantic Monthly , Hilbert Journal |
Other | Magazines aren’t getting used much, Carnegie Library |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Falcons |
Other, | Be nice to others realize that their actions are for you |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No .9 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | November 18, 9124 |
Article Name | (No Title 2nd Column) |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Other, | Questionnaires, Chapel, The Philips Slate, Southwestern College, Graduating class, Methodist Colleges, United States, Conservatory, Pictorial Bulletin, Baker, Baker Orange, The Sunflower |
Other | The American Campus, The Literary Digest, America |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | “Sportsmanship” |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.M.C.A, Y.W.C.A, |
Events Mentioned | Discussion groups |
Other | About responsibility and being nice to others |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Student Friendship Fund Produces Democracy In Europ |
Other, | Student Friendship Fund, Europe, European Student Relief |
Other | Co-operative stores, Feeding kitchens, Dormitories, Book shops, Printing offices, Textbooks, Repair shops, Barber shops |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | The Purpose of the College |
Names mentioned | Woodrow Wilson |
Other, | America, Technical Schools, leaders |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Smile a While |
Names mentioned | Miss McGaffey |
Other, | Freshmen, Brass Tacks |
Other | Jokes |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Poets’ Corner |
Names mentioned | Frank F. Morris |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Welfare Worker Coming |
Names mentioned | Rev. Virgil C. Finnell |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Chapel, Welfare Board of the Church of the Brethren |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Dean and Mrs. H. J. Harnly, E. B. Verink, President and Mrs. D. W. Kurtz, Professor and Mrs. J. Yoder, Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Hershey, Miss Celesta Wine, Rev. M. Clyde Horst, Dean and Mrs. H J. Harnly, Professor G. N. Boone, Coach F. E. Mishler, Emmert Stover, W. J. Christman, F. A. Vaniman, W. E. Reed, C. E Hurt, Earl Reed, Lucile Hoover, E. W. Schermerhorn, Aubrey Hale, Marion Krehbiel, Mrs. John Hawkins, Ruth Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hawkins, Clarence Hawkins, Melva Summers, Julia Jones, Lillie Crumpacker, Hazel Vogt, Nina Sherfy, Carl Schneider, Lloyd Saylor, Cecil Holloway, Glenn Strickler, Lola Carlson, Anna Mae Edgecomb, Miss Carlson, Lorretta Zongker, Prudence Strickler, Bertha Shubert, Anna Mae Strickler, Julia Jones, Mary B. Swope, Laura McGaffey, Welcome Snodergard |
Events Mentioned | Bethany game |
Other, | Manchuria, China, Dinner guests, Shooting rabbits, Ramona, Kansas |
Monitor Kansas, Conway, Kansas, Flint, Michigan, Kansas City, Helena, Oklahoma, Winfield, Kansas, Gypsum, Kansas, Wichita Kansas, Hutchinson, Kansas, Salina, Kansas | |
Other | Academy, Conference Bulldog Eleven, Bethany, Kansas Wesleyan |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Margaret Wall Tells of Europe At Y. W. C. A |
Names mentioned | Margaret Wall |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. W. C. A |
Events Mentioned | Meeting on Wednesday morning, International Sunday School Convention |
Other, | Kurtz Party |
Other | Glasgow, Scotland, Holland |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Freshmen Conduct Y. M. C. A |
Names mentioned | Carl Freeburg, August San Romani, Alvin Voran, Sam Mohler, Paul Dick, Dr. H. J. Harnly |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.M.C.A |
Events Mentioned | Y.M.C.A Meeting |
Sports Mentioned | Singing |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Valuable Books in Library |
Names mentioned | George W. French, Chester S. Lord |
Events Mentioned | New books |
Other, | Carnegie Library, Theology, Missions, Political science, Sociology, Economics, Banking, Business, Marketing, Education, Science, Chemistry, Eugenics, Botany, Bird study, Agriculture, Hunting, Home nursing, English, History, “Photography for the Amateur” |
Other | “the Young Man and Journalism” |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Class in Home Nursing Visits County Hospital |
Names mentioned | Mayme Welker |
Other, | McPherson County Hospital, Home nursing class |
Other | Laundry, Kitchen, Store rooms, Wards, Operating rooms |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Social Events |
Names mentioned | Loretta Zongker, Lola Carlson, Mattie Ring, Mildred Tipton |
Mildred Mast, Anna Mae Edgecomb, Ernest Tipton, Theordore Robb, Verne Strickler, Floyd Cotton, Narvin Parr, Ted Kolzow, Ruth Sollenberger, Naomi Mohler, Elberta Vaniman, Heinie Hahan, Earl Reed, Edwin Crouch | |
Events Mentioned | Winer roast, Bon fire, Picnic Supper |
Other, | Twin Mounds, Gypsum, Kansas, Wichita, Kansas, Anderson Grove, Liberty, Missouri |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | November 18,1924 |
Article Name | The Eternal Quest |
Other | A playlet |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Sterling is Last Foe Bulldogs Will Meet |
Names mentioned | Hal Barton, Dick Keim, Stan Keim, Doc Kurtz |
Events Mentioned | Football game |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Other, | Sterling, Hutchinson, Bethany |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Bulldogs Overpower Bethany After First Round and Tie Score (continued from page 1) |
Names mentioned | Showalter, Hahn, Barton, Carlson, Flohr, Sundgren, Ellwood, R. Kelm, Morine, Kurtz, Owens, S. Keim, Fisher, Crumpacker, Hahn, Strickler, Barton, Carmicheal, Lundy, Fern, Flohr, Sundgren, McDonald, Yarnell, Murray, Carlson |
E. Barclay, MacMurray, Eakes, Knowles, Nelson, R. Barclay, Kurns, E. C. Quigley, Cochrane, Snattinger | |
Events Mentioned | Football game |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Other, | Bethany, Swedes, St. Marys, K.C, K.U |
Other | First downs, Yards, Forward passes, Punts, Field golds, Fumbles, Referee |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No.9 Pg.4 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Stage Clever Stunt |
Names mentioned | August San Romani |
Events Mentioned | Halftime show |
Other, | Girls’ football teams, Tire pump, Stretcher |
Other | McPherson, Bethany |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | With the Bulldogs |
Names mentioned | Leo Crumpacker, Moffat Eakes, “Big Doc’s”, Showalter, Richard Knowles, Verne Strickler, Harrison, Galen Mishler, Floyd Cotton, Ted Kolzow, Sam Kurtz |
Events Mentioned | Football |
Other, | Swedes, Wichita, Friends, St. Marys, La Verne College, California |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Other Grids |
Other, | Pittsburg Teachers, Friends, St. Marys, Washburn, Kansas Wesleyan, Baker, C. of E. , Ottawa, Bethel, Friends, Hays Teachers, Fairmount |
Other | scores |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Conference Standing |
Other, | Pittsburg Teachers, Sterling, C. of E. , Bethany, Fairmount, Kansas Wesleyan, Friends, Emporia Teachers, McPherson, St. Mary’s, Hays Teachers, Southwestern, Baker, Ottawa, Washburn, Bethel |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | “Chics” Will Start Season out of Debt |
Names mentioned | Laura Hammann |
Events Mentioned | McPherson Basketball Girls |
Other, | Paid for new uniforms |
Other | Freshmen Calls, Southwestern College, Practice, Bethany |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | An Appreciation |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football, Basketball |
Other | Sports supporters |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | November 18, 1924 |
Article Name | Bulldogs Seconds Romp Over Canton |
Names mentioned | Sam Kurtz, Harrison, Cotton, Galen Mishler, |
Events Mentioned | Football |
Other, | Canton Legion Team, puppies |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 1 & 4 |
Article Name | Barrelmakers Take Season’s Last Game From Canine Eleven |
Names mentioned | Taylor, Stover, Calvert, Showalter, Barton, Hahn, Kolzow, Calvert, Morine, Keim, Davis, Kurtz, Knowles, Fisher, Crumpacker, Strickler, Harrison, White, Berger, Greenlee, Frye, Ordway, Davis, Wandling, Pierce, Georke, McClure, O’Kelley, Sueser, Baker, Crites, Nichols, Adams, Russell, Showalter, Eakes, Ellwood, Owens, E.C. Quigley, Edmonds, Snattinger |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 1 |
Article Name | Former Basketball Coach Tells of China |
Names mentioned | E.D. Verink |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.M.C.A. |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 1 |
Article Name | Gives Picture to Y.W.C.A. |
Names mentioned | Mrs. D.W. Kurtz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.W.C.A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 1 & 2 |
Article Name | Opie Read Lectures on Popular Subject |
Names mentioned | Opie |
Other, | Lecture |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | November 25, 1024 |
Article Name | Revelry Completely Fills Antique Abode of the Fahnestockians |
Names mentioned | Sam Kurtz, Horner Eby |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 1 |
Article Name | Tells of Work Among Deaf Mutes at Olathe |
Names mentioned | Dr. E.C. Sibertson |
Other, | Deaf mutes using sign language |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 1 |
Article Name | Student Friendship Drive to End Today |
Names mentioned | Ted Schultz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 1 |
Article Name | No Name Article |
Names mentioned | Prof. R.E. Mohler, Coach F.E. Mishler |
Events Mentioned | Thanksgiving |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol.08 No. 10. Pg. 1 |
Article Name | Debate Team Chosen from 17 Candidates in Spirited Contest |
Names mentioned | Kenneth Rock, John Lehman, Harvey Lehman, Mildred Libby, Grace Cochran, Prof. J.A. Blair, W.O. Mishoff, J.W. Deeter, Edith McGaffrey, Mercedes Chapman |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Debate Team |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 1 |
Article Name | Anti-Tobacco Books a Gift |
Names mentioned | Kellogg |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | State Anti-Tobacco Association |
Other, | Books given to library |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 2 |
Article Name | Thanksgiving |
Events Mentioned | Thanksgiving |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 2 |
Article Name | Student Government |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Government |
Other, | Pros and Cons of a student government |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 2 |
Article Name | Student Opinion: Cheating |
Other, | Definition of cheating and how it should be handled |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 2 |
Article Name | Handle With Care |
Other, | Actions of boneheads |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol.08 No. 10 Pg. 2 |
Article Name | They Are Big cause They Know They’re so Small |
Names mentioned | Helen Marie Dawes, Jackie Coogan, Miss Wine, Prof. Hess, Miss McGaffey, Dr. Hershey, Prof. Mohler |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 2 |
Article Name | Mrs. Kuns Laid to Rest |
Names mentioned | Mrs. John L. Kuns, Rev. George D. Kuns, Mrs. Effa Sharp |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 2 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Central Interscholastic Association |
Events Mentioned | All-American Paper Contest |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 2 |
Article Name | Poet’s Corner |
Other, | A poem |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 3 |
Article Name | Organizations: Class Meets Early |
Names mentioned | Prof. C.S. Morris |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Mission Band |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 3 |
Article Name | Organizations: Margaret Wall Continues Story of her Trip Abroad |
Names mentioned | Margaret Wall |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.W.C.A. |
Other, | Paris trip recap |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 3 |
Article Name | Curfew Closes Doors – Water Spout Glistens |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Weekly Indignation Gossip Aid Society |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 3 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Ocie McAvoy, Alberta Flory, Rhea Fast, Lorinda Leatherman, William Bishop, Ida Bishop, Dorothy Doane, Isaac Dirks, Mrs. E.J. Unruh, Miss Mayme Welker, Mary B. Swope, Prof. R.E. Mohler, Rev. Oliver H. Austin, Mrs. Oliver H. Austin |
Events Mentioned | Hi-Y father and son banquet, Debate tryouts |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 4 |
Article Name | Five Seniors Played Last Game for M.C. |
Names mentioned | Dick Keim, Stanley Keim, “Doc” Kurtz, Hal Barton, Glade Fisher, Dutch Longborg |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 10 Pg. 4 |
Article Name | Summary of Season Favors the Bulldogs |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Other, | Season recap |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 11 pg.1 |
Article Name | Bible Institute Will Consist of Superior and Varied Numbers—Dr. Edward Frantz, Former M. C. President Coming—Other Outside Speakers—Dr.Ezra Flory of Engin Ill., and Rev. H. G. Shank of Fruitland, Idaho on Program |
Names mentioned | Dr. Ezra Flory, Rev. H. G. Shank, President D. W. Kurtz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 11 pg.1 |
Article Name | “Jack” Oelrich to Coach Senior Play—Has Had Twenty-One Years of Stage Experience; Coached Last Four Plays |
Names mentioned | “Jack” Oelrich |
Events Mentioned | Senior Play |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 11 pg.1 |
Article Name | Republican Praises Work of the Keims—Says They Are Two of Greatest Line Players Conference Has Produced |
Names mentioned | Dick Keim, Stan Keim |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 11 pg.1 |
Article Name | S. Council Initiates Plans for Adopting New Song and Yell—Contest May Be Conducted Among Students—Discusses Government—Information of Student Government In Other Schools is Secured |
Names mentioned | Jay Eller |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 11 pg.1 |
Article Name | Secretary of World S.S. Association Here |
Names mentioned | Dr. W. D. Landes, President D. W. Kurtz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | World S. S. Association |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 11 pg.1 |
Article Name | Require Twelve Hours Work of Letter Men—Recommendation of Conference Board On Granting Letters is Adopted |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 11 pg.2 |
Article Name | Basketball |
Names mentioned | Coach Mishler, Cleo Hill |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Men’s Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 11 pg.2 |
Article Name | Among the Alumni |
Names mentioned | Foster Cline, C. L. Hollem, Julia Hollem |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 11 pg.2 |
Article Name | Hike to Signboard Inn |
Names mentioned | Mary B. Swope, Kathryn Swope, Hariett Mohler, Noami Mohler, Mabel Dunham, Edna Dunham, Bernice Peck, Lucille Hoover, Fidelia Frantz, Goldie Vickers, Marine Stutzman, Salome Mohler, Selma Engstrom, Julia Jones, Helen Freeburg, Dorothy Wade, Sybil Scare, Jeanette Hoover |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 11 pg.2 |
Article Name | Finds Meteorite Fragment |
Names mentioned | Prof. H. H. Nininger |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 11 pg.3 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Gertrude Witmore, Gladys Brubaker, Emery Wine, Wava Long, Lota Neher, Wreatha Cory, Everett Brubaker, Elmer Brunk, Robert Blough, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Brammell, Lola Miller, Sybil Scarce, Kathryn Swope, Prof. and Mrs. G. N. Boone, Frank Forney, Mrs. Oscar Early, Mrs. George Temple, Jeanette Hoover, Lucille Hoover, Prof. J. A. Blair, Prof. J.H. Fries, Frank Boone, Victor Vaniman, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Daggett, Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. McGaffey, Roy Neher, Henry Boyd, Clarence Barlett |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 11 pg.4 |
Article Name | Girls Basketeers Prepare for Tournament—Large Number Are Out for Practice—Competition Keen Among the Frosh |
Names mentioned | Mercedes Chapman, Frances Temple, Anna Mae Strickler, Lucile Paul, Leola Ellwood, Lois Meyers, Floye Rhodes, Lillie Crumpacker, Laura Hammann, Anna Mae Edgecomb |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Women’s Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 11 pg.4 |
Article Name | There Is A Reason Why They Are Called Bulldogs, Says Verink |
Names mentioned | E. D. Verink |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 11 pg.4 |
Article Name | Bulldogs Get All Conference Honorable Mention |
Names mentioned | Leslie Edmonds, Dick Keim, Ellwood, Hahn, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 12 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Contest is Launched to Obtain New Song and Yell for School—Crystallizes Sentiment Long Extant in M. C.—Will Close January 8—Any Student May Enter—Felt Pillow Top and Pennant Go To Winners |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 12 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Charles F. Horner to Speak Thursday Eve—Head of Lyceum Bureau Will Appear at Third Number of the Course |
Names mentioned | Charles F. Horner |
Other, | Horner Institute |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 12 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Gymnasium Festival Scheduled for Friday—Will be Elaborate Affairs—Both Women’s and Men’s Classes to Participate |
Names mentioned | Coach F. E. Mishler, Mercedes Chapman |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 12 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Give Demonstration of Correct Table Service |
Names mentioned | Florence Kline, Ruth Greene, Julia Jones |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.W.C.A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 12 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Two Forensic Clubs Merge—Will Choose Name in Near Future—Debate Club and Oratorical Association Unite—Harry Lehman President—Will Combine Support in Emphasizing Each Activity in Its Particular Season |
Names mentioned | Harry Lehman, Coach Maurice A. Hess, J. Vivian Spilman, William R. Burgin, Naomi Mohler |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Debate Club, Oratorical Society |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 12 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Freshmen Win! |
Names mentioned | Groves, Holloway |
Events Mentioned | Inter-class Basketball Tournament |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 12 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Famous Uhe String Trio Will Entertain—Is Highest Type of Musical Attraction Ever Offered on Student Lyceum Course |
Names mentioned | Arthur Emil Uhe |
Other, | Uhe String Trio |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 12 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Edna Dunham Manager of Women’s Basketball |
Names mentioned | Edna Dunham |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Women’s Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 12 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Players and Rooters of College and High School Hold Banquet—Football Men Unite in Annual Celebration—Good Program Given—Coach Bachman of K.S.A.C. is Speaker—Next Year’s Captains Elected |
Names mentioned | Coach Mishler, Coach Bachman, Prof. G. N. Boone, “Jim Ellwood”, Henry Colburn |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 12 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Novel Programs Given At Brethren Church— Rev. L. H. Eakes Speaks in Morning—Orchestra Gives Evening Program |
Names mentioned | Rev. L. H. Eakes, Henry Widiger |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 12 pg. 1 |
Article Name | Alumna Ordained |
Names mentioned | Grace Greenwood, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 12 pg. 2 |
Article Name | Student Opinion—“Their Passing” |
Names mentioned | Hal Barton, “Doc” Kurtz, Glade Fisher |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 12 pg. 2 |
Article Name | Democracy’s Trousers |
Names mentioned | Prof. Chalres Gray Shaw |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 12 pg. 3 |
Article Name | Socials Events—Mohler Entertains Ag Majors |
Names mentioned | Prof. and Mrs. R. E. Mohler, Mrs. Herman Hones, Paul Kurtz, Richard Keim, Stanley, Keim, Milton Dell |
Fay Bailey, Herman Jones, Henry Hahn, Leo Warner | |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 12 pg. 3 |
Article Name | For Eynice Wray |
Names mentioned | Eunice Wray, Minnie Hutchison, Lilian Andrews, Ruth Grunwald, Mildred FIke, Clarissa Evans, Franklin Evans, Harry Lehman, Abram Hostetter, Ralph Himes, Harvey Lehman, Albert Phillipi |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 12 pg. 3 |
Article Name | For Miss Wade |
Names mentioned | Mrs. J. J. Yoder, Miriam Wade, Salome Mohler, Maurine Stutzman, Vera Miller, Anna Mae Strickler, Bernice Hoover, Fidelia Frantz, Goldie Vickers, Mary B. Swope, Kathryn Swope, Bernice Peck, Lucile Hoover, Naomi Mohler, Hazel Scott, Winifred O’Connor, Mayme Walker |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 12 pg. 3 |
Article Name | Entertain for Orphans |
Names mentioned | Ann Fuchs, Julia Ramas, Goldie Vickers, Kathryn Swope, Selma Engstrom, Julia Jones, Mercedes Chapman, Signe Freeburg, Harriett Mohler, William Bishop |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Uhe Trio gives one of the finest concerts presented by S. C. |
Names mentioned | Arthur Uhe, Hjalmar Wetterstrom, Arvid Wallin, , Mozart, Mendelssohn, Grieg, Busch, Vrahms, Holter, Popper |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council |
Other, | Violin, Cello, Piano |
Other | Opera House, Bethany |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Prof. R. E. Mohler to Take Leave of Absence |
Names mentioned | Prof. R. E. Mohler |
Other, | Professor of Agriculture, Dean of Men, Trustees, University of Wisconsin at Madison, Wisconsin, Sunday School |
Other | Rural Economics |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Kurtz Quartet and Miss Penner are on Programs |
Names mentioned | President D. W. Kurtz, Katherine Penner, SamuelKurtz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Male Quartet |
Other, | Jewell County, Banquet, Mankato, Kansas |
Other | Program |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg.1 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | (no title bottom first colum) |
Names mentioned | President D. W. Kurtz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Chapel |
Other, | “the Philosophy of Progress” |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | To M. C. Oration |
Events Mentioned | Old Line Oratorical Contest |
Other, | January 5 , Person chosen to represent M. C |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | President Kurtz to Give Annual Lecture |
Names mentioned | President D. W. Kurtz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council |
Events Mentioned | Annual Lecture |
Other, | Chapel, “philosophy of human progress” |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Horner Declares We must get the Vision of Man of Galilee |
Names mentioned | Charles F. Horner, Mr. Horner, |
Other, | Horner Institute , Kansas City, Townspeople, Opera House |
Other | Home Rule Movement, Ireland, De Valera, Whiskey, England, France, Germany, Europe, United States, War Debt, United States Treasury |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Calendar |
Names mentioned | Dr. D. W. Kurtz, Evertt Kemp |
Events Mentioned | Y. W. Party, Christmas Recess, Old Line oratorical Contest, Clallucca at McPherson |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | To Journalists |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Spectator, Press club |
Other, | Changes of Spectator Staff |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Council and Faculty to Govern Activities |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council, Faculty, Athletic Board |
Other, | Plays |
Other | Student Activity Ticket |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | (No Title middle third column) |
Names mentioned | Lorinda Leatherman, Mrs. Myrtle Couchman, Prof. J. H. Fries |
Other, | Arlington, Kansas |
Other | Illness, Appendicitis |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Faculty Finds Various Ways of Spending Christmas Holidays |
Names mentioned | President D. W. Kurtz, Dean H. J Harnly, Prof. j. J. Yoder, Prof. J. A. Blair, Prof. R. E. Mohler, Prof. C. S. Morris, Mrs. Amanda Fahnestock, Miss Lora Trostle, Prof. And Mrs. M. A. Hess, Mrs. Hess, Miss Mayme Welker, Prof. W. O. Mishoff, Miss Edith McGaffey, Miss Chelsie Wine, Dr. J. W. Hershey, Miss Margaret Heckethorn, Miss Mercedes Chapman, Miss Elsie Pokrantz, Miss Jessie Brown, Miss Katherine Penner, Prof. J. W. Deeter, Mr. and Mrs. Unruh, Mr. Harold Lundeen, Miss Estella Engle, Prof. and Mrs. H. H. Nininger, Miss Lola Hill, Prof. L. I. Briggs, Prof. and Mrs. J. Lewis Doll, Prof. G. N. Boone, Prof. J. H. Fries, Mr. Sherfy, Coach F. E. Mishler |
Events Mentioned | basketball |
Other, | Bible Institute , Mission Board Meeting, Kiddies, Arnold Hall, National Convention of the Historical Society, Librarian, Smalley Art Shop, Painting, Hunting, The Hill |
Other | Harmony, Minnesota, Elgin, Illinois, Garnett, Kansas, Breymer, Missouri, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Richmond, Virginia, Chicago, Illinois, Tilton, Iowa, Buffalo, Kansas, Newton, Kansas, Wichita, Kansas, Hillsboro Kansas, Hope, Kansas, Nickerson, Kansas, Sioux City, Iowa, Delphos, Kansas |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Crowded House Sees Mid-Year Gymnasium Festival Here Friday |
Names mentioned | Mercedes Chapman, Coach F. E. Mishler, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council |
Other, | Santa Claus Drill, Physical training department, |
Other | Alumni Gymnasium, Men’s Gymnasium cases, Group games, Dutch, Italian, Spanish, Japanese, Santa Claus |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | To Present Annual Christmas Program |
Events Mentioned | Christmas Program, Candle light service |
Other, | Sunday School, Chapel |
Other | Clothes/grocery drive, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Debaters are Working to Vanquish Bethany |
Names mentioned | Kenneth Rock, John Lehman, Harry Lehman |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Debate club |
Other, | Bethany |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | (no title bottom fourth column) |
Names mentioned | Minnie Miller |
Other, | Canton, Kansas |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | The Spectator |
Names mentioned | Laura B. MCGaffey, Vivian A. Long, Floyd E. Kurtz, Earl Morris, Rozella White, Floye Rhodes, Paul Dick, Samuel B. Kurtz, Rose Stauffer, Bernice Hoover, Paul Lentz, Goldie Vickers, Wendell Johnson, Sidney L. Sondergard, Moffat Eaks, Edith McGaffey, M. A. Hess |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | The Spectator |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | (No title below Spectator column 1) |
Other, | Vandalism, Statue of Lincoln |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Christmas |
Other, | Christmas, generosity |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Pacifism Vs. Passionism |
Other, | Congoleum, Militarists, Peace, Coliseum |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Student Opinion (fame) |
Names mentioned | Dr. Kurtz |
Other, | Europe |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | What Next? |
Other, | Cross-Word Puzzles, Dark Ages, Fahnestock Hall |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Barks And Wags |
Names mentioned | Wendell Johnson |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Names mentioned | Dr. M. G. Brumbaugh, |
Events Mentioned | football |
Other, | Sterling College, New Girls Dormitory, New World Movement, Kansas University, Old Testament in Modern English |
Other | The Old Testament a new Translation, Dr. James Moffat, The University Daily Kansan, Juniata College, Church of the Brethren, First Commissioner of Education to Porto Rico, Athletic Board of Hays Teachers College |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Penny Post Thinks So, Too |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Spectator |
Other, | Penny Post |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | As They See it |
Names mentioned | Stany Keim, Prof. R. E. Mohler, Marianne Kittell, Margaret Wall, Herkle Wampler, Ocie McAvoy, Moffat Eakes |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 6 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Poets’ Corner |
Other, | O Sacred Truth, College Song, M. C. Song |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Social Events |
Names mentioned | Margaret Wall, Selma Engstrom, Aenid Gray, Julia Jones, Ruth Greene, Rosella White, Elberta Vaniman, Mary B. Swope, Kathryn Swope, Maurine Stutzman |
LucilleHoove, Mary Jo Romine, Saloma Mohler, Ruth Sollenberger, Bernice Peck , Margaret Wall, Eunice Almen, Anna Mae Strickler, Harriett Mohler, Lora Trostle, Anna May Strickler, Loretta Yoder, Royal Yoder, Mrs. E. S. Strickler | |
Events Mentioned | Christmas Party, Thimble party |
Other, | East Euclid, North Maple |
Other | Wall Home, Two-course lunchon |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol.8 No. 13 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | M. C. Song (continued from page two) |
Names mentioned | Nellie V. Derrick |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Y. M. C. A. Men Learn how to act at the Table |
Names mentioned | Julia Jones, Ruth Greene, Eby, Mr. Dudrow |
Other, | Table etiquette demonstration |
Other | Student Volunteer secretary, Corn on the cob, Jerusalem artichokes |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Secretary of Student Volunteers visits M. C. |
Names mentioned | LeRoy Dudrow, Mr. Dudrow |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Volunteers of the Church of the Brethren, Mission Band |
Events Mentioned | Chapel Speech |
Other, | Bine Ridge College, New Windsor, Maryland |
Other | Holy Spirit, Christian Service |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | (No Title middle second column) |
Names mentioned | Prof and Mrs. M. A. Hess, Lucy Oyler |
Other, | Dining hall, Garnett, Kansas |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Fahnestock Hall Third Floor Men Compile Decalog |
Names mentioned | E. E. Forney |
Other, | Electrical appliances, Raidos, Telegraph, Iron |
Other | Harnly Hall Fourth Floor, Sabbath Day, Stealing |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Mrs. Dr. R. H. Quantius Speaks Before Y. W. C. A |
Names mentioned | Mrs. Dr. R. H. Quantius, Mrs.Quantius, Jane Addams, Helen Freeman Palmer |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. W. C. A |
Events Mentioned | Y. W. C. A. Meeting |
Other, | Chapel |
Other | Speech, Service, Self Control |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | Prospects are good for 1925 Basketball |
Names mentioned | “Dick” Hill, Virgil Ellwood, Sargent, Betts, Olin Ellwood, “Duke” Strickler, Eaks, Tipton, Coach Mishler, Showalter, Crumpacker, Holloway, Wagner, Groves, Garreits, Davis, Voran, Johnson, Jamison, Dutton |
Other, | Alumni Gymnasium |
Other | McPherson High, All-District Man, Cement, Oklahoma, All-State, Colorado, Aline, Oklahoma, Liberal, Kansas, Loraine, Kansas, Roxbury, Kansas, Quinter, Kansas, Portis, Kansas |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | President Kurtz to Give Annual Lecture (continued from page 1) |
Names mentioned | Kr. Kurtz |
Events Mentioned | Chapel Speech |
Other, | Kansas, Middle West |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | 1925 Basketball Schedule |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | Chilocco, Hays, Fairmount, Pittsburg, Bethany, Hays, Friends, Bethel, Friends |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | 1925 Football Schedule |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Other, | St. Mary’s, Baker, Friends, Bethel, Kansas Wesleyan |
Sterling, Bethany, Hutchinson, Baldwin | |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Launch Campaign for Adopting State Bird |
Names mentioned | R. E. Booth, Prof. H. H Nininger, Professor Nininger |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Kansas Audubon Society |
Other, | Wichita |
Other | McPherson, Kansas Day, Election fo state bird, Kansas, Vice-President of Kansas Audubon Society |
Cardinal, Medow Lark, Chickadee, Prairie Chicken, Quail | |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Mohler is First Vice-Pres. Of Conference |
Names mentioned | Prof. R. E. Mohler, Professor Wilson, Professor Crago, Dr. Hull, Mr. Stagg |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Kansas Inter-collegiate Athletic Confrerence |
Events Mentioned | Annual Meeting, Report on Atlanta Conference, Football, basketball schedules |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football, basketball |
Other, | Topeka, Kansas Conference, National Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, Intercollegiate athletics, McPherson College |
Other | K. C. University, Ineligible Player, Removal of dues, President, Vice President, Secretary-Treasurer, Ottawa, Baker, Atlanta Conference, Director of Physical Education at the University of Illinois |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Former Student in Accident |
Names mentioned | Leslie Sargent |
Other, | Accident, McPherson County Hospital , Freight Train, Genesco, Kansas, Idaho |
Other | Foot amputation |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 31 1924 |
Article Name | Will Select Winner of Local Oratorical Contest Next Week |
Names mentioned | N.A |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Old Line Oratorical Association |
Other, | State Oration Contest, Prizes, Judges |
Other | Kansas |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | Sunday School Gives Christmas Program |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. W. C. A. |
Events Mentioned | Candle Ilght Service, Christmas Program |
Other, | Children’s Sunday School Classes, Christmas Spirit, Presents |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | Cold Weather Halting Work on Church Building |
Other, | The Hill, Church Of the Brethren, Sunday School, Primary and junior department |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Thespians will give Famous Peace Play |
Names mentioned | Katrina Trask, Selma Engstrom, Ocie McAvoy, Rozella White, Lillie Crumpacker, Lillian Andrews Bertha Unruh, Eunice Almen, Earl Morris, Emmert Pair, Vivian Long, Samuel Kurtz, Paul Kurtz, Hoyt Strickler |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council, Thespian Club, |
Events Mentioned | Bible Institute Program |
Other, | “In The Vanguard”, Cast Selections |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Conducts Bible Institute |
Names mentioned | President D. W. Kurtz |
Events Mentioned | Courses |
Other, | Harmony, Minnesota, Bible Institute |
teaching | |
Other | Studies in the Parables, Our Needs in Christian Education and outline for Sunday School Workers, Fundamental Doctrines of Faith, McPherson College |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 14, 1924 |
Article Name | (No Title Middle of Second Colum) |
Names mentioned | Everett kemp |
Events Mentioned | Lyceum Course |
Other, | Alumni, “The Man With the Million Dollar Laugh” |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Semester Themes Reveal Ingenuity of Frosh- Who’da Thunk it? |
Names mentioned | Miss McGaffey, Holloway, Luther Burbank |
Other, | Cement, Oklahoma |
Other | Cuff links, Caps, Ribbons, Prehistoric Man |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | Noted M. C. Almnus Coming to Entertain |
Names mentioned | C. Everett Kemp, Mr. Kemp |
Events Mentioned | Entertainment January 1, 1925 |
Other, | Redpath-Horner Lyceum Bureau |
Other | Opera House |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | Exhibit Toys |
Names mentioned | Miss Mercedes Chapman, Harriet Mohler, |
Events Mentioned | Toy exhibit |
Other, | Manual training room, Christmas, Fhanestock Hall |
Other | Hobby horses, Rocking horses, Clowns, Chickens, Dancing negros, Toy making course, Kindergarten, Vocational school |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | Way of Progress is through Childhood of Race |
Names mentioned | President D. W. Kurtz, Dr. Kurtz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council |
Other, | College Chapel, “The Philosophy of Progress” |
Other | Progressive movement, Middle ages, Scientific method, Conquest of nature, World unity , Democracy, Wealth, Law |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | Fine arts Students Give second Recital |
Names mentioned | Bessie Bremen, Ruth Barnes, Grae Witchey, Wendell Deeter, Edwin Johnson, Herkle Wampler, Massenet, Schubert, Ada Unruh, Teresa Del Riego, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Fine arts department |
Events Mentioned | Recital |
Other, | Piano music, Violin music, Vocal music |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 2016 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | Church Plans Another Watch Night Service |
Names mentioned | Sanger Crumpacker, Mr.Crumpacker |
Events Mentioned | Watch Service |
Other, | Tour Europe, Kurtz Party |
Other | Recreation, Refreshments, Radio program |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | The Specator |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Vivian A. Long, Floyd E. Kurtz, Earl Morris, Rozella White, Floye Rhodes, Paul Dick, Samuel B. Kurtz, Rose Stauffer, Paul Lentz, Bernice Hoover, Goldie Vickers, Wendell Johnson, Sidney L. Sondergard, Moffat Eakes, Edith McGaffey |
M. A Hess | |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 2 |
Article Name | New Year’s Resolution |
Other, | New Years Resolutions should be made every day |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | Does Discontentment Pay? |
Other, | Nation, Discontent |
Other | Babylon, Athens, Rome, Dark Ages, Industrial Revolution |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | Student Opinion |
Other, | August Faculty, German Mark, |
Other | Pneumonia, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | Seek new Alma Maters |
Names mentioned | William Thomas, |
Events Mentioned | N?A |
Other, | Bleacher practice, New York University, University of Nevada, Oberlin College, Boston University, Northwester Tech., MA |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | Barks and Wags |
Names mentioned | Wendell Johnson, Dorothy Lichty, Jack |
Other, | New Years Resolutions |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | Paddling Freshmen- A favorite Outdoor Sport |
Other, | Princeton, Columbia, Coe College in Iowa, Fairmount College, Kansas, Willamette College in Oregon |
Other | Vigilance Committee, Sophomore, Recalcitrant, Freshmen, Gauntlet, The Sunflower, Paddling line, The New Student |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Other, | William Jewell College, Liberty townspeople, Clay County, Southwestern College student council |
Other | Gold Medals, Magazine, Kansas University , Union to abolish all exams, Anit-Quiz League, Tatler School Annual, Dartmouth Student Report |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | Poets’ Corner |
Names mentioned | Wendell Johnson |
Other, | Beauty |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | Social Events |
Names mentioned | Kathryn Swope, Bernice Hoover, Rozella White, Margaret Sangster, June Ellis, August San Romani, Fidelia Frantz |
Samuel Kurtz, Lora Shatto, Rose Stauffer, Veima Bailey, Fidelia Frantz, Wileta Durst, John Harnly, Rev. L. S. Ashley, Mr. and Mrs. Harnly | |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Glee Club, Y. W. C. A, College Pep Orchestra |
Events Mentioned | Y. W. C. A Christmas Party, Marriage, Christmas Eve Gathering |
Other, | The Edison, Congregational Church, Homesick Students, Arnold Hall, Christmas Even, Games, Duets, Christian Parsonage |
Other | Refreshments, Gifts, Games, Contests, “town kids”, Fruit, Popcorn, Home-made candies, Manhattan, Kansas |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | Quizzers are Quizzed |
Names mentioned | Al Jolson, Puccini, Grover Cleveland Bergdoll, Bernard Shaw, Babe Ruth, Ardent Wooer |
Other, | Newcomb College in New Orleans, World War, Democratic Statesman |
Other | Broadway of Chicago, Collier’s Weekly |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 NO. 14. Pg. 3 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | First Women’s Debate |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Women’s Literary Society of McGill University Canada |
Events Mentioned | First Women’s forensic Debate |
Other, | University of Toronto, Queens College, Onario, McGill, Toronto, The New Student |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | Among the Alumni |
Names mentioned | Rev. Earl M. Bowman, Mr. Bowman, Mrs. Bowman, Miss Leah Miller |
Other, | Bethany Brethren Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Brethren Church in Washington D.C., University Of Tennsylvania, PH.D. Degree |
Other | Class of 23’, Class of 22’ |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | It’s Just a Good Time to Make Up Back work |
Other, | Christmas Vacation, Librarian’s desk |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Dale Strickler, Sidney Sondergard, Harold Barton, Prof.and Mrs. J. J. Yoder, Coach and Mrs. F. E. Mishler, Galen Mishler, MRs. Mary Stutzman, Milo Stutzman, Fidelia Frantz, Ray Strom, Elmer Brunk, Mrs. Ida Brunk, Henry Hahn, HarlanYoder, Earl Marchand, Everett Brubaker, Frank Boone, Rhea Fast, Helen Elliot, Eisle Forney, Lillie Crumpacker, Samuel Kurtz, Richard Kelm, MR. Keim, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watkins, Reverand Forney, Rev. and Mrs. J. Clyde Forney, Miss Ruth Brubaker, Milo Sttzman, Mrs. Mary Stutzman, Mr. Stutzman, Gladys Brubaker, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eshelman, Mr. Eshelman’s parents, John Hoerner, Grace Crumpacker |
Events Mentioned | Christmas, Christmas Dinner |
Other, | Class of ‘24, Class of ‘25, Class of ‘20, McAvoy Home, a. B. Degree 1918, Ames University, Class of ‘22, Class of ‘23, Class of ‘16, The Hill |
Other | Ames, Iowa, Ramona, Kansas, Herington, Kansas, Enterprise, Kansas, Inman, Kansas, M. C, Garfield, Kansas, Gaylord, Kansas, Gypsum, Kansas, Eudora, Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Texas, Thomas, Oklahoma, Burrton, Kansas, Garnett, Kansas, Minneapolis, Kansas, Patridge, Kansas |
Ashland, Kansas | |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | According to Order |
Events Mentioned | Baptisms |
Other, | New hymn books |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | Variable Verbs |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | Picks Varsity Squad of Thirteen Players |
Names mentioned | Coach F. E. Misheler, Hill, Betts, Eakes, Tipton, O. Ellwood, V. Ellwood, Holloway, Voran, Showalter, Crumpacker, Johnson, Jennings, Groves |
Events Mentioned | Basketball game January 8, 1925 |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | Freshmen, M. C, Gymnasium, Chilocco Indians |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | December 16, 1924 |
Article Name | Way of Progress is Through Childhood of Race, Says Kurtz (continued from pg. 1) |
Names mentioned | Dr. Kurtz |
Sports Mentioned (all) | NA |
Other, | Liberty, Religion, Art, Culture, Love for Neighbor |
Other | Faith, Jesus, Prussian Military Machine, Japanese Emperor, Japan |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | (No title bottom column one) |
Other | Jokes |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | Football Squad PresentsGifts to Mishler and Lay |
Names mentioned | Coach Mishler, Coach Lay |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Other, | Gifts, Gold football, White sweater coat |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | (no title 2nd article 2nd column) |
Other, | Southwestern Collegian |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | Smile a While |
Other, | Jokes |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | On other Courts |
Names mentioned | Gardner, Duke, Coach Mandeville, Coach Bates |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | Bethany, Hays, Southwestern, Ottawa, Braves, Washburn, Ichabods |
Other | Freshmen, Letter men |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 14 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | December 31, 1924 |
Article Name | S. C. reports Faculty |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Senior council |
Other, | University of Washington, examinations, Faculty, The New Student |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | C. E. Kemp Appears in Place Where he Received Inspiration |
Names mentioned | C. Everett Kemp, J. C. Holland, Mr. Kemp, Dr. Kurtz |
Events Mentioned | Lyceum |
Other, | Redpath-Horner Lyceum |
Other | McPherson Opera House, McPherson College |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | Feiler Shows Pictures of the Life of Christ |
Names mentioned | Rev. O. H. Feller, Florence Kline, Carrie Feller, Marie Wilbur, Ester Wilbur |
Other, | The Life of Christ |
Other | Church of the Brethren |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | To have Inter-Collegiate Night on Air January 20 |
Events Mentioned | Intercollegiate night |
Other, | Schenectady, New York |
Other | Memorial, United States, WGY, General Electric Company, Edison Club, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | Right Here in McPherson |
Names mentioned | Dr. Kurtz, Miss Chapman |
Other, | Sharp Hall |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 9 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | Group of Watchers See new Year Begin |
Names mentioned | Sanger Crumpacker, Rev. H. F. Richards, Clement Haldeman, Bernice Peck |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | NJ/A |
Events Mentioned | Watchers, Candle-lighting Service |
Other, | M.C., Europe |
Other | Chapel, Refreshments |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 6, 1924 |
Article Name | Alumnus Speaks in Chapel |
Names mentioned | Rev. J. Clyde Forney, Reverrend Forney |
Events Mentioned | Speaker at Chapel |
Other, | A. B. ‘19, Lanark, Illinois, Chapel |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | Sherfy Slowly Recovering |
Names mentioned | Mr. Ernest Sherfy |
Other, | McPherson County Hospital, Severe illness |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | (no title middle 2nd column) |
Names mentioned | Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Shermerhorn, Neal Spurgeon Schermerhorn |
Events Mentioned | Baby boy born December 21, 1924 |
Other, | Students |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | Joy Reigns in Spec Office; One Reader is Satisfied! |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Spectator |
Other, | Spectator Questionnaire |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | “Jack” Lehman Wins in Local Oratorical Contest Last Night |
Names mentioned | “Jack” Lehman, Fay Bailey, John Whiteneck, John Lehman, John Witeneck, Edith I. Haight, LuluWickersham, Hattie Heckethorn, Rev. John R. Pennington, L. S. Ashley, F. O Johnson , W. E. Ray, |
Events Mentioned | State Contest in Wichita, Oratorical Contest |
Other, | Wichita, Kansas, Houston, Texas, Class of ‘06 |
Other | “the Unborn”, “The Modern Tragedy”, “the Tragedy of the Melting Pot”, McPherson High School, County Superintendent of Schools |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | Calendar |
Events Mentioned | Bible Institute, Bethany Debate, Sterling Debate |
Other, | Chilocco, Hays, Bible Institute, Fairmount, Pittsburg, Pittsburg, Kansas, Bethany, Lindsborg, Kansas, Friends, Bethel, Wichita, Kansas, Newton, Kansas, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | As they Read the Spectator |
Other, | Jokes, Short news stories, Short editorials, Student opinion, Personals, Barks and wags, Feature stories, Athletic news, Society news, Poetry, Exchanges, Alumni news, Long editorials, Advertisements, All but advertisements, The whole paper |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | Freshmen Commission Plan Adopted by “Y” |
Names mentioned | George Merky, Prof. C. S. Morris |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. M. C. A. |
Other, | Freshmen, Faculty advisor, Cabinet Plan for the Freshmen, Hi-Y wrok |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 6, 1924 |
Article Name | Kurtz Away Again |
Names mentioned | President D. W. Kurtz |
Other, | Chicago, Illinois, Church Board of Education, Educational Commission of The Brethren Church, American College Association, Waterloo, IA, Lecture |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | New Books in |
Names mentioned | Jay Sherwood Eddy , Kirby Page, Westermarch |
Events Mentioned | New Books in library |
Other, | Library |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | (No title middle 4th column) |
Other, | Washburn College, Kaw Contest, Picture, Vote |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | Basketball Season Opens Tomorrow Bulldogs Vs. Indians |
Names mentioned | Coach Mishler, Cleo Hill, LeslieShowalter, Holloway, Olin Ellwood, Voran , “Jim”, Eakes, “Duke” |
Events Mentioned | Basketball Game |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | Alumni Gymnasium, Chilocca Indian School, Oklahoma, Bulldogs, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | Former Professor Pays Visit to M. C. |
Names mentioned | Professor B.E. Ebel |
Other, | 1905-1909, 1920-1924, Modern Language Department |
Other | Chapel, Redlands, California, University of Redlands |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | Y. W. C. A. Meeting to Be Given over to W. A. A. |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | W. A. A., Y. W. C. A |
Events Mentioned | State W. A. A. Meeting December 5, 6 1924 |
Other, | McPherson College, Baker University |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | The Spectator |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey |
Vivian A. Long, Floyd E. Kurtz, Earl Morris, Rozella Whit, Floye Rhodes, Paul Dick, Samuel B. Kurtz, Paul Lentz, Rose Stauffer, Bernice Hoover, Wendell Johnson, Sidney L. Sondergard, Moffat Eakes, Edith McGaffey, M. A. Hess, W. G. Bleyer | |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Spectator |
Other, | Bookman, The New York Post, Literary Review, Et catera, University of Wisconsin |
Other | College Humor, Chapel, Censorship, Constructive athletic policy |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | Student Opinion |
Names mentioned | S. R. M |
Other, | Comradeship, McPherson College, Golden Rule |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | January 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Barks and Wags |
Names mentioned | Wendell Johnson |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Names mentioned | H. H. Harmon |
Events Mentioned | Public Speaking Contest, Dedication service, Campus day |
Other, | Washburn College, University of Denver, Baker University, Mulvane Hall of Science, Phillips University |
Other | Education of the Christian Church, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | Faculty of Undergraduates |
Other, | Princeton University, Undergraduates, Citizenship papers, The New Student |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | Smile a While |
Other | jokes |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Names mentioned | Robert McBalin |
Other, | The Bookman, Vermillion Republic |
Other | poems |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | Don’t be Discouraged- The Oak was once a Nut! |
Names mentioned | C. Everett Kemp, “Doc” Kurtz, Mr. Kemp |
Events Mentioned | Speech |
Sports Mentioned (all) | football |
Other, | Chapel |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | Group of Watchers See New Year Begin (continued from page one) |
Names mentioned | Mr. H. H Bixby, Coach Mishler, Reverend Richards |
Events Mentioned | contests |
Other, | Radio, New Year |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | To Hold conferences of Religious Education Here |
Names mentioned | Mr. Ezra Flory |
Events Mentioned | Regional directors of religious education meeting |
Other, | Elgin, Illinois, Religious Education |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No.15 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | Establish Scholarships as Memorial to Steinmetz |
Names mentioned | Dr. Charles Proteus Steinmetz |
Other, | Scholarship |
Other | General Electric Company, Union College |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Prof. R. E. Mohler, Bertha Colline, Elsie Klinkerman, Anna Mae Strickler, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Swain, Harriett Mohler, Sidney Sondergard, Dr. J. H. Saylor, Lavelle, Saylor, Mrs. Allen Stratton, Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes, Ruth Romine, Mary Jo Romine, Miriam Muse, Marguerite Muse, Miss Lora Trostle, W. J. Thomas |
Other, | Moundridge, Kansas, Phillips University of Enid, Oklahoma, Camden Point, Missouri, Galva, Kansas, Ramona, Kansas, Braymer, Missouri, Newton, Kansas, Arizona, Manhattan |
Other | A.B. ‘11 |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | January 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Social Events |
Names mentioned | Mr. and Mrs. August Anderson, Naomi Mohler, Harriett Mohler, Sidney Sondergard, Harvey Anderson, Marchand, Earl, Elsie McConkey, Rush Holloway, Earl, Miss McConkey, Floye Rhodes, Anna Edgecomb, Mattie Ring, Louise Potter, Lela Rhodes, Henry Newman, Wallace Lorimen, Orr Moffett, Virgil Ellwood, Leona Spear |
Events Mentioned | marriage |
Other, | Kansas City Dental College, Marchand home, Gordon Avenue, Sterling, Kansas, Windom, Kansas, Little River, Kansas |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | January 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Four Bulldogs Help Make Up “All-Stars” |
Names mentioned | Coach Mishler, Dale Strickler, Floyd Mishler, J. W. Christman, R. R. Uhriaub, Leonard Crumpacker, Sanger Crumpacker, “Duke” Strickler, Melvin Griffith, Ingolds, Harrison |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. M. C. A. |
Events Mentioned | Basketball |
Other, | McPherson College, Washburn College, All-Missouri Valley, Kansas University |
Other | McPherson High School, All-Stars, Burlingotn, Kansas, K. U, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | January 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Basketball Season Opens Tomorrow Bulldogs Vs. Indians (Continued from page 1.) |
Names mentioned | Strickler, Crumpacker, Leo Crumpacker, Virgil , Ellwood, Johnson |
Sports Mentioned (all) | basketball |
Other, | gymnasium |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | Among the Bulldogs |
Names mentioned | Coach Mishler, Captain Hill, Crumpacker, Showalter, Holloway, Eakes, Virgil Elllwood, Johnson, Mr. Eakes, Betts, Voran, Groves, Jennings, |
Other, | Chilocco Indians, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 15 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | January 6, 1925 |
Article Name | W. A. A. Organization Completed Last Night |
Names mentioned | Larua Hammann, Ethel May Metsker, Anna Mae Edgecomb, Nellie McGaffey, Fidelia Frantz, Edna Dunham, Mary Harnly, Merie Davis, Bertha Unruh, Mabel Griffin |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | W. A. A. |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball, tennis |
Other | New organization and elections |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 1 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | Bulldog Basketeers Hand Red Men 42-32 Defeat In Even Fight |
Names mentioned | Showalter, Hill, O. Ellwood, V. Ellwood, Crumpacker, Johnson, Holloway, Bailey, Wilson, Alley, Kekahbath, Miller, North, Herod |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Chilocco Indians |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | Basketball game between McPherson and Chilocco Indians |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 1 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | “Real Poetry” |
Names mentioned | Mrs. Hermans |
Other, | Submitted Poems |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 1 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | Freshman Commission Officers Are Elected |
Names mentioned | Elmer Hiedebrecht, Sam Mohler, Carl Freeburg, Prof. C.S. Morris, George Merkey, , |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. M. C. A.(YMCA), Older Boys Council |
Other, | Freshman YMCA Officers Elected |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 1 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | Underclass Debaters to Compete Against Tabor College Team |
Names mentioned | Maurice A. Hess, Floyd E. Kurtz, Anna Lengel, A.L.Patrick, Mildred Libby, , |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Tabor College, Academy Debate League |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 1 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | Nininger Goes to Lawrence |
Names mentioned | Prof. H.H.Nininger, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Kansas Academy of Science |
Other, | McPherson College Prof. conducts meeting to put bill before state legislature |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 1 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | Write That Yell! |
Other, | A Student Editorial |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 1 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | Schedule For Second Semester Is Changed |
Names mentioned | Prof. Boone, Prof. Deeter, Prof. Mohler, Paul Kurtz, Milton Dell, Madison Wis, Prof. Briggs, Prof. Mishoff, , |
Other, | Changes to semester schedule, additional courses added |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 1 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | Strict Requirements for Graduation and Transfer of Credits |
Names mentioned | Prof. J.A.Blair, Prof. W.O. Mishoff, |
Other, | Requirements for graduation and transfer of credits changed |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 1 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | Musical Number Coming Saturday Night |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Harp Novelty Company |
Other, | Unique show comes to town opera house |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 1 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | Volleyball Team Shows Human Nature is much Alike in All Species |
Names mentioned | Prof. Hess, Prof. Blair, Prof. Deeter, Prof. Fries, Prof. Hershey, Prof. Unruh, Al Unruh, Jones L. Lehman, Sam Mohler, Rev. Bill Luckett, Dennis Kesler, Crist Reish, Rine, Peckover, Patrick Brubaker, |
Other, | McPherson Profs., Students, and Reverends get together to play volleyball |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 1 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | W. A. A. For General Training in Athletics |
Names mentioned | Ethel May Metsker, Laura Hammann, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | W. A.A., Y.W.C.A.(YWCA), Baker University |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball, Tennis, Baseball, |
Other, | W. A.A. talks to YWCA about athletics, |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 2 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | The Spectator |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Vivian A. Long, Floyd E. Kurtz, Early Morris, Rozella White, Floye Rhodes, Paul Dick, Samuel B. Kurtz, Paul Lentz, Wendell Johnson, Sidney L. Sondergard, Moffat Eakes, Edith McGaffey, M. A. Hess, |
Other, | A list of staff and contributors for The Spectator |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 2 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | Chapel |
Names mentioned | Prof. M. A. Hess, Prof. W. O. Mishoff, |
Other, | Student submitted piece |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 2 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | Student Opinion |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Chilocco Indians |
Other, | Student Opinion |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 2 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | At the Discussion Groups |
Names mentioned | Prof. M. A. Hess, Fidelia Frantz, Sherwood Eddy |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. W.C.A.(YWCA), Y. M. C. A. (YMCA) |
Other, | Student Opinion |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 2 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | On Peace and War |
Other, | Student Opinion |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 2 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Washburn College, Kansas University, Kansas State Agricultural College, State College of Washington |
Other, | Interesting happenings from all over the country, including a section on Radio Schools – College courses broadcasted over the radio |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 2 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | As They See it |
Names mentioned | Ethel May Metsker, Mary B. Swope, Kenneth Rock, Julia Jones, Vivian Spillman |
Other, | Student Opinions on getting an actual bulldog to serve as the school mascot |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 2 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | Poets Corner |
Names mentioned | M. T.Head |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Detroit Free Press |
Other, | Submitted Poetry |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 3 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | Among the Alumni |
Names mentioned | Dr. E. L. Craik, Jeff Davis and Lee, Patrick Henry, John Marshall, Mr. Ayres, President Coolidge, Prof. J. C. Russel, Dr. Robert R. Russell, Ethel Hale, John Cullen, Beckner, Ray S. Wagoner, , , |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Jusiata College, University of Nebraska, Western State Normal College, Alumni Association, League of Nations, World Court, |
Other, | Sharp Administration Building, Alumni Administration Office |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 3 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | Club Plans to install Broadcasting Station |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | The Radio Club |
Other, | School radio club plans to install a small broadcasting station |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 3 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Hazel Scott, Rufus Daggett, Marty Sherfy, Nina Sherfy, Mrs. Homer Foutz, Naomi Mohler, Mrs. G. R. Dean, Lillian Dick, Bonnie Dee MacMurray, Goldie Vickers, Albert Street, Galen Dean, George Dean, Lucille Hoover, Emith Smith, Glenn Strickler |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Chilocco Indians |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 3 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | Fine Arts Department Gives Splendid Recital |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Fine Arts Department, |
Events Mentioned | Delia Chavez , Carrie Feller, Dorothy Swain, Margaret Bowlus, Eunice Wray, Fern Lingenfelter, |
Sports Mentioned | Fine Arts Department gives recital with wide range of music in chapel, |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 3 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | Suggests Clues of Who Donated Relic in Museum |
Names mentioned | Horner Eby, Coach Lay, |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 3 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | Bulldogs to Tangle With Emporia Teams |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | College of Emporia, Emporia Teachers College |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 3 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | Captain “Dick” Hill |
Names mentioned | Captain Cleo “Dick” Hill (pictured) |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | A short profile on a McPherson basketball player |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 3 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | All-Stars Meet Defeat at Hands of Newton Team |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | McPherson All-Star Basketball Team, Oliver and Halbert Hardware Team |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 16 Page 3 |
Date Published | January 13, 1925 |
Article Name | Hill Team Remains Undefeated in City |
Names mentioned | Noah Rhodes, Prof. Crumpacker, Prof. Morris, Prof. Mishler, L. Crumpacker, Rhodes, Merkey |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | College Hill, Newton Club, |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 1 |
Article Name | C. of E. Overpowers Bulldog Basketeers in a One-Sided Game |
Names mentioned | Captain Hill, Coach Mishler, Showalter, Groves, Crumpacker, Tipton, Juengling, Roberts, Patton, Bertsch, Horrel |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | College of Emporia |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other | Alumni Gymnasium |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 1 |
Article Name | Library to be Open at Night Hereafter |
Names mentioned | Prof. J. J. Yoder, Margaret Heckethorn, |
Other, | Longer Library hours to prevent the library from becoming overcrowded |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 1 |
Article Name | Hays Students to Give Kansas History Pageant |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Hays Teachers College |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 1 |
Article Name | Eclipse of Sun Coming |
Other, | Time and date of solar eclipse with viewing instructions |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 1 |
Article Name | Department of Voice Will Give Concert |
Names mentioned | Katherine Penner, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Choral Society, Ladies Glee Club, Music Club, |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 1 |
Article Name | Goody Shop Coming |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. W. C. A.(YWCA), |
Events Mentioned | Bible Institute |
Other, | Y. W.C.A. putting a sort of bake sale during Bible Institute |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 1 |
Article Name | Dr. Edward Frantz to be Main Speaker at Bible Institute |
Names mentioned | Dr. Edward Frantz (pictured), D.W. Kurtz, Dr. Ezra Flory, Rev. Hershel, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | The Gospel Messenger (publication) |
Other, | An overview of speakers for the bible institute |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 1 |
Article Name | How About It? |
Names mentioned | Prof. M. A. Hess, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.W.C. A. (YWCA), |
Other, | A submitted editorial, |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 1 |
Article Name | Musicians Present Successful Program |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Harp Novelty Company |
Other, | Harp Novelty Company show well received |
Other | McPherson Opera House |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 1 |
Article Name | Smith Has Studio Theatre |
Names mentioned | Upton Sinclair, George Brandes, Samuel Eliot (Ellot?) Jr., , |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 1 |
Article Name | S. Council Discusses Student Government, Its Pro’s and Con’s |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council |
Other, | Possible Changes to Student Gov’t Discussed |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 1 |
Article Name | Final Examinations Thursday and Friday |
Other, | Final exam times |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 1 |
Article Name | Bullddogs (sic) Are Defeated by Hutchinson |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 1 |
Article Name | The Fable of the Foibles of a Bad Egg and the Good Results |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 2 |
Article Name | The Spectator |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Vivian A. Long, Floyd E. Kurtz, Early Morris, Edna Dunham, Rosella White, Floye Rhoden, Paul Dick, Samuel B. Kurtz, Rose Stauffer, Bernice Hover, Paul Lentz, Wendell Johnson, Sidney L. Sondergard, Moffat Eakes, Edith McGaffey, M. A. Hess, |
Other, | A list of staff and contributors of The Spectator |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 2 |
Article Name | Student Opinion |
Names mentioned | S. B. Kurtz, |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 2 |
Article Name | Boone Succeeds Mohler on Kansas Conference |
Names mentioned | Prof. H. N. Boone, D. W.Kurtz, Prof. R.E.Mohler |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Wisconsin University |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 2 |
Article Name | Barks and Wags |
Names mentioned | Wendell Johnson |
Other, | Student Submitted poetry |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 2 |
Article Name | Nominates Meadowlark as State Bird of Kansas |
Names mentioned | Prof. H. H. Nininger, Craig S. Thomas, Edna Dunham |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Association of Audubon Societies of Kansas, Biology Department |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 2 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Names mentioned | W. A. Lewis |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | The Phillips State, Central interscholastic Press Association of Madison Wisconsin, Hays State Teachers College, |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 2 |
Article Name | Poets Corner |
Names mentioned | M. T. Head, Corinne Roosevelt Robinson |
Other, | A small collection of poems |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 3 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Harlan Yoder, Naomi Mohler, Isaac Dirks, J. O. McIlwaine, Jessie Brown, Katherine Penner, Winifred O’Connor, Elberta Vaniman, Harold Barton, Clement Haldeman, Alvin Voran, Ralph Himes, Early Reed, Richard Keim, Chressie Heckman, Rev. W. T. Luckett, Anna Gitt, Clarence Bonnet, Mrs. R. H. Saylor, Lavelle Saylor, Mrs. W. C. Heaston, Viola Bowser, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Strohm, Mrs. E. F. Sherfy, Horner Eby, Mrs. Sam Strong, Harold Gill, Melva Summers, Clarence Hawkins, Mr. Ernest Sherfy |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Hutchinson National Guard |
Other, | Society Column |
Other | Arnold Hall |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 3 |
Article Name | Numbers of Changes Made in Schedule |
Names mentioned | Prof. J. A. Blair, |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 3 |
Article Name | Lashes College Activities |
Names mentioned | Charles Mills Gayley |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Glee Club |
Other, | Opinion Piece |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 3 |
Article Name | Among the Alumni |
Names mentioned | Rev. Paul C. Warren, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Seattle-Pacific College, West End Presbyterian Church, |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 3 |
Article Name | Smile a While |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 3 |
Article Name | “Missions” Flory Will Conduct Study Sessions |
Names mentioned | Dr. Flory, Rev. Shank, Rev. H. F. Richards, H. J. Harnly, Prof. J. W. Deeter, Prof. G. N. Boone, F. E. Misher, Dr. Kurtz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Thespian Club |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 4 |
Article Name | Hays Tigers Ready to Attack Bulldogs |
Names mentioned | Mishler, |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | Upcoming game between McPherson and Hays |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 4 |
Article Name | Games last Week |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | College of Emporia, Washburn, Bethany, Hays, Southwestern, Friends University, Kansas State Normal, Sterling, Fairmount, Bethel, Baker, Ottawa, Haskel, Pittsburg Normal, St. Johns, Wesleyan, |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | recent Basketball Games |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 4 |
Article Name | Frosh Will Debate Title With Seniors |
Names mentioned | Anna Mae Strickler, Lois Myers, Laura Hamman, Lillie Crumpacker, |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 17 Page 4 |
Article Name | Plans for Intramural Tournament Are Laid |
Names mentioned | Coach Mishler, Glade Fisher, Long, Morris S. Kurtz, P. Kurtz, Himes, Sondergard, Doty, Keim, Fisher, Hahn Eller, McCall, Gnangy, Morine Davis, Mishler, Strickler, Garrelts, Jamison, E. Reed, L. Saylor, E. Kaufman, C. Showalter, Horning, Wagner, Hawkins, Whiteneck, Hutchinson , Newham, G. Hill, Street, Curtis, Dean, Carlson, Rowland, Matson, Carney, Grogan, Olde, Yoder, Martin, S. Reed, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Institute Presenting Religious Education and Study of Bible |
Names mentioned | Dr. Ezra Flory, Dr. Edward Frantz, Rev. Hershel Shank, Dr. Frantz, Dean H. J Harnly, Prof. J. W. Deeter, Prof. G. N. Boone, Coach F. E. Mishler |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Volunteer Group |
Events Mentioned | Play, speeches |
Other, | Bible Institute |
Other | Elgin, Illinois, India, Opera House, “in the Vanguard” |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol 8 No. 18 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Enrolment for Next semester Underway |
Events Mentioned | Enrollment |
Other, | Commercial Hall |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Morris Gone on Eastern Trip |
Names mentioned | Prof. Charles S. Morris |
Events Mentioned | Missionary Conference of North America |
Other, | Washington D. C, Juaniata, Blue Ridge, North Manchester Colleges, Ohio University, Indiana, Ohio |
Other | Mathematics department head |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Y. W. C. A. Goody Shop Promises to be Unique |
Events Mentioned | Annual Goody Shop |
Other, | Eskimo, Italian, Food, Entertainment |
Other | Alumni Gymnasium |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Thespians to give “In the Vanguard” |
Names mentioned | Katrina Trask, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council, Thespian Club |
Other, | Opera House |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Fellowships being Offered |
Other, | Kansas University, Registrar’s office |
Other | Fellowship , Salary, Work, Graduate |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | How True; ‘Tis als or ‘Tisn’t False – the Only Question |
Names mentioned | Professor Blair |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 1 |
Article Name | Harnly to be Vice President Mohler Will be M. C.’s Dean |
Names mentioned | H.J. Harnly, R. E Mohler |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Board of Trustees |
Other, | Discontinuation of Academy fall 1926, Professor of Agriculture, Endowment drive |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Calendar |
Other, | Bible Institute, Fairmount , Wichita, Kansas, Pittsburg, Pittsburg, Kansas, Bethany, Lindsborg, Knasas, Hays, Hays, Kansas, Friends |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Doty Represents M. C. At Committee Meeting |
Names mentioned | Leroy Doty |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A. |
Other | President, Rocky Mountain Distorics, Southwestern Region |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Choral Organizations give Sacred Concert |
Names mentioned | Katherine Penner |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Choral Society, Music Club, Ladies Glee Club, Male Quartet, Male Trio |
Other, | “build thee more stately mansions”, “Radiant More”, “Praise Ye The Father’ |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Mohlers go to Wisconsin |
Names mentioned | Prof. R. E. Mohler, Mrs. Mohler |
Other, | Madison, Wisconsin, Woodland, Michigan, Scottville Michigan |
Other | Agriculture economics |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Tigers are Humbles by Mishler’s Quintet in Thrilling Battle |
Names mentioned | Groves, Hill, Showalter, Coach Mishler, “Jim” |
Events Mentioned | Basketball game |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | Alumni Gymnasium, Hays Tigers |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | To Hold Anti-Tobacco Contest in February |
Names mentioned | John Whiteneck, W. T. Luckett, Horner Eby, |
Events Mentioned | Anti-Tobacco Oratorical Contest |
Other, | Central College, Tabor |
Sterling, Kansas Wesleyan, McPherson | |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Dramatic Art Classes Give Original Scenes |
Names mentioned | Mercedes Chapman |
Other, | Dramatic art classes |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | January 27, 1926 |
Article Name | Social Events |
Names mentioned | J.J. Yoder, President D. W. Kurtz, Miss Katherine Penner, A. E. San Romani, Mrs. San Romani, Prof. J. Lewis Doll, Carl Freeburg, Lillian Andrews, Ethel May Metsker, Alberta Flory, Ruth Grunwold, Roscoe W. Wine, Elberta Vaniman, Celesta Wine, Mrs. R. H Wine, Margaret Wall, Salome Mohler, Mary B. Swope, Kathryn Swope, Harriett Mohler, Naomi Mohler, Maurine Stutzman, Bernice Hoover, Melvin Graham, Elberta Vaniman, Lauvera Lingle , Eunice Wray, Minnie Hutchinson, Florence Lehman, Clarissa Evans, Mildred Fike, Mary Sherfy, Anna Lengel, Lillian Andrews |
Events Mentioned | Taffy Pull, Mid-year Party, Marriage, Dinner |
Other, | Board of Trustees, Harnly Hall, Sophomores |
Other | Union Hotel , Arnold Hall, Radio Party, Playing Rook |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Harnly to be Vice President Mohler will Be M. C.’s Dean (Continued from page 1) |
Names mentioned | Prof. M. A. Hess, D. W Kurtz, Dr. H. J Harnly, R. E. Mohler, Mrs. Amanda Fahnestock, J. J. Yoder, J. A. Blair, Mayme E. Walker, Elsie Pokrantz, Jessie Brown, J. H Fries, C. S. Morris, J. W Hershey, Edith McGaffey, J. W. Deeter, Maurice A. Hess, J. Lewis Doll, Margaret Heckethorn, G. N. Boone, F. E. Mishler, Estella Engle, L. L. Briggs, Mercedes Chapman, Estella Engle , John Hoff, Prof. H. H. Nininger, Ray Strohm, Roy Crist, F. A. Vaniman |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Board of Trustees |
Other, | College preparatory course, Debate, President, Treasurer, Business manager, Office assistant, Instructor in typewriting, Religious courses |
Other | Chicago, University of Chicago |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Former Professor Broadcasts |
Names mentioned | Professor C. L. Rowland, |
Other, | Altoona, PA, Juniata College, Huntingdon, PA |
Other | Department of Singing |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 pg. 3 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Among the Alumni |
Names mentioned | Dr. John Addison Clement, “Si” Sargent , Mr. Sargent |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. M. C. A |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | Class of ‘02, Professor of Education, University of Illinois , Urana, Illinois, Pomona, California, La Verne College in California |
Other | “fundamentals of Secondary education”, “Standardization of the Kansas Schools”, Illinois, “The Principles and Practices of the Junior High School Movement in Indiana”, Professor of Education in M. C from 1911-1913, Purdue University, Northwestern University |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | George Hoover, Bernice Hoover, Lena Beavers, Aladys Adamson, Harriett Mohler, Sidney Sondergard, Rev. Earl Breon, George Burgin, H.E. Whitlong, Katherine Penner, Margaret Wall, Mary B. Swope, Bernice Hoover, Ruth Wedell, Carrie Feiler, Bessie Bremen, Winston Cassier, John Wall, Harold Barton, Ruth greene, Selma Engstrom, Bernie Peck, Rozella White, Julia Jones, Herkle Wampler, Leslie Sargent, Mary Jo Romine, Mrs. E. V. Cade, Vera Cade, Mabel Griffin, Ethel Jamison, Mable Jamison |
Other, | “Blossom Time”, Hutchinson, Kansas, Salina, Kansas, Amputation, Chicago, Lawrence, Kansas, Goshen, Indiana, Newton, Kansas, Abbeyville, Kansas, Nickerson, Kansas, Hays, Kansas |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Says Christina Life is Full Measure of Success |
Names mentioned | Rev. Miles Wolf |
Other, | Baptist Church in Fort Scott, Kansas, Chapel, Temporal way, Spiritual way, Measures of success, “the Pilot of the Ages” |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Nininger Addresses Smith County Teachers |
Names mentioned | Prof. H. H. Nininger |
Events Mentioned | Speech, meeting |
Other, | Head of biology department, Smith county teachers association, Kansas Academy of Science, Vice-President, Audubon Society |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Y. W. C. A. Has Sing |
Names mentioned | Ruth Sollenberger, Katherine Penner |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. W. C. A |
Events Mentioned | Y. W. C. A Meeting |
Other, | Devotions, Singing |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | January 27,1925 |
Article Name | Bulldogs Planning Revenge On Shockers |
Names mentioned | Coach Mishler, Woods, Blood, Kice, |
Events Mentioned | Basketball games |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | Shocker Team, Fairmount, Wichita, Local court, Kansas Conference |
Other | Canine Cagers |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Tigers are Humbled by Mishler’s Quintet in Thrilling Battle (continued from page 1) |
Names mentioned | Uhrlaub, Holloway, Crumpacker, “Drake” Strickler, Eakos, Coach Mandeville, Hill, Showalter, J. Ellwood, Eakes, Groves, K. Hinkhouse, Wheat, Lorbeer, McFerrin, Riley, Christensen, D. Hinkhouse |
Events Mentioned | Basketball game |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | Hays |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Games this Week |
Other | Ottawa, Pittsburg, Friends, Southwestern, Washburn, Kansas Wesleyan, St. Marys, Bethany, Baker, Pittsbury, Sterling |
Bethel, Friends, C. of E., Hays, Emporia Teachers | |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Games Last Week |
Other, | C. of E. , Washburn, Kansas Wesleyan, St. Marys, Bethany, Southwestern, Friends, Emporia Teachers, Washburn, Bethel, Fairmount |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Five Rules of Sportsmenship |
Names mentioned | Chas A. Lee |
Other, | Superintendent of Missouri Schools, K. C. Star |
Other | How to be a good sportsman spectator |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 18 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | January 27, 1925 |
Article Name | Freshman Girls First in Class Tournament |
Names mentioned | Anna Mae Strickler, Frances Temple, Floye Rhodes, McGaffey, Dunham, L. Crumpacker, Griffin, Haas, Prather, Strickler, Evans, Temple, I. Crumpacker, Paul, Ellwood, H. Lichty, D. Lichty, Hammann |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Sports Mentioned | Freshmen Basketball Girls |
Other, | Seniors, Freshmen, fouls |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Canine Cagers Divide Last Week’s Games With Wichita Quintet |
Names mentioned | Ellwood, Hill, Holloway, Showalter, Groves, Crumpacker, Eakes, Voran, Ddavis, Reynolds, Woods, Isely, Klaver, Stout, Herman, Corzine |
Events Mentioned | Basketball |
Other, | Fiarmount Shockers, Bulldogs, Wichita, Fouling, Teamwork |
Other | Home court |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 3,1925 |
Article Name | Meadow-Lark is M. C.’s Favorite State BIrd |
Other, | Voting, Chapel , Meadow-lark, Cardinal, Prairie Chicken, Bob-White |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 no. 19 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Unruh Takes Degree |
Names mentioned | E. J. Unruh |
Events Mentioned | Degree |
Other, | First graduate to take degree at end of first semester, A. B. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Optimism |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Group Requirements to Change Slightly |
Other, | Change in Courses, Economics, English, Botany, Zoology, Composition, Literature, Theism, Philosophy, Theology, General mathematics |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Girls out for points in Health and Hiking |
Names mentioned | Mabel Griffith, Bertha Unruh |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | W. A. A. |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball, Hiking, Health |
Other, | Health Rules, Health Manager |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Wonder What the Bulletin Board Thinks About All Day Long |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Spectator |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Bible Institute is Most Successful in History of College |
Names mentioned | President D. W. Kurtz, Dr. Edward Frantz, Rev. H G. Shank |
Events Mentioned | Bible Institute Week |
Other, | Gospel Messenger |
Other | England, France, Switzerland, Belguim, Holland, Germany, League of Nations, Dawes Plan, Panama Canal, Fruitland, Idaho |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Calendar |
Events Mentioned | Local Anti-tobacco Oratorical contest, Orchestra Concert, Bethany Debate |
Other, | Bethany, Hays, Friends, Bethel, |
Other | Lindsborg, Kansas, Hays, Kansas, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | You’re Wanted |
Names mentioned | Victor Murdock |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Spec |
Other, | Novelists, Americans |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Thespians Present “In the Vangaurd” |
Names mentioned | Katrina Trask, Mercedes Chapman, Selma Engstrom, Earl Morris |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Thespian club |
Events Mentioned | Performance |
Other, | The Operal House |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Industrial Arts Department Gives Exhibition |
Names mentioned | Prof. G. N. Boone, President D. W. Kurtz |
Other, | Furniture, Glove boxes, Handkerchief boxes, Recipe cabinets, Book ends, Cedar chests, Candlesticks, Benchwork, Mechanical drawing |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Quadrangle Work is Well Under Way Says Editor-In-Cheif |
Names mentioned | Professor Kurtz |
Other, | 1925 Quadrangle, Senior Class, Campus views, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Honor Point System Made Less Stringent |
Other, | Honor Point System , Public activity, Public Athletic Contests, Debate contests, Oratorical contests |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | The Spectator |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Samuel B. Kurtz, Earl F. Morris, Edna E. Dunham, Wendell A. L. Johnson, A. Paul Lentz, Floye F. Rhodes, Mildred I. Fike, Mattie ring, Marianne Kittell, Hoyt Strickler, Marion Krehbiel, Jay Greene, Eleanor Caldwell, Henry G. Hahn, Ronald M. Warren, M. Edith McGaffey, Maurice A. Hess |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 13 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | A New Student |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council, Paper |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Student Government |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council |
Other, | Faculty, Student Government |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Student Opinion |
Other, | Bulldogs, pep |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Yoder and Morrison Enjoy Trip to Washington D. C. |
Names mentioned | Professor J. J. Yoder, Professor C. S. Morris, Dr. E. L Craik, Professor C. L. Rowland, Paul Yoder |
Events Mentioned | Missionary Conference of North America |
Other, | Class of ‘21, K. U, Blue Ridge College, Ohio University, Johns Hopkins University, Juniata College |
Other | Washington, D. C., Huntingdon, Pennsylvania |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Mishoff Coming Back |
Names mentioned | Professor W. O Mishoff, Professor C. Ray Keim |
Events Mentioned | Meeting of the Trustees |
Other, | Chicago University, Head of History Department |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Thank You! |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. W. C. A. Cabinet |
Sports Mentioned | Goody Shop |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Classes are Expanded |
Names mentioned | Mercedes Chapman, Dr. J. W. Hershey |
Other, | Main Street, Puritan Café, Studio, Laboratory Work, Elementary Chemistry, Nurses’ Training School |
Other | McPherson County Hospital, Nurses, Play Practice |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | A Correction |
Names mentioned | Mr. Arthur Emil Uhe |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Uhe String Trio, Lindsborg Trio, Spectator |
Other, | Correction |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Barks and Wags |
Names mentioned | Wendell Johnson |
Other, | Jokes |
Other | Jokes |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Thespians Present “In the Vanguard” (Continued From Page 1) |
Names mentioned | Fera Brunk, Prof. J. Lewis Doll, Selma Engstrom, Earl Morris, Vivian Long, Emmert Pair, Hoyt Strickler, Ocie McAvoy, Samuel Kurtz, Paul Kurtz, Eunice ALmen, Rozella White, Lillian Andrews, Elverta Hawley , Bertha Unruh, Lillie Crumpacker |
Sports Mentioned | Play Performance |
Other, | Make-up, Music, Class of ‘17 |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Calendar Out for Next Year |
Events Mentioned | Start of school, Christmas Vacation |
Other | 1925-1926 School Year |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Other, | Bachelor of Science, K. S. T. C., Department of Journalism, Kansas University, Topeka Capital, Phi Kappa Delta, Washburn, K. U, Y. M. C. A., Gorilla, Pittsburg State Teachers College |
Other | The New Student |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Poets’ Corner |
Names mentioned | M. T. Head, Buffalo Bison |
Other, | Poets |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Willis Neff, Say Moyer, John Mohler, John Lehman, Florence Lehman, Minnie Hutchinson, Mr. and Mrs. Day Meyers, Herbert Nickel, Lena Jeffers, Pearl Rhine, Alice Wright, Prof. and Mrs. H. H. Nininger, Dorothy Doane, Ruth Greene, Prudence Strickler, Isabella Eskelson, Mildred Kelley, Anna May Strickler, Mrs. George Royer, Ester Blickenstaff, Nina Sherfy, Viola Bowser, Anna Lengel, Charles Lengel, Clark Brumbaugh, Prof. and Mrs. M. A. Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Wilson, Mr. and Mrs. Durst, Mrs. S. A. Miller, Ruth Miller, Mrs. Haugh, Bertie May, Lorraine Royer, Edith McGaffey, Prof. M. A. Hess, Lena Draegert, Ruth Rutt, Irene Liddell, Lauvera Lingie, Della Chavez, Hazel Scott, Bernice Steinberg, Eunice Longsdorff, Ruth Sollenberger, Edith Early, Alberta Flory, Bertha Ikenberry, Elmer Hiedebrecht, Verie Dobins, Ralph Garman, Ira Newham, Harold Rodabaugh, William Burgin, Harold Gill |
Events Mentioned | Dinners, Ice Skating |
Other, | Fahnestock Hall, Arnold Hall, Illness, High School, Circle Lake, Iowa, Glascow |
Other | Leeton, Missouri, Hillsboro, Kansas, Abbeyville, Kansas, St. Johns, Kansas, Nickerson, Kansas, Canton, Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, Ramona, Kansas, Herington, Kansas, Ottawa, Kansas, Galva, Kansas, Denver, Colorado, Newton, Kansas, Little River, Kansas, Lyons, Kansas, Holmesville, Nebraska, Moundridge, Nasas, Lorraine, Kansas |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Annual Goodie Shoppe Proves Great Success |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. W. C. A |
Events Mentioned | ‘25 Goodie Shoppe |
Other, | Food, Music, Gymnasium, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Bible Institute is Most Successful in History of College (continued from page 1) |
Names mentioned | Rev. Ezra Flory, Doctor Kurtz, Doctor Harnly, Sam. R Mohler, Dr. Frantz, Miss Katherine Penner, Professor Boone, Professor Mishler, Professor Wagoner |
Events Mentioned | Peace Play |
Other, | Elgin, Illinois, “religious education”, “Our India Missions”, “In the Vanguard” |
Other | Sunday School |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Social Events |
Names mentioned | Lillie Crumpacker, Minie Edgecomb, Richard Keim, Olive Edgecomb, Mary Jo Romine, Ruth Sollenberger, Lorraine Royer, Delia Chavez, Ocie McAvoy, Helen Lichty, Mary B. Swope, Kathryn Swope, Lorinda Leatherman, Bernice Peck, Dorothy Lichty, Evelyn Kimmell, Goldie Vickers, Viola Bowser, Melvina Graham, Lucille Hoover |
Events Mentioned | Dinners, Engagements, enrollments |
Other, | Bethel College, Newton, Kansas |
Other | Arnold Hall, Fahnestock Hall |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Bulldogs Have Four Difficult Games Ahead |
Names mentioned | Barnes |
Other, | Pittsburg, Bethany Swedes, Hays Teachers, Tigers |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Canine Cagers Divide Last Week’s Games with Wichita Quintet (continued from Page 1) |
Names mentioned | Murray, Schaeffer, Mishler, Ellwood, Woods, Jim, Eakes, Crumpacker, Groves |
Holloway, Hill, Reynolds, Showalter, Davis, Isely, Woods, Klaever, Hermon, Corzine, Murray, Stout | |
Events Mentioned | Basketball |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball Games |
Other, | Shockers |
Fairmount, Bulldogs, | |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg.4 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Games Next Week |
Other, | Haskell, Ottawa, Kansas Wesleyan, Bethany, Friends, Fairmount, C. of E., Southwestern, Bethel, Emporia Teachers, Washburn, St. Johns, Hays, Sterling |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Games Last Week |
Other, | Ottawa, Pittsburg, Friends, Southwestern, Washburn, Kansas Wesleyan, St. Marys , Bethany, Sterling, Bethel, Hays, Emporia Teachers, Baker, McPherson All Stars, Salina City Team |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 pg. 4 |
Date Published | February 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Women’s Intra-mural Basketball to begin |
Names mentioned | Goldie Vickers, Mattie Ring, Ethel May Metsker, Mabel Griffin, Laura McGaffey, Anna Mae Edgecomb, Naomi Mohler, Helen Lichty, Fidelia Frantz, Anna Mae Strickler, Frances Temple, Lucile Paul, Lillie Crumpacker, Clarissa Evans, Edna Dunham, Harriett MOhler, Dorothy Lichty, Bertha Unruh, Lois Myer, Floye Rhodes, Mary B. Swope, Leola Ellwood, Laura Hammann, Ira Crumpacker, Nellie McGaffey, Viola Bowser, Jaunita Miller |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | W. A. A. |
Events Mentioned | voting |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Inter-collegiate basketball, Intra-mural basketball |
Other, | Scheduling |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.1,3 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Bulldogs Annex One Game Out of Three – Swedes Vanquished |
Names mentioned | Mishler, Showalter, Groves, Hill, Crumpacker, Tipton, Sesher, Barnes, Ellwood |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.1 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Fine Arts Department in Musical Program |
Names mentioned | Virginia Lee Snyder, Fredrick McCoy, Mildred Beard, Kenneth Regler, Margaret Bowlus, Carl Schurman, Eva May Lingle |
Other, | Fine arts department |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.1 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Founder of M. C. Here |
Names mentioned | Dr. S. Z. Sharp |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Bible Institute |
Events Mentioned | Annual meeting of the trustee’s |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.1 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Extensive Schedule for Summer School |
Names mentioned | Professor J. A. Blair, Edith McGaffey, W. O. Mishoff, Dr. J. W. Hershey |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.1 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | M. C. Professors Given High Rank as Judges |
Names mentioned | M. A. Hess, Prof. J. A. Blair, Dr. E. L. Craik |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Debate |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.1 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Kurtz Gives Addresses |
Names mentioned | D. W. Kurtz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Schoolmasters Club, State Teachers Association |
Events Mentioned | Banquet of the Schoolmasters Club, Young People’s conference |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.1 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Tells of Missionary Conference at Washington |
Names mentioned | Prof. C. S. Morris, Miss Katherina Penner |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Missionary Conference of North America |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.1 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Calendar |
Events Mentioned | Local Anti-Tobacco Oratorical Contest, Orchestra concert, Bethany debate |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.1 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Symphony Orchestra in Concert Tomorrow |
Names mentioned | Miss Katherine Penner, Howard Snyder, Prof. J. Lewis Doll |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | McPherson College Symphony Orchestra |
Events Mentioned | McPherson College Symphony Orchestra concert |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.1 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Harnly and Blair Attend State Teachers Association |
Names mentioned | H. J. Harnly , Prof. J. A. Blair, J. J. Tigert, Prof. John J. Coss |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Kansas State Teachers Association , Council of Administration |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.1 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | New Church Building Again Going Up After Delay of Five Weeks |
Names mentioned | F. A. Vaniman |
Other, | Church of the Brethren |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.1 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Orators to Compete In Contest Tonight |
Names mentioned | John S. Whiteneck, W. T. Luckett, Horner M. Eby |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Anti-Tobacco Association |
Events Mentioned | Anti-Tobacco Association Annual tryout |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.2 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | The Value of Traditions |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.2 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Gigantism in Schools |
Other, | Indiana University , Harvard, Yale |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.2 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Student Opinion |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.2 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Morris Tells of Visit to Capitol |
Names mentioned | Prof. C. S. Morris, Dr. E. L. Craik, Prof. C. L. Rowland |
Events Mentioned | World Missionary Conference |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.2 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Applications Must Be In |
Names mentioned | C. S. Morris |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Kansas University fellowship |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.2 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Gives Musical Program |
Names mentioned | Lorina Leatherman, Autumn Lindbloom, Mrs. Ada Uaruh, Delia Chavez |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. W. C. A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.2 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Barks and Wags |
Names mentioned | Wendell Johnson |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.2 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Men’s Student Council of Kansas University |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.2 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Why I Wrote the Life of Woodrow Wilson |
Names mentioned | William Allen White |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.2 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Poet’s Corner |
Names mentioned | Frank F. Morris |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.3 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Hays Again and Then the Quaker Quintet |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.3 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Basketball Definitions |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.3 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Games Last Week |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.3 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Games This Week |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.3 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Another Team Enters Intramural Tourney |
Events Mentioned | Intramural tournament |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.4 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Emmett Pair, Alma Morrison, Rufus Daggett, Clarence Bartlet, Henry Boyd, Hazel Scott, Lois Myers, Ceril Calboon, John Lehman, Everett Brubaker, Mr. Ernest, Prof. H. H. Nininger, Nina sherfy, Mae Harris, Mr. Elrod, Mrs. Elrod, Phil Spohn, Lowell Sell, Homer Paden, Velma Bailey, Albert Phillipi, Delia Chavez, Goldie Vickers, Anna Mae Strickler, Glenn Strickler, Dale Strickler, Prof. M. A. Hess, Reuben Bowman, Herbert Nickel, William Burgin, Paul Dick, Clifton Dutton, Kenneth Wingerd, Ethel Beuse, Mrs. J. E. Steinour, Richard Keim, Chressie Heckman, Elmer Heldebrecht, Mr. Lebman, Mrs. Re. E. Lebman, Irene, Harry Nickel, Jacon Ratzlaff, Bernice Hoover, Sidney Sondergard, Harian Yoder |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.4 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Can You Make It Shorter |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.4 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Optimism |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.4 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Smile a While |
Names mentioned | Miss Gladys |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 08 No. 20 Pg.4 |
Date Published | February 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Among the Alumni |
Names mentioned | Mrs. Oliver H. Austin, Rev. Austin, Dr. E. L. Craik, M. G. Brumbaugh, Joseph L. Bowman, Miss Elva Burr, Dr. Floyd Echols, Mary Andes, Rev. Homer G. Engle |
Events Mentioned | Evangeliatic meeting |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol.8 No. 21 P. 1 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Canines Bow to Hays But are Victorious Over Friends Quintet |
Names mentioned | Mishler, Showalter, Groves, Hill, Tipton, Crumpacker, Eakes, Ellwood, Hinkhouse |
Events Mentioned | Basketball games |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | Canines, Hays tigers, Friends University |
Other | Hays |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Whiteneck’s Oration Given First Place |
Names mentioned | John Whiteneck, W. T. Luckett, Horner Eby, Rev. Lawrence Ashley, Rev. John R. Pennington, Miss Hattie Heckethorn |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Kansas Anti-Tobacco Association |
Events Mentioned | Anti-Tobacco Oratorical Contest |
Sports Mentioned (all) | N.A |
Other, | Christian Church of McPherson, Baptist Church of McPherson, County Superintendent of Public Instruction |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Men’s Tourney in Progress |
Events Mentioned | Intramural Tournament |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | S. I. F., I. O. N. A. P, Academy, Izzles, Rinkydinks |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Associations Draw Up Election Slates |
Names mentioned | D. W. Kurtz, Alta Mohler, Mary B. Swope, Laura Hammann, Ethel May Metzker, Vivian Harnly, Alberta Flory, Julia Hollem, Ruth Sollenberger, Nellie McGaffey |
Bernice Hoover, Carrie Feiler, Florence Kline, Sam R. Mohler, George Merkey, S. Milton Dell, Carl Freeburg, Paul Lentz, Paul Blickenstaff, Sidney Sondergard, Glenn Rothrock | |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. W. C. A, Y. M. C. A |
Events Mentioned | Elections, Meeting |
Other, | N.A |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | (No title Middle 2nd column) |
Other, | Library, Scientific American |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Page Hearst; Sensational Happening in McPherson University |
Other, | Greenwich Village Caburet |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Why Flappers Flap |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Scholarship Honors Awarded by Faculty |
Names mentioned | Laura McGaffey, Margaret Dresher |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Spectator, Quadrangle, W. A. A. |
Events Mentioned | Awarding scholarships |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | Fellowship to Kansas University, University of Kansas, The Academy, |
Other | History major |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | K. C. Little Symphony Coming to McPherson |
Names mentioned | N. De Rubertis, Mrs. Raymond Havens |
Events Mentioned | Orchestra performance |
Other, | Kansas City’s Little Symphony Orchestra |
Other | McPherson Opera House |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 19 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Symphony Orchestra Gives Fine Concert Before Full House |
Names mentioned | J. Lewis Doll, Katherine Penner, Howard Snyder, C. W. Gluck, Lake, MacDowell, Gounod, Bucalossi, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | McPherson College Symphony Orchestra, College Chapel |
Events Mentioned | Orchestra Program |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | To Hold Music Memory contest March 2 |
Names mentioned | Archie San Romani |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Chapel |
Other, | Kansas City Little Symphony |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | The Spectator |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Samuel B. Kurtz, Horner M. Eby, Earl F. Morris, Enda E. Dunham, Wendell A. L. Johnson, A. Paul Lentz, Floye F. Rhodes, Mildred J. Fike, Marianne Kittell, Marion Krehbiel, Eleanor Caldwell, Sidney L. Sondergard, Henry G. Hahn, Ronald M. Warren, Edith McGaffey, Maurice A. Hess |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Spectator |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | A Tale of Two Men |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Popularity |
Other, | Prince of Wales |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | It’s Fun |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | “College Friendships” is Subject for Discussion |
Names mentioned | William E. Sprenger |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. M. C. A, Y. W. C. A |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Student Opinion |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Mrs. D. W. Kurtz Speaks on Popularity of Y.W.C.A |
Names mentioned | Mrs. D. W. Kurtz, Mrs. Kurtz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.W.C.A |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Barks and Wags |
Names mentioned | Wendell Johnson |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Miss Chapman Explains Correct Social usage |
Names mentioned | Miss Mercedes Chapman |
Other, | Dramatic Art Class |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Radio club to Start Study of Textbook |
Names mentioned | Phillip Spohn, Lowell Sell |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Radio Club |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Other, | Baker University, Southwestern College, Washburn College |
Other | Washburn Banquet |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Poets’ Corner |
Other, | Poems |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Social Events |
Names mentioned | Pauline Shirk, Stanley Keim, Vivian Harnly, Mrs. D. S. Horner, Winston Cassler, Mary B. Swope, Maurine Stutzman, Fidelia Frantz, Mary Harnly, Julia Hollem, Mrs. Themla Jones, Sanger Crumpacker, Moffat Eakes, Floyd Kurtz, Herman Jones, Ray Trostle, Grover O’Neil, Miss Mayme Wilker, “Little Jim” Ellwood, “Peanuts” Morine |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Athletic board, Debate team, Foods class |
Events Mentioned | Engagement, Luncheon, Valentine Party |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football, Basketball, |
Other, | La Verne, California |
Other | East Euclid Street, Harnly Hall |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Verbal Ammunition For Bethany Swedes Stored By Debaters |
Names mentioned | Lehman, Elmer Peterson, Arthur Ridell, Merie Yowell, Lloyd Malm, Professor William A. Irwin, Professor W. A. Sturba |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Little River High School Debate Team, McPherson Academy Debate Team, Pentangular League, Bethany Debate Team |
Sports Mentioned | Debates |
Other, | Washburn, Newton |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Kurtz Speaks At Y. W. C. A |
Names mentioned | President D. W. Kurtz, Clement Haldeman or Haldernan?, Herkie Wampler, LeRoy Doty, George Merkey, Ray S. Wagner |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Male Quartet, Y. M. C. A |
Events Mentioned | Y. M C. A Program |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Among theAlumni |
Names mentioned | Dr. Robert R. Russel, Rev. and MRs. O H. Austin, Dale A. Strickler, Prof. R. E. Mohler, Rev. Henry Stover |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Alumni Association |
Other, | American Historical review, “economic Aspects of Southern Sectionalism 1840-1861”, Volume 11 of University of Illinois Studies in Social Sciences, Urbana, Illinois |
Other | State Normal College in Kalamazon, Michigan, College Evangelists, Eastern Stattes, Philadelphia, Hollidaysburg, Huntingdon, Monitor Church |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Prof. M. A. Hess, Edith McGaffey, Prof. J. A. Blair , Neva Yoder, Lorinda Leatherman, Dorothy Doane, Velma Baily, Rose Stauffer, Loretta Yoder, Pauline Johnson, Louise Buchal, Mildred McCasslin, Richard Keim, Sylvia Duncan, Irene Miller, Oleta Reeder, Stella Thomas, Vilas Betts, Clarence Groves, Prentice Odle, Royal Yoder, Vernon Burroughs, Elvis Prather, Hazel Spong, Elmer Brunk |
Events Mentioned | Basketball Game |
Other, | Burrton, Buhler, Buhler, Kansas, Arnold Hall, Friends University, Marquette, Kansas, The hill, Substitute teacher |
Other | Lyons, Winfield, Monitor, Kansas, Arlington, Kansas, Canton, Kansas, Galva, Kansas, Wichita, Kansas, Roxbury, Kanas, Independence, Kansas, Inman, Kansas, Enterprise, Kansas |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Honors in Football Awarded in Chapel |
Names mentioned | Virden Kolzow, Richard Knowles, Verne Strickler, Dale Showalter, Leo Crumpacker, Glade Fisher, Floyd Cotton, Galen Mishler, Ernest Tipton, Paul Kertz, Olin Ellwood, Leon Morine, Henry Hahn, Hal Barton, Stanley Keim |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Athletic Association, Chapel |
Events Mentioned | Awards |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Canines Bow to Hays but are Victorious Over Friends Quintet (Continued from Page 1) |
Names mentioned | Wheat, Lorbeer |
McFerrin, Riley, Opdyche, Sherbon | |
Hinkhouse, Mishler, Crumpacker, Showalter, Groves, Hill, Tipton, Eakes, Voran, Holloway, Priddle, Ratliff, Weaver, Lewis, Roehr, Stroble, Cheateum, Carpenter | |
Events Mentioned | Basketball game |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | Quaker, Canines |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Games last Week |
Other, | Bethany, Kansas Wesleyan, Emporia Teachers, C. of E., Ottawa, Pittsburg, Bethel, Washburn, St. Marys, Sterling, Fairmount, Hillyards, St. Johns, Baker |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Games This Week |
Other | Ottawa, C. of E. , Kansas Wesleyan, Baker, St. Marys, Washburn, Hays, Friends, Bethel, Emporia Teachers, Sterling, Bethany, Fairmount, Southwestern, Pittsburg Teachers |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Intramural Standing |
Other, | Vegabonds, S. I. F, Comets, Rinkydinks, I. O. N. A. P., Izzies, Black Circle Academy |
Volume/Number/Page | Conference Standings |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Conference Standings |
Sports Mentioned | Washburn, Pittsburg, College of Emporia, Bethany, Hays Teachers, Bethel , Southwestern, Emporia Teachers, Fairmount, Baker, McPherson, Ottawa, St. Mary’s, Sterling |
Kansas Wesleyan, St. Benedict’s, Friends | |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Canines Have Three Hard Battles Ahead |
Events Mentioned | Basketball games |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | Newton, Canine, Alumni Gymnasium, Pittsburg Manuals, Bulldogs, Bethel, Bethany |
Swedes, Wichita, Quakers, Friends | |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | February 17, 1925 |
Article Name | Girls’ Torunament Starting |
Names mentioned | Frances Temple, Goldie Vickers, Laura Hammann |
Events Mentioned | games |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball, Women’s Basketball Teams |
Other, | Jolly Janes, Kampus Katz, Fly Dutchmen |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 1 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | W.A.A. Point System Given Final Revision by Association Vote |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball, Tennis, Hiking, Baseball |
Other, | New Regulations |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 1 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Fine Arts Recital to be Held Tonight |
Names mentioned | Miss Jean Zimmerman, Miss Vivian Harnly, Miss Helen Lichty, Mr. Franklin Hiebert, Miss Florence Kline, Mr. Winston Cassier, Miss Lillie Crumpacker, Miss Alta Mohler, Mrs. Iva Gilson |
Events Mentioned | Student Recital |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 1 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Plans Being Made for Senior Festival |
Other, | Festival for high school seniors |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 1 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Mary B. Swope Heads Y.W.C.A. Next Year |
Names mentioned | Mary B. Swope, Ethel May Metzker, Alberta Flory, Ruth Sollenberger, Nellie McGaffey, Florence Kline, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.W.C.A. , Y.M.C.A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 1 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | President of Ottawa University Visits M.C. |
Names mentioned | Dr. Smith |
Events Mentioned | Chapel |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 1 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | New System For Tickets |
Names mentioned | Jay Eller |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council |
Events Mentioned | Chapel |
Other, | New Ticket System |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 1 and 4 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Dogs Hit Old Stride-Drop First Game and Take Other Two |
Names mentioned | W. Enns, Buller, Showalter, Crumpacker, Hill, Voran, Eakes, Groves |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 1 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Calendar |
Other, | Things going on in McPherson College community dates |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 1 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Debate Judges Busy – Hess is Single Judge |
Names mentioned | M.A. Hess , Professors J.A. Blair, H.H. Nininger, J.W. Deeter |
Events Mentioned | Debate competition |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 1 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Students to Attend Emporia Conference |
Names mentioned | Bruce Curry, William E. Sprenger, Mary B. Swope, Elberta Vaniman, Selma Engstrom, Harriet and Naomi Mohler, Margaret Wall, Sidney Sondergard, Henry Hahn, Howard Keim, Elmer Heldebrecht, Sam Mohler |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.M.C.A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 1 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Miss Freeburg Directs Story Telling Class |
Names mentioned | Miss Signe Freeburg |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Smalley’s Art Shop |
Events Mentioned | Story Telling Class |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 1 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Department Shows Increase |
Names mentioned | Professor G.N. Boone , Curtis Ruthrauff |
Other, | Manual Arts department |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 1 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | The Way to a Man’s Heart is Somewhere Around His Stomach, Thus! |
Other, | Man getting ready |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 1 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Decisions are Divided in McPherson-Swede Debate Friday Night |
Names mentioned | Kenneth M. Rock, Mildred Libby, Lloyd Maim, Merie Yowll, Elmer F. Peterson, Arthur Rydell, Harvey and Harry Lehman , Prof. William A. Irwin , Prof. W.A. Sturba |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Debate Team |
Events Mentioned | Debate Competition |
Other, | Rock Stars |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 1 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Quartet Entertains Moundridge Audience |
Names mentioned | Miss Katherine Penner , Clemest Haldeman , Sam Kurtz |
Events Mentioned | Quartet Program |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 2 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Editorial Staff |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Samuel B. Kurtz, Horner M. Ehy, Earl F. Morris, Edna E. Dunham, Wendell A.L. Johnson, A.Paul Lentz, Floye F. Rodes, Mildred I. FIke, Mattle Ring, Marianne Kittell, Hoyt Strickler, Marion Krehbiel, Sam R. Mohler, Eleanor Caldwell, Sidney L. Sondergard, Henry G. Hahn, Ronald M. Warren, M. Edith McGaffey, Maurice A. Hess |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 2 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Debate for Women |
Other, | Women should be included in debate competitions |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 2 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Consistency |
Other, | Short Snip on consistency |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 2 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | The Old Fight |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | Pep during games |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 2 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Student Opinion |
Names mentioned | Jay Eller, Marathon High |
Other, | Student take on new ticket initiative |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 2 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Resolutions |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Young Men’s Christian Association of McPherson College |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 2 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Barks and Wags |
Names mentioned | Wendell Johnson |
Other, | Go On Grinning; Lovely Advise; Athletic Agnes |
Other | Short Poems by Wendell |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 2 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | What the Undergrad Reads |
Other, | Different materials used for undergrads at different schools |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 2 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | New Books in Library |
Names mentioned | Mrs. C.M. Beachy , Fosdick, Harlow, Gordon, Ellwood, Sampson, Prof. W.O. Mishoff |
Other, | Library receiving new books |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 2 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Smile a While |
Other, | Short funny story |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 2 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Poet’s Corner |
Other, | Cross Word Poems; Phonetically Speaking; Jack and Jill |
Other | Poems |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 3 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Raymond Trostle, Henry Hahn, Ted Kolzow, Anna Mae and Verne Strickler, Mildred Libby, Leola Ellwood, Goldie Duncon, Florence, Harvey, and Harry Lehman, Arthur Prather, Earl Marchand , Leonard Timmons, Stella Thomas, Nina Sherfy, Harlan Yoder, Chressie Heckman, Rufus Daggett, Victor Burtner, Stanley Keim, Emmert Stover, Clarence Hawkins, Lucy and Lucella Serviss, Mary Sherfy , Mrs. L.G. Templeton, Addie and Ralph Himes, Addie Glaswer, Ethel May Metzker |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 3 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Wray-Lapp |
Names mentioned | Iva Wray, C.C. Lapp , Rev. Roy P. Hylton |
Other, | Wedding |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 3 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Program to be Given by Little Symphony March 5 |
Events Mentioned | Symphony Program |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 3 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Organizations |
Names mentioned | Miss Katherine Penner, Edith Slifer, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.W.C.A. |
Other, | Quartet Gives Program |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 3 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Freshman Commission Doing Extension Work |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Freshman Commission of Y.M.C.A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 3 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Speaking of Mistakes – a Printer has No Monopoly |
Other, | Article over humans do indeed make mistakes |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 4 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Two Games Remain for Mishler’s Crew |
Names mentioned | Mishler , Groves, Showalter, Hill |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 4 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Games Last Week/ Games This Week |
Other, | Scores and games from last week, Games schedule for this week |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 4 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Moffat Eakes |
Names mentioned | Moffat Eakes |
Other, | About Moffat |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 22 Page 4 |
Date Published | February 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Woman’s Intramural Tourney Under Way |
Names mentioned | Anna Mae Strickler , Frances Temple , Clarissa Evans , Edna Dunham , Lucile Paul , Goldie Vickers , Laura McGaffey , Anna Mae Edgecomb, Laura Hammann , Mary B. Swope, Viola Bowser, Leola Ellwood |
Events Mentioned | Girls Intramural Tournament |
Other, | Stats from tournament |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 1 and 4 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Mennonites’ Quintet Takes 54-31 Battle from Bulldog Crew |
Names mentioned | Mishler, Buller, Regier, Enns, Groves, Hollaway , Ellwood , Hill, Showalter, Crumpacker |
Events Mentioned | Bethel vs. Bulldogs Game |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Student Referendum will be Taken Friday |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council |
Events Mentioned | Chapel |
Other, | Student Referendum on question of student government , Question of the M.C. Song |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Audience Enjoys Fine Arts Recital Tuesday |
Names mentioned | Franklin Hiebert , Lillie Crumpacker, Mrs. Iva Gilson, Jean Zimmerman |
Events Mentioned | Student Recital |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Lehman Qualifies for Contest at Winfield |
Names mentioned | Maruice A. Hess , Mr. Lehman |
Events Mentioned | Old Line Oratorical Contest |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Elmeb Krehbiel on honor Roll at Kansas University |
Names mentioned | Prof. M.A. Hess , Dr. H.P. Cady , Elmer Krehbiel |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Kurtz Away over Weekend |
Names mentioned | President Kurtz |
Other, | Speaking at different events |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | M.C. Grows Overnight – Frosh Erect Magnifient Air Castles |
Names mentioned | Miss McGaffey |
Other, | College Students improving lives |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 1 and 3 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Twenty-eight M.C. People are Present at Curry Institute |
Names mentioned | Dr. Bruce Curry, Mary B. Swope, Margaret Wall, Anna Mae Strickler, Goldie Vickers, Ruth Sollenberger, Alberta Flory, Viola Bowser, Mary Harnly, Naomi Mohler, Harriett Mohler, Selma Engstrom, Julia Jones, Miss Edith McGaffey, Lucille Hoover, Elberta Vaniman, Paul Kurtz, Sidney Sondergard, Henry Hahn , Emmert Stover, Glenn Rothrock, Ralph Himes, Harvey Lehman, George Merkey, Elmer Heidebrecht, Rev. H.F. Richards, Howard Keim , Sam R. Mohler, Earl Reed |
Events Mentioned | Delegation at Emporia |
Other, | Pleads for General Awakening; Meets with M.C. Delegation |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Calendar |
Other, | Dates mentioning events happening for M.C. Community |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Frosh Starting Good English Campaign |
Other, | M.C. Students getting better at English Skills |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Sam Mohler Elected President Y.M.C.A. |
Names mentioned | Sam Mohler, Milton Dell, Paul Lentz, Sidney Sonderguard |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.M.C.A. |
Events Mentioned | Election for Y.M.C.A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Delia Chavez first in Music Memory Contest |
Names mentioned | Delia Chavez, Ocie McAvoy , Bessie Breman |
Events Mentioned | Kansas City Little Symphony Orchestra |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Rowland will Broadcast |
Names mentioned | Prof. C.L. Rowland |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Men’s glee club of Juanita College |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Coyote Debate Team in Next Bulldog foe – Affirmative Travels |
Names mentioned | Harvey and Harry Lehman , Kenneth Rock, Mildred Libby, Prof. J.H. Lawrence |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Intercollegiate Debate League |
Events Mentioned | M.C. vs. KWU debate |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Student Will Appear in Graduation Recital |
Names mentioned | Bernice Peck , Clement Haldeman, Rozella Wite |
Events Mentioned | Graduation recital |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Quartet Gives Program |
Names mentioned | Misses Andrews and Brubaker, Ruth Grunwald Wine, Eunice Wray, Marie Brubaker, Lillian Andrews , Beulah Cullen, Mrs. Wine |
Events Mentioned | Music Program |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Editorial Staff |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Samuel B. Kurtz, Horner M. Eby, Earl F. Morris, Edna E. Dunham, Wendell A.L. Johnson, A. Paul Lentz, Floye F. Rhodes , Mildred J. Fike, Mattie Ring, Hoyt Strickler, Sam R. Mohler, Marianne Kittell, Marion Krehbiel, Eleanor Caldwell, Sidney L. Sondergard, Henry G. Hahn , Ronald M. Warren, Edith McGaffey, Maruice A. Hess |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Good Speech Week |
Other, | Different Expressions used across campus |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | A Matter of Discretion |
Names mentioned | W.J.B. |
Other, | Respecting one another |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Why Not? |
Other, | Singing in chapel |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Student Opinion |
Other, | Protest Registered |
Other | Argument over paper |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Heard at the Washington Missionary Conference |
Names mentioned | James L. Barton , E. Stanley Johnes, James McClure Henry , Robert A. Dean, Hugh Thompson Kerr, Samuel M. Zwemer, |
Events Mentioned | Missionary Conference |
Other, | Peoples thoughts about the conference |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | College People Entertain Friends in Council Club |
Names mentioned | Mrs. J.J. Wall , Mrs. D.W. Kurtz , Clement Haldeman |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Old College Quartet , Council Club |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Barks and Wags |
Names mentioned | Wendell Johson |
Other, | Secrecy; The Other Fellow |
Other | Short Stories by Wendell |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Girl’s Glee Club , American Association of University Women |
Other, | Things going on at neighboring colleges |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | What Price Personality? |
Names mentioned | President W.W. Prescott |
Other, | Girls dressing appropriately |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | As They See It |
Names mentioned | Verne Strickler, “Peanuts” Morine, Elberta Vaniman, Laura McGaffey, Salome Mohler, George Dean , Mercedes Chapman |
Other, | Students Idea of a Bore |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Mission Band Elects Officers for Year |
Names mentioned | Lillian Andrews, Berta Ikenberry, Esther Wilbur, Minny Hutchinson , Frank Howell, Ben Spitzer |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Mission Group |
Other, | New Officers Chosen |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Poets’ Corner |
Other, | The Croaker – Poem |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 3 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | John Bowman, Floyd Crist, Glenn Porter, Wilsey Jamison, Lloyd Jamison , Mrs. Elias Peck, Hazel Vogt , Rthel House , Rufus Daggett, David Brubaker, Euince Wray, Lillian Andrews, Florence Lehman, Abram Hostetter, Eula Crumpacker, Lucile Hoover, Alice Beal, Prof. J.W. Deeter, Prof. H.H. Nininger , Stella Thomas, Wilmer Lehman, Lillie Crumpacker , Mr. Ernest Sherfy, Phillip Spohn , Lowell Sell , Homer Paden , Ethel May Metzker, Hazel Scott, Carrie Feller, Melvina Graham , Helen and Dorothy Lichty , Lorraine Royer, Ruth Greene, Esther Kaufman, Miss Katherine Penner, George Dean, Glenn Stockham , Lester Royer, Ocie McAvoy , Lorina Leatherman, Rose Stauffer, Fidella Frantz, Alta Mohler |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 3 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | George Washington Party |
Names mentioned | Lauvera Lingle , Julia Hollem , Mrs. H.F. Richards, Ruth Kurtz, Iva Crumpacker, Lela Rhodes, Margaret Sharp , Mrs. Amanda Fahnestock |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | First Year Teacher Training Class |
Other, | Get together |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 3 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Smile a While |
Other, | Funny section |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 3 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Marcelled Waves Flood Males, but Will Ships Arrive? |
Other, | Waves on the water, what females notice when looking at males |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 4 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Jolly Janes Remain at Top in Tournament |
Names mentioned | Lucile Paul , Frances Temple , Leola Ellwood, Floye Rhodes , Mattie Ring , Mabel Griffin, Naomi Mohler, Laura Hammann |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Jolly Janes |
Events Mentioned | Women’s Basketball Tournament |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 4 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Conference Standing |
Other, | Conference rankings as of this date |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 4 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Games Last Week / Games This Week |
Other, | Games of who plays who and where for next week , Game scores of who played who from last week |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 4 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Soloists are Special Attraction at symphony |
Names mentioned | Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Havens |
Events Mentioned | Little Symphony Orchestra of Kansas City |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 23 Page 4 |
Date Published | March 3, 1925 |
Article Name | Oh Doctor |
Names mentioned | Jim Devormer |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Groves is Bulldogs High Point Man For Basketball Season |
Names mentioned | Groves, Showalter, Hill, Crumpacker, Eakes, O. Ellwood, Holloway |
Voran, Tipton, V. Ellwood, Johnson | |
Events Mentioned | All-Conference Selection |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | McPherson Fans, Canines, Bulldogs |
Other | Washburn, Freshmen, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | College Sophomores Give C. W. Program |
Names mentioned | Nellie McGaffey, Florence Kline, Bernice Peck, George Merkey, Strickland Gillilan, Glenn Rothrock, Vivian Harnly, Ruth Lerew, Floyd Kurtz, Addie Glacer, Horner Eby |
Events Mentioned | Christian Workers Program |
Other, | Chapel, Sophomore Class |
Other | “Judging Unkindly”, “Savior Breathe and Evening Blessing”, Piano, “Me an’ Pap an’ Mother”, “Dwellers in Glass Houses”, “Christian Pharisees”, “Usurping God’s Place”, “Gentle Speech”, “Slanderers”, “The Busybody” |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | (No title bottom first column) |
Names mentioned | Prof. W. O Mishoff |
Other, | Current History, Carnegie Library, Gift |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | The Idle Stone |
Other, | About not being idle |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Bernice Peck Appears in Graduation Recital |
Names mentioned | Bernice Peck, Clement Haldeman, Rozella White, Miss Peck, Beetoven, Henselts, Mr. Haldeman |
Miss White | |
Events Mentioned | Diploma recital |
Other, | Chapel, Reader, Diploma course in Piano |
Other | “Sonata Opus 27 No. 2”, “Were I a Bird”, “Cuddy” |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Story by Miss Chapman Appears in Junior Home |
Names mentioned | Mercedes Chapman |
Events Mentioned | Published story |
Other, | “the Little Girl Whose Nose Turned Up – Oh Dreadfully”, March issue of Junior Home, “The Something-to-do” |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Fad and Fashion Fan the Flapper’s Love Spark to a Fire |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Signs of Spring |
Names mentioned | Al Unruh, “Hurricane” Tipton, Professor Yoder, “Big Jim”, |
Other, | Chapel |
Other | Stories and Poems |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Student Government Gets Majority Vote |
Names mentioned | Jay Eller |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council, Discipline Committee |
Events Mentioned | Voting |
Other, | Chapel |
Other | College song, “O: Sacred Truth”, Referendum |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Sewing Department Gives Exhibition of Garments |
Names mentioned | Mayme Welker, |
Events Mentioned | Exhibition |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | February 11, 1925 |
Article Name | Association Cabinets Are Installed With Impressive Ceremony |
Names mentioned | Winston Cassier, Reverend H. F. Richards, Dr. D. W. Kurtz, Mary B. Swope, Ethel May Metsker, Alberta Flory, Ruth Sollenberger, Nellie McGaffey, Florence Kline |
Ester Wilbur, Laura Hammann, Mary Harnly, Harriett Mohler, Viola Bowser, Bernice Hoover, Sam R. Mohler, Milton Dell, Paul Lentz, Sidney Sondergard, Harvy Lehman, Paul Blickenstaff, Henry Hahn, George Merkey, Paul Dick, Howard Keim, Glenn Rothrock, Carl Freeburg | |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. M. C. A, Y. W. C. A |
Other, | Chapel |
Other | McPherson Church of the Brethren |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Negro Musicians Are Coming Friday Night |
Names mentioned | Robert Jackson |
Events Mentioned | preformance |
Other, | Jackson Jubilee Singers of the Redpath-Horner Chautauqua Circuit, McPherson Opera House, Western University at Kansas City, Kansas |
Other | Lyceum Course, organist |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 21 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | The Spectator |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Samuel B. Kurtz, Horner M. Eby, Earl F. Morris, Edna E. Dunham, Wendell A. L. Johnson, A. Paul Lentz, Floye F. Rhodes, Mildred J. Fike, Marianne Kittell, Marion Krehbiel, Eleanor Caldwell, Sidney L. Sondergard, Henry G. Hahn, Ronald M. Warren, Edith McGaffey, Maurice A. Hess |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Spectator |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | The Jolt Comes our Way |
Other, | Curry Institute at Emporia |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Dress and Personality |
Names mentioned | W. W. Prescott |
Other, | Union College, College View, Nebraska |
Other | flapper |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | March 10, 1924 |
Article Name | Apologetic |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | March 10, 1924 |
Article Name | An Art |
Other, | English |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Nininger in Possession of Pallasite Meteorite |
Names mentioned | H. H. Nininger |
Other, | Kiowa County Meteorite, Pallasite, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Barks and Wags |
Names mentioned | Wendell Johnson |
Other, | Jovially-jack, The new student |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | From Walls of One Of The World’s Famous Libraries |
Other, | Man, God, Glory |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Other, | University of California, Enrolling, Ottawa University, Lady Nicotine, Goucher College, Maryland, The New Student |
Other | Washburn College, Student Council of Washburn, Juniata College, Fairmount College |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Poets’ Corner |
Names mentioned | Frank F. Morris |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Library notice |
Other, | Closure Carnegie Library |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | About People |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Hear President Coolidge Give Inaugural Address |
Names mentioned | Chief Justice Taft, Calvin Coolidge |
Other, | Inauguration, Washington, WHO Station, Des Moines, Iowa |
Other | Economics |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Among the Alumni |
Names mentioned | Roscoe Ingalls, Mrs. Ingalls, Grace Vaniman, Dr. F. H. Crumpacker, Miss Alice Vogt, MR. and Mrs. J. M. Frantz, Harrison A. Frantz, Marie Brubaker, Mr. Brubaker, Amos Brubaker, Ida Frantz |
Other, | Alhambra, California, High school building, Los Angeles, Gospel Messenger |
Other | Class ‘10, Class ‘09, Class 1906, Class ‘17, China, Ceylon, India, United States, Mission Fields, The Academy, LaVerne, California |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Inmates of Fahnestockyinn Live by Mottoes |
Names mentioned | Royal “Husky” Yoder, Samuel R. Mohler, Dutton, Lehman, Paul L. Dick, F. F. Bailey, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. M. C. A. |
Other, | Fahnestock Hall, Literary Department, Lyeesum Course |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | March 10, 1935 |
Article Name | Miss Marcella Baird to Head Art Department |
Names mentioned | H. J. Harnly, Marcella Biard, Mr. Harold Lundeen, Prof. Birger Sandzen |
Other, | Lindsborg, Oil painting, China decorating, Pastel painting, Water coloring, Reed weaving, basketry |
Other | Bethany College, art |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Bulldogs Lose Game to Emporia Teachers |
Names mentioned | Loveless, Johnson, Groves, Showalter, Hill, Eakes, Crumpacker, Holloway, Schroeder, Johnson, Quasenbeth, Sughru, Biard, Lighter, Anderson, Roberts, Lundgren |
Events Mentioned | Basketball Game |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | Emporia Teachers College, Emporia, Kansas, Bulldogs, Conference |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | M Club Holds Party |
Names mentioned | Colburn, Stanley Keim, Harold Barton |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | M Club |
Events Mentioned | Party |
Other, | Society Hall |
Other | Ice cream, Wafers, refreshments |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Games Last Week |
Other, | Friends, Kansas Wesleyan, Washburn, Hillyards, Hays, St. Marys, Ottawa, Baker, Washburn, Sterling |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | Jolly Janes are Still Undefeated in Tournament |
Names mentioned | Clarisa Evans |
Events Mentioned | Tournament |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | Jolly Janes, Kampus Katz, Flying Dutchmen |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | (no Title middle 2nd Column) |
Other, | Robin Hood, Lady Marian, Earl of Huntington |
little John | |
Other | American Legion Weekly |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 24 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | All-Stars Trimmed by Bulldog Quintet |
Names mentioned | Coach Mishler |
Events Mentioned | Basketball game |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | McPherson All-Star Team, Bulldogs, score |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 no. 24 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | March 10, 1925 |
Article Name | (NO title top 3rd and 4th columns) |
Other, | Joke |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 1 |
Article Name | Speakers in Chapel Emphasize Need of Working For Peace |
Names mentioned | Dr. Willbur Thomas, Dr. J. M. Henry, President Henry, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Friends Church Relief, Blue Ridge College |
Other, | Talk in the chapel about the importance of peace in the world |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 1 |
Article Name | Brethren Students Meet in Fellowship |
Names mentioned | President D. W. Kurtz, Prof. F. E. Mishler, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Council of Promotion of the Local Church of the Brethren |
Other, | Meeting among Brethren church members encouraging students to make connection with the church |
Other | “The Message and Mission of the Church of the Brethren” – Address by D. R. Kurtz |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 1 |
Article Name | Times Have Changed |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 1 |
Article Name | Planning Ornithology and Natural History |
Names mentioned | Prof. H. H. Nininger, |
Other, | Professor is granted one year leave of absence to pursue field research |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 1 |
Article Name | Volunteer Secretary Stops |
Names mentioned | Gertrude Swallem, |
Other, | Missionary from Korea gives talk at the college |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 1 |
Article Name | French Paper Comes |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Carnegie Library |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 1 |
Article Name | Forensic Fans Look to Sterling Debate as Best of Season |
Names mentioned | Prof. M. A. Hess, Kenneth M. Rock, Mildred Libby, Harry Lehman, Harvey Lehman, Prof. R. H. Ritchie |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Debate Team, Sterling College, Kansas Wesleyan University, Northern Division of the Kansas Intercollegiate Debate League, Ottawa University |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 1 |
Article Name | Memories of ’23 Out |
Names mentioned | Orville D. Pote, |
Other | Carnegie Library |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 1 |
Article Name | Museum Receives Gifts |
Names mentioned | Dr. D. W. Kurtz, H. J. Harnly, Dr. C. E. Arnold, Dr. V. N. Robb, J. L. Mohler |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Museum |
Other, | Museum receives donations from staff and friends of the college |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 1 |
Article Name | Plans are Completed for Spring Elections |
Names mentioned | Vivian Long, Glenn Rothrock, Mary Harnly, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Quadrangle, Student Council, |
Other, | Plans for student election and candidates |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 1 |
Article Name | Hershey Speaks on Oxygen |
Names mentioned | Dr. J. W. Hershey, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Chemistry Society |
Other | “The Relation of Oxygen to Animal Life” – paper read by Hershey |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 1 |
Article Name | Colored Musicians Prove to be Hit of the Lyceum Course |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Jackson Jubilee, Redpath-Horner Lyceum circuit |
Other | Opera House |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 1 |
Article Name | Whiteneck to Compete in Oratorical Contest |
Names mentioned | John S. Whiteneck, Prof. H. H. Nininger |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Central College, Sterling College, Tabor College, Milton Dale College, Kansas Wesleyan , , |
Other | Kansas Intercollegiate Anti-Tobacco Association Oratorical Contest |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 1 |
Article Name | Boneheads, Like Springtime Poets, Exist as Unavoidable Evils |
Other, | A Submitted Piece |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 2 |
Article Name | The Spectator |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Samuel B. Kurtz, Horner M. Eby, Albert Unruh, Edna E. Dunham, Wendell A. L. Johnson, A. Paul Lentz, Floye F. Rhodes, Mildred I. Fike, Mattie Ring, Hoyt Strickler, Sam R. Mohler, Marlanne Kittell, Marion Krahbiel , Eleanor Caldwell, Sidney L. Sondergard, Henry G. Hahn , Ronald M. Warren, M. Edith McGaffey, Maurice A. Hess |
Other, | A list of staff and contributors for The Spectator |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 2 |
Article Name | Your Language |
Other, | A student submitted piece |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 2 |
Article Name | Student Opinion |
Other, | Student submitted opinion pieces |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 2 |
Article Name | Barks and Wags |
Names mentioned | Wendell Johnson |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 2 |
Article Name | Long on Discipline Committee |
Names mentioned | Vivian Long, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Discipline Committee, Student Council, |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 2 |
Article Name | Sends Complimentary Copies |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Carnegie Library, Babson Park Company |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 2 |
Article Name | U. of Texas Strikes Oil |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | University of Texas |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 2 |
Article Name | Queer Ads |
Names mentioned | Jane O’Fogarty |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 2 |
Article Name | Plan National Contest |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Better American Federation of California, National Intercollegiate Contest on the Constitution, |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 2 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Kansas University, Federal Bureau of Education, |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 2 |
Article Name | How Vote? |
Other | Sharp Administration Building |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 2 |
Article Name | Have You Enlisted? |
Names mentioned | S. B. K. |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 3 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Prof. M. A. Hess, Prof. J. A. Blair, W. E. Bishop, Katherine Penner, Geraldine Crill, Clement Haldeman, Jay Eller, Alvin Voran, Winston Cassler, Ralph Himes, J. H. Saylor, Edna Dunham, Nina Sherfy, Mabel Hoffman, Mrs. Archie San Romanti, Bertha Unruh, Florence Kline, Ladd Sweeney, Rerkle (Perkle?) Wampier, George Merkey, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Crist , Warner Sisler, Virgil Ellwood, Bernice Birket, Vera Dade, Rufus Daggett, Mrs. H. J. Harnly, Lora Trostle, Byron Speberg, Loia Myers, Eunice Wray, Lillian Andrews, George Merkey, Abram Hostetter, Irl Newham, Wilmer Lehman, Anson Horning , Ralph Himes, Henry Hahn, Alvin Voran, Raymond Trostle, Prof. and Mrs. C. S. Morris, Mildred Lucille Morris, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Unruh, Bertha Unruh, Frances Temple, Juanita Miller, Evelyn Kimmel, Herkle Wampler, Neil Cullen, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Church of the Brethren |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 3 |
Article Name | Fine Arts Department Appears in Recital |
Names mentioned | Hope Sherly, Laurine Reiff, Myrtle Moyer, Alvin Voran, Marathon High, Jean Zimmerman, Margaret Bowlus, Autumn Lindbloom, Mrs. Iva Gilson, Lucena Quantius, |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 3 |
Article Name | Among the Alumni |
Names mentioned | DeWitt Sager, Jay Eller, W. E. Bishop, Fay Bailey, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Michigan State Agricultural College, University of Copenhagen, Chemistry Department, M. S. A. C., First Church of the Brethren |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 3 |
Article Name | Social Events |
Names mentioned | F. A. Vaniman, Margaret Wall, Mary B. Swope, Mrs. D. W. Kurtz, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. W. C. A. (YWCA) |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 4 |
Article Name | Nine Women Chosen on the Varsity Team |
Names mentioned | Frances Temple, Lois Myers, Lacille Paul, Leola Ellwood, Laura Hammann, Edna Dunham, Floye Rhodes, Anna Mac Edgecomb, Mary B. Swope, |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Women’s Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 4 |
Article Name | Jolly Janes Finish with Perfect Record |
Names mentioned | Lillie Crumpacker, Bertha Unruh, Frances Temple , Anne Mae Strickler, Clarissa Evans, Edna Dunham, Lucile Paul |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Women’s Basketball |
Sports Mentioned | Flying Dutchmen, Kampus Katz, Jolly Janes |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 4 |
Article Name | Vote Down Baseball |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | The Athletic Board |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Baseball |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 4 |
Article Name | Board Grants Seven Letters to Bulldogs |
Names mentioned | Captain Cleo Hill, Dale Showalter, Leo Crumpacker, Olin Ellwood, Moffat Eakes, Rush Holloway , Clarence Groves |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | The Athletic Board, M Club |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football, Baseketball, Baseball, Track , |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 25 Page 4 |
Article Name | Tracksters Start Training |
Names mentioned | Coach Mishler, Coach Griffin, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Kansas University |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Track |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Sterling Wins Close Contest at Both Ends From M. C. Debators |
Names mentioned | Kenneth M. Rock, Mildred Libby, Robert Wilson, Ray Gaston, Harvey Lehman, Harry Lehman, Mr. Porter, Miss Bishop, Prof. R. H. Ritchie, Prof. Price |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Sterling College, Ottawa University, College of Emporia |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Final Elections to be Held Thursday |
Other, | Election for Spectator officers and cheer leaders |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Johnson on Annual Staff |
Names mentioned | Paul Kurtz (pictured), Wendell Johnson, Hoyt Strickler |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Quadrangle |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Tell Us Why |
Other, | A submitted piece urging students to give tips and feedback to professors |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Underclass Debaters to Start Work Friday |
Names mentioned | M. A. Hess, A. L. Patrick, Charles Lengel , Floyd E. Kurtz, Anna Lengel , Prof. W. A. Schroeder |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Tabor College, College of Hillsboro |
Newton High school , Ottawa University, College of Emporia | |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Expect 1925 Annual to be out by May 26 if no Time is Lost |
Names mentioned | Paul R. Kurtz (pictured), Becktold Company of St. Louis |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Quadrangle, Daily Republican Press |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Too Bad |
Other, | A submitted piece on prejudice and cultural divides |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Whiteneck’s Oration Takes First Honors |
Names mentioned | John S. Whiteneck, Glen Archer, Orville Holtz, W. A. Sturba, Prof. Allen Wallace, Ralph B. Felton, Elmer Henkle, Amos Tachetter, Horner Eby |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Central College, Kansas Wesleyan University, Friends University, Tabor College |
Other | Kansas Intercollegiate Anti-Tobacco Association Oratorical Contest |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Plans to Celebrate High School Senior Festival April 18 |
Events Mentioned | Fourth Annual Senior Festival |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Track and Field |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Quartet in Program at Herington Church |
Names mentioned | Miss Penner, Mr. Cassler, |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 1 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Kurtz on Extended Trip |
Names mentioned | Dr. D. W. Kurtz, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | North Central Association of Colleges |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | The Spectator |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Samuel B. Kurtz, Horner M. Eby, Albert Unruh, Edna E. Dunham, Wendell A. L. Johnson, A. Paul Lentz, Floye F. Rhodes, Mildred I. Fike, Mattle Ring, Hoyt Strickler, Sam R. Mohler, Marianne Kittell, Marion Krehbiel, Eleanor Caldwell, Sidney L. Sondergard, Henry G. Hahn, Ronald M. Warren, M. Edith McGaffey, Maurce A. Hess, |
Other, | A list of staff and contributors for The Spectator |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Status of a College Paper |
Other, | A submitted essay |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Good English Again |
Other, | A submitted essay |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Student Opinion |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | College Makes Attractive European Tour Offer |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | College of William and Mary at Williamsburg, |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Benefactor Goes East |
Names mentioned | Rev. C. B. Smith |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Church of the Brethren at Morrill, Bridgewater College, |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Gives Spanish Newspaper |
Names mentioned | Miss Elsie Pokrastz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | La Prensa (Spanish Language Newspaper) |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Barks and Wags |
Names mentioned | Wendell Johnson |
Other, | Student submitted poetry |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Story Telling Class Exhibits Handwork |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Want Poetry for 1925 College Anthology |
Names mentioned | Dr. Henry T. Schnittkind |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Stratford Company Publishers |
Other | College Anthology |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | American Speech |
Names mentioned | Charles Mills Gayley |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Kansas State Teachers College |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 2 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Poets Corner |
Other, | Student Submitted Poetry |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 3 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Anna Mae Strickler, Sylvia Ramona, Elmer Brunk, Mr. and Mrs. Clande Henderson (Wilma Yoder), Reuben Rowman, Lavelle Saylor, Minnie Edgecomb , Everett Brubacker , Richard Keim, Ted Kolzow, Leola Elwood, Ollin Ellwood, Elmer Heidebrecht, Lloyd Jamison, Len Harden, Wilmer Lehman, Alice Olson, Henry Hahn, Sindey Sondergard, Harriet Mohler, Elberta Vaniman, Early Reed, Celesta Wine, Harold Stickler, Mrs. E. S. Strickler, Sadie Glucklich, Alice Manly, Allen Wingerd, Ethel Bouse, Mrs. H. J. Harnly, John Harnly, Lora Trustle, Lucille Hoover, Harry Riffel, Isaac Dirks, |
Other | Fahnestock Hall |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 3 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Wedding is Announced |
Names mentioned | Mrs. J. W. Deeter, Mrs. D. W. Kurtz, Alta Mohler, Leroy Doty, Julia Hollem, Ethel May Metsker, Bertha Unruh, Elsie McConkey, Lois Myers, Rose Mohler, Miriam Wenrick , Mabel Griffin , Mrs. Vitas Betts, Mrs. E. J. Unruh, Mrs. Herman Jones, Alta Mohler |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 3 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Among the Alumni |
Names mentioned | Gladdys Muir, Prof. F. G. Muir, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | LaVerne College, University of California |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 3 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Social Events |
Names mentioned | Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Hershey, Prof. and Mrs. M. A. Hess, Lola Hill, Estella Engle, Mrs. G. N. Boone, Winifred O’Connor, Naomi Mohler, Frances Temple, Lucile Paul, Jaunita Miller, Evelyn Blickenstaff, Lauvera Lingle, Ruth Solienberger, Edith Early, Alberta Flory, Mrs. Homer Fontz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. W. C. A. (YWCA) |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 4 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | W. A. A. Will Elect Officers Next Month |
Names mentioned | Nellie McGaffey, Mattie Ring, Mary Harnly, Bertha Unruh, Ethel May Metsker, Leola Ellwood, Anna Mac Strickler, Viola Bowser, Merle Davis, Anna Mae Edgecomb, Frances Temple, Lois Myers, Lucile Paul, Laura Hammann, Constance Meyer, Julia Hollem, Eisle McConkey, Helen Lichty, Kathryn Swope, Iva Crumpacker |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | W. A. A. |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Tennis |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 4 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Large Number of Women out for Spring Sports |
Names mentioned | Merle Davis, Mary Harnly |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball, Baseball, tennis, |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 4 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | W. A. A. Candidates to take Examination Friday |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | W. A. A. |
Other | Commercial Hall, Carnegie Library |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 4 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Results of First Round of Men’s Tennis Tourney |
Names mentioned | Whiteneck, Williams, Ingold, Spilman, Neff, P. Kurtz, Himes, Jameson, Lentz, Miller, Martin, Morris, Rock, Harvey Lehman, Hutchinson, Showalter, Trostle, Ebersole |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Tennis |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 4 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | Sending Chinese Year Book |
Names mentioned | Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ikenberry |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | North China Union Language School |
Other | Carnegie Library |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 26 Page 4 |
Date Published | March 24, 1926 |
Article Name | W. A. A. Will Have Charge of May Fete |
Names mentioned | Mercedes Chapman, Coach F. Mishler, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | W. A. A. |
Events Mentioned | May Festival |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 1 |
Article Name | Spectator Election Results in Victory for Lentz and Hahn |
Names mentioned | Paul Lentz, Samuel B. Kurtz, Earl Reed, Sidney Songergard, |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 1 |
Article Name | College Quartet on Annual Spring Tour |
Names mentioned | Winston Cassler, Katherine Penner, Clement Haldeman , |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Union Pacific Motor |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 1 |
Article Name | Today’s Late Sport |
Names mentioned | Ellis Parker Butler, Dr. Kurtz, |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 1 |
Article Name | Champions of Peace to Compete Sunday |
Names mentioned | M. A. Hess, Kenneth Rock , Frank D. Howell, Earl F. Morris, Horner M. Eby, |
Events Mentioned | Peace Oratorical Contest |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 1 |
Article Name | Twenty-Two Women Receive Membership in W. A. A. Monday |
Names mentioned | Laura Hammann, Ethel May Metsker, Fidelia Frantz, Laura McGaffey, Anna Mae Edgecomb, Lucile Paul, Elsie McConkey, Lillie Crumpacker, Alma Morrison, Rose Stauffer, Lucile Paul, Frances Temple, Evelyn Kimmel, Loretta Yoder, Viola Bowser, Leola Ellwood, Kathryn Swope, Mattle (Mattie?) Ring, Anna Mac Strickler, Dorothy Lichty, Cellia Watkins, Mabel Dunham, Helen Lichty , Juanita Miller, Elsie McConkey, Esther Blickenstaff, Clarissa Evans |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | W. A. A. |
Other | Society Hall |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 1 |
Article Name | Follow a System |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 1 |
Article Name | Discrepancies Found in Semester’s Grades |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 1 |
Article Name | Y. M. C. A. in Deputation Work |
Names mentioned | George Merkey, Paul Dick, Roy Crist, Clifton Dutton, Ida Merkey, George Merkey, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. M. C. A. (YMCA), The Brethren Church at Portis |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 1 |
Article Name | M. C. Second Team Divides its Decisions with Tabor College |
Names mentioned | A. L. Patrick, Charles Lengel, Amos Tachetter, Paul Tachetter, Floyd E. Kurtz, Anna Lengel, Miss Lengel, Prof. W. A. Schroeder |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Tabor College , Newton High School |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 1 |
Article Name | Male Quartet Gives Program and Social |
Names mentioned | Sam Kurtz, Clement Haldeman, Miss Penner, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Kansas University |
Other | Alumni Gymnasium |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 1 |
Article Name | Feature Writer Gets Inside History of Harnly Hall Affair |
Other | Harnly Hall |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 2 |
Article Name | The Spectator |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Samuel B. Kurtz, Horner M. Eby, Albert Unruh, Edna E. Dunham, Wendell A. L. Johnson, A. Paul Lentz, Floyde F. Rhodes, Mildred J. Fike, Marianne Kittell, Marion Krehbiel, Eleanor Caldwell, Sidney L. Sondergard, Henry G. Hahn, Ronald M. Warren, M. Edith McGaffey, Maurice A. Hess |
Other, | A list of staff and contributors for The Spectator |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 2 |
Article Name | Student Opinion |
Names mentioned | Augustus Thomas, C. E. Oelrich, |
Other | Arnold Hall |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 2 |
Article Name | Barks and Wags |
Names mentioned | Wendell Johnson, Dr. Hershey, |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 2 |
Article Name | Girl Reserves Give Program |
Names mentioned | Esther Freeburg, Clara Davis, Frances Simpson, Gretta Eash, Lela Hultqvist, Zoroda Johnson, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. W. C. A. (YWCA), Girl Reserves of McPherson High School |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 2 |
Article Name | Male Quartet in Concert at Burrton Auditorium |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Hi-Y (High school in Burrton, Ks |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 2 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. M. C. A. (YMCA), Y. W. C. A. (YWCA), Mt. Morris College, K. S. T. C. (KSTC), Kansas State Board of Education, , |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 2 |
Article Name | Poets Corner |
Names mentioned | John Galsworthy, Ethel M. Kelley, |
Other, | Student Submitted Poetry |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 2 |
Article Name | Politics Again |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Ananias Club |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 2 |
Article Name | The Grading System |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 2 |
Article Name | Just a Thought |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 2 |
Article Name | Quiet Please |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 2 |
Article Name | Seniors Will Stage “As a Man Thinks” |
Names mentioned | Augustus Thomas, C. E. Oelrich, |
Other, | Senior class play : As a Man Thinks by Augustus Thomas |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 3 |
Article Name | Insatiable Scientist Gleefully Revels in Heartless Slaughter of the Innocent |
Names mentioned | Dr. Hershey |
Other, | April fools article |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 3 |
Article Name | Charity Workers Plan a Campaign for Various Needs |
Names mentioned | Miss Wine |
Other, | Sharp Hall |
Other, | April fools article |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 3 |
Article Name | A Mary Affair |
Names mentioned | Andrew Peter, Miller, Vicker, Lehman, Dunham, Bowser, |
Other, | April fools article |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 3 |
Article Name | New Motion Picture Releases Announced |
Names mentioned | Verl Dobbins, Willard Hershey, Ruth Whitney, Sam R. Mohler, Mabel Griffin, James Vivian Spillman, Paul L. Dick, Julia Hollem, Oleo Margarine, Matron, Horney M. Eby, Edith Silfer |
Other, | April fools article |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 3 |
Article Name | Do They Think? |
Names mentioned | Leo Crumpacker, Marlin Carlson, Kenneth Rock, Don Owens, Floyd Cotton, Miss Wine, Dr. Kurtz, Miss McGaffey, Prof. W. O. Mishler, Eunice Wray, Jay Eller |
Other, | April fools article |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 3 |
Article Name | Not an Apology |
Other, | April fools article |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 3 |
Article Name | Campus Hot Air |
Names mentioned | Marion R. Krehbiel, Dwight Smiths, Zeke Saylor, Aubrey C. Hale, August San Romani, Lowell Sell, Ernest Tipton |
Other, | April fools article |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 3 |
Article Name | Wants Sunday Jitney |
Other, | April fools article |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 3 |
Article Name | Illness Prevents Eby from Giving Lecture |
Names mentioned | Horner Eby, Prof. J. Willard Hershey, Helen Lichty, Kitch Evans, Poddy Himes, |
Other, | April fools article |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 3 |
Article Name | The Worst Joke in the World has been in Plain Sight of Every M. C. Student |
Names mentioned | Pottie Himes, Harry Lauder, Eddie Cantor, Al Jolson, Mr. Curtis |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | W. C. T. U. (WCTU) |
Other, | April fools article |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 3 |
Article Name | Staid Tired Prof Succumbs; Tips “Light Fantastic” |
Other, | April fools article |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 3 |
Article Name | Unutterable Utterances |
Names mentioned | Jack Johnson, Wendell Johnson, Elvis Prather, |
Other, | April fools article |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 3 |
Article Name | Number of Seniors will not Graduate |
Names mentioned | Jay Eller, Geraldine Crill, Al Unruh, Abram Hosteter, Laura McGaffey, Coach Mishler, Red McCall, Floye Rhodes, Earl Morris, Stan Kiem, Paul Kurtz, Edna Dunham, Jack Johnson |
Other, | April fools article |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 3 |
Article Name | As They Think? |
Names mentioned | Mabel Heckethorn, Ernest Tipton, Dale Showalter, Lauvera Lingle, Jack Johnson, Gill, Edith Silfer, |
Other, | April fools article |
Other | Flashes of the Great White Way |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 3 |
Article Name | Doty is Disciplined by Self-Governing Body |
Names mentioned | Leroy Doty |
Other, | April fools article |
Other | Fahnestock Hall |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 4 |
Article Name | McPherson College to Establish a Hot Dog Stand in 1929 |
Names mentioned | Dr. Hyde (Bowdoin College), Pie Carlson, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Manuel Training Department, Bowdoin College |
Other, | April fools article |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 4 |
Article Name | Sondergard to Try Again |
Names mentioned | Sidney Sondergard, |
Other, | April fools article |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 4 |
Article Name | Afraid Matron will Soon Leave College |
Names mentioned | Matron Trostle, J. J. Yoder, |
Other, | April fools article |
Other | Arnold Hall |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 4 |
Article Name | Arnold Hall Co-ed Reveals How Second Floor Inmates Observe Study Hour Rules |
Names mentioned | Bernice Hoover, Bernice Peck, Ocie McAvoy, |
Other, | April fools article |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 4 |
Article Name | “Pigs is Pigs,” But Cotton Isn’t Cotton |
Names mentioned | Ellinor Glynn, Floyd Cotton, Virginia Glynn |
Other, | April fools article |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 4 |
Article Name | Jack the Giant-Killer |
Other, | April fools article |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 5 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Mabel Griffin, Ruth Wedell, Bertha Kim, Addie Glaser, Stella Thomas, Mildred Libby, Lena Draegert, Ruth Lerew, Vivian Spilman, Homer Paden, Lillian Sandy, Phillip Spohn, Lowell Sell, Clarence Hawkins, John Whiteneck, A. L. Patrick, Arthur Prather, Harbert Nickel, Albert Unruh, Leo Ebersole, Cecil Holloway, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Foutz, Charles McCall, Stanley Keim, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Himes, Fern Himes, Mabel Fleming, Anna Mae Stickler, Mary Jo Romine, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Unruh, Mrs. Cade and Vera (Cade), Estella Engle, Harlan Yoder, Lorinda Leatherman, Bertha Unruh, Lucille Hoover, Bernice Hoover, Hazel Scott, Winifred O’Conner |
Alta Mohler, Horner Eby, Lavelle Saylor, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Voran, Orville Voran, Irene Steinberg | |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | West Side Church |
Other | Fahnestock Hall |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 5 |
Article Name | Prohibition Speaker Coming |
Names mentioned | Rev. Dr. Ira Landrith |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Intercollegiate Prohibition Association |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 5 |
Article Name | Give Upperclassmen Special Favors in School |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Amherst, University of Kansas, University of North Carolina |
Other, | Student submitted piece |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 5 |
Article Name | Hands Off, Faculty |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Rocky Mountain Intercollegiate Press Association, University of Denver |
Other, | Student submitted piece |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 5 |
Article Name | Social Events |
Names mentioned | June Ellis, Lillian Andrews, Clarlson Evans, Mildred Fike, Eunice Wray, Minnie Hutchinson, Franklin Evans, Elmer Heiderbrecht, Truman Grogan, Raymond Trostle, Paul Hutchinson |
Other | Sharp Hall, Harnly Hall, |
Volume/Number/Page | Volume 8 No. 27 Page 5 |
Article Name | Feature Writer Battles Inspiration to a Draw |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Masculine Gymnasts Preparing Elaborate Exhibition April 16 |
Names mentioned | Coach Mishler, Gordon Hill, |
Events Mentioned | McPherson College Gymnasium Exhibition, Parade, Oxen Dance |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Gymnastics, basketball |
Other, | Alumni Gymnasium, Orchestra, Clowns, Walking pyramids, Contrivances, Apparatus classes |
Other | Indian Club Swinging, McPherson Basketball Team |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Fine Arts Students Give Splendid Recital |
Names mentioned | Grace Witchey, Clara Davis, Delia Chavez, Ester Blichenstaff, Ruth Wedell, Evelyn Kimmel, Dorothy Lichty, Hazel Scott, Bernice Peck, Lucena Quantius, Florence Kline |
Events Mentioned | Student Recital, Chapel |
Other, | Piano, Vocal numbers, “Sonata E Minor”, “witches Dance”, “Waltz Op. 54 No. 1 and No. 4”, “Prelude and Fugue C. Minor”, “Prelude G Minor” |
Other | Fine Arts Department |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | (No Title Bottom First Column) |
Other, | K. U., Grading |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | How Embarrassing! |
Names mentioned | Professor Nininger |
Sports Mentioned | Eastertide, Eggs, Easter, Window shopping |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Oregon Trail Lecture Proves Illuminating |
Names mentioned | Dr. Arthur Butler Hulbert |
Events Mentioned | Lecture on Tuesday Evening |
Other, | Colorado College, High School Auditorium, Kansas, Oregon Trail |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Seniors to Try Out |
Names mentioned | C. E. Oelrich, Mercedes Chapman , C. S. Morris, Augustus Thomas |
Events Mentioned | Senior Play Tryouts |
Other, | “As A Man Thinks” |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Inspiration Seeps Through From the Attic to Toiling Journalists |
Names mentioned | Greely, Hearst, Grantland Rice, Cobb |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Spectator |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Details are Planned for Second Annual May Day Festivities |
Names mentioned | Mercedes Chapman, Harriett Mohler, Julia Hollem, Edna Dunham, F. E. Mishler, Naomi Mohler, Fidelia Frantz, Selma Engstrom, Lorinda Leatherman, Mildred Carpenter, Miriam Wenrick, Lillian Crumpacker, Laura Hammann, Cecila Watkins, Rozella White, Ruth Wedell, Mattie Ring, Winifred O’Connor, Ethel May Metsker, Julia Hollem, Hazel Scott, Maurine Stutzman, Frances Temple, Louise Potter, June Ellis, Ruth Wine, Viola Bowser |
Events Mentioned | May Day, |
Other, | May Queens, Maids of Honor, May Poles, Crowning of Queen, Knighting of Robin Hood |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Calendar |
Sports Mentioned | Kansas City University Debate, Junior-Senior Banquet, High School Festival, State Peace Oratorical Contest, May Day |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | How Sad |
Other, | Picture shows, M. C. Co-eds |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Last Forensic Battle of Season Thursday |
Names mentioned | Floyd E. Kurtz, Anna Lengel, M. A. Hess, Mr. Kurz, Miss Lengel |
Events Mentioned | Chapel, Forensic Battle |
Other, | Kansas City University negative team |
Other | Tabor, McPherson, Kansa Colleges, Hays Teachers |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Y. W. C. A. |
Names mentioned | Rose Stauffer, Fidelia Frantz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.W.C.A. |
Events Mentioned | meeting |
Other, | “the Rose”, “To a Wild Rose”, “the Heart of a Rose”, singing |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Kenneth Rock Takes First in The Local Oratorical Contest |
Names mentioned | Kenneth M. Rock, Frank D. Howell, Earl F. Morris, Ralph Hoover, Horner M. Eby, H. Rogalsky, M. A. Hess, Rev. John R. Pennington, Dr. J. W. Fields, W. W. Loomis |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | chapel |
Events Mentioned | Oratorical Contest |
Other, | “the New Heroism”, “Law Not War”, “The Modern Evil” |
Other | “The Creative Future”, “Justice and Ethics of War” |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Committees Appointed for Alumni Banquet |
Names mentioned | Lola Hill, Mabel Brubaker, Dale Strickler, Marguerite Muse, Eunice Almen, Edith McGaffey, J. W. Deeter, H. R. Stover, F. E. Mishler, Grace Brubaker, S. B. Fahnestock, Nell Cullen, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Mishler, Cecil Martin, Dr. and Mrs. Harnly, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Vaniman |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Alumni Association |
Events Mentioned | Alumni banquet |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | (No Title bottom 5th column) |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | The Spectator |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Samuel B. Kurtz, Horner M. Eby , Albert Unruh, Edna E. Dunham, Wendell A. L. Johnson, A. Paul Lentz, Floye F. Rhodes, Mildred I.Fike, Mattie Ring, Marianne Kittell, Hoyt Strickler, Marion Krehbiel, Lora Shatto, Warren Sisler, Sidney L. Sondergard, Henry G. Hahn, Ronald M. Warren, M. Edith McGaffey, Maurice A. Hess |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Radicalism |
Other, | Radicalism, Social Progress |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Spring Athletics |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Intramural sports |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | “Little Things” |
Other, | Freshmen rhetoric classes, English Campaign, college |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Names mentioned | Bishop Quale, William Alfred Quale |
Other, | Y.M.C.A, Y.W.C.A, Fairmount College, Ottawa University, Baker University, William Alfred Quale Foundation in English Literature, Chapel, Freshmen-sophomore track meet, K.S.T.C. at Hays, Map of the world, College of Emporia |
Other | Camp fire guardians, Janet McKeller, K. U. Women, Fire field secretary |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Graders Graded |
Names mentioned | Morgan |
Other, | Antioch, Ohio, Grading faculty, The new student |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Barks and Wags |
Names mentioned | Wendell Johnson, Prof. McGaffey, Mr. Smith, Leo Crumpacker, Kittell Swope, Dr. Kurtz, Coach Mishler |
Other, | Freshmen rhetoric, laborator |
Other | bible |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Offered Assistantship |
Names mentioned | Jay Eller |
Other, | Senior, Mathematics and physics department, University of Washington , Seattle, Washington |
Other | Teaching, stipend |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Snap it Up! |
Names mentioned | Harriett Mohler |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Quadrangle |
Other, | Kodak, Frosh., Sophs. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Williams Rejects R. O. T. C. |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | R. O. T. C. |
Other, | Williams, The New Student |
Other | Military training |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No.28 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Smile A While |
Names mentioned | Horner |
Other | jokes |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Poets’ Corner |
Names mentioned | Thomas S. Jones Jr., Harry Kemp, Witter Bynner |
Other, | Poems |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Wilmer Lehman, Anna Mae Strickler, LeRoy Doty, Galen Tice, Mr.Martin, Mae Harris, Nina Sherfy, Mary Sherfy, Irene Miller, Lois Dillman, Prof. and Mrs. H.H. Nininger, Margaret nininger, Herbert Nickel, Earl Reed, Elmer Heidebrecht, John Whiteneck, LaVerne Martin, Seth Reed, Paul Dick, Homer Paden, Lowell Sell, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Moore, Miss Estella Engle, Sylvia Whiteneck, Mabel Griffin, Henry Boyd, Ted Dell, Clarence Bartlet, Narry Bowers, Bernice Steinberg |
Vera Cade, Lena Draegert, Marie Heaston, Beulah Cullen, Ethel May Metsker, Naomi Mohler, Emmert Stover, Marlin Kelly, Prof. W. O. Mishoff | |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Mission Band |
Events Mentioned | Spelling Contest, The Messiah |
Other, | Operation, Appendicitis, teaching, birth of baby, Hospital trip, Sick, The Hill, Monitor Church, “the Challenge of the Cross” |
Other | Ramona, KS, Windom, Kansas, Summerfield, Kansas, Galva, Kansas, McPherson, Kansas, Hillsboro, Kansas, Burrton, Kansas, Lyons, Kansas, Conway, Kansas, Preston, Kansas, Sylvia Whiteneck’s School, Canton, Kansas, Holmesville, Nebraska, La Salle, Illinois, Lindsborg, Kansas, Milwaukee, Wisconsin |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Details are Planned For Second Annual May Day Festivities (Continued from page 1) |
Names mentioned | Charles McCall, Glade Fisher, Stanley Keim, Henry Hahn, Sidney Sondergard, Marlin Kelly, Gordon Hill, Hoyt Strickler, Moffat Eakes, Clarence Hawkins, Rush Holloway, Howard Keim |
Other | Seniors, Freshmen, Juniors, Sophomores |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Pg.3 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Methusulah Explains |
Other, | Ladies Home Journal |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Social Events |
Names mentioned | Mary B. Swope, Velma Bailey, Leola Ellwood, Beulah Peters, Edith Early, Ploye Rphodes, Ruth Wine, Eunice Wray |
Events Mentioned | Formal dinner |
Other | Domestic science class |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg.3 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | If You’re Puffed Up Maybe it Isn’t Egoism After All |
Names mentioned | Dr. Harnly, Dr. Hersey |
Other, | Isolation, Scientists, mumps |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Make H. S. Festival Elimination Contest |
Names mentioned | Mr. McKonnel, Rudolph Uhrlaub, Vilas Betts, Sanger Crumpacker, Leonard Crumpacker, LeRoy Doty, Paul Kurtz, Ralph Himer, Sam Kurtz, Albert Unruh |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Kansas State High School Athletic Association |
Events Mentioned | Athletic Program of The High School Senior Festival |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Track, tennis |
Sports Mentioned | Track and tennis meets |
Other, | Winfield,Kansas, McPherson College, McPherson, Kansas, McPherson County, Kansas, Rice County, Kansas, Reno County, Kansas, Harvey County, Kansas, Marion County, Kansas |
Other | Gold medal, Silver medal, Bronze medal |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Masculine Gymnasts |
Names mentioned | Coach Mishler |
Other, | Seniors, Sophomores, Juniors, Freshmen |
Other | spectators |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Class Baseball Schedules |
Events Mentioned | Baseball games |
Sports Mentioned (all) | baseball |
Other, | Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, Seniors |
Other | innings |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Paper Protests Against Favors to athletics |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Football, Inter-collegiate |
Other, | The Daily Northwestern |
Other | The New Student, Northwestern |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 28 Pg. 4 |
Date Published | April 7, 1925 |
Article Name | Teams are lined up in Women’s Baseball |
Names mentioned | Luelle Paul, Mattie Ring, Elsie McConkey, Helen LIchty, Kathryn Swope, Evelyn Kimmell, Mary B. Swope, Iva Crumpacker, Alma Morrison, Ethel May Metsker, Bertha Kim, Floye Rhodes, Della Prather, Ruth Kurtz, Naomi Mohler, Dorothy Lichty, Frances Temple, Lena Draegert, Clarissa Evans, Sarah Spitzer, Viola Bowser, Anna Mae Strickler, Leola Ellwood, Edna Dunham, Anna Mae Edgecomb, Bertha Unruh, Laura McGaffey, Merle Davis, Mabel Griffin, Lois Myers, Mabel Byer, Laura Hammann, Harriett Mohler |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Indoor baseball |
Other, | Teams, Pirates, Ruths, Amazons |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 1 and 4 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Friends Gets Slight Margin in Track and Tennis Tournament |
Names mentioned | Crumpacker , Vogel, Kaufman , Davis , Kurtz, Armstrong , Ingold , Sell , |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Track , Tennis |
Other, | M.C. Strong in Running Events; Six Men Make Letters; Relay of Great Interest |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | The World’s Redeemer Given By Music Club |
Names mentioned | Miss Katherine Penner , Carrie Feiler, Evelyn Kimmell, Mrs. E.J. Unruh , Elverta Hawley, Florence Kline, Herkle Wampler, Alvin Voran |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | McPherson College Music Club |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | M.C. is Represented in “The Messiah” Oratorio |
Names mentioned | Herkle Wampler, Harold Lundeen , Selma Engstrom , Carl Freeburg |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Bethany Oratorio Society |
Other, | Students invited to participate |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | College Quartet Tour Proves Grand Success |
Names mentioned | Miss Katherine Penner, Winston Cassier , |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | McPherson College Male Quartet |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | McPherson U. Noted for Its Practical and Democratic Curriculum |
Other, | McPherson College Ways |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Final Arrangements are Made for Spring Gymnasium Exhibition |
Names mentioned | Coach F.E. Mishler |
Events Mentioned | Twelfth Annual Gymnasium Exhibition |
Other, | New Features Added; Program is Complete |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Harry Bowers Putting on Big Music Program |
Names mentioned | Harry Bowers |
Events Mentioned | Chapel |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Calendar |
Other, | Upcoming events |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | M.C. People Attend Academy of Science |
Names mentioned | Prof. H.H. Nininger, Dr. H.J. Harnly , Dr. J.W. Hershey , Prof. J.A. Blair , Mabel Griffin, Wm. Burgin , Ben Spitzer, Harold Gill, Verl Dobbins |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Kansas Academy of Science |
Events Mentioned | 57th Annual Meeting of KAS |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Cast for Senior Play Chosen by Committee |
Names mentioned | Coach C.E. Oelrich , Ocie McAvoy, Earl Breon, Vilas Betts, Harold Lundeen, Selma Engstrom, Charles McCall, Vivian Long, Earl Morris, Elvis Prather, Miriam Wenrick, Jay Eller, Edna Dunham |
Events Mentioned | Senior Play rehearsals |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Yoder Gone on Trip |
Names mentioned | Prof. J.J. Yoder , Dayton Yoder , |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | General Mission Board , Publishing House Board of the Church of the Brethren |
Other, | Attending board meetings |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 1 and 4 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Expect Large Crowd Saturday at Annual H.S. Senior Festival |
Names mentioned | “Fat” Lawson |
Events Mentioned | Track Meet – Annual High School Senior Festival |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Track , Tennis |
Other, | Track Meet Important; Two Cups Being Given |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Kurtz and Lengel Win Over Kansas City U. |
Names mentioned | Anna Lengel , Floyd Kurtz , Harold Jordan , Albert Howland , Prof. Martin J. Holcomb, Miss Lola Hill , Eunice Wray , Della Chavez |
Events Mentioned | Debate Club |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Editorial Staff |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Samuel B. Kurtz, Horner M. Eby, Albert Unruh, Edna E. Dunham, Wendell A.L. Johnson, A. Paul Lentz, Floye F. Rhodes, Mildred I. Fike, Mattie Ring, Hoyt Strickler, Lora Shatto, Marianne Kittell, Marion Krehbie, Warren Slaler, Sidney L. Sondergard, Henry G. Hahn , Ronald M. Warren, Edith McGaffey, Maurice A. Hess |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Our Part |
Events Mentioned | Senior High School Festival |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Awake! |
Other, | Thinking about the future |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Paddlers’ Promise |
Other, | Take time out of your daily routine to focus on spirt and attitude |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Events Mentioned | Campus Clean-Up Day |
Other, | Things going on at neighboring colleges |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | When We Smile |
Other, | Smiling throughout life |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Barks and Wags |
Names mentioned | Wendell Johnson, Dr. Harnly, Dr. Kurtz, |
Other, | The Raving- Poems |
Other | What’s In a Name? |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Library Notes |
Names mentioned | G.S. Richetts , President D.W. Kurtz , A.A. Hyde |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Mission Study Group , Anderson Press of Winfield , Acorn Press of Philadelphia , |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Notice |
Other, | No more discussion groups due to the end of the school year |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Prohibition Resolution |
Names mentioned | Dr. Ira Laudrith |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | National Intercollegiate Prohibition Association |
Events Mentioned | College Chapel |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Smile a While |
Other, | Funny Stories |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Poets’ Corner |
Other, | Rain; Purpose ; Renewal – Poems |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 3 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Paul Freeburg, Helen Elliott, Ruth Wedell , Carl Schneider, W.E. Bishop , Aenid Gray , Marie Brubaker , Beulah Cullen, Lowell Saylor , Frances Temple, Anna Lengel, Naomi Mohler , Elsie McConkey, Estella Engle , Evelyn Kimmel, Juanita Miller, Lucile Paul, Bertha Unruh, Elsie Pokrantz, Mayme Welker, LaVerne Martin , Charles Lengel, Alvin Voran, Ralph Himes, Fred Perry, Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Unruh , Mr. and Mrs. J. Heman Jones, Pearl Rhine, Earl Breon, Minnie Hutchinson, Florence Harry , Harvey Lehman , Goldie Vickers, Vernon Buroughs, Isabel Eskelson, Jessie and Veta Releigh , Mildred Everett, Veta Swabby , Leola Ellwood, Esther Blickenstaff, Eunice Longadorff, Viola Bowser, Lena Draegert, Bernice Steinberg, Mildred Libby, Everett Brubaker , Ethel Bonse , Anson Horning , Chester Ferrel , Paul Hutchinson , Ted Kolzow , Carl Dell , Beulah Peters , Stella Thomas , Victor Vaniman , Clyde Kline , Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Vaniman, Geneva Freeburg, Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Eshelman , Helen Freeburg , Gertrude Witmore, Edith Watkins, Harlan Yoder , Marietta Byerly , Mayme King, Sidney Sondergard, Paul Lentz, Sam Mohler , Milton Dell, Leroy Doty , Prudence Strickler , Lloyd Saylor, Mr. Price , John and George Couchman , Clarence Groves, Lloyd Jamison, Reuben Bowman , Homer Padden , Mary B. and Katherine Swope , Estella Engle, Mabel Hoffman , Miss Brown , Mrs. Sadie Brown , Mrs. Cade , Lora Trostle, Loretta Yoder, Ruth Hawkins, Lucile Hoover, Alma Morrison , Rose Stauffer, Pearl Wilfong, Sanger Crumpacker , Berta Unruh , Vera Cade, Mr. and Mrs. E.J. Unruh , Prof. and Mrs. Doll, Marilyn and Bertha Ikenberry , Rollin Brunk , |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Mission Study Class |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 3 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Social Events |
Names mentioned | Maurine Stutzman , Mrs. Mary Stutzman , Salome Mohler , Fidelia Frantz , Harlan Yoder , |
Events Mentioned | Announcement Breakfast |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 3 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Surprise Shower |
Names mentioned | Sylvin Whiteneck , Harold Matson |
Events Mentioned | Surprise wedding shower |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 3 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Progressive Puzzle Party |
Names mentioned | Eleanor Caldwell , Elton Fry, Lois Myers, Grace Couchran , Sarah Howell , Mildred Fike, Margaret Dresher, Lillian Andrews, Winifred O’Connor, Paul Blickenstaff, Clark Brumbaugh , Elvis Prather, Horner Eby, Truman Grogan , Herbert Martin, Floyd Kurtz |
Events Mentioned | Progressive Puzzle Party |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 3 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Sunshine Commits Some Exceedingly Logical Reasoning |
Other, | Our legs abilities |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 3 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Grace Witchie Takes Prize |
Names mentioned | Grace Witchie |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Fine Arts Department of M.C. |
Events Mentioned | Midwest Piano Contest |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 4 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Sophs and Juniors Win in Baseball Tourney |
Events Mentioned | Baseball game between different classes |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Baseball |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 4 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | News |
Other, | News about the war during church |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 4 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Miss Penner to Return |
Names mentioned | Miss Katherine Penner |
Other, | Miss Penner accepting instructor position |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 4 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Change in Meetings |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Mission Group |
Other, | Mission Group meetings schedule changed |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 29 Page 4 |
Date Published | April 24, 1925 |
Article Name | Never Mention Weather! Co-ed Gives Warning |
Other, | Rainy weather problems |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 1 and 4 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | M.C.’s 12th Annual Gymnasium Exhibition is a Decided Success |
Names mentioned | Gordon Hill , Coach Mishler |
Events Mentioned | 12th annual gymnasium exhibition |
Other, | Entrance is Unique; High School Defeats Vagabonds; Shows Benefits of General Athletics |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Music Club Renders Program at Lorraine |
Names mentioned | Miss Katherine Penner |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Music Club of the College |
Events Mentioned | Sacred Program |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Y.W.C.A. Girls Give unique Negro Program |
Names mentioned | Rozella White , Margaret Heckethorn , Esther Wilbur , Florence Kline, Mrs. Ada Unruh |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.W.C.A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Seniors Lose to Both Freshman and Sophomores |
Events Mentioned | Boys interclass baseball game |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Baseball |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | To Take Referendum on an Official Yell |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | “Ad” Topperwein Coming |
Names mentioned | Mr. Topperwein |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Winchester shooting team |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Read This and Weep; Tis No Laughing Matter, but a Sad Farewell |
Other, | College Jitney giving up |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Nine Colleges will Compete in Kansas Peace Contest Here |
Names mentioned | Kenneth M. Rock, Cecil Headrick, Albert J. Penner, Velma Oline, O.A. Richardson , Theodore R. Schellenberg, Dr. Harnly , Katherine Penner |
Events Mentioned | State Peace Oratorical Contest |
Other, | Orations are Announced; $60 and $10 Prizes Offered |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Calendar |
Other, | Upcoming events |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Amazons are Leading in Women’s Baseball |
Names mentioned | Merie Davis , Edna Dunham , Laura McGaffey , Walter Johnson , Anna Mae Strickler, Frances Temple , Ethel May Metsker , Goldie Vickers |
Events Mentioned | Women’s indoor baseball tournament |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Women’s Baseball |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Kirby Page is Coming to M.C. Tomorrow |
Names mentioned | Kirby Page, President D.W. Kurtz |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A. , Student Council |
Events Mentioned | Lecture in Chapel |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 1 and 4 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Fourth H.S. Senior Festival Brings 340 Visitors to Campus |
Names mentioned | Wynn , Prof. C.S. Morris, Prof. H.H. Nininger , Ray S. Wagoner |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Ladies’ Glee Club , Department of Fine Arts , Music Club |
Events Mentioned | Fourth annual high school senior festival , Banquet |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Track meet |
Other, | Twenty-two Schools in Meet; Two State Records Broken; McPherson Takes Relay |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Student Council May Publish a Handbook |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student council |
Other, | Official Handbook for next school year |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Miss Vaniman in Senior Play |
Names mentioned | Elberta Vaniman |
Events Mentioned | Senior Play |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Editorial Staff |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Samuel B. Kurtz, Horner M. Eby, Albert Unruh, Edna E. Dunham, Wendel A.L. Johnson, A. Paul Lentz, Floye F. Rhodes, Mildred L. Fike, Mattie Ring, Marianne Kittell, Lora Shatto, Warren Sisler, Marion Krehbiel , Sidney L .Sondergard, Henry G. Hahn, Ronald M. Warren , Edith McGaffey, Maruice a. Hess |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | An M.C. Handbook |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council |
Other, | Handbook for students in discussion |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Boost M.C. |
Other, | What to do after school is over |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | As They See It |
Names mentioned | Moffat Eakes , August San Remant , BerlyVaniman , Al Unruh , Harriett Mohler, Louise Potter, Jay O. Greene, Leo Crumpacker , Ocie McAvoy |
Other, | Students ideas on good sports |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Cullen Writes of School Prospects in Washington |
Names mentioned | Roy Cullen |
Other, | Opportunity for teachers and graduates |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | To Sell at Auction |
Events Mentioned | Auction at Hedge and Hartup farm |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Barks and Wags |
Names mentioned | Wendell Johnson , Sunshine Hollaway |
Other, | Net a Confession; The Modern Tragedy |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Seven Sentence Sermons |
Names mentioned | John Wesley, Robert Louis Stevenson, Ram’s Horn, |
Other, | Short pieces of sermons |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Mission Study Group Gives “Pivari’s Rescue “ |
Names mentioned | Esther Wilbur, Mary Sherfy, Horner Eby, Mabel Hoffman , Loretta Yoder, Pearl Wiltfong, Rose Stauffer, Minnie Hutchinson, Berta Ikkenberry, Hiton Ery , George Merkey |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Mission Study Group |
Events Mentioned | Chapel |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Other, | Things going on at neighboring colleges |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Kurtz to Elgin |
Names mentioned | Dr. Kurtz |
Events Mentioned | Brethren Educational Board Meeting |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Poets Corner |
Other, | Gypsy-Heart – Poem |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 3 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Eunice Longdorf, Viola Bower, Esther Bllckenstaff, Leola Ellwood, Clarissa Evans, Mildred Libby , Mable Dunham , Harriett Mohler, Mary B. Swope , Bernice Hoover, Lucile Hoover , Sidney Sondergard , Anna Mae Strickler, Harry Nickel, Jacob Ratzlaff, Mr. Augburger , Amos Tschetter, Herbert Winter, Mr. Friesen , Richard Keim , Prentice Odle , Royal Yoder , Neva Yoder, Harvey Lehman , Paul Dick , Don Owens , Ralph Brant, Vernon Brubaker, Maruice Nelson, John Hartman, Berty May , Lorraine Royer , Bernice Steinberg , Mary Jo Romine , Minnie Edgecomb , Grace Ebaugh , Chressie Heckman , August Rump , Sadie Gluckliek, Alice Manly , Mr. and Mrs. Isacc Franz, J. Herman Jones , Elvis Brather , Mrs. A. Wise , Miss Celesta Wine, Mrs. Phillipi |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.W.C.A. , Intercollegiate Anti-Tobacco Association |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 3 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Mishlers Entertain Basketball Squad |
Names mentioned | Coach and Mrs. F.E. Mishler |
Events Mentioned | Waffle Supper |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 3 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Hess and Blair Single Judges |
Names mentioned | Prof. J.A. Blair , Prof. M.A. Hess , |
Events Mentioned | Debate competition between Friends and Southwestern |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 3 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Social Events |
Names mentioned | Arloa Wagner, Bobby Kurtz , Miss Bonnie Dee McMurray, Mrs. Albert Street , Mrs. Loren Curtis, Mrs. Theodore Harms , Samuel Kurtz , Milton Dell, Stanley Keim, Dr. J.H. Harnly, Miss Mercedes Chapman , Miss Katherine Pener, Elverta Hawley , , Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Hershey , Eunice Wray, Vivian Harnly, Celesta Wine, Mattie Ring, Mrs. Ruth Wine, Abram Hostetter, Floyd Kurtz, Harold Strickler, Stanley Keim |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Department of Chemistry |
Events Mentioned | Annual January Junior-Senior Banquet , Dinner at Dr. Hershey’s for Chemistry assistants |
Other, | Junior-Senior Banquet; Chemistry Assistants Entertained |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 3 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Sunshine Finds Pottie Sad and Bowed in Grief |
Names mentioned | Potty Himos |
Other, | Story about a dog |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 4 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Bethany Tracksters Coming Here Today |
Names mentioned | Murray , Barnes, Swenson , Crumpacker, Kaufman , Doty, Vogel, Davis , Kurtz, Sell |
Events Mentioned | Bethany vs. MAC track meet |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Track |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 30 Page 4 |
Date Published | April 21, 1925 |
Article Name | Crumpacker Elected Basketball Captain |
Names mentioned | Leo Crumpacker , Coach and Mrs. Floyd Mishler |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball |
Other, | Exceptional work on basketball team |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 1 and 4 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Bulldog Tracksters Win Close Meet with Bethany Team |
Names mentioned | Kaufman, Crumpacker, Vogel , Davis , Ingold, Rock, Sell, Kurtz , |
Events Mentioned | McPherson College Track vs. Bethany |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Track |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | To Carry Out Story of Robin Hood May 8 |
Names mentioned | Selma Engstrom, Laura Hammann, Winifred O’Connor , Frances Temple , Mercedes Chapman, Coach F.E. Mishler, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | W.A.A. |
Events Mentioned | May Day, Interclass Track Meet |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Track |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Catalog is out |
Other, | M.C. Catalog officially released for 1925 |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Genius |
Other, | Genius characteristics |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Hershey Takes Class to Hutchinson Plants |
Names mentioned | Dr. J.W. Hershey |
Events Mentioned | Chemistry Class Field Trip to Hutchinson |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Some Day History Will Repeat and M.C. Audience Will be Astonished |
Events Mentioned | Sermon on Mount and Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address |
Other, | The same audience reaction will happen in life |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Penner From Bethel Takes First Prize in State Peace Contest |
Names mentioned | Albert J. Penner , Cecil Headrick, Kenneth Rock , Prof. M.A. Hess |
Events Mentioned | National Contest , State Peace Oratorical Contest |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Calendar |
Other, | Upcoming events in McPherson Community |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Can You Be Insulted? |
Other, | Christians taking a joke |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Noted Denver Judge to Lecture Tonight |
Names mentioned | Judge Ben B. Lindsey |
Events Mentioned | Lecture at Opera House |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Kirby Page Delivers Stirring Addresses on Life’s Realities |
Names mentioned | Kirby Page |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.M.C.A. , Y.W.C.A. |
Events Mentioned | Mr. Page Speakig |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Elections Coming Thursday Morning |
Names mentioned | Marlin Kelly, Glenn Rothrock, Milton Dell, Kenneth Rock, Sidney Sondergard, Charles Lengel, Anna Mae Edgecomb, June Ellis, John Whiteneck, Clarence Hawkins |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council, Quadrangle Officers, Cheer Leaders |
Events Mentioned | Election of Student Council President and treasurer |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 1 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Blair Speaks at Hutchinson |
Names mentioned | Prof. J.A. Blair |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Co-operative Club at Hutchinson |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Editorial Staff |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Samuel B. Kurtz, Horner M. Eby , Albert Unruh, Edna E. Dunham, Wendell A.L. Johnson, A. Paul Lentz, Floye F. Rhodes, Mildred I. Fike , Mattie Ring, Lora Shatto, Marianne Kittell, Warren Sisler, Marion Krehbiel, Sidney L. Sondergard, Henry G. Hahn, Ronald M. Warren, Edith McGaffey, Maurice A. Hess |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Pride |
Other, | People having pride |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Are Athletics Corrupt? |
Other, | Asking and answering if college athletics are corrupt |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Other, | Things happening at neighboring colleges |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Are We Forgotten? |
Other, | Who is to say that people aren’t looking for more in life |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Barks and Wags |
Names mentioned | Wendell Johnson |
Other, | Stray Thought; A.E. Sap’s Fishies |
Other | Stories by Wendell |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Academy and M.H.S. High in English Test |
Events Mentioned | Kansas college teachers of English meeting at Emporia |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Smile a While |
Names mentioned | Abe Jones , Ray Trostle, Eunice Wray, Judge Lindsey |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 2 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Poet’s Corner |
Other, | Sie Vita; El Dorado; Poem; Illumination |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 3 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Social Events |
Names mentioned | Thelma Jones, Ethel May Metsker, Anna Mae Strickler, Mrs. Roy Crist, Dr. and Mrs. Kurtz, Prof. and Mrs. J.W. Deeter, Edith McGaffey , Katherine Penner, Harold Barton, Albert Unruh, Howard Sager, Edna Dunham , Prof. E.J. Unruh , Mildred Carpenter, Prof. and Mrs. J.A. Blair, Mrs. E.J. Unruh, Bertha Unruh, Mrs. Howard Sager, Mabel Dunham , , Truman Grogan, Herbert Martin , Vera Glathart, Allice Elliott , James Elrod, Professor and Mrs. M.A. Hess, Professor and Mrs. E.F. Sherfy, Miss Estella Engle , Lola Hill, Ray Wagoner, Mrs. James Elrod , , Prof. and Mrs. J.J. Yoder , Salome Mohler, Miss Mayme Welker, Elsie Pokrantz, Jessie Brown , Lola Hill, Mercedes Chapman, Estella Engle, Katherine Penner, Celesta Wine , Miss Edith McGaffey, , William Baughman, Lillian Baughman, Rev. Rodney C. Martin, , Olive Howard, Edgar Stauffer, , Prof. J.A. Blair, |
Events Mentioned | Senior Sneak , Two- Course Dinner offered by Prof. and Mrs. Yoder |
Other, | Seniors Sneak to Halstead; Junior-Senior Academy Reception |
Other | Engagement of Rodney C. Martin and Lillian Baughman, Engagement of Edgar Stauffer and Olive Howard |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 3 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Wilbur Vaniman is Drowned |
Names mentioned | Wilbur Vaniman |
Other, | Death |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 3 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Harold Barton, Clarence Hawkins , John Whiteneck , Herbert Martin , Phillip Spohn , O.A. Dick , Mrs. H.W. Miller , William Miller, Ruth Martin, Florence, Harry, and Harvey Lehman , Addie and Ralph Himes, Helen and Dorothy Lichty , Anna Mae Strickler , Alberta Flory , Ruth Sollenberger , Anna Meyers , Emmert Pair , Ocie McAvoy , Samuel Kurtz , Mr. and Mrs. Leland Moore , Sarah Miller , Lorretta Zongker, Arthur Prather , Everett Brubaker, , Anna Mae Edgecomb, Mildred Mast, Floye Rhodes, Mildred Tipton, Mattie Ring, Loretta Zongker, Ernest Tipton, Ray Swanders, Virden Kolzow, Rush Holloway, Norvin Parr, Floyd Goton |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Male Quartet |
Events Mentioned | Picnic Ground get together |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 3 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Organizations |
Names mentioned | Mr. Kirby Page, Eunice Wray, Lillian Andrews, Lola Myers, George Merkey, Irl Newham, Abram Hostetter, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.W.C.A., Y.M.C.A. , Gospel Team, |
Events Mentioned | Picnic Supper at Brubaker’s |
Other, | For Kirby Page; Gospel Team on Trip |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 4 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | To Hold Hexangular Saturday at Bethany |
Events Mentioned | Hexangular Track Meet |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Track , Tennis |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 4 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Made His Position Clear |
Other, | Short funny story |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 4 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Track The Nation Over |
Other, | Watching professional runner race |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 4 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Sidelights on the Meet |
Names mentioned | Vogel and Davis , “Crummy” , Kaufman, Murray, Captain Kurtz, Sell , Rock , Ingolds |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Track |
Other, | Stats from the track meet |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 31 Page 4 |
Date Published | April 28, 1925 |
Article Name | Mattie Ring Elected W.A.A. President |
Names mentioned | Mattie Ring, Bertha Unruh , Leola Ellwood, Viola Bowser, Anna Mae Edgecomb, Frances Temple, Lucile Paul, Constance Meyer, Elsie McConkey, Iva Crumpacker, Ruth Lerew, Marie Hesston |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | W.A.A. |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Basketball, Baseball, Tennis , Hiking |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 1 and 4 |
Article Name | Swedes are First in Hexangular Meet – McPherson Fourth |
Names mentioned | Davis , Vogel , Rock |
Events Mentioned | Annual Hexangular Track Meet |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Track |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 1 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Shamberger, Zeigler Coming Here May 12 |
Names mentioned | C.H. Shamberger, M.R. Zeigler |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Young Peoples Commission of the Church of the Brethren , Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 1 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Grace Witchey Gives Graduating Recital |
Names mentioned | Hazel Scott, Miss Witchey , Indus Mae Hollingsworth, Ruth Barues, Margaret Bowlus , Miss Hawley , |
Events Mentioned | Graduating Recitals |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 1 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Bird Students on Trips |
Names mentioned | Prof. H.H.Nininger |
Events Mentioned | Trip to Inman Lake for classes on birds |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 1 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Sherman Was Kee-rect, but He Might as Well Have Said, “Mud” |
Other, | Indecisiveness of adventure |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 1 and 2 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Six Officers Chosen in Annual Elections Yesterday Morning |
Names mentioned | Marlin Kelly, Kenneth Rock , Sidney Sondergard, Charles Lengel , Glenn Rothrock, Milton Dell , John Whiteneck, Anna Mae Edgecomb, Clarence Hawkins, June Ellis |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council, Quadrangle, |
Events Mentioned | Spring Elections |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 1 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Calendar |
Events Mentioned | Graduating Recital, Childrens Recital, Bethel Track Meet, Baccalaureate Sermon, Senior play, Senior Class day program |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Track |
Other, | Upcoming Events for McPherson Community |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 1 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Lindsey’s Audience is Told “Why Kids Lie” |
Names mentioned | Judge Ben Lindsey |
Events Mentioned | Lecture at Opera House |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 1 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | M.C. to Celebrate Second Annual May Day Festival Friday |
Names mentioned | F.E. Mishler, Mercedes Chapman |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | W.A.A. |
Events Mentioned | 2nd Annual May Day Fete |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 1 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | President D.W. Kurtz Tells of Estes Park |
Names mentioned | President D.W. Kurtz , John R. Mott, Sherwood Eddy, Kirby Page, Dr. Herbert Gray, Judge Ben Lindsey, |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A. |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 2 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Editorial Staff |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Samuel B. Kurtz, Horner M.Eby, Albert Unruh, Edna E. Dunham, Wendell A.L. Johnson , A. Paul Lentz, FLoye F. Rhodes, Mildred I. Fike, Mattie Ring, Lora Shatto, Marianne Kittell, Warren Sisler, Marion Krehbiel, Sidney L. Sondergard, Henry G. Hahn, Ronald M. Warren, Edith McGaffey, Maurice A. Hess |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 2 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Visiting Speakers |
Other, | Visiting Chapel Speakers |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 2 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | A Dissenting Vote |
Names mentioned | Dr. Barker |
Other, | Day to day routines |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 2 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | The Hero |
Other, | Hero Worship |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 2 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Names mentioned | Prof. L.N. Flint |
Other, | Things happening at neighboring colleges |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 2 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Barks and Wags |
Names mentioned | Wendell Johnson |
Other, | Tune: Minuet in Z; Perhaps So |
Other | Stories by Wendell |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 2 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Oriental and Occidental Experiences are Related |
Names mentioned | George Elias |
Events Mentioned | Talk in Chapel Friday morning |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 2 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Copy 1923 |
Names mentioned | Caroline Vose, Claud Hobberstad, Anne Blackwell Payne |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 2 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Smile a While |
Other, | Funny Stories |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 2 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Poets’ Corner |
Other, | A Creed; Song; Free Verse |
Other | Poems |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 2 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Mardi Gras! Mardi Gras! |
Events Mentioned | Mardi Gras |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 3 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | About People |
Names mentioned | Elsie McConkey, Alta Mohler, Ralph Himes, LeRoy Doty , Kathryn Swope , Naomi Mohler, Lucile Hoover, Katherine Penner, Hazel Scott, Ocie McAvoy , John Wall, Alvin Voran , Clement Haldeman, Harold Barton, Dale Showalter, Samuel Kurtz, Rhea Fast, Ted Kolzow, Emmert Stover, Clarence Hawkins, Howard Keim , Virgil Strohm, Glenn Rothrock , Loren Rock, Kenneth Rock, Chressie Heckman, Prof. and Mrs. M.A. Hess, Paul Dick, Harvey Lehman , Vivian Spilamn, Richard Keim, Anson Horning, Leo McMullen, Dorothy Doane , Stella Thomas, Frances Temple, Lucile Pual, Evelyn Kimmel, Juanita Miller, Anna Mae Strickler, Emma Smith, Mildred and Esther Ihde, Alma Morrison, Prentice Odle, Royal Yoder, Sylvia Duncan, Ruth Whitney, Ruth Lerew, Lois Meyers, Ida and George MErkey, Paul Lentz, Clifton and Darrell Dutton, Elmer Brunk |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 3 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Noted Doctor Speaks to McPherson Students |
Names mentioned | Dr. Charles E Barker |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Boys Council |
Events Mentioned | Lecture on Boys Council |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 3 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Social Events |
Names mentioned | Mrs. J. Herman Jones, Velma Bailey, Mrs. Roy Crist , Ethel May Metsker, Mrs. E.J. Unruh , Mrs. Howard Sager, Mabel Dunham , Bertha Unruh , Dean and Mrs. H.J. Harnly , Prof. and Mrs. G. Lewis Doll, Prof. and Mrs. W.O. Mishoff, Prof. and Mrs. Charles Morris, Rose Stauffer, Roy Srist , J. Herman Jones, Kenneth Rock |
Events Mentioned | Formal Dinner |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 3 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Vaniman Laid to Rest |
Names mentioned | Wilbur F. Vaniman , Miss Penner, John Wall , Reverend Richards, Prof. J.J. Yoder |
Other, | Buried |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 32 Page 4 |
Date Published | May 5, 1925 |
Article Name | Prospects are Bright for Meet At Bethel |
Names mentioned | Vogel , Davis |
Events Mentioned | Track Meet at Bethel |
Sports Mentioned (all) | Track |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | Three Graduates and Number of Children Appear in Programs (continued on page 4) |
Names mentioned | Hazel Scott, Delia Chavez, Bessie Bremen, Iva Gilson, Fern Lingenfelter, Miss Scott, Prof. G. Lewis Doll, Jessie Brown |
Events Mentioned | Graduating recital, Children’s Program, Diploma Graduates recital, Diploma course recital |
Other, | Fine Arts Department, Kindergarten, Intermediate classes |
Other | Lists of pieces played and composers |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 1 |
Article Name | Final Examinations to Take Three Days |
Other, | Final Examination Schedule |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | Think |
Other, | McPherson College |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | Church Leaders Here Today and Tomorrow |
Names mentioned | C. H. Shamberger, M. R. Zigler |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Brethren Young People’s Department, General Mission Board, The Spectator, Y. M. C. A. , Y. W. C. A |
Events Mentioned | Joint meeting, Chapel |
Other, | McPherson College |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | Nininger to Wichita |
Names mentioned | Prof. H. H . Nininger |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Kansas Association of Audubon Societies |
Events Mentioned | Kansas Association of Audubon Societies Meeting and Banquet |
Other, | Wichita, Kansas |
Other | State bird |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | Rock and Kelly Encounter Stiff Opposition From Dark Horses |
Names mentioned | Rock, Mr. Tipton, Miss MOhler, Pie Carlson, Warren Sisler, Doc Dean, Johnson, Kelly, Sam Kurtz, Kaufman, Porter Ihrig |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Quadrangle, Student Council |
Events Mentioned | elections |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | Mardi Gras is Riot of Fun From Start to Sound of Finale |
Names mentioned | Bill Burgin, Alvin Voran, |
Events Mentioned | Mardi Gras |
Other, | Junior Class, Rain, McPherson College |
Other | Fortune teller, The McPherson College Jollies |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | Ministries |
Names mentioned | Joseph D. Reish |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Ministerial Association |
Events Mentioned | Business meeting ministerial association, election |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | Calendar |
Events Mentioned | Senior Play, Senior Class day Program, Alumni Banquet, Commencement |
Other, | Finals , Baccalaureate Sermon, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | Will Say in Reply |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Spectator |
Events Mentioned | Mardi Gras |
Other, | Junior |
Other | typos |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | Sheldon Will Speak At Commencement |
Names mentioned | Dr. Charles M. Sheldon (pastor) |
Events Mentioned | commencement |
Other, | Graduating class of 1925, Christian Church in Topeka, Kansas, Author, Pastor, Atlantic Monthly, Topeka Daily Capitol, Methodist Church |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | May Day Festivities A Complete Success In Spite of Showers |
Names mentioned | Mercedes Chapman, Floyd Mishler, Coach Mishler, Selma Engstrom, Pres. D. W. Kurtz, Rush Holloway |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | W. A. A. |
Events Mentioned | May Day Fete Of McPherson College, Mardi Gras, contests |
Other, | Juniors, Gymnasium, Athletic director |
Other | Senior class, Queen of the May, Robin Hood, Dawn in the Greenwood, Ladies in Waiting, Merry Men, Strolling Musicians, Peasant Maids and Peasant Lads, Maids of Honor |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | Yells Recommended by Council Are Rejected |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Student Council |
Events Mentioned | Chapel Referendum |
Other, | Yells |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 1 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | (No title bottom page 1 column 5) |
Names mentioned | David Starr Jordan |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | The Spectator |
Names mentioned | Laura B. McGaffey, Samuel B. Kurtz, Horner M. Eby, Albert Unruh, Edna E. Dunham, Wendell A. L. Johnson, A. Paul Lentz, Floye F. Rhodes, Mildred I. Fike, Mattie Ring, Marianne Kittell, Lora Shatto, Warren Sisler, Marion Krehbiel, Sidney L. Sondergard, Henry G. Hahn, Ronald M. Warren, M. Edith McGaffey, Maurice A. Hess |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | The Spectator |
Other, | Editorial staff, Departments, Reporters, Business, Staff, Faculty advisors |
Other | McPherson College |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | The Terrible Finals |
Other, | Cramming, Final examinations, Daily preparation, Cheating |
Other | Seniors |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | Try Again |
Other, | Official College Yell |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | We’re Old-Fashioned |
Events Mentioned | survey |
Other, | McPherson College, Conservative, Progressive, Society, radicalism |
Other | civilization |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | As they See it |
Names mentioned | Sam Mohler, Selma Engsrom, Aubrey Hale, Sam Kurtz, Charles Lengel, June Ellis, Johnny Whiteneck, Ocie McAvoy, Louise Potter, J. Herman Jones, Len Harden, Vivian Spilman, Marion Krehbiel, Jay O. Greene, Marianne Kittell, Leroy Doty, Moffat Eakes, Kenneth Rock, Sidney Sondergard, Lorraine Royer, Herkle Wampler, Ruth Kurtz, Elvis Prather, Fidelia Frantz, Margaret Wall, Mary B. Swope, Marlin Kelly, Milton Dell, Leo Crumpacker, Stanly Keim, Jay Eller |
Events Mentioned | survey |
Other | conservative |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | Y. W. C. A Gives Mother’s Day Program Wednesday |
Names mentioned | Minnie Edgecomb, Lillian Andrews |
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) | Y. W. C. A. |
Events Mentioned | Mother’s Day Program |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | An Appreciation |
Names mentioned | J. W. Hershey |
Events Mentioned | Laboratory cleaning |
Other, | Chemistry Department, |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | Kurtz on Commencement and Baccalaureate Tour |
Names mentioned | D. W. Kurtz |
Events Mentioned | Baccalaureate speaker, Senior reception, sermon |
Other, | Alden, Stafford, Hoxie, Ellinwood, LaCrosse, Bellmont, Valley Center, Downs, Burr Oak, Sapulpa, Oklahoma, Southwestern University, Oxford |
Other | Brethren Annual Conference, Sunday School Conventions |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | Barks and Wags |
Names mentioned | Mr. Bailey, Ella Vator, Doc Dean, Marianne, Dr. Kurtz |
Other, | chapel |
Other | jokes |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | Class of ’25 is Largest |
Other, | Graduating class |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 3 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | Latin Facts |
Names mentioned | Maurice A. Hess |
Other, | Teachers of Latin, General Education Board, Latin Department |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | Exchanges |
Other, | Bethany College, Baker University, High school Carnival, Student Handbook, Freshmen |
Other | University of Kansas, Never been Kissed Club, Imperial Lizard, Final examinations, W. S. G. A. of Kansas University, Vocational guidance week for women |
Volume/Number/Page | Vol. 8 No. 33 Pg. 2 |
Date Published | May 12, 1925 |
Article Name | Poets’ Corner |
Names mentioned | Ella Wheeler Wilcox |