Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 1, Page 1
Date Published September 18. 1923.
Article Name Harlan Yoder Spend the Summer Touring the European Lands
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harlan Yoder,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 1, Page 1
Date Published September 18. 1923.
Article Name Who’s Who in the YWCA
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Winona McGaffey, Reetha Studebaker, Margaret Wall, Elberta Vaniman, Minnie Edgecomb, Hellen Elliot, Ocie McAvoy, Grace Baugh, Wava Long, Mabel Hoffman, Gertrude Witmore, Elsie Forney
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 1, Page 1
Date Published September18. 1923.
Article Name Who’s Who in the YCCA
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Leroy Doty, Harold Barton, David Brubaker, Dale Stricker, Paul Kurtz, Dick Keim, Sanger Crumpacker, Emmert Pair, Jay Eller
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 1, Page 1
Date Published September18. 1923.
Article Name Rev. Richards Leaves to Hold Revival Meetings
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. H. F. Richards
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 1, Page 1
Date Published September 18. 1923.
Article Name Enrollment Will Be Less Than Last Year
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 1, Page 1
Date Published September18. 1923.
Article Name Is Unable to Return.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Leroy Doty
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) YMCA
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 1, Page 1
Date Published September18. 1923.
Article Name From India to M.C.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Horner McPherson Eby, Dr. and Mrs. E. H. McPherson
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 1, Page 1
Date Published September 18. 1923.
Article Name Alumnus Returns To Direct Athletics At McPherson College
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Floyd Mishler, Ray Clark, Arnold Thornton, Olin Ellwood, Elmer Brunk
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 1, Page 1
Date Published September 18. 1923.
Article Name Four New Courses to Be Offered by Professors
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Morris, Professor Blair, Mrs. Lundgren, Miss Margaret Walters
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 1, Page 1
Date Published September 18. 1923.
Article Name Annual Y Reception Was Well Attended
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Mohler, Professor Ebel, Dr. Kurtz, Coach Mishler, Dr. Harnly,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) YMCA; YWCA
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 1, Page 1
Date Published September18. 1923.
Article Name Professors to Address State Teachers Meeting
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Blair, Dr. Craik
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 1, Page 1
Date Published September 18. 1923.
Article Name Dr. Kurtz in Opening Address Emphasizes Need for Education
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz, H. F. Richards, Miss Jessie Brown, Professor Gaw, Mrs. Gaw,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 1, Page 1
Date Published September 18. 1923.
Article Name To Talk at M, E. Church
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Louis Albert Banks
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 1, Page 2
Date Published September 18. 1923.
Article Name Spectator Staff
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dale Strickler, Stanley B. Keim, Everett Brubaker, Hazel Vogt, Cordelia Anderson, Omer Vanscoyoc, Ada Miller, Nellie McGaffey, Reetha Studebaker, Wava Long, Laura McGaffey, Edith Watkins, Professor Ebel, Gertrude Witmore, Prof. Blair, Emmert Pair, Richard Keim, Professor McGaffey, Dr. Craik
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 1, Page 2
Date Published September 18. 1923.
Article Name Cupid Reaps Bounteously
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Samuel Maust, Anna Lingle, Earl Fisher, Iva Brammell, Arno Rodes, Grace Fike, Silas Miller, Phyllis Toevs, Louis Bowman, Mary Miller, Lloyd Whitmer, Mae Vanscoyoc, Laurence Vaniman, Laura Prussell, Seth P. Osborne, Edna Greenbank, Robert Kuns, Letha Heckman, Franklin Haas, Lila Kinzie, Harold Beam, Berth Mugler, O. T. Funkhouser, Mary Garber, Federic Roland, Blanche Spurgeon, Ellwood Bales, Ida Moyer, Preston Wain, Grace Miller, Eugen Kistner, Violet Wilson, Price Howell, Maggie Brubaker, Paul Harnly, Iva Curtis, Edwin Fink, Rose McKinney, Jay Tracey, Margaret Bish, J. Howard Engle, Bertha Frantz, Samuel Merkey, Nellie Derrick, John Spicer, Laura McClelland, W. J. Graber, Inez Heaston, Wm. Riddlebarger, Jessie Kittel
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 1, Page 2
Date Published September 18. 1923.
Article Name Alumni Notes
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Inez Elizabeth Heaston, Dr. and Mrs. William C. Heaston, Willard John Graber, Mr. Gordon Heaston, Mr. Ray Clark, Dr. D> Webster Kurtz, Iren Hawley, Cecile Martin, Vineta Hawthorn, Rowena Vaniman, Laurene Kuns, Marjorie Barker, Dorothy Thornton,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 1, Page 3
Date Published September 18. 1923.
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Saylor Neher, Foster and Maxine Hoover, Mr. Templeton, Emmert Pair, Fred Pair, Len Harden, Ralph Strohm, Mr. Henry Stover, John Harnly, Harold Strickler, Elva Shirk, Florinda Leatherman, Adelyn Anderson, Hoyt Strickler, Pauline Shirk, Professor Forrest W. Gaw, Mr. Mrs. J. F. Metsker, Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Craik, Ethel Metsker, Mrs. F. A. Vaniman, Miss Cecil Durst, Mrs. Templeton, Herbert Martin, Cecil Holloway, Earl Linholm, Theodore Helbert
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 1, Page 3
Date Published September 18. 1923.
Article Name New Faculty Members Are Welcomed to M. C.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Floyd Mishler, George N. Boone, Mrs. Millicent Throstenburg Lundgren, Estella Engle, E. F. Sherfey, Harold Lundeen, Birger Sandzen
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 1, Page 3
Date Published September 18. 1923.
Article Name M. C. Was Represented at Chicago University
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss. McGaffey, Professor Hershey, Ray Frantz, Emery Wine, Eulah Crumpacker, Willa Davenport, Oliver Trapp. Grace Greenwood, Harry Bowers, Ellsie Klinkerman,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 1, Page 3
Date Published September 18. 1923.
Article Name Social Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ruth Green, Selma Engstrom, Julia Jones, Aenld Gray, Helen Freeburg, Eunice Almen, Earl Morris, Helen Elliott, Winona McGaffey, Mrs. Morris, Reetha Studebaker, Hazel Vogt, Mabel Hoffman, Gertrude Witmore, Helen Elliott, Grace Ebaugh, Minnie Edgecomb, Elberta Vaniman, Elsie Forney, Margaret Wall
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 1, Page 4
Date Published September 18. 1923.
Article Name With The Class of ‘23
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mary Andes, Robert Blough, Stella Bowman, Harry Bowers, Everett Brammell, Ira Brammell, P. Roy Brammell, Jessie Breon, Gladys Brubaker, Mabel Brubaker, Elmer Brunk, Marietta Byerly, Jessie Carter, Raymond Clark Ada Correll, Harold Correll, Ruth Cripe, Eulah Crumpacker, Grace Crumpacker, Marie Cullen, Iva Curtis, Willa Davenport, Carl Dell, Isaac Dirks, Ora S. Eavey, Estella Engle, Naomi Fasnacht, Earl Fisher, Lewis Florman O. T. Funkhouser, Jess H. Garvey, Foster Hoover, Roy Hylton, Glenn Johnson, Ada Kurtz, P. R. Lange, Ralph Lehman, Claude Lowe, Cecile Martin, Samuel Maust, Hervey McClelland, Florence Mohler, John Mohler, Mary Mohler, Bernice Morrison, Anna Myers, Harry Nickel, Milo Nice, M. Wilson Penland, Orville Pote, Clyde Rupp, Mrs. H. R. Stover, M. E. Teeter, Ray Vaniman, Rowena Vaniman, W. Ellis Watkins, Jacob Yoder, Ethel G. Davis
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 1
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Mishler’s Bulldogs to Meet Champions on Baldwin Gridiron
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Mishler, Harry Colburn, Hal Barton, Heinie Hahn, Gordon Heaston, Sanger Crumpacker, Glad Fisher, Samuel Kurtz, Theodore Robb, Trentman Kuns, Rufus Daggett, Cleo H ill, Dick Keim, Stanley Keim, John Lengle, Si Sargent, Moffet Eakes, Leon Morine, Paul Kurtz, Jay Eller, Elmer Brubaker Earl Morris, Vivian Long, Frank Barton, Virgil Ellwood, Chester Long, Sid Sondergard, George Merkey, Willis Neff, Huber Yancy, Harlan Yancy
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 1
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Judge Stock Exhibits
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Mohler
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 1
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Invite Outside Speaker
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Edward Frantz
Events Mentioned Bible Institute
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 1
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Yoder to Relate His Summer Experiences
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harlan Yoder
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 1
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Enrollment Nears 400 Mark
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 1
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Attends Celebration
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor J. W. Hershey, Dr. E. H. S. Bailey
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 1
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Seniors Elect David Brubaker as President of the Class of ’24; Ray Eller, Abram Hostetter and Kenneth Rock Head Other Organization
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) David Brubaker, Ray Eller, Abram Hostetter, Kenneth Rock, Grace Ebaugh, Helen Elliott, Rufus Daggett, Hazel Vogt, Leland Moore, Dale Strickler, Jay Eller, Paul Kurtz, Mariam Wenrick, Glade Fisher, Earl Morris, Mildred Carpenter, Abram Hostetter, Aubrey Hale, Geraldine Crill, Laura Hammann, Edith Watkins, Alden Potter, Same Kurtz, Fonda Harden, Prof. Anderson, Floyd Kurtz, Nellie McGaffey, Edith McGaffey
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 1
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Forced to Resign Position
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dayton Yoder
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 1
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Annual Reception by the College Faculty Enjoyed by Students
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. D. W. Kurtz, Dr. Harnly, Prof. Hess, Prof. Ebel, Miss Hill, Miss Anderson, Mrs. Vilas Betts, Prof. Lauer, Prof. M. A. Hess, Archie San Romani, Miss Lota Trostle, Mrs. H. J. Harnly, Eidth McGaffey, Margaret Walters, Minnie Walters
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 1
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Colburn Assistant Coach
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. Harry Leon Colburn, Coach Mishler
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 1
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Endowment Drive to Begin October First
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Frank Sargent, Ray Wagoner, Dr. Kurtz, Prof. Yoder
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 1
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Alumnus is Donor of Gift to M. C. Museum
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Frank Crumpacker, Dr. Harnly, Professor Nininger,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 1
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Sager an Assistant
De Witt Sager
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 1
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Reports Chicago Concert
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harry Bowers
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 2
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Y. W. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. D. W. Kurtz, Mrs. Gaw, Gabriele Sibella, Winona McGaffey, Fern Lingenfelter, Laura Hammon,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 2
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Y. M. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Frank Barton, Professor Blair, Coach Mishler,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 2
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name A Correction
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lloyd Whitmer, Mae Vanscoyoc, Marie Hope, Clinton Sheaffer
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 2
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Cupid Claims Another
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Bernice John, Mr. Banks.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 2
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Dr. Ilsley talks in chapel
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. C. T. Ilsley
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 3
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Perry Williams, Cecil Durst, Hazel Scott, Dale Strickler, Anna Mae Strickler, Miss Emma Smith, Elva Shirk, Milton Dell, Earl Marchand, Herman Jones, Chester Long, Harry Riffel, Sidney Sondergard, Galen Tice, Cecil Holloway, Marietta Byerly, Eulah Crumpacker, Jake Yoder, Baby Saylor, Paul Sargent, Edith McGaffey, Henry Stover, Rev. W. A. Kinzie, Kenneth Krehbiel, Stella Bowman, Forney Slifer, Prof. Hess, Mrs. Hess, Dr. Craik, Prof. R. E. Mohler, Winona McGaffey, Lorinda Leatherman
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 3
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Mission Band Meets
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Frank Howell
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 3
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Five M.C. Girls make Trip to Estes Park to Attend Y. W. C. A. Convention
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Hazel Vogt, Elsie Forney, Gertrude Witmore, Margaret Wall, Elberta Vaniman
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 3
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Social Events; A Dinner at Central Park
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Rothrock, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Yoder, Mr. and Mrs. James Rothrock, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Witmore, Dr. and Mrs. H. J. Harnly, Miss Reetha Studebaker, Harold and Hoyt Strickler, Paul Kurtz.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 3
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Academy Debate Club Meets
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) John Lehman, Jesse Carney, Ted Dell, Prof. Hess
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 4
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Beam Wins Two Trophies
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Maurice Beam
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 4
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Carl “Tok” Carter
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Carl Carter
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 4
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Talk on Life Work
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Chas. Sanford
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 2, Page 4
Date Published September 25. 1923.
Article Name Religious Extension Department
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Deeter, J. H. Garvey, Jas. Elrod, J. D. Reish
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 3, Page 1
Date Published October 2. 1923.
Article Name Alumni Find It Impossible To Get Along Without The “Gossip” Of The Spectator
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Earl Watkins, Leslie Blackman, Jay W. Tracey, Harry Bowers, Orville Pote, Clyde Rupp, L. Avery Fleming
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 3, Page 1
Date Published October 2. 1923.
Article Name Book Describes Growth of Education in Church
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. S. Z. Sharp, Dr. E. L. Craik
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 3, Page 1
Date Published October 2. 1923.
Article Name S. C. Makes Plans to Sell Activity Ticket; Vacant Offices Were Filled and Student Ticket Discussed
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jay Eller, Rhea Fast, Nellie McGaffey, Harlan Yoder, Bilas Betts, Sanger Crumpacker, Velma Bailey, Jay Eller, Lillie Crumpacker, Marlin Kelly, Floyd Kurtz, Charles Spicer, Margaret Dresher, Ted Dell, Royal Yoder, Herkie Wampler, Ada Miller, Prof. Boone, Prof. Hershey
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 3, Page 1
Date Published October 2. 1923.
Article Name Annual Membership and Financial Drive Meets With Success
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harold Barton, Dr. Harnly, Jay Eller, David Brubaker,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. M. C. A.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 3, Page 1
Date Published October 2. 1923.
Article Name New Faculty Member
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mercedes Chapman
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 3, Page 1
Date Published October 2. 1923.
Article Name Revival Meetings to be Held During November
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. R. H. Miller
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 3, Page 1
Date Published October 2. 1923.
Article Name Mysterious Program is Quadrangle Drive
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lillie Crumpacker, George Merkey, Rufus Daggett, Everett Brubaker, John Harnly, Leonard Timmons, B. F. Wass,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 3, Page 1, 4
Date Published October 2. 1923.
Article Name Gridiron Battle With Baker Ends in Tie Score of 3-3
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Frank Barton, Carter, Hall Barton, Hesston, Sargent’s Morine, S. Keim, Hahn, Mudra, Hurt, Heaston, Tok Carter, Lengel,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 3, Page 1
Date Published October 2. 1923.
Article Name Bible in McPherson College Library Was Printed Before the American Revolution
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. W. M. Wine, Emery C. Wine
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 3, Page 2
Date Published October 2. 1923.
Article Name Y. W. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Reeth Studebaker, Miriam Wenrick, Margaret Walters
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 3, Page 2
Date Published October 2. 1923.
Article Name Polish student Has an Interesting Life Story
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Elimelech Korn
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 3, Page 3
Date Published October 2. 1923.
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miriam Wenrick, Milton Dell, Prof. Mohler, Prof. Yoder, L. Avery Fleming, Sylvia Whiteneck, Ralph Himes, Ruth Mohler, Elizabeth Mohler, John Mohler, Marlys McKnight, Wava Long, Chester Long, Harry Lehman, Florence Lehman, John Lehman, Vern Strickler, Harold Kreitzer
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 3, Page 3
Date Published October 2. 1923.
Article Name Harlan Yoder Tells of European Experiences
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harlan Yoder
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 3, Page 3
Date Published October 2. 1923.
Article Name Junior Academy Class Meets to Elect Pilots
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Theodore Baker, Marie Brumbaker, Franklin Haas, Margaret Dresher, Margaret Walters
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 3, Page 3
Date Published October 2. 1923.
Article Name Social Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) John Harnly, Vivian Harnly, Rose Turcotte, Pauline Shirk, Ocie McAvoy, Estella Engle, Bernice Hoover, Reetha Studebaker, Hoyt Strickler, William Mudra, Harold Strickler, Rufus Daggett, Paul Kurtz, Samuel Kurtz, Elberta Vaniman, Rowena Vaniman, Margaret Mikesell, Fidella Frantz, Mary B. Swope, and Minnie Edgecomb, Hall Barton, Frank Barton, Si Sargent, Duke Strickler, Dick Keim, Stan Keim
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 3, Page 3
Date Published October 2. 1923.
Article Name Senior Academy Class Organized
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) John Lehman, Floyd Betts, Merle Stouder, Charles Spicer, Viola Bowser, Prof. Ebel
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 3, Page 4
Date Published October 2. 1923.
Article Name Paul Kurtz, Center:
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Paul Kurtz
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 4, Page 1
Date Published October 9. 1923.
Article Name Endowment Campaign in Full-Swing With Workers in the Field
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 4, Page 1
Date Published October 9. 1923.
Article Name Academy Debate Club in Exciting Contest
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) John Lehman, Jesse Carney, Mr. Elrod, F. Haas, Marie Brubaker,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 4, Page 1
Date Published October 9. 1923.
Article Name Mission Band
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. I. A. Humbard
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 4, Page 1
Date Published October 9. 1923.
Article Name Eby to Speak
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Horner Eby
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 4, Page 1
Date Published October 9. 1923.
Article Name McPherson Represented at Emporia Conference
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jay Eller, Emmert Pair, Marlan Yoder
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 4, Page 1
Date Published October 9. 1923.
Article Name Senior Committee Chairmen
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Grace Ebaugh, Harlan Yoder, Dale Strickler, Vilas Betts, Leland Moore, Helen Jacobs, Frank Boone
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 4, Page 1
Date Published October 9. 1923.
Article Name Dramatic Class at Work
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Winona McGaffey, Lillie Crumpacker, Ocie McAvoy, Leland Kuns, Dale Strickler, Samuel Kurtz, Jay Eller
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 4, Page 1
Date Published October 9. 1923.
Article Name New Manager of Athletics
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. G. N. Boone
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 4, Page 2
Date Published October 9. 1923.
Article Name Rare Fossils are Latest Addition to M. C. Museum
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Nininger
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 4, Page 3
Date Published October 9. 1923.
Article Name By the Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Elsie Sanger, Ocie McAvoy, Helen Dirks, Margaret Dirks, Edna Neher, Lola Neher, Nina Sherfey, Mary Sherfey, Dortha Peters, Ms.. Anderson, Ray Clark, August Rump, Olin Elwood, Leonard Crumpacker, Foster Hoover, Ralph Hoisinger, Stella Bowman, Hoyt Strickler, Glade Fishers, Si Sargent, Ruth Cripe, Estella Engle, Fern Strohm, Ralph Strohm, Ernest Sherfey, Prof. Mohler, Frank Barton, Hal Barton, Rev. J. G. Miller, H. S. Foutz, Ruth Pentecost, Glenn Strickler, Emma Smith, Minnie Cristoff, Vernon Brubaker, Lavalle Saylor. Ellis Studebaker. Harold Kreitzer, Professor Nininger, Venia Sondergard, Sidney Sondergard, John Daggett, Robert Blough, Clyde Rupp, Orville Pote, Isaac Dirks, Roy Neher, Foster Hoover, Clyde Kline, Maxine Hoover.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 4, Page 3
Date Published October 9. 1923.
Article Name M. C. To Be Represented At District Meetings
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Craik
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 4, Page 3
Date Published October 9. 1923.
Article Name Who’s Who in M. C.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. and Mrs. I. A. Humberd
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 4, Page 4
Date Published October 9. 1923.
Article Name Henry “Heinie” Hahn
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Henry Hahn
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 4, Page 1, 4
Date Published October 9. 1923.
Article Name Catholics Win Game Played on Field of Mud With 6-0 Score
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Hal Barton, Sargent, Carter, F. Barton, Lingle, Morine, Kurtz, D. Keim, S. Keim, Heaston, Hahn,
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 1
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Quandrangle for 1924 To Have Many Unique Features and Changes
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Laura, McGaffey, Harold Lundeen, Harlan Yoder, Herkle Wampler, Rufus Daggett, Eunice Almen, Leonard Timmons, W. E. Bishop, Mabel Hoffman, Richard Keim
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 1
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Alumni Send Sons to M. C.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Horner Eby, E. H. Eby, Leland Kuns, Rev. George D. Kuns, Edward Saylor, Dr. J. Saylor
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 1
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Frosh Elect Officers for the School Year
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Leland Kuns, Kenneth Rock, Moffat Eakes, Lelland Baldwin, Nellie Darrah, Hoyt Strickler, Gordon Hill
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 1
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Kansas State Teachers Association Will Meet
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Blair, Dr. Craik, Dr. Kurtz, Prof. Nininger, Prof. Ebel
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 1
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Eats and Speeches Abound at Faculty Reception to Kurtz
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Blair, Dr. Kurtz, Professor Yoder, Professor Ebel, Dr. Craik, Forney
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 1
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Harlan Yoder Elected President of State ‘Y”
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harlan Yoder
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 1
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Alumnus Writes Book
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr.Henry Walter Thompson
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 1
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Endowment Campaign Starts With Success
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ray. S. Wagoner, Rev. Sargent,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 1
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Seniors Honor Dr. Kurtz
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz, Mr. Brubaker
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 1
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Former M. C. Men Help Entertain Teachers
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dean O. B. Baldwin, Grover C. Dotzour
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 1, 4
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name First Victory of the Season Won At Hays by Single Touchdown
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Carter, Mudra, Sargent, Hal Barton, Hahn, Cleo Hill, D. Keim
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 1
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Dramatic Art Class Presents “Mansions”
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Anderson, Winona McGaffey, Lillian Crumpacker, Leland Kuns,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 2
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name College Debate Club Meets
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Margaret Mikesell, Mrs. Birkin, Prof. Hess, W. E. Bishop
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 2
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Y. W. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Reetha Studebaker, Winona McGaffey
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 2
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Society of Chemistry
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) John Harnly, Doris Ring, Ralph Garman, Prof. Hershey, Haddon Ilsley, Carl Schneider,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 3
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Horner Eby, Waleta Durst, Kenneth Rock, Dorrance Jordan, Harry Riffel, Gerald Eddy, Abram Hostetter, Mary B. Swope, Harriet Mohler, Naomi Mohler, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Foutz, Lillian Andrews, Wretha Cory, Dortha Peters, Velma Bailey, Doris Plum, Wava Long, Edna Neher, Lota Neher, Rhea Fast, Mildred Fisher, Margaret Mikesell, Bernice Peck, Prof. Morris, Bernice Hoover, Chressie Heckman, Leonard Crumpacker, Estella Engle, Mabel Hoffman, John Gish, Homer Engle, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Myers, Mrs. Breon, Estella Engle, Marie Brubaker, Everett Brubaker, Carrie Fefter, Gladys Fishburn, Clara Anderson.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 3
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Arnold Hall Girls Organize
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Hazel Vogt, Mildred Fisher, Mary B. Swope
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 3
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Fundamentalism Involves a Former M. C. Student
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rollin Lynde Hartt, Professor O. C. Bradbury,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 3
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Horner Eby Spoke of Mission Band on India
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Horner Eby, E. H. Eby,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 3
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Banquet At Arnold Hall
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Bernice Hoover, Pauline Shirk, Eunice Almen, Fonda Harden, Mary Whiteneck, Thelma Seitz, Ruth Lerew, Rufus Daggett, Sidney Sondergard, Earl Morris; John Lehman, Chester Long, Huber Yancey, George Merkey.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 3
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Six Feast at Signboard Inn
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Winona McGaffey, Eunice Almen, Bernice Hoover, John Daggett, Earl Morris, Rufus Daggett
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 3
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Radio Club Organizes
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Herbert Martin, Hoyt Strickler, Ralph Garman, Prof. Morris,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 4
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Bill Mudra
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Bill Mudra
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 4
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Bulldog Growls
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Glad Fisher, Leon Morine, Virgil Ellwood, Sanger Crumpacker, Samuel Kurtz, Cleo Hill, Moffatt Eakes, Phil Ablen, Harlan Yoder, Rufus Daggett.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 4
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Bulldog Bits
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Stanley Keim
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 5, Page 4
Date Published October 16, 1923
Article Name Men’s Sunday School Federation Meeting
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. E. L. Craik, Dr. Heaston, G. F. Grattan, Paul Sargent, Wilbur Vaniman, Frank Barton, Hall Barton, Rev. Richards, Prof. Yoder, Prof. Mohler
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 1
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name Oratorical Society Holds First Meeting
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Earl Breon, Prof Anderson
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 1
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name Y. W. C. A. Held Finance Drive Friday Evening
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Elizabeth Mohler, Elberta Vaniman, Findella Frantz, Lillie Crumpacker,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 1
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name Craik Given Chairmanship
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Craik
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Teacher’s Convention
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 1
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name Ladies Glee Club of Seventeen Voices is Doing Intensive Work
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Gaw, Marie Gaw, Thelma Jones, Dortha Peters, Alice Birkin, Minnie Edgecomb, Mildred Fisher, Doris Plum, Mabel Hoffman, Carrie Feller, Inez Freeburg, Ocie McAvoy, Bernice Hoover, Fonda Harden, Gertrude Witmore, Estella Engle, Gladys Waas, Ruth Wedel
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 1
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name Mohler Spent Busy Week
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Mohler
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 1
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name Campaign Efforts Were Hindered By Meetings
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Bro. Sargent, Bro. Wagoner
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 1
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name Membership Drive by A. T. A. Held Last Week
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Nininger, Arthur Prather, Abram Hostetter, Miriam Wenrick, Leonard Birkin
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 1
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name Kurtz Had Busy Schedule
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 1
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name District Meeting Notes
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. J. J. Yoder, D. H. Heckman, Dr. Craik
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 1, 4
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name Mishler’s Bulldogs are Victorious Over Washburn Gridsters
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Frank Barton, Hal Barton, Hill, Carter, Heaston, S. Keim, Mudra, Sargent, Hahn, Morine, Eakes
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 1
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name To Debate on Ruhr Question
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Kenneth Rock, Fidelia Frantz, Horner Eby, Mary B. Swope.
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) College Debate Club
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 2
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name Y. W. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Millie Edgecomb
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 2
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name Y. M. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jay Eller, David Brubaker, Frank Howell, Hal Barton, LeRoy Doty
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 2
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name Mission Band Notes
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Ebel
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 2
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name Former Students of M. C. Renewed Acquaintances
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Emery Wine, Ethel Whitmer, Prof. Blair, Hattie Heckethorn, G. C. Dotzour, Ray Baldwin, Tillie Hadley, Grace Greenwood, Elizabeth Hoerner, Alice Hoerner, Seth Osborn, Ralph Holsinger, Emery Wine, Oliver Trapp, Elmer Rupp, Mr. and Mrs. Foster Hoover, Mr. and Mrs. Galen Tice, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pair, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eshelman, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Foutz, Marguerite Muse, Ethel Whitmer, John Mohler, Orville Pote, Ray Vaniman, Clyde Rupp, Edith Muse, Naomi Fasnacht, Isaac Dirks, Hervey McClelland, Ralph Spohn, Beryl Caldwell, Alice Olsen, Ruth Pentecost, Ida Johnson, Welcome Sondergard.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 2
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name M. C. Alumnus at Salina Held Banquet Friday
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Nininger, Professor E. B. Ebel, Professor Sadie Glucklich, Mr. Fleming, Mr. Fahrney Slifer, Ruth Cripe, Esther Hillabold, Alice Monly, Fern Van Nordstrand, W. F. Vaniman, Jesse Garvey, S. J. Neher
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 2
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name Social Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Craik, Ethel Metsker, Julia Hollem, Mrs. Kurtz, Mrs. Gish, Mrs. Kinzie, Mrs. Betts, Warren Craik.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 2
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name Academy Sophomores Organize
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Herbert Martin, Vera Glathart, Mercie Shatto, Truman Grogan
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 3
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jessie Brown, Roy Kinzie, Warren Gish, John Haugh, Melba Haugh, Heinie Hahn, Ted Baker, Earl Breon, Mabel Fleming, Opal Enos, Thelma Neuenschwander, Reetha Studebaker, Loretta Yoder, Mabel Hoffman, Estella Engle, Gladys Adamson, Mabel Garman, Edith Early, Ralph Garman, Marathon High, Gerald Eddy, Sarah Fike, Ruth Shoemaker, Harriett Mohler, Naomi Mohler, Maurine Stutzman, Homer Blough, Ruth Lerew, Ida Merkey, Clifton Dutton, George Merkey, Gladys Fishburn, Carrie Feiler, Marietta Byerly, Mayme King, Professor Morris, Ruth Martin, Fahrney Slifer, Roy Neher, Elvis Prather, Gladys Brubaker, Marle Cullen, Carl Dell, Robert Blough, Clyde Rupp, Jesse Garvey, John Mohler, Jake Yoder, Ray Vaniman, Eunice Wray, Alta Lauver.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 3
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name Among Our Graduates
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lewis Florman, Professor Harry C. Crumpacker, Dr. Frnk Crumpacker,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 3
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name McPherson Reserves Lose Game at Lyons
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Sondergard, Merkey, C. Long, Eller, V. Long, Holloway, Yancey, Morris, Yoder, Ablen, Daggett, Brubaker, Robb, Tipton, Spohn, Mast, Neff
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 6, Page 4
Date Published October 23, 1923
Article Name Stanley Bryce Keim
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Stanley Keim
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 7, Page 1
Date Published October 30, 1923
Article Name Professor Sanford’s Vocational Lectures Were Well Attended
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Chester Milton Sanford
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 7, Page 1
Date Published October 30, 1923
Article Name Academy Stock Judging Team in Contest Today
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Mohler, Ted Baker, John Lehman, Franklin Haas, Charles Spicer
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 7, Page 1, 4
Date Published October 30, 1923
Article Name Victory Over Salina is Decisive Yet Full of Intense Moments
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) D. Taylor, Carter, Hill, Heaston, S. Keim, D. Keim, Sargent, Frank Barton, Dutch Taylor, H. Barton, Hahn, Mudra, Doc Kurtz, Stan Keim,
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 7, Page 4
Date Published October 30, 1923
Article Name Harold “Hal” Barton
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Hal Barton
Sports Mentioned Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 8, Page 1
Date Published November 6, 1923
Article Name Motley Mob Met In Gym To Observe All Saints’ Anniversary
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Samuel Kurtz, Harold Barton, Frank Barton, Paul Sargent,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 8, Page 1, 4
Date Published November 6, 1923
Article Name Victory Over Bethel is Fourth successive Triumph This Season
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Sam Kurtz, Hal Barton, Frank Barton, Hahn, Sargent,
Sports Mentioned Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 8, Page 3
Date Published November 6, 1923
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof Hess, John Mohler, Gertrude Witmore, Ira Witmore, Stella Bowman, Ruth Shoemaker, Ruth Williams, Elizabeth Mohler, Ruth Mohler, Abram Hostetter, Sarah Fike, Susan Hostetter, Mildred Ihde, Selma Engstrom, Bernena Woldridge, Mabel Fleming, Helen Garst, Minnie Mugler, Herkle Wampler, Emmert Pair, Rosella White, Cordelia Anderson, Clyde Rupp, Orlin Sell, Mabel Griffin, Harry Riffel, Sidney Sondergard, Harold Strickler, Hoyt Strickler, Mary B. Swope, Margaret Mikesell, Elva Shirk, Pauline Shirk
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 8, Page 3
Date Published November 6, 1923
Article Name Social Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rowena Vaniman, Elberta Vaniman
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 8, Page 3
Date Published November 6, 1923
Article Name Historical Work by Dr. Craik Off Press
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Craik,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 8, Page 3
Date Published November 6, 1923
Article Name Alumnus Accepts Pastorate
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Earl Frantz
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 8, Page 3
Date Published November 6, 1923
Article Name Y. M. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) L. E. Lawson, Herkle Wampler
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) YMCA
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 8, Page 4
Date Published November 6, 1923
Article Name Paul E. Sargent
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Paul Sargent
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 8, Page 4
Date Published November 6, 1923
Article Name Y. W. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Hazel Scott, Delia Chavez, Selma Engstrom, Eunice Almen,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) YWCA
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 8, Page 4
Date Published November 6, 1923
Article Name Academy Took Second Place
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) John Lehman, Ted Baker, Franklin Haas
Events Mentioned Stock Judging
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 9, Page 1
Date Published November 13, 1923
Article Name M. C. Hopes To Have Another Successful Season in Forensics
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Hess, W. E. Bishop, B. F. Waas, Herman Jones, John Lehman,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Debate and Forensics
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 9, Page 1
Date Published November 13, 1923
Article Name Penland Has Good Position
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. Penland
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 9, Page 1
Date Published November 13, 1923
Article Name Football Men Given Banquet by Chamber of Commerce Friday
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz, Dr. Heaston, Prof. Mohler, Coach Mishler, Coach Colburn, Dick Keim, Dr, Claude Sayre, Dr. Hodges, Chas. Sandy, ray Wright, Carl Anderson, Milton Hawkinson, Pete Aurell, Hank Harnly, Joe Yoder, Champ Heaston, Bobby Mohler
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 9, Page 1, 4
Date Published November 13, 1923
Article Name Swede Jinz Buried in Armistice Day Game by a Decisive Score
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Cleo Hill, Heaston, Carter, Dick Keim, F, Barton, Mudra, Lengel, Kurtz, R. Keim, S, Keim, Sargent, Hahn
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 9, Page 2
Date Published November 13, 1923
Article Name Y. M. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Robert H. Miller,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) YMCA
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 9, Page 2
Date Published November 13, 1923
Article Name Y. W. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Margaret Wall, Gertrude Witmore, Mabel Hoffman, Laura McGaffey,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) YWCA
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 9, Page 2
Date Published November 13, 1923
Article Name Student Opinion
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Earl. F. Morris
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 9, Page 2
Date Published November 13, 1923
Article Name Alumni News
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Samuel Ray Burkholder, Henry Walter Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cullen
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 9, Page 3
Date Published November 13, 1923
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Margaret Dirks, Earl Frantz, Milton Dell, Ted Dell, Margaret Mikesell, Bernice Hoover, Dale Strickler, Rufus Daggett, Maurice A. Hess, E. L. Craik, B. E. Ebel, Della Evans, Lota Neher, Nellie Cullen, Isaac Dirks, Harry Nickel, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stover, Viola Bowser, B. F. Waas, N. N. Blough, Earl Blough, Waleta Durst, Gerald Eddy, Paul Sargent, J. H. Saylor, Ocie McAvoy, Alma Anderson, Samuel Kurtz, Leland Moore, Lloyd Saylor, Hoyt Strickler, Edna Smith, Ruth Hawkins, Eulah Crumpacker, Ray Vaniman, G. W. Hoover, Irene Swope, Bernice Hoover, Mary B. Swope. George Himes, Fern Himes, Addie Himes, Ralph Himes,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 9, Page 3
Date Published November 13, 1923
Article Name R. M. S. S. Students Hike
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss McGaffey, Prof. Nininger, Wilbur Vaniman, Sadie Glucklich, Miss Winifred O’Connon, Miss Alice Manly, Prof. Ebel, Miss Lillian Thomas, Edna Smith, Grace Brubaker, Mable Fleming, Edith McGaffey, Ethel Hill, Ruth Hawkins, Mabel Griffin, Prof. W. F. Vaniman.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 9, Page 4
Date Published November 13, 1923
Article Name John B. Lengel
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jonny Lengel
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 9, Page 4
Date Published November 13, 1923
Article Name Dr. Kurtz to Conduct Tour Through Europe.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 10, Page 1
Date Published November 20, 1923
Article Name Joint Y Program
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Paul Sargent, Samuel Kurtz, Frank Barton, Hal Barton, W. E> Bishop, Margaret Wall
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) YMCA, YWCA
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 10, Page 1
Date Published November 20, 1923
Article Name First Student Recital Given Monday Evening
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Oliver Ebel, Autumn Lindbloom, Dorothy Swain, Fern Lingenfelter, Bernice Peck, Sylvia Deardorff, Jessie Daron, Herkle Wampler, Eunice Almen, Hazel Scott
Other Fine Arts Department
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 10, Page 3
Date Published November 20, 1923
Article Name By the Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Marlin Kelley, Roy Neher, Edna Neher, Lota Neher, Loran Rock, Kenneth Rock, Edith Watkins, Etta Helman, Stella Bowman, Mrs. Lloyd Oyler, Sara Fike, Opal Enos, Thelma Neuenschwander, Dorothy Doane, Dr. Eklund, Ray Clark, Foster Hoover,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 10, Page 3
Date Published November 20, 1923
Article Name Writes Educational Article
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. John H. Hoover, Elizabeth Culp
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 10, Page 4
Date Published November 20, 1923
Article Name Leon “Peanuts” Morine
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Leon Morine
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 10, Page 4
Date Published November 20, 1923
Article Name Ponies Win Over The Canton Legion Team
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Daggett, Ablen, Kreitzer, Holloway, Eller, Brubaker, Sondergard, Merkey, Long, Yaucey, Strickler,
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 10, Page 4
Date Published November 20, 1923
Article Name Gordon “Joe” Heaston
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Gordon Heaston
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 10, Page 1, 4
Date Published November 20, 1923
Article Name Dramatic Class Will Give Six Plays to Aid the Endowment Fund
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ada Unruh, Aenid Gray, Cecil Holloway, Dale Strickler, Marianne Kittell, Mildred Carpenter, Mildred Fisher, Rose Turcotte, Edna Dunham, Della Prather, Bertha Unruh, Samuel Kurtz, Earl Morris, Goldie Vickers, Selma Engstrom, Frank Boone, Ocie McAvoy, Ralph Himes, Vivian Long, Leonard Timmons, Rozella White, Fredie Scott, Eunice Almen, Leland Kunz, Grace Cochran, Laura Hammann, Minnie Edgecomb, Rhea Fast, Bonnie Huston, Inez Fulton, Fredie Scott, Oral Crilley, Edna Dunham, Addie Himes
Other Dramatic Arts Class
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 11, Page 1
Date Published November 27, 1923
Article Name Bulldogs In Plucky Battle Fail To Stop Sterling Eleven
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Hahn, Hill, Heaston, Keim, Sargent, Mudra, Barton, Carter, Lengel, Kurtz, Crumpacker
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 11, Page 1
Date Published November 27, 1923
Article Name Representatives Chosen to Go To Indianapolis
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Margaret Wall, Reetha Studebaker, Frank Howell, Harold Barton, Mabel Hoffman, Jay Eller.
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) YWCA, YMCA
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 11, Page 1
Date Published November 27, 1923
Article Name Members of College Debate Team Chosen Yesterday in Tryout
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) W. E. Bishop, B. F. Waas, Herman Jones, Kenneth Roc k, Leonard Timmons, Vivian Spilman, Grace Cochran, Horner Eby, Professors Deeter, McGaffey, Anderson, Blair, Dr. Craik
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 11, Page 1
Date Published November 27, 1923
Article Name Professor Nininger Makes Hunt for Meteorite
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor H. H. Nininger and Professor C. S. Morris, Dr. E. L. Craik,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 11, Page 1
Date Published November 27, 1923
Article Name Dramatic Art Class Presents Six Plays With Great Success
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Anderson, Same Kurtz, Selma Engstrom, Goldie Vickers, Earl Morris, Bertha Unruh, Addie Himes, Laura Hammann, Frank Boone, Ocie McAvoy, Thelma Jones, Leland Kuns, Rozella White, Leonard Timmons, Eunice Almen, Grace Cochran
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Drama Class
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 11, Page 2
Date Published November 27, 1923
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Elberta Vaniman, Rowena Vaniman, Frank Barton, Paul Sargent, Fonda Harden, Elsie Medder, Waleta Durst, George Hanna, Harlan Yoder, Bernice Hoover, Mary B. Swope, Naomi Mohler, Rufus Daggett, Sanger Crumpacker, Harvey Anderson, Virgil Ellwood, Amanda Fahnestock, L. E. Kaufman, Lillian Andrews, Mrs. Paul K. Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Dresher, Rev. Paul K. Brandt, Professor G. N. Boone, Rozella White, Cordelia Anderson, Aenid Gray, Cleo Hill, Marion Switzer, Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus Miller , Albert Colburn, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice B. Hodge, Prof. and Mrs. Unruh, Lester Ogden
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 11, Page 2
Date Published November 27, 1923
Article Name Society News
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Margaret Wall
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 11, Page 2
Date Published November 27, 1923
Article Name Alumni Items
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Clara Funderburg, Dr. Walter Thompson, Ray Burkholder, Dr. John Addison Clement,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 11, Page 2
Date Published November 27, 1923
Article Name Debate Club Gave Debate
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lelland Baldwin, F. E. Bailey, George Merkey, Pearl Rhine
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 11, Page 4
Date Published November 27, 1923
Article Name Frank C. B arton
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Frank Barton
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 12, Page 1
Date Published December 4, 1923
Article Name M. C. Scientists Get Publicity
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Nininger, Warren Knaus, Foster Hoover
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 12, Page 1
Date Published December 4, 1923
Article Name Excellent Program Is Being Completed For Bible Institute
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Edward Franz, Dr. Kurtz, Dr. Craik, Prof. Mohler, Minnie Walters, Dr. Harnly, Prof. Deeter, Prof. Morris, Prof. Boone,
Events Mentioned Bible Institute
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 12, Page 1
Date Published December 4, 1923
Article Name Edmonds Gives Keim and Sargent Honors
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Leslie Edmonds, Sargent, Dick Keim, Cleo Hill, Gordon Heaston, Tok Carter, Mudra,
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 12, Page 1,4
Date Published December 4, 1923
Article Name McPherson Bulldogs Down Southwestern Moundbuilders 6-0
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) F. Barton, Mudra, Lengel, Kurtz, D. Keim, S. Keim, Sargent, Heaston, Hahn, Carter, H. Barton
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 12, Page 2
Date Published December 4, 1923
Article Name Mission Band
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Frances Davidson
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 12, Page 3
Date Published December 4, 1923
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Winona McGaffey, Bernice Hoover, John Daggett, Rufus Daggett, Pauline Shirk, Elva Shirk, Harriet Mohler, Naomi Mohler, Lorinda Leatherman, Ida Johnson, Ursula Flor y, Ruth Mohler, Elizabeth Mohler, Leta Mae Early, Jewell Newton, Professor Yoder, Minnie Walters, Professor and Mrs. Hess, Dennis Kesler, Mattie Spitze, Wava Long, Mrs. And Mrs. Melvin Teeter, Wava Long, Mattie Spitze, Doris Plum, Miranda Wenrick, Professor Blair, Maude, Merkey, Ida Merkey, George Merkey, Ruth Lerew, Clifton Dutton, Floyd Rhodes, Loretta Zongker, Bonnie Huston, Ethel Metzker, Edna Neher, Ralph Himes, Addie Himes, Leonard Timmens, Fay Bailey, Grace Crumpacker, Ethel Bouse, Sylvia Deardorf, Mildred Fike, Wilma Yoder, Alberta Flory, Orally Crilly, Minnie Edgecomb, Margaret Mikesell, Mary B. Swope, Elberta Vaniman, Dick Keim, Dale Strickler, Harold Barton, Frank Barton, Reetha Studebaker, Gertrude Witmore, Edith Watkins, Harold Strickler, Hoyt Strickler, Frank Howell, E. E. Yoder. Lester Ogden, Professor J. W. Deeter, Mrs. And Mrs. E. E. John, Mr. Olen John, Lavon John, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Reish, Elsie John, Ella Shatto, Floyd Cotton, Mrs. R. A. Lehman, Edith Early, Maurine Stutzman, Fidelia Frantz, Dale Strickler, Dorance Jordan, Eugene kistner, Truman Grogan, Howard Trentman, Welcome Sondergard, Marie Brubaker, Florence Lehman, Ruth Martin
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 12, Page 3
Date Published December 4, 1923
Article Name Alumni Items
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Emery C. Wine, Orville Pote, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pair, Lola Miller, Jessie Ball, Ruth Miller, Willa Davenport, Gladys Brubaker, Grace Crumpacker, Florence Mohler, Carl Dell, Elmer Brunk, Robert Blough, Everett Brammell, Mayme King, Marietta Byerly, Professor Morris, Mark Neher, Fahrney Silfer, Nellie Cullen, Prof. Mohler, Prof. Morris. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pair, Mayme King, Ruth Miller, Nellie Cullen, Marguerite Muse, Irma Witmore, Edith Muse, Ethel Hill, Henry Stover, Fahrney Silfer
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 12, Page 3
Date Published December 4, 1923
Article Name Social Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. and Mrs. Craik, Ada Kurtz, Ocie McAvoy, Reetha Studebaker, W. E. Bishop, Sam Kurtz, Paul Kurtz
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 12, Page 4
Date Published December 4, 1923
Article Name Mishler Will Start Court Practice Soon
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Mishler, Dale Strickler, Si. Sargent, Cleo Hill, Daggett, S. Crumpacker, Sanger, Tipton, H. Barton, Hahn, Holloway, Betts, Frank Barton, M. Eakes, Peanuts Morine, Virgil Ellwood, Nichols, Rock, Le Mar Mast,
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 13, Page 1
Date Published December 11, 1923
Article Name Seniors Fail To Win Interclass Contest In Week of Tourney
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Tipton, Strickler, Eakes, Morine, Crumpacker, Holloway, Daggett, Ellwood,
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 13, Page 1
Date Published December 11, 1923
Article Name Mohler is Delegate to Nation al Conference
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor R. E. Mohler
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 13, Page 1
Date Published December 11, 1923
Article Name For Benefit of Quadrangle
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Helen Garst, Lillie Crumpacker,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 13, Page 1
Date Published December 11, 1923
Article Name M. C. Observed Peace Week With a Debate and Chapel Speeches
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz, Prof. Morris, Pres. Stoll, W. E. Bishop, Vivian Spilman,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 13, Page 3
Date Published December 11, 1923
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Winona McGaffey, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Stover, Professors Mishler, Mohler, Boone, Harry Colburn, Margaret Walters, Ada Miller, Goldie Vickers, Len Harden, Henry Bowman, H. Francis Davidson, Dale Strickler, Hazel Scott, George Merkey, Harry Nickle, Milo Herr, Ruth and Elizabeth Mohler, Ruth Pentecost, Ruth Shoemaker, Professor Hess, Virgil Miller, Jay McFarlane, Herkle Wampler,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 13, Page 3
Date Published December 11, 1923
Article Name M. C. Graduate, Again Enrolled in the College, Formerly Taught in Porto Rico
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. Theodore Sharp
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 13, Page 3
Date Published December 11, 1923
Article Name Alumni Items
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) H. Frances Davidson, Mrs. Roy Brubaker, Samuel Mause, Horner Eby,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 13, Page 4
Date Published December 11, 1923
Article Name Academy Debate Contest To Be Held This Evening
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) John Lehman, Marie Brubaker, James Elrod, Gladys Fishburn, Theodore Baker, Floyd Betts, Phil Ablen, Philip Spohn
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Debate
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 14, Page 1
Date Published December 18, 1923
Article Name Two Weeks Left To Prepare for Opening Game of the Season
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Mishler, Sanger Crumpacker, Jim Elwood, Captain Strickler, Si Sargent, Dick Hill, Rufus Daggett, Vilas Betts, Hal Barton, Heinie Hahn, Earnest Tipton, Vivian Long, Cecil Holloway, Dick Keim, Stan Keim, John Lengel, Glade Fisher, Moffat Eakes, Kenneth Rock, LeMar Mast, Peanuts Morine, Virgil Ellwood, Spencer Holm,
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 14, Page 1
Date Published December 18, 1923
Article Name Former Varsity Star to Coach Academy Quintet
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Sanger Crumpacker, Dutch Lonborg, Floyd Betts, Phil Ablen, Charles Spicer, John Lehman, Jesse Carney, Herbert Marin, Ted Baker, Philip Spohn, James Elrod, Ted Dell
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 14, Page 1
Date Published December 18, 1923
Article Name Y. M. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) George Merkey, Samuel Kurtz, Bennie Waas
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) YMCA
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 14, Page 1
Date Published December 18, 1923
Article Name Future Court Stars to Meet Hasbeens in Gym Tonight–B006F Supper To Follow
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Mishler, Dutch Uhrlaub, W. J. Christman, Leonard Crumpacker,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) YWCA, YMCA
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 14, Page 1
Date Published December 18, 1923
Article Name Debaters Chosen To Represent Academy in Forensic League
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) John Lehman, Ted Baker, Philip Spohn, Marie Brubaker, Gladys Fishburn, James Elrod,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 14, Page 1
Date Published December 18, 1923
Article Name Glee Club Appeared in Concert Last Saturday
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. Gaw, Herkle Wampler, Professor Gaw, Miss Bremmen, Doris Plum, Mildred Fisher, Estella Engle,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 14, Page 1
Date Published December 18, 1923
Article Name M. C. Students To Sing in Cantata at M. E. Church
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Lauer, Mildred Fisher, Herkle Wampler, G. Lewis Doll, Marguerite Muse, Mrs. F. F. Regier, Ruth Armstrong, Clarence Burkholder, Galen Barrett,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 14, Page 1
Date Published December 18, 1923
Article Name Nininger Secures Meteorite
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Nininger
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 14, Page 1
Date Published December 18, 1923
Article Name Academy of Science to Convene In April
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professors Nininger, Harnly, Yoder, Blair, Morris, Hershey, Mohler
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 14, Page 2
Date Published December 18, 1923
Article Name Y. W. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Grace Ebaugh, Doris Plum, Lota Neher, Elberta Vaniman, Hazel Scott
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) YWCA
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 14, Page 2
Date Published December 18, 1923
Article Name Miss Davidson Describes Mission Field to Class
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 14, Page 3
Date Published December 18, 1923
Article Name Faculty Members Will Take Advantage of Vacation
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Anderson, Carrie Smith, Professor Ebel, Miss Hill, Dr. Craik, Professor Blair, Miss McGaffey, Misses Walters, Professor Hershey, Miss Brown, Miss Trostle, Mrs. Fahnestock, Miss Chapman, Dr. Kurtz, Dr. Harnly, Professor Morris, Professor Deeter, Professor Mohler, Professor Nininger, Professor Unruh, Professor Boone, Professor Hess, Professor Yoder, Professor Lauer, Professor Fries, Professor Gaw, Coach Mishler.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 14, Page 3
Date Published December 18, 1923
Article Name Mission Band
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Morris, Lillian Andrews
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 14, Page 3
Date Published December 18, 1923
Article Name Society News
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Eunice Almen
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 14, Page 3
Date Published December 18, 1923
Article Name Tumbler Breaks Wrist
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Orville Mitchell
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 14, Page 3
Date Published December 18, 1923
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz, Sarah Fike, Loretta and Royal Yoder, Merle Davis. Florence and John Lehman, Charles Spicer, John Lengel, Professor Hess, Mrs. Fahnestock, Harry and Harvey Lehman
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 14, Page 4
Date Published December 18, 1923
Article Name Growls
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Sanger Crumpacker, Virgil Ellwood, LeMar Mast, Dale Strickler, Moffat Eakes, Cleo Hill. Dutch Lonborg,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 15, Page 1
Date Published January 2, 1924
Article Name Six Students To Try For State Honors In Oratorical Contest
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Earl Breon, Elizabeth Mohler, George Merkey, Frank Howell, William Burgin, Grace Cochran, Mercedes Chapman, L. H. Eakes, Claude E. Sayre, Lawrence Ashley, Edith I. Haight, Mrs. C. T. Ilsley,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 15, Page 1
Date Published January 2, 1924
Article Name Alumna Returns From Philippines
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Charles, Mrs. Earnest Vaniman, Mrs. Raymond Flory, Edna Neher,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 15, Page 1
Date Published January 2, 1924
Article Name Hold Class Reunion
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Nettie and Nellie Darrah, Gordon Hill, Nellie McGaffey, Gilbert Rowland, Harvey Anderson, Moffat Eakes, Marianne Kittell
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 15, Page 1
Date Published January 2, 1924
Article Name Indianapolis Delegates Will Return This Week
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Yoder, Margaret Wall, Dr. Kurtz, Estella Engle, Mabel Hoffman, Frank Howell.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 15, Page 1
Date Published January 2, 1924
Article Name M. C. Talent Appears in Christmas Cantata
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Lauer, Winston Cassler, Bernena Woldridge, Elverta Hawley, Geneva Freeburg, Herkle Wampler, Mildred Fish, Professor Gaw.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 15, Page 1
Date Published January 2, 1924
Article Name Professor Contributes Article
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) H. H. Nininger
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 15, Page 1
Date Published January 2, 1924
Article Name Football Men Given Banquet at Close of Notable Grid Season
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor J. A. Blair, Fat Lawson, Professor B. E. Ebel, John Harnly, Dick Keim, C. E. Oeirich, Dr. Kurtz, Si Sargent, Coaches Mishler and Colburn
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 15, Page 2
Date Published January 2, 1924
Article Name Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. give Christmas Program
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) David Brubaker, Lillie Crumpacker, Aenid Gray, Samuel Kurtz, Harold Barton, Frank Barton, Paul Sargent, Ursula Flory,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) YMCA, YWCA
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 15, Page 2
Date Published January 2, 1924
Article Name Debate Club Hold Interesting Meeting
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Anderson
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 15, Page 2
Date Published January 2, 1924
Article Name Birkins Have Accident
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Birkin
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 15, Page 2
Date Published January 2, 1924
Article Name Dramatic Art Class Gives Plays at Canton
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Oliver Ebel, Wileta Durst, Eleanor Caldwell, Hazel Scott
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 15, Page 2
Date Published January 2, 1924
Article Name Beckner-Bechtold
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ada Beckner, Paul Bechtold.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 15, Page 3
Date Published January 2, 1924
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Elva Shirk, Hoyt Strickler, Rhea Fast, Alberta Flory, Mildred and Glade Fisher, Mr. and Mrs. Avery Fleming, Winona McGaffey, H. R. Stover, Professor Fries, John B. Hess, Professor Morris, Rose and Carrie Stauffer, Gertrude and Irma Witmore, Fidelia Frantz, Lola Blondefield, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harnly, Iva Curtis, Harold Strickler, Paul Kurtz, William Mudra, Reetha Studebaker, Ursula Flory, Fidelia Frantz, Professor J. J. Yoder, Kenneth Krehbiel, Earl Linholm, Theodore Heibert, Albert Colburn, Mrs. Silas Miller, Eda Sward, Cordelia Anderson, Rozella White, Lester Rieff, Leland Kuns, Irma Witmore, Gertrude Witmore,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 15, Page 3
Date Published January 2, 1924
Article Name Alumni Notes
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ethel Whitmer, Miss Anderson, Oliver Trapp, Emery Wine, Rodney Martin, Nell Cullen, Paul Pair, Chauncey Vaniman, Willa Davenport, Eulah Crumpacker, Jacob Yoder, Grace Crumpacker, Gladys Brubaker, Elmer Brunk, Ruth Cripe, Ada Kurtz, Ray Vaniman, John Daggett, Marie Cullen, Harry Bowers.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 15, Page 3
Date Published January 2, 1924
Article Name Ruth Greene Entertains
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. J. Lawrence, Earl Linholm, Nettie and Nellie Darrah, Elberta Vaniman, Ralph Olsson, Selma Engstrom, Julia Jones, Aenid Gray, Cordelia Anderson, Eunice Almen, Rozella White, Helen Freeburg, Lillie Crumpacker, Elerta Vaniman, Ruth Green, Russel Jones, Harvey Anderson, Cleo Hill, Ralph Olsson, Earl Morris, Marion Switzer, Aubrey Hale, Roland Jones, David Barnes, Earl Linholm, Margaret Wall, Carl Carter, Gordon Heaston, Henry Hahn.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 15, Page 3
Date Published January 2, 1924
Article Name Social Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Julia Jones, Roland Jones, Russel Jones, Earl Linholm, Rozelia White, Cordelia Anderson, Ruth Greene, Selma Engstrom, Dorothy Meyers, Mayme Matson, Florence Kittell, Aenid Gray, Lillie Crumpacker, Eunice Almen, Doris Ring, Helen Freeburg, Bernena Woldridge, Geneva Freeburg, Aenid Gray, Julia Jones, Ruth Lingenfelter, Ruth Greene, Cordelia Anderson, Selma Engstrom, Lillie Crumpacker, Eunice Almen, Florence Kittell, Dorothy Meyers, Doris Ring, Minnie Edgecomb, Mayme Matson, Rozelia White, Lillian Andrews, Floyd Betts , Virgil Miller, Willis Neff, Earl Crumpacker, Elsie Ivans, Edith Bollinger, Hilda Himler, Nina Sherfy, Lillian Andrews.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 15, Page 4
Date Published January 2, 1924
Article Name Heinie Hahn Chosen to Lead 1924 Grid Team
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Heinie Hahn
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 16, Page 1
Date Published January 8, 1924
Article Name Mohler Attends the National Collegiate Athletic Conference
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Mohler
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 16, Page 1
Date Published January 8, 1924
Article Name Frank Howell Wins Oratorical Contest
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Frank Howell, Elizabeth Mohler, Earl Breon, George Merkey, William Burgin. Mercedes Chapman, Professor P. L. Hamilton, C. E. Oelrich, Rev. Lawrence Ashley, Edith Haight, Mrs. C. T. Ilsley,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 16, Page 1
Date Published January 8, 1924
Article Name Studebaker Stops at M. C.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ellis M. Studebaker
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 16, Page 1
Date Published January 8, 1924
Article Name Bulldogs Will Open Season Next Friday Against the Quakers
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Mishler, Si Sargent, Cleo Hill, Daggett, Ellwood, LeMar Mast,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 16, Page 1
Date Published January 8, 1924
Article Name Three-Act Comedy Chosen for All-Schools Play
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Anderson, Jay Eller, Leland Kuns, Mildred Carpenter, Rozella White, Vivian Long, Frank Boone, Earl Morris, Dale Strickler, Fredrie Scott, Lillie Crumpacker.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 16, Page 1,4
Date Published January 8, 1924
Article Name Program for Bible Institute Promises An Excellent Treat
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. J. W. Lear, Dr. Kurtz, Prof. J. W. Deeter, Homer E. Blough, Margaret Walters, Dr. Craik, Professor J. J. Yoder, Dr. Harnly, F. E. Mishler, Professor George Boone,
Events Mentioned Bible Institute
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 16, Page 1
Date Published January 8, 1924
Article Name Four-Act Comedy to be Given in Near Future on Student Ticker
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Anderson, Ocie McAvoy, Minnie Edgecomb, Ada Unruh, Rhea Fast, Laura Hammann, Selma Engstrom, Samuel Kurtz, Arthur Prather, Leonard Timmons, Cecil Holloway /=
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 16, Page 1
Date Published January 8, 1924
Article Name Work of W. A. Kinzie is Featured by Paper
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 16, Page 2
Date Published January 8, 1924
Article Name Wilbur Baldwin
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Wilbur Baldwin
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 16, Page 3
Date Published January 8, 1924
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Elsie Klinkerman, Margaret Mikesell, Mary B. Swope, Margaret Wall, Bernice Hoover, Ruth King, Dorothy Doane, Minnie Mugler, Stella Bowman, Elmer Brunk, Ada Kurtz, August Rump, Frank Howell, Estella Engle, Mable Hoffman, Ruth Hawkins, Paul Sargent, Dale Strickler
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 16, Page 3
Date Published January 8, 1924
Article Name Birkins Become Naturalized
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Leonard Birkin
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 16, Page 3
Date Published January 8, 1924
Article Name Miss Walters Receives Injuries in Collision
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Minnie Walters
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 16, Page 3
Date Published January 8, 1924
Article Name Thompson’s Book Published
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Walter Thompson
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 16, Page 3
Date Published January 8, 1924
Article Name Social Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Eunice Almen, Selma Engstrom, Ocie McAvoy, Mary Swain, Rosalind Almen, Ruth Green, Evelyn Roberts, Ocie McAvoy, Edna Johnson, Aenid Gray, Rozella White, Elizabeth Potter, Julia Jones, Helen Freeburg, Lillie Crumpacker, Irene Hawley, Cordelia Anderson, Adelyn Anderson, Earl Lindholm, Russel Jones, William Ferguson, Samuel Kurtz, Paul Engberg, Cleo Hill, Leland Kuns, Ned Smith, Theodore Heibert, Harold Schafer, Roland Jones, Harvey Anderson, Ralph Olsson, Earl Morris, Mayme Matson, Veda Miller, Margaret Wall, Myrl Curtis, Aubrey Hale, Ray Clark, Gordon Hill, Naomi Nickels, Nettie Darrah, Nellie Darrah, Marianne Kittell, Gilbert Rowland, George Dean, Leon Morine, Moffat Eakes, Winston Cassler.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 16, Page 2
Date Published January 8, 1924
Article Name Dr. Heaston Forced to Take a Vacation
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) W. C. Heaston
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 16, Page 4
Date Published January 8, 1924
Article Name Cagers Show Speedy Play Against Windom
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jim Ellwood, Coach Mishler,
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 16, Page 4
Date Published January 8, 1924
Article Name Teams That Will Play in the B> B. Tournament
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ralph Himes, Sam Kurtz, Clifton Dutton, Sidney Sondergard, Earl Morris, Harlin Yoder, Milton Dell, Emmert Pair, Curtis Ruthnauff, Willis Neff, Omer Vanscoyoc, Everett Brubaker, Chester Long, Marlin Carlson, Albert Street, Glen Rothrock, Howard Trentman, Frank Howell, Dorance Jordan, Jay Eller, Richard Keim, Stanley Keim, John Lengel, Glad Fisher, Kenneth Rock.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 16, Page 4
Date Published January 8, 1924
Article Name O. H. Feiler Movest to College Hill
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. O. H. Feiler
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 16, Page 4
Date Published January 8, 1924
Article Name Fails to Find Meteorite
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Nininger
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 16, Page 4
Date Published January 8, 1924
Article Name Wagoner Speaks to High School
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ray. S. Wagoner
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 16, Page 4
Date Published January 8, 1924
Article Name Ebel Speaks Before Hi Y.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Ebel.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 17, Page 1
Date Published January 15, 1924
Article Name Quakers Defeated by Bulldogs in Opening Game by Big Margin
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Si Sargent, Rufus Dagget, Cleo Hill, Eakes, Strickler
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 17, Page 1
Date Published January 15, 1924
Article Name Brilliancy Coupled With Experience Describes Blough
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. Homer E. Blough
Events Mentioned Bible Institute
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 17, Page 1
Date Published January 15, 1924
Article Name Girls to be Daters at Leap Year Party
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) YWCA YMCA
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 17, Page 1
Date Published January 15, 1924
Article Name Nininger and Harnly Say Bone Found in Sand Pit Belongs to Giant Sloth
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Nininger, Dr. Harnly, L. W. Hammann,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 17, Page 1, 4
Date Published January 15, 1924
Article Name Bible Institute Will Have Many Programs of Unusual Interest
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Deeter, Blough, Lear, Walters, Gronewold, Mishler, Boone, Richards, Ebel,
Events Mentioned Bible Institute
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 17, Page 1
Date Published January 15, 1924
Article Name Three New Course are to be Offered Next Semester
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Craik, Boone, Nininger
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 17
Date Published January 15, 1924
Article Name By The way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Hess, Paul Sargent, Verne Strickler, Sanger Crumpacker, Professors Blair, McGaffey, Unruh, Foster Hoover, Addie Himes, Ralph Himes, Professor Nininger,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 17
Date Published January 15, 1924
Article Name Social Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Cordelia Anderson, Frances Anderson, Marianne Kittell, Ruth Greene, Julia Jones, Selma Engstrom, Eunice Almen, Rozella White, Mayme Matson, Helen Freeburg, Aenid Gray, Gordon Heaston, Henry Hahn, Russel Jones, Earl Morris, Marion Switzer, Walter Peterson, Harold Lundeen, Ralph Olsson, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Harding, Cleo Hill, Crete Heiny, Wilma Yoder,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 17
Date Published January 15, 1924
Article Name M. C. Men in School I Chicago
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) C. Ray Keim, Ralph Strohm, Silas A. Keim, Curtis B. Bowman
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 17
Date Published January 15, 1924
Article Name A Good Friend Passes Away
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) D. S. Bowman, Professor J. J. Yoder
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 18, Page 1,4
Date Published January 22, 1924
Article Name Cagers Divide Games At Winfield and With The Wichita Schools
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) F. Daggett, F. Hill, C. Sargent, G. Eakes, G. Strickler, F. Elwood,
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 18, Page 1
Date Published January 22, 1924
Article Name Excellent Recital Given by Students
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Delia Chavez, Lela Rhodes, Wealtha Van Fleet, Eva May Lingle, Hazel Scott, Bernice Peck
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 18, Page 1
Date Published January 22, 1924
Article Name W. E. Bishop
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) W. E. Bishop
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 18, Page 1
Date Published January 22, 1924
Article Name Students Assemble in Mass Meeting to Launch Final Drive
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) David Brubaker, John Harnly,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 18, Page 2
Date Published January 22, 1924
Article Name Y. M. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Ebel
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 18, Page 2
Date Published January 22, 1924
Article Name Y. W. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Margaret Wall, Mabel Hoffman
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 18, Page 2
Date Published January 22, 1924
Article Name Rock Succeeds Bishop on Quadrangle Staff
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Kenneth Rock, W. E. Bishop
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 18, Page 2
Date Published January 22, 1924
Article Name To Discontinue School Work
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Everett Brubaker
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 18, Page 3
Date Published January 22, 1924
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Hazel Scott, Kenneth Rock, Clyde Rupp, Elva Shirk, Frank Correll, Dorance Jordon, Clifford Dutton, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Miller, Mr. G. N. Boone, Lillian Sandy, Mrs. F. W. Forney, Pauline and Elva Shirk, Stanley Keim, Harold Barton, Dorotha Peters, Velma Bailey, Loretta Zongker, Bonnie Huston, Coach Daniels, Horner Eby, Avery Fleming, Elmer Rupp, Ida Johnson,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 18, Page 3
Date Published January 22, 1924
Article Name To Teach in University of Southern California
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. Laura Harshbarger Haugh
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 18, Page 3
Date Published January 22, 1924
Article Name Social Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. E. L. Criak, Winona McGaffey, John W. Daggett, Mrs. D. W. Kurtz, Ruth Shoemaker, Helen Elliott, Eunice Almen, Ruth Betts, Edith, Laura, and Nellie McGaffey, Wilma Yoder, Claude Henderson,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 18, Page 3
Date Published January 22, 1924
Article Name Church Licenses Student
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) William E. Bishop
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 18, Page 3
Date Published January 22, 1924
Article Name Hershey Starts Chemistry Class at The Hospital
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Hershey
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 18, Page 3
Date Published January 22, 1924
Article Name Carl Draegert Takes Degree
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 18, Page 3
Date Published January 22, 1924
Article Name Glee Club Appears in Fifth Concert
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mildred Fisher, Mrs. Gaw, Mrs. Birkin, Herkle Wampler,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 18, Page 4
Date Published January 22, 1924
Article Name Dale “Duke” Strickler
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 19, Page 1
Date Published January 29, 1924
Article Name Enter Contest At Wichita
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jesse Carney, Truman Grogan, Charles Spicer, Professor Mohler, Milton Dell
Events Mentioned Stock Judging Contest
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 19, Page 1
Date Published January 29, 1924
Article Name Concert to be Given Next Friday Evening
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Herkle Wampler, Professor Lauer
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 19, Page 1
Date Published January 29, 1924
Article Name Mishler’s Quintet Is Successful In Home Game With Shockers
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Daggett, Strickler, Eakes, Hill, Sargent, Ellwood
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 19, Page 1
Date Published January 29, 1924
Article Name College Debaters Are Working Hard
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Waas, Jones, Rock, Timmons,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Debate
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 19, Page 2
Date Published January 29, 1924
Article Name Seniors Get New Members
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Chressle Heckman, Lillian Sandy, Garmon Daron, Neva Fishburn, Victor Vaniman, Bessie Brubaker Van Pelt, Winona McGaffey, Haddon Ilsley, Everett Brubaker, Ruth Shoemaker, Arthur Prather.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 19, Page 2
Date Published January 29, 1924
Article Name Frank Boone to Supervise Play
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 19, Page 2
Date Published January 29, 1924
Article Name President Wieand Was Here
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) A. C. Wieand
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 19, Page 2
Date Published January 29, 1924
Article Name New Students Enroll
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Neva Fishburn, Laura Sandburg Wilson, Russel Jones, Rose Mohler, Ethel Hardie, Beulah Cullen, David Merkey, J. Virden Kolzow, John B. Hess
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 19, Page 3
Date Published January 29, 1924
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) John Lengel, Chester Long, Phillip Ablen, Ada Miller, Hilda Himler, Theodore Robb, Mrs. Manley, Ruth Hawkins, ray Vaniman, Miss Morrison, Si Sargent, Mary Wedell, Ruth Martin, Bernice Steinberg, Margaret Dirks, Edna and Lota Neher, Leslie Edmonds, Elsie Meador, John Harnly, Ruth Cripe, Alberta Flory, Jess Garvoy, Paul Pair, Chauncey Vaniman, Roy Neher, Winona McGaffey, Foster S. Hoover, Habert and Viola Bowser, Winona McGaffey, Ocie McAvoy, Leland Kuns, Jay Eller, Dale Strickler, Samuel Kurtz, Frances Fuller, Mabel Hoffman, Marietta Byerly, Mayme King, Glenn Strickler, Ruth Pentecost, Foster and Maxine Hoover, Homer Foutz, Harriet and Naomi Mohler, Milton Dell
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 19, Page 3
Date Published January 29, 1924
Article Name Prather Gets Assistantship
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Arthur Prather
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 19, Page 3
Date Published January 29, 1924
Article Name Society News
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Hill, Mildred Rhoads, Aenid Gray, Margaret Wall, Margaret Mikesell, Dale Strickler, Paul Sargent, Rufus Daggett, Cecil Halloway, La Mar Mast, Moffat Eakes, Virgil Ellwood, Ernest Tipton, Cleo Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mishler, Everett Brubaker, Velma Bailey, Mildred Fisher, Miriam Wenrick, Rose Mohler, Beulah Cullen, Dorotha Peters, Miss Trostle, Emmert Pair, Glen Rothrock, Leo Warner, Ted and Milton Dell, Julia Jones, Ruth Greene, Helen Freeburg, Naomi Mohler, Henry Hahn,, Russel Jones, David Barnes, Harvey Anderson, Doc Kurtz, Reetha Studebaker
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 19, Page 4
Date Published January 29, 1924
Article Name Cleo “Dick” Hill
Sports Mentioned Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 20, Page 1,4
Date Published February 5, 1924
Article Name Bulldogs Break Even in Standings Column After Double Defeat
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Hill, Daggett, Sargent, Strickler, Eakes, Ellwood, Mast,
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 20, Page 1
Date Published February 5, 1924
Article Name Debate Team
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Herman Jones, Kenneth Rock, B. F. Waas, Leonard Timmons
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 20, Page 1
Date Published February 5, 1924
Article Name Academy Team Wins Second Place Honors
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Charles Spicer, Jesse Carney, Truman Grogan
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Stock Judging Team
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 20, Page 1
Date Published February 5, 1924
Article Name Alumnus Sings in Radio Program
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) J. Wesley Maxcy
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 20, Page 1
Date Published February 5, 1924
Article Name Student Council Holds Important Meeting
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Marlin Kelly, Vilas Betts, Jay Eller, Sanger Crumpacker, Nellie McGaffey, Rhea Fast, Lillie Crumpacker, Ted Dell
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 20, Page 1
Date Published February 5, 1924
Article Name Prospects Are Good For Opening Debate
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rock, Timmons, Waas, Jones, Professor Hess,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 20, Page 1,3
Date Published February 5, 1924
Article Name Trustees of College Make Plans to Push Endowment Campaign
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) R. C. Strohm, Roy Crist, F. A. Vaniman, J. J. Yoder, E. A. Markey, W. R. Argabright, C. C. Clark, S. Z. Sharp, J. S. Gable, W. N. Beaver, W. H. Yoder, L. J. Smith, D. P. Neher, H. J. Harnly, John Dresher, D. W. Kurtz, A. R. Lauer, F. W. Gaw, Alma Anderson
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 20, Page 3
Date Published February 5, 1924
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ruth Shoemaker, Prof. Blair, Dr. Harnly, Hazel Scott, Sanger Crumpacker, Professor and Mrs. M. A. Hess, Professor B. E. Ebel, Dr. S. Z. Sharp, John Mohler, Robert Blough, Clara Anderson, Professor Hess, Delia Chavez, Wileta Durst,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 20, Page 3
Date Published February 5, 1924
Article Name Ellenberger Studies Law
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Hervin R. Ellenberger
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 20, Page 3
Date Published February 5, 1924
Article Name Society News
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Ebel, President Kurtz, President Yoder, Professor Blair, Dr. Craik, Professor Lauer, Miss Anderson, Professor and Mrs. Gaw,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 20, Page 4
Date Published February 5, 1924
Article Name Sophomore Girls’ Sextet Eliminate Senior Team
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) M. Edgecomb, Hardin, Hammann, Shirk, A. Edgecomb, Neher, Heckman, Vogt, Long, Ring, Sandy
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 20, Page 4
Date Published February 5, 1924
Article Name Coach Crumpacker’s Five Defeats Bethany Academy
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Spicer, Haas, Lehman, Carney, Sitts
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 21, Page 1
Date Published February 12, 1924
Article Name Kurtz Fills Vacancy on Quadrangle Staff
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Paul Kurtz, Everett Brubaker
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 21, Page 1
Date Published February 12, 1924
Article Name Academy Scholarship Goes to Salome Stouder
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 21, Page 1
Date Published February 12, 1924
Article Name Debaters Will From Sterling College in First Dual Contest
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rock, Timmons, Jones, Waas
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Debate
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 21, Page 1
Date Published February 12, 1924
Article Name Two More To Take Degrees
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Calvin Boggs, Irvin Ihrig
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 21, Page 1
Date Published February 12, 1924
Article Name Three Act Drama To Be Staged By Class
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Samuel Kurtz, Earl Morris, Vivian Long, Rufus Daggett, Leonard Timmons, Cecil Holloway, Jay Eller, Frank Boone, Ralph Himes, Leland Kuns, Selma Engstrom, Ocie McAvoy, Minnie Edgecomb, Aenid Gray, Rhea Fast, Laura Hammann, Ada Unruh, Arthur Prather, Hoyt Strickler, Dale Strickler
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 21, Page 1
Date Published February 12, 1924
Article Name Elect New Y. W. C. A. Officers
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Margaret Wall, Reetha Studebaker, Ocie McAvoy, Margaret Mikesell, Dorothy Doane, Fidelia Frantz, Elberta Vaniman, Miriam Wenrick, Selma Engstrom, Mary B. Swope, Minnie Edgecomb.
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) YWCA
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 21, Page 1
Date Published February 12, 1924
Article Name Bulldogs Take Game From Manualites In Second Extra Period
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Hill, Daggett, Sargent, Strickler, Eakes, Elwood, Tipton
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 21, Page 1
Date Published February 12, 1924
Article Name Y. M. C. A. To Elect New Officers Tomorrow
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jay Eller, Frank Howell, Emmert Pair, Abram Hostetter, Richard V. Keim, Paul R. Kurtz
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 21, Page 2
Date Published February 12, 1924
Article Name Y. W. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Elizabeth Mohler, Aenid Gray, Rosella White
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 21, Page 2
Date Published February 12, 1924
Article Name Y. M. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Roy Crist, David Brubaker, Fred Mark, Winston Cassler,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 21
Date Published February 12, 1924
Article Name Paul “Si” Sargent
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 21
Date Published February 12, 1924
Article Name Sophomores Win From Frosh
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Vickers, Bolinger, Swope, Metzker, Davis, Mohler, Edgecomb, Rhodes, Shirk, Hammann, Dunham, Dirks
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 21
Date Published February 12, 1924
Article Name Unruh to Assit Boone
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Albert Unruh, Professor Boone
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 21
Date Published February 12, 1924
Article Name Make Trip to Manhattan
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Mohler, Warren Gish, Paul Kurtz, Milton Dell, Charles Spicer, John Lehman
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Stock Judging
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 21
Date Published February 12, 1924
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Stella Bowman, Ted Kolzow, Sanger Crumpacker, John Harnly, W. E. Bishop, Ted and Milton Dell, Hoyt Strickler, Bernice Peck, Ruth Mohler, Welcome Sondergard, Harry Riffel, Maurine Stutzman, Mary B. Swope, Elizabeth Mohler, Orville Pote, Clyde Rupp, Gerald Pearson, Fidelia Frantz, Margaret Mikesell, Mable Dunham, Florence Lehman, W. E. Bishop, Glenn Strickler, Geraldine Crill, Delia Chavez, Theodore Heibert,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 21
Date Published February 12, 1924
Article Name Craik Member of State Historical Society
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. E. L. Craik
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 21
Date Published February 12, 1924
Article Name Excellent Recital Given by Students of Music
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Autumn Lindbloom, Jessie Daron, Emmert Pair, Grace Witchey, Gladys Fishburn, Helen Garst, Carl Freeberg
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Fine Arts Department
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 21
Date Published February 12, 1924
Article Name Paul Harnly Advanced
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Paul W. Harnly, Iva Curtis
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 21
Date Published February 12, 1924
Article Name Society News
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Winona McGaffey,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 22, Page 1
Date Published February 19, 1924
Article Name Margaret Wall and Frank Howell Will Direct Associations
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Margaret Wall, Ocie McAvoy, Dorothy Doane, Miriam Wenrick, Selma Engstrom, Minnie Edgecomb, Mrs. Mishler, Jay Eller, Frank Howell, Abram Hostetter, Richard Keim,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) YMCA, YWCA
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 22, Page 1
Date Published February 19, 1924
Article Name Fellowship to Kansas U Given to Helen Elliott
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 22, Page 1
Date Published February 19, 1924
Article Name Successful Concert Is Given By Symphony Orchestra
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Alvhh R. Lauer, A, E, San Romani, Herkle Wampler, Glenn T. Zimmerman, Professor Forrest Gaw,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 22, Page 1
Date Published February 19, 1924
Article Name Graduation Recital To Be Given Monday
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Bernice Peck, Frank Barton, Herkle Wampler,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 22, Page 1
Date Published February 19, 1924
Article Name Works of Alumni Are Published
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Craik, Nina Swanson,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 22, Page 1
Date Published February 19, 1924
Article Name Academy Debate Team Meets Tabor Negative
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ted Baker, John Lehman, Philip Spohn, Marie Brubaker,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 22, Page 1,4
Date Published February 19, 1924
Article Name Ottawa Is Defeated By Mishler’s Cagers on Home Court 29-15
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Hill, Daggett, Sargent, Strickler, Tipton, Ellwood, Mast, Eakes
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 22, Page 3
Date Published February 19, 1924
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Isaac Dirks, Florence Lehman, Ethel Hill, Gordon Heaston, Clyde Kline, Roy Neher, Helen Dirks, Justina Dick, Pete Dick, Pete Esau, Margaret Dirks, Mildred Fisher, Mabel Fleming, Gertrude Witmore, Manrine Stutzman, Lillian Sandy, Mryl Curtis, Ruth and Elizabeth Mohler, Lavera Lingle, Glenn Strickler, Verne Strickler, Anna Mae Strickler, Dale Sondergard, Elsie Brooks, Estella Engle, Mabel Hoffman, Vivian Spilman, Junior Kittell, Elva Shirk, Professor Gaw, Mildred Fisher, Hazel Scott, Frank Howell, Prof. Blair, Prof. Hess, Dr. Craik,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 22, Page 3
Date Published February 19, 1924
Article Name Society News
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Elberta Vaniman, F. A. Vaniman, Mary B. Swope, Eunice Almen, Nellie and Nettie Darrah, Aenid Gray, Mr. Frank Barton, Miss Rozella White, Margaret Wall, Harriet Mohler, Naomi Mohler, Aenid Gray, Eunice Almen, Helen Freeburg, Rozella White, Julia Jones, Ruth Greene, Lillian Crumpacker, Selma Engstrom, Mary B. Swope,, Bernice Hoover, Nellie Darrah, Nettie Darrah, Elberta Vaniman, Carl Carter, Sidney Sondergard, Harvey Anderson, Cleo Hill, Earl Morris, Harold Kreitzer, Marion Switzer, Henry Hahn, Russell Jones, Roland Jones, LeMar Mast, Moffat Eakes, Rufus Daggett, Leon Morine, Frank Barton, George Dean, Vivian Harnly, Estella Engle, Mabel Hoffman, Elsie Brooks, Winona McGaffey, John W. Daggett, Mayme Matson, Irene Gustafson, Dorothy Matson, Ella Fouts, Bernice Feck, Mary. B. Swope, Harriet Mohler, Eunice Almen, Cordelia Anderson, Naomi Mohler, Julia Jones, Ruth Greene, Selma Engstrom, Doris Ring, Lillie Crumpacker, Helen Freeberg, Florence Kittel, Irene Gustafson, Mayme Matson, Herkle Wampler, Moffat, Eakes, Sidney Sondergard, Earl Morris, Walter Peterson, Harvey Anderson, Henry Hahn, Aubrey Hale, Harold Lundeen Sumner Eshelman, Roland Jones, Glen Rothrock, Russel Jones, O. H. Koller, Margaret Mikesell, Mildred Carpenter, Dorothy Meyer, Dale Strickler, Myrl Curtis, Sanger Crumpacker.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 22, Page 4
Date Published February 19, 1924
Article Name Old Stars Feature in Contest With Seconds
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Long, Holloway, Kolzow, Morine, Barton
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Basketball
Events Mentioned
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 22, Page 4
Date Published February 19, 1924
Article Name Organize Chess Club
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Albert Unruh, R. E. Kurtz, F. E. Bailey
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 23, Page 1
Date Published February 26, 1924
Article Name Stock Judgers May Be Barred From Contest
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Mohler
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Stock Judging Team
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 23, Page 1
Date Published February 26, 1924
Article Name Graduation Recital is Given by Bernice Peck
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Bernice Peck, Frank Barton, Herkle Wampler
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 23, Page 1
Date Published February 26, 1924
Article Name Academy Takes Lead in Triangular League With Double Victory
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ted Baker, John Lehman, Brubaker, Spohn,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 3, Page 1
Date Published February 26, 1924
Article Name Glee Club Gives Sacred Concert Sunday Evening
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Alice Birkin, Herkle Wampler, Professor Gaw
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 23, Page 1
Date Published February 26, 1924
Article Name Y. W. C. A. Cabinet Members For Next Year Selected
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Winona McGaffey, Margaret Walters, Mary B. Swope, Elberta Vaniman, Velma Bailey, Nellie McGaffey, Harriet Mohler, Elsie Forney,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) YWCA
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 23, Page 1
Date Published February 26, 1924
Article Name “M” Club Makes Plans For Athletic Program
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Stanley Keim, Harold Barton, William Mudra, Coach Mishler
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 23, Page 1
Date Published February 26, 1924
Article Name Lauer to Represent M. C. at State Convention
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Alvhh R. Lauer
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 23, Page 1,2
Date Published February 26, 1924
Article Name First College Paper, Edited by the Faculty, Was Composed of Sermons Directed to the Plastic Students
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) C. F. Gustafson, B. B. Baker, F. G. Kauffman, Cline Brothers, C. H. Slifer, H. B> Hoffman, Grace Vaniman, D. C. Steele, George Wynn, Lester F. Kimmel, J. Estel Jones, Paul D. Hoffman, Gladys Heaston, Paul C. Warren, Jay W. Tracy, Orville D. Pote, Dale Strickler, Edward Frantz,
Other Teacher and Student, Rays of Light
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 3, Page 2
Date Published February 26, 1924
Article Name Give Joint Program
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Eunice Almen, Stanley Keim, Fritzoff Mark, Mary B. Swope, Samuel Kurta, Harold Barton, Frank Barton, Paul Sargent
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. M. C. A., Y. W. C. A.
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 23, Page 2
Date Published February 26, 1924
Article Name Organize Girl’s Fire Squad
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Elva Shirk, Marie Brubaker, Loretta Zongker, Lorinda Leatherman, Elizabeth Mohler, Edith Watkins, Margaret Dirks
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 23, Page 2
Date Published February 26, 1924
Article Name To Start Spring Football Practice
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Mishler, Captain-elect Hahn
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 23, Page 2
Date Published February 26, 1924
Article Name Debate On Consolidation
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Abram Hostetter, Grace Cochran, George Merkey, Fay Bailey
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Debate Club
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 23, Page 2
Date Published February 26, 1924
Article Name Mrs. Elizabeth Harnly Dies
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Elizabeth Harnly, H. J. Harnly, D. S. Hoerner,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 23, Page 3
Date Published February 26, 1924
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Geraldine Crill, John Mohler, Margaret Dirks, Pauline Shirk, Margaret Wall, Rollin Brunk, Jacob Ratzlaff, Della Evans, Lota and Edna Neher, Harriet Mohler, Naomi Mohler, Ruth Mohler, Elizabeth Mohler, Sid Sondergard, Myrl Curtis, Leland Kuns, Harold Barnes, Abram Hostetter, Professors Blair and Hess, Sarah Fike, Dale Strickler, Ho yt Strickler, Ted Kolzow, Ralph Himes, Dorrance Jordan, Gerald Eddy, Kenneth Rock, Ruth King, Harvey Anderson, Professors Blair and Hess Dr, Craik, H. A. Brandt, Mary Daggett, John and Rufus Daggett, Paul Sargent
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 23, Page 3
Date Published February 26, 1924
Article Name Social Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Winona McGaffey, Laura McGaffey, Edith McGaffey, Nettie Darrah, Nellie Darrah, Lillie Crumpacker, Rozella White, Selma Engstrom, Hoy Strickler, Earl Morris, Leonard Timmons, Wilbur Vaniman, Winston Cassler, Leon Morine, Leland More, Leland Kuhns, Margaret Walters, Winona McGaffey, Margaret Wall, Minnie Edgecomb, Mabel Hoffman, Rhea Fast, Margaret Wall, Aenid Gray, Eunic Aimen, Hazel Scott,
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 23, Page 4
Date Published February 26, 1924
Article Name Rufus Daggett
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rufus Daggett,
Sports Mentioned Football
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 23, Page 4
Date Published February 26, 1924
Article Name Girls Team Loses At Tampa
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Minnie Edgecomb, Fonda Harden, Laura Hammann, Hazel Vogt, Merle Davis, Elva Shirk, Doris Ring, Laura McGaffey
Volume/Number/Page Volume 7, Number 23, Page 4
Date Published February 26, 1924
Article Name Former Court Star Squelched Redman’s Playfulness by Scoring Goal While Flat on Back—Convinces the Coach
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Frank Crumpacker, Lloyd Crumpacker, Sanger Crumpacker, Coach Verink, Leonard Crumpacker, Lillie Crumpacker,
Sports Mentioned Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 24 pg. 1
Date Published March 4, 1924
Article Name College Team Loses to Bethel and Hays in Exciting Contest—Mennonites Defeat Bulldogs by Brilliant Offense, and Win By 27-22 Score—Gym Packed at Bethel Games—Hays Teachers Overcome Lead and Win in Three-Extra-Period Contest 31-29
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Hill







Sports Mentioned (all) Men’s Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 24 pg. 1
Date Published March 4, 1924
Article Name Students Unearth Remains of Reno County King Tut
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Nininger

Roy Kinxie

S. P. Crumpacker

Sanger Crumpacker

Albert Unruh

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 24 pg. 1
Date Published March 4, 1924
Article Name Hear Radio Concert by Bethany Bible School
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor O. G. Davis

Miss Mable Pence

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 24 pg. 1
Date Published March 4, 1924
Article Name Plans Are Underway to Hold Annual High School Senior Fete—Event Began Two Years Will be Held April 12, If the Weather Permits—Invitations Have Been Sent—Purpose of the Festival Is to Introduce Prospective Students to the College Life
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Mishler

William Mudra

Harlan Yoder

Professor Ebel

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) M Club



Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 24 pg. 1
Date Published March 4, 1924
Article Name Selects New Cabinet Members for Y.M.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Frank Howell

Professor Morris

Roy Crist

Herman Jones

Stanley Keim

Gordon Hill

Milton Dell

Harold Barton

Kenneth Rock

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
M Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 24 pg. 1
Date Published March 4, 1924
Article Name Academy Teams Will Debate Next Thursday—McPherson Negative to Meet the Tabor Affirmative in the Chapel
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Brubaker

Mr. Spohn

Mr. Baker

Mr. Lehman

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Academy Debate Team
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 24 pg. 1
Date Published March 4, 1924
Article Name Alumni Board Holds Important Meeting
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) R. E. Mohler

H. R. Stover

E. L. Craik

Mrs. Fahnestock

Grace Brubaker

Lola Hill

G. N. Boone

Alma Anderson

Minnie Walters

W. F. Vaniman

R. C. Strohm

Marguerite Muse

Mrs. E. L. Craik

J. J. Yoder

F. E. Mishler

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Alumni Association
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 24 pg. 1
Date Published March 4, 1924
Article Name McPherson Debators Take Four Decisions in Second Dual Meet—Negative Team Wins Three Votes While the Affirmative Takes One Decision—Contest at Salina is Close—McPherson and Bethany Are Tied for First Place in the Northern Division
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jones



Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Debate Team
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 24 pg. 1
Date Published March 4, 1924
Article Name Ghosts of Caesar and Shakespeare Trouble Students
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Chess Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 24 pg. 2
Date Published March 4, 1924
Article Name Y.W.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harriet Mohler

Wileta Durst

Mildred Fisher

Bessie Bremen

Ruth Betts

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.W.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 24 pg. 2
Date Published March 4, 1924
Article Name Y.M.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Abram Hostetter
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 24 pg. 3
Date Published March 4, 1924
Article Name By the Way
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 24 pg. 3
Date Published March 4, 1924
Article Name Social Events—Miss Mast Entertains
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Mildred Mast

Sylvia Edgecomb

Clara Fern

Bonnie Hudson

Floye Rhode

Lillie Crumpacker

Mattie Ring

Loretta Zongjer

Anna Mae Edgecomb

Laura Hammann

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 24 pg. 3
Date Published March 4, 1924
Article Name McGaffey-Daggett
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Winona McGaffey

Mr. John W. Daggett

Miss Minnie Edgecomb

Miss Gertrude Witmore

Mr. Rufus Daggett

Miss Nellie McGaffey

Reverend A. C. Dagett

Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Stover

Mr. and Mrs. F. G. McGaffey

Mr. and Mrs. Foster Hoover

Edith McGaffey

Eunice Almen

Earl Morris

Laura McGaffey

Helen Elliott

Grace Ebaugh
Mr. and Mrs. Daggett

Reverend and Mrs. A. C. Daggett

Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Stover

Wilbur Stover

Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Brandt

Ruth Lowell


Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Craik

Professor and Mrs. R. E. Mohler

Margaret Wall
Elberta Vaniman

Ocie McAvoy

Reetha Studebaker

Minnie Edgecomb

Gertrude Witmore

Elsie Forney

Wava Long

Hazel Vogt

Bernice Hoover

Walter McGaffey

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 24 pg. 3
Date Published March 4, 1924
Article Name Students Give Pianologues
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Eunice Almen

Riley Andrews

Lillian Andrews

Robert W. Service

Hazel Scott

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 24 pg. 3
Date Published March 4, 1924
Article Name High School Seniors Present Clever Comedy
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Grace Brubaker

Miss Marguerite Muse

Velma Criner

Marion Krehbiel

Margaret Bowles

Chet Robb

Clarence Hill

Carl Freeburg

Elverta Hawley

Glenn Kilmer

Louise Potter

Johanna Curtis

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 24 pg. 3
Date Published March 4, 1924
Article Name “Beat the Swedes” is the Bulldogs’ Slogan—McPherson-Bethany Game Tonight is the Last Home Game This Season
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Mishler
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 1
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Association Cabinets Installed Following Impressive Ceremony—Elected Officers Take Over Work of Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. For Coming Year—Dr. Kurtz in Charge—Frank Barton and Rhea Fast Gave Pleasing Solos At Opening and Close of Program
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz

Frank Barton

Rhea Fast

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 1
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Venerable Stars of Olden Days Will Meet Youth
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Sanger Crumpacker

Leonard Crumpacker


Floyd Mishler

Rudolph Uhrlaub

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 1
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Medals for Senior High School Festival Here
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ray S. Wagoner
Events Mentioned Third Annual High School Senior Festival
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 1
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Horner Lecture Postponed
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. Horner
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 1
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name “The Lost Paradise” Will Be Given At Opera House Tomorrow
Other “The Lost Paradise”
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 1
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Academy Takes Third Debate Championship by Winning Six Votes—Teams Score Eleven out of a Possible Twelve Decisions in Two Encounters—Negative Wins Close Decision—Baker and Lehman Perform Exceptionally Well at Bethel; Excel at Rebuttals
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Brubaker

Mr. Spohn



Professor Martin J. Holcomb

Mr. Walter Ostenberg

Mr. Clifford Swenson

Professor Teale

Professor Baldwin
Professor Mills

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 1
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Next Lyceum Number to Be Given Monday
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Ira Hilton Jones
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 1
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Made Plans for Elections
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 1
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Juniors to Stage “A Pair of Sixes”
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Alma Anderson
Other “A Pair of Sixes” Junior Class Play
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 1
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Spilman Wins Prize
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Vivian Spilman
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 1
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name All Student Ticket is Passed by S. Council
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council

Board of Trustees

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 1
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Prize Story
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Yoder

Dr. Harnly

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 1
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Victory Over Swedes Ends Season With An Even Break in Games—Outcome of Last Game Was in Doubt Until the Final Whistle; Mast Tossed Winning Basket—Double Score on Wesleyans—Strickler and Tipton, Regular Guards, Were Missing in the Two Previous Games
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mast






Sports Mentioned (all) Men’s Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 2
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Publish Class Papers
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Orville Pote

Emery Wine

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 2
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Gave Concert at Galva
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. Gaw

Herkle Wampler

Mr. Carl Freeburg

Professor Gaw

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all)
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 2
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name S. C. Takes Action of Superfluous Activities
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 2
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Offers $500 Prize
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Edith McGaffey
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 2
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Declares Physical Life of Paramount Importance
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) D. John Brown, Jr.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 2
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Collection of Foreign Coins Added to Museum
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz

C. H. Warkentire

Dr. Craik

Mrs. S. E. Delf

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 2
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Married Men Win
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Horner Eby

Paul Lentz

Harriett Mohler

Paul Lentz

Naomi Mohler

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) College Debate Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 2
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name High Points of Swede Game
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Captain Strickler




Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 3
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ruth Green

Earl Linholm

Ida Fike

Clyde Rupp

Bernice Steinberg

Velma Bailey

Doris Plum

Margaret Dirks

Thelma Neuenchwander

Dorothy Dome

Jessie Brown

Mrs. Brown

Helen Garst
Estella Engle
Mabel Hoffman

Mildred Fisher

Mabel Fleming

Jascha Heifetz

Edgar Davis

Jay Tracy

N. J. Garman

Mabel Garman

Margaret Mikesell
Elberta Vaniman

Mildred Mast

Lorettz Zongker

Frank Barton

Myrl Curtis

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 3
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Lyons-Barnes
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Evelyn Lyons

Mr. Allen Lafayette Barnes

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 3
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Who’s Who in M.C.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Elder E. F. Sherfy
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 3
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Hess and Craik Judge Orations
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Hess

Dr. Craik

Professor Holcomb

Events Mentioned Intramural oration contest
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 3
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name R.M.S.S. Bulletin is Out
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz

Professor Nininger

Professor Ebel

Professor McGaffey

Miss Sadie Glucklich

Professor John Phillips

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 3
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name “M” Club Starts Drive for an Athletic Field—Plans Have Been Made for Raising Funds This Spring
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Sanger Crumpacker
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) “M” Club

Student Council

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 3
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Tampa Girls Are Easily Defeated by Chics Here
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Edgecomb








Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) McPherson College Chics
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 3
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ernest Tipton
Sports Mentioned (all) Men’s Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 25 pg. 3
Date Published March 11, 1924
Article Name Two McPherson Stars Place on Honor List
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dale Strickler

Cleo Hill








Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 1
Date Published March 18. 1924
Article Name “The Lost Paradise” Is Presented by the Expression Students
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Anderson

Samuel Kurtz

Ocie McAvoy

Vivian Long

Earl Morris

Eunice Almen

Ludwig Fulda

Henry C. Demille

Andrew Knowlton

Margaret Knowlton

Rueben Warner

Ralph Standish

Laura Hammann



Leland Kuns

Frank Boone

Old Bensel

Rhea Fast


Bob Appleton

Rufus Daggett


Minnie Edgecomb

Leonard Timmons


Jay Eller

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council
Events Mentioned Drama performed at the McPherson Opera House on March 12 by the Dramatic Arts Class
Sports Mentioned (all)
Sports Mentioned
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 1
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name Magazine Comics Aid Students in Becoming Unique
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 1
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name Cast for Junior Class Play Chosen in Tryout
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Anderson

Dr. Craik

Prof. Morris

Jay Eller

Earl Morris

Leo Warner

Elberta Vaniman

Vivian Long

Marathon High

Earl Breon

Harold Strickler

Mayme Malson

Ocie McAvoy

Mabel Griffin

Paul Kurtz

George Nettleton

J. Boggs Johns



Thomas J. Vanderhold

Tony Toler

Mr. Applegate

Office Boy

Mrs. Nettleton

Florence Cole


Shipping Clerk

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Junior Class
Events Mentioned Junior Class Play

Tryouts for the Junior Class Play

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 1
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name Academy of Science to Convene at McPherson
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Nininger

Dr. Cady

Dr. Harnly

Dr. Kurtz

Dr. Robb

Prof. Hershey

Prof. Morris

Prof. Walters

Prof. Mohler

Prof. Boone

Prof. Blair

Prof. Yoder

Mr. Knaus

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Kansas Academy of Science
Events Mentioned Gathering of the Kansas Academy of Science on April 4th and 5th

Cady Lectures on “The Structure of the Atom”

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 1
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name Students Enjoy Lecture on Science and Religion
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Hilton Ira Jones
Events Mentioned Jones lectures on “Science and Religion”
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 1
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name Dr. Craik Resigns to Head Department of History at Juniata
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Craik

Dr. C. s. Schively

C. L. Rowland

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Acting Dean of McPherson

Secretary of the Faculty

Secretary of the Alumni Association

Classification, Library, Schedule, and Publication committees

Editor of the Catalog and Bulletin

Advisor for the Spectator and Quadrangle

Advisor for the senior class of 1924

Chairman of the 1927 Homecoming Committee

American Historical Association

The American Political Science Association

Kansas State Historical Society

Events Mentioned Craik resigns as head of the department of history and political science to take a job as the head of the department of history at Juniata College in Huntington.
Other Juniata College

Kansas University

Other Multiple degrees, from both McPherson and KU.

Author of two books; “The History of the Church of the Brethren in Kansas”, and “Southern Interests in Territorial Kansas, 1854-1858”.

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 1
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name Dr. Kurtz is Lecturing to Oklahoma Teachers
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Events Mentioned Methodist Ministers Conference

Teachers Convention

Other Series of lectures to be given by Kurtz throughout Kansas and Oklahoma.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 1
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name Assistantship Given to Member of Senior Class
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) John W. Harnly

Dr. H. King

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 1
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name Horses Hard Pressed in Big “M” Club Derby
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Boone

Sanger Crumpacker

“Si” Sargent

Frank Forney

“Heinie” Hahn

“Fat” Lawson

“Peanuts” Morine

“Champ” Heaston

Bill Mudra

E. J. Unruh

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) “M” Club
Events Mentioned “M” Club Derby
Other Fundraiser for new athletic field.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 1
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name McPherson Junior Band to Give Concert in Chapel
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) San Romani
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) McPherson Junior Band

“M” Club

Other A second part of the “M” Club fundraiser.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 1
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name M. C. Must Win From Bethany for Chance at the State Title
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Timmons




Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Northern Division

McPherson Debate Team

Bethany Debate Team

Events Mentioned Qualifying debate on February 21.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 1
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name “Goody Shop” To Herald Arrival of Springtime
Events Mentioned The Goody Shop
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 2
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name The Spectator
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dale Strickler

Laura B. McGaffey

Helen Jacobs

Albert Unruh

W. E. Bishop

Horner Eby

Bernice Hoover

Selma Engstrom

Floyd Kurtz

Margaret Mikesoll

Paul Kurtz

Vivian Spillman

Stanley B. Keim

Smmer Eshelman

Estella Engle

Dr. Craik

Earl Morris

Hazel Vogt

Della Prather

Stanley Keim

Miriam Wenrick

Nellie McGaffey

Miss Hall

Kenneth Rock

Prof. McGaffey

Harriett Mohler

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) The Spectator

Student Council

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 2
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name The College Loses
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Craik
Events Mentioned Resignation of Dr. Craik
Other Editorial on the resignation of Dr. Craik and the effect his classes have held on the student body.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 2
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name Boost Your Candidate
Events Mentioned Upcoming elections for student body representatives.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 2
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name Learn the Game
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Tilden
Events Mentioned Boys and Girls Single Tournaments
Sports Mentioned (all) Tennis


Other Editorial on the effect of the open tournament in relation to participation in the game.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 2
Date Published March 18,1924
Article Name “World Hungry For Christ”
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. Austin
Events Mentioned Chapel talk by Rev. Austin
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 2
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name Student Opinion
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Sarah Bernhardt

Daniel Webster

Horace Greely

Jennie Lind

John R. Motts





Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) “M” Club

Student Council


Thespian Club

Debate Club

Choral Society

Association Cabinets

Events Mentioned Election of a student name to engrave on a trophy case.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 2
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name A Priceless Heritage
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Howard H. Keim
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Physical Culture Magazine
Events Mentioned Keim appears in magazine and mentions children, all of which attended McPherson College.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 2
Date Published March 18. 1924
Article Name M. C. Was Represented At Meeting By Nininger
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Nininger

Charles M. Fillmore

Mr. chetter

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Anti-Tobacco Association
Events Mentioned Annual State Oratorical Contest and Conference
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 2
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name I’ve Been Reading
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) John W. Harnly

Gertrude Atherion

Other “Black Oxen”
Other Book review on “Black Oxen” by Gertrude Atherion
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 2
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name Y. W. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rhea Fast

Selma Engstrom

Reverend Richards

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. W. C. A
Events Mentioned St. Patrick’s Day
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 2
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name Gave Musical Concert
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Samuel Kurtz

Hal Barton

Frank Barton

Si Sargent

George Merkey

Leland Kuns

Winston Cassier

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) The Nuttsenheimer Musical Troupe

Y. M. C. A.

Other “The Dutchman’s Courtship”
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 2
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name Reverend Eakes Gives Talks
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Reverend Eakes
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Presbyterian Church

Mission Band

Events Mentioned Lecture of the Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 1, Verse 34.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 2
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name Broadcasts Program
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. C. L. Rowland
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Department of Singing at Juniata College

Men’s Glee Club

Other Juniata College
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 3
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. and Mrs. William Kline

Harlo Kline

Florence Kline

Thelma Neuenachwander

Clifton Dutton

George W. Hoover

Bernice Hoover

Mary B. Swope

Prof. Yoder

Lorinda Leatherman

Frank Barton

Harold Harton

Paul Sargent

Samuel Kurtz

Elberta Vaniman

Elva Shirk

Rowana Vaniman

Ora Eavey

Viola Switzer

Rolland Cullen

Clarence Bartlettt

Beulah Culleg

Nuda Blair

Sylvia Whiteneck

Gertrude Witmore

Irma Witmore

Prof. Nininger

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 3
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name Alumnis Visit at M. C.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Reverend and Mrs. Oliver Austin

Mrs. Mary Stutzman

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 3
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name Dinner Party at Union Hotel
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. E. L. Craik

Prof. R. E. Mohler

Prof. J. W. Deeter

Rev. O. H. Austin

Mrs. Austin

Mrs. Craik

Mrs. Mohler

Mrs. Deeter

Prof. Rewinn

Mrs. D. H. Hoover

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 3
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name Contributes to Magazine
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. Ira J. Lapp
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 4
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name College Team Easily Defeats Former Stars
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Mishler

Leonard and Sanger Crumpacker











Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Sports Mentioned Game against the Whiz Bangs

Game against the Old Starts

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 4
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name Nine Men Will Receive Letters in Basketball
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dale Strickler

Cleo Hill

Rufus Daggett

Si Sargent

Cecil Holloway

LeMar Mast

Ernest Tipton

Virgil Ellwood

Moffat Eakers

Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Other Nine of the Men’s Basketball team receive their first, second, and third letters.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 4
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name Tournament Champions Lost Game to Swishers
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Street








R. Keim


S. Keim


“Quigley” Eakes








Events Mentioned Intramural championship
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 4
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name Bethany Girls Lose Game to M. C. Chics
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Fonda Harden















Arthur Nelson

Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 26/Page 4
Date Published March 18, 1924
Article Name College to Participate in Baseball This Spring
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Mishler

Harold Barton

Sports Mentioned (all) Baseball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name Oratorical Contest To Be Next Event on Local Peace Program
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Peace Organization

World Peace Movement

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name Field Secretary Uses Strategy In Endowment Drive
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ray Wagoner

Rev. Feller

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) The Spectator

Field Secretary

Events Mentioned Endowment Campaign for McPherson College
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name College Directory Out Soon
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Craik

Miss McGaffey

Miss Hill

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) College Directory

The Bulletin

The College Catalouge

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name Pleasing Concert is Given By Junior Band
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Archie San Romani
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Junior Band

“M” Club

Events Mentioned Concert in Chapel
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name Alumnus…
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) J. J. Yoder

Bishop E. L. Waldorf

John W. Carrier

Other “Resigns At Lyons”

“Is Ordained”

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name Jones Talks in Chapel
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Hilton Ira Jones
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name Debate Contest Goes to Bethany College in Annual Dual Meet
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rock




Prof. Deeter

Mildred Fisher

Ocie McAvoy

Aenid |Gray

F. W. Lamberston

J. H. Lawrence

W. A. Sterbu

Dean McEacherson

W. A. Irwin

Dean A. H. King

Maurice A. Hess

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Bethany College Debate Team

Lindsborg College Debate Team

McPherson College Debate Team

Kansas Wesleyan Debate Team

Sterling College Debate Team

Events Mentioned Northern Division Championship

Southern Division Championship

State Championship

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name Glee Club Sings at Roxbury
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Marie Gaw
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) The Ladies’ Glee Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name Craik and Hess Judge Contest at Lindsborg
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Craik

Prof. Hess

Mr. Johnson

Events Mentioned Oratorical Contest based on the railroad transportation issue.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name Unusual Ability Shown By Fine Arts Students
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Clara Davis

Indus May Hollingsworth

Doris Plum

Winston Cassler

Oliver Ebel

Marathon High

Margaret Wall

Fera Lingenfelter

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Fine Arts Department
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name Another Gift Is Added to the College Museum
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Nininger

J. M. Davis

Events Mentioned A piece of a meteorite is gifted to Nininger for the college museum.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 1
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name 1924 Quadrangle to Contain a Number of Distinctive Features
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Laura McGaffey

Alice Burkholder

Jay Tracey

Estella Engle

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) 1924 Quadrangle

The Dandelion

M. C. Spirit

Life and Light

Events Mentioned The Annual Release of the Quadrangle
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name The Spectator
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dale Strickler

Laura B. McGaffey

Helen Jacobs

Earl Morris

Leonard Timmons

Paul Kurtz

Ruth Greene

Ruth Mohler

Floyd Kurtz

Rose Stauffer

Vivian Spilman

Vivian Long

Dr. Craik

Frank Barton

Lillian Andrews

Horner Eby

Emmert Pair

Miss Brown

Reetha Studebaker

Mabel Hoffman

Kenneth Rock

Harriett Mohler

Stanley Keim

Lelland Baldwin

Sumner Esthelman

Prof. McGaffey

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) The Spectator

Student Council

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name College Resources
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name Charles William Eliot
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Charles William Eliot

Charles F. Thing

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name Y. W. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Margaret Mikesell

Aenid Gray

Rosella White

Fern Lingenfelter

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. W. C. A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name I’ve Been Reading
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) John W. Harnly

Knut Hamson



W. W. Worster



Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name Y. M. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jay Eller

David Brubaker

Dr. Harnly

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. M. C. A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name Music Club Gave Concert
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Lauer

Glenn Zimmerman

Prof. Gaw

Marie Gaw

Mr. and Mrs. Gaw

Hazel Scott

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) College Music Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name I Was Impressed By…
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mildred Fisher

Ursula Flory

Frank Boone

Ruth Mohler

Elmer Brubaker

Rufus Daggett

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 2
Date Published March 25,1924
Article Name Former Student Publishes Directory
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rev. G. G. Canfield
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Church of the Brethren
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 3
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. Weaver

Miss Trostle

Nina Sherfy

Marie Brubaker

Prof Blair

Supt. S. J. Neher

Julia Jones

Olin Ellwood

Virgil Ellwood

Elberta Vaniman

Margaret Mikesell

Thelma Neuenschwander

Mr. Reisch

Mrs. Shatto

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pair

Mrs. C. H. Vaniman

Laura McGaffey

Rollin Cullen

Clarence Bartlett

Bernice Peck

Ruth Greene

Prof Yoder

Selma Engstrom

Mary B. Swope

Maurine Stutzman

Mrs. J. J. Yoder

Valiant Gragey

Prof Hess

Rev. Brubaker

Estella Engle

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 3
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name Announcement Party
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ocie McAvoy

Rhea Fast

Lora Trostle

Lorinda Leatherman

Clyde Rupp

Mildred Fisher

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 3
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name A Birthday Surprise
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Delia Prather

Mrs. Glathart

Mr. Baldwin


Lillian Andrews

Wretha Cory

Velma Baily

Ruth Rawkins

Frank Howell

Merle Travis

Lelland Baldwin

Arthur Prather

Mr. and Mrs. Glathart

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 3
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name Freshman Hold St. Patrick’s Party
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Edith McGaffey
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Freshman Class
Events Mentioned St. Patrick’s Day Party
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 3
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name Girls Give Slumber Party
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Vesta Bollinger

Dortha Peters

Lillian Andrews

Velma Bailey

Lota Neher

Edna Neher

Wava Long

Doris Plum

Wretha Cory

Lillian Andrews

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 3
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name After the Vision, The Task
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Margaret Heckerhorn



Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 4
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name Performance Will Be Given By Gym Classes
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Mishler
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. M. C. A.

Gym Class

College Hill team

Events Mentioned Sports activity day
Sports Mentioned (all) Acrobats


Pyramid building

Volley ball

Cowboy Drill

Interclass obstacle race

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 4
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name High School Team Loses to Fast Topeka Cagers
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Showalter
Events Mentioned State tournament
Sports Mentioned (all) Football(?)
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 27/Page 4
Date Published March 25, 1924
Article Name Cash Only to Count in “M” Club Derby
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Archie San Romani

Sanger Crumpacker

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) “M” Club

McPherson Junior Band

Events Mentioned “M” Club Derby
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 1, 1924
Article Name New Church Building May Be Constructed During the Summer
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) F. A. Vaniman, Shepherd, Weiser, Harvey Miller
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Building Committee
Events Mentioned Church meeting
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 1, 1924
Article Name M.C. Professors Debate Long and Vociferously
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Cosmos Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 1, 1924
Article Name Large Attendance is Expected at Festival
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Mishler, Professor Ebel
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) “M” Club
Events Mentioned High School Senior Festival
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 1, 1924
Article Name Heads for College Publication to be Chosen by April 7
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jay Eller, Nellie McGaffey, Ganger Crumpacker
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Spectator


Election committee of the Student Council

Events Mentioned Election of editors and business managers
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 1, 1924
Article Name Senior Class Play is Chosen Tuesday
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jerome K., John Harnly, C. E. Oelrich
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Play committee
Events Mentioned Senior class meeting
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 1, 1924
Article Name Professor Lauer Receives Recognition as Composer
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Lauer, Professor G. Lewis Dall, A.E. Uhe, Hagbard Brose, Edward Kurtz, Charles Sanford Skelton, Nathaniel Shilkret, Carl Bush
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 1, 1924
Article Name Peace Orations to be Given Sunday Evening
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) F.E. Bailey, David Brubaker, Horner Eby, Maurice Beam, Earl Breon, Reverend Ashley, Mrs. Haley, Mr. W.J. Krehbiel, Professor Morris, Miss McGaffey, Dr. Craik
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Christian Worker’s hour
Events Mentioned Oratorical contest

State contest

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 1, 1924
Article Name To Talk Thursday Morning
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Joseph M. Connally
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Volunteer Movement
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 1, 1924
Article Name Interest in Tennis is Good Despite Delays
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mary Harnly, Doris Plum, John Lehman, Paul Lentz, and “Si” Sargent
Sports Mentioned (all) Tennis
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 1, 1924
Article Name Kansas Scientists to Meet at McPherson Friday and Saturday
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Cady, Professor Nininger
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Kansas Academy of Science
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 28 Pg. 2
Date Published April 1, 1924
Article Name An Outstanding Event
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. H.P. Cady, Prof. Nininger, Dr. Kurtz, Dr. Harnly, Dr. Robb, Professor Hershey, Mr. Knaus
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Kansas Academy of Science
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 28 Pg. 2
Date Published April 1, 1924
Article Name Y.M.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. Aurell
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) McPherson Chamber of Commerce
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 28 Pg. 2
Date Published April 1, 1924
Article Name Student Has Antique Coin
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Gladys Adamson
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 28 Pg. 3
Date Published April 1, 1924
Article Name By the Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ruth Mohler, Mary B. Swope, Samuel Kurtz, Paul Sargent, Harold Barton, Frank Barton, Willis Neff, William Burgin, Eulab Crumpacker, Sarah Fike, Kenneth Rock, Minnie Edgecomb, Elva Shirk, Pauline Shirk, Bernice Peck, Julia Jones, Leonard Timmons, Myrl Curtis, Rozella White, Chressie Heckman, Bernice Hoover, Clarence Bartlett, Rollin Cullen, Dorothy Doane, Thelma Neuenschwander, Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Lowe, Cecile Martin, Rhea Berg, Fahrney Slifer, Professor Nininger, Gladys Adamson, Glenn Strickler, Galen Saylor, Professor Franklin Thomas, Edward Thomas, S.M. Jones, L. Avery Fleming
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.

Glee Club

Events Mentioned Hi Y Convention
Sports Mentioned (all) Golf
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 28 Pg. 3
Date Published April 1, 1924
Article Name Social Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. and Mrs. Craik, Professors Mohler and Deeter, Mrs. Morris, Mrs. Kurtz, Mrs. Hershey, Professor Hershey, Dr. and Mrs. Harnly, Mrs. Deeter, Mrs. Mohler, Coach and Mrs. Mishler
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 28 Pg. 3
Date Published April 1, 1924
Article Name Birthday Surprise Party
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Horner Eby, F. A. Vaniman, Mr. and Mrs. Vaniman, Misses Edith Slifer, Marie Brubaker, Nina Sherly, Maude Merkey, Ida Merkey, Ruth Lerew, Elsie Ivins, Ruth Hawkins, Justina Doerksen, Thelma Seitz, Edith Bolinger, Jeanie Yiengst, Margaret Dirks, Mercie Shatto, Lora Shatto, Edith Watkins, Abram Hostetter, Truman Grogan, Virgil Miller, Floyd Betts, Floyd Kurtz, Fay Bailey, Royal Yoder, Prentice Odle, Rollin Brunk, Clifton Dutton, George Merkey, David Merkey, Herbert Bowser, William Burgin, Willis Neff, Omer Vanscoync
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 28 Pg. 3
Date Published April 1, 1924
Article Name Cosmos Ladies Entertain Husbands
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) J.J. Yoder, Mrs. E.F. Sherfy, Mrs. George Boone, Mrs. Frank Forney, Mrs. Floyd Mishler, Mrs. Robert Mohler, Mrs. J.W. Hershey, Prof. Alvhh Lauer, Prof Gaw, Prof. Nininger, Dr. Harney, Prof. Hershey, Prof. Blair, Dr. Kurtz, Prof. Ebel, Coach Mishler
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Cosmos Reading Circle of College Hill
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 28 Pg.4
Date Published April 1, 1924
Article Name Gymnasts Show Skill on Rings and Trapeze
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Spicer, Boone, Fisher, Rock, Timmons, G. Hill, William Burgin, Harold Barton, Clifton Dutton, Rollin Brunk, Coach Mishler,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Events Mentioned Volleyball game
Sports Mentioned (all) Boxing



Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 28 Pg. 4
Date Published April 1, 1924
Article Name Four Important Changes Made in Football Rules
Names mentioned (all the names in the article)
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) National Intercollegiate Football Rules Committee
Sports Mentioned (all) Football
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 28 Pg. 4
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 28 Pg. 4
Date Published April 1, 1924
Article Name Baseball Practice to Start in Earnest Soon
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Mishler
Sports Mentioned (all) Baseball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 1
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Arrangements Made for Entertaining the High School Seniors
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Mishler, Professor Ebel
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) “M” Club
Events Mentioned Third Annual High School Senior Festival
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 1
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Senior Play Cast Chosen in Tryout
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Anderson, Miss McGaffey, Professor Ebel, Dr. Craik, C.E. Oelrich, Frank Boone, Rufus Daggett, Leland Moore, Elizabeth Mohler, Eunice Almen, John Harnly, Arthur Prather, Hazel Vogt, Gertrude Witmore, Rhea Fast, Elsie Forney, David Brubakier
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29. Pg. 1
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Ruth Mohler Receives Position at La Verns
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ruth Mohler, Miss Muir, Dr. Craik, President Studebaker
Volume/Number/Page Vol.07 No. 29 Pg. 1
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name David Brubaker Takes Peace Oration Prize
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) David Brubaker, Horner Eby, F.E. Bailey, Ralph Hoover, Reverend Richards, Professor Morris, Miss McGaffey, Dr. Craik, Reverend Ashley, Mrs. Ilsley, Reverend Sayre, Mr. Rogalsky, Mr. Heibert
Volume/Number/Page Vol.07 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Play Has Real Message
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lillie Crumpacker, Velma Bailey
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 1
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Alumnus Named Presidential Elector
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ed. M. Eby- Presidential Elector from the Eighth District of KS
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 1
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Laura McGaffey and Paul Kurtz to Head College Publications
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Laura McGaffey, Sidney Sondergard, Paul Kurtz, Merle Travis
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 28 Pg. 1
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name President Gives Talk at Rotary Conference
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz, Reverend Luckett
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 1
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Gym Will be Scene of Thrilling Performance
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Mishler, Spicer, Boone, Fisher, Rock, Timmons, Hill, “Big Bill” Mudra, “Si” Sargent, Hal Barton, “Bill”Burgin, Clifton Dutton, Rollin Brunk
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Events Mentioned Gymnastics program

Volleyball game

Obstacle race

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 1
Date Published April, 8 1924
Article Name Creditable Work Being Done in Charcoal Class
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. Lundeen, Wileta Durst, Elder John, Mrs. Fahnestock, Mrs. Luckett, Mrs. Ellwood, Ruth Mohler, Ursula Flory, Loren Curtis, Harriett Mohler, Rozella White
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 1 & 4
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Professor Nininger is Chosen President of Kansas Scientists
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Nininger, Dr. H.P. Cady, J.E. Ackert, Frank Agrelius, L.D. Havenhill, E.A. White, Professor Hershey, Dr. Kurtz, Dr. Harnly, Mr. Knaus, Dr. Robb, S.J. Neher, F.S. Hoover, W. Wampler, John Mohler, Carl Dell
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Kansas Academy of Science

Cosmos Club

General Electric Company

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 1
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Plans Underway for May Day Festivities
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Helen Elliott, Margaret Wall, Margaret Mikesell, Maurine Stutzman, Miss Chapman
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) “M” Club
Events Mentioned May Day

All School Day picnic dinner

Sports Mentioned (all) Track and field
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 2
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Mohler Talks to Girls
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Mohler
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.W.C.A.
Other Lecture on the essentials of real womanhood
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 2
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Life Decisions Important
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. Connolly
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Volunteer Movement

Mission Band

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 2
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Debate Unicameral System
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Omer Vanscoyoc, Pearl Rhine, Clifford Dutton, Floyd Kurtz
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Debate Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 2
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Recital Gives Testimony of the Work Being Done
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Helen Garst, Bessie Breman, Mrs.Iva Gilson, David Groves, Mildred Fisher, Herkie Wampler, Jones, Ruth Hawkins, Fredrie Scott, Arthur Prather, Della Prather, Addie Himes,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student recital
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 2
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Ladies’ Glee Club Gives Concert at Y.M.C.A. Meeting
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Gaw
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Ladies’ Glee Club


Events Mentioned Program
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 2
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Alumni Board Meeting
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss McGaffey, Professor Mohler, Dr. E.L.Craik
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Board of Directors of the Alumni Association

College Board of Trustees

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 2
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Judges Dramatic Contest
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Samuel B. Kurtz
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 2
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Yoder Attends Convention
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor J.J. Yoder
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 2
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Miss Davenport Gets Raise
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Willa Davenport
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 2
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Father of Former Students Dies
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. W. H. Frantz, Roy C. Frantz, Bertha (Frantz) Engle
Volume/Number/Page Vol.07 No. 29 Pg. 2
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Thanks.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Walters, H.H. Nininger
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 3
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name By the Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ruth Greene, Julia Jones, Myrl Curtis, Henry Hahn, Professor Lauer, Kenneth Rock, Gerald Eddy, Dorrance Jordan, Ralph Himes, Addie Himes, Ted Kolzow, Margaret Mikesell, Elva Shirk, Minnie Edgecomb, Dick Keim, Della Day, Arnold Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Templeton, Marlin Kelly, C.H. Dresher, John L. Mohler, Cari Dell, Milton Dell, Ted Dell, Dorothy Myers, Florence Lehman, Minnie Mugler, Mrs. Harold Beam, Miss Carrie Mugler, Cecil Holloway, Jacob Ratzloff, Miss Lota Neher, Jesse Carney, Miss Grace Greenwood, Miss Edith Riner, John Harnly, Vivian Harnly, Gordon Heaston, Glenn Strickler, Galen Saylor, Clyde Rupp, Frank Barton, Harold Barton, Paul Sargent, Stanley Keim, Dale Strickler, Harold Strickler, Hoyt Strickler, Gertrude Witmore, Mary Harnly, Reetha Studebaker, Loretta Yoder, Royal Yoder, Mary B. Swope, Maurine Stutzman, Margaret Mikesell, Margaret Wall, Elizabeth Mohler, Ruth Mohler, Loretta Zongker, Henry Han
Volume/Number/Page Vol.07 No. 29 Pg. 3
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Social Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. and Mrs. R.H. Hill, Cleo Hill, Misses Mildred Beard, Elaine Beard, Mattie Shay, Miss Ruth Greene, Mr. Harold Kreitzer, Misses Aenid Gray, Selma Engstrom, Margaret Wall, Elberta Vaniman, Eunice Almen, Margaret Miskesell, Julia Jones, Cordelia Anderson, Helen Freeburg, Bernena Woldridge, the Messers, Gordon Hill, Harold Lundeen, Gordon Heaston, Frank Barton, Earl Morris, Dale Strickler, Henry Hahn, Marion Switzer, Aubrey Hale, Harold Kreitzer, Mr. Albert Colburn, Minnie Edgecomb, Doris Ring, Mayme Matson, Dick Keim, Sumner Eshelman, Marcelius Penland
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 3
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Yoders Given Surprise
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mr. and Mrs. E.E. Yoder, Pearl Stutzman, Neva Yoder, Loretta Yoder, Professor J.J. Yoder, Edgar A. Guest, Edith Murray, Mr. Keplinger, Mrs. E.F. Sherfy, Royal Yoder, Mrs. J.J. Yoder, Mr. and Mrs. James Rothrock, Mrs. F. E. Mishler, Dr. and Mrs. Harnly, Mr. E.F. Sherfy, Misses Gertrude Witmore, Reetha Studebaker, Harold Strickler, Hoyt Strickler
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg.3
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Professor Morris Given New Office Furniture
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Morris
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 4
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name First Track Meet to be Held in Two Weeks
Sports Mentioned (all) Track
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 4
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Baseball Bunts
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Captain Hal Barton, Si, LeMar Mast, Glade Fisher, Leland Kuns, Duke Strickler, Virgil Ellwood, Kolzow, Rock, Ellwood, Kubin
Sports Mentioned (all) Baseball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 4
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name “M” Club Derby Given Fine Support by Loyal Alumni
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Oliver H. Austin, Gertrude M. Mishler
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) “M” Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 29 Pg. 4
Date Published April 8, 1924
Article Name Music Club at Monitor
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. Gaw, Mr.Carl Freeburg, Mildred Fisher, Herkle Wampler, Hazel Scott
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Music Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Kansas Wesleyan Nine will meet bulldogs in Season’s Opener
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Kolzow








Hal Barton






Sports Mentioned (all) Baseball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name M. C. Red Jackets Make Life Merry For New Members
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz

John Harnly


Frank Barton

Other Harnly Hall

Fahnestock Hall

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Member of Senior Class to be College Librarian
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Margaret Heckethorn

Margaret Walters

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Gymnasium Exhibition Receives High Ovation
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Fisher


Sil Sondergard

Coach Mishler


Professor Lauer

Womstpm Cas;er

Russell Jones

Loren Curtis

Howard Sager

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Vacancy in History Department Will be Filled by C. R. Keim
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor C. Ray Kelm

Dr. E. L. Craik

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Dr. Kurtz Gives Address to Topeka Rotary Club
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Professor Hess Judges Debate at Park College
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Maurice A. Hess

Supt. L. H. Petit

C. O Wright

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Garmon Daron Deceives Valuable Scholarship
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Garmon Daron

Dr. Charles A. Kofold

Professor Nininger

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 3 Pg. 1
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Final Spring Elections to be Held this Week
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council


Elections Committee



Sports Mentioned (all) Cheer Leading
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Nininger Writes Article
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor H. H. Nininger

Mr. Warren Knaus

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Election Slate
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Stanley Keim

Jay Eller

Milton Dell

Marlin Kelley

Samuel Kurtz

Harold Strickeir

Kenneth Rock

Fidella Frantz

Anna Mae Edgecomb

Goldie Vickers

Ocie McAvey

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Third Annual Senior Festival is Largest Event in Attendance
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Mishler





Leo Crumpacker





Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 no. 30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Two M. C. Students Build Up a Large Trade in “Pills”
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jay Eller

Earl Morris

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 2
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name The Spectator
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dale Strickler

Laura B. McGaffey

Helen Jacobs

Earl Morris

Leonard Timmons

Ruth Greene

Vivian Long

Vivian Spilman

Eunice Almen

Mildred Fisher

Fr. Craik

Stanley Kelm

Dick Kelm

Professor Hess

Harold Strickler

Fidelia Frantz

Kenneth Rock

Elizabeth Mohler

Selma Engstrom

Professor Brown

Reetha Studebaker

Stanley B. Kelm

Sumner eshelman

Professor McGaffey

Dr. Craik

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 2
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Y. M. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Margaret Mikesell

Aenid Gray

Wileta Durst

Rozella White

Fern Lingenfelter

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Musical Troupe of the Y. M. C. A

Y. W. C. A.

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 2
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Secures Another Specimen
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Nininger

Mr. Clarence Faris

Mr. Hempbell

Mr. McComb

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 24 Pg. 2
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name The Easter Spirit
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mildred Fisher
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 2
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Ladies Glee Club Gives Concert at Mt. Pleasant
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. Birkin

Mildred Fisher

Herkle Wampler

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 2
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Samuel Kurtz is Elected President of Thespains
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Samuel Kurtz

Selma Engstrom

Earl Morris

Rozella White
Lillie Crumpacker

Bertha Unruh

Lillian Andrews

Hoyt Strickler

Vivian Long

Earl Morris

Frank Boone

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Thespian Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 2
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Fine Arts Program Given in Creditable Manner
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Wileta Durst
Hazel ScottBessie Bremen

Ruth Wedel

Mattie Shay

Emmert Pair

Helen Gurst

David Groves

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Fine Arts Department
Events Mentioned performance
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 2
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Alumnus Gets Raise
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor G. C. Dotzour
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 1
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name I Was Impressed By
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Fidelia Frantz

Glade Fisher

Stan Keim

Russell Jones

Aenid Gray

Rose Stauffer

Dorothy Doane

Paul Kurtz

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 2
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Grace Crumpacker Rehired
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Grace Crumpacker

Miss Walters

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 3
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name By the Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. Hess

Miss Elva Shirk

Miss Pauline Shirk

Hal Barton

Stan Kelm

Mr. and Mrs. John Spicer

Charles Spicer

Henry Stover

Aenid Gray

Helen Freeburg

Laura Hammann

Mary B. Swope

Ruth Greene

Leon Morine

Stanley Linholm

Margaret Wall

Venia Sondergard

Ophella Riffel

Ida Fike

Isabelle Eskeldson

Anna Mae Strickler

Naomi Mohler

Margaret Mikesell

Elberta Vaniman

Neva Yoder

Loretta Yoder

Maurine Stutzman

Mrs. Stutzman

Mr. and Mrs Homer Foutz

Eunice Almen

Rhea Fast

Mildred Fisher

Mrs. Charles Morris

Sanger Crumpacker

Clyde Rupp

Professor Morris

Bertha Peters

Ruth Wedel

Estella Engle

Mrs. Gaw

Mabel Fleming

Bessie Bremen

Dave Brubaker


W. E. Bishop

Robert Blough

Rufus Daggett

Professor Yoder

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Messiah Chorus

Mission Board

Events Mentioned Visits




Astronomy Lecture

Volume/Number/Page Volume 7 No. 30 Pg. 3
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Fahnestock Frolics
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Martin

Professor Forney

Moffat Eakes

Si Sargent

F. A. Vaniman

John Harnly

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 3
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Social Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. S. J. Miller

Mrs. Craik

Mrs. Yoder

Dr. Miller

Dr. Craik

Dr. and Mrs. Harnly

Professor and Mrs. Yoder

Professor and Mrs. Nininger

Mrs. Fahnestock

Mrs. Young

Mrs. Mary Stutzman

Harlan Yoder

Miss Pauline Shirk

Miss Maurine Stutzman

Miss Fidelia Frantz

Paul Sargent

Minnie Mugler

Rowena Vaniman

Mary B. Swope

Margaret Mikesell

Lorinda Leatherman

Lloyd Saylor

Galen Saylor

Dale Strickler

Clyde Rupp

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 3
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Heard Championship Debate
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Hess

Professor Blair

Kenneth Rock

John Lehman

Vivian Spilman

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Friends Affirmative Team

Bethany’s Negative Team

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 3
Date Published April 15, 1024
Article Name Third Annual Senior Festival is Largest Event in Attendance (continued from pg. 1)
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Neal





Professor Ebel

Professor J. A. Blair

Dr. Harnly

Reverend Claude Sayer

Isaac Dirks

S. J. Neher

Clyde Rupp

H. S. Foutz

Professor R. E. Mohler

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 3
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name (no name bottom third column)
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Brown

Marion Talley

Marie Saudelius

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 4
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Win Doubles and Lose Singles Against Bethel
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Yoder


Ralph Himes


Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 4
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name (No title 2nd column top, middle 3rd column)
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Riddlebarger

Sanger Crumpacker

Rufus Daggett

Bill Mudra







T. Dell




Kaufman (twins)



F. Barton



Sports Mentioned Track Team

Pole Vault


High Jump

Half Mile

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 4
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Baseball Captain Remains Quiet, but “M” Club President Gives Vent to Ardor
Sports Mentioned (all) Baseball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 4
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name “M’ Club Initiates New Members at Gymnasium
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) F. Barton



Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 30 Pg. 4
Date Published April 15, 1924
Article Name Congressman Refers to Works of M. C. Alumnus
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) John J. McSwain

Mr. McSwain

Dr. Walter Thompson

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 1
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Chemistry Students Spend Day Inspecting Hutchinson Factories—Visit Salt Mines, Straw Factory, Packing House, and Other Places—Over Seventy-Five Make Trip—Practical Applications of Chemistry in Industry Are Shown in Each Plant
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Hershey
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 1
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name To Send Delegates to Wichita Convention
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A


Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 1
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Studebaker Stops in M.C.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) President E. M. Studebaker
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 1
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Juniors Give Annual Play Friday Evening- Peples Three-Act Comedy Will be Staged in Opera House
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ocie McAvoy
Events Mentioned Junior Class Play, “A Pair of Sixes”
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 1
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Bulldog Nine Loses to Coyotes By 11-3 Score in First Game—Loss of Game is Due to Inability of Bulldog to Hit the Ball—Wind Bothered Outfielders—Kolzow, Kubin, Mast, and Ellwood Display Best Work on Diamond
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Kolzow




Sports Mentioned (all) Baseball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 1
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Prospects For Summer School At Palmer Lake Are Better Than Ever—Y.W.C.A. Camp Will Be Used for Dormitory: Auditorium Rented for Assembly
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.W.C.A.

McPherson College Summer School

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 1
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Bethany Oratorical Society Gives “Messiah” 127th Time
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lois Johnston

Emma Griesel

Paul Alhouse

Clyde Matson

Arthur Middleton

Herbert Gould

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 1
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Nininger is Speaker
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Nininger
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 1
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Bishop’s Team Wins
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) W. E. Bishop
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 1
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Kurtz Makes Lecture Tour In Eastern States
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) President Kurtz
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 1
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Give Easter Songalogue
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Eunlee Almon
Mrs. Charles MorrisBernice Peck
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 1
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Brubaker and Kinzie Get Principalships
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) David Brubaker

Roy Kinzie

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 1
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Nininger Elected on Board
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Nininger

Mr. J. B. Doze

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 1
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Give Big Majorities to Eller and Kelly for Student Council—Samuel Kurtz and Anna M. Edgecomb Are Popular Choices for Cheer Leaders—Election Was Quiet Affair—New Officers Are Well Qualified for Their Positions in Every Case
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jay Eller

Stanley B. Keim

Marlin Kelly

Milton Dell

Samuel B. Kurtz

Kenneth Rock

Anna Mae Edgecomb

Fidella Frantz

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 2
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Present “The Gift” in Joint Association Meeting
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rose Turcotte

Edna Dunham

Grace Cochran

Ralph Himes

Arthur Prather

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.


Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 2
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Baldwin Makes Changes
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ray W. Baldwin
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 2
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Junior Class Adds to Who’s Who List
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor R. E. Mohler

Jay V. Eller

Ocie McAvoy

Paul Russel Kurtz

Laura B. McGaffey

Stanley Bryce Keim

Harold Ralph Barton

Margaret Wall

Richard V. Keim

J. Herman Jones

Harold Glade Fisher

Dr. Kurtz

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Student CouncilY.W.C.A.
Ladies’ Glee Club

Thespian Club


“M” Club

College Debate Clyb

Sports Mentioned (all) Football


Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 2
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Takes University Position
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Bertha Colline
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 2
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Swope Gets Raise
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Ammon Swope
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 3
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rowena Vaniman

Elva Shirk

Paul Sargent

Samuel Kurtz

Frank Barton

Harold Barton

Alberta Flory

Miriam Wenrick

Emmert Pair

Milton Dell

Ted Dell

Fahrney Slifer

Mrs. E. J. Unruh

Mabel Dunham

Edna Dunham

Mr. and Mrs. John Dunham

Rachel Dunham

Hazel Vogt

Elva Shirk

Mabel Griffin

Neva Griffin

Mr. and Mrs. V. S. Crispen

Galen Saylor
Glenn Strickler

Harvey Longannecker

William Mudra

Ada Miller

Dorothy Doane

Thelma Neuenschwander
Mrs. Lizzie Shirl

Abram Hostetter

Marietta Byerly

Mayme King

Ursula Flory

Wava Long

Doris Plum

Lorinda Leatherman

Ida Johnson

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 3
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name “Pa and Ma” Mohler Give Juniors Time of Their Lives
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor and Mrs. Mohler

Paul Kurtz

Vivian Long

Reetha Studebaker

Galde Fisher

Ocie McAvoy

Pauline Shirk

Stanley Keim

Edith Slifer

Mabel Griffin

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 3
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name For George Merkey
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) George Merkey

Maude Merkey

Ida Merkey

Ruth Lerew

Elsie Ivins

Viola Bowser

Mr. and Mrs. Elrod

Mr. George and David Merkey

Clifton Dutton

William Burgin

Willis Neff

Hubert Bowser

Omer Vancoyoc

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 3
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Social Events—Coaches Feeds Basketeers
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) “Si” Sargent

“Duke” Strickler

“Dick” Hill

“Fat” Mast

“Jim” Ellwood

Rufus Daggett

“Rev” Eakes

Ted Kolzow

Frank Barton

Ernest Tipton

“Peanuts” Morine

“Heinie” Hahn

“Hal” Barton

“Cece” Holloway

Floyd Mishler

George Boone

Sports Mentioned (all) Men’s Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 3
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Hershey Entertainer Assistants
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor and Mrs. Hershey

Rowena Vaniman

Grace Ebaugh

Rosi Ring

Pauline Shirk

Thelma Neuenschwander

Paul Sargent

Carl Schneider

Sumner Eshelman

Harold Strickler

Abram Hostetter

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 3
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name In Honor of Bonnie Huston
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lillie Crumpacker

Bonnie Huston

Mattie Ring

Anna Mae Edgecomb

Mildred Mast

Loretta Zongker

Laura Hammann

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 3
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Juniors Entertain Seniors
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ted Baker

John Lehman

Mrs. Gaw

Mercie Shatto

Marie Brubaker

Mary Whiteneck


Oliver Ebel

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 4
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Bulldog Tracksters to Meet Methodists—Coyotes to Come Tomorrow Afternoon for Contest on Home Field
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Tipton


O. Kaufman



H. Kaufman






Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 4
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Carlson



W. Hill

Sports Mentioned (all) Golf
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No.31 pg. 4
Date Published April 22, 1924
Article Name Unanimous Vote Gives “Dick” Hill Captaincy
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Coach Mishler

“Dick” Hill

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 1
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name Pomp and Splendor Will Accompany the First May Day Fete
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Chapman

Jupiter Pluvius

Helen Elliot

Margaret Wall

Margaret Mikesell

Maurine Stutzman

A. San Romani

Dr. D. W. Kurtz

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) The College Band

Ladies Glee Club

Ladies in Waiting

Boys Gym Class

Senior Class

Junior Class

Sophomore Class

Freshman Class

Events Mentioned (First Annual College) May Day Fete

Crowning of the May Queen

Sports Mentioned (all) Track and Field

Athletic contests

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 1
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name Yoder Secures Position in Garfield High School
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Harlan Yoder

Lloyd Saylor

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council
Events Mentioned Yoder receives job as a teacher in manual training, general science, and civics.
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 1
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name Not A Dull Moment in “A Pair of Sixes”
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Anderson

Edward Pepie

Jay Eller


Earl Morris

T Boggs John

Ocie McAvoy

Florence Cole

Mayme Maison

Mrs. Nettleton

Mabel Griffin


Vivian Long


Earl Breon


Marathon High


Harold Strickler


Elberta Vaniman


Leo Warner


Paul Kurtz

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 1
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name Plays in Chapel
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Paul Burke

Prof. Lauer

Winston Cassler

Events Mentioned Music County Contest

Student gives violin solo in chapel.

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 1
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name Spilman Chosen to Head Debate Club Next Year
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Vivian Spilman

Kenneth Rock

Harriet Mohler

Fay Bailey

Horner Eby

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) The Debate Club

The Spectator

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 1
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name New Department of Commerce Will Be Organized Next Fall
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) L. L. Briggs


T. Stockton

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Department of Commerce
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 1
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name Sargent to Head La Verne Department of Chemistry
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Paul Sargent
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Class of 1923
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball


Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 1
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name Home Run Wins First Game From Hays T. C.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Kolzow
Events Mentioned Game against Hays Teacher’s College
Sports Mentioned (all) Baseball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 1
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name Hold Cabinet Training Conference in Wichita
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mildred Inskeep

H. M. Mckeen

Bill Herrington

Raymond Carey

Mr. Eichelberger

Mr. Hyde

Margaret Hall

Selma Engstrom

Harriet Mohler

Mary B. Swope

Frank Howell

Jay Eller

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. M. C. A

Y. W. C. A

Events Mentioned Cabinet Training Conference

Carey lectures on “Why We Are Here”

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 1
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name Brubaker Wins First Honors at Wichita in Oratorical Contest
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) David Brubaker

Bernhard Barger

David Boyer

Pres.W. O. Mendenhall

George A. Kelly

Mary Haymaker

Raymond H. Davis

Bessie Orr

Samuel Groening

Harold Thuma

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Senior Class
Events Mentioned Kansas State Peace Oratorical Contest

National Contest in Ohio towards the end of May

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 1
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name Recieves Recognition as Official
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Mohler
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 2
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name The Spectator
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dale Strickler

Laura B. McGaffey

Helen Jacobs

Earl Morris

Leonard Timmons

Paul Kurtz

Ruth Greene

Ruth Mohler

Vivian Long

Rose Stauffer

Vivian Spillman

Dr. Craik

Homer Eby

Albert Unruh

Dorothy Doane

Mrs. A. R. Lauer

Stanley Keim

Floyd Kurtz

Kenneth Rock

Richard Keim

Harriet Mohler

Sumner Esthelman

Prof. McGaffey

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) The Spectator

Student Council

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 2
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name A Necessary Curtailment
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council

The Spectator

Sports Mentioned (all) Football




Track and Field

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 2
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name From An Athlete
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council

Debate Teams

Sports Mentioned (all) Football



Track and Field


Other Editorial by a student-athlete addressing the issue that only sports are being cut, not other extracurriculars such as theatre and debate.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 2
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name Management Lets Out Secret—Cakes Made of Sawdust
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Yoder
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Manuel Training Department
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 2
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name Staff Makes Canvass of the Years Events
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) The Spectator

Y. M. C. A.

Y. W. C. A.

Student Council


Dramatic Department

Athletic Association

Music Department

Choral Society

Debate Club

“M” Club

Senior Class

Junior Class

Sophomore Class

Freshman Class

Events Mentioned Plays


Christmas Program

Bible Institute

Lyceum Course

Symphony Orchestra concert

Choral Society Concert


High School Festival

May Day Festival

All-schools’ Day

Faculty Reception

Class Socials

Freshman-Senior Social

Junior-Senior Banquet

Sports Mentioned (all) Football



Track and Field


Other List of clubs and the events they held throughout the school year (generalized).
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 2
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name Y. W. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Winston Cassler

Leland Kuns

Harold Barton

Frank Barton

Mr. Sargent

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. W. C. A

The College Quartet

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 2
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name Cullen Goes To La Verne
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) President E. M. Studebaker

Ray R. Cullen

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 3
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Leonard Timmons

Prof. Blair

Everett Brubaker

Minnie Mugler

Delia Chavez

Carl Schneider

Grace Ebaugh

Dorance Jordan

Prof. and Mrs. Hess

William Bishop

Prof. Mohler

Stella Bowman

Earl Linholm

Ray Vaniman

Bernice Peck

Beulah Cullen

Dora and Bertha Shantz

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) The Dramatic Art Department

Y. M. C. A.

Y. W. C. A

Events Mentioned Debate at Ramona

Junior-Senior Banquet

Oratorical contest

State Sunday School Convention

Play at the Presbyterian Church

Other Mohler lectures on “Our Place and Share in the Religious Education of Tomorrow”.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 3
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name Fahnestock Frolics
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) B. Bill


Harian Yoder


R. Garmen

H. Martin



Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 3
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name Social Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Prof. Mohler

Jay Eller

Mrs. Mohler

Margaret Wall

Marathon High

Fidelin Frantz

Emmert Pair

Archie San Romani

Minnie Edgecomb

Helen Freeburg

Bernice Hoover

Selma Engstrom

Margaret Mikesell

Lillie Crumpacker

Elva Shirk

Shiney Sondergard

Gordon Heaston

Samuel Kurtz

Marlin Kelly

Cleo Hill

Milton Dell

Henry Hahn

Prof. and Mrs. Gaw

David Brubaker

Stanley Keim

Helen Elliot

Dr. E. L. Craik

Ocie McAvoy

Miss Anderson

Mary Shipman Andrews

Bernice Peck

Floyce Rhodes

Loretta Aongler

Anna Mae Edgecomb

Ernest Tipton

Ted Kolzaw

Theodore Rahb

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Junior-Senior Banquet

Cosmos Club

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 3
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name Students Are Securing Schools for Next Year
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mildred Fisher

Rhea Fast

Mr. and Mrs. Templeton

Lola Neher

Chressie Heckman

Leonard Timmons

Frank Booke

Omer Vanscoyoe

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 4
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name First Dual Meet Goes to Salina Wesleyan U.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Sanger Crumpacker








Godwin, K.










Leonard Crumpacker

Events Mentioned Track meet
Sports Mentioned (all) Track and Field

100 yard dash

Mile run

Shot put

120 yard hurdles

440 yard run

220 yard hurdles

220 yard dash

Broad Jump

880 yard run

Pole Vault

Two mile run

High jump



Mile relay

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 4
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name Sanger Crumpacker Given Captaincy of Track Team
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Sanger Crumpacker
Sports Mentioned (all) Track and Field
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 4
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name Miss Helstrom Gets Position
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Beulah Helstrom
Events Mentioned Helstrom elected to a position teaching Home Economics
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7/No. 32/Page 4
Date Published April 29, 1924
Article Name Academy Remains on Accredited List (and other untitled articles)
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) H. M. Gage
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 1
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name College to Take Big Part in All Schools Day Program
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Anderson
Events Mentioned All School’s Day
Sports Mentioned (all) Baseball


Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 1
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name Give Fine Arts Recital
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Misses Fern Lingenfelter, Mary Harnly, Mabel Hoffman, Ruth Hawkins, Lora Shatto, Edna Steel, Wileta Durst, Alfeda Hagstrom, Della Chavez, Eunice Almen, Agnes Sanderson, Oliver Ebel, Edwin Johnson
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 1
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name Nearly $400 is Received by “M” Club for Project
Names mentioned (all the names in the article)
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) “M” Club
Events Mentioned Horse race
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 1
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name Senior Class Observes Annual Ivy Day Event
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Doris Plum, Dale Strickler, Rhea Fast, Mildred Fisher, Gertrude Witmore, Eunice Aimen, Dr. Craik
Events Mentioned Ivy Day Tradition
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 1
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name New Homes Being Built
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) S.P. Crumpacker, Professor Mohler, Hoffman
Events Mentioned New homes being built
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 1
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name Orchestra Gives Concert
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Helen Garst, Mr. San Romani, Mrs. A.R. Maltby
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Symphony Orchestra
Events Mentioned Orchestra concert
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 1
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name Will Lecture on Radium
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Hershey
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 1
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name Bethel Humbled for Second Time in Game Featured by Hitting
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miller, Kozlow, Barton, Hahn, Ellwood, Mast, Harry Colburn
Sports Mentioned (all) Baseball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 1
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name Ebel Named Chairman of Anniversary Committee
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Craik, Professor Ebel, Professor Yoder, Dr. Harnly, W.J. Krehbiel, W.R. Carlson
Events Mentioned 40th Anniversary of M.C.


Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 1
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name Summer School Offers Variety of Courses
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Blair
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 1
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name Dr. Kurtz Will Begin Tour of Lectures Soon
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 1
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name Hess Judges Contest at Southwestern College
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Hess, Mr. Boyer, Mr. Brubaker
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 1 & 3
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name Campus is Scene of Gorgeous Pageantry in May Day Festival
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Margaret Wall, Floyd Mishler, Chic Chapman, San Romani, Dr. Kurtz,
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Ladies Glee Club
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 33 Pg. 1
Date Published May 9, 1924
Article Name Fahnestock Hall Men are Learning Graceful Manners
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) “Poddy” Himes, Big Bill, Paul Kurtz, Bishop, Morris, Ratzlaff, Hal, Rufus
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 2
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name Y.W.C.A. Program is Given by Academy Girls
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Marie Brubaker, Carrie Feiler, Esther Freeburg, Mercie Shatto, Gladys Fishburn, Mary Whiteneck, Alta Lauver, Vera Glathart, Jennie Yiengst
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.W.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 2
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name Library Committee Meets
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Margaret Walters, Miss McGaffey, Professor Nininger, Professor Hess, Dr. Craik, and Miss Margaret Heckethorn, President Kurtz
Volume/Number/Page Vol.07 No. 33 Pg. 2
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name Professors Make Confessions in Y.M.C.A. Meeting
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Craik, Professor Blair, Professor Yoder, Dr. Sharp, Dr. Frantz, Professor Deeter, Homer G. Engle
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 2
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name A Tribute to Mother
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) G. Newell Lovejoy
Events Mentioned Mother’s Day
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 2
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name Alumni Directory is Out
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) W.B. Van Horn, Dr. Craik, Miss McGaffey, Miss Hill
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 3
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name By the Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss McGaffey, Elizabeth Mohler, Ruth Mohler, Della Day, Ralph Himes, Addie Himes, Bernice Peck, Lorinda Leatherman, Ocie McAvoy, Samuel Kurtz, Ida Johnson, Clyde Rupp, Elmer Rupp, Elberta Vaniman, Margaret Mikesell, Mary B. Swope, Pauline Shirk, Elva Shirk, Frank Barton, Hal Barton, Stanly Keim, Harold Strickler, Dale Strickler, Mr. and Mrs. H.H. Fast, Mrs. Charles Morris, Rhea Fast, Harriett Mohler, Naomi Mohler, Eunice Almen, Earl Morris, Sidney Sondergard, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Fontz, Fidelia Frantz, Bernice Hoover, Harlan Yoder, Rufus Daggett, Vivian Harnly, John Harnly, Hazel Scott, Wileta Durst, Irene Miller, Mabel Griffin, Lester Ogden, Ursula Flory, Helen Freeburg, Grace Ebaugh, Carl Schneider, Ruth Green, Julia Jones, Agnes Toeves, Bertha Unruh, Mrs. Jack Unruh, Maurine Stutzman, Miss Anderson, Leland Moore, Paul Lentz, Elsie Meador, Ira S. Arnold
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 3
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name Fahnestock Frolics
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Kurtz, Riffel, Big Bill, Ursula, Richard Keim
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 3
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name Social Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Helen Hartell, Mr. Lloyd Hawley, Arnold Hall, Charles S. Morris, Rhea Fast, Mildred Fisher, Ocie McAvoy, Lorinda Leatherman, Reetha Studebaker, Gertrude Witmore, “Dick” Keim, Minnie Edgecomb, Doris Ring, Elva Shirk, Pauline Shirk, Stan Keim, Sumner Eshelman, Hal Barton, Dick Keim, Aenid Gray, Rozella White, Cleo Hill, Hoyt Strickler, Earl Morris, Eunice Aimen, Doris Ring, Mr. R. Maurice Hobdy
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 4
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name To Enter Naval School
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Stanley Linholm
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) United States Coast Guard Academy
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 4
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name Article with no name at the top of pg. 4 in the middle
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Fidelia Frantz, Doris Plum, Wava Long, Lota Neher, Doris Ring, Ursula Flory, Mary Harnly, Constance Myers, Elva Shirk, Goldie Vickers, Ethel Mae Mesker, Edith Bolinger
Sports Mentioned (all) Basketball


Volume/Number/Page Vol. 07 No. 33 Pg. 4
Date Published May 6, 1924
Article Name Junior Class Wins May Day Contests
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) G. Hill, F. Barton, S. Kiem, Fisher, Daggett, Timmons, Sondergard, Holloway, H. Barton, S. Kurtz, R. Keim, Vanscovnc, Hahn, Tipton
Events Mentioned May Day Contests
Sports Mentioned (all) Track Events


Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 1
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name Several New Members Added to M.C. Faculty
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Mayme E. Welker

Miss Minnie Walters

Professor Gaw

Miss Kathryn Penner

Professor J. Lewis Doll

Professor Lauer

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) M.C. Faculty
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 1
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name S.C. Being Reorganized
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Jay Eller

Marlin Kelly

Vivian Long

Fidella Frantz

Selma Engstrom

Milton Dell

Mary Harnly

Glenn Rothrock

Merie Stouder

Phil Spohn

Vera Glathart

Royal Yoder

Professors Hershey and Boone

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council

Commercial Departments

Other Freshman College Class

Freshman Academy

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 1
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name $85,000 Mark Passed in Endowment Drive After Seven Months
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Field Secretary Wagoner

Reverend O.H. Feller

Reverend Mr. Sargent

Events Mentioned Endowment drive
Other Prospects are Assuring; Depend on the Students
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 1
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name Three Students Appear in Graduation Recitals
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Helen Garst

Miss Bessie Breman

Miss Delia Chavez

Professor Lauer

Miss Brown

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 1
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name Six Faculty Members Leave M.C. This Year
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Lauer

Miss Margaret Walters

Miss Minnie Walters

Miss Anderson

Dr. Craik

Professor and Mrs. Gaw

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 1
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name Hess is State Chairman
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Hess

S.F. Weston

Professor Teale

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 1 and 4
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name Dr. Kurtz will Lead Party of M.C. People in European Travels
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) McPherson College Alumni, students, faculty, and Friends

Dr. D.W. Kurtz

Mrs. Kurtz

Mrs. Wall

John Wall

Margaret Wall

Wilbur Vaniman

M.R. Murry

Grace Brubaker

Sanger Crumpacker

Mildred Fisher

Lola Hill

Lola Blondefield

Cora Browers

Elsie K. Sanger

Reverend Clarence Eshelman

Emery Wine

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pair

Mayme King

Ada Kurtz

Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Minnich

Elenor Swett

Anna Miller

Reverence D.D. Funderburg

Elmer Brunk

Mrs. Elva Shoeberger McBeth

Glenn Strickler

Hortense Lear

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 2
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name Editorial Staff
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dale Strickler

Laura B. McGaffey

Helen Jacobs

Earl Morris

Leonard Timmons

Paul Kurtz

Ruth Mohler

Rose Stauffer

Ruth Greene

Vivian Long

Vivian Spilman

Dr. Craik

Loretta Zongker

Harriett Mohler

Selma Engstrom

Mildred Carpenter

Paul Lentz

Professor Gaw

Reetha Studebacker

Hazel Vogl

Kenneth Rock

Albert Unruh

Dr. Harnly

Mildred Fisher

Carrie Stauffer

Richard Keim

Mabel Hoffman

Stanley R. Keim

Sumner Eshelman

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 2
Date Published May 13, 1924
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 2
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name Y.W.C.A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Margaret Wall

Elizabeth Mohler

Rhea Fast

Elberta Vaniman

Elsie Forney

Gertrude Witmore

Selma Engstrom

Naomi Mohler

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 2
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name Miss Kurtz Wins Honor
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Ada Kurtz
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 2
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name Alumna to go to India
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. Jessie Carter Johnson

Reverend E.S. Johnson

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 2
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name To Give Program Sunday
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Lester Horner

Professor Lauer

Mrs. Wm. Fraser

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 2
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name Hershey Lectures on Badium
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Hershey
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 2
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name I.A. Toev’s Record
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 2
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name Would $400 (or more) Interest You
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) M.H. McKean
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Society for Misual Education


Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 2
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name Alumni, Take Notice!
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) E.L. Craik
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 2
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name Ladies Glee Cub will make Final Appearance
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Forrest W. Gaw

Herkle Wampler

Miss Bessie Breman

Miss Peck

Mrs. Alice Birkin

Miss Bernice Peck

Mrs. Ruth Betts

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 3
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Clyde Rupp

Mrs. Durst

Earl Reed

Dr. and Mrs. Craik

Esther Wilber

Marie Cullen

Ida and Pauline Johnson

Elmer Rupp

Roy Johnson

Lorinda Leatherman

Hazel Scott

Loretta Yoder

Thelma Neuenschwander

Vivian Spilman

Marie Plug

Bernice Steinberg

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Steinberg

Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Jenzen

Miss Portia Vaughn

Reverend and Mrs. H.F. Richards

Professor G.N. Boone

J.A. Flory

Professor J.W. Deeter

Catharyne Mohler

Mrs. Frank Richie

Mrs. C.A. Krohn

Mary B. Swope

Bernice Hoover

Wm. Bishop

Roy Neher

Lota and Edna

Alberta Flory

Dortha Peters

Emmert Pair

Ted Dell

Gerald Eddy

Harld Kline

Ada Correll

Jessie Ball

Mr. and Mrs. J.R. Wine

Mrs. Brunk

Mr. and Mrs. O.C. Chavez

Opal Enos

Mrs. Hess

Agnes Sanderson

Miss Lola Hill

Marianne Kittell

Nellie and Nettie Darrah

Leon Morine

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 3
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name Fahnestock Frolics
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rusty Barton

Milton Dell

Al Unruh

Floyd Kurtz


Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y.M.C.A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 3
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name Social Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Ruth Greene

Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Morris

Julia Jones

Aenid Gray Margaret Mikesell

Mary B. Swope

Harriett Mohler

Naomi Mohler

Helen Freeburg

Cordelia Anderson

Bernice Peck

Rozella White

Eunice Almen

Maurine Stutzman

Selma Engstrom

Messrs “Heinie” Hahn, Cleo Hill, “Duke” Stickler

Leland Kuns

Sidney Sondergard

Harvey Anderson

David Barnes

Harold Barnes

Harold Strickler

Hoyt Strickler

Earl Morris

Harold Lundeed

Misses Margaret Wall and Elberta Vaniman

Messrs Roland Jones, Russel Jones, and Frank Barton

Miss Alma Anderson

Mr. Leland Morre

Carrie Feiler

Gladys Fishburn

Miss Ida Blough

Mrs. Betts

Margaret Lauer

Ruth Betts

Ada Unruh

Miss Loin Neher

Gladys Adamson

Ocie McAvoy

Lorinda Leatherman

Eunice Almen

Reetha Studebaker

Gerturde Witmore

Mildred Fisher

Rhea Fast

Margaret Wall

Elberta Vaniman

Rozella White

Mildred Carpenter

Minnie Edgecomb

Gladys Fishburn

Lola Hill

Edith McGaffey

Neva Fishburn

Della Day

Ida Bouch

Grace Brubaker

Ethel Hill

Mrs. Bretches

Alma Mae and Zelma Regret

Misses Alice Hoerner and Lillie Crumpacker

Miss Blackie

Misses Pat, Dusty, Shorty, Bobby, Blondie, Mid, Brownie, and Blackie

Dr. D.H. Hoover

Other For Ruth Greene; Announces Approaching Marriage; Solve it Yourself; Dr. Hoover Advanced
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 4
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name Baseball Season Will Close Against Hays T.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 4
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name Beam, Anderson, and Hill to Enter State Golf Meet
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Beam


W. Hill

Events Mentioned Interclass tournament
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 4
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name Virden J. Kolzow
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) “Ted”
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 4
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name Book is High Point Man for McPherson at Meet
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Rock





Captain Crumpacker

Sports Mentioned (all) Track Meet Stats
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 4
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name Tennis Teams win Four Matches from Bethel C.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Yoder



Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 34 Page 4
Date Published May 13, 1924
Article Name McPherson Team is Hard Hit in Game at Salina
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Kubin
Sports Mentioned (all) Baseball
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 1
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Comedy Given by the Dramatic Art Class is Cleverly Staged
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Anderson

Jay Eller

Leland Kuas

Mildred Carpenter

Earl Morris

Frank Boone

Hoyt Strickler

Rosella White

Dale Strickler

Fredirie Scott

Lillie Crumpacker

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Dramatic Art Department
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 1
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Fourteen Graduate From Music School This Year
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Agnes Sanderson

Mrs. Iva Gilson

Mr. Herkle Wampler

Miss Orpha Smith

Miss Wileta Durst

Mr. Carl Freeburg

Miss Hazel Scott

Miss Fern LIgenfelter

Miss Helen Garst

Other Graduates from Music School
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 1
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Alumni to Hold Annual Banquet This Evening
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Craik

I.T. Dirks

Reverend W.A. Kinzie

Mrs. Pauline Vaniman

Mrs. Edna Neher Charles

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 1
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Ninety-Nine Candidates Will Receive Diplomas
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Jessie Brown

Reverend Claude E. Sayre

Miss Fern Lingenfelter

Reverend Charles F. Aked

President D.W. Kurtz

Reverend Lawrence S. Ashley

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Ladies Glee Club
Events Mentioned Annual Commencement of the College
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 1
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Three New Faculty Members are Added
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Miss Mercedes Chapman

Miss Alma Anderson

Miss Celesta Wite

Mr. Willard Mishoff

Dr. Craik

C. Ray Keim

Professor Hershey

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Girls Athletic and Physical Training Department
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 1
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Medals are Awarded for Extra-Curricular Work
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Students in Extra-Curricular Activities

John Lehman

Theodore Baker

Marie Brubaker

Phillip Spohn

Kenneth Rock

Leonard Timmons

J. Herman Jones

B.F. Waas

Harlan Yoder

Dale Strickler

Laura McGaffey

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Student Council
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 1
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Richard Keim Elected President of “M” Club
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Paul Sargent

Richard Keim

Professor Morris

Professor R.E. Mohler

Dale Strickler

Dr. W.C. Heaston

Professor G.N. Boone

Dr. E.L. Quanrins

Coach Mishler

Maurice Beam

Glade Fisher

Paul Sargent

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) “M” Club

Cosmos Club

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 1
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Alumna Gives Valuable Painting to the College
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. Lida Sohlberg Deere

Dr. Craik

Miss McGaffey

Miss Hill

Professor Nininger

Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Commercial Department

Alumni Association

Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 2
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name In Appreciation
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Craik, Professor McGaffey, Laura McGaffey, Stanley Keim
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 2
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Ladies Glee Club Gives Most Enjoyable Concert
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor Gaw, Bernice Peck, Bessie Bremen, Marie Gaw, Fonda Harden, Herkle Wampler
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 2
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Sophs Capture Float Prize
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Simon Strouse, Anna Mae Edgecomb, Lillie Crumpacker, Elva Shirk, Leonard Timmons, Floye Rhodes, Lorretta Zongker, Mattie Ring, Inez Fulton, Edna Dunham, Laura Hammann, Bonnie Huston, Fonda Harden, Opal Enos, Heine Hahn, Sid Sondergard, Harry Riffel
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 2
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Girls Effect Association to Supervise Athletics
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Laura Hammann, Ethel Mae Metsker, Anna Mae Edgecomb
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 2
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Alumni Items
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. John Addison Clement
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 2
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name M. C. Men on Conference Program
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) W. O. Beckner, J. J. Yoder, S. J. Miller, A. C. Wieand, Ellis M. Studebaker, F. F. Holsopple, J. Clyde Forney
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 2
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name New Advisers Chosen
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Edith McGaffey, Mrs. J. W. Hershey, Mrs. E. L. Craik, Mafgaret Walters
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Y. W. C. A.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 2
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Faculty Favors Entrance Of U. S. Into World Court
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) E. L. Craik
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) Faculty of McPherson College
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 2
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Educational Directory Out
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) W. A. Cable, H. F. Sanger, Dr. Craik
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 2
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Y. W. C. A.
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Eunice Almen, Ursula Flory, Grace Ebaugh, Mildred Fisher, Doris Plum, Gertrude Witmore, Edna Neher, Helen Elliott
Clubs/Organizations mentioned(all) YWCA
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 3
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name All Day Sociat At Riverside Park Was Final Event of the Senior Socials
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. and Mrs. Craik, Orville Pote, Clyde Rupp
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 3
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Where The Seniors Will Be Next Year
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Eunice Almen, Frank Boone, David Brubaker, Elmer Brubaker, Everett Brubaker, Sanger Crumpacker, Myrl Curtis, Rufus Daggett, Garman Daron, Della Day, Grace Ebaugh, Helen Elliott, Sumner Eshelman, Rhea Fast, Sara Fike, Mildred Fisher, Ursula Flory, Elsie Forney, Warren Gish, Blanche Hall, John Harnly, Margaret Heckethorn, Chressie Heckman, Floyd Holcomb, Enola Humberd, I. A. Humberd, Haddon Ilsley, Helen Jacobs, Roy Kinzie, Margaret Lauer, Wava Long, Earl Marchand, Winona McGaffey, Ruth Mohler, Elizabet Hohler, Leland More, Edna Neher, Lota Neher, Doris Plum, Lillian Sandy, Carl Schneider E. F Sherfy, Ruth Shoemaker, Carrie Stauffer, Dale Strickler, L. G> Templeton, Viola Templeton, Omer Vanscoyne, Haze Vogt, Bennie Wass, Gertrude Witmore, Harlan Yoder, Calvin Boggs, Irvin Ihrig, Victor Vaniman, Bessie VanPelt.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 3
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Final Chapel Program
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Dr. Craik, David Brubaker, Lota Neher, Cressie Heckman, Ruth Mohler, Lota Neher,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 3
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Athletes of Class of ’23 Won Honors
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Sanger Crumpacker, Dale Strickler, Rufus Daggett, Harlan Yoder, Leonard Crumpacker, Roland Jones,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 3
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Uphold Ivy Tradition
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Eunice Almen, Dr. Craik, Cressie Hechman, Dale Strickler, Eunice Almen, Rhea Fast, Mildred Fisher, Rhea Fast, Gertrude Witmore
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 3
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Seniors Give Annual Class Day Program
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Chressie Heckman, Eunice Almen, Mildred Fisher, Elizabeth Mohler, I. A. Humberd E. F. Sherfy, David Brubaker, Jay Eller,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 3
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Honor Graduates
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Margaret Heckethorne, Eunice Almen, Gertrude Whitmore
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 4
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Senior Class Prophecy
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Eunice Almen, Frank Boone, David Brubaker, Elmer Brubaker, Everett Brubaker, Sanger Crumpacker, Myrl Curtis, Rufus Daggett, Garman Daron, Della Day, Grace Ebaugh, Helen Elliott, Sumner Eshelman, Rhea Fast, Sara Fike, Mildred Fisher, Ursula Flory, Elsie Forney, Warren Gish, Blanche Hall, John Harnly, Margaret Heckethorn, Chressie Heckman, Floyd Holcomb, Enola Humberd, I. A. Humberd, Haddon Ilsley, Helen Jacobs, Roy Kinzie, Margaret Lauer, Wava Long, Earl Marchand, Winona McGaffey, Ruth Mohler, Elizabet Hohler, Leland More, Edna Neher, Lota Neher, Doris Plum, Lillian Sandy, Carl Schneider E. F Sherfy, Ruth Shoemaker, Carrie Stauffer, Dale Strickler, L. G> Templeton, Viola Templeton, Omer Vanscoyne, Haze Vogt, Bennie Wass, Gertrude Witmore, Harlan Yoder, Calvin Boggs, Irvin Ihrig, Victor Vaniman, Bessie VanPelt.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 4
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Lights and Shadows of History
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Eunice Almen, E. L. Craik. Vilas Betts, John Slifer, David Brubaker, Dr. Kurtz,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 4
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Last Will and Testament
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) David Brubaker, Goldie Vickers, Rufus Daggett, Eunice Almen, Wileta Durst, Dale Strickler, Samuel Kurtz, Ursula Flory, Maurine Stutzman, Sumner Eshelman, Hoyt Strickler, John Harnly, Stan Keim, Albert Unruh, Carl Schneider, Earnest Tipton, Haddon Ilsley, Vivian Spilman, Gertrude Witmore, Edna Dunham, Frank Boone, Ralph Himes. Mildred Fisher, Stan Keim, Mr. Humberd, Bill Bishop, Doris Ring, Hazel Vogt, Edith Slifer, Ruth Mohler, Margaret Heckethorn, Mary B. Swope, Rhea Fast, Bernice Peck, Lota Neher, Hoyt Strickler, Rozella White, Leland Moore, Faye Bailey, Carrie Stauffer, Jack Lehman, Edna Neher, Thelma Seitz,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 5
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name By The Way
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Mrs. A. R. Hall, Anna Blanche Hall, Gladys Naylor, Gladys Brubaker, Professor Deeter, Florence Mohler, Carl Dell, ,John Mohler, Harold Strickler, Ralph Himes, Harvey Anderson, Salome Mohler, Ruth and Elizabeth Mohler, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Maust, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lingle, Harold Lundeen, Mrs. Elrod, Mrs. Luckett, Loren Curtis, Rhod Bengston, Ruth Mohler, Rozella White, Ona Rathbun, Ursula Flor y, Thelma Seitz, Glade Fisher, Herbert Martin, Mayme King, Professor and Mrs. Moriss, Professor Ebel, Miss Walters, Miss Trostle, Ddr. Kurtz, Professor Gaw, Professor and Mrs. Lauer, Professor and Mrs. Mohler, Mrs. Fahnestock, Professor and Mrs. Hess. Samuel Krtz, Barton Brothers, Wilbur Vaniman, Coach Mishler, Stanley Keim,
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 5
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Social Events
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Professor and Mrs. Mohler, Coach and Mrs. Mishler, Professor Deeter, Professor Gaw, Estella Engle, Reetha Studebaker, Elizabeth Mohler, Mrs. Herman Jones, Ocie McAvoy, Gertrude Witmore, Lorinda Leatherman, Mildred Fisher, Rhea Fast, Maurine Stutzman, Fidelia Frantz, Margaret Wall, Elberta Vaniman, Margaret Mikesell, Bernice Peck, Alma Anderson, Loretta Yoder, Rose Turcotte, Mary Harnly, Pauline Shirk, Elva Shirk, Minnie Edgecomb
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 6
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Letters and Sweaters Presented to Athletes
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Sargent, Blanket, Daggett, Professor Ebel, Professor Mohler, Strickler, C. Hill, Ellwood, Mast, Tipton, Eakes, Holloway, S. Crumpacker, Kurtz, Rock, Mudra, Barton, Kubin, Kolzow, Mast, Fisher, Hahn, Himes, Yoder, Beam, Robb.
Volume/Number/Page Vol. 7 No. 35 Page 6
Date Published May 22, 1924
Article Name Beam and Hill Win Honors at Emporia
Names mentioned (all the names in the article) Maurice Beam, Willard Hill,