The Alumni Magazine

McPherson College

Vol. III February, 1932  No. 1


Page 2   THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE   February, 1932




It is a wholesome exercise—the editing of one number of the Magazine. The response to the requests for news was good, yet some who are doing vitally interesting work were either too modest or too busy to report it. The rest of us are the losers, for we wanted much to hear from them. I hope this number will bring news of interest to all of you and that you will have the kindness to overlook errors that are not too serious and omissions that were not intentional. I am particular¬ly indebted to Eunice Almen, John Wall, R. E. Mohler, and Dale Strickler, who helped secure material, to Orville D. Pote, who took full charge of the printing; and to Ethel Sherfy; ’32, who addressed the wrappers.

  1. M.


Do Your Part

The life membership of the Alumni Association is proving to be the stabi¬lizing factor in the support of the organization. This membership of fif¬teen dollars is used as endowment, the income from which serves the Associ¬ation for current expenses. If every alumnus would be willing to pay the annual dues of one dollar, our income would be far more than it is from this endowment. It will be noted in the summarized statement, that only sixty- six members paid annual dues in 1930. Only forty-one paid these dues in 1931. At this rate, the Association could not send out one letter a year. Conse¬quently, it is increasingly important that the life membership fund be built up, so that more of the Associa¬tion’s plans can be carried out. The organization uses all the money at its command to keep in touch with alumni. Memberships are solicited at any time.


An Explanation

In another column of this paper is printed a summarized statement from the treasurer for the year, April 19, 1930 to April 17, 1931. Alumni fre¬quently ask, “What happens to the money that I have paid for a life membership?”, or “What is done with the dollar I pay annually?” It is hoped that this statement will help t answer those questions. The Maga¬zine is the largest item of expenditure. Through the kindness of some alumni, advertising was secured which helped pay part of this expense. Both num-bers of the Magazine were sent to all alumni regardless of life membership or paid-up annual dues. Such a policy may not be possible in later years, but we feel justified in following it now. The -result is that a few are paying for the benefit of many. Other major expenses include the ban¬quet at which the graduates of the current year and of the tenth year are guests of the Association, the expens¬es of the member on the Board of Trustees, the secretary’s salary, post¬age and printing. The books are open at any time, and the treasurer solicits suggestions for ways and means of increasing the income and of spending it more wisely.


The Alumni Magazine

Established 1930 Published by the

Alumni Association of McPherson College

Edith McGaffey, ’18 Orville D. Pote, ’23 _                              -Temporary Editor

—-Makeup Editor

John Wall ’28                     .-Business Manager


Edith McGaffey, ’18 G. N. Boone, ’21 Orville D. Pote, ’23               Leland Lindell, ’31           R. E. Mohler, ’07 Dale Strickler, ’24 Eunice Almen, ’24

Vol. III   February, 1932  No. 1


John Wall, ’28    President

  1. E. Mohler, ’07 Vice President

Edith McGaffey, ’18                                         Secretary

Paul K. Brandt, ’20           Alumni Trustee

BOARD OF DIRECTORS Paul Sargent, ’23                Eunice Almen, ’24

  1. C. Heaston, ’05 Kenneth Rock, ’27

John Wall, ’28                    R. C. Strohm, ’03

  1. E. Mohler, ’07 Leonard Crumpacker, ’28

Edith McGaffey, ’18         Archie Blickenstaff, ’29

Rush Holloway, ’30          Dale Strickler, ’24

  1. N. Boone, ’21 Keith Hayes, ’31

Lillie Crumpacker Jones, ’25

Don’t forget the advertisers. They mean business, and they deserve the attention of readers of this magazine. They support the Alumni Association. Alumni should support them.



Before You Forget

Will you not send to the Association any changes of address that have oc¬curred recently? We try to keep an accurate file of all alumni. Will you help?


A Correction

Through an error it was stated in the last Alumni Magazine that a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fisher, December 15, 1930. This little girl is the daughter of Mrs. Glade Fisher. Friends will recall the tragic death of Glade Fisher in the autumn of 1930, while he was hunting. The Magazine regrets the error.


On February 22 the many friends of Dr. H. J. Harnly met to honor him be¬cause of his seventieth birthday. This year also is the fortieth year of his association with McPherson College. The reception was followed by a brief program and a social hour in the par¬lors of the college church.


McPherson College will entertain the meeting of the Kansas Academy of Science. April 15 and 16. It is esti¬mated that two hundred scientists of Kansas will attend this meeting.


Page 3   THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE   February, 1932


From The President

‘Tis an easy task to pilot a ship through quiet waters. But when the sea is rough and the waters troubled, the skill of pilot and crew is sorely tried.

For a decade or more American edu-cation has been sailing on quiet seas. Every kind of school has been grow¬ing and prospering. Institutions grew and multiplied. There seemed to be no end to the expansive power of American education or American fi¬nance from 1919 to 1929.

But now we have encountered an economic storm. These days reveal where there has been waste and weak¬ness. Not a few American institu¬tions have crashed, many colleges and universities are being tried as by fire. Some will not survive the storm.

This time of crisis will reveal the capacity of our institutions. Those that have the adaptability to adjust their program to the changes that have so suddenly come upon us have a chance to live; especially if they leave convinced a critical public that they justify their existence.

At McPherson College we are using whatever of wisdom we have to adjust our program to the changed times. We are doing this just as much as is consistent with keeping up the reputa¬tion for high quality work, which has been won through many years.

We are eagerly expecting, too, a hearty response from those loyal friends of the College who know how critical these days are and who be¬lieve that the maintenance of our spiritual institution is of paramount importance.

  1. F. Schwalm


Accepts College Presidency

Dr. D. W. Kurtz, president of Mc-Pherson College from 1914 to 1927, has accepted the presidency of Beth¬any Biblical Seminary, Chicago, made vacant by the resignation of President A. C. Wieand. Dr. Kurtz is eminently- qualified for this position. His train¬ing has included attendance at many great American universities, including Yale and Pennsylvania, and the Euro¬pean universities of Leipzig, Berlin, Marburg, and the Sorbonne. His ad¬vanced degrees are A. M., B. D., D. D., and LL. D. He has traveled widely over the world, to Japan, Palestine, Syria, Egypt, and many times to Europe. His pastoral work and lec¬turing have brought him an acquaint¬ance with the Church of the Brethren

all over the United States and a wide acquaintance with church leaders of all denominations. Dr. Kurtz is the present moderator of the Annual Con¬ference which he has served repeated¬ly in important ways. He has had teaching and administrative responsi¬bilities in Juniata, McPherson, and La Verne colleges. His presidency at McPherson was marked with a vig¬orous policy for increased enrollment and endowment, and for higher edu¬cational and spiritual attainments. In view of his many qualifications and his devotion to his church, it seems particularly fitting that Dr. Kurtz should assume the presidency of the seminary. He takes up his duties on July 1, 1932.


Hershey Achieves New Honors

Dr. J. W. Hershey of the chemistry department has achieved new honors. Two year ago the scientific world was thrilled when he announced the mak¬ing of a synthetic diamond. Both the diamond and its maker received con¬siderable publicity. More recently Dr. Hershey has been working in another field, that of synthetic atmosphere, and in the last year this work has attracted wide-spread attention. Dur-ing the year Dr. Hershey has present¬ed papers on this research before three large scientific conventions. In March he appeared before the Ameri¬can Chemical Society in Indianapolis. A few weeks later he read papers be¬fore the Kansas Academy of Science. The crowning event of the year was his Christmas holiday trip to New Orleans, for the meeting of the Ameri¬can Association for the Advancement of Science, where he presented a pa¬per, slides, and a film made in the Mc¬Pherson College laboratories. The December issue of the Scientific American, carried an article written by Dr. Hershey which discussed many of his experiments and discoveries concerning the effect of different at¬mospheres on animal life. Increasing the percentages of the rare gasses was found to increase the length of the life. It is believed that these dis-coveries will affect deep-sea diving, mining, submarines, aeronautics, and the ventilation of buildings. Sir George Herbert Wilkins used Dr. Hershey’s discoveries in fitting out his submarine, Defender, for his pro- posed Arctic expedition under the ice fields.


Herbert Mowbray has been presi¬dent of the “M” Club during this school year.


Treasurer’s Report

April 19, 1930—April 17, 1931



On hand, April 19, 1930                 $ 75.93

Annual dues      06.00

Interest                182.04

Advertising        114.75

County Association          9.65

Banquet tickets                134.00

Subscriptions     33.50

$ 615.87


Banquet               $ 158.32

Postage                21.30

Hutchinson reunion       4.35

Secretary             50.00

Check returned                1.00

Trustee expenses            24.67

Class ’22, interest            24.00

Printing                11.35 3.50

Typing ….              3.00

Safety box rental             223.79



Balance, April 17, 1931  $ 615.87



On hand, April 19, 1930                 $ 335.00

Life Memberships           200.00

$ 535.00

Bond ….                                                               $ 500.00

Balance, April 17, 1931  35.00

$ 535.00


Cash, checking account $ 90.59

Life Membership             (Sav’s. acct.)       35.00

Bonds, 6%            2,500.00

Government bonds, 4 1/2%         900.00

Note, 8%             100.00



Finds Canada Interesting


Lela Hultqvist Booth, ’29, finds life in Dolbeau, Quebec, Canada, different from that of Kansas plains. She and her minister husband must travel one hundred miles if they care to visit their nearest Protestant minister. She calls it a “little trip” through that country of “one river and lake after another.” The method of travel dur¬ing the winter is chiefly by dog sleigh, a method which is not so slow as it might seem. She says the Laurentian mountains separate their paper mill town of 1,500 inhabitants from the rest of the world, and to the north the next point of interest is the Pole.


Page 4   THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE   February, 1932


McPherson College Loyalty Fund

The Board of Trustees, while in ses¬sion February 2 and 3, established the McPherson College Loyalty Fund as a method of meeting the crisis of the economic depression. This movement was made necessary by the fact that all sources of income upon which the College normally depends have been reduced. Income from investments, income from college farms, income from gifts from individuals and churches, and income from students all have been reduced. Many colleges are facing possible closure due to the economic depression and enormous debts they are accumulating during these difficult days. In order not to handicap and cripple McPherson Col¬lege permanently in this period of crisis, the trustees are determined to secure funds wherever available to make up any deficit in the budget which may appear during the year. The faculty have already contributed liberally by giving three or four thou¬sand dollars in a refund from their salaries. Some alumni have given in¬dividual gifts. Churches sent in of¬ferings on McPherson College day. The Booster Banquet to be held on April 1 and further gifts from indi¬viduals will increase the amount. The trustees felt the need so keenly that they raised in a few minutes six hun¬dred fifty dollars in cash to add to this fund. Alumni of the College who have received benefits here and who love their Alma Mater will be asked to give ten to twenty-five dollars or more to aid in this cause. Daniel Webster said of Dartmouth, “The col¬lege may be small but there are those who love it.” If alumni love their Al¬ma Mater and are loyal to her, that love and loyalty will be measured by their willingness to give for her in this time of need. Teachers who have good teaching positions on regular salaries should be able to give amounts which would help out ma-terially during the winter. Watch the McPherson College Loyalty Fund grow.


Nearly 600 Attend Banquet

McPherson’s first Booster Banquet, March 27, 1931, brought an attendance of nearly six hundred, and a most sub¬stantial addition to the maintenance funds of the College. Governor Harry M. Woodring was the chief speaker of the evening. Dr. A. C. Wieand of Chicago, Supt. R. W. Potwin of the McPherson schools, Miss Louise Leslie of the state board of education, Dr. George Gemmell of Manhattan, and Mayor D. R. Maltby of McPherson were guests who spoke briefly during the banquet. Senator W. J. Krehbiel of McPherson was toastmaster of the evening. Many factors contributed to the success of the evening: the delic¬ious dinner served by the women of the Brethren Church, the enthusiasm of the college students, the hearty support of townspeople, the alumni who drove a great distance to be pres¬ent, and not the least, the blizzard which made necessary the chartering of a special train to bring the gover¬nor here.


The New Dean

Prof. Fred A. Replogle assumed at the beginning of the school year the administrative position of dean-registrar of the College. Mr. Replogle came to McPherson from the Univer¬sity of Chicago where he was com¬pleting his work for the doctor’s de¬gree. He holds a master’s degree from Northwestern University. He has had a wide experience in teach¬ing and administrative work in public schools, as director of young people’s work, and as research director for the Methodist Educational Board. Mr. Replogle is a man of pleasing person¬ality and sterling character. He is highly respected on the campus as a teacher, as an administrator, and as a counselor. His training in psychology and his honest understanding of stu¬dent problems has made possible work that is proving to be very effective. The Alumni Magazine is glad to rec¬ognize the valuable contribution Dean Replogle makes to the college life and to welcome him to the larger McPher¬son family.


Former Professors

Miss Mildred Thurow is studying in Cornell University.

Mr. and Mrs. Cecil B. Williams of Chicago are parents of a son born in October.

Miss Laurene Steven is studying in the University of California at Los Angeles.

Celesta Wine is continuing her work for the doctor’s degree in English from the University of Chicago.

Miss Mayme Welker, former teach¬er of home economics, was married January 27 to Lewis Letholt of Brey- mer, Missouri.

Miss Florence Teager is teaching in the Illinois Teachers College at Nor¬mal. Miss Teager received the doc¬tor’s degree from the University of Iowa last August.

“Dutch” Lonborg, director of ath¬letics at McPherson College, 1921- 1923, now basketball coach at North¬western University, Chicago, secured the Big Ten basketball championship for 1931.

Dr. D. W. Kurtz conducted revival services for the Huntingdon, Pennsyl¬vania, Church of the Brethren, begin¬ning January 31. Dr. Kurtz is an alumnus of Juniata College, Hunting¬don, having received his A. B. degree in 1905.

Dr. A. J. Culler now of Cleveland, Ohio, former pastor of the college church and professor of theology in the College, is the author of a de¬lightful book, “Creative Religious Literature,” published by the Macmil¬lan Company.

A few months before the death of the late Dr. Sharp, first president of the College, his picture appeared in the “Believe It or Not” column of Ripley, the famous cartoonist, with the statement that he heard Abra¬ham Lincoln deliver the famous Get¬tysburg address, November 19, 1863.

George Gardner, now coach of bas-ketball at Washburn College, was asked to train the Henrys, indepen¬dent team from Wichita, for the na¬tional basketball tournament in Kan¬sas City last March. With Mr. Gard¬ner in charge of the team at the tour¬nament, and Melvin Miller one of the star players, McPherson people re¬joiced particularly in the Henrys’ championship.


The Class of ’32 has invited Dr. I. N. McCash, president of Phillips Uni¬versity, Enid, Oklahoma, to give the commencement address, on May 27. Dr. McCash is a speaker of national repute.


Page 5   THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE   February, 1932


Former Students

Jeanette Hoover has been trans¬ferred from the offices of the United Telephone Company of McPherson, to the main office at Abilene.

Irene Stover is taking training in the technical department of Research Hospital, Kansas City.

Dwight Newberg has received a number of honors at the Kansas State Teachers College, Emporia. Some re¬cent ones are editor of the Bulletin, the school paper, president of the jun¬ior class, and president of the non¬fraternity men.

Stewart Bailey successfully passed the Oklahoma state bar examination recently and was admitted to the Ok¬lahoma Bar Association as a full- fledged lawyer. Mr. Bailey studied at the University of Oklahoma after leaving McPherson College.

Marion Krehbiel took charge of the Lenora, Kansas, News about a year ago. Previous to that time he had been associated with the Ellis Review.

  1. D. Harner and wife, now in pas¬toral work at Plattsburg, Missouri, at¬tended the Regional Conference at McPherson, February 1 to 5.

Mrs. Alfred Means (Louise Muck) of Valentine, Texas, delights in her two children, a son two years old and a baby daughter born at Christmas time.

William Riddlesbarger and family have recently located in McPherson.

Charles Collins teaches in a rural school near Lamed.

Lillian Horning is teaching in the grades at Jetmore, Kansas.

  1. D. Michael is pastor of the Lam¬ed, Kansas, Church of the Brethren.

Charles Bish is a senior in the den¬tal college of Leland Stanford Univer¬sity.

  1. B. Engle who was in McPherson College two years, 1916-18, is as¬sistant professor in the department of agronomy, University of Nebraska. He has charge of undergraduate teaching in soils.

Essie Kimball of Nickerson decided to stay at home and secure her second year of college work at Hutchinson.

Sue Ganson, since graduation from the University of Kansas, has secured an important position in the psychol¬ogy department of the College of Physical Research, University of Cleveland.

Charles Mattox, an art student in Kansas City, tried an experiment last summer in free lance work. He “hitch hiked” to Taos, New Mexico, late in the summer, sketched, painted, sold enough of his work to make his expenses, and came back to Kansas City for the winter. He now has a studio of his own, has sold many pictures in the city, and has, apparently, a bright future.

Robert Sohlberg, Jr., has been se¬lected by the faculty of the school of medicine at Northwestern University as an assistant gross anatomy. Mr. Sohlberg took up his duties at the opening of the fall term. At the same time he continues his work on re¬search problems in neurological anat-omy.

The Denver Post relates the story of Mrs. Elsie M. Corwin, formerly Miss Elsie M. Stevens, a student in 1917-18, who has been achieving recognition for her work as a writer. It will be remembered that Mrs. Corwin is blind and that in McPherson College she had to make use of a reader.

Lena Caudle has inaugurated a high type of employment service for Tul¬sa, Oklahoma, known as the Caudle Personnel Service.

Rachel Stratton Dunlap is now liv¬ing at. Fargo, North Dakota, where she is completing a course in business training. A year ago at Christmas time, Mrs. Dunlap’s husband died af¬ter a year’s illness. Mrs. Dunlap has an eight-year-old daughter, Patricia Louise.


Dr. S. Z. Sharp Passes Away

Dr. S. Z. Sharp, founder of McPher¬son College and its president from 1888 to 1894, died in a hospital at Fruita, Colorado, on August 8, 1931, from injuries received in an automo¬bile accident two weeks previously. His obituary as printed in the McPher¬son Daily Republican last August is as follows:

Solomon Z. ’Sharp, the founder and first president of McPherson College, was born December 21, 1895, near Al- lenville, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. He was educated at the State Teachers’ College at Millersville, Pennsylvania, in 1860. He united with the Church of the Brethren the same year and al¬so bought Kishacoquillas Seminary of which he was principal six years. In 1862 he was married to Miss Salome Zook. This union was blessed with six children. The same year he was called to the ministry and began the four years correspondence course of the Boston School of the Bible. In 1863 he heard Lincoln deliver his mem¬orable Gettysburg address. In 1866 he sold his seminary and went to the State Teachers’ College to study for his master’s degree. In 1868 he went to Maryville, Tennessee, and within a year organized the Oakland Church of the Brethren. In this year he was al¬so ordained to the eldership. While in Maryville he taught in Maryville College and spent his summer vacation at the school of geology of Harvard University. In 1867 at the recommen- dation of Professor Shaler of Harvard he was elected to The American As-sociation of the Advancement of Science. In 1878 he was elected pres¬ident of Ashland College, Ohio, which he helped to establish. In 1879 he be¬gan to publish a Sunday school paper entitled, Our Sunday School, being the first Sunday school literature pub¬lished for the Church of the Brethren. In 1881 he resigned his presidency of Ashland College to become acting president of Mt. Morris College, Illi¬nois. In 1887 that college conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Laws. In 1888 he was elected president of McPherson College, Kansas, of which he is the founder. In 1894 he was elected president of Plattsburg Col¬lege, Missouri. In 1907 his wife’s health required that he bring her to a dry climate hence he came to Fruita, Colorado, where he organized a church of the Brethren of which he had charge twelve years. In August, 1928, he attended the fiftieth anni- -versary of Ashland College, Ohio, when that institution conferred on him the degree of Doctor of Divinity. He is survived by one daughter, Mrs. An¬nie Davis of Washington, D. C., nine grandchildren, and eleven great grand¬children. He died at the Fruita hos-pital, Fruita, Colorado, August 8,1931, following injuries received in an auto¬mobile accident two weeks previously. He was 95 years, 7 months, and 18 days old. Funeral services were con¬ducted by Dr. J. J. Yoder, assisted by Rev. H. F. Richards and Dr. V. F. Schwalm. Services were held in the Brethren Church.


Writes History of County

Edna Nyquist, ’31, has been occu¬pied throughout the summer and win¬ter in the task of gathering material and writing a history of McPherson County, for the County Historical As¬sociation. Miss Nyquist has visited old settlers in every township, has in¬terviewed many early citizens, has checked and rechecked her material, until it is as nearly accurate as she can make it. The book, “Pioneer Life and Lore of McPherson County,” is to be published by Warren Knaus of the Democrat-Opinion. There are tales of heroism and adventure, as well as re¬cords of long, prosaic struggles in these pages.



Page 6   THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE   February, 1932


Dr. A. C. Wieand Resigns

  1. C. Wieand, ’95, after twenty-seven years of service, has resigned as president of Bethany Biblical Seminary, Chicago. Through all these years he has carried a double load,—on the one hand of teaching, on the other of administration. For some years Dr. Wieand has had the growing feeling that there must be some relief from these too heavy responsibilities. The condition of his health and the death of E. B. Hoff brought him to the place of resignation, either from teaching or the presidency. The latter course was followed, the Trustees accepted his request, and he is now free to teach and to write and to preach, so long as his health permits. Dr. Wieand is a man of thorough training and wide experience. He was educated in Northern Ohio Normal, Juniata and McPherson Colleges, Columbia College of Expression, University of Chicago, Biblical Seminary in New York, Columbia, Yale, Harvard and Boston Universities. He also did work in the foreign Dr. A. C. Wieand universities of Jena and Leipzig, and research in religious education in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, France, Denmark, Sweden, England, and Scotland. He traveled extensively in Europe, Palestine, Syria, Egypt, India, and Burma. His teaching experience includes Juniata, McPherson, New York Biblical Seminary, and Bethany Seminary. His list of degrees includes A. B., A. M., M. S. D., Ph. D., B. D., Th. D., and D. D.



Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Tracey, Rocky Ford, Colorado. Barbara Louise— January 1, 1932.

Mr. and Mrs. Chester Murray, Con¬way, Kansas. Betty Ann—January 5, 1932.

Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Eshelman, Nampa, Idaho. Clarence Wayne— January 19, 1932.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Engborg, Mc-Pherson, Kansas. William Gee—Jan¬uary 23, 1932.

Mr. and Mrs. Louis B. Neumiller, Peoria, Illinois. Martha Linnea—Feb¬ruary 1, 1932.

Mr. and Mrs. Edmar Kjera, Chicago, Illinois. John Lawrence—January 20, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. Herkle Wampler, Elm- dale, Kansas. Richard Lester-Febru- ary 11, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Barton, Wood River, Illinois. Helen Louise— March 7, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. August Rump, Des Moines, Iowa. Mary Augusta—March 14, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Sargent, McPher¬son, Kansas. Margaret Louise— March 29, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Charles, New York City. Marion Jewell—May 5, 1931.

Mr, and Mrs. L. B. Crumpacker, Mc-Pherson, Kansas. Ruth Marie—May 10, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. Howard Keim, Evan- ton, Illinois. Rowan Louise—May 14, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Steffen, Otis, Kansas. Richard Lee—May 27, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Roller, Mound- ridge, Kansas. Keith Kay—May 27, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Spencer, Fruit- land, Idaho. Robert Cecil—June 19, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Rump, McPher¬son, Kansas. Evelyn Louise—August 1, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Shumate, Shen-andoah, Iowa. Patricia Lane—August 9, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hess, McPher¬son, Kansas. Pauline Clara—August 10, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Frantz, Detroit, Michigan. Genevieve Lee—August 15, 1931.

Mr and Mrs. Phil Voran, Newton, Kansas. Betty Joan—October 6, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hawkins, Cherokee, Oklahoma. Arlene Yvonne —October 11, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. John Hoerner, Fair- field, Iowa. Robert Jack—October 12, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Carpenter, Han- overton, Ohio. Cornelia Ann—Octo¬ber, 1931.

Coach and Mrs. Melvin Binford, Mc-Pherson, Kansas. Donald Dean—Oc¬tober 15, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. Claire B. Allanson, San Diego, California. Will B.—Oc¬tober 22, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Forney, South Bend, Indiana. J. Edwin—November 12, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. Virgil S. Coffman, South English, Iowa. Eldon Henry— November, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. Victor Vaniman, Hois- ington, Kansas. Roberta—November or December, 1931.

Mr, and Mrs. George Earthman, Kendrick, Colorado. Elnora Mae— December 1, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. Leo. McMullen, Speed, Kansas. Margaret Ann—December 6, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Philippi, Drum-mond, Montana. Paul Everett—De¬cember 13, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Johnson, Salina, Kansas. Lloyd Erwin—December, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. Zachariah, McClouth, Kansas. Son—December, 1931.

Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Risley, Nicker¬son, Kansas. Daughter—December 25, 1931.



Mrs. Jessie Churchill Rump, wife of Irwin Rump, a former student and secretary in the offices of the College, died on August 8, after giving birth to a daughter on August 1. Mrs. Rump was a young woman of beauti-ful character and her passing was deeply lamented by her many friends.

Betty Karline Schmidt, the little four-year-old daughter of John and Floye Rhodes Schmidt, died in Mc¬Pherson on January 8, 1932, as a re¬sult of scarlet fever.

Marie Reimer, ’29, died this autumn at her home, Canton, Kansas, after a lingering illness.

  1. H. Wray, former superintendent of buildings and grounds, died at his home in McPherson, on December 4, after an illness of several months.
  2. E. Ray, Ph. M., ’06, died at his home in Houston, Texas, in February, 1931. Mr. Ray took considerable in¬terest in his college throughout his life time. For a number of years he donated the prize money for the local peace oratorical contest. Mr. Ray was a contractor in Houston.

Frank S. Green, commercial ’93, of Sacramento, California, died on Feb¬ruary 26, 1931, of pneumonia. At the time of his death he was operating a hotel in Sacramento.

Mrs. W. T. Luckett, ’25, died at Hutchinson, Kansas, on February 13, 1932, of double pneumonia.


The 1931 Quadrangle, edited by- Harry Zinn, received first class hon¬or rating from the National Scholas¬tic Press Association. This was the second year that the McPherson year¬book has been given this recognition. The 1931 yearbook received a total score of 890 out of a possible score of 1,000.


Page 7   THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE   February, 1932



On December 14, 1930, at the Church of the Brethren at La Verne, California, Inez Freeburg of Whittier, California, became the bride of T. Frank Clark of Pomona, California. The ceremony was read by Rev. J. M. Mishler of La Verne, former pastor of the Brethren Church in Newton.

The marriage of Eunice Longs- dorff, ’29; and J. Dwight Roland took place at Navarre, Kansas, on April 2, 1931. Mr. Roland is principal of the Ellsworth high school.

On Sunday, May 24, 1931, at the home of Prof. and Mrs. J. Hugh Heck¬man, Mabel Lee Early of Stet, Mis¬souri, and Walter A. Fillmore, ’30, of Ripley, Oklahoma, were married. Mr. and Mrs. Fillmore are teaching in the consolidated school at Ripley.

Bernice McClellan, ’30, and Ray¬mond Trostle, ’28, were married on May 27, 1931, at Glasco, Kansas.

Nada Mae Ritz and Lawrence S. Barngrover, both of McPherson, were united in marriage by Rev. J. H. An¬derson, pastor of the First Christian Church, on May 27, 1931.

In a double wedding ceremony sol-emnized in Wichita, Kansas, May 30, 1931, at the home of Probate Judge J. D. Dickerson, Viola Crippen be¬came the bride of Orion W. High. Mr. and Mrs. High are at home in McPherson.

Opal Fannen and Stanley Bullard, both of Kansas City, Missouri, were married on June 4, 1931.

The marriage of Arian Brigham, ’29, and Russell McCoy occurred on May 25, 1931. They are at home at Vesper, Kansas.

Helen Eberly, ’32, and Rush Hol¬loway, ’30, were married on May 30, 1931. Mr. Holloway is teaching in the McPherson junior high school.

The marriage of Ruth Lindholm and Lawrence Barna took place in the par¬lors of the First Methodist Episcopal Church in Wichita, June 11, 1931, with Dr. Frank Neff officiating. They were attended by Dorothy Lindholm and Ray Nonken. Mr. Barna is em¬ployed at the Hubbell Drug Store in McPherson.

On June 13, 1931, Marjorie Shum- way of Little River and Byron H. Sjo- berg of Hutchinson were united in marriage, Rev. Major W. Parker of the Methodist Episcopal Church offi¬ciating. Mr. and Mrs. Sjoberg are making their home in Hutchinson, Kansas.

The wedding of Nan Swanson, ’17, and R. E. Sharpe of Salina took place in Christ Cathedral at Salina on June 15, 1931, Bishop R. H. Mize perform¬ing the ceremony. For the past sev¬eral years Mrs. Sharpe has been en¬gaged in social service work in Wich¬ita. Mr. Sharpe is with the Salina Supply Company.

Myrtle Evelyn Dale of Minneapolis, Minnesota, and Russell Jones of Mc¬Pherson were married in the Holly¬wood Wedding Chapel on the evening of June 20, 1931. They are residing in Los Angeles. Julia Jones and Earl Lindholm were members of the bridal party and Autumn Lindbloom and Mr. and Mrs. Sanger Crumpacker were among the wedding guests.

Marie Robson and Herbert Hoffman, ’19, were married on June 18, 1931, and are at home in Salina, Kansas.

Cecil Mae Voshell was married to John Henry Jones on June 21, 1931, Dr. Frank M. Lowe of the Central Christian Church of Wichita officiat¬ing. Mrs. Jones has been a teacher in the commercial department of Wichita high school East for a num¬ber of years.

Violet Miller and Glen Stockham were married at the home of the bride’s parents at Lyons, Kansas, on Monday evening, June 22, 1931. Mr. Stockham is a member of the Stock- ham and Sons Realty Company, Hutchinson.

The wedding ceremony which united in marriage Florence Kline, ’27, and George W. Hackenberg of Boise City, Oklahoma, took place Sunday morn¬ing, June 28, 1931, at the Church of the Brethren in McPherson, Rev. H. F. Richards officiating. Mr. Hackenberg is in the lumber business in Boise City.

At the home of the bride’s parents in McPherson on June 30, 1931, De- vona Allene Vogel became the bride of Melvin D. Kirby of Arlington, Kan¬sas. Mr. Kirby is associated with his brother in the Arlington Drug Com¬pany.

Mrs. Almeda Greene of Winfield, Kansas, and Rev. Lon H. Eakes, pas¬tor of the First Presbyterian Church of Vinita, Oklahoma, were married on July 22, 1931, at Winfield, Kansas, by Rev. R. Jackson.

Ruth Lange and Willard W. Gaud- reau of Galva, Kansas, were married at the home of the bride’s parents in Tacoma, Washington, on July 29, 1931. On their wedding trip Mr. and Mrs. Gaudreau visited Victoria, Vancouver, and Lake Banff.

Lola Hanson and Charles Kauth were married July 19, 1931. Mr. Kauth is employed by the Pan Bakery in Salina, Kansas.

The marriage of Irene Gibson, ’30, and Wray Whiteneck, ’30, took place in Miami, New Mexico, on August 10, 1931.

Leah Schreiner of Tampa, Kansas, became the bride of Archie Blicken- staff, ’29, on August 16, 1931. Mr. Blickenstaff is teaching in the schools at Little River, Kansas.

The wedding ceremony which united Ruth Greene, ’25, and Albert Colburn took place in the First Baptist Church of McPherson on the morning of Au¬gust 19, 1931, Rev. Frank Roper offi¬ciating. Julia Jones, Cecile Martin, Eunice Almen, Marion Switzer, Carl Johnson, and Dale Strickler were members of the bridal party. Mr. and Mrs. Colburn are at home near Rozel, Kansas.

On August 26, 1931, Marguerite Meyer, ’22, and Donald F. De Cow of Bartlett, Kansas, were married at the home of the bride’s parents in Mc¬Pherson by Rev. M. C. Brooks. Mr. and Mrs. De Cow are at home at Val- eda, Kansas.

Virginia Gortner of Goshen, Indi¬ana, became the bride of Robert Sohl- berg, Jr. of McPherson on September 1, 1931.

Melvina Graham, ’28, Kansas City, Missouri, and Harold Schafer, Mc- Pherson, were united in marriage on September 2, 1931, at the Chicago Temple. Mr. Schafer is employed in the Schafer Bakery at McPherson.

On September 5, 1931, Lela Hult- qvist, ’29, became the bride of Rev. Maynard Booth of Dolbeau, Quebec, Canada, the wedding taking place in the First Methodist Episcopal Church in McPherson. Rev. and Mrs. Booth were attended by Dorothy Swain and Nobel Carlson.

Modena Kenney and Harold Chris-tenson were married at the Trinity Lutheran Church parsonage on Sep¬tember 8, 1931, by Rev. E. J. Alstatt. Mrs. Christenson is employed by the Poehler Mercantile Company and Mr. Christenson is manager of the Al¬liance Exchange Meat Market.

At the home of the bride’s parents in McPherson on September 9, 1931, occurred the marriage of Elaine Gus¬tafson and Lawrence Sargent. Mr. Sargent is in the realty business in McPherson.

June Ewell of Thurman, Iowa, and Joe S. Yoder, ’29, of McPherson were united in marriage on September 19, 1931. Mr. Yoder is teaching in the high school at Thurman.

Virgie Lewis and Thad B. Fretz, both of Inman, were married at the parsonage of the First Methodist Church in Hutchinson, Kansas, No¬vember 7, 1931. Mr. Fretz is an in-


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structor in the Inman grade school.

Lila Sellberg of McPherson was married to George Tector of Chicago, Illinois, on January 20, 1932. Mr. Tector has been connected with the Simons Clamp Company at Chicago and they will be at home after March 1 in Chicago, Illinois.

Lena Beaver, ’29, of St. John, Kan¬sas, and William Bigham, ’31, of To¬peka, Kansas, were married on Feb¬ruary 2, 1932, at Downs, Kansas. Af¬ter March 1 Mr. and Mrs. Bigham will make their home at Topeka.

Ursula Margaret Flory, ’24, was married to James H. Werdenhoff, Sat¬urday, January 2, 1932, at St. Paul, Minnesota.

Thelma Seitz of Lamed, Kansas, was married to Bud Vratil in August, 1931.

Leta Mae Jewell of St. Joseph, Missouri, and Edward L. Saylor, ’22, of Akron, Ohio, were married in No¬vember, 1930.

Della Prather, ’25, of Mound City, Missouri, was married to Glenn Well¬ington of Chicago on December 30, 1930. The Wellingtons live in Chica¬go.

Edith Hurd of Chase, Kansas, was married to Edward Bradley, a junior in the College, on December 17, 1931, at Salina, Kansas. Mr. Bradley is continuing his school work.


Alumni Meet in Chicago

A McPherson College reunion in the form of a banquet was held in the parlors of the Church of the Brethren in Chicago, February 14, 1931, with about forty alumni and friends of the College present. Ora Huston, ’27, acted as toastmaster. Talks were giv¬en by Dr. Harms, ’17, of the Northern Baptist Seminary, Chicago, S. C. Mil¬ler, ’06, and Rufus Bowman, both of Elgin, Illinois, and by President Schwalm. Miss Bernice Peck, ’25, played a piano solo. The reunion was planned and carried out chiefly through the efforts of Alvin Voran, ’28.


To the Class of 1923

Only one year more till 1933 when it will have been half a score of years since the Class of ’23 went out to con¬quer the world. How many interest¬ing things must have happened to each of us in this span of years that sounds so long but seems so short. Wouldn’t it be great to all get to¬gether and rub the tarnish off our old friendships? Next year is our special year to “reunite” and dig up old mem¬ories again. Not only those that lie

buried in an ancient glass bottle be¬hind Harnly Hall but those less tangi¬ble ones that have never been written on paper. When you find yourself saying you can’t possibly manage to get here,—remember our old motto, “The impossible is un-American,” and come!


Rowena Vaniman Sargent Conducts Research Tests

Alice N. Vogt, ’17, has been given deserved recognition for her outstand¬ing work with hearing tests. She is now a part-time teacher at the Uni¬versity of Ohio, Columbus, where she is conducting some research in psy¬chological testing. Miss Vogt recently published an article on the technique of testing the hearing ability of children. In December she read a pa¬per, “The Relation Between Speech Difficulties and Hearing Ability,” before the American Society for the Study of Disorders of Speech, at its meeting in Detroit, Michigan. Miss Vogt’s work with the audiometer is outstanding in America. Her chief task is to find the difficulty, and, if medical treatment is needed, to send the child to specialists. Miss Vogt plans to do supervisory work in special education.


Warren Becomes Co-Pastor

Paul Warren, ’20, has been, since 1923, associated with the West End Presbyterian Church of New York City. For several years he was as¬sistant pastor, then acting associate pastor, and now is installed as co-pastor. He is the third minister in the history of the church, the senior minister now being in the twenty- eighth year of his pastorate. His church is an active one and is doing much to meet the challenge of New York which demands an aggressive ministry. There are twenty-five hun¬dred members scattered all over the city and its suburbs. The morning services have been broadcast for nine years. In addition to pastoral duties, Mr. Warren teaches six hours in the Biblical Seminary of New York.


Class of ’22 To Hold Meeting

The Class of 1922 will gather on the campus during commencement week, May 22 to 27, for its tenth anniver¬sary celebration. There will be many reminiscences of active days in college halls, much news of dreams realized, and more of events not thought of in 1922. The class will come from far and near. While twenty-four call Kansas their home after ten years, the rest are scattered in twenty dif¬ferent states of the Union. Califor¬nia claims five; Nebraska, four; Washington, Missouri, and Iowa, three each; Colorado, Ohio, and Oklahoma, two, each; and other states one each. There are teachers, housewives, min-isters, business men, farmers, and doc¬tors. While it is too early yet to know just who will be here, many are expected. Harold Beam of McPherson is in charge of local arrangements. Mr. Beam states that the entire week will be one of much interest and inspi¬ration. Thursday, May 26, is to be the big reunion day with a luncheon at noon and the alumni banquet in the evening. Many of the class remem¬ber the delightful reunion in 1927 and hope this one will be even better.


Keeps Up Interest in Meteors

  1. H. Nininger, ’14, is still collect¬ing and studying meteorites. He now has the largest private collection in America. During the past year he has collected more meteorites than all other American collectors combined. But collecting and lecturing that Mr. Nininger engages in do not take all his time. He has written twelve scientific papers during the past year and a 350-page book. Mr. Nininger finds an able assistant his wife, Mrs. Addie Delp Nininger. The Niningers live in Denver where Mr. Nininger is associated with the city museum. In a pamphlet published by the Colorado Museum of Natural History, two pre¬viously undescribed meteorites are dis-cussed by Professor Nininger. The description covers the two meteorites that he examined and classified for the Mexico City Museum last year when he visited that country in search of meteorites. Professor Nininger is fast gaining recognition as one of the best versed authorities on meteorites in this country.


Miss Lora Trostle, house mother at Arnold Hall from 1915 to 1930, is spending the winter with relatives and friends in California. She and her sister, Mrs. L. T. Shirk, left Mc¬Pherson early in November.


The Booster Banquet Date—April 1, 1932 Place—Convention Hall, McPherson Chief Speaker—Dr. Burris Jenkins of Kansas City Purpose—Loyalty Fund


Page 9   THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE   February, 1932


With the Classes


  1. H. Berkebile, St. John, Kansas, has a new member in his furniture business in the person of his son John W. Berkebile, ’29.
  2. Z. Gilbert is teaching science in La Verne College this year.


Susie Slusher Saylor, the first wo¬man to receive a degree from Mc¬Pherson College, and her husband, J. Harvey Saylor, have had three chil¬dren in McPherson College. The youngest, Evelyn, is a member of the Class of ’32.

Everett Kemp, academy and expres-sion, is broadcasting for KMBC, the Midland Broadcasting Company of Kansas City, Missouri, and for the Columbia System through the key station, KMBC. He writes continu¬ously for both KMBC and Columbia. His particular feature is the character Uncle Ezra who leads in the dramatic feature, “Happy Hollow.” He also plays the part of Thomas Light in the new dramatic feature “Phenomenon.” As Uncle Ezra, Mr. Kemp gives a fif¬teen minute program each morning except Sunday.


George Goodsheller, academy, is a successful practicing physician at Marion, Kansas.


  1. J. Shirk is in charge of biology, Nebraska Wesleyan University, Lin¬coln.

Death came early this year to Robert Matthews of McPherson, hus¬band of Lillian Blackman Matthews, ’01 one of the first students enrolled in McPherson College.


Ray Strohm, normal, is another a- lumnus who finds insurance an inter¬esting business in McPherson.


Enoch H. Eby, with his wife, Emma H. Eby, ’05, has been traveling and lecturing through Kansas, Idaho, Washington, and Oregon during the past year. The schedule for 1932 in¬cludes California, Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, Illinois, and Indiana. Ear¬ly in February Mr. Eby served as a member of the La Verne College Re¬gional Conference faculty. The work is concerned chiefly with the question of stewardship in congregations of the Church of the Brethren. Mrs. Eby docs work with children and assists her husband. These alumni will see

their youngest son, Herbert, graduate from McPherson College in May, 1932.

Herman Allen is professor of chem¬istry at the University of Kansas.

  1. Enos Miller is associated with Hesston College, Hesston, Kansas.

Lucetta Johnson teaches in one of the Wichita schools.

  1. Harvey Saylor has been county physician for Marion County, Kansas, for several years. One of his sons is a physician, the other is a student in Northwestern Medical School, Chi¬cago.


Ray W. Baldwin is continuing his graduate work at the University of Chicago.


  1. H. Crumpacker writes of trying times in China, but of eagerness on his part to continue his work.
  2. C. Hiebert is now connected with Sterling College, Sterling, Kansas.


Charles S. Shively is head of the mathematics department of Juniata College, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. His son and daughter have both com¬pleted college courses and are teach¬ing in high schools.


Lester Stump, commercial, and his wife of Waka, Texas, have a new daughter whom they have named Claudia Joe.

Theodore Ashman is a practicing physician and surgeon in Kansas City, Missouri.


  1. O. Beckner has recently given an early picture of the College to the Alumni Association.

James Rothrock has an active gro¬cery business in McPherson.

  1. E. Ebel takes time each summer to add to his knowledge of German by studying in Leland Stanford Universi¬ty. Mr. Ebel teaches regularly at Redlands University, Redlands, Cali¬fornia. The Ebels have two sons, Oli¬ver, a graduate in the University of Kansas, and Lowell, a junior at Red¬lands.

Harvey B. Hoffman practices law at Great Falls, Montana.


  1. L. Craik and his family of Hunt-ingdon, Pennsylvania, visited friends and relatives in Kansas and Oklahoma during the summer. The oldest son of the Craiks will enter college in September, 1932.


Ernest Vaniman has transferred his teaching interests from Santa Ynez, California, to Sinic.

  1. C. Russel continues as director of experimental work in soils, the de- partment of agronomy, University of Nebraska. The oldest of Mr. Russel’s children is a freshman in high school.

Bertha Colline teaches in the Mc¬Pherson schools.


Evelyn Trostle Shuder has a lovely home in San Quentin, California. Her husband is director of religious edu¬cation in the prison at San Quentin.

The Austins recently conducted a re¬vival in Oakland, California, where Edna Detter Boaz and her husband have charge of the Church of the Brethren.

Walter Thompson, professor of po¬litical science at Leland Stanford Uni¬versity, spent most of the past year in Europe. He was sent by his uni¬versity and the Carnegie Foundation to study the Swedish control of liquor distribution. During the autumn months he was American visiting pro¬fessor at the universities of Norway and Sweden, lecturing five weeks in each. Mr. Thompson is now buck at his work in Stanford.

Grover Dotzour is the able principal of Wichita’s newest high school.

Charles Sandy is busy with insur¬ance in McPherson.

  1. M. Studebaker has a thriving insurance business with an office in Denver. He has an area of several states which is under his supervision.


John W. Deeter and his family chose 1931 as the year in which to move from Connecticut to California. Mr. Deeter is pastor and Mrs. Deeter di¬rector of music at the Brethren Church of Hermosa Beach. Mr. Deeter will give two addresses at La Verne Col¬lege. in February on the theme, “The Living Christ Today, for a man like me, and in an age like this.”

  1. D. Royer is teaching chemistry for the twelfth year in the Wichita high school East. His daughter Mar¬jorie is a sophomore in high school.

Stanley Dresher is located in Den¬ver, Colorado, where he is associated in insurance with M. M. Studebaker, ’12.

  1. J. Yoder is actively concerned with finances of the College. His par¬ticular task is connected with the en¬dowment.


Samuel Horning teaches in Pasade¬na, California.


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President E. M. Studebaker of La Verne College passed through Mc¬Pherson recently, en route to Cincin¬nati, Ohio, to attend the meeting of the Association of American Colleges and affiliated groups.

The Austins spent the winter and spring of 1931 in California, the sum¬mer in Denver, Colorado, and the fall and winter of 1931-32 in Idaho, Colo¬rado, Illinois, and Ohio. They are to continue their work as evangelists in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, Iowa, Illinois, and Kansas. The Alum¬ni Magazine is indebted to them for many news items. Incidentally they had time to call at McPherson during November, to greet many friends, and to bring messages from many alumni.

  1. H. Yoder, pastor of the South Waterloo, Iowa, Church of the Breth¬ren, has two children in the College, Wilbur, a sophomore, and Alberta, a senior and president of the college Y. W. C. A. Mr. Yoder is treasurer of the Genera! Ministerial Board of the entire Church.


Harley A. Nelson is chief chemist for paint and ceramic research divis¬ion of the New Jersey Zinc Company, Palmerton, Pennsylvania.

  1. H. Schlichting teaches psychol¬ogy at Crane Junior College, Chicago, and during leisure hours finds time to do some teaching at De Paul Uni¬versity.

Mrs. M. H. Schlichting is engaged in character education in Oak Park, Illinois.

Elmer M. Hersch has recently locat¬ed in Elgin, Illinois, where he serves as special agent for the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the United States.

Nora Stump, academy, teaches at Waka, Texas.

Mrs. Amanda Fahnestock lives, gra-ciously and beautifully, in her home on College Hill.


Marianne Muse, academy, is in charge of research in home economics at Vermont Agricultural Experiment Station, Burlington.

John F. Buckman, academy, is fly¬ing the night mail for the Eastern Air Transport, Inc., between Miami and Jacksonville, Florida. That pro¬vides, so he says, meal tickets for his wife, Bill, and the twins.

  1. M. Brubaker finds pastoral work at Glendora, California, much to his liking.

John H. Hoover is now living at Norborne, Missouri.

Mannie Miller has work to do with the numerous producing oil wells on his father’s land in McPherson Coun¬ty.


  1. Roy Phillippi, well-beloved in his college days, continues his work as pastor of the Baker, Montana, Com¬munity Church. He is a member of the commission and stewardship of the General Council of Congregational Churches; he is past moderator of Montana Congregational Churches, 1928-29; and he is now chairman of the Disaster Relief for Drought, Fal¬low County, Montana. The Phillippis have one son, John Howe, two years old.

Hervin Ellenberger is the county attorney at West Point, Nebraska.

Ruth Shirk Newcomb, her husband and three children from Ventura, California, visited in McPherson for a day or two last summer.

Carl Rexroad has a position in the psychology department of Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri.

Jonathan and Adra Schmidt are en¬gaged in pastoral work for the Con¬gregational Church at Highland, Il¬linois.

Joseph L. Bowman remodeled the Trostle home in McPherson and has a beautiful residence here. He teaches mathematics and physics in the Col¬lege.

Carrie Mugler, academy, has a very good position in the Hutchinson high school.


Amos R. Boone and his wife Neta Cullen Boone, ’21, are serving the Community Congregational Church of 442 members at Armour, South Da¬kota.

  1. E. Mishler, director of boys’ physical education, Santa Monica, Cali¬fornia, says that prospects in Califor¬nia are for an increased teaching load, a reduction in salaries, and a possible repeal of teacher tenure.

Claude Wilson won great distinction as a debate coach when his high school debate team of Boulder, Colorado, won the state high school debating cham¬pionship for the second time in three years under his direction. The honor brought with it the permanent owner¬ship of the John A. Hunter challenge cup as well as several other trophies.

Edna Neher Charles expects to re¬ceive the master’s degree from Teach¬ers College, Columbia, this year. She has specialized in child psychology and parent education.


Roy Wampler does research chemis¬try on laminated (safety) glass for Libbey-Owens-Ford Glass Co., of Toledo, Ohio. He finds the variety of work quite interesting.

Mr. Wampler was severely burned on December 22 as a result of an ex¬plosion at the laboratory. Fifteen days in the hospital were necessary to help the healing process. The explo¬sion threw burning acetone over his face and arms, causing severe second degree bums. He has been back at work for some time.

Paul K. Brandt is serving his third term as Alumni member of the College Trustee Board. He is pastor of the South Beatrice Church, Holmesville, Nebraska.

Cecil Durst Gamble is now living in McPherson.

Robert Rayburn, a student in the Newton high school, coached by Alma Anderson Moore, won first place in the national oratorical contest at Wash¬ington, D. C., last summer after win¬ning first place in this section. This honor entitled him to represent the United States in an international con¬test held in Europe during the sum¬mer.

Harold Engstrom is associated with his father in real estate in McPher¬son.

Milo Stutzman is teaching in the University of Pittsburg.

Bruce Williams of Egeland, North Dakota, has a son who is a junior in the College.

Dorothy Bryant is engaged in pub¬lic health work at Grand Junction, Colorado.


Charles Dean is an instructor in the Eastern Montana Normal School. He and Mrs. Dean are very proud of one son, Dudley.

Miles Blickenstaff has recently com-pleted his fourth year of rural pastoral work near Summerfield, Kansas. He reports many active organizations among the various groups which make possible a wholesome recreational, so¬cial, and religious life.

Maude Stump is engaged in home missionary work at Waka, Texas.

Earl M. Frantz served on the com¬mittee of arrangements for the Annual Conference Of the Church of the Brethren in Colorado Springs last May. He is a successful pastor at Sabetha, Kansas.

Minnie Mugler, B. M., ’21, is study¬ing to complete her work for the bachelor of arts degree from the Col¬lege.


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Ida Bowman Roesch has a little daughter not quite a year old.

Edward Van Pelt is a farmer and pastor of the Salem Church near Nickerson, Kansas.

The tenth anniversary of the Class of ’21 brought the following members to the campus last May: Miles Blick- enstaff, Neta Cullen Boone, George N. Boone, Louis Bowman, Earl M. Frantz, Elsie Klinkerman, Minnie Mugler, Edward Van Pelt, and Golda Zook.

  1. N. Boone, since 1923 in charge of the industrial education in McPherson College, was granted a two year’s leave of absence, 1931-33, to continue his work for the doctor’s degree. He is now studying in the University of Southern California where he spent the summer of 1930. Mr. Boone re¬ceived the master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin in 1926.

Adria Slabaugh, academy, is teach¬ing at Goodland, Kansas



Ray Cullen continues to teach two courses at La Verne College in addi- tion to his executive work as superin- tendent of the La Verne city schools. He is also working out an adult vo- cational guidance service in Los An- geles. He writes that he has not changed his address recently, that he doesn’t want to, and that he is hav- ing the yearly disease of attempting to buy an orange grove. Of his wife, Martha Urey Cullen, he writes, “En- couraging husband to do less work and take more recreation. Guiding a little school girl and a little rascally boy in appreciation of the Good and the True and the Beautiful. Doing the correspondence for the family, al- so doing the necessary club and socie- ty work in a small city.”

Golda Zook is doing graduate work at the University of Kansas this win¬ter.

Paul R. Yoder, who is teaching physics at Juniata College, will attend Ohio State during the summer work¬ing toward his Ph. D. Wave Irene Davis Yoder is taking some work to¬wards a college degree at Juniata. The Yoders have two children, Miriam Marie, eight years old, and Paul R. Junior, who is five


Mrs. Dorothy Miller Akerson and Mrs. Grace Miller Wain are fortunate in having parents who have a number of oil wells on their farms. Both girls arc located near McPherson.

Harold Beam and his wife, Bertha Mugler Beam, with their two children are located on a farm four miles south of McPherson College. They are among McPherson County’s most pros¬perous farmers. Both are very active in church and community work.

Leslie Blackman is an instructor in Upper Iowa University at Fayette, Iowa. He continues to increase his efficiency as an artist with the sliding trombone and is connected with the orchestra at the University.

Mrs. Leah Miller Bowman and her husband are pastors of one of the large Brethren churches located at Roanoke, Virginia. They have proved themselves exceedingly efficient in this field.

Mrs. Mary Miller Bowman is located at Quinter, Kansas, where her hus¬band is principal of the high school. They have three children.

Mr. and Mrs. Crawford Brubaker live at La Verne, California. Mr. Bru¬baker is head of the English depart¬ment of La Verne College.

  1. Lloyd Crumpacker is manager of the Hotel Manhattan in Wichita, Kansas.

Clarence Eshelman, Alamo, Texas, since graduation has been a success- ful pastor in three communities of Kansas.  At the present time he is located on a fruit ranch.

Clarence Eshelman, Alamo, Texas,

since graduation has been a success- ful pastor in three communities of Kansas. At the present time he is located on a fruit ranch.

Dr. and Mrs. Homer Foutz are mak¬ing their home in Liberty, Missouri, while the doctor is doing his interne work at the St. Mary’s Hospital in Kansas City. He starts practice at Halstead, Kansas, next spring.

Josephine Johnson Harms has re¬cently moved to Grand Junction, Colo¬rado, where Mr. Harms has a position.

Olive Holmes is living at Colfax, Washington. For several years she has been caring for an aged uncle who is in ill health.

Ralph Holsinger is principal of the high school at Coalgate, Oklahoma. He has proved himself a Very success¬ful teacher.

Mrs. Ruth Miller Jamison and her husband are farming a large wheat farm near Quinter, Kansas. They have one child.

Mayme King has an excellent posi¬tion in the high school in Hutchinson, Kansas. She is head of the depart¬ment of dramatics.

Dr. Alvhh Ray Lauer is teaching in the University of Iowa at Iowa City. Dr. Lauer secured his Ph. D. degree in the department of psychology.

Catharyne Mohler is head of the department of journalism in Wichita high school North. She has a most excellent position and is doing effec¬tive work.

Mrs. Chas. S. Morris is living in North Manchester, Indiana, where she finds herself exceedingly busy with

her home, two children, and numerous church and community activities. Professor Morris received his doctor’s degree from Ohio State University two years ago.

Roy H. Neher is managing a large wheat farm at Quinter, Kansas.

Paul M. Pair is a successful su-perintendent of schools at Prosser, Washington.

August Rump continues as physical director in the schools of Des Moines, Iowa. “Gussie” completed his work for a master’s degree in education at the University of Iowa last summer.

Elmer Rupp is a farmer at Flowel- la, Texas. He is a specializing in fruit production.

Lloyd Saylor is manager of the transfer line with the main office lo¬cated at Hutchinson, Kansas.

Henry Stover is principal of the high school at Overbrook, Kansas.

Dr. Ralph Y. Strohm is a successful and prosperous physician in Fort Scott, Kansas. Dr. Strohm finds time to return to his Alma Mater for a few days each year.

Dr. and Mrs. Galen Tice are hap¬pily located near the Bell Memorial Hospital, Kansas City, Kansas, where Dr. Tice has charge of the X-ray- radium therapy department of the school of medicine, University of Kan¬sas. They arc the proud parents of a fine boy and girl.

Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Tracey an¬nounce the birth of a daughter, Bar¬bara Louise, on January 1. Mr. Tra¬cey is manager of a large hardware store in Rocky Ford, Colorado.

Mr. and Mrs. Emery C. Wine are now located in Wichita, Kansas, where Mr. Wine is principal of one of the grade schools of the city.

Dayton R. Yoder is a very success¬ful farmer in the Monitor community near Conway, Kansas.

Bertha M. Frantz has resigned her position as Mission worker, Winter Park, Florida, and is helping care for the children of one of her brothers at Holmesville, Nebraska.

Emma Tousley Martin is managing a delicatessen shop in Albany, a sub¬urb of Oakland, California.

Irma Witmore is doing graduate work at the University of Illinois this winter.

Grace Brubaker spent three quar¬ters in residence at the University of Chicago, January to September, 1931, doing work in the school for social Service administration. In September, she went to Portland, Oregon, where she is a visiting teacher in the city school system.


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Mr. and Mrs. Oad Essex, Stafford, Kansas, sailed recently from New Or¬leans for a short visit to Cuba. Mr. Essex won this trip as a reward for his work in insurance which he writes outside his banking hours.

  1. Roy Brammell is now in Wash¬ington, D. C., where he is a full-time staff member of the national survey of secondary education under the di¬rect leadership of Dr. L. V. Koos, professor of education in the Univer¬sity of Chicago, and associate direc-tor of the survey.

Estella Engle is secretary to the dean of the school of fine arts at the University of Kansas. She writes that this is her third year and the job grows more fascinating every day.

Jessie Breon Trent keeps busy car¬ing for her two daughters and assist¬ing her husband in his church work at Brookfield, Illinois.

Ada Correll has the unique position of pastor of a rural church near Abi¬lene, Kansas.

Gladys Brubaker studied at the Uni-versity of Wisconsin during the sum¬mer and then returned to her position at Ottawa.

Marietta Byerly is teaching in a junior college in Warner, Oklahoma.

Earl Bowman is to have Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Austin conduct a meeting in his church at Roanoke, Virginia, in the near future.

Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Brunk of Hono¬lulu, Hawaii, were in the States for their vacation during the past sum¬mer. They spent some time in Mc¬Pherson with Mr. Brunk’s mother, Mrs. Ida Brunk.

The Hutchinson Herald carried a highly entertaining story a few days after Thanksgiving relating the ro¬mance of Ada Kurtz and Forrest Car¬penter. Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter had come from their home in Hanoverton, Ohio, to Hutchinson on the fourth an¬niversary of their marriage, to eat lunch at the Bisonte Hotel where they had met in 1922. They brought with them their little daughter, Caroline Ann.

Grace Crumpacker has resumed her study in the library school of the Uni¬versity of Illinois. She expects to complete the work necessary for a master’s degree this coming summer. She is writing a history of libraries in Kansas to meet a part of the re-quirements for the degree.

Evelyn Lyons Barnes, academy, finds her time occupied keeping house for her husband and two children, David, aged seven and a little daugh¬ter not yet two. The Barnes live at Norfolk, Virginia, where Mr. Barnes has charge of Coast Guard Cutter No. 137.

Marie Cullen continues to teach at San Bernardino, California.

Pauline Vaniman Pair and small son Maurice of Prosser, Washington, visited Mrs. Pair’s father, C. Vaniman, and other relatives in McPherson dur¬ing the holiday season.

Iva Curtis Harnly continues her art work. She spent some time in Boul¬der, Colorado, last summer, studying at the University.

Claude Lowe is superintendent of the schools at Oxford, Kansas.

Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Johnson were the unfortunate victims of a fire which destroyed the house in which they were living near Newton, Kan¬sas, in January. A very little furni¬ture was saved. They regret particu¬larly the loss of pictures and other works of art which they had made and which they valued.

Foster Hoover completed his work during the summer for the master’s degree in biology from the University of Kansas.

Mrs. Mable Brubaker Zingg and her family live in Chicago where Mr. Zingg continues his work for the doc¬torate at the University of Chicago.

Helen Freeburg, stenography, is now a teacher of sewing in the junior high school, Kansas City, Kansas.

Paul Sargent continues as the suc¬cessful superintendent of the College church Sunday School. He is also treasurer for the church building fund.


Earl Marchand is manager and secretary of the Feedola Milling Com¬pany of McPherson, Kansas, a position he has won with this enterprising company since he joined as salesman in November, 1926. On June 3, 1928, he married Dorothy McConkey, of McPherson.

John W. Harnly has apparently cho¬sen the chemical laboratory as the background for his life work. He has since 1925 been associated with the Griess-Pfleger Tanning Co., of Wau¬kegan, Illinois, and at present is next to the head chemist. He was elect¬ed president of the Microscopic So¬ciety of Illinois due to outstanding re¬search work in that field. He mar¬ried Wileta Durst, ’24, of McPherson, Kansas.

Sanger Crumpacker is physical ed-ucation instructor and basketball coach in Santa Monica, California, high school, where he has produced victorious teams for several years past. Mrs. Crumpacker also teaches in the Santa Monica high school.

Irvin Ihrig is superintendent of schools at Iliff, Colorado. In June, 1926, he married Mary Countryman, of Iliff. They have traveled to most of the points of interest in the Stat¬es during their vacations, also study¬ing at Chicago. Last summer Mr. Ihrig enrolled in McPherson College summer school.

Victor Vaniman is teaching his eighth year in the Hoisington high school, seventy-five miles west of Mc¬Pherson. He married Sarah Howell, in the summer of 1925.

Mildred Fisher Spencer is living at Fruitland, Idaho, where she formerly taught in the high school. She was married in August, 1930. She spent the summer following graduation in Europe with the Murray party.

Garman Daron continues his work in the medical school of the Univer¬sity of Chicago. With Mrs. Daron and their small son he visited McPher- son in August.

Ursula Flory, before her marriage in January, was teaching in a school near her home, Logansport, Indiana.

Elsie Forney of the biology depart¬ment, Fort Scott junior college, spent her Christmas vacation in McPherson.

Margaret Heckethorn was in New York during the summer, continuing her work in the library school of Teachers College.

Dale Strickler suffered a severe sprain of his foot while refereeing a basketball game early in the season. He finds crutches a helpful aid to walking. Mr. Strickler is leader of the Boy Scouts in McPherson.

Ernest Sherfy of Daleville, Virginia, has a daughter who is a senior at Bridgewater College, Virginia.

Hazel Vogt is trying teaching as far west as Norton, Kansas, this winter. She comes to McPherson occasionally to see her sister, Eunice, who is a freshman in the College.

Mr. and Mrs. Leland Templeton, after spending four years in the schools at Assaria, Kansas, are now at Toronto, Kansas.


Roy Crist works on towards a doc¬tor’s degree from Northwestern Uni¬versity.

Marathon High received his doctor’s degree from the University of Ohio last summer and almost immediately assumed a position in the State Col¬lege at Fargo, North Dakota.

Ralph and Gladys Garman live at Snohomish, Washington.

Vilas D. Betts is an accountant with the firm of Crane, Spurrier, and


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Bowman of Wichita, Kansas, which position he has held since graduation. He has several times handled the an¬nual audit this firm makes of the books of McPherson College.

Loretta Yoder Augsburger is living in Columbus, Ohio. She keeps house for her two children and husband, the latter being an instructor in psychol¬ogy in the high school.

Herkle Wampler is principal of the Elmdale high school, Elmdale, Kan¬sas. He was married to Rose Ham¬mond, of Courtland, Kansas, December 22, 1928.

Dick Keim is assistant manager of the Bestever Products Co. of Nam¬pa, Idaho. Mrs. Keim will be remem¬bered as Minnie Edgecomb, ’22. They have two children.

  1. L. Fike is engaged in pastoral work at Omaha, Nebraska. His ad¬dress is 5212 North 27th Street.

Mabel Heckethorn is teaching in a rural school near Hannibal, Missouri.

Harold Barton is coaching in the Wood River, Illinois, high school, lo¬cated near St. Louis. Mrs. Barton, formerly Kate Penner of the McPher¬son College faculty, has enjoyed the opportunity of assisting the church choir in St. Louis. The Bartons have one child, Helen Louise, bom March 7, 1931.

  1. Herman Jones is now located at Pampa, Texas.

Laura McGaffey Clarenbach and her husband of Columbia, Missouri, spent Christmas in McPherson.

Lillie Crumpacker Jones has a class in dramatics for McPherson children. The group presented a very good pro¬gram in the college chapel recently.

Selma Engstrom Neumiller of Pe¬oria, Illinois, visited her parents in McPherson in December.

Paul R. Kurtz is another McPher¬son man to find a teaching position in Santa Monica, California. He is busy with science in the junior college.

Julia Jones found California a pleasant place to spend her summer vacation. She teaches in McPherson during the winter months.

Mrs. Margaret Wall Nice of Wil-mington, Delaware, brought her young son to McPherson in May for a visit with her mother and brothers.

Vivian Long is now in Peoria, Illi¬nois where he teaches in a technical school.

Mabel Griffin seems to like Califor¬nia well enough to keep on teaching at Eureka.

Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Birkin live in Lincoln, Nebraska, where Mr. Birkin is pastor of the Brethren Church. The Birkins have two children.


Sidney Sondergard has assumed his duties as county superintendent of schools of Saline County. He and his family live in Salina.

Mercedes Chapman came to Mc¬Pherson in December, called here by the death of her father, K. W. Chap¬man. Miss Chapman teaches during the winter in Chicago Teachers Col¬lege. She has supervised playgrounds in Lake Forest for a number of sum¬mers. In addition, she manages to write delightful stories for children’s magazines.

Mrs. Iva Gilson has opened a music studio in McPherson.

Dennis Kesler is farming near Quin- ter, Kansas.

Henry G. Hahn has been at Scandia, Kansas, for two years.

Alberta Flory now lives at Pasa¬dena, California.

Rozella White Switzer and her hus¬band are now in Dodge City, Kansas, where Mr. Switzer is engaged in busi¬ness.

Gilbert Temple is in Saginaw, Michi-gan.

Olin Ellwood and his wife of Wheel¬ing, Illinois, made a short visit to Kansas last August.

Milton S. Dell came to McPherson College in September to take charge of the department of industrial edu¬cation during the leave of absence of G. N. Boone.


Harvey and Ruth Kurtz Lehman are living at Chanute, Kansas, where Mr. Lehman teaches in the high school.

Merle Davis Kline is now located at Twin Falls, Idaho.

Mrs. Lena Miller manages the home for her husband who is dean of Cen¬tral College, McPherson.

Willis Neff has brought his family to McPherson for the second semester of this school year. Mr. Neff is regis¬tered in courses at the College.

Gladys Williams continues her work at Washington, D. C.

Walter Peckover lives in Wichita, Kansas, having come there from Flor¬ida.

Howard Sager is a chemist in To¬peka.

Hazel Scott teaches in Salina.

Vera Davisson is now at Hoxie, Kansas.

Marlin Carlson, having completed his course in the medical school of Northwestern University, is working as an interne at the Iowa Methodist Hospital, Des Moines.

Ray Horn is doing chemistry work in flour at Kansas City, Kansas.

Ida Merkey teaches at Green, Kan¬sas.

Laverne Martin is spending this year teaching in his home town, Nam¬pa, Idaho.

The Dwight, Kansas, girls’ glee club directed by Lois Myers Clemens, took first place in Class B at the Kansas State Music Contest, Emporia, in May.

Adelaide Glaser is head of the de-partment of foods and nutrition at Delta State College, Cleveland, Missis¬sippi. She was acting head of the en¬tire department of home economics in the absence of one professor during the first semester. Since leaving Mc¬Pherson College, Miss Glaser has done graduate work at Kansas State Col¬lege, Manhattan, and at the University of Wisconsin.

  1. Winston Cassler appeared in two graduation recitals at Oberlin Conser-vatory of Music, Oberlin, Ohio, last May and received his degree in music in June. In the first, his senior organ recital, he played the works of the masters, in the second, his own com¬positions. Mr. Cassler studied both organ and composition under Dr. G. W. Andrews, head of the organ de¬partment in Oberlin. Mr. Cassler now has a studio at Burlington, Iowa.

Lee Crist ip living at Skidmore, Mis-souri.

Paul Dick is in business at Arapa¬hoe, Nebraska.

  1. Avery Fleming is superintendent of schools at Plainville, Kansas.

Ralph Loshbaugh of Fredonia, Kan¬sas, is the representative from the Southeast Kansas District of the Church of the Brethren on the College Trustee Board.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl V. Reed of Mc-Pherson have had two trips within the past year to conventions of the Union Central Life Insurance Com¬pany, both made possible by the vol¬ume of business Mr. Reed has done in central Kansas. In September they attended a convention of the company in French Lick, Indiana. Later Mr. Reed qualified as a mem¬ber of “The Half Million Dollar Club” of the company and was awarded a trip to Palm Beach, Florida, in Jan- uary. This last honor is particularly noteworthy, for from the army of agents this company has over the country, only forty qualified for mem-bership.


June Ellis finished her work in nurses’ training at Kansas City, Mis¬souri, in August, and stepped almost immediately into a good position in the school system of that city.


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Martin Wise, a chemist for the Western Star Milling Company, Sa- lina, has written a paper on his ex¬periments which was read before the national convention of the American Association of Cereal Chemists held at Louisville, Kentucky, last May. The paper was also published in the Cereal-Chemist, a recognition which is regarded as a high honor.

Anna Mae Strickler is teaching a second year at Americus, Kansas.

Albert Philippi is now located in high school work at Drummond, Mon¬tana.

Ray Trostle farms wheat near John¬son, Kansas.

John Wall made an extensive trip through the southwestern states in January in the interest of the Wall- Rogalsky Milling Company.

John Whiteneck called on friends in McPherson during the holidays. He represents the Wearever Aluminum Company in Lincoln, Nebraska.

Alvin Voran expects to complete his musical course in Chicago this winter.

Lawrence Barnhart is located at New Carlisle, Ohio.

Cliffe Elbert was recently called to her home in McPherson on account of the death of her father. Miss El¬bert teaches in California.

Franklin and Roberta Brown Evans of Kearney, Nebraska, spent the holi¬days at Hutchinson.

Earl Kinzie finds a change from teaching by studying at the Des Moines Still College of Osteopathy.

Howard Keim received his B. D. degree from Garrett Biblical Seminary last summer.  He is a candidate for a master’s degree in church history from Northwestern University next June.

Portia Vaughn has the vocal music in the junior high school at Salina, and a number of extra-curricular music clubs. She teaches about four hundred children of the seventh and eighth grades each week.

Lavelle Saylor is a sophomore in Northwestern University Medical School, Chicago.

Autumn Lindbloom, a teacher in McPherson high school, spent the summer months in California.

Porter Ihrig is engaged in the pro¬duce business in McPherson.


Marvin Steffen, with his wife, Irene Thacker Steffen, are spending their third winter in Otis, Kansas. Mr. Steffen says he works in the best school building in Rush County.

John Harnly is teaching mathematics and physics at Harrison, Montana.

Oliver Ikenberry is superintendent of schools in Haswell, Colorado.

Ruth Bish has returned to Kansas, this time to teach at Sylvan Grove.

Roy Frantz finds time to attend chicken conventions occasionally. His business at Rocky Ford, Colorado, is proving interesting to him.

Mildred Ihde Piatt is employed as cashier and bookkeeper for the Newt Edwards Dry Goods Company at Hutchinson.

Esther Freeburg Shumate brought her little daughter from Shenandoah, Iowa, for a visit at McPherson dur¬ing the holidays.

Haven Hutchison is spending the winter in her home at Thomas, Okla¬homa.

Mildred Libby is securing industrial experience in a Los Angeles company.

Archie Blickenstaff has a half inter¬est in a motion picture show which is also a “talkie” at Little River.

Margaret Devilbiss Kinzie is a de-partment head in a large store, Des Moines, Iowa.

Phillip Spohn moves farther west for teaching. This time he is at Two Buttes, Colorado.

Warren Sisler and family have made an extended visit at Octavia, Nebraska.

Fred Perry makes his home at Mc-Pherson and tunes pianos in various sections of Kansas.

  1. E. Geeslin has located at Rush Springs, Oklahoma.

Lois Dell is studying at Iowa State College, Ames.

Mercie Shatto is taking advanced work in dietetics in Cook County Hos¬pital, Chicago.

Ralph Bowers adds coaching of girls’ basketball to his duties as teach¬er in Phillipsburg, Kansas. Mrs. Bowers (Clara Davis, ’29) teaches pi¬ano and directs the music in the First Christian Church. Mr. and Mrs. Bow¬ers drove to Louisiana during the Christmas vacation. They were ac-companied by Paul Bowers, ’30, Ruth Turner, ’31, and Ethel Sherfy, ’32.

Arian Brigham McCoy teaches in the grades at Vesper, Kansas, where her husband is superintendent of schools.

Floy Brown’s debate team from El- linwood, Kansas, won first place in a district tournament at Hutchinson, December 9. Floy graciously ascribes most of the credit to Professor Hess.


John Cottingham holds a position as an assistant chemistry instructor at the same time he continues his work in the Kansas City College of Phar¬macy. During the summer months he worked at his old position in Bixby and Lindsay’s drug store.

Beth Heaston teaches in Yoder, Wy-oming.

Doris Ballard is busier than usual, if that can be, in her work at Alta Vista, Kansas.

Harold H. Crist has a good business as salesman for the Investor’s Syndi¬cate, Hutchinson, Kansas. Mr. Crist visited in Weiser, Idaho, during the Christmas vacation.

Chester Carter Grabeel and her husband are in the grocery business at Perryton, Texas. They spent Christ¬mas week in Asheville, North Carolina, “The Land of the Sky,” and the fol¬lowing week in Virginia. They watch¬ed the New Year in at Times. Square, New York. This holiday trip had been preceded by a trip through the south¬ern states in August.

Miss Ethel Sherfy, ’32, spent the Christmas vacation at the Harris home, Jennings, Louisiana.

The engagement of Madalyn Grey and Floyd Barngrover has recently been announced.

Lloyd Diggs, together with a quar¬tet from Gaylord, Kansas, has been broadcasting from Station KMMJ, Clay Center, Nebraska.

Harriet Hopkins Kjera brought her little son from Chicago to visit her mother during the autumn.

Helen Kline is with her father and sister at Twin Falls, Idaho.

Harold Melchert continues his edu¬cation at the Teachers College, Hays, Kansas.

Ruth Blickenstaff finds teaching at Oxford, Kansas, a very pleasant occu-pation.

Paul Bowers is in the Stockton, Kansas, high school.

Elizabeth Hess is teaching at Per- cival, Iowa.

Lila Fields is employed in her fath¬er’s dental office.

Vinnie Lindbeck was chairman of the art section at the recent meeting of Kansas Administrators of Educa¬tion at Wichita.

Wray Whiteneck is now connected with a large dairy at Lincoln, Neb- raska.

Daniel Johnson continues his work at the University of Kansas.

Isabel Eskeldson teaches at Cotton¬wood Falls, Kansas.

Irene Steinberg, teaching her sec¬ond year at Gypsum, Kansas, under¬went an emergency operation for ap¬pendicitis at a Salina hospital in De¬cember.


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Sylvia Edgecomb, a teacher in the McPherson schools, spent the summer with her parents in Nampa, Idaho.


Ethel Jamison continues her educa¬tional work at the University of Kan¬sas, department of education. Miss Jamison received the fellowship grant¬ed annually to a McPherson senior.

Keith Hayes gave the concluding address in a series of a half dozen dis¬cussions on problems relating to in¬ternational relations, militarization, peace, and disarmament at the Church of the Brethren, McPherson, on Sun¬day evening, January 31. Mr. Hayes’ subject was “The World Court.” Other speakers in the series had been Rev. H. F. Richards, Dr. J. D. Bright, President V. F. Schwalm, and Dr. J. J. Yoder.

Wendell Hubbard found a good po¬sition awaiting him on his father’s paper, the Hugoton Hermes, Hugoton, Kansas. We wonder if he writes the clever paragraphs that are copied by some papers in the eastern part of the


Marguerite Wagoner Hubbard man¬ages two jobs again, teaching in Ste¬vens County, and keeping her husband happy.

Ruth Trostle will begin work as a student dietician at Indianapolis City Hospital early in March. She has spent the winter at her home in Nickerson, Kansas.

Eugenia Dawson says in a personal note not for publication that she sees instructors in a different light after teaching home economics in the An¬thony, Kansas, senior high school.

Besides teaching government, world history, and debate, Keith Hayes is trying to teach pacifism and non-ex¬ploitation of one’s fellowmen to a group of prospective citizens at Hois- ington, Kansas.

Avie Wattenbarger is planning to open an art shop in Shamrock, Texas.

The engagement of Ruth Turner, ’31, and Paul Bowers, ’30, has been announced.

Leland Lindell holds a responsible position with the McPherson Republi¬can. One interesting task is discover¬ing and disseminating all news relat¬ing to the increasingly important oil industry of McPherson County.

Vernon Gustafson, together with Stewart Bailey, a former student, has the contract for securing the advertis¬ing for Beebe’s important annual, Kansas Facts. The third volume of this publication, three hundred pages of condensed information, has recently been made available to those interested in knowing what is what and who is who in Kansas. The securing of the advertising is a most responsible position. In addition, these young men have the agency for the book in six counties of central Kansas.

Nina Stull is coaching a basketball team at Windom that remains unde¬feated. A recent victory smothered the Marquette high school girls, 79 to 25.

Herbert Ruthrauff attended the re¬gional conference held at McPherson, February 1 to 5. He is the successful pastor of one of the Brethren church¬es in Wichita.

Other members of 1931 who are teaching: Elfie Abelt, Leoti; Fred Andrews, Gaylord; Gladys Christian¬sen, Canton; Grace Early, Hardin, Missouri; Beth Hendrickson and Blanche Pyle, Quinter; Edna Hoover and Alma Morrison, Roxbury; Marvin Hill, Windom; Helen Hudson, Two Buttes, Colorado; Ida Lengel, Alden; Irvin Rump, Arlington; Carroll Walk¬er, Norway; Harry Zinn, Valley Cen¬ter; Naomi Witmore, Zook rural high school, Lamed; Christine Mohler, New Haven, Missouri.


Your Opportunity To Help

In other columns is mentioned the idea paramount at the College in these days of financial stress—the deter¬mination to carry on the finances with¬out accumulating debts that will permanently cripple the organization. The Loyalty Fund, an outgrowth of this determination, is growing con¬stantly. Here is a copy of the card. Some alumni who receive salaries reg¬ularly will want to sign this card, in¬dicating the amount, and send it to the College. You are earnestly solicit¬ed to give this matter your most earn¬est consideration.


Is Granted Year’s Leave

Miss Edith McGaffey, editor of this issue of the Alumni Magazine and professor of English at McPherson College since 1919, has been granted a leave of absence by the Board of Trustees for one year beginning June 1. During Miss McGaffey’s absence Prof. Maurice A. Hess and President V. F. Schwalm will teach some of the courses which she is now teaching. Miss McGaffey will pursue the study of literature, probably at the Univer¬sity of Chicago.



Special Agent

The Equitable Life Assur-

ance Society of the

United States

416 Professional Building

164 Division St., Elgin, Ill.


Business Elgin 2588

Residence Elgin 3029


Would You Leave

your family without money?

Then make plans to have an income continue for their lives.

Earl V. Reed

Dist. Mgr.

Union Central Life Ins. Co.

“Builder of Estates”



In order to aid McPherson College through the present eco¬nomic depression, I promise to pay the amount indicated below:

$100□; $75□; $50□; $25□; $20□; $15□; $10□;  □

to the Treasurer of the college on or before May 1, 1932.

Date_____________ Name______________



Page 16   THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE   February, 1932



An environment for learning and culture. Enter seriously and achieve

the goal of unselfish service and a better understanding of humanity





McPherson, Kansas


Peoples State Bank

We value highly our connection with McPherson College

and thirty years of association with alumni and students

  1. A. VANIMAN, President C. VANIMAN, Vice-President

BERT WEBB, Cashier       PAUL E. SARGENT, Asst. Cashier