The Alumni Magazine

McPherson College

Vol. II  February, 1931 No. 1

Page 2  THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE  February, 1931


A Loyal Cooperation Will Put the Endowment Drive Over the Top.

There are $200,000 still to be raised on the endowment. That is a large amount but if we each help a little it can be raised.

What Do We Owe Our Alma Mater?

It has been estimated that the annual cost of maintaining the College is approximately $75 per student over and above tuition. That being the case the average alumnus owes his Alma Mater $300. If we cannot pay the full amount perhaps we can each pay some interest on the investment—6% interest after graduation would mean $45 the first year and $18 annually thereafter. That amount from each alumnus would soon build up an endowment fund which would easily care for the expenses of the College.

We have shared advantages supplied by others. Now we are asked to return some interest on the investment made in us.

The faculty have shown their interest in the College by giving freely. The challenge has gone out to the alumni to equal the gifts of the faculty. Due to the larger number of alumni this would mean only $25 each. Why not treble that amount and put the endowment drive over the top? Let us show that we believe in the quality of McPherson College by supporting the endowment.

Let us not despise the little
Nor withhold the large amount
But in every jot and tittle
Let us help square the account.

With the good old Bulldog spirit
Let’s support it to a man
And to help McPherson College
Let us each give as we can.

February, 1931  THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE  Page 3


The Task of Being an Editor

It is not a small task to collect material for a sixteen-page magazine. The task would not be such a difficult one were we to content ourself with a few story articles, or perhaps copy some editorials. An alumni magazine to be worth while must be chucked full of news items from former students and alumni. Every one of you could give your editor much material not only concerning yourself but concerning others, were he permitted to talk with you personally, but this is impossible in most cases. Our plea is that you will feel a personal responsibility for news for our magazine and use every opportunity that you have to make your contributions to us. Others would like to know what you are doing, and you have information concerning others that we should have. Help us make The Alumni Magazine the best ever.

R. E. M.

A Temporary Change in Policy

As a result of the strenuous economic condition of the country and the poverty of the Alumni Association, we have for the present dropped the idea of publishing a quarterly magazine, substituting in its place a magazine that will be published once or twice a year. It is the policy of your board to return to the original plan just as quickly as financial conditions permit.

The following suggestion might be offered. If you have received a copy of the magazine and appreciate it, possibly you would like to make a small contribution to its support. If you would your Business Manager (Dale Strickler, McPherson, Kansas) will gladly credit you with the amount you send, and guarantee you future numbers of the paper. We enjoy publishing this magazine, and gladly give our time for it, but we must have some help in finance if it is to come to you in anything like regular intervals.

R. E. M.

Why We Changed Matrons

To many former students and alumni Arnold Hall will not seem quite the same when you return to M. C. Miss Lora Trostle had been matron of this hall for fifteen years and in that time had built up for herself a friendship among students that most anyone might covet. Upon the recommendations of her doctor, Miss Trostle resigned her work as matron. It was with no small degree of sadness that she gave up the work, for to her “The Girls” were her best friends.

Miss Trostle is now living with her two sisters Mrs. Shirk and Mrs. Hoffman on College Hill, and while she is no longer officially connected with the College she is still interested in the work, and continues the same smiling face and cheerful personality. She is much improved in health and welcomes heartily her friends and former students. Miss Trostle’s successor, Mrs. Holsinger, is a pleasing lady, and will be happy to make you feel at home when you return to M. C.

R. E. M.

The Alumni Magazine
Established 1930 Published by the
Alumni Association of McPherson College
R. E. Mohler, ’07 ————————————Temporary Editor
Orville D. Pote, ’23 ———————————Makeup Editor
Dale Strickler, ’24—————————— —-Business Manager
Edith McGaffey, ’18; G. N. Boone, ’21; Orville D. Pote, ’23; R. E. Mohler, ’07; Dale Strickler, ’24 ;Eunice Almen, ’24; Leland Lindell, ’31
Vol. II    February, 1931    No. 1
John Wall, ’28—————————————-President
Edith McGaffey, ’18 ———————————-Secretary
Paul K. Brandt, ’20 ———————————-Alumni Trustee
J. H. Fries, ’25; Paul Sargent, ’23; Marietta Byerly, ’23; W. C. Heaston, ’05; John Wall, ’28; R. E. Mohler, ’07; Edith McGaffey, ’18; Rush Holloway, ’30; G. N. Boone, ’21; Eunice Almen, ’24; Kenneth Rock, ’27; R. C. Strohm, ’03; Leonard Crumpacker, ’28; Archie Blickenstaff, ’29; Gladys Heaston Krehbiel, ’20
Don’t forget the advertisers. They mean business, and they deserve the attention of readers of this magazine. They support the Alumni Association. Alumni should support

Showing Our Loyalty

When a letter asking. for information for The Alumni Magazine arrives, we read it and resolve to be real loyal and send in a lot of news atonce. But the fountain pen is empty,no pencil is at hand, something else occupies our mind and we put the letter aside to answer it tomorrow. But tomorrow’s program is so full that the letter is forgotten. At last we excuse ourselves with, “Oh well, everybody else will send in a lot of news, mine won’t be missed.”

There is only one way out—answer the letter the day it arrives. We’ll be free to do something else then and the news collector’s task will be made a pleasant one. Nothing pleases an editor more than to have the copy in on time.    O. D. P.

Page 4  THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE  February, 1931

Our Financial Campaign

McPherson college is in a FINANCIAL CAMPAIGN.

The campaign is two-fold. One feature of it is an effort to increase the endowment of the college. The other is an effort to raise money to provide immediate income until additional endowment becomes productive. The college has never been adequately endowed. One of the last major efforts of Dr. Kurtz, as President, was to increase the endowment so that the college might remain a member of the North Central Association.

To provide income for the college in lieu of sufficient endowment the trustees of the colleges in 1927 voted to ask the churches to pay to the college one dollar per member each year. This would provide from $10,000 to $12,000 per year of additional income. This plan was approved by the District Conferences of the Church. But only about $2,250 of the above amounts have been paid to the college annually.

Last February the trustees of the college voted to launch a campaign to increase our endowment. The sum to be raised was to be $150,000. The President of the college and Dr. Yoder were to be released from teaching to help with this campaign. During the summer, the economic depression set in and made the prospects for endowment uncertain. So the endowment committee and trustees decided on the double campaign, a campaign to raise endowment from certain sources not seriously affected by the depression, and maintenance funds from many others who could give smaller amounts to help meet immediate needs. The faculty have contributed some $34,000 toward the endowment campaign. Others have given this fall so that this sum is now about $42,000. Nearly $5,000 has been raised on the maintenance fund, most of it is small sums from $5 to $100 each.

McPherson College is not now a member of the North Central Association of Colleges. So far we have been able to carry on by being recognized as a Standard Senior College by the State Department of Education in Kansas. We know, however, that this cannot continue indefinitely. McPherson College must become A MEMBER OF THE NORTH CENTRAL ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGES if she desires to train school teachers and prepare students for entrance into professional or graduate work in the universities.

As an alumnus of the college it is to your interest that the college should be a member of some recognized standardizing agency. It will be of decided advantage to the college when it can be counted as a fully standardized college. To do this means more paid up endowment and more annual income. Other standards can be easily met when once the finance is provided.

The problem of endowing the college is not the work of a few. It requires the cooperation of every friend of the college. Every alumnus, every member of the Brethren Church, every friend whether near or far will be needed to make the campaign a success. Why should not the Alumni Association at its next annual meeting bring together a large number of representative alumni and decide what their share of the campaign should be, and take steps to assume their share of the responsibility in this campaign? Our college may be small “but there are those who love her.” It is those who love her who will give to her support.

President V. F. Schwalm

More Books Are Needed

With the aid of generous gifts by alumni and friends the College Library now contains more than 10,500 books. Some of us are beginning to wonder if that number cannot be raised to 11,000 by the end of this school year.

To Hold Reunion

McPherson College alumni and former students will .hold a reunion in Chicago February 10. President V. F. Schwalm will be the main speaker. Alumni and former students living in this section of the country should communicate with Miss Ruth Solenburger of Elgin, Illinois, care of Brethren Publishing House.

60 Attend Reunion

A successful college reunion was held on the lawn of the beautiful farm home of Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Keim, ’25, Nampa, Idaho last summer. Sixty alumni, former students, and friends of McPherson College were present. Dean R. E. Mohler was the principal speaker.

Our Alma Mater

Through the history of McPherson College, from its small honorable beginning to its present standard as a School of Quality many have spent four profitable years in its classrooms. We who are called graduates of McPherson College can look back with pride and happiness that she is our Alma Mater.

In its onward march for advancement many problems have been met and won. Like all achievements success does not come without work. Men whom we all know, some whom we studied under, have given their life’s work and a great deal of money to build and keep our Alma Mater always on a high standard.

McPherson’s family of graduates is becoming larger each succeeding year. Alumni are scattered to all corners of the world. Like a child we have grown, gone out into the world to face our respective tasks, but we must never forget that our Alma Mater made it possible for us to live a more profitable and fuller life.

At the present time McPherson College is striving for re-entrance into the North Central Association of Schools. In order that this can be done a considerable sum of money must be raised. A good amount has already been raised but a great deal more is needed. We as alumni know what it means to see our Alma Mater in this Association and fully realize the importance of the situation.

The alumni above all others must support this cause, if we do not it is hard to expect others who have not received the benefits of the school as we have. Therefore, let us support this cause, pay up your old pledges and give more.

John Wall, ‘29

Basketball Schedule
Jan. 10—St. Mary’s at McPherson.
Jan. 24—Ottawa at Ottawa.
Jan. 30—Kansas Wesleyan at Salina
Feb. 3—Bethany at Lindsborg.
Feb. 10—Baker at McPherson.
Feb. 14—Kansas, Wesleyan at McPherson.
Feb. 17—St. Mary’s at St. Mary’s.
Feb. 18—Baker at Baldwin.
Feb. 24—Bethany at McPherson.
Mar. 3—Ottawa at McPherson.

February, 1931  THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE  Page 5

“The School of Quality”

The school year of 1930-31 so far has been characterized with a good wholesome spirit and a complete understanding between the student body, and the faculty, probably more so than any other time during the last three years. The campus life has been free from conflicting difficulties and small, petty, student misdemeanors so far this student year to make it as a year of outstanding administration.

Athletics have received practically no criticism, even though the football team won but one game during the entire season, for students and management both realized that it was the task of the new coach to develop his team from raw material and to a certain extent inexperienced players. The basketball season is beginning to look more promising with the team having a high morale and playing for the “School of Quality.”

It is a distinct compliment to McPherson College and its standards that the enrollment should increase over that of the previous semester when the fall term opened in face of the economic depression that has swept the nation. To even have held its own as a student population would have further substantiated the recognized fact that the College is the “School of Quality.”

Alumni and friends of the College are showing their faith in the institution that they have made possible through their contributions to the present endowment campaign that is being launched during a period of hard times. It is intimated that more than $50,000 of their proposed goal of $150,000 has come into the coffers of the College, either directly or in an indirect manner. Student faith and alumni support will build the institution to a high peak in the educational circles of the country.

At this writing it is quite evident that the enrollment for the second semester will be slightly decreased from that of the first semester, purely because of a lack of funds and an unsufficient means of securing funds for the continuance of their school work. This does not reflect adversely upon the College for other schools of the country are losing students through the same channels.

The debate season is now opening to what gives promise of being one of the outstanding of recent years. In a pre-season debate tournament of five states McPherson College won third place with both their ladies’ and men’s teams, indicating the high quality of the student body and the efficient and high standard of the faculty.

Nineteen hundred thirty-one may be a period of depression for the nation as a whole but to McPherson it has and indications point to the the fact that it will continue to have its present trend along the lines of prosperity to the ultimate goal of the “School of Quality.”

Leland E. Lindell, ’31

With Former Professors

Charles S. Morris, professor of physics at M. C., 1917 to 1926, received his Ph. D. degree in physics from the Ohio State University at Columbus last August and has returned to his post as head of the physics department in Manchester College.

Benjamin R. Tilberg, instructor in voice at M. C., 1920 to 1921, is a member of the faculty at Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois.

C. L. Rowland, former voice instructor at M. C. and now head of the voice department at Juniata College, directed the Juniata Girls’ Glee Club presentation of “The Holy City” by Gaul on December 14, 1930, at the Church of the Brethren, Huntingdon, Pennsylvania.

J. W. Deeter is doing pastoral work in Andover, Connecticut.

Katherine Penner Barton is contralto soloist in the First Presbyterian Church, Alton, Illinois.

Miss Celestia Wine and Cecil B. Williams are finishing graduate courses in English at the University of Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Le Suer of Lawrence, Kansas, have announced the birth of a daughter, December 17, 1930, whom they have named Elizabeth Anne. Mrs. Le Suer will be remembered as Miss Mildred Lamb, head of the commerce department, 1928 to 1929.

Forrest W. Gaw is a private music teacher at Liberal, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Gaw are the parents of a fourteen-months-old daughter.

B. E. Ebel is engaged in the Redlands Baptist College at Redlands, California, as professor of modern languages. Both Mr. and Mrs. Ebel are enjoying better health than they have for some time.

Dr. D. H. Hoover is professor of economics at the University of Illinois.

Dr. A. J. Culler is the pastor of the Cleveland Heights Christian Church at Cleveland, Ohio.

Ammon Swope is professor of industrial education at Purdue University, Lafayette, Indiana.

Miss Elsie Pokrantz, professor of modern languages at M. C., 1924 to 1926, is engaged as an instructor of German at Bryn Mawr College, Pennsylvania.

Arthur “Dutch” Lonborg is now employed as basketball coach at Northwestern University.

Prof. O. B, Baldwin, Dean of Friends University, received his Ph. D. degree in 1930.

Dr. Arthur B. Frizell, former professor of mathematics at McPherson College, wrote a Yule Song as his Christmas greeting to friends. Dr. Frizell is now located at Spokane, Washington.

Class of ’30 Sets Record

That fifty per cent of the total number of seniors graduating from a college secure teaching positions the first year they are out of school is a wonderful record for a school that does not pretend to be a normal school. McPherson College did this last spring with fifty-six seniors being graduated. Twenty-eight of the fifty-six seniors have secured high school positions in Kansas or outside of the state.

The following is a list of the seniors teaching and the places they are located: Beth Hess, Langdon; Clarence Zink, Harper; Lawrence Barngrover, Buhler; Harold Crist, Zook; Elmer Crumpacker, Wilmore; Rush Holloway, McPherson; Doris Ballard, Alta Vista; Paul Bowers, Covert; Reuben Bowman, Alden; Ruth Blickenstaff, Dwight; Ross Curtis, Waldo; Esther Dahlinger, Simpson; Lloyd Diggs, Gaylord; Irene Gibson, Springer, New Mexico; C. O. Heidebrecht, Inman; Alberta Hovis, Chase; Edward Kaufman, Windom; Florence Lehman, Covert; Bernice McClellan, Simpson; Ray Nonken, Wakeeney; Irene Steinberg, Gypsum; Lawrence Turner, Twin Falls, Idaho; Lillian Thomas, McPherson; Hanna Spence, Manhattan; Mrs. S. J. Neher, Portis; Walter Fillmore, Ripley, Oklahoma; Murlin Hoover, Wilsonville, Nebraska; Melvin B. Landis, Harrisonburg, Virginia; and Sylvia Edgecomb, McPherson.

Page 6  THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE  February, 1931

Our World Travelers

The Craik Party

A group of twenty of us greatly enjoyed a sixty-day tour of Europe this summer under the auspices of the Murray Tours of Kansas City, Missouri. I assisted Mr. Murray in assembling the party, which included several of my former students in both McPherson and Juniata Colleges. The McPhersonites were Helen Elliott, Edna Dunham, Mrs. Theodore Sharp, and Sue Fike. Mrs. Craik and our son Warren were also in the party. We sailed from Montreal on June 21 for Liverpool, and after a short stay in England crossed over to France, thence, in order, to Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Belgium, England again, and lastly Scotland. Sailing from Liverpool, we arrived home at New York on August 19.

I cannot within the limits set for me convey to you all the impressions I have gotten from the tour. We were all greatly pleased with the wonderful natural beauties of Europe everywhere. There is little waste land and very few weeds. I somehow prefer Switzerland and Scotland for scenery, although that is largely a matter of taste, as you know. I think we got the best “eats” in those countries, too.

The two unique experiences of the trip were attending the Passion Play at Oberammergau and the Centennial Exhibition at Antwerp. Both of these impressed me greatly. At Oberammergau we were carried back into a medieval atmosphere surcharged with religious faith and at Antwerp we saw the best illustration of the mechanical genius of modern Europe.

I noted two characteristics of most Americans who traveled abroad: the wearing of straw hats and the perpetual counting of money.

E. L. Craik, ’10

The Sherwood Eddy Tour

It was the rare privilege of Mrs. Schwalm and myself to tour Europe during the past summer under the inspiring leadership of Dr. Sherwood Eddy. We left New York on June 25 in the steamship Republic and reached London July 5. We visited England, France, Switzerland, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Austria, and Italy. We returned to America in the steamship Leviathan, arriving in New York on September 3.

The trip was unusually inspiring from several viewpoints. First of all, the party itself was composed of men and women with whom a summer’s association was a rare privilege. There were two United States senators; Chas. P. Taft, son of Chief Justice Taft; two or three editors; several lecturers; several Jewish rabbis; some twenty ministers; three college presidents, several professors and housewives. The exchange of viewpoints and fellowship with the group was stimulating and helpful. Then, second, under Dr. Eddy’s guidance there was provided for the party in Europe contacts with many of the strongest minds, and the best informed men of Europe. Such leaders as Lloyd George, Sir Arthur Henderson, Lord Robert Cecil, Principal Garvie, Wickam Steed, Bernard Shaw, Carl Becker, Julius Rechler, the Pope, and Mussolini, inspired with their presence and usually with lectures or in answering our questions. It brings one close to the center of political reality to be able to ask these leaders questions about the current problems of our day, such as the League of Nations, disarmament, the tariff, economic depression, etc. Then, too, we found great satisfaction in visiting such historic spots as Westminster Abbey, St. Paul’s Cathedral, London Tower, Parliament, Stratford, Oxford, the British Museum, Versailles, the Sorbonne, The Louvre, Geneva, Oberammergau, the Kaiser’s Palace, Potsdam, Prague, Vienna, St. Peter’s, the Colosseum, Vesuvius, Pompeii, and Florence. The great masterpieces of art, and the historic remains of the past revive in one’s memory the lessons of history with a freshness that is stimulating.

Several general impressions remain with us. (1) That humanity is much alike. Basically our differences are negligible alongside the many ways in which we are alike in our fundamental humanity. (2) That Europe is facing and meeting her problems with about as much intelligence and courage as we are. The difference between us and them grows more largely out of our isolation and out of the fact of our great natural resources, put so lavishly at our disposal by an Omnipotent hand. (3) That Europe faces enormously difficult tasks due to the many different nationalities crowded so compactly into narrow boundaries. What a pity that someone hasn’t unified Europe, or that Europe might have formed an effective United States of Europe long before the animosities that now so divide her had developed! (4) That the United States should enter cooperatively into fellowship with the nations of Europe to prevent another war. We got into one world war before there ever was a League of Nations. We do not hesitate to enter European markets or to accept economic advantages from Europe. Why not help prevent war in any constructive way we can? It is difficult to be a friendly neutral when an aggressor nation makes war.

The tour of Europe was pleasant. We hope it will prove to have been valuable. We thank our friends who encouraged us to take it and who carried the responsibilities that made our going possible.

President V. F. Schwalm

The Lehman Tour

Miss Della Lehman of the English department and a group of eight girls spent the summer touring Europe. Miss Lehman had three former McPherson students, Eunice Longsdorff, ’29, Myrtle Moyers, ’28, and Floy Brown, ’29, in her party. Most of the other members of the party were graduates of Manchester College.

Miss Lehman and her party sailed June 13 from Montreal, Canada on the steamship Ausonia. They landed in England where they made a special study of the places of literary interest. Shakespeare’s home, Anne Hathaway’s cottage, Kenilworth Castle, the Stratford-on-Avon Church, and the Old Curiosity Shop were some of the places visited.

In Holland, the Peace Palace which was built by gifts of Andrew Carnegie was on their sight-seeing trip.

Historical and literary places of interest in Belgium, Austria, and Switzerland were reported as being very interesting.

The members of the party were more impressed by the Passion Play at Oberammergau than by any other one thing on their trip. They saw the Passion Play on July 6 which was the period in the summer when most tourists were seeing the presentation of the great story which transformed the world.

Venice with its art and history was very impressive. When they arrived

February, 1931  THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE  Page 7

in Venice, they were met at the station by gondolas which took them to their hotel. Their sight-seeing included trips to St. Mark’s Square, the Bridge of Sighs, and the Rialto.

A stay of five days in Rome was spent in seeing the noted cathedrals, the Colosseum, the Forum, and other historical sites.

The party made their last stop in Paris where they attended the Opera. Trips out from Paris to the Battle Fields, Versailles, and Fountainbleau were among those taken.

Miss Lehman’s party left her at Paris for Bologne, France, on August 2 where they sailed on the steamship Statendam for New York. Miss Lehman spent the remaining part of the summer in Geneva, Switzerland. The first semester of this year she attended King’s College in London.

Floy Brown, ’29

The Kurtz-Murray Tour

It was a rare privilege to travel abroad this summer with the Kurtz-Murray party which visited eighteen countries.

In England we visited the home of Shakespeare, Anne Hathaway’s cottage with its quaint garden and thatched roof, and Windsor Castle. At Westminster Abbey we heard a marvelous organ recital and saw many wonderful works of art. There are many beautiful parks, driveways, and flowers in London and Paris; here we saw the most colorful and largest hydrangeas we had ever seen.

Italy was extremely interesting. Mussolini has done much for the industry and education of Italy. The train service is excellent; electric engines are used through the tunnels to insure clean and comfortable traveling.

Rome as a great center of art was not disappointing. St. Peter’s, the result of the labors of Constantine the Builder and Michael Angelo, displays many masterpieces in sculpture and mosaic, and permits 80,000 people to stand in worship at one time. The Vatican and the Sistine Chapel are wonderful but indescribable as are the Appian Way, the Catacombs, the Colosseum, and the Forum. The excursion to the Blue Grotto was a unique experience; the coloring of the rocks and water was most striking. The cave is large enough for thirty-five small boats.

We were disappointed to find the Casino at Monte Carlo closed. At Genoa we saw the home and statue of Columbus. Other scenes of interest in Italy were Mount Vesuvius, the ruins of Pompeii, and the city of Venice with her romantic gondolas.

Sailing down the blue Mediterranean we stopped at Athens, “the eye of Greece, Mother of arts and eloquence.” We stood on Mars Hill where Paul preached and we were thrilled with ancient and biblical lore. Constantinople is very interesting with its old harems, museums, mosques, and treasuries.

At Beirut we took modem cars for Syria and Palestine, stopping at Baalbeck, the city of ruins, and visiting Damascus, Nazareth, Bethlehem, the Sea of Galilee, the Dead Sea, the River Jordan, Jerusalem, the Mount of Olives, and the Garden, where we had fitting services by Dr. Kurtz.

Going on to Egypt we stopped at Cairo to sec the pyramids and the Sphinx, which was a marvel. Here we had the thrill of riding a camel; one cannot describe the feeling one has in staying on when the animal gets up, or the swinging motion while riding.

Switzerland was marvelously beautiful. The Passion Play at Oberammergau, in the portrayal of the life and suffering of the Christ in tableaux, song, and drama, was a fitting climax to the tour.

Some of the former McPherson people on the trip were Dr. and Mrs. D. W. Kurtz, and son, Wheeler, Dr. and Mrs. E. L. Craik and son, Warren, Mrs. Effa Sharp, A. ’92, Levi Stump, A. M. ’18, Mrs. Levi Stump, Helen Elliott, A. B. ’24, Eulala Fishback, Vera Cade, A. B. and B. S. ’29, and Dr. Frank Shirk, Com. ’92. In London we had the unexpected pleasure of meeting Professor and Mrs. Muir and Miss Gladys Muir.

Mrs. H. J. Harnly, ’13

A Trip to Vesuvius

It was a beautiful morning and we were on our way to Vesuvius. One old gentleman was horrified when the speedometer read “80.” He did not know that it was kilometers per hour and not miles.

Vesuvius has a big crater about a half mile across and inside the big crater is a small cone which blows out smoke and ashes with an angry roar every few minutes. The lava in the bottom of the big crater is rough and cracked like the mud in a dry creek bottom. We walked across this as near the small cone as we dared. There is some danger of being hit with the falling cinders.

Inside the big crater and on the east side of the cone were great heaps of twisted lava, which was just five days old. Out of the middle of this new lava was a red hot stream of molten rock running slowly down the mountain. One of the guides collected some coins from the group and was going to put them into the hot lava and thus make souvenirs. Several of us wanted to go along, but he protested vigorously. He said it was “impossible” — that we would fall and break our legs and he would be put in jail. We assured him that nothing was impossible to Americans and our legs didn’t break any easier than his.

We went all right, but we soon found out that he wasn’t fooling when he said it was hard. For a distance of several city blocks we crawled over miniature mountains and valleys made of hard, rough, hot lava. The closer we got to the molten stream the hotter things got. The rock was so hot we couldn’t stand still and between the cracks smoke and steam poured out in great quantities. The stream was about two feet wide and moved very slowly down the mountain, like thick molasses. Thrusting a stick into the stream and twisting it around as we would a spoon in a honey dish the guide was able to get an egg-sized dab on the end of the stick. He pressed a coin into this and after the lava was cold the coin could not be removed; these he sold as souvenirs. A brave young American thought he would try his luck, but the lava was so hot he couldn’t get close enough to reach it with a stick.

About this time the wind blew all the smoke from the cone down on us. The sulphur fumes were so strong that we had to put handkerchiefs over our faces in order to breathe at all. The cone was roaring, the heat was getting unbearable, the smoke was so thick we couldn’t see or breathe, and we could imagine hot lava pouring down on us from the cone — it was a good demonstration of our idea of hell.

My father said he was glad he went but would never go again. We all felt a little that way when about three days later we got the news that Vesuvius really had erupted and killed hundreds of people.

Wheeler Kurtz, ’34

Page 8  THE ALUMNI MAGAZINE  February, 1931

On the Campus

In compliance with a state ruling which requires credits in supervised practice teaching before granting a state teaching certificate, this work has been organized in a new department under the supervision of Miss Mary Fee, formerly of Kansas University. The schools of McPherson are being utilized by the practice teachers.

Enrollment at McPherson shows a slight increase over last year, there being more than three hundred enrolled for the first semester. The increase is regarded as a victory in view of the slump in most schools on account of depressed economic conditions.

The College Brethren Church has inaugurated a series of Sunday evening programs which are proving interesting and popular. They consist for the most part of lectures, plays, and musical programs, drawing talent from both the College and other local sources.

Debate promises to be strong at M. C. again this year. Coach Hess has three veterans in Keith Hayes, John Lehman, and Ward Williams, and Walter Wollmann is the fourth member of the Varsity team. A women’s team, consisting of Nina Stull, Lillian Carlson, Lucille Crabb, and Mildred Doyle is also doing good work. Both women and men placed third in the five-state invitation tournament at Winfield this fall. The question is “Free Trade.”

Ward Williams and Philip Lauver were delegates to the National Student-Faculty Conference at Detroit, Michigan, December 27-31. They brought back an instructive and inspirational report on the work of the conference.

The Ladies’ Quartet includes Eugenia Dawson, Ruth Turner, Nada Mac Ritz, and Verna Beaver. They have been doing excellent work under the direction of Mrs. Anna C. Tate.

Lawrence Lehman, Harvey Shank, Harry Zinn, and Charles Austin are members of the Varsity Male Quartet, which has sung on a number of occasions. All are new members of the quartet.

Two deputation teams have already made tours under the supervision of the World Service Group, one in southeast Kansas and one in Missouri. Several other groups will be sent out soon.

A number of M. C. students are active ministers this year. Following are some of them and their congregations: Herbert Ruthrauff, West Wichita; John Lehman, Monitor; Ward Williams, Castleton; Lawrence Lehman, Holland; Philip Lauver, Centennial; Alfred Johnson, Swedish Lutheran Church, McPherson.

Handicapped by inexperience and lack of weight, the football team won only one game this fall, from Bethel College. However they showed a lot of fight and improved greatly toward the end of the season under Coach Binford’s training. Since only Bigham, Hill, and McElroy will be graduated from the team, prospects look good for 1931. Elmer Keck will captain the squad next fall.

Although suffering losses to the strong teams of Wichita University, Hays Teachers’, and Bethel College, the basketball team is displaying an excellent passing attack and fair scoring ability which should put it high in Kansas Conference standings. St. Mary’s College and Friends University have been vanquished already by the Bulldogs. Those starting regularly have been Posey Jamison, captain; Irvin Rump, Marvin Hill, Harold Binford, and Cecil Anderson. There also are a number of others on the squad with practically the same skill.

Coach Binford has put more emphasis than heretofore on intra-mural athletics. Two groups each consisting of eight basketball teams have been organized to play off double rounds of games. Four girls’ teams also are playing a tournament sponsored by the W. A. A.

Faculty News

Mrs. Anna G. Tate, head of the voice department, was a member of the Proschowski Master Class in Kansas City last June, taking both private and class instruction from Franz Proschowski.

Prof. H. H. Nininger, who has gained fame and reputation because of his research work in biology, has quit his post at the College so that he can further his work in the study of meteorites, a phase of his endeavor in which he has been especially successful. In addition to his study of these, Mr. Nininger expects to do considerable lecture work.

Dean R. E. Mohler has recently accepted a position with the Board of Religious Education of the Church of the Brethren. He will be in the field for them next summer acting as Secretary of Adult Religious Education and Men’s Work. He will return to McPherson next fall.

Miss Jessie Brown spent a few days visiting old friends in Buffalo, Kansas, preceding an extensive trip through the Yellowstone National Park during August.

Miss Fern Lingenfelter attended summer school at the Colorado State University, Boulder.

Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Hershey and Ardyce spent several weeks last summer in Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington, D. C.

Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Richards and family spent their summer vacation visiting friends and relatives in Dayton, Ohio. While there Rev. Richards conducted a two weeks’ evangelistic service at a Church of the Brethren in Dayton.

Miss Della Lehman sponsored a party of girls on a tour of seven European countries during the summer. Miss Lehman remained in London where she attended King’s College the first semester of this school year.

Dean R. E. Mohler with his family accompanied by Miss Fern Shoemaker, ’29, spent the summer touring the Northwest. They visited Yellowstone and points of interest in Colorado, Idaho, Oregon, Utah, and Washington. In addition to sight-seeing and visiting Dean Mohler assisted in two Young People’s Conferences, one in Idaho and one in Washington.

Prof. Maurice Hess attended the eleven weeks session of the University of Chicago during the summer months of 1930. Mr. Hess was enrolled in the departments of Latin and Germanic languages.

Prof. J. A, Blair was enrolled in the school of education of the University of Chicago for the second term of the summer session, 1930.

Mr. and Mrs. Wyman Freeby and son spent three months during the late summer and early fall traveling through Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico.

Robert Solberg is a sophomore in the Northwestern School of Medicine, Chicago. He is a member of the Alpha Kappa Kappa medical fraternity.

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In Old Spain

Last year I had the opportunity to go to Barcelona, Spain as private tutor in an American home. Since to spend a year abroad was almost a dream come true I, naturally, did not hesitate to avail myself of the opportunity. The family in whose home I taught were friends of mine and I had visited them on a previous trip to Europe, so I was not in a land nor place entirely foreign to me.

Spain, to me, is one of the most interesting and certainly one of the most fascinating countries of Europe. It is not visited by many tourists since it is somewhat off the beaten tourist track, but that is what adds to its charm—the people have not been spoiled by tourists. One finds very little, if any, English spoken and the people live their lives naturally and simply. They do not “dress up” as they do in many countries during tourist season for the advantage of the tourist and their advantage, as well—financially.

Barcelona is not typically Spanish, because of its location it has been influenced by other countries. Then, too, it does not want to be Spanish. It is the capital city of the province of Catalonia, they call themselves Catalans, speak a distinct language—Catalan, and hope some day to be free from Spanish rule, hence many Spanish customs have been abandoned.

Barcelona, however, is one of the most beautiful modern cities of Spain, and last winter because of the International Exposition was the center of many interesting events. The American Colony is small, numbering about one hundred persons, but there is a colony of five hundred English and with languages akin the two are as one. Because of Barcelona’s importance commercially we have many persons in the consular service there. One of their duties is to entertain the Americans in the colony, so one finds himself, often, at an “all American” gathering.

Life in Spain is indeed a leisurable one if one lives as the Spaniards do. Although Spain is awakening at a rapid pace, yet the old word manana still has an important place in the vocabulary of the people, and in some respects one almost hopes that this will continue. The putting off of doing things until “tomorrow” at least shows a worthy desire to linger anil enjoy rather than to rush through life. It is difficult for the women foreign to Spain to do their own work because of the differences in household facilities and marketing customs. Then, too, if one is a “lady” or a “gentleman” in Spain one does not work. This one idea is a great hindrance to the progress of Spain. If one is seen working by the servants one is immediately lowered in their estimation, so, needless to say, it is not long until the customs and warm climate of the land make one an absolute “lady.”

The Spanish people love pateantry, bull-fighting and are great gamblers. They have almost more holidays than working days; most of them are church holidays. Often these are celebrated with parades of fancy floats and grotesque figures. I felt my education would not be complete without seeing a bullfight in Spain. Having previously seen one in Mexico I spent my time watching the people,—their reaction is as interesting as the fight itself. There are rules of sportsmanship that the toreadors and matadors must adhere to if they wish to escape the jeers of the spectators.

During my year there I took advantage of every holiday to take a trip and visited practically every important city of Spain. During my Easter vacation I went to Gibraltar, and across the Strait to Morocco where I got my first impressions of Arabian life. A trip to the Pyrenees was extremely interesting, there are many colonies of people there who have Moorish and Roman blood and live in a very primitive state.

To those of you who will visit Europe in the future I strongly recommend that you go to Spain,—you will find all the fascination, glamour, and romance that you have read about. You will particularly enjoy Cordova, Granada, Ronda, and Seville, the latter of which they say is “more Spanish than Spain.”

I was loathe to leave, but having planned a Mediterranean cruise to Egypt, the Holy Lands, etc., before returning home I left hoping that some day I might again return.

Carrie Mugler, A ’18

Wilbur Bowman spent two months in Texas in the interests of wheat farming.

Eight Continue Chemistry Work

Dr. J. Willard Hershey, head of the department of chemistry of the College, has announced that at the present time there are eight chemistry majors from McPherson who are continuing their chemistry work in higher institutions in advanced courses.

Abram E. Hostetter, B. S. ’25, is continuing his work for his M. A. degree at the State Agricultural College at Manhattan. Roy Wampler, B. S. ’20, is an industrial chemist in Toledo, Ohio, and at the same time he expects to finish his work for his Ph. D. from the University of Chicago sometime this year. Roland Warren, B. S. ’28, is a chemist instructor in Michigan State College, Lansing, and he is working part time for an advanced degree. Mr. Warren was an assistant in the McPherson laboratories two years.

Adelaide Glaser, A. B. ’27, is working toward her advanced degree in chemistry and home economics in the University of Wisconsin, at Madison. Daniel P. Johnson, B. S. ’30, is working for his Master’s degree in physics in the University of Kansas where he is assisting this year. Robert Puckett, B. S. ’29, Wichita, is continuing his work for his Master’s degree in chemistry at the University of Wichita. Ralph Garman, Corvallis, Oregon, B. S. ’25, is finishing his chemistry for his advanced degree in the Oregon State College. One of last year’s graduates, John Cotting-ham, is taking chemistry in the pharmacy school in Kansas City and he is also teaching a few classes.

Colleges cannot run without endowment. McPherson College is no exception.

We have not in the past found colleges endowed without the aid of their alumni. Can we expect McPherson to be different from other colleges?

Why we must have an added $200,000. Teachers for the past forty years have worked for small salaries, and will gladly do so for the love of the Christian college the next forty years, but the state now says with the North Central Association that we must in the next few years have one-half million endowment.

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The Song Is Ended But—

There is a bromide in circulation which articulates that college days are the happiest days but one must be rather ancient in wisdom and experience to be able to realize this grain of truth. When the degree is conferred upon the young hopeful he is stricken dumb with dignity and is immediately imbued with the Sir Galahad spirit to convert the world to all things high and holy but to his everlasting amazement he finds that the world is not greatly enthusiastic about being converted no matter how earnest he may be in this lofty desire.

College days are like the threads of a melody and are woven and interwoven to form a harmonious whole which colors and influences the after life of the graduate. A melody must have a steady bass accompaniment combined with the lighter tones of the theme to form an understandable song or composition. In my mind the devotional phases of a college form the foundations of the melody and intermingled with these are the runs, trills, pauses, and staccato notes which depict the other phases of college life. All these phases may be classified under one head—that of the emotional nature. The runs and trills indicate the rising action of courtship; the pauses are the periods of uncertainty and doubt until the proposal; and the hauntingly sweet refrain is the moment of consent and unconditional surrender. The staccato notes and passages speak for themselves— those little misunderstandings which every couple in love know are indispensable because the making-up process is so sweet—if the lip stick lasts long enough. (Falling action)

The melody lingers on even if the song is ended and after college days are over you remember with clerity every single little happening that influenced you in any way. You find yourself unconsciously reaching for The Wichita Eagle at a newsstand because that was the first thing you picked up in the library. You expect syrup at every meal including potatoes, biscuits, gravy, and “oley.” If you have a job requiring your presence at eight o’clock you will be five minutes late just as you were late in college. You find yourself desiring to ascend steps and take some member of the fair sex for the “after-each-meal” constitutional. Peace be on the head of the brilliant person
who invented such a custom. Many romances blossomed thereby.

One owes a great debt to one’s Alma Mater and it behooves one to live so that his life will reflect honor on his college. A college career not only helps the mind to acquire knowledge but trains it in such a way that more wisdom is constantly being added to that which is already there. I think every student and graduate student should do all in his or her power to help with the present endowment campaign because the debt owed to your college can never be paid in full but as much should be done as possible to assist the college to grow and expand so that it may do more for the coming students -than ever before.

People believe personal testimony before any other and students of McPherson College can do more to influence students to come to college in their own communities than anyone else. High school teachers who are graduates of the college should boost the school and as a result they will be instrumental in sending their students to M. C. They should bring their students to visit the campus—let them sleep in the dormitory and eat in the dining hall (first insuring best behavior in that location). Let them see a basketball game and visit classes. All this will be a great factor in gaining more students. A great deal depends upon how one acts himself when out of school.

I, myself, may say that my school days in M. C. were the happiest days of my life so far and I think I voice the opinion of all the ex-students when I wish M. C. the best of luck and more students than ever in the coming year. May it be the “Oxford” of America.

Mrs. W. R. Grabeel, ’30 (Chester Carter)

With Former Students

Wendell Johnson, former student, is a member of the faculty at the University of Iowa. Mr. Johnson has written excellent articles for Hygiea and the Journal for Adult Education. “Why I Stutter” is the title of Mr. Johnson’s recent book.

Miss Maxine Elliott and Raymon Faulkner were married at the Methodist Church in Walters, Oklahoma, June 1, 1930. Miss Helen Elliott, A. B. ’24, was her sister’s maid of honor.

Miss Bertha Rhodes of Darlow, Kansas, and Mr. Clark Showalter were united in marriage June 1, 1930. Mr. and Mrs. Showalter are at home at Sublette, Kansas.

On July 19, 1930, Miss Etta Hughes of Marquette, Kansas, and Herbert Hochstrasser of Conway, Kansas, were united in marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Hochstrasser are at home on a farm near Conway.

Miss Louise Theede of Sterling, Kansas, and Clarence Achilles of Inman, Kansas, have announced their marriage.

The marriage of Miss Eura Mae Hardgrave of Waurika, Oklahoma, and Le Roy Carlson took place at the parsonage of the First Episcopal Church in Hutchinson, Kansas, August 26, 1930. Mr. and Mrs. Carlson are making their home in McPherson.

Miss Helen Barber and Ernest Sauer were married at the St. John’s Lutheran Church in Salina, Kansas on August 31, 1930. Mr. and Mrs. Sauer are at home at Falls City, Nebraska.

Earl Linholm is teaching history in the high school at Calexico, California.

Russell Jones is employed in the accounting department of Bullock’s Department Store of Los Angeles.

Otho Whiteneck is attending the dental school of Washington University at St. Louis, Missouri. Mr. White-neck was a member of the men’s varsity debate team last year.

Ernest Watkins is attending the University of Kansas.

Charles Bish has enrolled for his third year of study in the dental school of the University of Southern California.

Ralph Miller is now attending the State Agricultural College at Fort Collins, Colorado, and is taking a course in engineering.

Hester Jones recently announced her marriage to Samuel B. McLallen of Fowler, Colorado. The marriage took place May 9, 1930, at Boise City, Oklahoma.

Miss Geneva Freeburg, who received her degree from the Kansas State Teachers’ College at Emporia, has a position as music instructor in the high school at Maplewood, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis.

Melvin Miller spent the summer in the capacity of stock, bond, and securities salesman representing the Industrial Investment Corporation of Wichita, Kansas. Miller is now playing basketball with the Wichita Hen-rys, an independent team.

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The marriage of Miss Laura McGaffey, A. B. ’25, and Frederick Clarenbach of Jefferson City, Missouri, was solemnized August 28,1930, at the Church of the Brethren, McPherson, Kansas. Rev. H. F. Richards, pastor of the church, officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Clarenbach are at home at 6822 Waldemar, St. Louis, Missouri.

Miss Lillie Crumpacker, A. B. ’25, and Roland Jones were married on August 10, 1930. The ceremony took place in the Little Church Around the Corner in New York City and was read by the Honorable Rector H. Lyman John. Mr. and Mrs. Jones were members of the Omnibus College on the second tour, visiting twenty-five states and two provinces in Canada. They are now at home at McPherson where Mr. Jones is associated with his father in the Jones Storage and Provision Company.

Miss Mattie E. Ring, A. B. ’26, was married to Glenn Werts of Gridley, Kansas, on August 20, 1930, in the Methodist Episcopal Church at Dodge City, Kansas. Mr. and Mrs. Werts are making their home in Sublette, Kansas, where Mr. Werts is in the grocery business.

Miss Kathryn E. Swope, A. B. ’27, became the bride of Theodore A. Hiebert of Coffeyville, Kansas, on June 26, 1930, at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Swope, near Hemple, Missouri. Mr. Hiebert and his brother are associated in the insurance business at Coffeyville.

Miss Anna Lengel, A. B. ’27, was united in marriage to Frank C. Mills on June 1, 1930, at Burlington, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Mills are making their home at Alden, Kansas.

Miss Anna Ahern of Enid, Oklahoma, and Orville Mitchell, A. B. ’27, were married at the home of the bride’s parents on December 31, 1930. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell will be at home in the Tull Apartments in Manhattan, Kansas, where Mr. Mitchell is employed by the United Telephone Company.

Miss Winifred O’Connor, B. S. ’27, and Howard Keim, A. B. ’28, were married at the Church of the Brethren, McPherson, Kansas, September 26, 1930.

Miss Margaret Rose Hughes, A. B. ’28, and Francis Leo McMullen, A. B. ’27, were married at the Second Presbyterian Church in Kansas City, Missouri, November 6, 1930. Rev. S. Willis McKelvey read the wedding service.

Miss Irene Thacker, A. B. ’28, and Marvin Steffen, B. S. ’28, were married at the home of the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Thacker in Pratt, Kansas, on May 24, 1930. Rev. C. M. Gray performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Steffen are making their home at Otis, Kansas, where Mr. Steffen is teaching in the high school.

Miss Evelyn Richards, A. B. ’28, was united in marriage to Ronald Warren, B. S. ’28, of Chicago, Illinois, on August 31, 1930. The marriage rites were read by the bride’s father at the Church of the Brethren, McPherson. Mr. and Mrs. Warren are residing in Lansing, Michigan, where Mr. Warren is a chemistry instructor at the University of Michigan.

The marriage of Miss Mabel Sandgren, A. B. ’28, and Leonard Rasmusson took place at the Bethany Lutheran Church, Lindsborg, Kansas, on June 1, 1930. Mr. and Mrs. Rasmusson are at home at Roxbury, Kansas.

The marriage of Miss Margaret Devilbiss, A. B. ’29, and Earl Kinzie, B. S. ’28, was solemnized June 21, 1930, at the Church of the Brethren in Ottawa, Kansas. The ceremony was read by the bridegroom’s father. Rev. W. A. Kinzie of Navarre, Kansas. Mr. Kinzie is a member of the Enterprise High School faculty.

Miss Clara Davis, Diploma, Piano ’28, of McPherson became the bride of Ralph Bowers of Roanoke, Louisiana, on June 8, 1930. The wedding service was performed during the regular church services at the First Baptist Church, McPherson, with Rev. Frank L. Roper officiating. Mr. Bowers, B. S. ’29, is teaching in the schools at Phillipsburg, Kansas.

Miss Norma Miller, A. B. ’29, was married to Jim Auernheimer of Lehigh, Kansas, on April 16, 1930. Mrs. Auernheimer is teaching in the high school at Lehigh.

Miss Ruth Ellenberger and Harold Fasnacht, B. S. ’29, were married at the Rev. H. F. Richard’s home in McPherson, November 28, 1930. Mr. and Mrs. Fasnacht are teaching at Wiley, Colorado.

Miss Ruth Hoffman, A. B. ’29, and Dwight Stutzman, B. S. ’29, were married on August 19, 1930, at the home of the bride’s parents at Hope, Kansas. Dr. J. J. Yoder of McPherson, an uncle of the bridegroom, officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Stutzman are making their home in Blackwell, Oklahoma, where Mr. Stutzman is a chemist in a milling company.

On June 2, 1930, at the Monitor Church, Miss Iva Crumpacker, A. B. ’29, and Ernest K. Toland, B. S. ’29, were united in marriage by Dr. V. F. Schwalm. The wedding was followed by a tour of Europe. Mr. and Mrs. Toland are teaching in the high school at Durham, Kansas.

Miss Gwen Galle, B. S. ’29, and Herman F. Janzen were united in marriage at the home of the bride’s parents near McPherson, on June 6, 1930. During the summer Mr. and Mrs. Janzen visited Mr. Janzen’s parents in Canada. Mr. Janzen is now principal of the Goessel Rural High School and Mrs. Janzen is an instructor.

The marriage of Miss Melda Mohler, B. S. ’29, and Mr. Lloyd E. Johnson took place at the home of the bride’s sister, Mrs. LeRoy Doty and Mr. Doty at Hutchinson, Kansas, on May 28, 1930. The service was read by Rev. W. T. Luckett, pastor of the Church of the Brethren at Hutchinson. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson are at home at 428 Humboldt Street, Manhattan, Kansas. Mr. Johnson is connected with the United Telephone Company.

The wedding of Miss Esther Freeburg, A. B. ’29, and Lewis Shumate took place at the Church of the Brethren, McPherson, on June 3, 1930. The ceremony was performed by Rev. H. F. Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Shumate are at home at Shenandoah, Iowa, where for three years Mr. Shumate and his brothers have been connected with the KMA broadcasting station.

Miss Ruth A. Hiebert, A. B. ’29, and Clarence M. Hawkins of Helena, Oklahoma, were married at the Church of the Brethren at McPherson on August 20, 1930. Dr. P. C. Hiebert, acting president of Tabor College and uncle of the bride, read the marriage service. Mr. Hawkins is connected with the John Deere Plow Company at Cherokee, Oklahoma.

Miss Lila Eberly and Warren Sisler, A. B. ’29, were married in September, 1930, at the home of the bride’s parents at Octavia, Nebraska. Mr. and Mrs. Sisler are now living on an apple ranch near Emmett, Idaho.

Miss Harriett Hopkins, A. B. ’30, and Edmer Kjera, B. S. ’30, were married April 12, 1930, at Herington,

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Kansas. Mr. Kjera is an industrial chemist in Chicago.

Miss Chester Carter, A. B. ’30, was married to W. R. Grabeel of Rose Hill, Virginia, on September 16, 1930, at Perryton, Texas.

Miss Ruth Harms and Dr. E. G. Nigh of Sapulpa, Oklahoma, were married on August 27, 1930, by Rev. M. C. Brooks at the First Methodist Episcopal Church in McPherson. Dr. Nigh is practising in McPherson.

At the home of President and Mrs. V. F. Schwalm, Prof. Ray C. Petry and Miss Ruth Mertz of Burnettsville, Indiana, were united in marriage on May 29, 1930. Professor Petry is teaching in the history department at Manchester College.

Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Daggett, B. S. ’23 and A. B. ’24, of Lawrence, Kansas, are the parents of a daughter, Margaret Elizabeth, born June 17, 1930.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Beam, A. B. ’22 and A. ’19, of McPherson are the parents of a son, Royce Charlton, born July 31, 1930.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zingg announce the birth of a daughter, August 15, 1930, whom they have named Juanita. Mrs. Zingg will be remembered as Mable Brubaker.

Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Tracey, A. B. ’22 and A. ’19, of Rocky Ford, Colorado, announce the arrival of Janice Ruth on February 20, 1929.

Mr. and Mrs. Milo Nice, B. S. ’23 and A. B. ’25, of Wilmington, Deleware, announce the birth of a son, Milo Junior, on November 6, 1930.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Pratt of Pratt, Kansas, announce the birth of a daughter, July 9, 1930, whom they have named Polly. Mrs. Pratt received the A. B. degree in ’23.

A girl, Arba Jean, was born to Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Evans of Kearney, Nebraska, August 29, 1930. Mr. and Mrs. Evans are members of the class of ’28.

A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Garman Daron of Chicago, Illinois, October 25, 1930. Mr. Daron is a member of the class of ’24 and Mrs. Daron is a member of the class of ’28.

Leonard Clarke was born to Mr. and Mrs. H. Clarke Brumbaugh of Hartville, Ohio, December 30, 1930. Mr. Brumbaugh was graduated with the class of ’28.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Pair, A. B. ’22 and A. B. ’23, of Prosser, Washington, announce the arrival of Maurice on July 10, 1930.

Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fisher, A. B. ’23 and A. ’21, of Fruitland, Idaho, announce the birth of a daughter, December 15, 1930, whom they have named Gladeen.

Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Baile of Conway announce the birth of a son May 7, 1930, whom they have named James. Mrs. Baile was a former student at McPherson College.


Roy W. Nininger, N, ’13 and A. B. ’28, passed away at Kansas City, Missouri, June 12, 1930, following an operation for appendicitis.

Mrs. John Bowers, formerly of College Hill, passed away at Payette, Idaho, on June 12, 1930. Mrs. Bowers was the mother of Harry Bowers, A. B. ’23.

Harry Hoerner, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Hoerner of College Hill, died at Pawnee, Illinois, June 15, 1930.

John Kenneth Brandt, four-year-old son of Rev. and Mrs. Paul K. Brandt of Beatrice, Nebraska, passed away July 18, 1930. Both Rev. and Mrs. Brandt are alumni of M. C.

Mrs. John Whiteneck, A. B. ’29 and infant son passed away at St. Louis, Missouri, on December 9, 1930.

Glade Fisher, A. B. ’25, was accidentally killed, October 17, 1930, while hunting deer in the hills near Fruitland, Idaho.

Margaret Joyce, twenty-day-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jay W. Tracey of Rocky Ford, Colorado, passed away December 21, 1930.

Mrs. Henrietta Eschman Canfield, A. ’24, passed away at McPherson, Kansas, on October 21, 1930.

Mrs. Lynn Beyer Lytton, N. ’05, died November 3, 1930, in Des Moines, Iowa. Mrs. Lytton was intimately associated with Drake University.

Miss Ruth Armstrong, head of the English department in the East High School, Akron, Ohio, was recently asked by Dr. Gallup, editor, to write a nine-hundred-word article for Quill and Scroll. This honor came as a result of Miss Armstrong’s unique plan for editing the high school paper.

John Berkebile is in school at the University of Kansas.

With the Classes


Mrs. E. S. Strickler, A. ’96, of El Centro, California, came to McPherson last May to attend the senior class play, “John Ferguson,” in which her son, Hoyt, had a part, and other activities in connection with commencement week at M. C. Mrs. Strickler was a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. H. J. Harnly, A. B. ’13.


J. A. Garfield Shirk, A. M. ’02, is taking work at Leland Stanford University toward the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. In a letter to Dr. Harnly he writes, “I am planning to stick to mathematics. I am well pleased with the personalities of the men under whom I will do most of my work.”


Charles H. Slifer, representative of the Business Men’s Assurance Company, has recently opened an office in McPherson, Kansas.


Charles S. Shively, A. B. ’07, is back at Juniata College as head of the mathematics department after a year’s leave of absence for European study.

Harvey Snowberger, Ex. ’07, is engaged as a contractor at Nampa, Idaho.


Dr. E. L. Craik, A. B. ’10, is head of the history department at Juniata College. Since Dr. Craik has two able assistants his classes are made up of upper classmen. In December Dr. Craik attended the meeting of the American Historical Association at Boston. During the summer months he was the guide of a group which toured Europe.


In addition to his work in the Farmers’ Alliance Insurance Company, Homer Ferguson, St. ’12, is serving this year as a director of the Peoples State Bank, a director of the McPherson Chamber of Commerce, and president of the Lions Club.

Mr. and Mr. Clay Young and children, Clay, Jr., Lenore, and Ethelyn, of Detroit, Michigan, spent two weeks in August visiting relatives in McPherson. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Young and family at White Deer, Texas, and were guests of Mr.

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and Mrs. P. B. Way and family of Wichita, Kansas.


Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Royer and daughter, Marjorie, of Wichita motored through Texas, New Mexico, and Colorado during August.


Gladys Muir, head of the history department at La Verne College, is back at her work after a year spent in study in the University of Edinburgh, where she did work of a distinguished character.

H. H. Nininger resigned his position as professor of biology at McPherson College to become curator of meteorites in the Colorado Museum of Natural History, which is located at Denver, Colorado.


Roy and Sarah Brubaker, A. ’16 and A. ’18, of Wiley, Colorado, visited on the campus early in December.


Daniel L. Horning is house physician at Bethany Hospital, Chicago.


Mrs. Theodore M. Burkholder and children of Boston, Massachusetts, visited relatives in McPherson early in July.

Carrie Mugler, A. ’18, is attending the University of Arizona at Tucson.


Grace Greenwood, A. M. ’19, is professor of education in the Florida College for Women at Tallahassee.

Edna Neher Charles is home from the Philippine Islands and is with her husband at Columbia University. Mrs. Charles says she has time to follow one course in child psychology and another in parent education. In the Charles home are two children, a son six years old and a daughter fifteen months.

The degree of Doctor of Theology was conferred on Dean S. B. Braden of the Kansas Bible College, Lawrence, Kansas, at the twenty-eighth commencement of the Kansas City Theological Seminary, May 15, 1930. The academic work for the degree was in the field of church history and pastoral theology. Dr. Braden’s thesis on “Adventures in Higher Education by Kansas Disciples” has received recognition as a distinct contribution in the field of Christian education.

Amos R. Boone, A. B. ’19, and his wife, Neta Cullen Boone, A. B. ’21, are now located at Armour, South Dakota, doing pastoral work. They have three sons, Winston, Leonard, and Robert.

Earl Crumpacker, A. ’19, is manufacturing the Push-Point Hoe at Los Angeles, California.


Edith Muse, who is teaching in the Fullerton, California, schools, made a trip from Los Angeles to Wichita by Western Express airplane last August. She spent her vacation period with her parents in McPherson.

The debate team of Newton High School, which was directed by Mrs. Leland Moore, A. B. ’20, won high Kansas honors in May. The team represented Kansas in the national contest at Norman, Oklahoma.

Morris Harnly, B. S. ’20, Ph. D., Columbia University, ’29, was invited last summer to read a paper before the Second International Congress of Sex Research which met in London, England. The subject matter of the paper was a report of the work which Mr. Harnly has been doing on the effects of high temperatures on known genetic composition during development. Twenty-seven countries sent delegates to this convention. Following the convention, Mr. Harnly and his wife, who is a French woman, visited with relatives of Mrs. Harnly in France.

Edith Beshore, life member of the American Dietetic Association and member of the California Dietetic Association, has recently published a book entitled, “Be Your Own Dietitian: Health by Protective and Corrective Eating.”

George W. Burgin, B. D. ’20, has assumed the pastorate of the Church of the Brethren at Garden City, Kansas.


Minnie Mugler, B. M. ’21, will spend February and March visiting friends in California.

Gilbert Betts, who has been completing work for the Ph. D. degree in the school of education of Leland Stanford University, has been appointed to a national survey staff. Following the completion of preliminary work at Stanford. Mr. Betts will be transferred to the United States office of education in Washington, D. C.

Chester F. Holsopple, A. B. ’21, and Evelyn Boone Holsopple, A. B. ’19, are located at El Monte, California, where Mr. Holsopple is teaching in the high school. Chester Junior is three years old.

Edward Van Pelt is serving as the pastor of the Salem Church at Nickerson, Kansas.

Prof. George N. Boone has been making a special study of the “Explorary Values of the General Shop.” In making this survey he has studied public and private school institutions in several states. A report of the work was given before the Kansas Vocational Association which met in Topeka, Kansas, during the annual teachers’ convention. Some of the conclusions will appear in an article in the magazine, Industrial Arts and Vocational Education, soon.

Warnie Brubaker is teaching at Ontario, California.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Allanson of Escondido, California, motored through the East in July. They were guests at the home of Mrs. Allanson’s brother, W. A. Burkholder, in McPherson.

Paul R. Yoder, B. S. ’21, professor of physics at Juniata College, is starting on his fifth year of service.


Homer S. Foutz, B. S. ’22, will interne at St. Mary’s Hospital, Kansas City, Missouri, beginning service in July, 1931. Mr. Foutz spent the summer interlude in Dodge City, Kansas, where he was in charge of the clinic.

Dr. and Mrs. Galen Tice and children spent the summer in New Orleans where Dr. Tice attended the summer term at Tulane University. September 1, 1930, Dr. Tice took up his duties at the Kansas School of Medicine, being in charge of the X-ray department.

Grace Brubaker enrolled January 2 for graduate work in the school of social service administration at the University of Chicago.

Oliver W. Trapp is now employed as a traveling investigator for the United States Veterans’ Bureau.

Crawford Brubaker is teaching English at La Verne College.

Mayme King is teaching English and dramatics in the high school at Hutchinson, Kansas.

Mr. and Mrs. August Rump and daughter, Eunice Ann, of Des Moines, Iowa, were holiday visitors in McPherson.

Catharyne Mohler is teaching in the north high school at Wichita, Kansas. She attended summer school at K. U.

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Mable Brubaker Zingg and her small daughter, Juanita, are spending the winter at the home of Mrs. Zingg’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Brubaker, in McPherson. Mr. Zingg is in Mexico on a research expedition which has been sent out by the department of anthropology of the University of Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. Milo Nice, B. S. ’23 and A. B. ’25, of Wilmington, Delaware, drove to Columbus and McPherson, Kansas, for their vacation trip. En route they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Barton, Wood River, Illinois.

Cecile Martin is enjoying the winter in sunny California. On New Year’s Day the Martins witnessed the Tournament of Roses.

P. Roy Brammell received his Ph. D. degree from the University of Washington last June. Mr. Brammell is now in the employ of the Federal Government in Virginia.

Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Carpenter are living at Canton, Ohio. Mr. Carpenter is religious editor of the Canton paper, one of a syndicate of nine Ohio papers.


Ruth Mohler, instructor in the junior high school at Whittier, California, has been doing some interesting club work with puppets. One pair of her marionettes was sent to Manila for commercial purposes.

David Brubaker is principal of an elementary school in the Los Angeles system.

Garman Daron is enrolled in the graduate school of biology at the University of Chicago.

Bennie Waas has been elected pastor of the Church of the Brethren at Elgin, Illinois.

Everett Brubaker is teaching near Conway Springs, Kansas.

Dale Strickler is secretary of the McPherson All Schools’ Day organization.

Mr. and Mrs. Haddon Ilsley and daughter, Carol Ann. visited Mr. Ilsley’s parents in Minnesota last July.

Chressie Heckman Colberg is living on a farm near Lyons, Kansas, and is kept busy caring for her family which includes a daughter, Lois Elaine. Before her marriage, on October 9, 1929, she taught in the high school at Bushton, Kansas.

Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Templeton are spending their fourth year at Assaria, Kansas, where Mr. Templeton is superintendent of the high school. They spent the two previous years at Asherville, Kansas. Mr. Templeton takes a keen interest in student activities and they are strong competition to the county schools. Last spring the high school sponsored a community fair.

Haddon Ilsley is a salesman for the W. B. Young Plumbing Supplies Co., his territory being all of northwest Kansas. He was united in marriage to Della Day, also of the class of ’24, September 27, 1926, and they make their home at McPherson, Kansas.

Frank Boone is teaching manual arts at Great Bend, Kansas. His marriage to Miss Louise Smith took place in May, 1927.

Elsie Forney is teaching zoology in the Fort Scott junior college, at Fort Scott, Kansas. She has taken graduate work at the University of Kansas and the University of Chicago.

Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Eshelman are residents, since March, 1927, of Nampa, Idaho, where Sumner is a salesman for the H. H. Keim Co., manufacturers of “Bestever” meat products. Jean, two years of age, is the third member of the family.


Jay Eller is located at Seattle, Washington, where he is doing pastoral work in the Church of the Brethren and is pursuing graduate study in the University of Washington.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley B. Keim and children of Nampa, Idaho, spent the Christmas holidays with Mrs. Keim’s father, Dr. Shirk of La Verne, California.

Ruth Greene and Julia Jones spent the month of June in Illinois. In Chicago they visited Bernice Peck and Melvina Graham and in Peoria they visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neumiller.

Herbert Martin, A. ’25, is employed by the Bureau of Standards at Washington, D. C.

Harold Lundeen is engaged in farming near Garden City, Kansas.

Mary Sherfy is doing library reference work at the State Teachers’ College, Pittsburg, Kansas, after having studied in the University of Illinois.


Sidney Sondergard, superintendent of the Gypsum schools, was recently elected county superintendent of Saline County, Kansas.

Mercedes M. Chapman, A. B. ’26, is teaching in the Chicago Teachers’ College.

Ralph Lehman is working toward his Master’s degree in the school of education at the University of Kansas.

Alberta Flory is enrolled in the school of home economics of the University of Southern California at Los Angeles.

Mrs. Sanger Crumpacker, B. S. ’26, of Santa Monica, California, spent the month of June with her parents at Hemple, Missouri. En route she visited relatives and friends in McPherson.

Laura Hammann is instructor of physical training in the city schools at Waterloo, Iowa.

Theodore Robb is teaching in the high school at Ovid, Colorado.


G. Winston Cassler is continuing his music study for the fourth year at Oberlin College, Ohio. He will receive his degree in June.

Earl V. Reed, ’27, was appointed assistant state manager of the Union Central Life Insurance Company last July. Mr. Reed is the youngest man to have held this position in the sixty-three years the company has been operating. Last year he was the first in the state agency force to qualify for a trip to the company’s convention at Cincinnati in September. Mr. Reed has opened an office in the Farmers’ Alliance building in McPherson.

Ora Huston has a pastorate at 1607 South California Avenue, Chicago, in the Douglas Park Mission. In June, 1930, he was married to Barbara Bachman, former student at McPherson College.

Marlin Carlson will receive the M. D. degree from the Northwestern School of Medicine, Chicago, in June.

Maurine Stutzman is employed at McPherson College as secretary to the business manager.

Mary Harnly received the Master’s degree in English from the University of Chicago, December 23, 1930.

Gladys Williams is employed in civil service work at Washington, D. C. She received the Master’s degree in English from the University of Kansas in June, 1930.

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Kenneth Rock is teaching at Abilene, Kansas.

Vivian Harnly is teaching dramatics and English at Mount Morris College.


Ira Ihde is teaching and coaching the debate teams at the Dickinson County community high school at Chapman, Kansas.

Jesse Carney is teaching near Novelty, Missouri.

La Velle Saylor and Leo Crumpacker enrolled last fall in the Northwestern School of Medicine, Chicago. Both have pledged the Alpha Kappa Kappa medical fraternity.

Franklin and Roberta Evans of Kearney, Nebraska, visited the college campus the week before the Christmas holidays.

Myrtle Moyers was a member of Miss Della Lehman’s party which traveled in Europe last summer.


Floy Brown and Eunice Longsdorff visited seven European countries last summer in the party of eight sponsored by Miss Della Lehman. Miss Brown is teaching chemistry in the high school at Ellinwood and Miss Longsdorff is teaching at Ellsworth, Kansas.

Rush Holloway is coaching in the junior high school at McPherson.

Ruth Bish is attending the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

D. L. Miller expects to enroll soon in the Colorado Agricultural College at Fort Collins. The course planned will be one to prepare him for work as a medical missionary on the foreign field.

John Harnly is teaching mathematics and is coaching debate in the high school of Marion, Kansas.

Margaret Dresher is assistant librarian at the Hays Teachers’ College, Hays, Kansas. Last year she was enrolled in the school of library science of the University of Illinois.

Chester Bishop is the instructor of manual training at the Kipp High School, Kipp, Kansas.

Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Crumpacker and daughter spent their vacation in Colorado Springs and other points in that state.

Roy Frantz is engaged in the poultry raising business in his home town, Rocky Ford, Colorado.

Dwight Stutzman is working in a flour mill in Oklahoma where he is engaged as an industrial chemist.

Allen Morine is studying in the school of medicine at the University of Kansas.

Robert Puckett is working as an industrial chemist in a flour mill in Wichita and is taking a few hours of work in the University of Wichita.

Orion High, Idaho, is reporting for the McPherson Daily Republican and is taking care of all the oil news of the county.

Ida Kingsley is teaching in the city schools of McPherson.

Clara Graebner is teaching in the high school of her home community, Macksville, Kansas.

Archie Blickenstaff is coaching and teaching in the Little River High School. This is his second year at Little River.

Fern Shoemaker is teaching domestic science in the Gypsum High School at Gypsum, Kansas.

E. E. Geeslin is teaching his second year at Cement, Oklahoma.

R. Hulse Barber is engaged in one of the business offices of McPherson.

Lois Dell is teaching her second year of domestic science in the high school at Windom, Kansas.

Oliver Ikenberry is teaching in a small high school in Colorado this year.

Phillip Spohn and his wife visited with friends and relatives south of Windom during the Christmas vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Spohn teach in the high school at Quinter, Kansas.

Lena Beaver is instructor of domestic science and music in the high school at Cawker City, Kansas.


Hoyt Strickler, A. B. ’30, and Harold Strickler, A. B. ’25, have opened an attractive floral shop in El Centro, California. A new building, especially designed and equipped for the purpose, was constructed by the Strickler boys, who secured one of the best architects on the west coast to make their plans. Hoyt will be in charge of the floral designing and Harold will care for the growing.

Mary Lou Williams is working in Dr. Gregory’s office in McPherson.

Paul R. Bowers is teaching manual training at Covert, Kansas.

During the Christmas holidays Lloyd Diggs, who teaches in the high school at Gaylord, Kansas, visited friends in California.

John Cottingham is attending the school of pharmacy in Kansas City this year.

Janies H. Elrod is attending the Bethany Bible School in Chicago this year. Mr. Elrod plans to continue his work in some eastern seminary.

Glenn Harris is living with his parents at Jennings, Louisiana, and is going into the agricultural field quite extensively.

Edward Kaufman is the instructor of manual training at Windom, Kansas.

Helen Kline is employed in the office of the McPherson Oil and Gas Development Company of McPherson.

Reuben Bowman is coaching athletics and teaching manual training at Alden, Kansas.

J. Emery Metzger is farming near his home at Iowa, Louisiana.

Mildred Swenson, who received the K. U. fellowship for the class of 1930, is attending the state school this year. Along with her English courses she teaches rhetoric to a class of twenty-one boys.

Alumni To Meet

The McPherson College alumni of southern California will hold a reunion in the Church of the Brethren in Pasadena the evening of February 13. Dr. D. W. Kurtz of Long Beach will be the main speaker. The officers of the organization are Ray Cullen of La Verne, president; Marguerite Muse Gilbert of Los Angeles, secretary; and David Brubaker of, Los Angeles, treasurer.

Six members of McPherson College faculty have given more than $30,000 to the present endowment effort. Will you be one of sixty alumni to match their gift?

Observations of the past show that it will be impossible in the next few years to raise $200,000 additional endowment out of our incomes. Endowment must come from capital funds.

The auditor’s report of last year shows a valuation of $927,165. Most of this money has been given in the last fifteen years. An additional $200,000 will place McPherson College on a permanent basis. What shall we as alumni do?

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McPherson College

An environment for learning and culture. Enter seriously and achieve the goal of unselfish service and a better understanding of humanity. EIGHT WEEKS SUMMER SESSION OPENS JUNE 1, 1931

Compliments of
McPherson, Kansas

Peoples State Bank
We value highly our connection with McPherson College and thirty years of association with alumni and students
F. A. VANIMAN, President    C. VANIMAN, Vice-President
BERT WEBB, Cashier    PAUL E. SARGENT, Asst. Cashier